it most probably doesn't stall, it just doesn't return anything to the
browser , so it has no response to display ..
try something like this:
context.manage_addProperty(propertyId, propertyValue, propertyType)
return "done"
Geir Bækholt[EMAIL PRO
working. I could
not find anything resembling CP though, so i copied the files over,
restarted, and everything worked, just like before.
Seems to me there is no CallProfiler integrated in 2.6 (but that might just be
not noticing it...) , - it also seems like installing CP unde
resembling this :
# params indate
fmtstr = "%a, %d %b %Y %X +0200"
return indate.strftime(fmtstr)
Geir Bækholt
Zope-Dev maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
** No cr
ng on, please reply; we are in DS mode here (we are having a
DLK> prototype presentation during two weeks, starting tomorrow) and are feeling
DLK> a bit desperate.
DLK> Sincerely,
DLK> /dario
Geir Bækholt web-developer/zopatista
ed to reindex after
m> restarting.
m> ~mindlace
is it possible to use multiple locales ??
I am currently developing a site in 4 languages (with 2 more
to come) , and have experienced similar problems with the
Geir Bækholt