Re: RE: (313)OT Kanye Revisited

2005-09-08 Thread Thomas D. Cox, Jr.
i think kent was saying that he wouldnt step in unless people
griped to him. honestly, if you guys who complain about this list
were on these other lists that have so much crap on them, i dont
see why youd complain. very, very rarely is there a day on this
list where there's so many posts that i delete them (unlike many
other lists ive been on in the past). this list is better than
most because it feels more like a true community and communities
discuss things outside their community all the time. 


-- Original Message --
From: Renegade808 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:  Wed, 7 Sep 2005 14:28:31 -0700 (PDT)

well i dont really have a problem with anyone on this list...i
have had it
out with alex a few times (all in good spirits). But i never knew
we had a
In my opinion this kinda sucks...nothing against Kent Williams
(think i
even met u in the D this year) But does this mean when Kent thinks
something is on topic its ok to talk about it and if he says No
then we
can't?  That to me seems kinda wrong. It means we can only
discuss what
Kent or any other moderator wants us too?  Am i not understanding
correctly. jus seems kinda bunk as i am sure anyone on this list
has there
own opinions as to what should be heard and what should not be heard.

I kinda agree with joe on this Kanye West has nothing to do with
313 as do
alot of people who have been discussed on this list. At times its a
english social hour with rants about places and things and
cultures having
NOTHING to do with 313 techno. I did'nt even pipe up when there
was the
tread about miners in the U.K and old U.K

it seems easy...jus keep the focus on Detroit. I am on ALOT of
lists and the more off topic posts i have to delete the better.The
hurricane is kind of an exception as things like that are
naturally gonna
make it to most lists in some sort of way as alot of people are

I dont know i just dont like the idea that someone can come over
the 313
and be like I dont like what you are saying so kill the tread or
kicked  I liked it when we could solve our own problems.but
hey who
knows maybe 313 has gotten so outta control this is what we need??

just annother


 As one of the Stealth Administrators of the 313 list, let me
step in
 and say this:

 1. A complaint about an off topic post isn't particularly on-topic
 either, and should be avoided. If you think a discussion has veered
 too far from the putative topic of the 313 list, drop me a line
 privately. I will either admonish the off-topic-ees to cool it, or
 make an executive decision to let the thread die of its own accord.

 2. A Post that complain about posts complaining about posts
that are
 off topic are the second derivative of an off topic post, and
are even
 anything less interesting than the chain of posts that
engendered it.

 I shall return to the shadows now. As you were.


Re: (313)OT Kanye Revisited

2005-09-08 Thread Cyclone Wehner
Kent is a good guy and contributes some excellent points as does Tom and 
others. Point taken on Kanye. I started the thread. I get the point. I
respect it, let's move on.
From now on all references to Kanye will be censored from my posts. ;)
Hey, anybody heard the new Paperclip People mix of *beep's* Diamonds? Opps.
Just kiddin'.

 I'm not trying to start anything...just trying to discuss rationally my
 feeling on a moderator
 From what i know Kent is a nice person with a level head. This is not
 about Kent...jus about a list moderator, whoever it is. No one that i ever
 recall has moderated this list. I've been on here for years and have never
 heard anyone say what Kent did in his last post. ahh who knows maybe i
 have not paid close enough attention

 matt kane's brain said:
 Also notice that he makes no threats of kicking anyone, period. 

 actually a week or so ago when Tom Cox attacked someone (like
 normal)...Kent came on and in no certain words threatened to remove him
 from the list if he did not stop his behavior.and yes maybe Tom
 deserved that. But where do we draw the linelike i said jus trying to
 rationally discuss this without attacking anyone.


 Renegade808 wrote:

well i dont really have a problem with anyone on this list...i have had
out with alex a few times (all in good spirits). But i never knew we had

 We've always had a moderator, at least in theory. I think it was George
 Smiley, then Matt MacQueen and I don't who the stealth den mothers have
 Kent would make an excellent mommy, in my opinion. :-)  Spare the rod
 and spoil the childrens.

 can I get get up and get a drink of water?

(313) Not so Bent Out of Shape

2005-09-08 Thread James_Bucknell
I don't see the signal to noise ratio or annoying people as a problem or
threat to the list.
I don't read every post on the list. if I'm not feeling a thread, i don't
open any messages with that subject heading. it's like television - i just
change the channel if i don't like the show.

If somebody annoys me i just make a rule in my email program to delete
messages from them before they reach my inbox. it's just like the person
was booted by the moderator.

Re: (313)OT Kanye Revisited

2005-09-08 Thread Kent Williams
The 313 List is not moderated. That would mean me, or some other poor
schlemiel, reading every message and deciding whether it's appropriate
for the list.

The 313 list has 2 administrators, Matt and I.  My main responsibility
is looking at subscription requests and approving them, and
occasionally I look at the admin mailbox on hyperreal and tell people
whose messages bounced why they bounced.

As admins, we reserve the right to step into discussions that for one
reason or another have gone over the line. What is over the line?
Well, since we own the microphone, we decide. Lucky for us (and for
you) 99% of the discussions on 313 can run their courses without us
getting involved. Neither Matt or I want to get involved with
arbitrating disputes or threatening people. We're on 313 as readers
and occasional contributors, we didn't sign up to be cops.

I only stepped in today because things were going down a worse than
useless path -- people complaining about off topic posts, people
arguing with people complaining about off topic posts.  That sort of
thing is completely pointless, and makes for more smoke (as opposed to
light) on the list than just letting discussions run their course.
Maybe I should have let it slide, but hey, this isn't an exact art.

Detroit Techno isn't a completely self-contained thing, so even trying
to define off topic, err, definitively, is difficult.  Consequently,
I'm probably never going to try and kill a discussion thread, unless I
get complaints, and even then I'd either let the thread die on it's
own or make a suggestion to parties involved off list to maybe STFU

Similarly, someone would have to be a complete sh*t to get banned --
make racist or homophobic comments, make threats, try to take over the
list with flame-baiting, etc.

So no fear, my little Vikings, nothing on 313 has changed.  Just play
nice, respect others, and put the lid back on the paste jar when
you're done. All will be well.

Re: (313) KDJ33 - ampapella

2005-09-08 Thread James_Bucknell
i don't know how common it is, but it certainly happens. a guy from chicago
on ebay would take rereleased records and relying on the ignorance of
others pass them off as rare with outrageous opening prices. i'd just email
each bibber informing them that's it's been rereleased and giving them
links to where they could buy it for $5.99
it was so funny seeing this guy get pissed. exploiting someone's ignorance
for personal profit is wrong.

 09/07/05 06:50 PM  cc 
   (313) KDJ33 - ampapella 

hi there...

just wanted to know why this one is so high-priced in ebay, while you still
can get a mint copy at rushhour for less money?

is it just that people don't check all the source and blindly pay big money
on ebay???



Re: (313)OT Kanye Revisited

2005-09-08 Thread Kent Williams
On 9/7/05, Renegade808 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 actually a week or so ago when Tom Cox attacked someone (like
 normal)...Kent came on and in no certain words threatened to remove him
 from the list if he did not stop his behavior.

Actually this never happened, as far as I remember. It's possible that
I posted something, that you're misconstruing. But I consider Tom a
good friend, and would remember having threatened him with the boot. 
For that matter, Tom would remember it.

 But where do we draw the linelike i said jus trying to
 rationally discuss this without attacking anyone.

As I stated, the best policy 99% of the time is to do absolutely
nothing.  Maybe it was a mistake to get involved with this last
discussion, but I have a pet peeve about threads that devolve into
complaining about OT posts, so my personal prejudices came into play.
That's the problem with using human beings for jobs like this.

RE: (313)OT Kanye Revisited

2005-09-08 Thread Odeluga, Ken
OK Kent, 

As you're now perpetuating the very thing which you asked us to stop...

OK, don't take that seriously! :-) Actually, should we not recognize
that discussing administration is quite on topic? I digress.

What I'm interested in is this fact:

But I consider Tom a
good friend.

It prompts me to ask: would you carry enforce the rules of the list, if
in a severe case it came to that, even if it in involved a friend?

With respect, over the last few months at times, it seems that we have
sailed perilously close to situations where I would thought that enough
conventions (avoiding the word 'rules' here) had been abused for some
sanction to happen, yet it didn't.

You being a good friend of the perpetrator of a lot of the malicious
noise of recent months (mo) is a revelation to me.

I appreciate your honesty though.


On 9/7/05, Renegade808 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 actually a week or so ago when Tom Cox attacked someone (like
 normal)...Kent came on and in no certain words threatened to remove
 from the list if he did not stop his behavior.

Actually this never happened, as far as I remember. It's possible that
I posted something, that you're misconstruing. But I consider Tom a
good friend, and would remember having threatened him with the boot. 
For that matter, Tom would remember it.

 But where do we draw the linelike i said jus trying to
 rationally discuss this without attacking anyone.

As I stated, the best policy 99% of the time is to do absolutely
nothing.  Maybe it was a mistake to get involved with this last
discussion, but I have a pet peeve about threads that devolve into
complaining about OT posts, so my personal prejudices came into play.
That's the problem with using human beings for jobs like this.

Re: (313)OT Kanye Revisited

2005-09-08 Thread Kent Williams
On 9/8/05, Odeluga, Ken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK Kent,
 But I consider Tom a
 good friend.
 It prompts me to ask: would you carry enforce the rules of the list, if
 in a severe case it came to that, even if it in involved a friend?

 You being a good friend of the perpetrator of a lot of the malicious
 noise of recent months (mo) is a revelation to me.

Tom may talk sh*t, and hold strong opinions, but I never saw him write
anything that rose to the level where I'd see him as a detriment to
the list.  You might disagree, but you'd have to convince me and Matt
before there was any change from the status quo.

Re: (313)OT Kanye Revisited

2005-09-08 Thread Dan Bean
 Tom may talk sh*t, and hold strong opinions, but I never saw him write
 anything that rose to the level where I'd see him as a detriment to
 the list.  You might disagree, but you'd have to convince me and Matt
 before there was any change from the status quo.

I met Tom in person this year at Fuse-In and found him quite charming, but his 
online presence is pretty unpleasant to be honest. He's often abusive and 
responds in a completely inappropriate way to other users. I find this 
upsetting, even though I haven't as yet been the target of his wrath

I'm not proposing that Tom should be removed, that's not what communities are 
for imo, but I think that his posts are much more detrimental to the rest of 
this community than people making (admittedly quite boring) contributions to 
the OT debate.

My point is that if you're going to let the board self-moderate Tom's posts, 
then the OT post debate should also be left alone.

(313) Alexander Robotnick at Love, NYC

2005-09-08 Thread Elliot Taub
Hey 313 people. I thought the New Yorkers in the crowd might want to  
come check out this event I'm throwing in New York at a new club called  
Love. I know Mr. Robotnick needs no introduction, but the club does.  
Its a new venue started by Steve Weber that is totally dedicated to  
high quality sound and underground vibes. The musical director is Joe  
Claussell, himself. They've been mostly doing the soulful Deep House  
thing for a while but they're breaking out into new territory. The  
sound system is nuts, they have 7 foot high bass bins, and enough sound  
for a space 10x bigger.  Come check it out!



Regressive Technologies V 9.0

Celebrating the release of Alexander Robotnick - Ciucci Kola Remixes  
available now on Scatalogics Records.

The return of

Also appearing:
JAMES DUNCAN (Le Systeme, Scatalogics, Environ)
TODD SINES (Planet E, Peacefrog)
ULYSSES (Scatalogics, Lasergun, Play's Cool)

40 West 8th St. at MacDougal

10pm - 6am
$10 before 1am / $15 after. 21 and over with ID.


Alexander Robotnick, aka Maurizio Dami, is an Italian music producer.  
He made his debut on the Italian music scene as the founding-member of  
Avida, a dance -cabaret band featuring Daniele Trambusti and Stefano  
Fuoch. They released a 7 'track EP called La bustina in 1981. In 1983  
he attained international stardom under the pseudonym Alexander  
Robotnick when his song Problèmes d'amour became a dance music cult  

In 2002 Robotnick returned to the Electro style that so strongly  
characterized his musical début, though it was April 2003 before he  
finally got a hold of a lap-top to DJ with, an activity he had never  
considered before because Robotnick never liked vinyl (but he does like  
audiocassettes a lot). It's Fabrice Guarnascione (Grossomodo  
Productions) who offers him the opportunity to make his début as a DJ  
at Spartacus Club in Aix-En-Provence with Kiko and The Hacker. The  
night is a success that encourages him to do more DJing. As of June  
2003 Robotnick has been djing in a number of clubs around Europe.

In Summer 2003 he produced a new track called Viens Chez Moi with  
Kiko and The Hacker, and a new EP called Les Grands Voyages de  
l'Amour (Hot Banana). Robotnick is still strongly fascinated by old  
analog synths and the TB303. He soon realises the present impossibility  
of reproducing with plug-in software instruments the typical sound of  
the 80s that made of him a cult favorite. In Autumn 2003 he put  
together a mixed compilation released by Yellow Productions called The  
Disco Tech of... Alexander Robotnick, which offers a taste of  
Robotnick's new lap-top DJing style.

Maurizio Dami's future is very much focused on A.Robotnick's project;  
he will soon start a new collaboration with Kiko for Hot Banana. Be on  
the lookout for new material!


James Duncan was born in Toronto, Canada and was involved in a number  
of different musical projects there since 1989. Currently based in New  
York City, he has continued to be active as both a Musician and  

He has released solo 12s and remixes for labels such as his own Le  
Systeme Records, Dancetracks' Traxxx Records, Dan Lui's Chair  
Recordings and London's Real Soon Records. As a musician he has  
appeared on releases for such highly respected labels as: Environ, DFA,  
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Metrotrax and Nu Faze.

An active and busy performing musician, he has recorded and toured with  
Metro Area (Environ), The Rapture (DFA), IZITITIZ ([EMAIL PROTECTED]/Conduit),  
The Silent League (Mercury Rev), Glenn Branca (Cantalope Records) and  
currently plays in Jon DeRosa's project AARKTICA. He also appears in  
select live performances by Metro Area (Environ).


Todd has over 30 releases and remixes under his belt for international  
labels such as Background, Beta Bodega, Contact, Ecco Chamber, Orma,  
Peacefrog, Philpot, Planet E, Public Transit, Reinforced, Residual, 7th  
City, 21/22, and many others.


10 Rutgers St #2E
New York, NY 10002
10 Rutgers St #2E
New York, NY 10002

RE: (313)OT Kanye Revisited

2005-09-08 Thread Odeluga, Ken
I'm happy to go off list with this chat Kent if it helps but for the
moment I've got to just ask (jestingly) 'are you blind man!?!?!' ;-)

Probably you weren't watching the list a couple of weeks back when there
was an ugly spat over why DJ Bone hadn't provided a DL-able file of his
weekly mix.

The guy who posts it as far as I can see is just an inoffensive,
non-hyping dude trying to help (Is his name Garratt McGrath?).

If you had witnessed the several posts of vituperative vilification
comprised of swearing lewd insults (it's where I got the homosexual rape
thing which I mentioned earlier) I wonder if you'd still suggest that he
 never saw him write
anything that rose to the level where I'd see him as a detriment to
the list?

The saddest thing was is that none of this is out of character for Mr
Cox and it seems hardly a fortnight went by, up till last week when I
amongst others lost patience excoriated him, that he wouldn't
gratuitously put the boot in for no good reason.

Whatever you might think of him Kent, to us, far too often, he behaves
like a c


-Original Message-
From: Kent Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 September 2005 14:36
To: Odeluga, Ken
Cc: list 313
Subject: Re: (313)OT Kanye Revisited

On 9/8/05, Odeluga, Ken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK Kent,
 But I consider Tom a
 good friend.
 It prompts me to ask: would you carry enforce the rules of the list,
 in a severe case it came to that, even if it in involved a friend?

 You being a good friend of the perpetrator of a lot of the malicious
 noise of recent months (mo) is a revelation to me.

Tom may talk sh*t, and hold strong opinions, but I never saw him write
anything that rose to the level where I'd see him as a detriment to
the list.  You might disagree, but you'd have to convince me and Matt
before there was any change from the status quo.

Re: (313)OT Kanye Revisited

2005-09-08 Thread Martin Dust
Kinda can't see why people are getting heated or beating down on Tom, 
sure he brings the heat but since when did techno become all 


Re: Re: (313)OT Kanye Revisited

2005-09-08 Thread /0
Cyclone, I produce tracks, and I play in detroit from time to time, as some of 
you know.  just because I like the doors, and could consider them a musical 
influence, does that open us up to a the doors thread? 

at some point, you have to draw a line, otherwise, why does the list have a 
direction?  we can all agree (I hope) that kanye west doesnt make detroit 
techno, so why are we talking about it here?  surely you're free to start a 
mailing list dedicated to anything you like, but this one was established for 
discussing detroit techno. 

if the only metric is finding some meandering relationship with 313 (ie theo 
parrish talks about kayne west) then we might as well just talk about anything 
and everything.  if theo parrish starts talking about polka music, are we going 
to start a polka thread?  

additionally, (and this will be wildly unpopular here), this list isnt the 
place to wack out racial differences within the techno community.  

I'm sorry for instigating this..

 From: Cyclone Wehner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2005/09/07 Wed PM 08:13:35 EDT
 To: 313 Detroit
 Subject: Re: (313)OT Kanye Revisited
 I will be mindful in future if such posts are going to distress and anger 
 people but really do you think you can isolate - and compartmentalise
 Detroit techno/house to that extent? I think it's extremely naive. Do you
 think the actual makers of this music only sit at home and listen to techno
 and house and nothing else? Do you not think these scenarios have an impact?
 Kanye is relevant because he has been openly praised by several leading
 Detroit artists - like Theo Parrish, Stacey Pullen and Derrick May. Theo,
 especially. If you look at some of the directions Sound Signature is taking,
 then perhaps you will see that they are not so disparate.
 Like the Detroit pioneers West is trying to break down stereotypes of black
 musicmakers in the US just in a different sphere. I actually think that Theo
 and Kanye have rather similar backgrounds.
 What's more when it comes to New Orleans, as we all know, the city has a
 strong music legacy with the blues yet I think that the city will become
 very much like contemporary Detroit in future - as Detroit was after the
 racial riots, the city will be largely abandoned by a (white) middle-class
 and populated by the poor. That will no doubt have ramifications for its
 cultural legacy. Maybe history is repeating...
  lets get this off this list.
  this is not:
  1.) politix 313
  2.) kanye west 313
  3.) rb 313
  if you want to tie the whole f'ing world into 313 (as seems to be the case
  with rb artists getting play on this list) then we might as well open it
  right up, because I would bet your mother that I can tie just about
  anything back to detroit, 6 degrees of seperation and all.
  sorry to be that guy but I get extra annoyed when someone puts OT in
  the subject of a post and sends it to the list ANYWAYS.
  if its OT, then its OT, ie this isnt the place for that particular post.
  my heart(and money) goes to those affected by the hurricane, but I dont
  care about what musicians say, I care about what notes they write, in what
  order, and the manner in which they are represented.  I can think for
  myself, thank you very much
  sent with love,
  From: Odeluga, Ken [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 2005/09/07 Wed AM 11:03:09 EDT
  To: Cyclone Wehner [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  313 Detroit
  Subject: RE: (313)OT Kanye Revisited
  I note that in one wide US report on West's speech it was referred to as
  rant which is also a very value-laden term in itself.
   What I really admired was the way that despite obviously being full of
   emotion and nerves he composed himself and calmly delivered what he
   to say - major props indeed!
  Was it Fox?!
  Whatever, this is the same media which was at the weekend saying New
  Orleans escaped the worst of Katrina, so yeah I'd rather believe Mr West

(313) OT

2005-09-08 Thread robin

I'm loath to post this but, for crying out loud people there's no 
traffic on here concerning 313 music for a few weeks then we all jump on 
an OT thread.

This just doesn't make sense.

I've been quiet cos I'm very busy but surely we're not all in that boat?


So what do people make of the new Chez Damier (Kids in the Streets, 
props for interesting words on the centre label). Anyone heard the new 
stuff on New Religion (a few of you musta got sent the ART sampler CD, 
the wicked new $tinkworx etc)? I'm well looking forward to that Planet 
Delsin comp. What about the new Frantic Flowers by Duplex? The 
C2/Laurent Garnier that me and Francis were banging on about? The new 
Arken on Sonar Kollective (non-boring glitch with a 313 flavour 
anyone?). When's Carl Craig gonna come out with his own Darkness 
reworks? What about that mix that's up on Claude Young's site? Even 
talking about whether that White Stripes 'Door bell' single is 313 is 
more on topic than this...

There's loads of music to talk about other than jumping on someone for 
being OT.


ps. Tom: I think the concensus is that people who have met you like you 
but the attitude could praps be toned down a little.

(313) Aquatic EP

2005-09-08 Thread Lee Herrington
I admit it.  I'm guilty.  I couldn't help myself.  It was only 10 dollars,
so I bought the much maligned boot of the Aquatic EP on BUZZ.  To be honest,
the sound quality is not bad.  Perhaps I got lucky this time.  I would be
interested to hear a sample of a tune from the original BUZZ release vs. my
booted copy.  I have heard that some original BUZZ pressings were not of the
best ilk.  I do have an original copy of the panic in Detroit comp, and it
sounds sketchy at best.  Anyone have any thoughts?


Lee R. Herrington
Technical Support Specialist

  __ .__  __
 __ _____/  |_  ___      |__|/  |_
|  |  \  __  /  ___/\   __\/  _ \_  __ \_/ __ \   __ |  \   __\
|  |  / /_/  \___ \  |  | (  _ )  | \/\  ___/  /_/ |  ||  |
|/  /   |__|  \/|__|\___   |__||__|
 \/  \/

(313) New Order v. TLC mashup

2005-09-08 Thread cyborgk
Hello all,

I thought I'd lighten the mood by sharing a little mashup I recently made,
New Order v. TLC Blue Scrubs. It's not at all a straight up mashup
though, actually more of a remix combining two different tracks. The
genre, for lack of a better term, is electro-glitch.

Direct link:

313 relevance, I sorta make Detroit techno. Sometimes. I lived in Ferndale
on 9 mile, one mile from the D. And I worked at the Detroit Zoo for three
weeks once while staying downtown on Woodward.

So I'm almost a Detroit techno producer (now I live in Chicago).


(313) mu - paris hilton

2005-09-08 Thread De Block, Mario
has anyone got the lyrics of Mu's 'Paris Hilton' on this list? it would
be outrageous to read, i catch up only snippets of it
thank you

Re: (313) Arken

2005-09-08 Thread cyborgk
Okay, I'll bite. This sounds like it would be up my alley, but who is
Arken? No mention on discogs. Any idea who this artist is, and if there
are soundclips of this record anywhere?

I keep hearing Sonar Kollective mentioned and I also have no idea what
they are about. What's the scoop?

Ah, gotta love being stuck in the midwest of the USA!!! Bit hard to figure
out what's what sometimes.


Robin said:

 The new
 Arken on Sonar Kollective (non-boring glitch with a 313 flavour

Re: (313) New Order v. TLC mashup

2005-09-08 Thread Jamil Ali
Nice mashup!  A lot of fun. 

I've been tempted to do things like this but never get around to it...



Hello all,

I thought I'd lighten the mood by sharing a little mashup I recently made,
New Order v. TLC Blue Scrubs. It's not at all a straight up mashup
though, actually more of a remix combining two different tracks. The
genre, for lack of a better term, is electro-glitch.

Direct link:

313 relevance, I sorta make Detroit techno. Sometimes. I lived in Ferndale
on 9 mile, one mile from the D. And I worked at the Detroit Zoo for three
weeks once while staying downtown on Woodward.

So I'm almost a Detroit techno producer (now I live in Chicago).



(313) ART comp

2005-09-08 Thread Stoddard, Kamal
Domu's joint quarantined has got me spinning around [again]. It's
grown on me so hard in the last week it's crazy. I've always admired his
stuff from afar fro his production qualities and all the technical
stuff, but never bought one of his records. This track inparticular is
just a stunning piece of broken beat techno soul. Arrangements that make
you wanna slap your mpc. It's like pure sunshine in a bottle with big
ole' drum-nuts. Bananas. 
  And for those that doubted stacy pullen a week or so ago, he's gonna
make you eat your words when the comp hits. His liquid letter is just
a squelchtacular journey into rhythmic bliss via detroit's finest cosmic
jet ski's. yeah. Yeah.

Transmission destination: planet delsin
Connection secure: yes
Transmissions contents:
come in planet delsin...come in...are you there? This is a
distress signal from earth minor. ...planet delsin recon come

End transmission.


RE: (313) ART comp

2005-09-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kamal you are quite correct - that Stacey Pullen track is the bomb!
And there's other stuff on there that ain't half bad either  : )

(313) New Jeff Mills ep only available online

2005-09-08 Thread Klaas-Jan Jongsma
Taken from: 

Jeff Mills offers his first exclusive 12 Ep for the Axis Shop. Taken  
from the archive of unreleased Purpose Maker tracks, he punctuates  
his influence in the world of Electronic Music with this 3 track 12  
Ep entitled Time Mechanic (ax-043). Easily accessible for any type  
of dj, as with all the Purpose Maker releases, this release bares  
much more emotion. Funky basslines, precise arrangements and sexy  
percussion all equal to  Millsian Minimalism that is hard to find  
today. A must-have for any Purpose Maker/Axis collector. For more  
detiails: visit

RE: (313) ART comp

2005-09-08 Thread Lee Herrington
Pardon folks...  is this the comp that is being released by New Religion?
Any further info would be greatly appreciated.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 2:39 PM
To: '313 Detroit'
Subject: RE: (313) ART comp

Kamal you are quite correct - that Stacey Pullen track is the bomb!
And there's other stuff on there that ain't half bad either  : )

Re: (313) ART comp

2005-09-08 Thread Klaas-Jan Jongsma


And that Stacey Pullen track is amazing! I heard that NWAQ track a  
while ago and i am really happy to see it surface on this comp,  
amazing track with huge strings!


On 8-sep-2005, at 21:10, Lee Herrington wrote:

Pardon folks...  is this the comp that is being released by New  

Any further info would be greatly appreciated.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 2:39 PM
To: '313 Detroit'
Subject: RE: (313) ART comp

Kamal you are quite correct - that Stacey Pullen track is the bomb!
And there's other stuff on there that ain't half bad either  : )

Re: (313) New Jeff Mills ep / dj bone

2005-09-08 Thread jason kenjar

Good lookin out klaas. Give the man a cookie! On topic and on point.

this ep sounds like the mills I've been waiting for. Im not  gifted at  
describing music, but I love the more sophisticated sounds of the  
latest purpose maker as compared to *some* of jeffs recent offerings.  
percussion abound and the warm, lush synth tones. go to the axis site  
and follow your ears. I wish i could get some dibs on it.

Tip to list, for more great techno check out DJ BONEs new mix CD.  
Seriously inspired. The track listing is overflowing with ripe talent.  
Leaves me begging for more.


On Sep 8, 2005, at 2:10 PM, Klaas-Jan Jongsma wrote:

Taken from: 

Jeff Mills offers his first exclusive 12 Ep for the Axis Shop. Taken  
from the archive of unreleased Purpose Maker tracks, he punctuates his  
influence in the world of Electronic Music with this 3 track 12 Ep  
entitled Time Mechanic (ax-043). Easily accessible for any type of  
dj, as with all the Purpose Maker releases, this release bares much  
more emotion. Funky basslines, precise arrangements and sexy  
percussion all equal to  Millsian Minimalism that is hard to find  
today. A must-have for any Purpose Maker/Axis collector. For more  
detiails: visit

Re: (313) Arken

2005-09-08 Thread Thomas D. Cox, Jr.
-- Original Message --

I keep hearing Sonar Kollective mentioned and I also have no idea
they are about. What's the scoop?

they recently released a version of irfane's just a little lovin
that didnt require sample clearance. its wack. but definitely
check out the original, available only on bootleg (with release
quality sound!):

aside from that, theyre usually hit or miss as are jazzanova. when
they hit, they hit. but the misses are much more bland. 

for some recent hits check moonstarr's detroit, a homage to
techno and house from the D which ends up being better than alot
of stuff actually coming from the D, the vinyl version of fat
freddy's drop's LP (313 relevence: they played at the festival in
2004 [too bad if you missed them, it was awesome] and joe dukie is
all over a couple of those jams on the new recloose including
dust), and the recent clara hill 12 with recloose rmx on it
featuring some of recloose's wildest drum programming since

their stuff might be a little soulful but its usually atypical. 



Re: (313) ART comp

2005-09-08 Thread Thomas D. Cox, Jr.
-- Original Message --
From: Stoddard, Kamal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:  Thu, 8 Sep 2005 13:54:56 -0400

Domu's joint quarantined has got me spinning around [again]. It's
grown on me so hard in the last week it's crazy. I've always
admired his
stuff from afar fro his production qualities and all the technical
stuff, but never bought one of his records. This track
inparticular is
just a stunning piece of broken beat techno soul. Arrangements
that make
you wanna slap your mpc. It's like pure sunshine in a bottle with big
ole' drum-nuts. Bananas. 

hes a great producer but a really good deejay as well. when he
played here a year ago or so, he rocked the techno, house, funk,
hiphop, broken beats, and jungle together in a cohesive whole.
very nice stuff and a cool dood to boot. 

im also really feeling that cut on this comp, my favorite from the
sampler CD by far.
