Kent is a good guy and contributes some excellent points as does Tom and 
others. Point taken on Kanye. I started the thread. I get the point. I
respect it, let's move on.
>From now on all references to Kanye will be censored from my posts. ;)
Hey, anybody heard the new Paperclip People mix of *beep's* Diamonds? Opps.
Just kiddin'.

> I'm not trying to start anything...just trying to discuss rationally my
> feeling on a moderator....
> From what i know Kent is a nice person with a level head. This is not
> about Kent...jus about a list moderator, whoever it is. No one that i ever
> recall has moderated this list. I've been on here for years and have never
> heard anyone say what Kent did in his last post. ahh who knows maybe i
> have not paid close enough attention
> matt kane's brain said:
> "Also notice that he makes no threats of kicking anyone, period. "
> actually a week or so ago when Tom Cox attacked someone (like
> normal)...Kent came on and in no certain words threatened to remove him
> from the list if he did not stop his behavior.....and yes maybe Tom
> deserved that. But where do we draw the i said jus trying to
> rationally discuss this without attacking anyone.
> michael
>> Renegade808 wrote:
>>>well i dont really have a problem with anyone on this list...i have had
>>> it
>>>out with alex a few times (all in good spirits). But i never knew we had
>>> a
>> We've always had a moderator, at least in theory. I think it was George
>> Smiley, then Matt MacQueen and I don't who the stealth den mothers have
>> been.
>> Kent would make an excellent mommy, in my opinion. :-)  Spare the rod
>> and spoil the childrens.
>>                   jeff
>> ps
>> can I get get up and get a drink of water?

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