Re: [313] pole show in d?

2000-10-19 Thread J. S. Landau

 hey-any reports on the pole show last night? how was it?

Good.  Very good.  Apparently, Farben's gear got damaged, so the show 
didn't start til nearl 11:30.  Farben ended up playing last, also.  I'm 
curious - does anyone know if the video installation was a local, or is it 
part of their show?  It was amazing, whoever put it up.

Friedman started it off, mixing 10 different pre-recorded tracks.  Nicely 
done dark dubby stuff -  I was very pleased by it.  I got the impression it 
was live, and he was mixing multi-track, but I wasn't watching what he was 
doing, so I could be wrong.

Pole was amazing.  He played 4 sections, as mentioned.  It's impressive how 
much music is produced by him tweaking a single knob, hitting a key on his 
synth, and waiting for a little bit, then hitting another key.  At any 
rate, I completely concur with Mike's opinion - the third section was 
straight-out funk, as conceived by Pole.  Since Farben was still fixing his 
gear, us Detroit-types were treated to a fifth section of Pole.  It was 
just as good as the rest.

Farben, unfortunately, just wasn't the right person to follow 
Pole.  Although I thoroughly enjoyed what I heard of his set (had to leave, 
needed sleep), I just wasn't in the mood for more upbeat, minimal style 
music.  Still, I liked it.  And at another time probably would have been 
just as into it as the Pole set.

Great show, in other words.

Josh Landau
phase 10
tuesdays, noon to three
WCBN-FM 88.3, ann arbor, mi


2000-10-02 Thread J. S. Landau
Just thought this was an interesting piece of news I received about 
everyone's favorite artist.

Courtesy of Sideline news.

Moby phones home
Mute succes Moby is to work together with John Williams, who composed the
soundtracks for toppers as ET and its predecessor Close Encounters Of
The Third Kind. Moby and John will be composing the music for a brand new
computer game. The duo will also be writing the score for the cartoon
Astro Knights, an animated series about aliens that live on the moon.
Moby, 28, will also be writing a special dance-track for an Astro
Knights character, the space pirate Bertha Budd. That dance-track will
most probably be issued as a single.

Moby meets the king of orchestral pop music.  Should be wonderful, really.

Josh Landau
phase 10, the grind
WCBN-FM 88.3 FM, Ann Arbor

Re: [313] A2 Evening w/ Bukem and Flash

2000-09-28 Thread J. S. Landau
By the way, did anybody attend any of the other events around town?  +8 

release party?  LTJ at the State?  Grandmaster Flash and any others in A2?

I was at the A2 evening - LTJ did a nice set.  He had an MC doing some 
fairly dancehall sounding vocals over what he played, but it seemed to be 
good.  I don't know, I'm not a big fan of the records he played.

Kurtis Blow was Kurtis Blow (if you've seen the man you understand.)

Flash was amazing.  He's been doing this for 25 years or so - he's got all 
his skills down pat.  He's also an amazing performer, in the non-DJ sense 
of the word.  He had the crowd on a string, and took them through his own 
History of Hip-Hop over the course of about an hour and a half.

Decent crowd, although not as good as I think they were hoping for, and I 
had hoped to see Larkin or Acquaviva spin too.

Josh Landau

Re: [313] Let's Talk Techno

2000-09-21 Thread J. S. Landau

Callin Tobin DB is not a matter of taste and not saying its good(or bad) 

The question wasn't whether Tobin is drum and bass (I'd never call him 
that, but I've never heard Bricolage.)  His work, at least the portion I've 
heard from Supermodified, is an amazing example of electronic music that at 
least somewhat exceeds being caught up in genrification.

We need more like that.

And while I'm soap-boxing, Datachi's new one, Wearealwayswellthankyou is 

Josh Landau
phase 10
tuesdays, noon to three
WCBN-FM 88.3, ann arbor, mi

Re: [313] hollywood music...

2000-09-03 Thread J. S. Landau

does anyone know what movie soundtrack did so good that it's spawned this 

Saturday Night Fever.  Something about a soundtrack being one of the 
biggest [I think it might have been the best selling album that year, but 
I'm not sure enough to say so] album of it's year of release.

As to the validity of the so-called independent film industry's music... 
Pi.  Amazing scoring.  Not 313, but nonetheless amazing.  Besides which, I 
have a softspot for anoyone affiliated with the Poppies.

Josh Landau
phase 10
WCBN-FM, Ann Arbor

We are post-modern vampire killers, driving analog stakes through binary 

- Anti-Pop Consortium

Re: [313] Postmodern / Futurismo

2000-07-12 Thread J. S. Landau

that came 60 years later (and Industrial begat Detroit Techno: thereby 

On Topic)

Whoa now... lets not forget its George Clinton meets Kraftwerk in an 
elevator not George Clinton meets Nine Inch Nails in an elevator


I'll keep this simple.  Kraftwerk are one of the original industrial music 
groups (Metal on Metal.)  Nine Inch Nails is a pop band.

phase 10
Saturday nights, midnight to 3.
WCBN-FM 88.3, Ann Arbor, MI

Re: (313) det elec fest/313-list event

2000-04-06 Thread J. S. Landau

BTW, speaking of 313-list event: I remember the audiofiles were going 
to be put up at Hyperreal. Did that happen and did I miss the URL or is 
it still in the pipeline?
h, i gave the dats to josh landau, who was generously converting the 
files and then miss holly was hosting.  updates, y'all?

School has interfered with my life, as always.  Classes can be a pain.  I 
did the first set of conversions (DAT to MD) and am in the process of doing 
the second set of conversions (MD to computer files.)  Holly's grabbing 'em 
fast as they get recorded.  I'll try to get them done by end of next week, 
but finals are upcoming, so we'll see ASAP.  I swear.

Post-modern vampires putting analogue stakes through binary hearts.

Shadow Sound Design.Recording
Ann Arbor, MI