Re: [313] fuse

2001-02-25 Thread TekHitsHarder
yes. richie did a live at fuse. mine is about 53 minutes long.


Re: [313] Gemini CDJ Package For Sale

2001-02-01 Thread TekHitsHarder
 Why ridiculous? Maybe not your taste or mine. Someone out there likes it. 
Ive even heard some guys notch it up more then 15% for that fast booty 
house.  makes me wanna puke? of course. someone1 else digs it though

Re: [313] Good Bye

2001-01-30 Thread TekHitsHarder
 Whats everyones view on this?

Re: (techno) Fwd: Detroit Techno Question

2001-01-30 Thread TekHitsHarder
In a message dated 1/30/01 12:53:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 HAHAHA.  this is a good line.
 mike, could you send this out to your snob elitist list, and see if they 
 help this guy out.
 is this the technolist he's referring to?  if it is, i say we don't answer
 'cause the question is just s beneath us.

he sure is referring to this list. its all in good fun, no harm meant, but 
cmon...can you really deny the truth??  :)


Re: [313] THE WIZARD-Jeff Mills-MARCH 1

2001-01-16 Thread TekHitsHarder
 and he will be beginning his residency in NYC in the spring as well.

Re: [313] London record stores

2000-12-31 Thread TekHitsHarder
def check out Smallfish--i completely forget which tube stop its at--but its 
close to the stop--just call em up and get directions--very friendly 
staff--and good good selection



2000-12-30 Thread TekHitsHarder
Ok I have just got done making my first 30 min mix tape. Id like anyone who 
is intersted in listening to take a listen and give me any criticism 
possible. I know you guys are worthy of picking music apart. Anything at 
all..Ive only been doin this for about 3.5 months, so any and all criticism 
is wanted. Thanks.

Mike D.

p.s: just send me ur address..ill mail u a copy

Re: [313] Pacou

2000-12-20 Thread TekHitsHarder
i have that pacou, state of mind on vinyl. if anyone wants to buy it let me 
know...i dont spin it.


Re: [313] trance killa - all in passionate fun

2000-12-18 Thread TekHitsHarder
now this is what our scene  is all about. good job boyz-i actually see 
some P.L.U.R...


Re: [313] trance - vibe killer?

2000-12-17 Thread TekHitsHarder
can someone send me Jayson B's original rebuttal. id like to read it.


Re: [313] RE: R WE BEING EDITED???

2000-12-12 Thread TekHitsHarder
maybe the posts u dont see..are ones where you are hitting only the reply 
button..hence the mail only being sent to one recipient.  just a thought.


Re: [313] Jeff Mills on NYE

2000-12-11 Thread TekHitsHarder
woahhh. i heard he was playing in NYC. i thought this was confirmed, 
but now i dunno. i know he started his residency here in NYC.

Mike d.

Re: [313] Juan Atkins....

2000-12-10 Thread TekHitsHarder

  if there is any evidence
 of him being addicted to heroin, I must say that I lost all the respect I
 have for him as a musician, 

i think this is absolutely ridiculous..sorry. his choices in life shouldnt 
have anything to do with the respect you have for him as a musician.  im not 
gay, does that mean i should loose respect if a musician is gay? i dont do 
herion, and kurt cobain was an idol to me growing uphis words meant 
something. i think juan has done enough for all of usto loose respect b/c 
of this.i just think its wrong.

mike d.

Re: [313] Acid House?

2000-12-10 Thread TekHitsHarder
 didnt oakenfold start out with acid house???  that was before my time.

Re: [313] Acid House?

2000-12-10 Thread TekHitsHarder
i dunno. you think it was a bandwagon back then? maybe that was when he 
actually cared? now he is on one.god its really bad too.


Re: [313] not black enough...

2000-12-09 Thread TekHitsHarder
the problem isnt the type of drugs--its the kids using them.  give the same 
16 yr old acid...they will still create the same problems they do on K or 
anything else.  the older you get, the more responsible you get. yes, there r 
some (very few) exceptions.


Re: [313] err...

2000-12-06 Thread TekHitsHarder
id rather abc and the mainstream think fatboy slim was an important part of 
techno this yr. im happy with it being underground. and yes, it still is 
underground. arent lists like this whats its all about?  eff abc, eff em all.

Re: [313] Redefinitions (was: Re: trading on napster)

2000-11-30 Thread TekHitsHarder

 With these mp3 players, you could do midi
 quite easily (well for the consumer) and match effortlessly (even though
 would take some of the fun out of djing, as well as some frustration --
 for me at least).

well isnt that the point of dj'ing?  fun and frustration?  

Re: [313] Redefinitions (was: Re: trading on napster)

2000-11-30 Thread TekHitsHarder
In a message dated 11/29/00 6:03:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 I'd say that turntables will go the way of the guitar
 (that they've replaced). Sure guitars are still
 played, but are our kids going to be right into what
 we listen to? How many people these days are right
 into Motown or Duke Ellington (for example)? Many
 respect it (and many haven't heard enough, but there
 is too much recorded music now to digest properly I
 think), but their statements have already been made.
 So you can't go out and be a part of a great Jazz show
 the way you could when it was cutting everything else.
 Different periods of time value different sounds in
 music. Maybe a computer mixer that can play unlimited
 tracks similtaneously with sounds you make and samples
 and wave files and loops, will have an easier time
 generating music that people will want to hear in 20
 years? Now I'm not attacking anything about what's
 going on these days that I love, but imo it has to
 my $0.02

i agree here as well.  this ties into a point richie hawtin made in an 
interview i saw.  the question was, what is the next step that technology 
will take as far as dj'ing? (something along those lines).  He basically went 
on to say that an interface is needed for all of the new things going 
on...i.e computers, mp3's etc.

Re: [313] Redefinitions (was: Re: trading on napster)

2000-11-30 Thread TekHitsHarder
hahahha--im with u on that 1 johnny.  lmfao


RE: [313] Redefinitions (was: Re: trading on napster)

2000-11-29 Thread TekHitsHarder
i agree with GYS,

if records and turntables were going to be woulkd have already 
happened.  My friends and I always talk about how its ironic that we pump out 
the most futuristic music, with the most manual of instruments.  

Re: [313] LISA! was ford focus - with a twist

2000-11-25 Thread TekHitsHarder

Don't ever apologize for asking a question on this list.  Thats why your learn.  You wont ever learn unless u asked questions.  No question 
is ask away with confidence!   Do you see the effect you lame ass 
people are having on some of the not as knowledgeable people on the list?  
This poor girl is apologizing exceedingly, b/c shes afraid of what you people 
may say in reply to her post.  You people are exactly what this music and 
scene are NOT about.  We are supposed to be educating, learning, and helping 
others with an open mind.  Instead you all choose to segregate yourselfs into 
this little techno cult, making others feel like they don't belong.  You 
should all be ashamed.  When you break the surface..its people like you that 
cause this stuff to die out.  Not viks and glowsticks..

Mike D

Re: [313] Re: rolling bar hoochies

2000-11-25 Thread TekHitsHarder
whats wrong with hoochies rubbing vicks on them? perfect to take advantage 
of..dont u think.laugh everyone!

mike d.

takaaki itoh

2000-11-24 Thread TekHitsHarder
i picked up takaaki itoh on elecracom.  anyone ever hear of this guy?  
jesus this is some of the best stuff i have heard..ever!

Re: [313] Betr.: [313] some tracks Im looking for...

2000-11-24 Thread TekHitsHarder
i know he is from the u.s.  he lives in nyc now.


2000-11-22 Thread TekHitsHarder
 I have a Fumiya Tanaka live set from napster. At some point he drops a 
track, which sounds like he is saying, I BE BIG SHOT, I BE BIG SHOT, I BE 
BIG SHOT over and over again.  Anyone know what this is??  

Mike D.

Re: [313] (even more spam)

2000-11-21 Thread TekHitsHarder
give it a rest man.  use ur delete button.

London Record shops

2000-11-16 Thread TekHitsHarder
 Im in London...Holborne area.  Anyone know of any record shops in the area?  
I can get around using the underground.  Basically looking for some good 
techno, but any record shop will do.  Thanks in advance.



2000-10-27 Thread TekHitsHarder
 ok.  so i just got word today that I am needed in Belgium for a month by my 
sister compnay.  hmm..what do you know...just in time for I LOVE 
TECHNO!!!  I need some info on the event, and how i can get tickets.  I 
would appreciate any info anyone can muster up.  Thnaks in advance

Mike D.

Re: [313] nyc this weekend

2000-10-25 Thread TekHitsHarder
  DJ Hell at the limelight on saturday. Also, supposedly a special guest at 
centro-fly(im assuming thurday - but i will check).



2000-10-20 Thread TekHitsHarder
  I just got finished listening to Ben Sims live @ fuse.  Obviously, great 
bangin stuff.  But at around 50 mins in..he drops these acid tracks that just 
made me go wild.  Close to tears actually. Beautiful music.  Absolutely 

mike d.

Re: [313] (313) on topic!

2000-10-08 Thread TekHitsHarder

 thx for the interview.  alan seems to be one of the friendliest dj's out 
there, with a head on his shoulders.  every time i see him, i make sure to 
spark up a conversation about something productive.  he may not always have 
the timebut he always comes back with something that makes me think.  thx 

Re: [313] R: [313] women and electronic music

2000-10-06 Thread TekHitsHarder
 does trainspotting = trainwrecking??  im from jerzee..never heard 

Re: [313] hard house?

2000-10-04 Thread TekHitsHarder
 i actually prefer the uk house over the domestic stuff.  that domestic stuff 
gets old after 16 beats.

mike d.

RE: [313] mills silliness

2000-10-03 Thread TekHitsHarder
 i was there too, but didnt see any barrel.  however i have heard from some 
people that he is known for dropping aq track then tossing it over his 
shoulder.  i thought it was for entertainment purposes...maybe not.  must be 
nice to have such an extensive record collection.



2000-10-03 Thread TekHitsHarder
Anyone have a link to punish's website?  do they even have one?  I need the 
dominatrix track, but I need to find out the volume #.

mike d.

Yet another Track ID

2000-10-02 Thread TekHitsHarder
 Ok since every1 has been putting these ID's up,  figured I would add one 
which I would love to have.  Derrick May's live at fuse.  The phrase, women 
beat their menand men beat on the drums.  with a continuosly beautiful 
tribal drum session going on.  Thanks.


Re: Yet another Trck ID

2000-10-02 Thread TekHitsHarder
John you know what label thats on?  thx for ur info!


Re: [313] who stole the soul?

2000-10-02 Thread TekHitsHarder

 I completely understand your views on the whole detroit techno scene, and 
the way you feel it has significantly gotten worse over the years.  
However..I am brand new to this 23 and i dont live in 
on the east coast.  Back in my high school days I was a punk 
rocker.digging all the raw and unheard soundz that these bands were 
showing us.  After time...the mainstream caught a hold of it...and the end 
was near.  No more respect for Green Day and Rancid.  Nofx was no longer a 
true punk band.  Why??? simple.  I got older and jaded with the music b/c I 
knew punk music one way:  in my youth.  i grew up to a certain sound...and it 
changed.  its the common saying their first album is their best.  

about 6 months ago...i heard the soundz of techno.  it amazed me. it 
enlightened meand it took me away.  but...i cant get into alot of the 
older detroit stuff  why?  b/c its not the style i was introduced to.  I 
enjoy the tribal, flowing, banging stuff.  marco bailey, andreas kramer, 
hawtin, mills...just to name a few.  and i gaurentee you that in 5-10 yrs 
i will feel the same way you do.  music..especially tekno = evolution.  
nothing stays the same..can u imagine if it did?  it just progresses and ur 
not familiar with this sound.  i am.  and the feeling u got from going 2 a 
club 10 yrs agoi get now. i dont wanna leave when i go.  and i am as true 
2 the music as you seem 2 be.  i care about it.  and i will most likely feel 
the same way u do when my style changes.  

as far white/black musici dont have any answers 2 that.  here on the east 
coast u have the following:  

black kids for the most part..listen to black hip-hop (isnt that synonomous?) 
 very few listen to anything else.  tekno is not nerely black music anymore.  
the earlier stuff..yes i can see that.  funky..and housyhouse = chicago = 
predominantly black.  yes there r some traces in todays technobut not 
enough for anyone who isnt into it.  

the bottom line is this.  music to most people is not what it is to you and 
I.  we study and disect everything we hear.  to most, it is merely background 

music is changing..and it always has...and always will.  that is one fact we 
all need to xpect.

my 2 cents.mike d.

Re: [313] who stole the soul?

2000-10-02 Thread TekHitsHarder

You're suggesting that people actually grow INTO a sound, be it Punk, Detroit 
techno or whatever. 

No.  I am suggesting that as i grew up..I was familiar with a certain sound.  
The sound I enjoyed most at the time.

I don't agree with you that one has to be introduced to a certain sound or 
style, and that the first encounters with any new musical style are the best 
or strongest you can have. 

   I agree with what you are saying here, however that was not my point.  What 
I am trying to say is...for me, the musical style of the present was what I 
began listening to in huge quantities.  I adapted to it. I enjoyed it.  Its not 
to say that I wont like anythjing else, but this is what I was familiar with.

I find this philosophy that every generation has it's idols disturbing. 
People are not computers where you download a certain operation system every 
other year (=musical trends), and once you've passed your youth you're stuck 
with the music you listened to. Of course not. Music is culture, and 
culture has the ability to survive thousands of years, there's no sell-by date 
in it, it doesn't lose it's energy like a battery.

   Once again..agreed.  However i was responding to the individual who was 
speaking of seeing things get worse.  I listen to alot of music that wasnt 
popular for my generation.  But I can also relate alot music of my generation 

and yes you are right...i like it hard and bangin.


Hard House

2000-10-02 Thread TekHitsHarder
 Ok. recently I have been getting into the UK hard house stuff.  lisa lashes, 
tom harding, judge jules(more trancy), fergi..stuff like that.  any1 know any 
good websites?  or just know any info on this stuff?  any US dj's spin this??

mike d.