(313) rob hood- monobox

1999-09-28 Thread ben businovski
Does anyone remember that really brill track, 'Monobox' from around `97? 
Was that ever realised on album format, meaning not only on 12 single.

Sorry for sounding all `spotterish, but I'd love to know anyway.

thanks heaps for your time and bandwith,


Re: (313) What the...

1999-09-23 Thread ben businovski
At 11:28 AM 9/23/99 +0800, you wrote:
On 23 Sep 99, at 9:17, Cyclone Wehner wrote:
 Just to redeem this post for 313, Australians should know that the
 Transmat Time: Space CD is now being distributed by the Sanity-owned
 Stomp Distribution. So this means Sanity dance depts should be able to
 get it for you.

you've read what it says on some of the new UR records right? I 
mean... Sanity? Talk about your pieces of crap!

PS for those who don't know, sanity is the k-mart of music stores :)

Given the choice- I'd only part with my dosh to a man, who if you cut open
his veins, would bleed detroit techno, infecting the west with the funk.

Don't other stores, both those that pretend to be underground and not, get
enough money from the poison they sell?

Re: SV: (313) mills again

1999-09-20 Thread ben businovski
At 03:55 PM 9/20/99 +0200, Aril wrote:

i agree to the fullest!

i´ve been hearing that BS for so long from people for example who are
against others having their pics 
taken, as if that would have anything to do on wheither the music is good or
not, wheither it´s underground
or not or even as if the records would sell more because you have a picture
featured in a magazine...

as long as you make the music for yourself and you never comprimise, it will
never be a sellout. 


I have several points to raise about all this jeff mills sell-out nonsense

Firstly, I think it is about time all the detroit people and others who are
making such music with integrity finally got their pay day.
There are many fan boys out there who think the minute someone makes money
he is a sell-out, but i don't think that is always true- certainly not in
Mill's case. Tell me the last time you saw Jeff Mills on the cover of Smash
Hits, in a sit-com, selling pepsi or coke? I have never seen such things.
Mills is making minimalist techno music that still has Mr and Miss Average
teenager saying 'What is that god-awful crap? Put the spice girls on.

Another thing is that people are doubting just how legitimate mills is as a
minimalist artist, I can't see why people are doubting this man! Mills is da
man, he sends all the kids trying to emulate his stuff on anything from
pro-tracker mods to rebirth, even old casios! He is one of the authority on
that minimalist style

Mills is making good music, making his own style of music. The reason it
sells is because it really is good, and people like it so much they are
prepared to part with their hard earned money. 

I think we have to get this idea out of our heads that being successful
finacially in techno is sell-out. There is always quality music and art that
will make money, thats why you had Bach, Mozart and all the other greats
hiring their services to all the courts of Europe's nobility. Is just
happens that people with money, education and taste are willing to pay for
music and art which they recognize as being worthy of their attention. But
still, just like the nobility were appreciative of good music, so too
techno-enthusiasts are appreciative of good music, however the total number
of techno fans spending their cash on records, regardless of Mill's modest
little fortune, is still F*** All compared to what pop music makes. This
could suggest that he is not selling his stuff to people following the
latest trend, but the real enthusiasts who are carefull to what they listen.
I don't think the uneducated mainstram listener would really buy a techno
record, especially when they think they can replicate the entire record by
banging two garbage bins together.

All of our techno heroes I think should not be equated with the politics of
the punk-era's anti-sellout notion. I think our Techno heroes are like some
kind of deposed nobility of honourable music makers, from the same tradition
of all the great composers who have also come from ordinary working class
backgrounds. They should rightfully be in the public's eye as the
authorities on music, along with all the other true musicians from other
genres. I think that Mills, and the whole detroit techno scene should be
rolling in money, taking showers in it, they deserve it. 

Re: (313) mills worth it? or worhtless

1999-09-20 Thread ben businovski
At 11:23 AM 9/20/99 EDT, you wrote:

  Don't get me wrong I'm Jeff Mills' second biggest fan after you, but you
  have to agree that Jeff Mills could sample his farts and people would buy
  The trouble is he's in a position to do what the fuck he wants to and
  there's nothing anyone can do!

you don't have to buy anything.  Mills doesn't dominate the techno market, ya 
know.   i think in my entire record collection he holds 2 spots. (probably 
like .001%) Partly because i've found stagnation in his music.  Partly 
because 99% of the his domestic vinyl releases are ALL MID-RANGE eq'd.   and 
Partly because i do not hero-worship him.

Mills Mills... blah blah. We all have our opinions.  But i'd bet that the 
majority of the people on this list have heard BETTER. (:insert 
Groove 'La Chord here:)

just my $2

Nah, has to be 'Otill'. 
That electro-funkin mayhem, and those warm synth washes just make me al gooey.

PS. when is Mr Brikhas new transmat album coming into your shop Mr Stinger.
Perth needs it fix! Fast!