At 11:28 AM 9/23/99 +0800, you wrote:
>On 23 Sep 99, at 9:17, Cyclone Wehner wrote:
>> Just to redeem this post for 313, Australians should know that the
>> Transmat Time: Space CD is now being distributed by the Sanity-owned
>> Stomp Distribution. So this means Sanity dance depts should be able to
>> get it for you.
>you've read what it says on some of the new UR records right? I 
>mean... Sanity? Talk about your pieces of crap!
>PS for those who don't know, sanity is the k-mart of music stores :)

Given the choice- I'd only part with my dosh to a man, who if you cut open
his veins, would bleed detroit techno, infecting the west with the funk.

Don't other stores, both those that pretend to be underground and not, get
enough money from the poison they sell?

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