Re: [9fans] Re: Plan 9 not selected for GSoC

2022-09-24 Thread Cam
As a previous GSOC intern it really is a shame, it was a fantastic
experience that any student would be lucky to get.

On Sat, Sep 24, 2022, 11:45 AM  wrote:

> Well that was a shame. They have Haiku on there. Plan9 is way better than
> Haiku.
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[9fans] Connecting to the wiki from linux with plan9port

2021-11-12 Thread Cam
I'm assuming it's possible to mount the wiki using plan9port however I
haven't been able to find documentation on it. If it is indeed possible I'd
like to update the wiki with instructions on how. Does anyone have any
insight into how to make this happen?


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Re: [9fans] Announcing The Virtual Plan 9 Server Cookbook

2014-08-29 Thread cam
> written.  I would like to get other folks' evaluations
> of the work so it can be improved.  

just a couple minor details:

1) in, you do not need
such kernel messages scribbling on top of rio.  just swipe another 
window off an edge run cat /dev/kprint.  /dev/kmesg holds past 
kernel messages and /dev/kprint will show them as they come.  

2) 'what's up with the world-writable attribute?'
it does not really matter.  if some other process writes to that
variable, it is modified in the namespace of that other process.  
none of the others are affected.  also, for functions, you can just 
use 'fn funcname' to undefine it.  removing a variable from /env 
does not undefine it, but you can clear its contents with var=''. 
a script will leave its variables in /env too (albeit with empty 
values), so if you do not want that, put an 'rfork e' at the top.  this 
creates a copy of the current environment, but any changes 
happen only in the copy which disappears when the script is

3) if you want a default rio environment similar to that of glenda
for your user account when using drawterm or booting back up 
as a terminal, you can do the following:

% cp /usr/glenda/bin/rc/^(screensize riostart)  $home/bin/rc

and then change the rio command line in your lib/profile to 
'rio -i riostart' to get a few toys to play with.  riostart is just
an rc script, so you can edit to taste.

Re: [9fans] Many bugs in eqn(1)

2014-08-13 Thread cam
sorry, i am unable to help with this specific problem.  i only
use the ms macros and use tex for anything more.

however, just fyi:

> Further there is a licencing issue on (I think) Lucida fonts
> (which can be only used on p9 but not on p9p),

the license for the lucida* fonts prohibits the creation
of derivative fonts.  redistribution is only allowed with
plan9, which is as specific as the license gets.  other
forks of plan9 still include them.  the license is at:


> some of it, however, was replaced by another set.

the vera bitstream fonts.  you can download the set
that has been converted to plan9's font format here:

> I believe that majority of font problems would now be solved
> differently; note that heirloom troff (contrary to groff) can
> read opentype.

there is also ttf2subf which will convert true-type fonts
to the plan9 format.


if you are using plan9port on a mac, the p9p font server will
let you use your mac fonts as well.

Re: [9fans] OT: What linux has become

2014-08-13 Thread cam

just when you think a given operating systems would
not be bastardized any further, some genius fucks it 
to the next level.

launchd/smf and a webserver as process 1...

baffling, this is.

Re: [9fans] Strange RC behaviour

2014-08-11 Thread cam
> In RC, "cat < Why is this so? Could this be bug or is it a feature?

from the 'bugs' section of the rc(1) man page:

Functions containing here documents don't work.

i believe a block is semantically equivalent to function.  rather,
a block could be considered an unnamed function.

Re: [9fans] Installation on supermicro X9SCAA

2014-08-02 Thread cam
> 2) I had a hard time to figure where were the sources of my
> current kernel. I first thought it was a patched pc kernel,
> and finally used 'find | grep termf' to learn it was a
> nix/k10 kernel. What does k10 means? May I have some hope
> to get a working 9atom Plan9 kernel for this board or should
> I stay with nix ?

nix is integrated as the amd64 kernel of 9atom.  k10 is one 
of the generic names amd gave a line of their 64-bit cpus.

if you decide to try 9front, their 64-bit kernel is in 

> 4) Is there any documentation of the build process
> somewhere ? I'd like to know how to build binaries for a
> custom architecture, and such other things.

the bell-labs doc:

9atom should not be much different, except for location of the 
64-bit  kernel you already found.  

in a nutshell, building for other architectures is as simple as

cd /sys/src
objtype=$arch mk install

where $arch is one of the top-level directories in /.  not all are
up to date or supported though.  386, amd64, and arm are the 
only ones i know of that are updated, but there are compilers
for mips, powerpc, and sparc.
> 5) How should I stay up to date with the 9atom development?
> Is there any sources repository that I can mount or should I
> use the iso ? 

9fs atom

and the source will be in /n/atom.  

the replica pull script in /usr/glenda/bin/rc works the same
as the bell-labs script except it uses /dist/replica/atom to 
update the system.

Re: [9fans] The Third Button

2014-07-21 Thread cam
i forgot to mention: alternately, kbmap(3) is supposed to
let you use function keys as mouse buttons.

Re: [9fans] The Third Button

2014-07-21 Thread cam
with drawterm on osx, button 2 click is option+click, button 3
is command+click.  

in qemu, button 2 is shift+command+click and button 3 is

on pc's with ps/2 two button mice, i believe shift+click is 
button 2.

if you are using something different, try various combinations
of modifier keys and clicking.  

Re: [9fans] Compiler Message

2014-07-21 Thread cam
> What about Drawterm on Mac? Is it working well?

yes.  i use drawterm from

i compiled it to run under X since i have to run that beast 
anyways, but there is also drawterm-cocoa which builds 
and runs native under osx.

> This would require of course configuring a CPU server...

if you want the full experience of plan9, that is a given.  it
is not hard to do; and once you have a cpu/auth server,
booting additional cpu servers is an incredibly trivial task.

Re: [9fans] Compiler Message

2014-07-21 Thread cam
> Q for Mac is horrible, dodgy software. Then again, I didn't build it from
> source. The good thing is, it'll convert images just fine.

older versions probably.  i built qemu-1.7.0 from source before
2.0 was stable and have had no problems.  i own fusion, but i 
prefer qemu since fusion occupies kernel memory (meaning an 
idle vm cannot be swapped out), and it uses about 30% more 
memory per vm than qemu does.  

what problems did you have with it?

Re: [9fans] Compiler Message

2014-07-21 Thread cam
> In tried to install Inferno because I thought that it was the simplest 
> way to access (at least the file system of) my Plan9 Raspberry Pi from 
> my Mac.
> The other solutions I tried are awkward:
> 1. Plan9 under Virtual Box (don't want to pay for VMWare/Parallels).
>  Configured network card according to Richard Miller's suggestion.
>  Boots, but sometimes it doesn't, requiring to restart the program.
>  Network works only sometimes.

have you tried qemu?  plan9 works wonderfully as a guest.
network access is as reliable as your mac.

> 2. Plan9 from user space, installed over Brew.
>  It works, but I don't see there any way to import (mount) the 
> remote file system locally

install macfuse and then you can use 9pfuse.  it works, though
it is a bit slow.

Re: [9fans] Pull and compile latest kernel (sys call 53 error)

2014-07-20 Thread cam
> How do I find the kernels that I pulled?  They don't appear to be in 
> /sys/src/9/pc

they are in /386 (ie - /386/9pcf).  a pull copies binaries as well 
as source.

> After I have found the kernel, do I with it by copying it into /n/9fat as 
> specified here?:

that should do it.

Re: [9fans] Pull and compile latest kernel (sys call 53 error)

2014-07-19 Thread cam

> I downloaded Plan9, ran the "pull" script, and then tried to compile and 
> install a new kernel by running mk install in /sys/src/9/pc
> Compilation seemed to go fine, but then I got an syscall 53 error (the error 
> seems to come from "ar", see below).

you need to reboot using one of the kernels you pulled first.


Re: [9fans] Plan9 Sources Repository

2014-07-18 Thread cam
> Yet: is there a source control system behind it?
> Would it be possible to check out directly from there?

for the bell-labs distribution, the filesystem itself keeps 
a daily record of the source tree.  you can access it with
9fs sourcesdump and the daily state of sources will be
in /n/sourcesdump.

> If there is none, could it be that this contributes to the lack of 
> popularity

9front and 9legacy both use mercurial as their revision
control systems.  9legacy keeps a mirror of the bell-labs
distribution in mercurial as well if that suits your needs.

9front's repo:

9legacy's various repositories and mirrors:

> and to the fragmentation of Plan9 (9front, 9atom, 9legacy, 
> PlanB, other plans...)?

the reason for the different distributions is really no 
different than the motivation for the different bsd or
linux distributions:  they each have their own goals
and purpose.

Re: [9fans] file server speed

2014-07-17 Thread cam
>> That was in an office environment. At home I use
>> fossil+(plan9port)venti running on linux-based NAS. This ends up
>> working very well for me since I have resources to spare on that
>> machine. This also lets me backup my arenas via CrashPlan. I use a
> I am very interested to use such a setup. Could you please add more
> about the setup? What hardware do you use for the NAS? Any scripts
> etc?

(disclaimer: i am fairly new to the plan9 universe, so
my apologies for anything i missed.  most of this is 
from memory.)

my setup is slightly different, but similar in concept.  
my only machine is a mac, so i run plan9 under qemu.␣  i
have a p9p venti running on the mac with a few qemu vm's 
using it.

qemu also kind of solves the problem of the availability 
of compatible hardware for me.

when i first installed plan9, i installed using the 
fossil+venti option.  when i wanted to expand beyond a
simple terminal, i decided to get venti out of the vm
and run it off the mac using p9p.  i also wanted to keep
the data from the original venti.

the old venti was ~8G, but used the default arena size of
512M.  only 4 of the previous arenas were sealed with the 
the fifth active.  i also added another 10G worth of 
arenas at 1G each, so this is roughly what i did.

on plan9:

for (i in 0 1 2 3 4)
rdarena /dev/sdC0/arenas arenas0$i > /tmp/arenas0$i

on the mac:

dd if=/dev/zero of=arenas1.img bs=1024 count=2622212
dd if=/dev/zero of=arenas2.img bs=1024 count=10486532
dd if=/dev/zero of=isect.img bs=1024k count=1024
dd if=/dev/zero of=bloom.img bs=1024k count=128
fmtarenas arenas1 arenas1.img
fmtarenas -a 1024m arenas2 arenas2.img
fmtisect isect isect.img
fmtbloom -N 24 bloom.img
fmtindex venti.conf
buildindex -b venti.conf
$PLAN9/bin/venti/venti -c venti.conf

back to plan9:

for (i in /tmp/arenas*)
venti/wrarena -h tcp!$ventiaddr!17034 $i

i keep the files on an apple raid mirror for venti.  this 
is my venti.conf:

index main
arenas /Volumes/venti/arenas1.img
arenas /Volumes/venti/arenas2.img
isect /Volumes/venti/isect.img
bloom /Volumes/venti/bloom.img
mem 48m
bcmem 96m
icmem 128m
addr tcp!*!17034
httpaddr tcp!*!8000
webroot /Volumes/venti/webroot

the end result is that i had a 12.5G venti with a 1G isect
and all my previous data content.  the venti memory footprint 
is approximately 650M.  it works quite well for me.

in all instances below, i have adjusted my configuration
files to what one would use if using separate machines.
we have static ip addressing here, so my config will 
reflect that.  substitute $ventiaddr for the ip address of 
your p9p venti server, $gateway for your router, $ipmask 
for your netmask, and $clientip for the machine(s) using the
p9p venti.

my auth+fs vm (the main p9p venti client) has the usual
9fat, nvram, swap, and fossil partitions with plan9.ini
as follows:

console=0 b115200 l8 pn s1
venti=tcp!$ventiaddr!17034 -g $gateway ether /net/ether0 $clientip $ipmask

the other cpu vm's pxe boot off the auth+fs vm using pxe
config files like this:

console=0 b115200 l8 pn s1

since two of my cpu vm's have local fossils that i would like
to keep archived, i added the following to /bin/cpurc.local:


and then i start the fossils from /cfg/$sysname/cpurc.

hope this is helpful in some way.