Re: [abcusers] ABC in an internet cafe

2001-08-13 Thread Jack Campin

 I'm getting quite tempted by the idea of putting all the ABC on my
 site into archive files so as to counter search engine abuse.
 If you have access to the root level directory on your site you can put
 up a Robots.txt file to tell webspiders not to index part or all of your
 site.  If you don't have such access there's also a Robots META tag you
 can include in each page that you don't want indexed.

I'm quite happy with indexing, it's random extraction of content I want
to discourage.  The WWW culture has been over this issue already, with
general consensus (backed up in the Shetland Times vs Shetland News case
by legal precedent); site links are always ok, pulling out bits of other
people's pages and plonking them into unattributed frames isn't.

[Tune Finder]
: One of the formats returned is MIDI. This is done by feeding the
: selected tune to abc2midi, which is the only program that I know
: of that can run on unix as a subprocess to a CGI script, read ABC,
: and produce MIDI. One of its properties is that it only translates
: the first tune in its input.

The Mac port didn't behave that way last time I tried it...

: So if you want to hear the 17th tune in the file, you must precede
: abc2midi with a filter that cuts out everything before the X:17 line.

I don't find this a problem, as I'm providing ABC for people who are
or are prepared to become ABC users (that's why I take care to make
it readable as source).  If your engine refused to convert any of my
stuff into other formats that'd be fine by me.

One piece of file-context-dependence that I am likely to introduce on my
site fairly soon is BarFly macros.  For some stuff I want to transcribe,
these make for a big improvement to source readability and accuracy of
transcription.  I believe some of the Windows implementors may be thinking
about supporting them (Henrik?  Laurie?)  but there seems to be no
interest as yet from the Unix camp.  I'd rather get the ABC right first
and wait for the programmers to catch up.  In this instance, the macros
need not even be in the same file as the tunes, though I don't intend to
exploit that possibility for a while yet.

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Re: [abcusers] ABC in an internet cafe

2001-08-13 Thread Anselm Lingnau

Jack Campin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 One piece of file-context-dependence that I am likely to introduce on my
 site fairly soon is BarFly macros. [...] but there seems to be no
 interest as yet from the Unix camp.  I'd rather get the ABC right first
 and wait for the programmers to catch up.

We don't really have to wait for the programmers to catch up. If I
understand BarFly macros correctly, they're simply bits of text that get
replaced by other bits of text. If we're suitably desperate, writing a
simple preprocessor to do that shouldn't take more than a Perl
interpreter and a rainy afternoon, and it will basically macro-enable
all Unix-based abc tools at the cost of a minor inconvenience. The
programs themselves can be fixed in due course once the idea is firmly
established (and properly documented?).

If someone (Phil?) sends me a detailed description of what BarFly macros
do and how they are defined in BarFly abc files I'd be happy to give it
a try on the next rainy afternoon. (Right now it is sunny outside and
going on 30°C.) As of now I'm not really desperate but it looks like a
fun little project that might be useful to someone. And I'm always on 
the lookout for free beer when I'm travelling :^)

Anselm Lingnau .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Calm down.  It's only ones and zeros.   -- Sam Kass

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Re: [abcusers] ABC in an internet cafe

2001-08-12 Thread Phil Taylor

John Chambers wrote:

It's not obvious to me how the above I lines would apply to this. The
first  would just mean that the tune wouldn't be in the index at all.
The second would mean that all MIDI  requests  would  get  the  first
tune,  in  which case you might as well not bother (unless that's the
tune that the user asked for).

What should happen in the second case is that when that tune appears
in a list of hits, the buttons which retrieve GIF, ps or midi would
be disabled, and the abc button would retrieve the whole file.
(I've no idea how easy that would be to implement - presumably the
index would need an extra field to hold the information.)

Presumably this would not affect normal search robots at all, since they
won't index .abc files anyway?

Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] ABC in an internet cafe

2001-08-09 Thread Laura Conrad

 Frank == Frank Nordberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Frank Blacklisted sites:

Why are the blacklisted sites blacklisted?

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (801) 365-6574 
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139
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Re: [abcusers] ABC in an internet cafe

2001-08-09 Thread Frank Nordberg

Laura Conrad wrote:
  Frank == Frank Nordberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Frank Blacklisted sites:
 Why are the blacklisted sites blacklisted?

The Session because it's become a membership site, the others because
they are currently gone from the web. When a site disappears, I usually
put it on the blacklist rather than remove it from the database, in
case it returns.

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Re: [abcusers] ABC in an internet cafe

2001-08-09 Thread Laura Conrad

 Frank == Frank Nordberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Why are the blacklisted sites blacklisted?

Frank The Session because it's become a membership site, the
Frank others because they are currently gone from the web. When a
Frank site disappears, I usually put it on the blacklist rather
Frank than remove it from the database, in case it returns.

In American English, blacklist has a pretty negative connotation.
Maybe you should change the name to inactive or something.

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (801) 365-6574 
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139
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Re: [abcusers] ABC in an internet cafe

2001-08-08 Thread auchan

What is the URL for John's site, please?

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Re: [abcusers] ABC in an internet cafe

2001-08-06 Thread dman

On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 12:12:09AM +0100, Jack Campin wrote:
| A couple of my musician friends don't have computers of their own,
| they use Hotmail or Yahoo accounts at work or at internet cafes.
| Installing an ABC application at either isn't on.  Hotmail doesn't
| even know how to display an attached GIF.

What nice service ...

| How can somebody on one of these systems use an emailed ABC file if
| they aren't familiar enough with the notation to read the source?

I think that familiarity with the notation is one of ABCs goals so
that it can be used as-is in plain ASCII form.  Anyways, how much
hard drive access is there?  Surely the web browser has a cache
directory it can write to at the very least.  A solution would be to
save the GIF attachment to that public writable directory and then
point the web browser (or other tool) to that GIF on disk to view it.
It is really hard to use a computer that lacks the necessary tools
when you have to opportunity to install those tools.  Maybe the cafe
managers would be willing to listen to suggestions, especially if it
could improve business.


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Re: [abcusers] ABC in an internet cafe

2001-08-06 Thread John Chambers

Frank Nordberg writes:
| Jack Campin wrote:
|  A couple of my musician friends don't have computers of their own,
|  they use Hotmail or Yahoo accounts at work or at internet cafes.
|  Installing an ABC application at either isn't on.  Hotmail doesn't
|  even know how to display an attached GIF.
|  How can somebody on one of these systems use an emailed ABC file if
|  they aren't familiar enough with the notation to read the source?
| Have a look at the online tools listed at the abc applications directory at:
| (select online in the OS menu and click on the search button)
| In addition, the tune submission page at John Chamber's site is
| effectively an online interface for jabc2ps and abc2midi, allowing you
| to enter an abc tune and get it as sheet music or midi. The reason it
| isn't listed in the directory, is that I'm not sure how happy John is
| about people using it that way.

Well, actually, I wrote it to  use  it  that  way  myself,  when  I'm
somewhere  far  away from my home machine.  It hasn't been noticed by
many people, but a few have used it. I don't mind this at all.  I can
always  remove  it (or just rename it) if there is any sort of abuse.
The main warning would probably be that I consider it an  experiment,
and its behavior is likely to change from one week to the next.

And, of course, one reason for not publicising it is that I'd like to
encourage  others  to experiment with similar things, rather than use
mine.  Then I can look at their site and steal some ideas.  This does
seem to have been a successful strategy ...

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[abcusers] ABC in an internet cafe

2001-08-05 Thread Jack Campin

A couple of my musician friends don't have computers of their own,
they use Hotmail or Yahoo accounts at work or at internet cafes.
Installing an ABC application at either isn't on.  Hotmail doesn't
even know how to display an attached GIF.

How can somebody on one of these systems use an emailed ABC file if
they aren't familiar enough with the notation to read the source?

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