Re: [abcusers] Installing abcm2ps on OS X (no actual ABC content)

2003-08-04 Thread Jeff Bigler
 Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 18:10:51 +0100

Once again, apologies for replying to a thread over a week late.  :-|

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Taylor)
 Did you read the first post of this thread?  Three hours spent
 fighting with Unix to do something exceedingly simple and
 straightforward, resulting in failure.  Twenty seconds on MacOS 9
 allowed me to fix it.
 Yes, Unix is supremely flexible and powerful.  But if its learning
 curve is sufficiently steep to terrify me (I've been using computers
 for thirty years) how is the average user expected to cope?

A friend of mine once described UNIX as a brain surgery interface.
You can do anything you want if you know what you're doing.  If you
don't know what you're doing, you can cause a lot of damage without
accomplishing anything useful.

That same friend described the earlier versions of MacOS as a hockey
glove interface.  The gloves severely limit what you can do, but it's
just about impossible to hurt yourself.

MacOS 10 could therefore be described as doing brain surgery in hockey

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Re: [abcusers] Installing abcm2ps on OS X

2003-07-25 Thread Jean-Francois Moine
On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 01:42:20 +0100, Jack Campin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
You might also want to change your shell to something less
squirmily haveanicedayish than tcsh.  chsh is the command to
do the change; bash is pretty reasonable though my fave back
when I was using Unix a lot was ksh (which just does what you
tell it without trying to get creative).

Did you ever try zsh?

Ken ar c'hentañ | ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
Pépé Jef|   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [abcusers] Installing abcm2ps on OS X

2003-07-25 Thread John Chambers
I. Oppenheim writes:
| On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, Jack Campin wrote:
|export PATH
| No Jack, that's bourne shell syntax!!!
| A day ago I gave the correct solution for tcsh in a
| separate posting.
| At the moment, bash is the de facto standard in the
| UNIX community. You can change to it with the following
| command:

I think that's really only true for linux, though of course
bash  is  readily available for other systems.  Vendors and
repackagers can install whatever shell  they  like  as  the
default,  and  a  lot of them do.  For OSX, and most of the
*BSD clones it's csh or tcsh.  For Sun, I think it's  still
ksh,  though  I haven't used a Solaris box for a while, and
they could have switched to bash by now.

One of the fun aspects of working on unixoid systems is the
variety  of command languages that you have available, each
with its own flock of partisans.  ;-)

Of course, in the long run this is to our  advantage.   Had
the  original  unix  back in the 70's had a builtin command
language, we would still be stuck with it, with no  way  to
improve  it  (at  least until linux came along).  But since
people could implement their own, we have several that  are
greatly improved over what the original designers provided.

This is much of why unix users haven't  generally  switched
over  to  full-time  GUI  use.  Pretty pictures are fun and
flashy, but if you actually want  to  accomplish  something
without  constantly gritting your teeth about the idiocy of
the user interface, you need a command  language  that  you
can type and that can remember things for you.

On another list, there was a recent UI discussion,  about
the various keyboards that are available on accordions.  We
got into a fairly funny  (if  short)  thread  triggered  by
someone  contemplating  augmenting  the  accordion  with  a
mouse.  After all, keyboards are keyboards, and if a  mouse
is  such  a marvelous addition to a computer keyboard, just
imagine how it could help an accordion (or piano) player.

My main  contribution  was  something  I  plagiarized  from
someone else whose name I don't recall: The modern computer
GUI, with its keyboard and mouse, is very well  designed  -
for  a user with three hands.  The real problem is how slow
users have been to make the necessary hardware upgrades  to
take advantage of this clever design.

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Re: [abcusers] Installing abcm2ps on OS X

2003-07-25 Thread Richard Robinson
On Fri, Jul 25, 2003 at 01:29:11PM +, John Chambers wrote:
 This is much of why unix users haven't  generally  switched
 over  to  full-time  GUI  use.  Pretty pictures are fun and
 flashy, but if you actually want  to  accomplish  something
 without  constantly gritting your teeth about the idiocy of
 the user interface, you need a command  language  that  you
 can type and that can remember things for you.

Well, yes. But it does depend what sort of things you're doing.
I'm terrifyingly geeky, according to most of my friends (though
not, of course, to a  _real_ geek), but I'd _hate_ to, eg,
edit .wav files via a cli.

But _full-time_ GUI use, of course not. Stick with the best of both

Richard Robinson
The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes - S. Lem
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Re: [abcusers] Installing abcm2ps on OS X

2003-07-24 Thread Jack Campin
[attempting to housetrain a Unix system]

 So I type

 echo $PATH

 and it says


 No good.


  export PATH

You might also want to change your shell to something less
squirmily haveanicedayish than tcsh.  chsh is the command to
do the change; bash is pretty reasonable though my fave back
when I was using Unix a lot was ksh (which just does what you
tell it without trying to get creative).

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
-- off-list mail to j-c rather than abc at this site, please --

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Re: [abcusers] Installing abcm2ps on OS X

2003-07-24 Thread I. Oppenheim
On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, Jack Campin wrote:

   export PATH

No Jack, that's bourne shell syntax!!!
A day ago I gave the correct solution for tcsh in a
separate posting.

 You might also want to change your shell to something less
 squirmily haveanicedayish than tcsh.  chsh is the command to
 do the change; bash is pretty reasonable

At the moment, bash is the de facto standard in the
UNIX community. You can change to it with the following

chsh `which bash`

Note the back quotes.

The settings file of bash is called .bash_profile and
resides in your home directory.

You can use the Bourne shell syntax described above to
add a path to your .bash_profile:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin

or you can add

alias abcm2ps='/usr/local/bin/abcm2ps'

 Irwin Oppenheim

 Chazzanut Online:
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[abcusers] Installing abcm2ps on OS X

2003-07-23 Thread Phil Taylor
A little light entertainment...

I thought it was time I installed abcm2ps on my Macs.  I already
have it on a PC, but I don't often use that machine, and it would
be much nicer to have it where I work.

Downloaded it and double-clicked the .pkg file, went through the
installer without any trouble.  Started up Terminal and typed
abcm2ps -h and got Command not found.  OK.  So where has the
installer put it?  Did a search with the Finder's Find command.
Not found.  Did the search again, this time allowing it to
search invisible folders.  OK.  There it is, in

Try typing /usr/local/bin/abcm2ps -h and lo and behold it works.
So far so good.  I don't want to type all that every time I use
it, so I need to change the search path to include that location.
Can't remember how to do that, so I dig out the unix book.
Unix for the Impatient by Abrahams and Larson.  Well, not very
impatient as it's 824 pages long.  Also quite battered now from
having been thrown against the wall in blind fury several times
(well, it's better than throwing the computer).

After about half an hour with the book I remember that there's
a variable called PATH (or is that $PATH - the book seems to
use them interchangeably).  And there's another one called
path, which is not the same.  All this somewhat complicated
by the fact that the book covers four different unix shells,
including csh, but not tcsh, which is what I have.  They
can't be that different can they?  After all I'm not trying
to do anything complicated or difficult here.

Following the book I type

echo $PATH

and get


So it's looking in four different places, none of which is where
the program is located, and I need to change that to


The book says You can set PATH to any search sequence you wish using
the facilities in your shell for assigning values to variables; see
for example section 6.15.6.

Section 6.15.6 says You can assign values to one or more variables
with an assignment (single or multiple) of the form:


and gives as examples:

GOAT='the chomper'

Couldn't be easier.
So I type

echo $PATH

and it says


No good.  So I try:


with no more luck.  Then in desperation I try the same
things with path, even though I've figured out by now
that that's a shell variable and changing it will only
affect the current session.  Still no good.

Go make a cup of coffee and think for a bit out of
punching range of the computer.  Remember that there's
a command called setenv (oh yes, I've been here before
you know, it's just that it's been a while and you forget
these things).

Back at the computer I type man setenv to see what comes
up.  What comes up is the entire manual for the tcsh shell,
hundreds of little 24-line pages, and after hitting the
space bar enough times to risk RSI without seeing anything
about setenv I give up.  The book says just enter

setenv name val

without any equals sign, so I try it.  And try it again
in all the combinations I tried before.  No go.

OK.  I admit defeat I cannot change the search path, but
I've had another idea.  Why dont I alias abcm2ps to
/usr/local/bin/abcm2ps to save the typing?  Ought to
work.  To cut a long story short, that didn't work either.
No error messages;  just didn't work.

Finally (I'll give you one more chance, you silicon moron!)
I try plan C.  If the program doesn't work in it's present
location I'll move it to one of the directories which _is_
on the search path.  I can't move it using the Finder,
because the top level folder of the file path is invisible.
So I type

mv /usr/local/bin/abcm2ps /usr/bin/abcm2ps

muttering Do as your F** told or I'll reboot you in
OS 9!

and it says Permission Denied.  Now what do I do?
I can't log in as root because Apple in their infinite
wisdom have disabled that.  I could try screwing around
with chmod, but it would take me another hour to
figure out the magical incantation necessary to make that
work (I've been there before too).

So I reboot in OS 9, use ResEdit to make the usr folder
visible and move the file using the Finder.  Takes
about 20 seconds max.  Reboot in OS X and now typing
abcm2ps in the Terminal works fine.

So, you guys who choose to work in unix, what do you do
when faced with a task where you know exactly what you are
trying to do, but nothing works, over and over?

Apart from reboot in a different operating system, that
is?  (And newer Macs can't even do that for God's sake.)

Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] Installing abcm2ps on OS X

2003-07-23 Thread I. Oppenheim
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Phil Taylor wrote:

 So, you guys who choose to work in unix, what do you
 do when faced with a task where you know exactly what
 you are trying to do, but nothing works, over and

Then you ask one of your friends on the internet for a
little guidance!

So hear it comes.

1/ Go to your home directory (type cd enter)

2/ open the file .tchrc in your favourite editor,
create it if it does not yet exist.

3/ Add to the END of this file one of the following lines:
set path = ( $path /usr/local/bin )# to extend your path
alias abcm2ps '/usr/local/bin/abcm2ps' # to create an alias

4/ save the file

5/ open a NEW terminal window. This will make sure
that the new settings are actually loaded.

6/ everything should now be fine...

 Irwin Oppenheim

 Chazzanut Online:
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Re: [abcusers] Installing abcm2ps on OS X

2003-07-23 Thread Phil Taylor
I. Oppenheim wrote:

On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Phil Taylor wrote:

 So, you guys who choose to work in unix, what do you
 do when faced with a task where you know exactly what
 you are trying to do, but nothing works, over and

Then you ask one of your friends on the internet for a
little guidance!

So hear it comes.


Thank you, Irwin.  I'm feeling a little calmer now.

Phil Taylor

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