Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] some issues with screen reader accessibility

2023-10-25 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 13/10/23 03:27, Michael Weghorn wrote:

On 2023-10-12 20:27, Jason White wrote:

On an unrelated issue, the accessibility of comments in LibreOffice 
Writer was recently raised on the Orca mailing list. Change tracking 
(reporting of insertions and deletions) is an associated feature that 
has not, to my knowledge, been made accessible to screen reader users 
in LibreOffice. Anyone needing to make effective use of comments and 
change tracking using a screen reader would likely need to turn to a 
proprietary office application instead, for which the necessary API 
support has been in place for some time.

Thanks for mentioning that.

Thanks for the explanation of the API status of these features (not 
quoted here for brevity), and for taking up the problem. I've needed to 
use comments and change tracking in word processor files in the past; 
it's likely that I will need them again in the future, and the only 
solution is currently to use a proprietary word processor. As I 
generally write in a markup language such as LaTeX or Markdown, my 
interactions with word processor files usually involve reading, editing 
or reviewing other peoples' documents.

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[libreoffice-accessibility] LibreOffice Writer's read-only mode and screen readers

2023-10-27 Thread Jason J.G. White
Using LibreOffice Writer with Orca under Linux, I recently found that I 
couldn't navigate a read-only document with the usual cursor movement 
keys. Thus, I couldn't read it without using Ctrl-Shift-M to exit 
read-only mode.

The scenario was straightforward: I opened an e-mail attachment, and the 
file was treated as read-only.

Is there a way to keep the read-only status while allowing normal cursor 
movement in the editor?

The other LibreOffice applications may be similarly affected - I haven't 

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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Saving to any particular location and grammar checker addon

2023-12-11 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 11/12/23 13:47, FARHAN ISHRAK Fahim wrote:

I am using windows 10 22h2, nvda 2023.3 and libreoffice 7.5. If I want to
save a word file to any particular directory, I cannot do it.

I am using Linux, not Windows, but if I type Ctrl-S to save a file, I am 
presented with a dialogue that lets me choose the directory and edit the 
default file name before saving. Is this not what happens for you under 
Windows? Can you describe the problem in more detail?

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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Saving to any particular location and grammar checker addon

2023-12-14 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 14/12/23 12:59, FARHAN ISHRAK Fahim wrote:

No, it is not happening on windows. I can write the name of the file.
However, I cannot change the location or directory.
As far as I know, these dialogues are usually supplied by the operating 
system rather than the application, so I don't know why you wouldn't be 
able to specify the directory.

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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Inserting comments with a screen reader.

2024-02-11 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 11/2/24 09:22, V Stuart Foote wrote:
The  + 4 to land directly on the Navigator deck followed by  
and Cursor down movements down to the Comments nodes does expose the 
content of each of the comments.

Additionally when focused on a comment in Windows the  +  
will expose the context menu for the comment allowing editing and a go 
to action.

Thank you for the update. The next time I receive an office-file-format 
document containing comments, I'll try the above-mentioned features. I'm 
using Linux with Orca.

Naturally, I would welcome improvements in this area. I shouldn't have 
to turn to Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office just to read and 
respond to comments in a document.

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[libreoffice-accessibility] Notes on LibreOffice 24.2 under Linux with Orca, GNOME 45.7

2024-02-21 Thread Jason J.G. White

Thank you for all of the ongoing work on LibreOffice accessibility.

I noticed a few issues that may be Orca or LibreOffice-related - I don't 
know which is responsible. Orca is undergoing extensive development at 
the moment, which I'm testing by running the latest code from the main 

1. In LibreOffice Writer, if I issue the F5 command to start the 
Navigator, focus moves there, but I can't bring focus to the tree of 
objects to be navigated, either with Tab/Shift-Tab or with cursor keys. 
There are unlabelled toggle buttons, but no tree object.

2. Also in Writer, Shift-Pgdn is supposed to move into the footnote 
area, but doesn't achieve anything.

Any insights?

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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Notes on LibreOffice 24.2 under Linux with Orca, GNOME 45.7

2024-02-21 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 21/2/24 12:58, Jason J.G. White wrote:
2. Also in Writer, Shift-Pgdn is supposed to move into the footnote 
area, but doesn't achieve anything.
With apologies, that should be Ctrl-Shift-Pgdn, which is listed in the 
documentation but isn't working for me.

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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Notes on LibreOffice 24.2 under Linux with Orca, GNOME 45.7

2024-02-23 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 23/2/24 10:11, Michael Weghorn wrote:
1) When the Navigator is undocked, i.e. in a separate window, F5 
brings focus to it and the focus announcement works as expected.
I was able to achieve this result by deleting my LibreOffice 
configuration (rm -rf ~/.config/libreoffice).

2) When its docked (e.g. to the left side of the Writer window), F5 
toggles the navigator on/off, but doesn't bring focus to it. In that 
case, F6 can be used until you end up at the navigator, then move 
around there using the tab and arrow keys. At least on the tree, focus 
announcement works. (With orca main, there's an extra "Navigator" 
announcement before the actual tree element that I don't get with the 
version from Debian testing, but it generally works with both.)
Another strategy, at least in GNOME, is to use Alt-` to move focus to 
the Navigator window.

There are unlabelled toggle buttons, but no tree object.

I can reproduce this for many of the UI elements above the tree view 
in the navigator with the gtk3 variant of LibreOffice (which uses 
native Gtk widgets), but not when non-native VCL widgets are used, 
e.g. when using the qt6 variant. In the latter case, the quick 
help/tooltip text is used for the accessible name as well
(code pointer: VCLXAccessibleToolBoxItem::getAccessibleName and 

I expect the Arch Linux package I'm running was built with GTK3.
2. Also in Writer, Shift-Pgdn is supposed to move into the footnote 
area, but doesn't achieve anything.
With apologies, that should be Ctrl-Shift-Pgdn, which is listed in 
the documentation but isn't working for me.

I confirm this is mentioned in the help [1], but doesn't do what is 
described there. For me, Ctrl+Shift+PageDown zooms out of the document 
(and Ctrl+Shift+PageUp zooms in).

However, when I manually assign this shortcut via
"Tools" -> "Customize" -> "Keyboard", this works to jump to the 
footnotes. (I assigned Shift+ Ctrl + PageDown to the "Navigate" -> 
"Edit Footnote/Endnote" function.)
Could you possibly create a bug report in Bugzilla so this can be 
(Somebody more knowledgeable will have to decide whether the current 
behavior is correct and it's a documentation/help bug or whether the 
help is correct and the behavior is wrong.)

Yes, I'll submit a bug report. There's no screen reader output or any 
other indication after issuing Ctrl-Shift-Pgdn.

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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Notes on LibreOffice 24.2 under Linux with Orca, GNOME 45.7

2024-02-23 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 23/2/24 11:25, Jason J.G. White wrote:
Yes, I'll submit a bug report. There's no screen reader output or any 
other indication after issuing Ctrl-Shift-Pgdn.

I've created

The bug describes the accessibility-related use cases.

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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Notes on LibreOffice 24.2 under Linux with Orca, GNOME 45.7

2024-02-26 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 23/2/24 10:19, Michael Weghorn wrote:
By the way, do you know whether the issues you report are regressions, 
i.e. whether they were working correctly earlier? And if so: Do you 
know with what versions of LibreOffice and/or Orca?

The source of the footnote keyboard accessibility issue has been tracked 
down and now appears in the bug entry.

For the GTK 3 label problem, I don't know whether there is a regression. 
However, I think there ought to be tools for detecting this kind of 
trivial accessibility bug.

I'm not a frequent user of LibreOffice, and it's mostly for working with 
other peoples' documents. My own writing is mostly in LaTeX, Markdown or 
HTML format, in Git repositories.

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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] LibreOffice Writer for Windows: Pressing the Alt Key by Itself No Longer Moves Focus to the Menu Bar

2024-03-04 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 4/3/24 12:58, David Goldfield wrote:

In previous versions pressing the alt key by itself moved focus to the menu
bar. While I can still press key combinations such as alt-f to open the File
menu pressing just the alt key does nothing. Pressing f10 moves focus to the
menu bar but pressing alt is a bit easier.
Interestingly, pressing Alt alone never moved focus in any version of 
LibreOffice that I can recall, under Linux. Thus it seems to be a 
Windows-specific issue. F10 always worked though, and still does.

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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Write documents read only.

2024-04-11 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 11/4/24 07:04, Michael Weghorn wrote:

Do you mean that navigation using the text cursor/caret isn't possible?
If so, please see this reply from an earlier question asked here which 
describes how to enable it:
Thank you - this just solved a problem that I had noticed with e-mail 
attachments being loaded in read-only mode, and which I was unable to 
read or navigate.

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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] New user

2024-05-04 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 3/5/24 18:46, Keith Reedy wrote:

I am a new user of writer the latest version.
I am looking for anything that mite get me up to speed.

There's plenty of documentation on the Web at

A quick Web search will locate lists of keyboard commands.

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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Shortcuts on a document opened in Writer.

2024-05-09 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 9/5/24 15:17, Gabriele Battaglia wrote:
Hi. With NVDA, How can I use the key shortcuts to move along a writer 
document? Commands like H to jump over headers?

I don't know whether this is supported - it isn't in Linux, which is the 
environment with which I'm familiar, due to LibreOffice limitations.

However, I just use the Navigator in LibreOffice, and I don't miss the 
screen reader navigation commands. Having the feature as part of the 
application is better, in my opinion.

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Re: Fwd: [libreoffice-accessibility] Shortcuts on a document opened in Writer.

2024-05-13 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 13/5/24 03:43, Vivien Palcic wrote:
I have the Navigator turned on, but this isn't helpful when trying to 
navigate within a table - eg between columns or rows etc. It just gets 
me into the table and NVDA reads off the whole lot, whereas I'm trying 
to get around within the table without affecting the contents,
From memory, Tab and Shift-Tab move cell by cell. Someone more familiar 
with NVDA and LibreOffice might be able to explain what's happening with 
the NVDA table navigation commands.

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[libreoffice-accessibility] menu navigation issue

2024-06-10 Thread Jason J.G. White
I noted the following on the Orca mailing list recently, but others were 
unable to reproduce it.

The issue below is not a priority for me at the moment, but I'm 
reporting it here in case it can be resolved to prevent others from 
encountering it.

Environment: LibreOffice 24.2.4, GNOME 46.2, recent Orca version from 
the main Git branch, Arch Linux distribution. I also tried the version 
of LibreOffice available as a flatpak, with the same results.

Steps to Reproduce

1. From LibreOffice Calc or LibreOffice Writer (both tested), F10 to 
move focus to the menus. The File menu item is in focus, and Orca 
presents it.

2. Right-Arrow.

Expected Result: focus should move to the Edit menu, and subsequent 
left/right-arrow navigation should move among the top-level menu items.

Actual result: focus seems to move back into the document. I am unable 
to navigate the menus reliably. Using the Alt key with various letters 
does bring focus to the respective top-level menu items.

I also tried obliterating my LibreOffice configuration under 
~/.config/libreoffice, but with the same outcome.

I can perform further testing, if desired.

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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] menu navigation issue

2024-06-11 Thread Jason J.G. White
Adding the Orca list to this discussion, as the bug may be a GTK or Orca 
issue, as Michael helpfully details below.

On 11/6/24 00:39, Michael Weghorn wrote:

On 2024-06-10 14:14, Jason J.G. White wrote:
I noted the following on the Orca mailing list recently, but others 
were unable to reproduce it.

The issue below is not a priority for me at the moment, but I'm 
reporting it here in case it can be resolved to prevent others from 
encountering it.

Environment: LibreOffice 24.2.4, GNOME 46.2, recent Orca version from 
the main Git branch, Arch Linux distribution. I also tried the 
version of LibreOffice available as a flatpak, with the same results.

Steps to Reproduce

1. From LibreOffice Calc or LibreOffice Writer (both tested), F10 to 
move focus to the menus. The File menu item is in focus, and Orca 
presents it.

2. Right-Arrow.

Expected Result: focus should move to the Edit menu, and subsequent 
left/right-arrow navigation should move among the top-level menu items.

Actual result: focus seems to move back into the document. I am 
unable to navigate the menus reliably. Using the Alt key with various 
letters does bring focus to the respective top-level menu items.

I can reproduce something similar with gtk3-demo and Orca git main, so 
it looks like an issue in either GTK or Orca to me, not in LibreOffice:

1) start gtk3-demo
2) start the "Menus" sample app
3) press F10 to put focus on the menu (the first item: "test line")
4) press right arrow

Actual result:

Keyboard focus visually moves to the next menu item "foo" as expected 
(visually), but Orca announces "Flip, push button" (which is the 
button in the sample program that has focus once the menu gets 
collapsed again)

Expected result: The newly focused menu item should get announced: 
"foo, menu"

This isn't 100% reproducible: When further moving back and forth 
between the menu items using the arrow keys, announcement is usually OK.

Versions used, on Debian testing:

libgtk-3-0:amd64 3.24.41-1
Orca git main as of commit 9b8d9ffd8793bf3a1176fed77b4ce283a43cefe8

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Re: [orca] Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] menu navigation issue

2024-06-11 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 11/6/24 07:38, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:

BTW, are you using Wayland and gnome-shell? If so, it sounds like Although that was
fixed four months ago.

Yes, it's GNOME-Shell under Wayland.

I just tried it again under a GNOME-Shell X11 session, and I am unable 
to reproduce the bug there.

The version of Mutter is 46.2.

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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Re: [a11y] LibreOffice Calc exposes 2^31 children, freezes on `GetChildren`

2024-06-15 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 14/6/24 17:25, Michael Weghorn wrote:
Personal preferences aside, Windows/NVDA as the most widely used 
platform indeed generally has some priority for me, as does Writer 
over Calc over everything else.

There are other factors I also take into account, though, e.g. 
involvement/contributions from others like people working in certain 
areas, user requests/tickets, possibilities to cooperate (e.g. the 
Orca maintainer reworking Orca's LibreOffice support and providing a 
lot of helpful feedback and input) or productivity (my productivity on 
Linux is way higher than on Windows, so my take is that putting some 
extra initial effort in order to be able to do most of the analysis 
for issues *also* affecting Windows on Linux usually pays off, in 
particular since the platform APIs IAccessible/AT-SPI2 are fairly 

A further consideration is that, unlike Windows users, Linux users don't 
have the option of running Microsoft Office without setting up 
virtualization, rebooting the machine to a different environment, or 
using a different machine for the purpose. Of course, some Windows users 
might not be able to afford it, and they're also an important group to 
consider, as are those who prefer the LibreOffice interface.

I personally have access to Microsoft Office as well at the moment, but, 
obviously, not in my Linux environment.

I think the problem of disclosing large documents to accessibility APIs 
is real and important. I suspect this explains the extraordinary 
performance issue that occurs if you try to open a long document in 
Microsoft Word for Mac with the VoiceOver screen reader enabled - the 
application can be completely unresponsive for several minutes, even on 
a fast machine, while the document loads.

My limited understanding of the new protocol proposed for Linux by the 
GNOME Foundation is that it is expected to use pipes for data transfer, 
giving better performance than DBus calls. So my naive question is: what 
would be the performance cost of transferring a large document over the 
proposed API? Could it be partly done in the background, so that the 
user can at least start to read/edit the document from the top while the 
data structures are built and sent to the screen reader?

My assumption is that once the initial transfer is done, all the 
remaining updates are incremental, and relatively fast.

Other users may disagree, of course, but from my perspective, having the 
application hang while loading a large document would be unacceptable. 
However, having to wait a little if I first load a large document, then 
jump to the end of it (in the worst-case scenario) would be more 
acceptable. Obviously, loading a large document and then immediately 
retrieving a list of headings, links etc., is another scenario that 
would be subject to potential performance issues. It probably depends on 
what the over-all delays are.

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[libreoffice-accessibility] Accessibility of images with alternative text in LibreOffice Writer

2024-06-17 Thread Jason J.G. White
After importing an OOXML (from MS-Word) document into LibreOffice Writer 
24.2.4, using Orca as the screen reader I was unable to read the 
alternative text associated with an image.

I don't think I can share the document, but I would be interested to 
know whether anyone else here can reproduce the issue.

To reproduce, it should be sufficient to read a line containing an imge 
that has alternative text associated with it.

Microsoft 365 was able to read it, establishing its presence. I don't 
know whether the problem was with use of the accessibility API or the 
conversion from OOXML format.

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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Accessibility of images with alternative text in LibreOffice Writer

2024-06-18 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 18/6/24 02:53, Michael Weghorn wrote:
There is this existing bug report which sounds like it describes the 
same issue:
("[ACCESSIBILITY] Accessibility support for replaced objects is 

Orca does however announce the accessible *name* (not the description 
by default, at least in my setup) when using the "To Next Frame" 
shortcut Shift+F4 to select the image.

This is interesting. My concern is that (as in the example I read 
yesterday), I wouldn't even know the image was there if it the text 
alternative were not read by default. In that case, it was an 
organizational logo at the start of the document.

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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] Tables in Write.

2024-07-03 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 3/7/24 02:24, Gabriele Battaglia wrote:

Hi, any news to get accessibility on tables on Write docs?

They're screen reader-accessible for me. What problem are you having?

I'm using a recent version of Orca, LibreOffice 24.2, GNOME desktop 

I can use the usual table navigation commands to move by row/column. I 
can also use Tab and Shift-Tab to move by cell. Inserting into a table 
worked when I last tried it.

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