[AI] To witness Hawking at the Paralympics is to be reminded of Britain's pre-eminent scientific status

2012-09-02 Thread avinash shahi
By Paul Nurse
The Observer, Sunday 2 September 2012
Stephen Hawking during the opening ceremony for the London
Paralympics. Photograph: David Davies/PA
Last week, science took pride of place alongside the athletes at the
opening ceremony of the Paralympics. Under the guidance of the
extraordinary Stephen Hawking, Prospero took Miranda and the rest of
us on a voyage of scientific discovery, celebrating the Enlightenment
that brought rationality to unlock the secrets of nature and to
advance the rights of man.

This wonderful ceremony highlighted the achievement of human will in
overcoming the adversity of disability and tackling the difficult
problems of science. And it brought home to those of us who live on
these Isles of Wonder that Britain was the birthplace of the
Paralympics, and through the efforts of the Royal Society in the 17th
century was also the birthplace of modern science.

Science has done much to improve everyone's lives and has had a part
to play in bringing us the great celebration of sport happening in
London this summer. Ludwig Guttmann, the father of the Paralympic
Games, a scientist and fellow of the Royal Society, was one of the
first to recognise the important role sport can play in managing
disability; science also underpins the medical and technological
advances that help Paralympians in their athletics.

Involving Stephen Hawking in the opening ceremony celebrated science's
equivalent of a Paralympian, a man who has not let disability stand in
the way of great achievement. He emphasised the burning curiosity of
scientists and the wonder of the science they do – how Newton could
link the fall of an apple with the movement of the planets, uniting
the local with the universal.

What has been good about the strong scientific element of the summer's
ceremonies in Stratford is that although we have been good at science
in Britain for the last 350 years we have not always been so quick to
celebrate it.

So how is science doing today? The answer is that it is doing pretty
well. We saw Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the world wide web, at the
Olympic opening ceremony; we have the magnificent machine of the Large
Hadron Collider searching for the ultimate nature of matter, a symbol
of what humankind can achieve when it works together; we have the
robot Curiosity roaming the surface of Mars searching for clues that
life may have existed on another planet; we see the achievements of
human genome sequencing bringing us insights into disease and what it
is to be human. British scientists and scientists working in Britain
have made and are making important contributions to these achievements
and many more.

Science is undergoing a resurgence in popularity in Britain. As well
as the Olympics and Paralympics, in recent weeks we have also seen an
ongoing upward trend in the numbers taking science subjects at both
GCSE and A-level, and the government is strongly supportive of the
teaching of science in schools (although we have to be careful that
the loosening of curriculum requirements in free schools does not lead
to problems in certain faith schools, where evidence-based science
such as evolution runs counter to faith-based opinion).

Science is becoming a more noticeable element of the TV schedules,
with the redoubtable David Attenborough still building on nearly 50
years of explaining the wonders of the natural world and with Brian
Cox and his hugely successful recent TV series. Then there are the
inspirational popular science books such as those of Richard Dawkins
and Martin Rees.

Science is also key to the government's narrative on economic growth.
Political pronouncements regularly note the role of science,
engineering and innovation in sustainable economic growth.

But most important is that we are really good at doing science in
Britain. We have less than 1% of the world's population and 3% of the
global funding for research, but we produce 8% of the world's research
papers and 14% of the highest-impact papers. The Americans produce
more but they also spend quite a lot more on it.

We are world leaders in science and we should be proud of it. We need
science now more than ever. It does provide the knowledge needed for
the innovation that ultimately drives sustainable economic growth.
George Osborne and Vince Cable need to ensure that science is at the
forefront of their strategy for economic recovery. We need to invest
in our science base if we are to stay ahead of our competitors.

As well as being crucial for our economy, science is needed to improve
our health and our quality of life. It can help solve the world's
biggest problems: global health, water sustainability, providing
enough food for the world, managing climate change. It influences
nearly everything we do. The better we are at science, the better our
lives will be, both here in Britain and in the rest of the world.

Last Wednesday night, Prospero left the stage telling us that our
greatest adventures still lie ahead and 

[AI] the athletes who make us think again about the body's potential, The Observer Editorial

2012-09-02 Thread avinash shahi
Sunday 2 September 2012
Yesterday, British sprinter Richard Whitehead blasted through the
field in the final 50 metres to win gold in the T42 200m at the London
Paralympics. Whitehead, the marathon world record holder, a double
above-the-knee amputee, crossed the line in 24.38 seconds to break his
own world record. I came, I saw, I conquered, Whitehead said with
justifiable pride.

I conquered could be the mantra of each one of the competitors in
this Paralympics, which is daily drawing large numbers of enthusiastic
spectators and viewers. That many of the competitors have shown
immense courage, including magnificent Martine Wright, volleyball
competitor, who lost both legs in the London bombings in July 2005,
has justifiably drawn comment. What must also command admiration is
the ingenuity and adaptability of those same individuals who refuse to
be exiled from a sport because they lack the physical requirements
deemed to be the norm.

Matt Stutzman, 29, from Iowa, an archer, was born without arms. He
uses his toes and mouth to fire his arrows – and win. His aim is to
become the best archer in the world. He already holds the record for
the longest accurate shot even among non-disabled archers. Then there
is Lee Pearson, 38, who already has nine Paralympics gold medals. Born
with arthrogryposis, twisted legs and feet, he is peerless controlling
his horse, Gentleman, in dressage. Holland's Esther Vergeer has won
five golds in wheelchair tennis singles and doubles, not losing a
single match in nine years.

Disability campaigners rightly voice a fear that the Paralympics are
setting a superhuman standard for many who still face huge hurdles,
ignorance and exclusion. Nevertheless, the daily example of these
athletes should act as a reminder that since the human form comes in
many more models than one, it's imperative that the world in which we
all live properly begins to meet those very diverse requirements. And
that has to mean so much more than a token gesture to access.

Avinash Shahi
MPhil Research Learner
Centre for the Study of Law and Governance
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi India

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[AI] (no subject)

2012-09-02 Thread Dr.Phisiotherapist Doctor
She is from Indore Madhya Pradesh.
Thanking you.
Dr. Narendra Kumar Chelani.

From: Sakina Dhariwala sfd100...@gmail.com
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2012 4:35 PM
To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Subject: Re: [AI] Helping a B. Com Student

 Hi wich city she belongs to?
 With warm regards Sakina.
 - Original Message -
 From: Dr. Narendra Kumar Chelani npchel...@gmail.com
 To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
 Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 3:07 PM
 Subject: [AI] Helping a B. Com Student

Dear friends,
 One of my friends has taken admition in B.com owners.
 So I need your help for a blind student she is very intelligent girl but
 she is not familiar with internet she requires our help for her bright

Any one expert in this subject can be helpfull for her pleas give
 your contact details so that she can be in touch with You.
   Thanking you.
 Dr. Narendra Kumar Chelani.

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[AI] i am sorry dear access indians if u get any out of sort mail from my side.

2012-09-02 Thread sohan
hello access indian friends, 
if u get any mail about invitation for any site from my side, please forgive 
me. because i joined a site and a mail is autometically generated to all 
contacs i have in my gmail account. so i beg your pardon for this mistake. i 
will take care and this will not happen again.
i am extremely sorry once again.
thanks in advance.

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Re: [AI] Something unique about jaws.

2012-09-02 Thread bhvya sharma

Hi I  am using Laptop.
 Windows 7 , 32bit. ...

On Sat 1 Sep, 2012 4:58 PM IST uday yadav wrote:


share some more detail,
then i can help you.

On 9/1/12, Raaj vennillaicecr...@gmail.com wrote:
 give me more details. is that a laptop? or desktop? which operating system?
 - Original Message -
 From: bhvya sharma bhvya_sha...@yahoo.co.in
 To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
 Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2012 2:15 PM
 Subject: [AI] Something unique about jaws.

 Hello everyone!
 Here i want to know about a  problem of jaws. please put light on it and
 reply your suggestions.

 Most of the time when i exit my jaws, my keyboard strucks.. it completely

 stops working.

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[AI] Challenges in the Employment of Persons with Disabilities, EPW

2012-09-02 Thread avinash shahi
Economic Political Weekly September 8, 2012
vol xlviI no 36 EPW
Ranjita Dawn (ranjitad...@yahoo.co.in)
is with the department of education, Loreto
College, Kolkata.

The fast-changing socio-economic
scenario in the country has exposed
the vulnerable and the disadvantaged
to a host of adjustment issues.
In view of this the National Human
Rights Commission (NHRC) has taken
several initiatives to protect the rights
of the disabled. A number of legislative
measures have been initiated for the
r ehabilitation and empowerment of certain
categories of disability such as the
Rehabilitation Council of India Act
(1992), Persons with Disabilities (Equal
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and
Full Participation) Act 1995, and the
National Trust for Welfare of Persons
with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental
Retardation and Multiple Disabilities
Act (1999). India being one of the signatories
of the Convention on the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities and its
Optional Protocol adopted on 13 December
2006 at the United Nations, is
obliged to organise, strengthen and
extend comprehensive habilitation and
rehabilitation services and programmes,
particularly in the a reas of health, employment,
education and social services
(Article 26).
In 1997, the Government of India incorporated
the National Handicapped Fin ance
and Development Corporation (NHFDC) in
order to help entrepreneurs with disabilities
through fi nancial assistance.
Besides the policies emphasising vocational
empowerment, employment exchanges
under the National Employment
Services as well as special employment
exchanges have been entrusted with the
responsibility of placement of persons
with disabilities (PWD). These exchanges
attempt to secure for the disabled the
most satisfying form of employment
suitable to their physical and mental
poten tialities. At present, 42 special exchanges
are in operation. In addition to
this, 41 special cells for disabled persons
with a special placement offi cer attached
september 8, 2012
bilities in India: From Commitments to
Outcomes” (2007) report that there has
been a 5% drop in the employment rate
of people with disabilities in the decade
leading up to 2002. The fall in the employment
rate of working age disabled
people has been from 42% in 1991 to
37% in 2002.
What are some of the issues causing
this backlog?
The differences in the estimates of
the disabled population as well as
differences in definitions of disabilities
adopted by the Census of India 2001
and the National Sample Survey 58th

table with 5 columns and 3 rows
round have serious implications
essential issues (Table 1, p 21).
table end

Among the various factors restricting
the enforcement of legislative provisions
for empowerment of people with disabilities
has been the lack of follow-up procedures.
In many cases this has been
primarily left to the courts. Although it
is legally mandatory only for public sector
undertakings (PSUs) to have 3% reservation
for PWD in their workforce the
PSUs that have toed the line such as the
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation, Bharat
Petroleum Corporation and National
Thermal Power Corporation have primarily
done so in back-end jobs requiring
low-level skills. This also highlights
loopholes in the legislative measures
both in principle and practice with regard
to requirement of specifi c post
identification. The list of identifi ed jobs
is restricted, often arbitrary and based
on the assumption that the characteristics
of impairment are exclusive determinants
of an individual’s ability to hold
a position at a particular skill level. This
signifies the tendency to ignore the potential
influences of individual characteristics,
access to employment services,
and the characteristics of the workplace
and the labour market.
Another significant feature of the
q uota policy is that it is applicable only
vol xlviI no 36 EPW
Economic  Political Weekly
to three types of disability: locomotor,
visual and hearing with 1% reservation
for each.
The number of PWD registered and
mentioned on the live register of the
special employment exchanges and other
exchanges from 1994 through 2003,
make it clear that the placement ratio
both in the special exchanges and other
exchanges is very low, i e, 0.9% and
0.7% respectively in 2003. This refl ects
a significant fall in job opportunities in
the public sector.
Interestingly, the 1995 PWD Act also
offers incentives to employers who ensure
that at least 5% of their workforce is
composed of PWD. So far, the government
has not declared any sops nor is
the private sector bound by any legal
compulsions to employ disabled persons.
In addition to this, there is no appropriate
information on the status of
the implementation of the 3% reservation
in government jobs provided under
the 1995 Act in the annual reports of the
Chief Commissioner for Persons with
Disabilities, the Ministry for Social Justice
and Empowerment and the Ministry
of Labour over the last four 

Re: [AI] Something unique about jaws.

2012-09-02 Thread Ajay Minocha
Hi Bhvya,
I guess I have got something for you. Usually when we exit jaws our
screan blinks. That happens because some driver in jaws is not
compatible with enhanced visual themes of windows 7. So when jaws is
started windows theme or colour scheme is reverted to windows basic,
and vice versa when we exit jaws. I would suggest you to pause for at
least 5 to 10 seconds after exiting jaws. Thereafter resume your
normal work. It should solve your problem.

On 9/2/12, bhvya sharma bhvya_sha...@yahoo.co.in wrote:

 Hi I  am using Laptop.
  Windows 7 , 32bit. ...

 On Sat 1 Sep, 2012 4:58 PM IST uday yadav wrote:


share some more detail,
then i can help you.

On 9/1/12, Raaj vennillaicecr...@gmail.com wrote:
 give me more details. is that a laptop? or desktop? which operating
 - Original Message -
 From: bhvya sharma bhvya_sha...@yahoo.co.in
 To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
 Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2012 2:15 PM
 Subject: [AI] Something unique about jaws.

 Hello everyone!
 Here i want to know about a  problem of jaws. please put light on it and
 reply your suggestions.

 Most of the time when i exit my jaws, my keyboard strucks.. it

 stops working.

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Ajay Minocha
Mob : +91-7827188455
E mail : ajayminoc...@gmail.com
Skype : ajayminocha2

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Re: [AI] JAWS on Win7 64 bit machine, plus notebooks with AMD processors

2012-09-02 Thread Raaj

it's not suppose to talk about non-licensed version here.
- Original Message - 
From: moiz tundawala moiztundaw...@gmail.com

To: accessindia accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2012 5:39 PM
Subject: [AI] JAWS on Win7 64 bit machine, plus notebooks with AMD 

Which version of JAWS works best on a Win7 64 bit machine? I mean when
we're not using a licenced copy.
Second, has anyone been using a notebook with an AMD processor? Does
it work fine?

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Re: [AI] JAWS on Win7 64 bit machine, plus notebooks with AMD processors

2012-09-02 Thread Radha
well, can  someone suggest with any other processor than AMD?

On 9/2/12, Raaj vennillaicecr...@gmail.com wrote:
 it's not suppose to talk about non-licensed version here.
 - Original Message -
 From: moiz tundawala moiztundaw...@gmail.com
 To: accessindia accessindia@accessindia.org.in
 Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2012 5:39 PM
 Subject: [AI] JAWS on Win7 64 bit machine, plus notebooks with AMD

 Which version of JAWS works best on a Win7 64 bit machine? I mean when
 we're not using a licenced copy.
 Second, has anyone been using a notebook with an AMD processor? Does
 it work fine?

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[AI] test mail

2012-09-02 Thread Ravindra Yadav

- Original Message - 
From: Shona Man shonam...@gmail.com

To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] want to perchase a Netbook for taking notes 

today I enquire about HP notebooks, they have only 2 models with 2 GB
ram, but they are not sure weather win 7 ultimate will work upon it ?
what is your opinion about a notebook. are samsung notebooks available
in the market?

On 8/31/12, Raaj vennillaicecr...@gmail.com wrote:

go for toshiba.
- Original Message -
From: Shona Man shonam...@gmail.com
To: accessindia accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 2:27 PM
Subject: [AI] want to perchase a Netbook for taking notes inside

Hi friends I have to perchase a Netbook for the purpose of taking
Notes in classroom. I have laptop but I do not want to carry it in the
class, I think that netbook will be more lite, convinient, easy to
carry and to handle in side the classroom and there is no other
favorable method of taking the notes inside the classroom.
Therefore please do suggest me which Netbook should i purchase which
should be compatible with jaws and kurzweil and windows 7 ultimate.
Or do suggest me any bluetooth keyboard whichcould be connected to the
mobile and notes could be taken with the help of that keyboard. When
our professors dictates some importents then all students write but I
alone sit quite because i can not take notes on braille.

LL.M candidate
at Faculty of Law in University of Delhi

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LL.M candidate
at Faculty of Law in University of Delhi

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Re: [AI] Regarding travelling in the train and bus as visually impaired peoples

2012-09-02 Thread lists
Anish - please share a few more details like the city / town you would be 
commuting, type of bus and the reason you are fearing about. 
Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

-Original Message-
From: anish.kha...@yahoo.com anish.kha...@yahoo.com
Sender: accessindia-boun...@accessindia.org.in
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2012 05:15:06 
To: accessindia@accessindia.org.inaccessindia@accessindia.org.in
Reply-To: anish.kha...@yahoo.com anish.kha...@yahoo.com,
Subject: [AI] Regarding travelling in the train and bus as visually impaired

Friends i am visually chalenged guy ,now i am going to travell in bus and  
train but i have a some fear .
Sent from my Nokia phone

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[AI] bbc hindi

2012-09-02 Thread Manoj

Can anybody send me the download link fof namaskar bharat and dhinbhar?
thanks in advance.

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[AI] (no subject)

2012-09-02 Thread Anjina

Hi m waiting for response from some body who can teach my son on computers he 
is in class third we hv net connection but will prefer home Tution not skype 
option as he is too young for that plz help me looking for some good English 
speaking young teacher thanks 
Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 25, 2012, at 2:47 PM, Ekinath Khedekar ekin...@gmail.com wrote:

 TO help you in the same, kindly let us know of the location and
 convenient timings and if at all geography becomes a constraint then
 do you have net conection so lessons can be delivered through Skype.
 I might be able to refer you to someone worthy.
 On 8/25/12, Anjina Bhat anjina1...@gmail.com wrote:
 Dear Access india members
 I have requested many times to the fellow members that  Am looking for a
 good computer teacher for my son who is visually handicap . he has a good
 typing skill on the same but
 -- need assisstance to be fast on the same . looking for Good english
 speaking teacher . i am putting up in Vasundhra gahziabad and my son is 9
 years old in class 3rd DPSGV
 Also need updated version of jaws , where can i get the same from .
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Re: [AI] bbc hindi

2012-09-02 Thread Balasaheb Londhe

Dear Manoj,
The required links are pasted below. Just copy it and paste in brouser or 
run and enteron it. It will download the programmes.

Namaskar Bharat 6.30 am.

Din Bar 7.30 pm

- Original Message - 
From: Manoj man.sha2...@gmail.com

To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2012 8:24 AM
Subject: [AI] bbc hindi

Can anybody send me the download link fof namaskar bharat and dhinbhar?
thanks in advance.

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[AI] Hi

2012-09-02 Thread Anjina
Hi dear friends how can I make my son fast in maths calculation also can he do 
his Hindi worksheets on computer if yes how is there any softwear thanks for 
your responses in advance thanks Anjina

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: [AI] Hi

2012-09-02 Thread Ruchi Patil
Hi Anjina, 

I use jaws Hindi with my son at school. Though there are problems with 
pronunciations of a few letters and a few letter combinations, it works fine 
most of the other times. 

Also, training our kids for mental math techniques, will help them get faster 
at the same activity. Am trying to teach my son too. 

Hope this helps.


Sent from my iPhone

On 02-Sep-2012, at 10:54 PM, Anjina anjina1...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi dear friends how can I make my son fast in maths calculation also can he 
 do his Hindi worksheets on computer if yes how is there any softwear thanks 
 for your responses in advance thanks Anjina
 Sent from my iPhone
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Re: [AI] mobile help

2012-09-02 Thread padmanabham

really is it possible to navigate character by character?
after going through some podcastes, i came to know that character by 
character navigation in android is not possible at present.  it may be 
possible in the future since android is being developed.
- Original Message - 
From: Shreedhar TS. tss@gmail.com

To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2012 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] mobile help

Hi, Its possible too navigate character  by character, word by word,
sentence by sentence, ETC. Its possible to select the text also, and
the deletion is also very much easy. Copy / cut and paste, I could not
do it. Perhaps there could be some ways.

On 9/2/12, Kakarla Nageswaraiah nageswara1...@gmail.com wrote:

Dear Sir,
Is it possible to select, cut, copy, paste, delete the text?  Can we
navigate by character, word, etc.?
Thanks and regards.

On 9/2/12, Shreedhar TS. tss@gmail.com wrote:

Hello, As per my knowledge, We don't have any useful magnification
softwares / apps for the android smart phone. For accessibility you
can use screen readers such as talk back or spiel, for navigation
purpose you can use virtual directional pad (arrow keys) with the help
oof Eyes free keyboard.

On 9/1/12, tirumangalam sandeep sandu1...@gmail.com wrote:

dear all
i recently purchased a Samsung galaxy pro mobile and wanted to know if
there is any app for magnification of the mobile screen available
Please inform me

Thanking you in advance

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ಶ್ರೀಧರ್ ಟಿ ಎಸ್, ಅಬಸಿ
Shreedhar T S, Abasi

To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act

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Thanks and regards.
ಶ್ರೀಧರ್ ಟಿ ಎಸ್, ಅಬಸಿ
Shreedhar T S, Abasi

To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act

Mobile:  9980989171

Yahoo chat ID:  tss_abs

Skype: shree475

Blog: http://shreeword.blogspot.com/

ದೃಢ ಸಂಕಲ್ಪವಿಲ್ಲದಿದ್ದರೆ ಗುರಿ ಸಾಧಿಸುವುದು ಕಷ್ಟ

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[AI] Is it possible to listen to these programmes live? bbc hindi

2012-09-02 Thread Ashik Hirani

Dear Friends,

I am in search of the links which ca n enable us to listen to these 
programmes live. I tried to the best of my ability, but to no avail.
- Original Message - 
From: Balasaheb Londhe balon...@gmail.com

To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2012 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] bbc hindi

Dear Manoj,
The required links are pasted below. Just copy it and paste in brouser or 
run and enteron it. It will download the programmes.

Namaskar Bharat 6.30 am.

Din Bar 7.30 pm

- Original Message - 
From: Manoj man.sha2...@gmail.com

To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2012 8:24 AM
Subject: [AI] bbc hindi

Can anybody send me the download link fof namaskar bharat and dhinbhar?
thanks in advance.

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[AI] Math and Hindi at School (was Re: Hi)

2012-09-02 Thread lists
Just changed the subject line!

Anjina - its always important to include appropriate subject line that helps 
you to get members attention! Truth is that most of us don't even open an email 
if the subject line is not descriptive!

Good luck,
Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

-Original Message-
From: Ruchi Patil ruchi_pa...@samruddha.net
Sender: accessindia-boun...@accessindia.org.in
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 00:56:47 
To: accessindia@accessindia.org.inaccessindia@accessindia.org.in
Reply-To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
Subject: Re: [AI] Hi

Hi Anjina, 

I use jaws Hindi with my son at school. Though there are problems with 
pronunciations of a few letters and a few letter combinations, it works fine 
most of the other times. 

Also, training our kids for mental math techniques, will help them get faster 
at the same activity. Am trying to teach my son too. 

Hope this helps.


Sent from my iPhone

On 02-Sep-2012, at 10:54 PM, Anjina anjina1...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi dear friends how can I make my son fast in maths calculation also can he 
 do his Hindi worksheets on computer if yes how is there any softwear thanks 
 for your responses in advance thanks Anjina
 Sent from my iPhone
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[AI] FW: AFB blog post: Documentary Film Going Blind To Have September Capitol Hill Screening for US Legislators

2012-09-02 Thread Bhavesh Shah

Forwarded Message
From: shah.bhaves...@gmail.com
To: homebiz.s...@yahoo.com
Sent: Sun 2 Sep, 2012 11:42 AM BST
Subject: AFB blog post: Documentary Film Going Blind To Have September 
Capitol Hill Screening for US Legislators

bhavesh thought you'd be interested in this blog post from VisionAware. 
Documentary Film Going Blind To Have September Capitol Hill Screening for US 
Legislators This post can be found on the web at: 
http://www.visionaware.org/blog.aspx?BlogEntryID=445 Visit VsionAware at: 

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Re: [AI] Something unique about jaws.

2012-09-02 Thread bhvya sharma

Hi Ajay,
Thank You for the solution to this issue.  I hope it works

On Sun 2 Sep, 2012 4:28 PM IST Ajay Minocha wrote:

Hi Bhvya,
I guess I have got something for you. Usually when we exit jaws our
screan blinks. That happens because some driver in jaws is not
compatible with enhanced visual themes of windows 7. So when jaws is
started windows theme or colour scheme is reverted to windows basic,
and vice versa when we exit jaws. I would suggest you to pause for at
least 5 to 10 seconds after exiting jaws. Thereafter resume your
normal work. It should solve your problem.

On 9/2/12, bhvya sharma bhvya_sha...@yahoo.co.in wrote:

 Hi I  am using Laptop.
  Windows 7 , 32bit. ...

 On Sat 1 Sep, 2012 4:58 PM IST uday yadav wrote:


share some more detail,
then i can help you.

On 9/1/12, Raaj vennillaicecr...@gmail.com wrote:
 give me more details. is that a laptop? or desktop? which operating
 - Original Message -
 From: bhvya sharma bhvya_sha...@yahoo.co.in
 To: accessindia@accessindia.org.in
 Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2012 2:15 PM
 Subject: [AI] Something unique about jaws.

 Hello everyone!
 Here i want to know about a  problem of jaws. please put light on it and
 reply your suggestions.

 Most of the time when i exit my jaws, my keyboard strucks.. it

 stops working.

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failures are stepping stones to success!!!.

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Ajay Minocha
Mob : +91-7827188455
E mail : ajayminoc...@gmail.com
Skype : ajayminocha2

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