Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-27 Thread Kaja, Kiran
Why do you write your mails in capital letters? It is awckward  to read

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, 27 July 2006 2:27 PM
Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary


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[AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-27 Thread YADAVDN

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Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-26 Thread Kasha

As per this issue, sometimes, some people use to hold my other end of my 
cane for guiding me though. Actually, I don't prefer that way of guidance. 
Because, as I feel, uncomfortable with that type of guidance. since I'm 
using my foulding cane, while they pull that little stronger, the elastic 
may get cut off or, will give us some confusing mind. In some cases, some of 
them will give me their pen to hold the other end of it. I, sometimes, felt 
that was ok too. since the pen has no joins and since it is a smaller thing, 
hope, it may not misguide us.


- Original Message - 
From: "Dinesh Kaushal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

> yes, I can add that some people tend to hold the walking cane in stead of
> our hand , and do not change even with insistence.
> I can recall another insidence, that one person who used to sit at 
> crossing
> and when I approached it he used to come and help. but his help was of
> forceful nature.
> once I asserted that he hold my hand rather than the stick, he might have
> felt bad and to show his anger he just shooked me and left me in the 
> middle
> of the road which could be dangerous.
> Another time I was waiting on a bus stop, and a young guy pulled up with 
> his
> scooter and offered his help, as I do not appriciate unsolicited help, I
> declined the offer and suggested that I can manage on my own and have no
> problem in travelling in bus. He got enraged and started saying things 
> like
> you are shying like a girl, I will not kidnap you.
> These are some of the insidences which I could recall, but there might be
> lots of instances which others may have faced.
> Regards
> Dinesh
> - Original Message ----- 
> From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 12:41 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary
>> Fortunately, no one held me by my collar, but many have literally 'man
>> handled' me by pushing me from behind like a car, twisting my arm to the
>> extant that I had to scream in discomfort and lifting and downing my
>> elbow to indicate ups and downs.
>> Subramani
>> -Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jatin shah
>> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary
>> ***
>> No virus was detected in the attachment no filename
>> Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.
>> ***
>> hi friends this is jatin shah
>> I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents which
>> have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this
>> is to
>> create awareness among other people about visually challenged. Therefore
>> I'm
>> going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to film
>> the
>> documentary.
>> This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this
>> movie
>> in two parts:
>> The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For
>> example
>> when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman
>> dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
>> The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
>> So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any of
>> you
>> as it would be a great help to me.
>> I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
>> I look forward to your response.
>> Jatin Shah
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
>> n
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-26 Thread Aruni Arsh
What about the people who hold you firmly by your wrist while showing 
you the way? The grasp sometimes seems uncomfortable and tight but you 
can't complain since you are getting help which you may require very 
urgently at that moment. The social attitudes play an important role 
even if the person concerned may not like to do so but is forced by 
social circumstance.

Kiran Kaja wrote:
> Strangely enough, everyone at office have developed a habit of giving me
> directions rather than holding my hand or cane . This applies to colleagues
> and the security personnel.
> Regards,
> Kiran.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Geetha Shamanna
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary
> Dinesh,
> This is all the same done most of the time, and I must confess that I
> sometimes simply do not have the energy to protest. My observation has been
> that people with some amount of education do not usually lead you by holding
> the cane, but people with relatively little education do that more often. 
> This may differ with others, but in my case, colleagues who lead me to the
> bus have never held my cane; on the other hand, when any of the bus drivers
> do so, they invariably take one end of my cane.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dinesh Kaushal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:18 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary
>> holding cane in a way as if you are being dragged is not good, and it 
>> would
>> be far difficult for me to explaine in words, nevertheless I will try.
>> Let us say you are holding the cane from the top of it as all of us do it.
>> then someone grabs it from the middle or from the other end and pulls you,
>> this is what I ment by holding the cane. Sorry if I was not clear enough. 
>> It
>> is very hard to explain feelings properly in words.
>> Dinesh
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:13 AM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary
>>> As about not holding or letting hold of hand is concerned, I think we
>>> shouldn't be so demanding. I wouldn't mind someone holding my cane and
>>> helping me cross the road, rather than holding my hand.
>>> Do you think the kind of people who watch documentaries, are found 
>>> walking
>>> on the roads? Documentaries are more or less watched by few elite unless
>>> they are shown on the television.
>>> Sorry for being cynical, the idea of such a documentary is good, but I
>>> have
>>> serious doubts how much awareness it can bring.
>>> All the best for your endeavour.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "jatin shah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
>>> Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary
>>>> hi friends this is jatin shah
>>>> I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents which
>>>> have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this 
>>>> is
>>>> to
>>>> create awareness among other people about visually challenged. Therefore
>>>> I'm
>>>> going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to film
>>>> the
>>>> documentary.
>>>> This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this
>>>> movie
>>>> in two parts:
>>>> The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For
>>>> example
>>>> when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman
>>>> dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
>>>> The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
>>>> So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any of
>>>> you
>>>> as it would be a great help to me.
>>>> I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
>>>> I look forward to your response.
>>>> Jatin Shah
>>>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> with the subject unsu

Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-25 Thread Dinesh Kaushal

My observation has been somewhat mixed, as people with or without education 
could do it. Another aspect is that only very few people have behaved in 
this manner. The problem with human beings  is that we tend to remember bad 
things more than the good once, so I could recall it easily.


- Original Message - 
From: "Geetha Shamanna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

> Dinesh,
> This is all the same done most of the time, and I must confess that I
> sometimes simply do not have the energy to protest. My observation has 
> been
> that people with some amount of education do not usually lead you by 
> holding
> the cane, but people with relatively little education do that more often.
> This may differ with others, but in my case, colleagues who lead me to the
> bus have never held my cane; on the other hand, when any of the bus 
> drivers
> do so, they invariably take one end of my cane.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Dinesh Kaushal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:18 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary
>> holding cane in a way as if you are being dragged is not good, and it
>> would
>> be far difficult for me to explaine in words, nevertheless I will try.
>> Let us say you are holding the cane from the top of it as all of us do 
>> it.
>> then someone grabs it from the middle or from the other end and pulls 
>> you,
>> this is what I ment by holding the cane. Sorry if I was not clear enough.
>> It
>> is very hard to explain feelings properly in words.
>> Dinesh
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:13 AM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary
>>> As about not holding or letting hold of hand is concerned, I think we
>>> shouldn't be so demanding. I wouldn't mind someone holding my cane and
>>> helping me cross the road, rather than holding my hand.
>>> Do you think the kind of people who watch documentaries, are found
>>> walking
>>> on the roads? Documentaries are more or less watched by few elite unless
>>> they are shown on the television.
>>> Sorry for being cynical, the idea of such a documentary is good, but I
>>> have
>>> serious doubts how much awareness it can bring.
>>> All the best for your endeavour.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "jatin shah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
>>> Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary
>>>> hi friends this is jatin shah
>>>> I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents 
>>>> which
>>>> have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this
>>>> is
>>>> to
>>>> create awareness among other people about visually challenged. 
>>>> Therefore
>>>> I'm
>>>> going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to 
>>>> film
>>>> the
>>>> documentary.
>>>> This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this
>>>> movie
>>>> in two parts:
>>>> The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For
>>>> example
>>>> when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman
>>>> dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
>>>> The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
>>>> So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any of
>>>> you
>>>> as it would be a great help to me.
>>>> I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
>>>> I look forward to your response.
>>>> Jatin Shah
>>>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>>>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>>>> please visit the list home page at
>>> To unsubscribe send a message to [

Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-25 Thread Kiran Kaja
Strangely enough, everyone at office have developed a habit of giving me
directions rather than holding my hand or cane . This applies to colleagues
and the security personnel.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Geetha Shamanna
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary


This is all the same done most of the time, and I must confess that I
sometimes simply do not have the energy to protest. My observation has been
that people with some amount of education do not usually lead you by holding
the cane, but people with relatively little education do that more often. 
This may differ with others, but in my case, colleagues who lead me to the
bus have never held my cane; on the other hand, when any of the bus drivers
do so, they invariably take one end of my cane.

- Original Message -
From: "Dinesh Kaushal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

> holding cane in a way as if you are being dragged is not good, and it 
> would
> be far difficult for me to explaine in words, nevertheless I will try.
> Let us say you are holding the cane from the top of it as all of us do it.
> then someone grabs it from the middle or from the other end and pulls you,
> this is what I ment by holding the cane. Sorry if I was not clear enough. 
> It
> is very hard to explain feelings properly in words.
> Dinesh
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary
>> As about not holding or letting hold of hand is concerned, I think we
>> shouldn't be so demanding. I wouldn't mind someone holding my cane and
>> helping me cross the road, rather than holding my hand.
>> Do you think the kind of people who watch documentaries, are found 
>> walking
>> on the roads? Documentaries are more or less watched by few elite unless
>> they are shown on the television.
>> Sorry for being cynical, the idea of such a documentary is good, but I
>> have
>> serious doubts how much awareness it can bring.
>> All the best for your endeavour.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "jatin shah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
>> Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary
>>> hi friends this is jatin shah
>>> I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents which
>>> have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this 
>>> is
>>> to
>>> create awareness among other people about visually challenged. Therefore
>>> I'm
>>> going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to film
>>> the
>>> documentary.
>>> This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this
>>> movie
>>> in two parts:
>>> The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For
>>> example
>>> when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman
>>> dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
>>> The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
>>> So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any of
>>> you
>>> as it would be a great help to me.
>>> I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
>>> I look forward to your response.
>>> Jatin Shah
>>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>>> please visit the list home page at
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please
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Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-25 Thread Taraprakash
In case of such practical problem, I would  myself ask the person assisting 
me to hold my hand. Sometimes, it is better to communicate directly to the 
person involved in the situation, rather than discussing it once he/she's 
- Original Message - 
From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

> Dear Thara:
> There's a practical problem in someone holding our cane. Because they do
> it while crossing the road, there's a gap between the guide and the VH
> and there's only the cane that connects them. So, if a two-wheeler comes
> between them, it becomes very difficult for the guide to take the VH
> around the bike standing between them. Also, we need our stick to look
> for pits and uneven surface, even though someone is helping us walk
> through the difficult place. This's because most who guide us don't know
> that they should indicate pits and uneven surfaces and even if someone
> knows that they should, he/she isn't sure how to do it.
> Subramani
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Taraprakash
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:14 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary
> ***
> No virus was detected in the attachment no filename
> Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.
> ***
> As about not holding or letting hold of hand is concerned, I think we
> shouldn't be so demanding. I wouldn't mind someone holding my cane and
> helping me cross the road, rather than holding my hand.
> Do you think the kind of people who watch documentaries, are found
> walking
> on the roads? Documentaries are more or less watched by few elite unless
> they are shown on the television.
> Sorry for being cynical, the idea of such a documentary is good, but I
> have
> serious doubts how much awareness it can bring.
> All the best for your endeavour.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "jatin shah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
> Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary
>> hi friends this is jatin shah
>> I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents
> which
>> have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this
> is
>> to
>> create awareness among other people about visually challenged.
> Therefore
>> I'm
>> going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to
> film
>> the
>> documentary.
>> This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this
>> movie
>> in two parts:
>> The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For
> example
>> when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman
>> dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
>> The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
>> So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any
> of
>> you
>> as it would be a great help to me.
>> I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
>> I look forward to your response.
>> Jatin Shah
>> To unsubscribe send a message to
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> n
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
> please visit the list home page at
> n
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
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Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-25 Thread Geetha Shamanna

This is all the same done most of the time, and I must confess that I 
sometimes simply do not have the energy to protest. My observation has been 
that people with some amount of education do not usually lead you by holding 
the cane, but people with relatively little education do that more often. 
This may differ with others, but in my case, colleagues who lead me to the 
bus have never held my cane; on the other hand, when any of the bus drivers 
do so, they invariably take one end of my cane.

- Original Message - 
From: "Dinesh Kaushal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

> holding cane in a way as if you are being dragged is not good, and it 
> would
> be far difficult for me to explaine in words, nevertheless I will try.
> Let us say you are holding the cane from the top of it as all of us do it.
> then someone grabs it from the middle or from the other end and pulls you,
> this is what I ment by holding the cane. Sorry if I was not clear enough. 
> It
> is very hard to explain feelings properly in words.
> Dinesh
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary
>> As about not holding or letting hold of hand is concerned, I think we
>> shouldn't be so demanding. I wouldn't mind someone holding my cane and
>> helping me cross the road, rather than holding my hand.
>> Do you think the kind of people who watch documentaries, are found 
>> walking
>> on the roads? Documentaries are more or less watched by few elite unless
>> they are shown on the television.
>> Sorry for being cynical, the idea of such a documentary is good, but I
>> have
>> serious doubts how much awareness it can bring.
>> All the best for your endeavour.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "jatin shah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
>> Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary
>>> hi friends this is jatin shah
>>> I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents which
>>> have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this 
>>> is
>>> to
>>> create awareness among other people about visually challenged. Therefore
>>> I'm
>>> going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to film
>>> the
>>> documentary.
>>> This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this
>>> movie
>>> in two parts:
>>> The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For
>>> example
>>> when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman
>>> dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
>>> The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
>>> So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any of
>>> you
>>> as it would be a great help to me.
>>> I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
>>> I look forward to your response.
>>> Jatin Shah
>>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>>> please visit the list home page at
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-24 Thread rajesh asudani
Moreover, I do not think guiding by holding cane instead of hand can be
really useful, as I am often unsure in which direction the cane is being
pulled, because folding cane gets disjointed when pulled.

The person holding cane either thinks us untouchable or is over reticent in
my view, and would do well to refrain from undertaking such a venture. They
must be properly advised about advantages of guiding by hand, and not shooed

- Original Message -
From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

> Dear Thara:
> There's a practical problem in someone holding our cane. Because they do
> it while crossing the road, there's a gap between the guide and the VH
> and there's only the cane that connects them. So, if a two-wheeler comes
> between them, it becomes very difficult for the guide to take the VH
> around the bike standing between them. Also, we need our stick to look
> for pits and uneven surface, even though someone is helping us walk
> through the difficult place. This's because most who guide us don't know
> that they should indicate pits and uneven surfaces and even if someone
> knows that they should, he/she isn't sure how to do it.
> Subramani
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Taraprakash
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:14 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary
> ***
> No virus was detected in the attachment no filename
> Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.
> ***
> As about not holding or letting hold of hand is concerned, I think we
> shouldn't be so demanding. I wouldn't mind someone holding my cane and
> helping me cross the road, rather than holding my hand.
> Do you think the kind of people who watch documentaries, are found
> walking
> on the roads? Documentaries are more or less watched by few elite unless
> they are shown on the television.
> Sorry for being cynical, the idea of such a documentary is good, but I
> have
> serious doubts how much awareness it can bring.
> All the best for your endeavour.
> - Original Message -
> From: "jatin shah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
> Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary
> > hi friends this is jatin shah
> > I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents
> which
> > have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this
> is
> > to
> > create awareness among other people about visually challenged.
> Therefore
> > I'm
> > going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to
> film
> > the
> > documentary.
> > This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this
> > movie
> > in two parts:
> > The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For
> example
> > when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman
> > dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
> > The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
> > So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any
> of
> > you
> > as it would be a great help to me.
> > I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
> > I look forward to your response.
> > Jatin Shah
> >
> >
> >
> > To unsubscribe send a message to
> > with the subject unsubscribe.
> >
> > To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
> > please visit the list home page at
> >
> n
> >
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
> please visit the list home page at
> n
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Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-24 Thread Subramani L
I fully endorse this view.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vikas
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

No virus was detected in the attachment no filename

Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.

This clearly reveals that we shouldn't bother about anything, just let
show go on whatever way it goes. I'm sorry this is too negative and
when it comes to real experiences. Yes, I do agree to some extent that
people who watch this sort of documentary are more advance that the real

street people but don't forget that (A), this is the best way to
the awareness. Changing the mind set of the society should be a
rather than just giving up completely for which you think it is
and (B), all the people who behave like this are not street people or 
uneducated people, there are a number of well educated section of of the

people who do such mischievous things simply they don't have an
knowledge pertaining to the people with any sort of disability.
Vikas Kapoor,
Yahoo ID:
Skype ID: dl_vikas
Mobile: (+91) 9891098137.
---Original Message - 
From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

> As about not holding or letting hold of hand is concerned, I think we
> shouldn't be so demanding. I wouldn't mind someone holding my cane and
> helping me cross the road, rather than holding my hand.
> Do you think the kind of people who watch documentaries, are found
> on the roads? Documentaries are more or less watched by few elite
> they are shown on the television.
> Sorry for being cynical, the idea of such a documentary is good, but I

> have
> serious doubts how much awareness it can bring.
> All the best for your endeavour.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "jatin shah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
> Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary
>> hi friends this is jatin shah
>> I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents
>> have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind
this is
>> to
>> create awareness among other people about visually challenged.
>> I'm
>> going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to
>> the
>> documentary.
>> This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this
>> movie
>> in two parts:
>> The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For 
>> example
>> when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a
>> dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
>> The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
>> So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any
>> you
>> as it would be a great help to me.
>> I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
>> I look forward to your response.
>> Jatin Shah
>> To unsubscribe send a message to
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-24 Thread Subramani L
Dear Thara:

There's a practical problem in someone holding our cane. Because they do
it while crossing the road, there's a gap between the guide and the VH
and there's only the cane that connects them. So, if a two-wheeler comes
between them, it becomes very difficult for the guide to take the VH
around the bike standing between them. Also, we need our stick to look
for pits and uneven surface, even though someone is helping us walk
through the difficult place. This's because most who guide us don't know
that they should indicate pits and uneven surfaces and even if someone
knows that they should, he/she isn't sure how to do it.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Taraprakash
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

No virus was detected in the attachment no filename

Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.

As about not holding or letting hold of hand is concerned, I think we 
shouldn't be so demanding. I wouldn't mind someone holding my cane and 
helping me cross the road, rather than holding my hand.

Do you think the kind of people who watch documentaries, are found
on the roads? Documentaries are more or less watched by few elite unless

they are shown on the television.

Sorry for being cynical, the idea of such a documentary is good, but I
serious doubts how much awareness it can bring.

All the best for your endeavour.

- Original Message - 
From: "jatin shah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary

> hi friends this is jatin shah
> I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents
> have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this
> to
> create awareness among other people about visually challenged.
> I'm
> going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to
> the
> documentary.
> This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this 
> movie
> in two parts:
> The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For
> when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman
> dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
> The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
> So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any
> you
> as it would be a great help to me.
> I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
> I look forward to your response.
> Jatin Shah
> To unsubscribe send a message to
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-24 Thread Vikas Kapoor
This clearly reveals that we shouldn't bother about anything, just let the 
show go on whatever way it goes. I'm sorry this is too negative and pathetic 
when it comes to real experiences. Yes, I do agree to some extent that the 
people who watch this sort of documentary are more advance that the real 
street people but don't forget that (A), this is the best way to disseminate 
the awareness. Changing the mind set of the society should be a challenge 
rather than just giving up completely for which you think it is impossible, 
and (B), all the people who behave like this are not street people or 
uneducated people, there are a number of well educated section of of the 
people who do such mischievous things simply they don't have an appropriate 
knowledge pertaining to the people with any sort of disability.
Vikas Kapoor,
Yahoo ID:
Skype ID: dl_vikas
Mobile: (+91) 9891098137.
---Original Message - 
From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

> As about not holding or letting hold of hand is concerned, I think we
> shouldn't be so demanding. I wouldn't mind someone holding my cane and
> helping me cross the road, rather than holding my hand.
> Do you think the kind of people who watch documentaries, are found walking
> on the roads? Documentaries are more or less watched by few elite unless
> they are shown on the television.
> Sorry for being cynical, the idea of such a documentary is good, but I 
> have
> serious doubts how much awareness it can bring.
> All the best for your endeavour.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "jatin shah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
> Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary
>> hi friends this is jatin shah
>> I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents which
>> have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this is
>> to
>> create awareness among other people about visually challenged. Therefore
>> I'm
>> going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to film
>> the
>> documentary.
>> This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this
>> movie
>> in two parts:
>> The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For 
>> example
>> when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman
>> dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
>> The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
>> So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any of
>> you
>> as it would be a great help to me.
>> I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
>> I look forward to your response.
>> Jatin Shah
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-24 Thread Dinesh Kaushal
holding cane in a way as if you are being dragged is not good, and it would 
be far difficult for me to explaine in words, nevertheless I will try.

Let us say you are holding the cane from the top of it as all of us do it. 
then someone grabs it from the middle or from the other end and pulls you, 
this is what I ment by holding the cane. Sorry if I was not clear enough. It 
is very hard to explain feelings properly in words.


- Original Message - 
From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

> As about not holding or letting hold of hand is concerned, I think we
> shouldn't be so demanding. I wouldn't mind someone holding my cane and
> helping me cross the road, rather than holding my hand.
> Do you think the kind of people who watch documentaries, are found walking
> on the roads? Documentaries are more or less watched by few elite unless
> they are shown on the television.
> Sorry for being cynical, the idea of such a documentary is good, but I 
> have
> serious doubts how much awareness it can bring.
> All the best for your endeavour.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "jatin shah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
> Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary
>> hi friends this is jatin shah
>> I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents which
>> have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this is
>> to
>> create awareness among other people about visually challenged. Therefore
>> I'm
>> going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to film
>> the
>> documentary.
>> This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this
>> movie
>> in two parts:
>> The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For 
>> example
>> when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman
>> dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
>> The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
>> So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any of
>> you
>> as it would be a great help to me.
>> I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
>> I look forward to your response.
>> Jatin Shah
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-24 Thread mahendra
Dear Tara
it is totaly wrong, when some one helping us, is holding our cane,
further they should be told to offer there hand, not take ours,
so please don't give wrong signal to people by letting them holding your cane.

and Jatin, keep up the good work.
with warm regards
At 08:43 PM 7/24/2006, you wrote:
>As about not holding or letting hold of hand is concerned, I think we
>shouldn't be so demanding. I wouldn't mind someone holding my cane and
>helping me cross the road, rather than holding my hand.
>Do you think the kind of people who watch documentaries, are found walking
>on the roads? Documentaries are more or less watched by few elite unless
>they are shown on the television.
>Sorry for being cynical, the idea of such a documentary is good, but I have
>serious doubts how much awareness it can bring.
>All the best for your endeavour.
>- Original Message -
>From: "jatin shah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
>Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary
> > hi friends this is jatin shah
> > I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents which
> > have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this is
> > to
> > create awareness among other people about visually challenged. Therefore
> > I'm
> > going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to film
> > the
> > documentary.
> > This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this
> > movie
> > in two parts:
> > The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For example
> > when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman
> > dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
> > The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
> > So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any of
> > you
> > as it would be a great help to me.
> > I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
> > I look forward to your response.
> > Jatin Shah
> >
> >
> >
> > To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > with the subject unsubscribe.
> >
> > To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
> > please visit the list home page at
> >
> >
>To unsubscribe send a message to 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.
>To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other 
>changes, please visit the list home page at

have a look   Mahendra Galani
msn ID [EMAIL PROTECTED]   skype ID chintu3886
phone +4314943149 mobile +436769163888  +4381362988
address Herbst strasse 101.16.1 Vienna Austria Europe

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Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-24 Thread Taraprakash
As about not holding or letting hold of hand is concerned, I think we 
shouldn't be so demanding. I wouldn't mind someone holding my cane and 
helping me cross the road, rather than holding my hand.

Do you think the kind of people who watch documentaries, are found walking 
on the roads? Documentaries are more or less watched by few elite unless 
they are shown on the television.

Sorry for being cynical, the idea of such a documentary is good, but I have 
serious doubts how much awareness it can bring.

All the best for your endeavour.

- Original Message - 
From: "jatin shah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary

> hi friends this is jatin shah
> I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents which
> have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this is 
> to
> create awareness among other people about visually challenged. Therefore 
> I'm
> going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to film 
> the
> documentary.
> This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this 
> movie
> in two parts:
> The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For example
> when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman
> dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
> The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
> So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any of 
> you
> as it would be a great help to me.
> I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
> I look forward to your response.
> Jatin Shah
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-24 Thread Dheeraj Bhola
r this responsibility.

If something must be moved, inform the VCP that you have moved it and

where it's been moved. If necessary, provide the VCP the opportunity to

get reoriented

with the new arrangement.

These tips benefit both the visually challenged person as well as the

sighted community. Following them will eliminate much of the awkwardness

and confusion

involved when interacting with a visually challenged person. It will

also empower the visually challenged person to maintain independence and


- Original Message - 
From: "jatin shah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary

> hi friends this is jatin shah
> I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents which
> have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this is 
> to
> create awareness among other people about visually challenged. Therefore 
> I'm
> going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to film 
> the
> documentary.
> This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this 
> movie
> in two parts:
> The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For example
> when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman
> dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
> The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
> So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any of 
> you
> as it would be a great help to me.
> I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
> I look forward to your response.
> Jatin Shah
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-24 Thread Dinesh Kaushal
yes, I can add that some people tend to hold the walking cane in stead of 
our hand , and do not change even with insistence.

I can recall another insidence, that one person who used to sit at crossing 
and when I approached it he used to come and help. but his help was of 
forceful nature.

once I asserted that he hold my hand rather than the stick, he might have 
felt bad and to show his anger he just shooked me and left me in the middle 
of the road which could be dangerous.

Another time I was waiting on a bus stop, and a young guy pulled up with his 
scooter and offered his help, as I do not appriciate unsolicited help, I 
declined the offer and suggested that I can manage on my own and have no 
problem in travelling in bus. He got enraged and started saying things like 
you are shying like a girl, I will not kidnap you.

These are some of the insidences which I could recall, but there might be 
lots of instances which others may have faced.


- Original Message - 
From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

> Fortunately, no one held me by my collar, but many have literally 'man
> handled' me by pushing me from behind like a car, twisting my arm to the
> extant that I had to scream in discomfort and lifting and downing my
> elbow to indicate ups and downs.
> Subramani
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jatin shah
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
> To:
> Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary
> ***
> No virus was detected in the attachment no filename
> Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.
> ***
> hi friends this is jatin shah
> I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents which
> have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this
> is to
> create awareness among other people about visually challenged. Therefore
> I'm
> going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to film
> the
> documentary.
> This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this
> movie
> in two parts:
> The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For
> example
> when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman
> dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
> The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
> So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any of
> you
> as it would be a great help to me.
> I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
> I look forward to your response.
> Jatin Shah
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
> please visit the list home page at
> n
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
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Re: [AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-24 Thread Subramani L
Fortunately, no one held me by my collar, but many have literally 'man
handled' me by pushing me from behind like a car, twisting my arm to the
extant that I had to scream in discomfort and lifting and downing my
elbow to indicate ups and downs.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jatin shah
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:24 AM
Subject: [AI] idea for the documentary

No virus was detected in the attachment no filename

Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.

hi friends this is jatin shah
I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents which

have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this
is to 
create awareness among other people about visually challenged. Therefore
going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to film
This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this
in two parts:
The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For
when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman 
dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any of
as it would be a great help to me.
I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
I look forward to your response.
Jatin Shah

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with the subject unsubscribe.

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To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
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[AI] idea for the documentary

2006-07-23 Thread jatin shah
hi friends this is jatin shah
I'm trying to make a documentary where I'm going to show incidents which 
have taken place with the visually challenged. The purpose behind this is to 
create awareness among other people about visually challenged. Therefore I'm 
going to use Malhar (the xaviers college festival) as a platform to film the 
This movie will not exceed five minutes. I am planning to divide this movie 
in two parts:
The first part will be about how people tend to make blunders. For example 
when a friend of mine asked for assisstance to cross the road, a woman 
dragged him by his collar instead of allowing him to hold her arm.
The second half will show the correct way to assisst etc.
So I would like to hear of incidents which have taken place with any of you 
as it would be a great help to me.
I'm doing this to spread awareness about the visually challenged.
I look forward to your response.
Jatin Shah

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