RE: [ActiveDir] importance of A records?

2006-06-30 Thread Adeel Ansari
Title: importance of A records?


The quick answer is, A record is not
required by AD. Its registered for other LDAP implementations that do
not support SRV records in DNS.

Here is some good reading:


-Original Message-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Thommes, Michael M.
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 4:58
Cc: Finkel, Barry S.
Subject: [ActiveDir] importance of A records?

What is the importance of the
A records? 


1) Split
DNS  Unix Bind and AD integrated DNS

2) DCs



to avoid registering the A
domain record on our Unix DNS server, which will not accept them. This
record is put in manually. This registry entry also prevents these
failures to register from being written into the system event log.

3) Today
my DNS admin noticed that the
not populated correctly, with hardly any of the current GCs listed. Some
of the IPs that were listed
been used for years. The GC A record for
our current GCs obviously is not written
because of #2.

4) If I check for enterprise
GCs using a tool like replmon, all of the GCs show up.

5) There are no AD issues
that we are aware of.

So the question is

what are these A records used for, if anything. It would appear in our
scenario this zone is unused. 

Any thoughts/comments are


Mike Thommes

[ActiveDir] AD DNS along with Bind

2006-05-23 Thread Adeel Ansari

Is is possible to have AD DCs manage all the dynamic zones i.e. _tcp, _udp,
_msdcs etc. and have the rest of the non-AD zones managed by Bind. Has
anyone done something like this? There is a MS article (ID:255913) that
talks about it however, it doesnt say what DNS should client point to?


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RE: [ActiveDir] AD DNS along with Bind

2006-05-23 Thread Adeel Ansari

This is very detailed and clearly written. I appreciate it, say my thanks to
your DNS guy! 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Thommes, Michael
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 3:38 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] AD DNS along with Bind

Here is a response from our DNS guy.  I hope it helps you.

Mike Thommes

Here are the steps I took for delegating the AD zones for

1) In the zone on the BIND server I added these NS records
   to delegate the zone to the Windows 2003 DNS Server:

_msdcs  IN  NS
_sites  IN  NS
_tcpIN  NS
_udpIN  NS
ForestDNSZones  IN  NS
DomainDNSZones  IN  NS

2) Define these six zones on the Windows 2003 DNS Server.
   I use ONLY ONE Windows DNS Server due to serial number problems
   that can/will occur with the MS multi-master setup.  See Q282826.

   Insure that the zones are AD-integrated with secure DDNS only.
   Change the zone properties:
In the SOA insure that the Responsible person field has 
the correct e-mail address (with the @ replaced with .).

In the Name Servers tab add the BIND slaves (that are the
registered nameservers for the domain).

Allow zone transfers to the servers in the Name Servers tab.

Notify servers in the Name Servers tab.

   These changes will have to be done for each zone, as MS has not
   implemented global zone properties.

3) Define these six zones on the BIND slave DNS servers that are
   registered for the zone.  The master server is
   obviously the Windows 2003 DNS Server.

4) In my case, the parent zone is still on a BIND server,
   so I have manually entered the domain A records on that master

Note that there are three types of DDNS from a Windows machine:

 a) A machine (desktop, server, or DC) self-registering
 b) A DC (netlogon) registering its SRV and CNAME records
 c) A DC (netlogon) registering the domain A record.

There are different registry keys controlling each of these, and since
they have been implemented at different times and since some of them
have been reused (from former, still current usage), the interaction
among these registry keys is complicated.  I count 162 different cases,
and I have not had time to test all of them.  If you do not care about
DDNS requests being sent to the BIND master for the zone,
where (I would hope) the DDNS would be refused, then you do not have to
worry about some of these registry keys.

With this setup, the MS Windows DNS Server is a hidden master.
It is known only via the MNAME (master server name) field in the SOA
(Start of Authority) record in each zone.  If your clients (be they
Unix, Windows, or Mac desktops) have the BIND servers in their TCP/IP
configurations, then these clients will continue to use the BIND servers
for DNS resolution.  This will work for the AD zones, as all of the AD
zones are slaved on the BIND servers.  Any machine that needs to update
the zone (DCs updating CNAME and SRV records), or Windows clients
(self-registration via DHCP) will use secure DDNS, and these machines
will locate the master via a standard SOA query.

There is NO NEED for ANY machine to have the Windows DNS Server in its
TCP/IP configuration as a DNS server.  The nice thing about this is that
you do not have to go and change any client TCP/IP configuration.

On my one MS W2003 DNS Server I have the six AD zones for and
fifteen sets of AD zones for subdomains of

There is documentation in the DNS Bible - DNS and BIND 4th edition
(with a fifth addition due out any minute, I am told).  There is also
documentation in DNS on Windows Server 2003.  Both are O'Reilly books.
Barry S. Finkel
Computing and Information Systems Division
Argonne National Laboratory  Phone:+1 (630) 252-7277
9700 South Cass Avenue   Facsimile:+1 (630) 252-4601
Building 222, Room D209  Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Argonne, IL   60439-4828 IBMMAIL:  I1004994

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adeel Ansari
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 2:14 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] AD DNS along with Bind


Is is possible to have AD DCs manage all the dynamic zones i.e. _tcp,
_msdcs etc. and have the rest of the non-AD zones managed by Bind. Has
anyone done something like this? There is a MS article (ID:255913) that
talks about

[ActiveDir] RDP Script

2006-04-19 Thread Adeel Ansari

AD Gurus, 

I am trying to create a script that adds TS accounts for W2K AD domain. 
I have tried eolwtscom and wts_admin.dll with no luck. 

Iam lookingforsomething like this below but this one 
only works in 2003 server.

"Const GUEST_ACCESS = 0 

strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ 
strComputer  "\root\cimv2") 

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _  
("Select * from Win32_TSPermissionsSetting") 

For Each objItem in colItems  errResult = 
objItem.AddAccount("fabrikam\bob", GUEST_ACCESS) Next" 

Can someone please help? Adeel

[ActiveDir] Extending AD Schema

2006-03-20 Thread Adeel Ansari
AD Guys and Gals, 

Is there is a way to backout of AD Schema extension?

We have a project that requires AD Schema extension. The vendor has a tool that 
will make changes in AD schema automatically. However, we are little conscious 
about it. Is it possible to export the current AD schema and then make 
extension. Would it be possible to import it back again?

Can you guys/gals share your experience with schema extensions / updates?


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[ActiveDir] AD - What to monitor?

2006-03-06 Thread Adeel Ansari
AD Gurus,

Can you guys expand on the topic of what should be monitored in AD? and Why?
I am talking in terms of Security events only to protect AD and also protect
from attacks of any kind.

Obviously, one would monitor failed logon, too many accounts creations etc.
What else should we monitor?


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RE: [ActiveDir] Resolving SIDs

2006-03-06 Thread Adeel Ansari
The only thing that I can think of is Sidtoname.exe. I dont think that you
are looking for this however. 
Can you expand a little bit more on building user information based on SID?
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Clay, Justin (ITS)
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 9:31 AM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Resolving SIDs

I thought I remember seeing something recently about how to build some user
information from a SID. Is this possible or am I dreaming? I don't mean
resolving the SID against AD, I actually mean taking a lone SID and building
some user information based on just the SID.




Justin Clay
ITS Enterprise Services 
Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County 
Howard School Building 
Phone: (615) 880-2573



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[ActiveDir] XP Slow Logon

2006-03-01 Thread Adeel Ansari
AD Gurus, 

I have an weird problem for which I am not having any luck. Here you go:

Only XP computers are experiencing very slow logons (upto 5+ minutes) to the
domain. Windows 2000 professional computers dont have this problem. Now,
this is mostly happening on remote sites without local DC so the
authentication is taking place at another nearby site wiht a DC but there
have been some reports that it happend on the sites with a local DC.

Here is my environment:

1. DNS - BIND with dynamic AD zones.
2. AD - Win2K servers. There is a domain policy that forces asynchronous
boot for XP.

I have checked following but none helped:

On user's machine:
-Installed XP ServicePack2
-Disabled XP built-in firewall
-A hotfix from M$ was installed as suggested by a post.
-NIC card drivers were updated

On AD:
-Made sure that sites / subnets are defined properly
-Enabled Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon in the

I have a feeling that its misconfigured DNS, anyone using BIND DNS with AD
and having problem with XP? Is there any special configuration that needed
to be change in the BIND?

Any ideas?


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[ActiveDir] Site Link Question

2006-02-08 Thread Adeel Ansari


I have abouta 
few hub sites with 100+ site link. I found following from M$ website 

  Make sure that no site is directly connected to 
  more than 20 other sitesThis 
condition can occur in large hub-and-spoke deployments where most sites are 
branch sites that communicate with a centralized hub site. If this condition 
exists and there are more than 20 site links from the hub site to branch sites, 
the hub site can be divided into multiple sites to provide additional bridgehead 
servers to handle the replication volume. In a site, a single bridgehead server 
is active per domain. If the site has more than 20 site links, the bridgehead 
servers can become overloaded.

someone please explain what steps do I need to take to divide the hub 


[ActiveDir] Site Links

2006-02-07 Thread Adeel Ansari


there any best practices for creatingand managing site links? The problem 
I am facing where I have manyhub and spoke sites with well over 20 
site links. What is the best procedure to fix this issue? 


[ActiveDir] AD Web Interface

2006-02-07 Thread Adeel Ansari

AD Gurus, 

Anyone know of a web 
interface for somebasic AD administration preferably acheap or free 
solution. Basically, this webinterfacewill be provided to the 
heldesk to perform tasks like unlock account, move account, check group 

By googling arround 
I found PHP based AdLDAP http://adldap.sourceforge.netand 
I am able to make a web interface with it (that website designing hobby finally 
paid off)however, I found it to be very slowinthe production 
environment.Just wondering if anyone out there has had need for such 


RE: [ActiveDir] NTFRS Problems - Solved

2006-02-06 Thread Adeel Ansari
AD Experts,

Thanks all for your input regarding the FRS issue listed below. We were able
to get a safer solution out from MS to fix SysVol inconsistencies. 

Here it is:

1)Fix policies and scripts on the PDC, make sure everything is clean on the

2)Stop FRS service on all other DCs

3)Start with the direct replicating partner of the PDC

4)Open up the registry and go to Hkey local machine, system, current control
set, services, ntfrs, parameters, replica sets

5)Locate the guid which corresponds to the sysvol , click on the guid which
corresponds to sysvol under cumulative replica sets ( which is just above 
replica sets)

6)Do a D2 on the burflags , restart FRS

7)Wait for some time as there are a lot of policies and scripts and it will
take some time before everything gets replicated over

8)Once you have a 13516 in your FRS logs you can proceed to the next DC and
go through step4 to step7

9)You might notice some warnings in FRS from other DCs but that's normal
since FRS service is stopped on them 

This is a safer solution since only one server is replication FRS with PDC
at a time. I applied this fix and it seems to have stablized SysVol. 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of David Cliffe
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 4:39 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] NTFRS Problems

I can tell you that I used this KB as my guide to restore the SYSVOL
state on one of our domains about 4 months ago and it worked just fine.

If the journals on your DCs are inconsistent with each other, this may
be the best way to correct it.  Best advice is to ensure that there are
no underlying replication issues first, otherwise you might just be
wasting your time!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adeel Ansari
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 5:10 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] NTFRS Problems

Hello AD Experts,

Recently, I noticed in-consistencies in Sysvol among my domain
controllers and PDC while promoting a new replica DC in the domain and
it stucked on sysvol after 145 out of 250 policies. To test further, I
created a .txt file in the sysvol on PDC and it also didnt replicate to
other DCs either. To make things even worse, the number of policies on
PDC are not the same as in other DCs.

After hours of troubleshooting and a phone call to M$, I was told by
Microsoft to perform burflag authoritative (D4) restore on one Domain
controller with good policy contents in Sysvol and non-authoritative
(D2) restore on all the others.

Having a luxury of a AD replica lab, I performed the operation in the
lab environment but lost both the policies, scripts folders and now the
servers dont even have Sysvols. I am not comfortable doing this
operation in the production environment.

Can anyone please share their experience with burflag restores? Any best
practices? Is there another way that I can resolve this issue without
perform burflag restore?

Any ideas / suggestions are welcomed.


Adeel Ansari - Active Directory Admin.
SLB Enterprise Services
Houston, TX USA

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[ActiveDir] NTFRS Problems

2006-02-01 Thread Adeel Ansari
Hello AD Experts,

Recently, I noticed in-consistencies in Sysvol among my domain controllers
and PDC while promoting a new replica DC in the domain and it stucked on
sysvol after 145 out of 250 policies. To test further, I created a .txt file
in the sysvol on PDC and it also didnt replicate to other DCs either. To
make things even worse, the number of policies on PDC are not the same as in
other DCs.

After hours of troubleshooting and a phone call to M$, I was told by
Microsoft to perform burflag authoritative (D4) restore on one Domain
controller with good policy contents in Sysvol and non-authoritative (D2)
restore on all the others.

Having a luxury of a AD replica lab, I performed the operation in the lab
environment but lost both the policies, scripts folders and now the servers
dont even have Sysvols. I am not comfortable doing this operation in the
production environment.

Can anyone please share their experience with burflag restores? Any best
practices? Is there another way that I can resolve this issue without
perform burflag restore?

Any ideas / suggestions are welcomed.


Adeel Ansari - Active Directory Admin.
SLB Enterprise Services
Houston, TX USA

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