Urgent !! Fiber under TSM HP-UX

2000-12-26 Thread Francisco Molero

Hi colleagues,
Merry Christmas for everybody.
I have just installed the TSM server version 4.1 in
HP-UX. I have not too much knowledge in HP-UX, this is
important. I have a HP Surestore 6/60 connected by
fiber with the HP machine and when I try to define the
library I got :ANR8310E an I/O error occurred while
accessing library lib_name.The command that I used is
define library lib_name libt=scsi device=/dev/rmt/0m
I have several questions because I'm not sure if I can
do that.
The first one is :
I have only install the TIVsm software, and I cannot
identify if the advance device support and the drivers
for fiber are installed. Somebody can help me??
The second one is:
In the chapter 4 in the Administration Guide for
HP-UX. You can found a headline which speaks about "
Cofiguring Device Driver for Automated libraries".
Here speaks about spt, sctl and schgr SCSI
pass-through device drivers. who can help me about
this?. In addition how can I create the
/dev/tsm/library special file?
Merry Christams again, and Thank you in advance.
Regards , Fran

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Exclude-Include question

2000-12-26 Thread Tyree, David

I still pretty new to our ADSM system and some of the settings are
still confusing to me.
One thing I'm trying to do is to backup just the contents of one
directory on a server. The database on the server (WinNT4) does it's own
database dumps at certain times during the day. All we need is to grab the
contents of that directory, nothing else.
In case of disaster, we would reload the OS and the database
structure from CD's and then repopulate the database from the last database
dump via ADSM. I would rather just use the ADSM system and back the entire
server up. But, I've been told to backup only the dumps and nothing else on
the server.

Here's the details:
Client: version 3.7.2 (We are going to 4.1 on the clients shortly if
that would help)
Data path of the dumps F:\backup\data dumps\*.*

I'm running version 3.7.3 on the ADSM server itself (NT4 SP5).
The Exclude-Include info would go in the dsm.opt file on the server
that is being backed up. I've worked with the documentation and tried
different things in the dsm.opt file but I haven't had much luck. Any ideas?

David Tyree
Microcomputer Specialist
South Georgia Medical Center

Re: Exclude-Include question

2000-12-26 Thread Richard Sims

One thing I'm trying to do is to backup just the contents of one
directory on a server. ...

David - To accomplish that, the simplest way is to perform an Incremental
(dsmc i) or Selective (dsmc sel) backup, specifying what you want
to back up.  Include-Exclude specifications are really for when you are
specifying a file system backup but want to include or exclude just
certain things.  In your case, you should not need to get into that complexity.

Data path of the dumps F:\backup\data dumps\*.*

Because of the space within the directory name, be sure to enclose the
path name in quotes.

  Richard Sims, BU


2000-12-26 Thread Stephen Fromm

I'm backing up files on a Solaris 2.5.1 box and on a Solaris 2.7 box using
Server Version 3, Release 1, Level 2.20.

I want to exclude files and directories so as not to run up my bill with the
people providing the backup service.  Many of my exclude commands don't seem
to work, however.  I took over simple admin jobs for this (I assume I'm
administering the *client*, not the *server*) from someone; her exclude
statements seemed to work pretty well.  Backups are automated (scheduled),
occuring weekdays at midnight, and are incremental.

(1) If I change the include/exclude file, when are the changes "read"?  Do I
have to kill and then restart the daemon (dsmc)?

(2) Is there any way to test my include/exclude statements using the
backup/restore GUI?

Syntax questions:

From HTML help files:
Using the UNIX Backup-Archive Clients:
"The exclude.dir option works only if the excluded directory is a
subdirectory; if you explicitly specify the directory or the files within
it, the file is backed up."
- I don't understand that.  Does it just mean "use exclude.dir with
directories only, not files"?

"You cannot, however, specify wildcard characters on the directory name when
you want to exclude a single directory."
- I'm confused by this.  I assume what the authors really intended was that
it's not a good idea, since the pattern might match other directories that
you didn't intend.  As written, though, it states the syntax is *illegal*.

Under the discussion of the "pattern" parameter, it states:
"For the exclude.dir option, the pattern is a directory name, not a file
specification, and wildcards are not permitted."
- If /export/home/foo is a directory, does this mean /.../foo is illegal, or
/export/home/fo* is illegal, or both?


Re: include/exclude

2000-12-26 Thread Joel Fuhrman

 (1) If I change the include/exclude file, when are the changes "read"?  Do I
 have to kill and then restart the daemon (dsmc)?

The include/exclude file is read when the program starts thus it must be
restarted after each change.

 (2) Is there any way to test my include/exclude statements using the
 backup/restore GUI?

Yes, the GUI marks excluded files with a red x and excluded file systems are
not shown in the list of files.  Again, you must restart the GUI each time
you change the include/exclude file.

SAN Tape Drive Management

2000-12-26 Thread Orville Lantto

Does anyone have a good (or even fair) way to manage tape drive attachment
over a SAN?

The problem is that TSM (, the latest version supported by the
software used on the project) attaches to tape drives through OS "special
files" (e.g. rmt0).  In my case, AIX directs these to each path to a WWN
on the SAN.   This results in many rmt's , in my case six: two for each
tape drive (3590-E1A fibre drive has two ports) times the number of fibre
cards in the host (in my case three).

The consequence is that I have 11 tape drives showing up as 66 rmt's!!
These must be selectively configured into TSM so as to load balance over
the fibre and minimize the waits for drive access (TSM waits a
predetermined amount of time for the drive if it is busy, such as if it is
using the drive's other port).

To further complicate matters,  when a tape drive is replaced, it comes in
as a new WWN and the old WWN disappears.

Two fixes for this come to mind:
1) Tivoli could re-write the drive definitions to allow attachment to a
WWN and handle the multiple paths internally;
2) IBM could extend SDD/DPO to tape.

For now I am doing the bookkeeping, remaining vigilant, and praying for
real SAN compatible TSM.

Orville L. Lantto
Datatrend Technologies, Inc.
121 Cheshire Lane #700
Minnetonka, MN 55305
V: 952-931-1203

DIRMC Question

2000-12-26 Thread Brian Nick

Hello everyone.

 I have a question concerning *SM directories. Back in the early days of
TSM we used the DIRMC option to put directories to disk rather that tape to
avoid "thrashing" issues on the tape devices. We are now running TSM 3.7.3
on OS/390 and I believe that the issue of having directories on tape has
been addressed. My questions is this: How do I get the directories that
currently reside in my disk storage pool back to tape?

 I would think that if I did a move data this should effectively move the
directories to the specific pool that I point to in the move data command,
and since that pool is collocated then my directories would be on a
specific set of tape for each client.

 Has anyone had the opportunity to do this? Any help that anyone can
provide would be appreciated.


Brian L. Nick
System Programmer - Storage Solutions
Phoenix Home Life Mutual Ins.
100 Bright Meadow Blvd
Enfield CT. 06082-1900

PHONE:   (860)403-2281

Re: tivoli for os390 version 4.1.1

2000-12-26 Thread Ed Finnell

Normally, all IBM(and sometimes Tivoli) products go v.r.m. v=version, r=release,
m=modification. Pay and order for version upgrades, order only  for releases,
modification levels usually come by way of maintenance PTFs. Now if they'd reference
a PTF or APAR number???

Edward(Ed) J. Finnell,III
eSystems Proj. Mgr.

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Ken Sedlacek/GV/Kyrus is out of the office and will return on Thu., Dec. 28th

2000-12-26 Thread Ken Sedlacek

I will be out of the office starting  12/26/2000 and will not return until

I will respond to your message when I return.