Re: Ordering license upgrades

2002-05-20 Thread Joshua S. Bassi

Both Standard and Enterprise have been withdrawn.  According to my
regional Tivoli BP rep, they have completely abandoned this new
licensing scheme and moved back to the points based licensing.

Joshua S. Bassi
Sr. Solutions Architect @
IBM Certified - AIX 4/5L, SAN, Shark
eServer Systems Expert -pSeries HACMP
Tivoli Certified Consultant- ADSM/TSM
Cell (415) 215-0326

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Thomas A. La Porte
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: Ordering license upgrades

And while we're on the subject of licenses and upgrades, I was
informed by my reseller that Tivoli has withdrawn the TSM
Enterprise Edition from marketing. All of the constituent parts
are still available, but you can not purchase the bundle. Word is
that it was too confusing to end users. I hope it didn't also
have to do with the fact that our software quote went up by
$70,000 when the change was made.

 -- Tom

Thomas A. La Porte, DreamWorks SKG

On Sat, 18 May 2002, Zlatko Krastev wrote:

'cause there is no published rule how to convert points to processors.
am trying to find the answer since the announcement of new licensing
scheme but still without success.
Just ask them for NN processors or MM points. In both cases you have
right to use them on different platforms.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:Ordering license upgrades

We have a TSM server running under OS/390. We are about to
more client licenses. The last time we did this IBM and/or Tivoli
us to tell them how the new licenses would be divided among different
platforms: how many for Windows NT, how many for AIX, and so on. The
charge per client license is the same regardless of operating system.
'register license' command does not provide any means for
between Windows NT licenses, AIX licenses, and so on. Why in the world
do we need to provide platform information in order to get more client

SV: UnloadDB problem...........

2002-05-20 Thread Bo Nielsen

Thanks Sam, I known, I had read about this,
but I couldn't find the descibtion i the Org.

 Bo Nielsen
   * 43 86 46 71
 COOP data* (Internt postcenter): 6230
 IT-Driftscenter  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you don't have the time to do it right the first time, where will you
find the time to do it again?

-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Sendt: 20. maj 2002 02:27
Emne: Re: UnloadDB problem...


It was discovered that unloaddb had the potential to Hang at your TSM Server
level , (PQ47685). The Fix or PTF was released at the Next PTF level, 4.1.4,
and is also included at the level too.

- Original Message -
From: Bo Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 11:52 AM
Subject: UnloadDB problem...

Hi All,

I try to Unload my TSM DB, running on OS/390.
My JCL have the follow PARM: ('/UNLOADDB DEV=VTSS2 VOL=V15929,V09232
but it's never take the second tape ( the devclass is a tape def.).

The TSM server is vers.

Now the unload have run for 6= hour.

 Bo Nielsen
   * 43 86 46 71
 COOP data  * (Internt postcenter): 6230

If you don't have the time to do it right the first time, where will you
find the time to do it again?

NT Cluster TSM

2002-05-20 Thread Angel Anton

I'd like to ask a question about NT cluster with TSM..
I have got an NT Cluster and the backup is made with TSM. On the TSM server
side I've got defined 2 server, each one for each real server: server1 and
server2. There are another two server defined for shared disks: disk1(disk
f:) and disk2 (disk g:).
There are four file spaces:
FileSpace Name  Node Name
The DOMAIN option in the opt files are
Server1 DOMAIN C:
Server2 DOMAIN C:
disk1   DOMAIN F:
disk2   DOMAIN G:
From the backup point of view it works fine, the problem arises when the
shared disks are moved from one real server to the other.
In this situation the shared disks are considered as local disks for the
real servers and a full backup of those disks are made, and the file spaces
are as follows
FileSpace Name  Node Name

The creation of the two new file spaces is normal? Is this situation ok?

Another problem arises when there is a need of restoring a file: where is
the backup of one file residing in disk f:? in \\server1\f$ or in
\\cluster\f$ or in both? Which one is the most recent? and other than the
last one?

Can anyone help me in clarifing those questions?

Angel Antsn

Higher Priority Node?

2002-05-20 Thread Eugene Awyong - Singapore


I was wondering if it would be possible to actually prioritise nodes? As
in like when you were halfway doing a backup job and you had to do a restore
in between, the restore would then cut short the backup job, and complete
its restore job before letting the backup job resume.

Similarly, would it actually be possible for a node (say node A) to
start a backup job at 6am, then at 2pm when node B comes in and does its
backup job, it will 'stop' node A's job and TSM will start to backup all of
node B's directories (assuming it is a full FS backup) till say maybe 6pm,
after which node A continues its half-done backup job.

Reason I'm asking is due to the tight schedule we have for our weekend
backups and the availibility of our applications (decreased down-time). I'd
appreciate if anyone could let me know if this could be done.

Thanks in Advance!

Re: Higher Priority Node?

2002-05-20 Thread Sharif, Munir Arshad

I would like to know even one step further, how can I put order of FS backup
in a complete
machine incremental backup with one schedule (without writing script). i.e.
if I have FS  a,b and c , I want to do backup of b than a  and then c.


-Original Message-
From: Eugene Awyong - Singapore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Mon, May 20, 2002 10:34 AM
Subject: Higher Priority Node?


I was wondering if it would be possible to actually prioritise nodes? As
in like when you were halfway doing a backup job and you had to do a restore
in between, the restore would then cut short the backup job, and complete
its restore job before letting the backup job resume.

Similarly, would it actually be possible for a node (say node A) to
start a backup job at 6am, then at 2pm when node B comes in and does its
backup job, it will 'stop' node A's job and TSM will start to backup all of
node B's directories (assuming it is a full FS backup) till say maybe 6pm,
after which node A continues its half-done backup job.

Reason I'm asking is due to the tight schedule we have for our weekend
backups and the availibility of our applications (decreased down-time). I'd
appreciate if anyone could let me know if this could be done.

Thanks in Advance!

Always full backup !!!! Please help

2002-05-20 Thread Robert Ouzen


I have a Netware 5 with tivoli backup client every backup I made
it's run FULL !!!
Despite that I run Incremental ... I made several test with the same
result always full backup.

Did anyone get a clue what can be the reason 

Regards Robert Ouzen

Restore DB and LOADDB with IBM3494

2002-05-20 Thread Robin Lowe

Hi TSMers.

I became a victim of the RESTORE DB problem from an IBM3494 library with AIX
It came as a surprise because with TSM 3.7.2 we had to do numerous DB
restores for real with the Activity Log full to the brim type problem.

I guess I should pay more attention to the postings on TSM type issues that
affect us, but I found being able to search for this problem at 05:00 on a
Sunday morning really useful!

Now for the real issue though.
How on earth did the TSM 4.2 code get released with such a bug in it
(IC32149 refers) ?

Secondly, I cannot understand the logic behind the restriction on LOADDB
whereby you can only use a manual library on AIX for this function.
Can anyone explain why there is such a restriction ?

We are used to fully automated kit, with no operator intervention here.
We had no problem with the LOADB on our OS390 TSM 4.1.4 system, so you can
see my curiosity as to why the AIX version of LOADDB is so restrictive.

Robin Lowe
Senior Storage Analyst

Re: Always full backup !!!! Please help

2002-05-20 Thread Sias Dealy


On the ADSM/TSM server check the copygroup.
There is a parameter call 'mode' if this is set to
'absolute' all your backups will be full.
Need to change this to 'modified.'


--- Robert Ouzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a Netware 5 with tivoli backup client
 every backup I made
 it's run FULL !!!
 Despite that I run Incremental ... I made
 several test with the same
 result always full backup.

 Did anyone get a clue what can be the reason

 Regards Robert Ouzen

Do You Yahoo!?
LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience

W2K Active Directory backup and edb000*.log files accumulating

2002-05-20 Thread Alex Woick

I'm backing up a W2K Domain Controller with the client to a server. This includes the domain systemobject, i.e. Active
Directory. Recently I found a huge bunch of old transaction log files in
the NTDS directory: edb1.log to edb0003e.log 10MB each. Each one was
created when TSM backed up ADS. After 60 daily backups, I got of 600MB
of these.

When I run ntbackup.exe to make a systemstate backup these log files get
erased, only the last one remained. But when I make the backup with TSM,
the log files stay and accumulate.
I cannot believe that this behaviour of TSM works as designed, because I
would have to delete the older logfiles manually after some time or use
a postschedulecmd to delete edb0*.log, which I would consider not a
clean solution. I have not found a dsm.opt option to change the client's
behaviour, and I have tried two other clients ( and .32) which
had similar behaviour.

Does anybody know what's up with that issue? I assume everybody who is
backing up Active Directory via the domain systemobject on a Domain
Controller has this problem. But with today's gigabytes of disk space
you may have not taken notice of that yet.


Re: mtlib command

2002-05-20 Thread Jonathan Siegle

I would use lscfg -v and find your serial number that way.

On Mon, 20 May 2002, Gill, Geoffrey L. wrote:

 Good day all,

 Somewhere I had documented an mtlib command that could be used to query
 information about the drives attached to the system. With the changeover of
 TSM servers it's hard to figure out what drive is what. I have identified a
 few by looking in the side door of the 3494 when a tape got mounted.
 Unfortunately I'll never be able to do this with the rest and have misplaced
 my mtlib commands.

 Can anyone send me the command gives info about the drive itself, as in
 serial number, so I can match rmt(whatever) to it. All I can find is mtlib
 -l /dev/lmcp0 -qD -f/dev/rmt6, and this one doesn't do it for me. I've got a
 bad drive and need to locate it this way.

 Geoff Gill
 TSM Administrator
 NT Systems Support Engineer
 Phone:  (858) 826-4062
 Pager:   (877) 905-7154

Jonathan Siegle Center for Academic Computing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Penn State University
814-865-5840University Park, Pa 16802

Win2k servers fill recovery log and ckpt

2002-05-20 Thread Julie Phinney

We had problems with our recovery log filling last month too, and had to
upgrade so we could make our recovery log 11GB!
 So perhaps our NT cluster servers are the culprit?
- Forwarded by David Browne/Louisville/Humana on 05/20/2002 08:10 AM

  chris rees
  rees_chris@HOTM To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  AIL.COM cc:
  Sent by: ADSM:  Subject: recovery log and ckpt
  Dist Stor

  05/17/2002 09:36
  Please respond
  to ADSM: Dist
  Stor Manager

Hi all

Firstly let me thank those who helped me out last night getting my server
back up after the recovery log filled.much better than IBM support...!

I have found the culprit that caused the log to fill.  It seems that when
the incremental backups are running for a win2k cluster the log gets
to at approx 2.2Gb an hour.  The incremental didn't even backup that much
data, in terms of size but I guess there must have been loads of small
in there.

The problem I have now is, how can I back up this cluster if it is going to
fill the recovery log everytime. The log is 5196 Mb so cannot grow much
bigger, alas we're on 4.1.5 Server and yes I've made management aware that
we need to upgrade to take advantage of the new recovery log size features.

Looking back through people have mentioned the ckpt command.  Does
anyone know how well this works in rollforward mode??

Many Thanks again


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Anyone one using *SM and has an ARAN van?

2002-05-20 Thread Lisa Cabanas

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone out there in the wide and wooly world of TSM
*also* has data generated from an ARAN (Automatic Road Analyzer) 4900?  I
have been asked to offer some proposals on how to back this data up.  Since
the company, Roadware,  touts that over 15 countries and many
transportation agencies use their technology, I was hoping that someone has
already wrestled this beast.

I have yet to get specifics on the computer hardware (the only paperwork
that I can get a hold of is a purchasing agreement between the company and
our Commission!! This is over a $1,000,000 purchase, and we don't even show
what we have received) that we will use to transfer the data from an
onboard Industrial PC and removable disk arrays to a video storage
workstation and how that machine serves that data to a rating
workstation, and other video review workstations.  That's why I am asking
if anyone else has gone thru this exercise.

I simply can't believe that MoDOT will be the first one to try to
incorporate a backup/restore and disaster recovery plan into this data
stream (and if so, then, WHY ME??)

Happy Monday to everyone!


(please reply off-list-- [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: mtlib command

2002-05-20 Thread Richard Cowen

mtlib -l /dev/lmcp0 -f /dev/rmt1 -qD
Device Data:
   mounted volser.none.
   device category012E
   device state...Device installed in Library.
  Device available to Library.
  ACL is installed.
  Auto Fill is enabled.
   device class...3590-E1A
   extended device status.00

$ mtlib -l /dev/lmcp0 -D
  0, 00C33980 003590E1A00
  1, 00C39160 003590E1A01

$ mtlib -l /dev/lmcp0 -D -E
 Type   Mod  Serial #   Devnum   Cuid  Device  VTS Library
003590  E1A  13-C3398  00C339801  0
003590  E1A  13-C3916  00C391602  0

$  mtlib -l /dev/lmcp0 -qM
IBM016 C39160

$ tapeutil -f /dev/rmt1 inquiry
Issuing inquiry...

Inquiry Data,  Length 56

0 1  2 3  4 5  6 7  8 9  A B  C D  E F   0123456789ABCDEF
 - 0180 0302 3300 1000 4942 4D20 2020 2020  [...3...IBM ]
0010 - 3033 3539 3045 3141 2020 2020 2020 2020  [03590E1A]
0020 - 4533 3731 3133 3030 3030 3030 3043   [E37113000C33]
0030 - 3938 2030 0500 0181  [98 0...]

$ lscfg -vl rmt1

  rmt1  14-08-01  IBM 3590 Tape Drive and Medium
  Changer (FCP)

Machine Type and Model..03590E1A
Serial Number...000C3398
Device Specific.(FW)E371
Loadable Microcode LevelA0B00E26

$ tapeutil -f /dev/rmt2 fuser
Device is currently open by process id 13474
$ ps -ef |grep dsms
root 13474 1   1 08:24:41  -  1:08 ./dsmserv

-Original Message-
From: Gill, Geoffrey L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 10:46 AM
Subject: mtlib command

Good day all,

Somewhere I had documented an mtlib command that could be used to query
information about the drives attached to the system. With the changeover of
TSM servers it's hard to figure out what drive is what. I have identified a
few by looking in the side door of the 3494 when a tape got mounted.
Unfortunately I'll never be able to do this with the rest and have misplaced
my mtlib commands.

Can anyone send me the command gives info about the drive itself, as in
serial number, so I can match rmt(whatever) to it. All I can find is mtlib
-l /dev/lmcp0 -qD -f/dev/rmt6, and this one doesn't do it for me. I've got a
bad drive and need to locate it this way.

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

Re: mtlib command

2002-05-20 Thread Mahesh Tailor

Try this command . . .

mtlib -l /dev/lmcp0 -DE


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/20/02 10:45AM 
Good day all,

Somewhere I had documented an mtlib command that could be used to query
information about the drives attached to the system. With the changeover of
TSM servers it's hard to figure out what drive is what. I have identified a
few by looking in the side door of the 3494 when a tape got mounted.
Unfortunately I'll never be able to do this with the rest and have misplaced
my mtlib commands.

Can anyone send me the command gives info about the drive itself, as in
serial number, so I can match rmt(whatever) to it. All I can find is mtlib
-l /dev/lmcp0 -qD -f/dev/rmt6, and this one doesn't do it for me. I've got a
bad drive and need to locate it this way.

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

mtlib command

2002-05-20 Thread Gill, Geoffrey L.

Good day all,

Somewhere I had documented an mtlib command that could be used to query
information about the drives attached to the system. With the changeover of
TSM servers it's hard to figure out what drive is what. I have identified a
few by looking in the side door of the 3494 when a tape got mounted.
Unfortunately I'll never be able to do this with the rest and have misplaced
my mtlib commands.

Can anyone send me the command gives info about the drive itself, as in
serial number, so I can match rmt(whatever) to it. All I can find is mtlib
-l /dev/lmcp0 -qD -f/dev/rmt6, and this one doesn't do it for me. I've got a
bad drive and need to locate it this way.

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

Re: Script timing issue with MOVE DATA WAIT=YES

2002-05-20 Thread John Underdown

Here's how i wait on a  process to finish. Basically i query the process and
if it's still running i re-spawn the schedule for ten minutes later. If you
have any questions please let me know.


/*backup db*/
delete schedule chkproc type=admin
q process
if(rc_notfound) goto cont
def schedule chkproc cmd=run daily active=yes startd=today
startt=now+00:10 exp=today
backup db dev=bakdrive type=full wait=yes
def schedule chkproc cmd=run Script1 active=yes startd=today
startt=now+00:10 exp=today
/* End of DAILY*/

/*Expire data bkup stg backup\archive pools*/
delete schedule chkproc type=admin
q process
if(rc_notfound) goto cont
def schedule chkproc cmd=run script1 active=yes startd=today
startt=now+00:10 exp=today
def schedule chkproc cmd=run backupstg active=yes startd=today
startt=now+00:10 exp=today
expire inventory
/*End of SCRIPT1*/

delete schedule chkproc type=admin
q process
if(rc_notfound) goto cont
def schedule chkproc cmd=run backupstg active=yes startd=today
startt=now+00:10 exp=today
backup stg backuppool copypool
/*End of Backupstg*/

-Original Message-

Date:Sun, 19 May 2002 00:31:18 -0500
From:Roger Deschner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Script timing issue with MOVE DATA WAIT=YES

This is a tsm script: (AIX


The idea is, when moving data off of tapes that I suspect have media
problems, to avoid having the tape become an available scratch tape and
get reused. MOVE DATA can take a long time, and I might not see when it
completes. I might not even be awake. The problem is that I get the
following error message:

ANR8442E UPDATE LIBVOLUME: Volume CPM642 in library ATLP3000 is
currently in use.

The tape is still mounted according to QUERY MOUNT, because it is
rewinding, unloading, and being put away in its slot by my robotic
friend inside the library.


1. There is some kind of SLEEP command for scripts that I am

2. There is a bug in MOVE DATA WAIT=YES in that it does not wait for the
tape to rewind and unload and get put away by the robot.

Roger Deschner  University of Illinois at Chicago [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Re: W2K Active Directory backup and edb000*.log files accumulating

2002-05-20 Thread Jim Smith


This is being addressed in APAR IC33389 - TSM ACTIVE DIRECTORY BACKUP NOT


J.P. (Jim) Smith
TSM Development

I'm backing up a W2K Domain Controller with the client to a server. This includes the domain systemobject, i.e. Active
Directory. Recently I found a huge bunch of old transaction log files in
the NTDS directory: edb1.log to edb0003e.log 10MB each. Each one was
created when TSM backed up ADS. After 60 daily backups, I got of 600MB
of these.

When I run ntbackup.exe to make a systemstate backup these log files get
erased, only the last one remained. But when I make the backup with TSM,
the log files stay and accumulate.
I cannot believe that this behaviour of TSM works as designed, because I
would have to delete the older logfiles manually after some time or use
a postschedulecmd to delete edb0*.log, which I would consider not a
clean solution. I have not found a dsm.opt option to change the client's
behaviour, and I have tried two other clients ( and .32) which
had similar behaviour.

Does anybody know what's up with that issue? I assume everybody who is
backing up Active Directory via the domain systemobject on a Domain
Controller has this problem. But with today's gigabytes of disk space
you may have not taken notice of that yet.


Re: ADSM WinNT client could not finish backup?

2002-05-20 Thread Wayne T. Smith

On 20 May 2002 at 10:37, Julie Xu wrote, in part:

 My adsm server ver and the problem WinNT client ver 3.1.
 This client after check/backup 51,000 files then give error:
 05/18/2002 22:29:19 ANS1898I * Processed51,000 files *
 05/18/2002 22:29:20 ANS1017E Session rejected: TCP/IP connection failure

Wild guess: either CommTimeOut or IdleTimeOut on your server is too
small.  I have Commtimeout 2400 (seconds) and Idletimeout 600
(minutes!).  cheers, wayne

ADSM Technical Coordinator - UNET   University of Maine System

Since Domino 6 pre-release was installed, not backing up thru the API

2002-05-20 Thread Lisa Cabanas

Hello all.  It's still Monday...

Ever since this server was upgraded, the TDP for Domino has broke (this
was working at Domino 5.07  5.08).  I have tried reinstalling TDPD, but
still same error message.

I tried looking in the APAR database, but didn't come up with anything.  Is
it because TDPD won't work with Domino 6, or have the admins not correctly
installed the Domino Server.?


ACD5218E The Lotus Domino API could not be loaded.  Could not load the

The message means:

Explanation: The Lotus Domino API, nnotes.dll, could not be loaded.
System Action: Processing ends
User Response: Ensure that the Lotus Domino Server has been correctly

It started with this event:

Current date is:
Fri 05/10/2002
Current time is:

Tivoli Storage Manager
Tivoli Data Protection for Lotus Domino - Version 1, Release 1, Level 1.01
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2000. All rights reserved.

License file exists and contains valid license data.

ACD5221I The C:\PROGRA~1\Tivoli\TSM\domino\domasch.log log file has been
pruned successfully.

Starting Domino transaction log archive...
Initializing Domino connection...

Restart Analysis (16 MB): 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:\Domino\Data\dircat.nsf
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:\Domino\Data\schema.nsf
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:\Domino\Data\admin4.nsf
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:\Domino\Data\log.nsf
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:\Domino\Data\names.nsf

Restart Replay (16 MB): 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
05/10/2002 09:04:44 AM  Recovery Manager: Restart Recovery complete. (12/1
databases needed full/partial recovery)
Logging on to the Tivoli Storage Manager server, please wait...

Total Domino transaction log files ready for archive: 6
Total Domino transaction log files archived:  0

Throughput rate:  0.00 Kb/Sec
Total bytes transferred:  0
Elapsed processing time:  0.00 Secs

Current date is:
Fri 05/10/2002
Current time is:

Tivoli Storage Manager
Tivoli Data Protection for Lotus Domino - Version 1, Release 1, Level 1.01
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2000. All rights reserved.

License file exists and contains valid license data.

ACD5221I The C:\PROGRA~1\Tivoli\TSM\domino\domasch.log log file has been
pruned successfully.

ACD5218E The Lotus Domino API could not be loaded.  Could not load the

Can I make in this mailing list question about HSM (Tivoli Space Managment) ??!!!

2002-05-20 Thread rachida elouaraini

If yes, here is my problem :

 When the product HSM (for migration) is associated with
GPFS (Global Parallel File System), it causes a great
increase of memory utilisation on the machine TSM/HSM
 In few days, the memory grow up 95% and the TSM/HSM server
 goes down.
 What do you think the source of the problem?

 Thank you
Envoyez des messages musicaux sur le portable de vos amis

Re: Since Domino 6 pre-release was installed, not backing up thru the API

2002-05-20 Thread Zlatko Krastev

It looks like Lotus people changed the API but Tivoli people did not
received it on time to update TDP for Domino. Or the backup API ideology
changed again so after TDP for Notes and TDP for Domino its time for TDP
for RNext :-) Maybe Del would sched more light.
Is Domino 6 or R Next mentioned in your TDP readme as supported :-)

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:Since Domino 6 pre-release was installed,  not backing up 
the API

Hello all.  It's still Monday...

Ever since this server was upgraded, the TDP for Domino has broke (this
was working at Domino 5.07  5.08).  I have tried reinstalling TDPD, but
still same error message.

I tried looking in the APAR database, but didn't come up with anything. Is
it because TDPD won't work with Domino 6, or have the admins not correctly
installed the Domino Server.?


ACD5218E The Lotus Domino API could not be loaded.  Could not load the

The message means:

Explanation: The Lotus Domino API, nnotes.dll, could not be loaded.
System Action: Processing ends
User Response: Ensure that the Lotus Domino Server has been correctly

It started with this event:

Current date is:
Fri 05/10/2002
Current time is:

Tivoli Storage Manager
Tivoli Data Protection for Lotus Domino - Version 1, Release 1, Level 1.01
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2000. All rights reserved.

License file exists and contains valid license data.

ACD5221I The C:\PROGRA~1\Tivoli\TSM\domino\domasch.log log file has been
pruned successfully.

Starting Domino transaction log archive...
Initializing Domino connection...

Restart Analysis (16 MB): 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:\Domino\Data\log.nsf
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:
Recovery Manager: Recovery being performed for DB D:\Domino\Data\names.nsf

Restart Replay (16 MB): 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
05/10/2002 09:04:44 AM  Recovery Manager: Restart Recovery complete. (12/1
databases needed full/partial recovery)
Logging on to the Tivoli Storage Manager server, please wait...

Total Domino transaction log files ready for archive: 6
Total Domino transaction log files archived:  0

Throughput rate:  0.00 Kb/Sec
Total bytes transferred:  0
Elapsed processing time:  0.00 Secs

Current date is:
Fri 05/10/2002
Current time is:

Tivoli Storage Manager
Tivoli Data Protection for Lotus Domino - Version 1, Release 1, Level 1.01
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2000. All rights reserved.

License file exists and contains valid license data.

ACD5221I The C:\PROGRA~1\Tivoli\TSM\domino\domasch.log log file has been
pruned successfully.

ACD5218E The Lotus Domino API could not be loaded.  Could not load the

Re: DISASTER Client Restores Slow

2002-05-20 Thread Fletcher, Leland D.

Two thought on your comments.

First: If restores are taking a long time due to the amount of data being
restored, you could look at HSM. If your target client is a Windows 2000
machine look at OTG DiskXtender.  These products will move files, based on
criteria such as age, size, and/or file type, to tape and replace them with
a very small tag on disk. When you recover your client only the tags are
restored. This provides significant performance to recovery.

 Second: With the size of today's disks, recovery using tape is simply a
task that requires time. An option is to use remote disk storage. Having a
real time or almost real time set of remote disks makes recovery of even the
largest sites a few hour task.

Lee Fletcher
Network Project Integrator
Ameren Callaway Plant

Re: Since Domino 6 pre-release was installed, not backing up thru the API

2002-05-20 Thread Del Hoobler


A few things to note:

1.) You should obtain the latest
TDP for Domino code, i.e. version 1.1.2.
You can get it at:

2.) Domino R6 is not released yet.
TDP for Domino will not officially support
any product that has not released yet.
TDP for Domino support of Domino 6 is
*targeted* to be released not too far after
Domino 6 is released.

3.) The installation packages of the pre-release
versions of Domino 6 failed to create the
following registry key:


This should be set to the Domino installation
directory. For example: C:\lotus\domino
Try setting that to see if it solves your issue.
After creating the registry key above, we were able
to use TDP for Domino 1.1.2 and back up a
Domino R6 servers.



Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

- Leave everything a little better than you found it.
- Smile a lot: it costs nothing and is beyond price.

Windows 2000 Server Spec for TSM 5.1

2002-05-20 Thread Dallas Gill

Can someone please tell me or point me in the right direction to find so
documentation on how I should spec my TSM Server, I need to find out how
many CPU's I need also how much RAM I should have. I am looking to backup
approx. 1Gb of data first up then approx 600Mb of Data for the incremental
backups  this data all resides on the TSM server it self (no other clients)
Could someone please help. I am going to be running TSM Server 5.1



Re: mtlib command

2002-05-20 Thread Qualls, Ted W {PBSG}

try this little ksh script:

tape_drives=$(lsdev -Cc tape | grep rmt | awk '{ print $1 }')
for i in $tape_drives
printf $i:
lscfg -vl $i | grep Serial Number

-Original Message-
From: Alfred G Welch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: mtlib command

  The command I use to get the serial numbers for my drives:
lscfg -l rmt* -v


Gill, Geoffrey L. [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 05/20/2002
10:45:57 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:mtlib command

Good day all,

Somewhere I had documented an mtlib command that could be used to query
information about the drives attached to the system. With the changeover of
TSM servers it's hard to figure out what drive is what. I have identified a
few by looking in the side door of the 3494 when a tape got mounted.
Unfortunately I'll never be able to do this with the rest and have
my mtlib commands.

Can anyone send me the command gives info about the drive itself, as in
serial number, so I can match rmt(whatever) to it. All I can find is mtlib
-l /dev/lmcp0 -qD -f/dev/rmt6, and this one doesn't do it for me. I've got
bad drive and need to locate it this way.

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

Re: problem with tape library on solaris

2002-05-20 Thread Samiran Das

did you check output of q devc f=d? What is the mount limit and do you
have sufficient mount point?

Samiran Das

TAZ.COM Subject: problem with tape library on 
Sent by:
ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

09:47 PM
respond to
ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

Solaris 8, Sun E250, ATL500 tape library (2 drives), TSM 4.2.2

First time getting a tape library working on solaris so I could be doing
something wrong.. this is a test system. anyways it all seemed to work
I tried using the library:

05/21/02   17:01:26ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: BACKUP
dev=dc.tape.lib_tape_1 type=f

05/21/02   17:01:27ANR0984I Process 2 for DATABASE BACKUP started in

BACKGROUND at 05:01:27 PM.

05/21/02   17:01:27ANR2280I Full database backup started as process 2.

05/21/02   17:01:47ANR4571E Database backup/restore terminated -
number of mount points available for removable
05/21/02   17:01:47ANR0985I Process 2 for DATABASE BACKUP running in

BACKGROUND completed with completion state FAILURE
05:01:47 PM.

tsm: SERVER1q libr

  Library Name: LIB_TAPE_1
  Library Type: SCSI
Device: /dev/rmt/7lb
  Private Category:
  Scratch Category:
  External Manager:
Shared: No

tsm: SERVER1q dr f=d

Library Name: LIB_TAPE_1
  Drive Name: LIB_DRIVE_1
 Device Type: DLT
 On-Line: Yes
  Device: /dev/rmt/0mt
 Element: 16
Allocated to:
  Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
   Last Update Date/Time: 05/21/02   17:00:43
Cleaning Frequency (Gigabytes/ASNEEDED/NONE): NONE

Library Name: LIB_TAPE_1
  Drive Name: LIB_DRIVE_2
 Device Type: DLT
 On-Line: Yes
  Device: /dev/rmt/6mt
 Element: 17
Allocated to:
  Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
   Last Update Date/Time: 05/21/02   17:00:58
Cleaning Frequency (Gigabytes/ASNEEDED/NONE): NONE

bash-2.05# ls -l /dev/rmt
total 36
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  44 May 12 01:13 0mt -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  45 May 12 01:13 0mtn -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  45 May 12 01:13 0mtt -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  42 May 12 01:14 1op -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  43 May 12 01:14 1opt -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  42 May 12 01:14 2op -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  43 May 12 01:14 2opt -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  42 May 12 01:14 3op -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  43 May 12 01:14 3opt -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  42 May 12 01:14 4op -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  43 May 12 01:14 4opt -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  42 May 12 01:14 5lb -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  43 May 12 01:14 5lbt -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root other 44 May 18 00:07 6mt -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root other 45 May 18 00:07 6mtn -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root other 45 May 18 00:07 6mtt -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root other 44 May 18 00:09 7lb -
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root other 45 May 18 00:09 7lbt -


name=lb class=scsi
target=6 lun=0;
 name=lb class=scsi