Re: Admin Job Summary

2005-01-26 Thread Christian Bagard

The list of activities (SUMMARY.ACTIVITY) seems to be:

You can include those you want.

You can also combine with the field  SUMMARY.SUCCESSFUL  which is 'YES' or


Christian Bagard
SOS-Restore - 32 cours Mirabeau - 13100 Aix-en-Provence - France

- Original Message -
From: Joni Moyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:56 PM
Subject: Admin Job Summary

 Hello everyone!

 I am trying to do a script to find out if all admin jobs were successful
 not, the summary of the info. and the time at which the task ended.  I
 found a script to run to find the total amount of data backed up with
 storage pools, but I was wondering if there is any way to just pull the
 summary info. from the activity log or is there a different way to query
 the summary table so that I can see stgpool backups, migrations, dbbackups
 and reclamation summaries?  Thanks in advance!

 select entity as Storage Pool , cast(sum(bytes/1024/1024/1024) as
 decimal(10,3)) as Total GB, ' ' as  , substr(cast(min(start_time) as
 char(26)),1,19) as Start Date/Time, substr(cast(max(end_time) as
 char(26)),1,19) as End Date/Time from summary where
 start_time=current_timestamp - 24 hours and activity='STGPOOL BACKUP'
 group by entity
 Joni Moyer
 Storage Systems

Re: Select on tsm server version?

2004-08-26 Thread Christian Bagard
It's amazing but no! We have looked for it.
You can get versions of nodes from NODES table but not for server.

Best regards

Christian Bagard

SOS-Restore - 32 cours Mirabeau - 13100 Aix-en-Provence - France (only in french, sorry)

- Original Message -
From: Henrik Wahlstedt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 2:07 PM
Subject: Select on tsm server version?


Is there a table where TSM holds it4s server version that I can use in a
select statement?
I know I get the info from q stat but I rather not do that on 1+ servers.


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this message.
Thank you.

Re: restore volumes list. It's possible??

2004-03-25 Thread Christian Bagard

 I'm looking for a query or sql script that allow me to see what volumes I'll
 need for a restore process. I want to see the volumes before the starting of
 the process.
If your question is concerning nodes you can try to implement the following actions.
We perform this by program in a product (SOS-Log that we sell only in France, sorry) 
so you'll have to adapt it in SQL (if possible or by script).
Start with : 

crossing it with POOL_TYPE from STGPOOLS on STGPOOL_NAME


then sort the result by NODE_NAME

Be careful, select on volumeusage is sometime very slow

 Likewise I need a query or script that allow me to see what volumes I'll
 need for a backup stgpool process. When I use preview=volumesonly or yes I
 realize not always ask me the volumes that are in the list this command has
 generated. Is there another way to do this?
Maybe something like (again you'll have to adpat in good SQL syntax) :
select volume_name from volumes where last_write_date  your date time and 
stgpool_name = your stgpool
your date time is the TSM date time of the last copy

Hope this helps

If you read french, you can have a look at an example (somehow old) :

Best regards

Christian Bagard
Tél :(33) 442 930 813 

SOS-Restore - 32 cours Mirabeau - 13100 Aix-en-Provence - France (only french sorry)

Re: Client backup request form

2004-03-10 Thread Christian Bagard

Maybe you can find some ideas on this page (University of Ottawa)

It's not exactly what you are looking for, but ...

Best regards

Christian Bagard 

Re: Solicitation of Criticism...

2004-03-02 Thread Christian Bagard

We can give our independant and technical opinion.

Best regards

Christian Bagard
SOS-Restore - 32 cours Mirabeau - 13100 Aix-en-Provence - France (only french, sorry !)

Re: TSM Operational Reporting - some answers...

2004-02-20 Thread Christian Bagard
Hi Rajesh,

Maybe it's because TDP Exchange doesn't give the information to TSM.
We have studied this for our own needs and finally abandoned. Syntax used by this TDP 
is always changing and sometimes incoherent.
For SQL, the problem is different. It's an IBM product.
In the same way, backint doesn't speak no longer to TSM (since a recent version).
If somebody has informations about these things ...
Best regards

Christian Bagard
SOS-Restore - 32 cours Mirabeau - 13100 Aix-en-Provence - France

From: Rajesh Oak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: TSM Operational Reporting - some answers...

 The Operational Reporting seems to be working fine at my site.
 The only flaw is in the report for the Exchange Backup.
 Since we execute a batch file which kicks off the Exchange backup, the client 
 summary shows successful everytime the batch file is executed successfully. After 
 that it has no idea if the actual backup fails. Wierd thing is for SQL backups we do 
 the same thing but it looks for errors in the actual SQL backups and reports it in 
 the client schedule summary.
 Hope this is fixed ASAP because now I have to run a script which looks for the 
 Exchange backup seperately.
 Rajesh Oak
 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

Re: Bare Metal Restore Intel

2004-02-12 Thread Christian Bagard
Hello Henrik,

 I know that a bare metal restore on a W2K system works fine as long as the
 restore is doen to a similar system, hardware vice. 
 But do anyone know how to do the same to a system with different hardware?
Yes and with TSM (the best !)
 I've tried it but haven't succeded. The system don't boot but give me a system error.
 1. Have anyone done such a restore to a diffrent hardware system?
Yes.  It works since ADSM 3.1. Actually, it's independant.
 2. Does anyone know if ITSM will support such in the future. 
I don't know.
 I know that veritas have a product that accomplish this.
No doubt.

We are a very small company (4 persons) and we operate only in France, so this message 
is not a worldwide commercial advertisement. Marie-Christine GAMET, the boss, uses 
ADSM/TSM for 12 years and she took part in the writing of the redbook :  Windows NT 
Backup and Recovery with ADSM, SG24-2231-00 published June-2-1998

Yes, we have a very accurate procedure for WIN2K and I have translated it in english 
(sorry for the not very good translation and some french TSM screenshots, I belong to 
these incorrigibles frenchies) and I have posted it several times in private (in US, 
in India, in Austria, ..., among recipients was a person from a BMR company, 
This procedure was used and tested with customers. 

Table of contents :
1   Summary   1
2 TSM client Version.. 2
3   Backups required for restoring.. 2
4   Restoring   2
4.1   Operation of Windows 2000  2
4.2   Operation details. 3
4.3   Configuring TSM node. 4
4.4   Restoring System Object  5
4.5   Restoring applications and datas. 5
4.6   Restoring Exchange. 6
4.7   Restoring Lotus-Notes  6

So if you want it, tell me. I will be pleased if it can help you.
And if somebody wants to improve the translation, I shall be pleased too. 

Kind regards. 

Christian Bagard
SOS-Restore - 32 cours Mirabeau - 13100 Aix-en-Provence - France (only in french, sorry)

A last joke, our motto : Backup is good, restore is better

Split file problem with TSM 515 and LTO1-3581

2004-02-04 Thread Christian Bagard

We use TSM 5.1.5 (Win2000 SP3) with primary on disk and copy with 3581-LTO1.
One node is a iSeries with BRMS which provides one 80Go file.
We use a COPY STGPOOL primary copy (it works fine with Windows nodes on several 
But TSM doesn't split this file.

2 possible reasons we see are :
- TSM doesn't know how to split BRMS files 
- TSM doesn't support file splitting with 3581

Can someone suggest me something


Best regards

Christian Bagard
Tél : (33)4 42 93 08 13 - email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SOS-Restore - 32 cours Mirabeau - 13100 Aix-en-Provence - France

Re: Split file problem with TSM 515 and LTO1-3581

2004-02-04 Thread Christian Bagard
 Christian - Please post error indications or other evidence which
support this being a problem you're seeing, and why it
 appears to be a problem.
  thanks, Richard

So I try to explain a little more.
We use a TSM solution with primary on disk and copy on 1 drive library (3581 in this 
It allows TSM solutions on small sites with near the same reliability and efficiency 
than big ones.
Each monday we put in empty tapes.
Each day, an incremental copy is made on tape (LTO1 100Go).
Each incremental is made of (we suppose) 1 big BRMS file (70 Go, no incremental, no 
compression) and a lot of small windows files (5Go for the whole). 
Fisrt day, 25% remains free on tape 1
But the second day, TSM does't use these 25%, but again 75% on tape 2, and so on for 
the following days.
It seems as if TSM begins with the BRMS file, can't split it, takes the next tape, 
writes the BRMS file and continues with small files. 
We would like to understand why, in this case, TSM doesn't split file because we get 
only a 75% filling.
2 possible reasons we see are :
- TSM doesn't know how to split BRMS files (but file is already on disk, it's no 
more really a BRMS file ?)
- TSM doesn't support file splitting with 3581 (1 drive) ?
If somebody has an idea, thanks.  

Best regards

Christian Bagard
SOS-Restore - 32 cours Mirabeau - 13100 Aix-en-Provence - France

Re: Libraries LTO problems with WIN2000 SP4 and TSM

2004-01-29 Thread Christian Bagard
Hello Wanda,

You are right, I have to be more accurate.

I sent this message because of  messages (see here after) stating that TSM didn't 
recognize library (after reboot) or with analogous symptoms.
And we had the same problem with 2 customers (one of them had made several reboots of 
his server).
The only way was to delete/define the library.
First we thought it was a TSM versioning problem ( then, and only with 
library LTO one-drive.
But it's not.
After research, IBM support said they have found and that it is a Adaptec driver bug 
(and to patch LTO too).

Our understanding of the situation today is :
With only Win2000 SP4 after some reboots (4, 5) the Adaptec driver (at least the one 
currently provided with the card) looses library definition and causes that TSM 
doesn't recognize any more the library (so TSM defines a new one with a default name, 

As I said, we are testing and, if needed, I will confirm and give more details. 

Best regards

Christian Bagard
Tél : (33)4 42 93 08 13 - email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SOS-Restore - 32 cours Mirabeau - 13100 Aix-en-Provence - France

 Hi Folks,
 i've a problem with TSM V5.2.2 ... I've updated from TSM V5.1.8 everything
 seems to be ok ! Only our 3580 doesn't work no more :-)
 I mean that TSM will by start send a message ANR8840E Unable to open
 device lb6.0.0.2 and then little bit more similar messages ...
 I don't know where could by a problem i'm on Windows200 SP4, there is the
 library ok (i mean in device manager),i've updated the driver to
 but without result !?
 What could it be ? Please help someone ...
 Peter Daransky
 AMBOS EDV-Beratungs GesmbH

Libraries LTO problems with WIN2000 SP4 and TSM

2004-01-28 Thread Christian Bagard

IBM support says this morning they have found friday afternoon.
The solution is to download the last version of SCSI driver 
We are testing.

Best regards

Christian Bagard
Tél : (33)4 42 93 08 13 - email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SOS-Restore - 32 cours Mirabeau - 13100 Aix-en-Provence - France

Re: TSM V5.2.2.0 and 3580 Library Problem

2004-01-27 Thread Christian Bagard

We have the same problem here with 2 customers.
We sell a TSM solution for Medium Business (primary on disk, copy on mono-drive tape)

We have declared an incident in PMR, here in France (but I think that management is 

The only way we found is to redefine the library :

(after you found the names by select * from paths to replace them)
DEFINE PATH SOS-MB LIBR1 srctype=SERVER desttype=LIBRARY device=lb1.0.0.3
DEFINE PATH SOS-MB DRV1 srctype=SERVER desttype=DRIVE library=LIBR1 device=mt2.0.0.3
You can also have a look at the message from Mario : Cannot backup using 3581 LTO on 
Win2K (december 10th)
We think it's the same problem

Best regards

Christian Bagard
Tél : (33)4 42 93 08 13 - email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SOS-Restore - 32 cours Mirabeau - 13100 Aix-en-Provence (only french, sorry)


 Hi Folks,
 i've a problem with TSM V5.2.2 ... I've updated from TSM V5.1.8 everything
 seems to be ok ! Only our 3580 doesn't work no more :-)
 I mean that TSM will by start send a message ANR8840E Unable to open
 device lb6.0.0.2 and then little bit more similar messages ...
 I don't know where could by a problem i'm on Windows200 SP4, there is the
 library ok (i mean in device manager),i've updated the driver to
 but without result !?
 What could it be ? Please help someone ...

SV: Xp and Win2003 restore steps with out using BMR/ASR.

2003-10-08 Thread Christian Bagard

Here is the process we use since several years with several customers.
It's for NT.
You will have to adapt it to W2003 XP but the principle is the same.
You can find some informations in redbooks (redpieces drafts 25/09/03) :
* IBM Tivoli Storage Manager: Bare Machine Recovery for Microsoft Windows 2003 and XP
* IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Bare Machine Recovery for Windows with Cristie BMR

  1.. Install system NT with Microsoft CDRom on another disk than C: Then install the 
service pack.
  2.. Copy  boot.ini , which is on C:, in  boot.bck .
  3.. Install on the same disk TSM client. Customize TSM client with the same name 
than the one to restore.
  4.. Launch GUI of TSM client and select all C: and restore.
  5.. With Edit (wordpad, etc.) open the file boot.ini restored.
  6.. Copy at the end of this file the content of boot.bck.  boot.ini contains now two 
adresses of boot : the one of the restored system (which doesn't work yet) and the one 
of the installed system (which is working).
  7.. Then copy two other files from the installed system to the restored system :
  8.. Reboot the server on the restored NT system.
  9.. Relaunch GUI of client TSM and ask for a restoration of the registry base with 
selecting system object.
  10.. Reboot the server on the restored NT system.
  11.. Verify  that it works fine.
  12.. When restore of C: is OK, it's possible to delete NT system on the other disk. 
Then modify boot.ini to delete the boot address of the installed NT system.
  13.. Restore the other disks with the GUI TSM client.

It works and you are less dependant of the hardware.
I hope it will help !
Ask if you need more. 

Christian Bagard
SOS-Restore (France)

Another (new) ITSM Users Group : french/francophone

2003-07-01 Thread Christian Bagard
Hi TSMers,

For french/francophone (european) readers,
for the others an information about the dynamics around ITSM.

A new TSM Users Group is starting in France within Guide/Share.
The first meeting was on June 4. The next one will be in September.
There are more than 50 companies registered.

To get informations, corresponding members are :
Xavier David, France IBM users groups : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jean Larue, secretary : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Marie-Christine Gamet, technical organizer : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best regards
Christian Bagard
SOS-Restore - 32 cours Mirabeau - 13100 Aix-en-Provence - France


Re: looking for a doc which tracks messages format changes for actlog

2003-06-24 Thread Christian Bagard
Hello David,

Formally, it seems there is no 'change' of messages between versions 
A message may be new or no more available (or not documented, explicitly in a chapter 
of MCodes, or not explicity)
but not modified.

But yes, there are 'spaces-blanks variations' around variables (filenames, nodenames, 
adminnames, drivenames ...) inside messages :
between versions, between languages, between operating systems ???
I don't know where or why, but I saw that several times. 
Maybe Andy will be more accurate about these variations. But maybe there is no 

If you read actlog by program, I think you have to deal with these variations in your 
code. That's we (try to) do.

Best regards

Christian Bagard

SOS-Restore - 32 cours Mirabeau - 13100 Aix-en-Provence - France

- Original Message - 
From: David Rigaudiere [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 11:32 AM
Subject: looking for a doc which tracks messages format changes for actlog

Hi *SMers,
anyone knows a documentation where we can find the changes about the
messages in the actlog ?
ie with the ANE4987E message changed.
The space between folder and file name has been removed.

maybee a CHANGE file ?

Best regards

David  Rigaudiere  -+-  Administration  TSM  -+-
Paris -+- 40, rue de Courcelles -+- 4e étage -+-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -+- 01.5621.7802

Message of activity log truncated to 250 with SELECT

2003-04-03 Thread Christian Bagard

Have somebody any idea :

Subject : Length (chars) of activity log messages

In TSM Database : 
Table : Columns, Actlog, LENGTH of Message is specified to max 250.
Some messages are longer than 250.
By example : ANR8300E which is a drive error (with a long SENSE 00:01:xx, etc.)

With SELECT : 
messages are 250 truncated

But not with Query which doesn't truncate the string (if the field in the DB is really 
limited to 250, from where come the extra-datas used by Query ?)

It' possible to reproduce in easier way than a drive error (!) by sending a long 
syntax select and search for
ANR2017I message, by example.


Christian Bagard
Aix-en-Provence - France

Re: Complete restoration of Win NT and 2K servers from TSM

2002-12-13 Thread Christian Bagard

We use the following process  :
  1.. Install system NT with Microsoft CDRom on another disk than C: Then
install the service pack.
  2.. Copy  boot.ini , which is on C:, in  boot.bck .
  3.. Install on the same disk TSM client. Customize TSM client with the
same name than the one to restore.
  4.. Launch GUI of TSM client and select all C: and restore.
  5.. With Edit (wordpad, etc.) open the file boot.ini restored.
  6.. Copy at the end of this file the content of boot.bck.
  boot.ini contains now two adresses of boot : the one of the restored
system (which doesn't work yet) and the one of the installed system (which
is working).
  7.. Then copy two other files from the installed system to the restored
system :


  8.. Reboot the server on the restored NT system.
  9.. Relaunch GUI of client TSM and ask for a restoration of the registry
base with selecting system object.
  10.. Reboot the server on the restored NT system.
  11.. Verify  that it works fine.
  12.. When restore of C: is OK, it's possible to delete NT system on the
other disk. Then modify boot.ini to delete the boot address of the installed
NT system.
  13.. Restore the other disks with the GUI TSM client.
 I hope it will help !

Christian Bagard
SOS-Restore (France)

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 2:19 PM
Subject: Complete restoration of Win NT and 2K servers from TSM



 Last week i done a restore drilling on one of the Windows NT server boxes.
 I took the complete backup of the Win NT server on to TSM ( C: D: E:
 including Registry and eventlog ).

 C: OS and applications Applications including SAP R/3 and Oracle

 D and E contains Data

 I performed drill in following sequence ( on testing machine which is
 identical to the Win NT server )

 - I installed the Windows NT with the same partition table

 - I installed TSM client

 - i first restored C drive ( without WINNT folder )

 - Then i restored D and E drives

 - Then i restored registry

 I tried to access SAP and oracle

 there were lot of windows popup, and i could access the application

 I repeated the above procedure again , this time with WINNT folder

 again lot of error message windows poped up

 1) Does TSM support this type restoration ( i mean without reinstalling
 Applications again )

 2) When shuld i restore the Registry? ( after installing OS or retoring
 complete backup )

 Plz throw your view on this




Re: SCSI-2 tape drives

2002-10-28 Thread Christian Bagard

If you define your primary storage pool on disk, you won't need any device.
That's the way we operate for TSM demo on laptop.

Best regards

Christian Bagard
Aix-en-Provence - France

- Original Message -
From: Mark Stapleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 6:06 PM
Subject: SCSI-2 tape drives

 I'm trying to set up a portable demo unit for TSM, using a laptop that has
 an Adaptec APA-1460A PCMCIA card; the card supports SCSI-2. Does anyone
 there have any experience with any compatible (and current) tape drive
 that'll run of this card?

 Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Certified TSM consultant
 Certified AIX system engineer

Re: Off site copy with one drive???

2002-10-02 Thread Christian Bagard

Hello Mark,

 One-drive libraries are pretty much worthless

With our add-on SOS-MB (sorry only french) we use this technology.
and it works fine (SOS-MB is promoted in France by IBM/Tivoli)
We guarantee a day - 1 recovery of the backup server (the worst case) and without 
the DRM of TSM
If we have one drive, we suppose that volumes of datas to backup are not very big 
The primary storage pool on disk must be big enough
Tape drive is only for offsite tapes
And the trick is to use a backup strategy with no need for reclaiming offsite tapes.
In this way, there is no reclaim at all (and no collocation) which is very practical 
in little companies with no specialist.

Joking with your style : 
Do yourself a BIG favor. Think about this strategy.
(For myself, I know, I have to think about improving my english)

By example : 
1 - You have 400 Go of datas, a disk of 400 Go and a LTO 3581
2 - First day of use : you do a full copy on tapes and each day after you copy all the 
new things of  the storage pool disk on tapes
3 - At the end of the week (by example) you put the tapes offsite with the database on 
an other tape
4 - You clear the disk storage pool and delete the same in the database
5 - You take a new set of tapes for the next week and do the same than the previous 
6 - You can rotate on 3 sets, by example

I hope it will help


Christian Bagard
SOS-restore - Aix-en-Provence - France
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (in french)

- Original Message - 
From: Mark Stapleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: Off site copy with one drive???

 From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Etienne Brodeur
  Is it possible if I have a one drive library to use a copy storage pool
  for my backups?
  I can backup to disk, then backup the diskpool to the copypool.  (this way
  I should have all my data onsite and offsite).
 Exactly. You backup from diskpool to offsite pool, and then you migrate from
 diskpool to primary tape pool.
  How do I then reclaim my copypool volumes?
 You can't. TSM doesn't support a disk-based reclamation pool for reclamation
 of offsite tape pools.
  I can't reclaim to disk like I
  do with my onsite volumes for some reason (I don't see why not since the
  DB can track which file is on which onsite tape mount it and copy it to my
  reclaimpool on disk.  Once that is done it can mount a scratch or copypool
  volume and the offsite volumes would be reclaimed no?
 One-drive libraries are pretty much worthless. Particularly if you have
 large-capacity tape volumes, your disk-based reclamation pool needs to be at
 least 40% of the maximum size of the tape volume. In the case of LTO tapes,
 that means 80GB of disk space for the reclamation pool.
 Do yourself a BIG favor. Get a three-drive library.
 Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Certified TSM consultant
 Certified AIX system engineer

Re: Off site copy with one drive???

2002-10-02 Thread Christian Bagard


An error in my last post !  
It's not : 
4 - You clear the disk storage pool and delete the same in the database
but of course : 
4 - You clear the copy storage pool and delete the same in the database in other 
words the knowledge that TSM has about the offsite tapes.

Sorry again


Re: how to keep all data on disk for quicker restores

2002-09-27 Thread Christian Bagard


We have such a solution in a software (add-on that we sell).
Backups are stored on disk and we use LTO (3580 and 3581) or SDLT.
Its name is SOS-MB (Medium Business)
But ... it's in French.
So we can answer to your questions about implementation and TSM parameters.
It works fine.
In some cases, it's also a solution for people working with TSM with
library  1 drive.

Christian Bagard
SOS-restore - Aix-en-Provence - France

- Original Message -
From: Coviello, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 10:00 PM
Subject: how to keep all data on disk for quicker restores

 Hi as the subject refers to how to keep all data on disk for quicker
 restores  I have been tasked, again, to change the way TSM operates and
 do a scheduled full backup once a week and incrementals in between. ( stop
 laughing! )
 we currently have an H70 running AIX with an ATL P2000 100 tape library.
 and others in the dept want to have data so that at any point we can
 a system from disk. and not tape unless of a disaster.  we currently have
 vers set for 30 and no co-location. our diskpool is currently 60gb  we
 to backup approx 80gb a night.

   if anyone would like to share thier thoughts... because mine are going
 very quickly


 Paul J Coviello
 Sr Systems Analyst
 Catholic Medical Center
 2456 Brown Ave
 Manchester, NH 03103
 603 663-5326

Re: Restore NT4 on difference machine

2002-09-18 Thread Christian Bagard


We use the following process  :
  1.. Install system NT with Microsoft CDRom on another disk than C: Then
install the service pack.
  2.. Copy  boot.ini , which is on C:, in  boot.bck .
  3.. Install on the same disk TSM client. Customize TSM client with the
same name than the one to restore.
  4.. Launch GUI of TSM client and select all C: and restore.
  5.. With Edit (wordpad, etc.) open the file boot.ini restored.
  6.. Copy at the end of this file the content of boot.bck.
  boot.ini contains now two adresses of boot : the one of the restored
system (which doesn't work yet) and the one of the installed system (which
is working).
  7.. Then copy two other files from the installed system to the restored
system :


  8.. Reboot the server on the restored NT system.
  9.. Relaunch GUI of client TSM and ask for a restoration of the registry
base with selecting system object.
  10.. Reboot the server on the restored NT system.
  11.. Verify  that it works fine.
  12.. When restore of C: is OK, it's possible to delete NT system on the
other disk. Then modify boot.ini to delete the boot address of the installed
NT system.
  13.. Restore the other disks with the GUI TSM client.
 I hope it will help !

Christian Bagard
SOS-Restore (France)

- Original Message -
From: Natthakriss Mathanom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 10:50 AM
Subject: Restore NT4 on difference machine

 Dear all
I have some problem about restore NT4 system on difference
When i restore adsm.sys on c:\winnt\system32\config   and
 replace when restart.
It cann't login to server, Anyone has found problem Pls tell
Or anyone have step or How to restore NT4 to difference
Pls tell me too, Thank you for your help


 Natthakriss  Mathanom
 MIS System Operation
 CRC.Ahold Company Limited
 Tel: (66)2-9371700 ext 833

Re: survey - which DATEFORMAT used on your servers

2002-09-10 Thread Christian Bagard

Hello David,

We have writen this for our add-on of  TSM : SOS-MB.
SOS-MB monitors TSM with a log analyser (interpretation of messages and
It's in REXX.
So maybe we can help you ! (en français)

Christian Bagard
SOS-Restore (sorry, it's only french)

- Original Message -
From: David Rigaudiere [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 4:00 PM
Subject: survey - which DATEFORMAT used on your servers

hi all,
i'm David Sniper Rigaudiere,
i'm writing a Perl Module for TSM Logs parsing,

Could you tell which format for DATEFORMAT used on your nodes
and servers ? it's little survey to know if I must
code a differents date manager...

of course the module will be distribute here and on CPAN

David Sniper Rigaudiere
Core member of Paris Perl Mongers
TSM Admin

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