Migrate TSM server ( Win to Linux)

2011-10-06 Thread Gibin
Thanks everyone for the inputs ...

I will try to get in our spare library from  offsite to get the job done.


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Migrate TSM server ( Win to Linux)

2011-10-04 Thread Gibin
The Library we have does support partitioning,but it is packed to capacity with 
ability to accommodate  just 5 more tapes.So i do'nt think a secondary library  
for the Linux server will help.

So Daniel as you were saying i will :
1. Setup Library Manager /client between by New  old TSm servers

2.Import TSM database/policies/schedules  info from old TSM server to New TSm 

3.Switch Library Manager to New TSM sever

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Migrate TSM server ( Win to Linux)

2011-10-02 Thread Gibin
We are planning to migrate our TSM server V6.2.3(Win2k3) to Linux Server 
(Redhat ) ,but the major problem is  the availability of  a single Tape Library 
which is currently  used by the TSM Production server and all our backup data 
is  held in this tape library.

I think ,one of the ways to go about this would be server to server export but 
as we are having a single tape library which is almost filled to capacity , I 
was wondering if it is possible to have  my New Linux TSM server to  just take 
control of all the tapes/media/database held by the current Win TSM server 
without actually doing export/import.

Please let me know your views on this if anyone as tried this out.

Thanks!! :)

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Backup specific folder only

2011-07-19 Thread Gibin
Thanks everyone .. I will go with Andy's suggestion of using a separate 
schedule to target a specific folder for backup.
Although Gary's suggestion would also solve my problem ,it comes with a lot of 
administrative overheard since i would have to use many exclude.dir  options  
for each specific server and  also if  an user did add any new folder in future 
i would end up backing up the folder structure.

Paul,  we do a lot of  folder specific backups on many of the servers( 
file,oracle,application,EDMS servers).Many of these servers do have folder/sub 
folder branches  of over 10,000+ .So  if i can be very specific in what i 
backup i can reduce  TSM DB growth to a certain extent.

Also,we are not particular about backing up the OS,system drive on some servers 
as these servers have redundant server units and even if we lost a server 
somewhere , the App services wouldn't be affected and we can rebuild the server 
from scratch .Its been over 5 yrs and we have never faced the situation of a 
server rebuild due to OS file corruption or user accidentally deleting the 
file.Hence we  stick with the plan of skipping OS backup for certain non 
critical servers .

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Backup specific folder only

2011-07-18 Thread Gibin
Thanks Paul ,Made the changes in the server dsm.opt

Exclude E:\...\*
Include E:\Oracle\...\* 3mth_grp2_MC

Now only files/folders from E:\Oracle get backed up.But i noticed a problem 
when using the mentioned include/exclude , all the sub folders from all the 
other excluded folders get backed up as well.This i feel can cause unnecessary 
TSM DB growth .As each file/folder backed up consumes 4KB of TSM database space.

Is there some way to avoid TSM backing up the sub folder structure from all the 
other excluded directories...??

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Backup specific folder only

2011-07-17 Thread Gibin
On one of our server with C,E drives , i want to backup only the folder  
Oracle in E drive.The E drive has the directory layout as follows:

07/17/2011  04:37 PMDIR  54354365430O46est
06/29/2010  02:31 PM 6,131,936 iis60rkt.exe
07/17/2011  04:37 PMDIR  Old Oracle home
07/17/2011  03:20 PMDIR  Oracle
07/17/2011  04:37 PMDIR  Oracle1234
06/29/2010  11:16 AMDIR  Sder
06/29/2010  03:17 PMDIR  SW_DVD5

I have put include-exclude entries in my dsm.opt file as:

Include  E:\Oracle\...\*  3mth_grp2_MC
EXCLUDE.DIR [a-df-z]:\*
EXCLUDE.DIR E:\[a-np-z]*

When i ran backup , it backed up all directories(+files) which were beginning 
with O like Old Oracle home,Oracle,54354365430O46est,Oracle123

Please advise me how to make sure only the directory+files from  Oracle is 
backed up and  rest all folders/files get skipped.

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Reorg in DB2 TSM V6.2.x

2011-07-16 Thread Gibin
The TSM service instance is running with  DB2  admin userid and as i mentioned 
all TSM /DB2 operations  are running fine except reorg .

Also i see no reorg related information in either q options or q status , 
but if i do  q db f=d  , last database reorg is mentioned .
This field is just blank in my case .

I am really not sure if reorg ever runs in these TSM 6.2.x  versions 

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Reorg in DB2 TSM V6.2.x

2011-07-14 Thread Gibin
We are having  TSM V6.2.2.30( Win2008 R2) and the database is in an ever 
growing state. I have expiration running daily and all other TSM operations are 
going  fine.
Till recently , i had DB2 allow_reorg ON for the tsm DB and thought the 
reorg's where happening from the DB2 end.When i checked the  db2diag.log . All 
i can see is the below warnings from db2 health monitor

FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, Health Monitor, HealthIndicator::update, probe:500
MESSAGE : ADM10512W  Health indicator Reorganization Required
  (db.tb_reorg_req) is in state Reorganization required on
  database SERVER1.TSMDB1  . Collection (Object Name, Timestamp,
  Value, Detail):  (TSMDB1.ACTIVITY_SUMMARY, 07/12/2011
  12:01:32.00, 2, REORG TABLE USE TEMPTBSP), ...

Hence, I  enabled TSM Reorg by updating DB2 auto_reorg to off and added options 
in the dsmserv.opt

allowreorgtable yes
reorgbegintime  11:00
reorgduration   10

when i check in the actlog i see no Reorg related events. Also , the status of 
these commands gives no indication of Reorg happening atall
 db2pd -reorgs -db tsmdb1
 db2 list history reorg all for db tsmdb1

Am i missing something?

Please could someone help me out here ..How can i get  Online Reorg running in 
the TSM DB ??

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2010-12-29 Thread Gibin
I was able to setup HADR between two TSM servers .TSM server AA ( win 2003 ,tsm 
v6.2.2,PRIMARY) and TSM server BB (win 2008,tsm v6.2.2,STANDBY).

There are running in nearsync mode and  everything seems fine. But i am  still 
confused about the TSM volhist.dat  file .

On checking the volhist.dat file on server AA ,it is the most updated and has 
all the entries of DB backups etc.But the TSM server BB volhist file is not 
updated as in server AA. :?

As per the HADR setup proces , i took offline backup of server AA and then 
restored it on server BB using the restore command with the REPLACE history 
file option . I then started server BB as standby and server AA as primary with 
nearsync mode .

While checking the volhist file entries and file modified time on both servers, 
they are different.

Not sure why the volhist.dat is not updated on both the primary and standby 

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TSM server reSYNC to other TSM server

2010-12-22 Thread Gibin
We am using two TSM servers( v6.2.2 , WIN 2003 )and have a tape library shared 
between them .

One TSM server AA is on Prod env and TSM server BB is the DR server.

Is it possible to  sync DB information , active /archive logs between these 
servers on a periodic basis of 24hrs or less using TSM , was thinking of 
something like log shipping used in databases .

Does TSM have any feature like this ?

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TSM server reSYNC to other TSM server

2010-12-22 Thread Gibin
This is exactly what i was looking for ...

Thanks Rejean!!  :D

Will try to configure this  and let you guys know .

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TSM Lan-free backup

2010-11-29 Thread Gibin
we are having a san env  with a TSm server ( v6.2) , a client , tape library . 
The tsm server has complete control on the tape library and uses it for its 
daily operations.

In order to configure lan free data transfer, should i   modify the san switch 
zoning  so that the tape library drives are mapped to the client  as well ?

i have  done all the steps on the client side as well as the server side to 
enable lan free data transfer ,but it does not  work . so wondering if zoning 
is the issue ?

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Restore TSM server to Win 2008

2010-11-10 Thread Gibin
I restarted TSM server over two times ,but it does not seem to modify the 
archive log path  for me.
The size of the  archive log folder is still  0 bytes and i have no clue where 
the archive log files are being stored in this TSM server .

the entries in my dsmserv.opt are

TCPPort 1500
DEVCONFIG devconf.dat

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Restore TSM server to Win 2008

2010-11-09 Thread Gibin
I have  done the TSM server V6.2.1 ( Win2008) restore  using the TSM DB backup 
from our production  TSM server ( Win 2003).

But faced some strange problem wherein the active log directory points to wrong 
location as to defined in dsmserv.opt .

error seen after TSM db restore completes :
ANR4655W the restore DB is completed and active log directory has been changed 
by DB2 from F:\Active_log to C:\SERVER1\NODE\SQL1\SQLOGDIR\

i was able to find a work-around  for this in the IBM site .

But still some problem remains , my archive log location points to a 
non-existent location as to the one defined in my dsmserv.opt . i was able to 
check this u using db2 cmd : db2 = get db cfg

 Any clue ,how to get this redefined to proper location ??

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Restore TSM server to Win 2008

2010-11-04 Thread Gibin
Hi Christian ,

So it seems i am good to go with the new TSM server rebuild except the storage 

Is there a way to start the TSM server without the  storage pools  defined?

If no other way , i will create the exact storage pool volumes  with the same 
old path and size .

Hope , then TSM  should have no probs to start then.

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Restore TSM server to Win 2008

2010-11-03 Thread Gibin
I want to keep my current TSM server   AA setup  ( TSM v6.2.1 , win2003 ) and 
create a new TSM server BB setup wih diff hardware ( TSM v6.2.1 ,Win2008) using 
my existing  TSM server AA  DB backup ..

Had some queries as to :

* In the new TSM server BB i am building  ,should i keep any similar settings  
like the old TSM server  like hostname ,IP addr , no of storage pool vols , 
activ /archiv log size ..?? anything at all ?

I am planning to perform these steps :

* install OS Win 2008 R2 ( new hostname  ip addr)
*install TSM  v6.2.1
*create new TSM server instance ,DB ,Activ /Archiv log
* define library   driv paths  and checkin needed tapes   ( so as to recreate 
devconfig.dat with new hostname ,library  drive paths )
*replace volhist.dat from the old TSm server AA
* dsmserv restore db
* disable TSM GUID check
* perform TSM DB backup

Am i missing any steps?  Has anyone worked on a similar scenario like this .

Gibin George

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Restore TSM server to Win 2008

2010-11-01 Thread Gibin
Thanks  for helping out  Christian   :P .

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Restore TSM server to Win 2008

2010-11-01 Thread Gibin
Bill ,

So did you overcome the IP address check( v4 /v6) while restoring TDM DB on a 
diff server  ?

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Restore TSM server to Win 2008

2010-10-31 Thread Gibin
In my current setup , using TSM server 6.2.1 on Win2003  .

I am planning to migrate the TSM setup  to a Win 2008 R2 server by restoring  
the TSM server from TSM DB Tape backup.

Can this be done? has anyone tried this out ?

Please let me know.

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Restore TSM server to Win 2008

2010-10-31 Thread Gibin
Christian ,

could you guide me as to how to disable the TSM GUID check while restoring the 

Or is there any documentation available for this ..  [Wink]

Would like to try this out soon ..

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TSM Image backup -incremental issue

2010-04-13 Thread Gibin
I am doing monthly Image backup of a file-system with millions of small files 
.New file changes in the directory are in the range of 90,000 files per day 
.Daily i run Image incremental backups on this drive .

dsmc backup image e: -mode=incremental

Image full backups work fine .ButI noticed a major issue in image incrementals  

It never backups any new files in interior directories structures...

eg: If we create some new files in the path

e:\output\ABC\ ,they never get backed up using image incremental .

But if files get created in e:\ or in e:\output , they are being considered in 
image incremental backups 

Am i missing any option in my Image incremental backup or something ?

Has anyone faced some issue like this ?  [Rolling Eyes]

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TSM Image backup -incremental issue

2010-04-13 Thread Gibin
I verified my incl-excl list again ...don't see any mention of the Drive or 
directories i am backing up  .Just to make sure removed all incl-excl options 
in the dsm.opt  and tried . Still no success

Also noticed ,image incremental backs up any new directories created in 
internal direc  but not new files created in internal directories.

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TSM Active Log --- Trouble

2010-04-04 Thread Gibin
I am using TSM v6.1.2 on WIN 2003 R2 Server with 12 client nodes . The active 
log defined in TSM options file is 10 GB but it is using 39 GB space on the 
file-system and i had done several DB backups for 10 days now ,still the active 
log size does not reduce .

ACTIVELOGDirectory g:\active_log
ARCHLOGDirectory h:\Archive_log

I checked the log usage value from TSM , seems to be just 18 MB from tsm query
tsm: SERV-BACKUP02q log f=d

Total Space(MB): 10,240
Used Space(MB): 18.57
Free Space(MB): 39,761.43
Active Log Directory: g:\active_log
Mirror Log Directory:
Archive Failover Log Directory:
Archive Log Directory: h:\Archive_log

I also have enough space in the archive log directory .I just can't understand 
whats filling the active log ???

I added some more disk space to the active log file-system and need to expand 
it in TSM. I  tried to increase the size of active log to 59GB in dsmserv.opt 
and restarted the server ,but the server wont  come up then

Need advice on what needs to be done .

1) Why is the active log directory being filled up with  500 mb files and i am 
sure nothing is being recorded in the actv log as u can see in tsm query

2) how to increase the size of actv log  to 59 gb?

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