X/Open API on Linux

2003-02-03 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

I'm working with software(AFS/OpenAFS) that uses the X/Open XBSA API
to communicate with the TSM server.  The manual Using the Application
Programming Interface, Version 5.1 says that the X/Open API is only
available for AIX, HP-UX and Solaris.  Can someone (possibly Andy R.)
comment on whether this functionality will be available for the Linux
platform and if so what the time frame will be?


Re: Exclude SYSTEM_OBJECT redux

2002-02-27 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

If anything, I'd go with backupsystemobject yes/no, similar to
backupregistry yes/no that we have today.  Easy to put in a client option
set, or in the options file on the client.

I agree that this type of option would be preferable to my suggestion
of exclude.systemobject.  But is it possible with more recent versions
of the server to put backupregistry in the client option set on the
server?  I run TSM server, and it is not possible to use that
option in a client optioin set at this level.  This must have been a
feature they added in later versions.


Re: Idea for a TSM feature

2002-02-27 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

The feature that I would like to see is the ability to create a special disk
 storage pool, that would only migrate inactive versions of backup objects to
 the next storage pool.  This would keep all the active versions on disk

 I'm sure everyone has certain nodes(systems) that are of more importance
 than others.  Could be the CEO's desktop filesystem or a critical server.

Have you considered colocation for the important servers and
management desktop machines?  I understand your point about not
streaming the data as fast as a migration, but if implemented
correctly these systems will each have their own set of tapes, and not
require many tape mounts.  Are you really measuring your restore in
such small increments that 2 or 3 tape mounts is unacceptable?


Exclude SYSTEM_OBJECT redux

2002-02-26 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

We are apparently in the minority due to the fact that we don't want to backup
the SYSTEM_OBJECT on Windows 2000 on our clients.  I have contacted Tivoli
support and know that my only option currently is to use the DOMAIN statement
in the dsm.opt file to control this.  Therefore I come to the community and
ask what (if any) requests have you made of the developers for design
changes concerning this topic.

I know some developers frequent this list, and if any of them care to
comment on this, I would love to have your input.  I plan on talking
with Tivoli Marketing soon, asking for a design change to incorporate
a feature that will allow me to exclude the SYSTEM_OBJECT; so maybe
something like an option called EXCLUDE.SYSTEMOBJECT.  It is my
opinion that this should be an option that could be set from a server client
option set, so that each client dsm.opt file doesn't need to be
modified.  This is a problem in my environment, as I have over 10,000
clients total, and it's difficult to make changes that require user

When I spoke with Tivoli support about my problem, he mentioned that
when designing the capability to backup the system files, they were
required to take an 'all or nothing' approach.  While this seems to be
true, they make it quite difficult for the user to choose the
'nothing' route, much different from the philosophy TSM normally

OK, thanks for listening.  I look forward to your comments.


Re: volhist file extremely large

2001-10-04 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

Would this also be applicable if all data was going directly to tape? and
data is being archived for
3 and 8 years?

I think what the consensus is here, is the tapes that are legitimate data 
tapes will not be deleted from the volhist file.  Only DB backups, exports and 
volumes that have been rewritten to are going to be removed.  Obviously then, 
the rewrite is when the volume is marked as STGNEW the most recent time in the 


 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

Re: Listserver question

2001-10-03 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

Is it possible to see also your own postings to the listserver? Sometimes
 the posting doen't arrive, so now i must check it with an other account.

 Maybe you can use the web interface to the list at www.adsm.org to
 check your postings ?

While we're on this subject...I frequently use the searching capabilities of 
this site, but notice that the hits are all listed twice.  Is there anyone who 
is involved with this web site monitoring this list?  If not I'll eventually 
go and post a note to the webmaster.


Re: Listserver question

2001-10-03 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

Interesting indeed.  I have done a little experimenting since your post.  If I 
just search on Matthew and Bacchi I get many posts, with duplicates.  Here 
is one particular selection, a single post that shows up twice.  Notice how 
it has two different confidence levels for the same posting, wierd.

76% Re: Expire Logs C Program for Tivoli 4.2 and Informix ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - 
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 20:08:43 GMT
60% Re: Expire Logs C Program for Tivoli 4.2 and Informix ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - 
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 20:08:43 GMT

But if I search for Matthew AND Bacchi I get fewer responses, and none are 
duplicates.  It appears to me that over the years I have been using this 
search without the keyword AND in caps.  For whatever reason, the search 
engine interprets this differently than I expected.  Does this appear to be 
normal behavior to you?  The strange part is though, why would the lower case 
word and cause the engine to spit out the same post twice?

If the maintainer does follow this discussion, maybe they would like to 


 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

volhist file extremely large

2001-10-03 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

I have seen some posts concerning this in the past, but I don't have a 
good feeling about my options.  I have a volumeshistory file that is around 5 
megs, and entries that go back to 1997.  What I want to know is, how do I know 
for sure that I can delete a particular entry?  Kelly mentioned that he does a 
delete volhist type=all todate=today-30 but that seems a little extreme to 
me.  I believe that I have volumes that have data on them for much longer than 
30 days.  I am pretty sure they haven't had data on them for 4 years, but I'll 
bet it is closer to 6 months.

What do you guys do to verify that the volumehistory entry can be deleted? I 
suppose I can write a script, but wanted some input first.

Thanks in advance.


 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

disabling TCPIP commmethod

2001-09-21 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

OK folks, this one has bothered me for years.  I want to disable the TSM server
 completely while I do some work.  Rather than using the disable sessions 
command, I want to in effect disable TCPIP connections altogether.  I have 
attempted commenting out COMMmethod TCPIP in the dsmserv.opt file, but it 
appears that this is the default, so it has no affect.

Besides the obvious answer of disconnecting the network cable, how can I force 
the TSM server to ignore every TCPIP request.  When sessions are disabled, the 
activity log shows connection started, than a message indicating that user 
access is disabled.  I want to avoid this.

Thanks in advance.

 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

ANS1809E error on AIX client

2001-07-31 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

I have been seeing what appear to be networking problems on an AIX 
client over the past 2 weeks.  An incremental normally runs from 06:00 AM 
until 19:00 PM, but recently the process has not finished by the next morning 
at 06:00.  We get errors in our logs, and redirected from standard out.  Here 
are some of them:

In dsmerror.log:
07/28/01   12:50:36 TcpFlush: Error 32 sending data on Tcp/Ip socket 4.
07/28/01   12:50:36 sessSendVerb: Error sending Verb, rc: -50
07/28/01   12:50:36 TcpFlush: Error 32 sending data on Tcp/Ip socket 4.
07/28/01   12:50:36 ANS1809E Session is lost; initializing session reopen
07/28/01   12:50:36 ANS1809E Session is lost; initializing session reopen
07/28/01   12:50:56 ANS1810E ADSM session has been reestablished.

From standard out:
ANS1809E Session is lost; initializing session reopen procedure.
A Reconnection attempt will be made in 00:00:14 
A Reconnection attempt will be made in 00:00:13 
A Reconnection attempt will be made in 00:00:12 
A Reconnection attempt will be made in 00:00:00 ...

This error happens over and over in our logs, until the process has to be 
killed the next day.  Has anyone seen these types of messages, and if so, what 
was your fix?

Also, it should be noted that the client is on AIX 4.3.3, running the ADSM client.  The idle timeout value is 120 minutes and the commtimeout is 
180 minutes.  The client is on 10 Meg Half duplex ethernet, with an MTU of 
1500, and the server is on FDDI with a MTU of 1492.  I have used ping to 
figure out if there is any packet loss, and find none with normal size packets 
and packets of 4000 bytes in size.

Thanks in advance for any help that you can give.


 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

Re: ANS1809E error on AIX client

2001-07-31 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

Good point Richard.  I do see the session being terminated on the server, here 
is the log entry:

07/28/01   12:50:37  ANR0480W Session 56995 for node MDBACK0.BTV.IBM.COM (AIX) 
  terminated - connection with client severed. 

Obviously because this is from Saturday, I don't know for sure if the storage 
pool is full(it is a disk pool), but I doubt it, this is a 215 Gig pool, and 
the hi migration pct is set to 20%.

Thanks again,

 Matt - Big missing piece in your posting: what's in the server
Activity Log at that time?  Most of the time, it is the
 server killing off sessions for some reason, like tape errors
 or storage pool full.

 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

Re: AIX TSM scheduler problem

2001-07-27 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

 Be aware that inittab runs things under sh, not ksh.  See man page.

Not to split hairs here, and dangerously close to being off topic, but 
isn't sh linked to ksh? From the man page:

man sh:
Refer to the syntax of the ksh command. The /usr/bin/sh file is linked to the
Korn shell.
The standard configuration of the operating system links the /usr/bin/sh path 
to the Korn shell.

ls -l :
-r-xr-xr-x   4 bin  bin   240390 Dec 02 1999  /usr/bin/sh
-r-xr-xr-x   4 bin  bin   240390 Dec 02 1999  /usr/bin/ksh

that is on a AIX 4.3.3 system at least.  Maybe if your system is configured 
differently you would have a different sh binary.


 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

Re: export multiple nodes, but only import one?

2001-07-26 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi


 This creates two questions.  If I export a dozen nodes to a tape,
and then later someone needs data from node XYZ, can I stick the tape
in and IMPORT NODE XYZ DEVCLASS=8MM_CLASS and it will ignore the
other nodes?

In my experience this works exactly as you describe.  You can specify what 
node will be imported even though multiple nodes have been exported to one 


 Will this back it all up to the same tape and then allow me to
put in the tape and import one specific node or filespace?

This scenario on the other hand is more of a stretch.  I don't know for sure 
if this will work as you expect.  The main reason for this, is that the two 
export commands might want to start from the beginning of the tape.  If you 
are interested in utilizing the tapes efficiently, you may want to approach 
this problem from a slightly different angle.
If you export your node data to a FILE device class, then tar all that data to 
your tapes(spanning tapes if necessary), you get the greatest efficiency and 
can later untar just what you desire before importing to TSM.  The only 
problem you may have is that your disk capacity is not enough to handle the 
exports from the TSM server.

Good luck.


 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

Re: Expire Logs C Program for Tivoli 4.2 and Informix

2001-07-26 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

From what I have read and been told by IBM support, you will want to 
use the TSM 3.7 API no matter what version of the other TSM client code you 
use.  Apparently the API for 4.1 and above has major problems, this will be 
fixed, but for now just use the 3.7 API.


 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

Re: ADSM/HSM migration candidates list

2001-06-14 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

Matthew - Is the file system occupied by small files, under 4KB in size?

No, it isn't.  In fact it is occupied by a few quite large files, between 
100-500 Meg.  There are some lock files in the filesystem, which are around 
4KB, but the majority of the files are larger.

Richard, maybe you or someone else can answer this question for me.  The way I 
understand the product to work, it will always generate a migration candidates 
list based on the Age and Size factor settings, even if your thresholds are 
set so that migration will not occur.  The candidates list is just a list of 
files and their score, and doesn't indicate that migration is eminant.  I have 
configured this product on quite a few other machines in the past, this one 
just seems to be giving me trouble.

Thanks again,

 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

Re: help to certification

2001-06-14 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

Do you know if there are some web sites  where it's possible to try =
 tests for TSM certification ?

Yep, try this Tivoli site:


You'll see the Sample Exam in PDF format.


 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

ADSM/HSM migration candidates list

2001-06-13 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

I can't seem to get HSM to generate a candidates list and begin migrating 
files on an AIX 4.3.2 system.  The version of adsm.client.aix42.hsm is, one of the most recent ADSM packages.  Anyway, the high migration 
threshold is set below the percent used for the filesystem, Space Management 
is active for the filesystem and we have backed the files up using the normal 
ADSM b/a client(even though the MIGREQUIRESBACKUP parameter is set to NO.)  
Here are some commands and their output:

{ root@client } # dsmreconcile -c /b32tmd/tmd3
Reconciling '/b32tmd/tmd3' file system:
  Querying the ADSM server for a list of backed up files...
 Received 11616 entries
  Now traversing the file system...
  Writing the new migration candidates list...
 Note: unable to find any candidates in the file system.
ANS9250I File system '/b32tmd/tmd3' reconciliation completed.

{ root@client } # dsmmigquery -c /b32tmd/tmd3 
Candidates for migration in file system /b32tmd/tmd3: 

no file exists in the migration candidates list   

{ root@client } # dsmmigfs query /b32tmd/tmd3

File System HighLow Premig  Age SizeQuota   StubServer
NameThrshld Thrshld Percent Factor  Factor  SizeName

/b32tmd/tmd385  65  5   1   0   19000   4095ADSM0

{ root@client } # dsmdf /b32tmd/tmd3 

FSM FS  Mgrtd   Pmgrtd  Mgrtd   Pmgrtd  Unused  Free
Filesystem  State   KB  KB  Files   Files   Inodes  KB  

/b32tmd/tmd3  a 0   0   0   0   2356854 867700

{ root@g54srv1 } # df -k /b32tmd/tmd3
Filesystem1024-blocks  Free %UsedIused %Iused Mounted on
/b32tmd/tmd3  9502720867704   91%18825 1% /b32tmd/tmd3

Anybody have any ideas?  I have spent quite a few hours now playing with this, 
making changes and attempting to generate a candidates list, all to no avail.  
Maybe I need another set of eyes.  Thanks in advance.


 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

TSM icon in gif or jpg format

2001-06-12 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

I know this sounds silly, but I'm updating my internal web page for 
TSM, and can't find a TSM logo/icon anywhere.  I do see the Tivoli logo, but 
nothing that is more specific to TSM itself.  When ADSM was king, there was 
the Safeman icon that we used, but now I'm interested in moving into the 
21st century.  Anyone know where I can get one of these?


 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

Rebinding archive to management class

2001-04-25 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

I know its not possible to rebind previously archived files to a new 
management class, but I want to try it anyway.  My customer has been using the 
default management class when archiving in the past, but wants to increase the 
retention period from 180 to 730 days.  I can't do this for the default 
management class, so I have decided to create another management class with a 
730 day retention period.  So, his newly archived files will be bound to this 
second management class, but his old ones will still be bound to the default 
To 'coerce' ADSM into rebinding his previously archived files I was 
thinking of creating a new policy domain, and associating the node with this 
domain.  In this case, all archive files will become rebound to the management 
class with the same name as in the old policy domain, or in the case that a 
management class of the same name doesn't exist, they will use the grace 
retention period.  Am I on the right track here?  Can anyone recommend a 
better way to do this?

Thanks in advance,

 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

Re: db2 backups not expiring

2001-04-04 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi


Another thing to think about is how often your database is backed up fully, 
versus the logs being archived.  We only back up the dbs fully once per week, 
and logs are applied to get to a particular point in time.  Because of this, 
we use :

vere = 2
verd = 0
rete = 0
reto = 0

Also, this forces inactive copies to be deleted, so we don't keep 50 Gig 
databases around that don't need to be.


Does anybody know why wouldn't db2 backups expire, when, in theory, they
should be?
We have an AIX-SP environment, with TSM 4.1, server and clients. DB2 data is
backed up via the TSM-API. The copygroup criteria for this data is: versions
exists=1; versions deleted=1; retain extra versions=1, retain only
DB2 backups have been occurring weekly since mid-November 2000, yet none of
the DB2 backup images have ever expired. We run inventory expiration daily.
Any ideas?

 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

TSM 4.1 API broken?

2001-03-29 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

I thought I read somewhere that the TSM 4.1 version of the API was not 
working well, and it is recommended to use the 3.7 version.  Is this correct 
or am I going crazy.  I have tried to search through the archives on adsm.org, 
but get poor results when using anything with the word "api".

If this is not correct, what is the error message below coming from:

03/29/01   02:36:39 ANS1036S Invalid option 'DSMSRVR' found in options file 'OPTIONS 
 at line number : 1
 Invalid entry : '-DSMSRVR=adsmsrv1.sg.ibm.com'

This is when trying to start butc to backup AFS to a TSM server.


 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

Re: FIVE questions for TSM 4.1.2

2001-02-27 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

I'm not really sure what the difference is, I'm guessing that the SSA 
controller needs to support Fast-Write Cache, and I believe it's a chip on the 
controller with memory(cache) for doing this.  For example if I run the 
following command:

# lscfg -vl ssa0

  ssa0  10-68 IBM SSA 160 SerialRAID Adapter

Part Number. 27H1204
FRU Number.. 34L5388
Serial Number...S0157201
EC LevelE28728
ROS Level and ID8300
Loadable Microcode Level05
Device Driver Level.00
Displayable Message.SSA-ADAPTER 
Device Specific.(Z0)SDRAM=128 
Device Specific.(Z1)CACHE=32
Device Specific.(Z2)UID=08005AEBED5A
Device Specific.(YL)P2-I3/Q1

You see it's a model 160 adapter, and in the Z0 and Z1 fields it has the 
amount of SDRAM and CACHE on board the controller.  Check yours out and see 
what it has.


Matt, I have an even older 7133 D40 attached to a server and rather than have
Fast Write enabled (slightly different syntax between machines), it has
FL_UNAVAIL (fast load unavailable). Any idea what this means??? Thanks-

 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

Re: AFS 3.6 butc deletedump

2001-02-21 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

Is there a synchronization utility to force the synchonization of the TSM
data with the AFS backup database?

This is a good question, but I don't think there is.  I have used BUTA 
for 1+ years now, and there is a sync option with the delbuta utility.  When 
doing some testing with BUTC in the last six months I noticed there wasn't a 
similar function.  I'm currently not using BUTC because the 'backup 
diskrestore' function doesn't work with BUTC on afs36, but this problem could 
be a show stopper as well.  Anyway, I assume you have already read the Release 
 which describe the new options when using the 'backup deletedump' command, 
such as -dbonly and -force.  You might also try writing you own syncronization 
script, which would consult the AFS backup database, then do ADSM "delete 
filespace" commands for each dump that isn't in AFS anymore.  Or as a last 
resort, maybe you want to open a problem with support on this.

Good luck, and let us know what you end up doing, I'd be interested.


 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

Re: TSM training?

2001-02-17 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

I would encourage you to look into going to the SSSI advanced class.  I took 
it in October and was impressed.  They covered new features of TSM, the Tivoli 
Data Protection clients and went into sizing of TSM servers extensively.  I 
learned quite a few new things, and I've been doing ADSM for 3+ years.



We offer two courses: Level 1 Beginner and Level 2 Advanced.  Taught by
folks that implement TSM daily.  The Advanced class covers SQL, Exchange and
Oracle connect agents, DRM, Server to Server among other things.  Taught in
Colorado during four days.

Kelly J. Lipp

 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

Re: Delete of one volume in VOLHIST

2001-02-02 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

You can use the command "delete volhist type=export" if you have only 
one export volume.  Try first doing a "query volhist type=export".

Hope this helps.


how can I delete only one volume in the VOLHIST ?

This is an Export volume, created 2 months ago. I cannot use the "dsmc del
volh todate=today-60" for instance as I have to keep older export volumes !

 **Matt Bacchi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **IBM Global ServicesSDC Northeast
 **F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072
 **ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072

polling vs. prompted scheduling

2001-01-12 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

I'm confused.  I know what the two different scheduling methods are, but I 
don't think my server does.  I have the server set to do client polling, but I 
still get error messages in the activity log that look like this:

01/11/01   15:03:39  ANR8214E Session open with failed due to   
  connection refusal.  
01/11/01   15:03:39  ANR2716E Schedule prompter was not able to contact client 
  JOHNPAULPC.BTV.IBM.COM using type 1 ( 1501).   

What does this mean? For all you who think I'm crazy, here's the output from 
the "q st" command:

   Scheduling Modes: Polling

(well, it's amended)  The strange thing is that the server has been set to 
client polling for years, so it's not a recent change.


-Matt Bacchi

HSM age factor

2001-01-09 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

Hello all,

We are attempting to understand the age factor parameter of HSM a little 
better.  I know that the age factor is used to prioritize the files eligible 
for migration.  Is there a way to make HSM look at the last access time of a 
file before it marks it as an eligible candidate to migrate?

For example, we wish to keep files on the local filesystem for 90 days before 
having them migrate.  Can this be done with just the age factor?  My 
understanding of the age factor parameter says that this is not possible.  
Therefore I'm thinking I need to employ a script that will modify the EXCLUDE 
list until a file hasn't been used for 90 days.  Then when I remove it from 
the exclude list, it should be migrated as an eligible file.

Does anyone have any insight or opinions on this?

-Matt Bacchi

Dept. F6TG, MD Filesystems/Internet  (802) 769-4072
ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup(tie) 446-4072

Upgradedb command

2000-11-17 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

When doing an dsmserv upgradedb command, the server continues to run 
after completion.  Is it possible to add a flag that will shut down the server 
once it has finished upgrading the database?  We are attempting to automate 
some of the server upgrade process, and this one command is halting our 
progress 8^)


Dept. F6TG, MD Filesystems/Internet  (802) 769-4072
ADSM  AFS/DFS Backup(tie) 446-4072

Archive large list of files

2000-10-05 Thread Matthew A. Bacchi

We have a process that archives a large set of files.  We are running 
into a problem now because the number of files is apparently too great for the 
command interpretor (shell) to accept as individual arguments.  We use this 
particular method so that we can archive all these files with the same 
description, and using the same timestamp.  Is anyone aware of a method of 
using an input file to list all the files required to be archived.  If not, 
can we fool the shell by putting double quotes around all the files, 
essentially using this as one argument only?

Any help would be appreciated.
