Re: TSM Operational Reporting notification of Failed/Missed schedules

2005-09-26 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I ended up creating a user group in our email system, and adding the
individuals I want to receive this email to that group.  That should
work (I will test it out today), but I image the %1 field will be
replaced with the group contact name, instead of an individual's name.
Still asking the question... does TOR allow multiple contacts and email
addresses?  If so, what is the appropriate syntax?

From: Todd Lundstedt 
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 2:47 PM
Subject: TSM Operational Reporting notification of Failed/Missed

In the properties box of the daily report, on the automatic notification
tab, after I query the server for the list of nodes and contacts, one
of my nodes doesn't show up with the correct contact information.  That
node happens to have multiple contacts; four different contacts.  I
remember entering them in seperated by commas without spaces for the
contact field and for the email address field.  I checked the
failed and missed check boxes, and performed the update.  The
contact info on the TSM server for that node now shows
I believe the 3 at the end indicates both failed and missed was
When I query the server after the update, the contact box is populated
with [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , and the email field is
populated with [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] .  The failed and
missed check boxes are no longer checked.
Obviously, I have guessed an incorrect syntax for inputting multiple
contacts in those fields, if it can even be done.  Are multiple
notification contacts allowed with TOR, and if so, what is the correct

TSM Operational Reporting notification of Failed/Missed schedules

2005-09-21 Thread Todd Lundstedt
In the properties box of the daily report, on the automatic notification
tab, after I query the server for the list of nodes and contacts, one
of my nodes doesn't show up with the correct contact information.  That
node happens to have multiple contacts; four different contacts.  I
remember entering them in seperated by commas without spaces for the
contact field and for the email address field.  I checked the
failed and missed check boxes, and performed the update.  The
contact info on the TSM server for that node now shows
I believe the 3 at the end indicates both failed and missed was
When I query the server after the update, the contact box is populated
with [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , and the email field is
populated with [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] .  The failed and
missed check boxes are no longer checked.
Obviously, I have guessed an incorrect syntax for inputting multiple
contacts in those fields, if it can even be done.  Are multiple
notification contacts allowed with TOR, and if so, what is the correct

Re: TSM Server Recovery (AIX)

2005-09-19 Thread Todd Lundstedt
We also perform backups to a local 20GB 4mm tape.  Our TSM server is a
B80.  That mksysb tape will not restore to a p650.  From what I have
been told and what I have read, I need to have a set of install CDs at
the same OS-ML as the mksysb.  Since I only have install CDs for
5200-01 and my mksysb is at 5200-03, I was unable to restore my TSM
server from that mksysb until I found a spare B80 lying around (thank
goodness our DR site vendor had one at that time, but there is no
guarantee they will have one next time, or when we really need it) --
it's a long story as to how this happened.
To be better prepared for every eventuality, I need to find a way to
create install CDs at any OS-ML currently in use at our shop.

Aaron (from a different reply),
I have messed around with NIM mksysbs and the mkcd command quite a bit.
Our TSM server is also our NIM server.  Currently, it is only setup with
an NFS exported mountpoint to which other AIX servers perform their
mksysbs.  Using the TSM server alone, I have not yet been able to create
a mksysb CD or DVD image of another system that will boot and restore
that system's rootvg.  Realize, I still need to be able to restore those
client mksysb images to potentially different hardware, as well, so I
still need to have a way to create a bootable install CD image of the
existing OS-ML.

I hope that better explains what I am looking for.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Stef Coene
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM Server Recovery (AIX)

On Monday 19 September 2005 19:47, Todd Lundstedt wrote:
 This is more along the lines of AIX server recovery, but it plays into

 TSM, too.
 Without using addtional software, just AIX, how does one create a boot

 CD that contains all the necessary info to restore a server using a 
 mksysb tape?

 I understand the process for recovering an AIX server from a mksysb 
 tape backup to different hardware would be to boot the server from a 
 CD of the same OS-ML as the mksysb backup.  My TSM server is running 
 on AIX 5200-03.  The install media I have is 5200-01.  How do I create

 a boot CD image (ISO, so I can burn the ISO image using a PC CD-W) 
 that contains the 5200-03 files so I can recover the TSM server?

 My current working documentation requires an install of 5200-01, patch

 to -03, and install TSM and then restore the DB.  That works OK, but 
 takes additional time, and still won't get back everything I need to 
 allow some other node restores to start.  I will still have to rebuild

 some things from scratch.
We always backup the TSM server (AIX) on the local tape streamer.  So we
have a bootable mksysb tape that also contains the TSM db backup.
For the other AIX servers we use nim to make backups.  Nim allows you to
make a mksysb to a nim master and stores the mksysb as a file on the nim
master (this is also the TSM server).  The AIX servers can boot from the
nim master over the network and restore the mksysb.


Re: TSM Operational Reporting just stops functioning

2005-09-15 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Mike and Steve hit it.  The password thing was not it, since it does
work for a while.  After reading about IC44976, I found the trace file
and could see those error messages in the file.  I am off to find the
latest patch for TOR 5.3.
Unfortunately, the files at
mopreport/latest have not been updated since 2003, so I doubt this is
really the latest available.
Does anyone have a better source for TOR latest code?  Until then, I
will be scheduling a daily restart of that service.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Schaub, Steve
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 5:27 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM Operational Reporting just stops functioning

I would suspect IC44976, since Todd noted that TOR would work for a day
or two before entering the Twilight Zone.  I have also been bitten by
the expired admin pwd bug, but that stopped TOR cold in my case, so I
didn't think it fit this particular problem.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
E Mike Collins
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 12:57 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM Operational Reporting just stops functioning

Hi Todd, Steve, All,

Two likely causes are documented in APARs IC43649, and IC44976.   You
go to and search for those for more information.  In a nut
IC43649 documents a restriction for TOR where it doesn't surface an
expired admin password for the account it uses to communicate with the
server.  An expired password can cause all TOR worker threads to be
consumed resulting in no further scheduled reports being sent out.  The
recommendation is to reset any expired passwords and then set the
password to not expire.  IC44976 is fixed in 5.2.6 and will be available
in 5.3.2 when that ships.  It fixes a resource leak that will also cause
this behavior.  If you need additional information please send me a note
directly.  Best Regards, Mike Collins, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TSM Operational Reporting just stops functioning TOR is, running
on W2K3.  The hardware also runs ISC/AC, but we don't use that much.

TOR is set to monitor two TSM servers, one at 5.3, and one at 5.2, both
running AIX, if it matters.

For each TSM server, I have the standard hourly report, and two daily
reports; the standard daily report split up into two - a summary report
and a detail report.

By looking at the current reports in MMC, it appears that TOR simply
stopped running the reports.  The tsmrept service is still running.
There is nothing in the application or system event logs to indicate an
Looking at the date/time on the last reports run, all of the daily
reports appeared to run at the prescribed time for that day.  The hourly
reports ended up running for their last time at different times (TSM
server1's last hourly report was several hours later than TSM server2's
last hourly report).  Once the hourly reports stop running, subsequent
daily reports will not run, either.

Stopping and starting the tsmrept service fixes this for a while.
Sometimes it will work fine for only a day, sometimes for three days.  I
have verified that the select commands are not getting to the TSM
server: again, the service is still running.

I deactived the detail level report, but that hasn't helped anything.
I found a file tecinfo.txt in the Console\TEC folder of TSM.  The log
information there supports my observations; hourly reports running fine,
daily reports running fine, then hourlys stopping for one server, and
then stopping for the other server, and no additional reports after
that, until I stop and start the service.

Any thoughts?

Please see the following link for the BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee

Re: TSM Operational Reporting just stops functioning

2005-09-15 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Aah.. I get it, now.  The SRV file being the Server binaries and stuff,
and CON being the management console; silly me, looking for TOR or
something like that.
Any idea when 5.3.2 will be out? And are there any known
incompatibilities between the 5.3.2 TOR and the AIX servers or AIX servers?
In that respect, because should already have the fix in place,
shouldn't I be able to remove my 5.3 TOR install, and go with the TOR?  And will the TOR work with a 5.3 server?  If so,
are there clear instructions around for downleveling TOR?

Thanks again for all the help, gang!

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
William Boyer
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM Operational Reporting just stops functioning

It's in

Bill Boyer
Some days you're the bug, some days you're the windshield - ??

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Todd Lundstedt
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: TSM Operational Reporting just stops functioning

Mike and Steve hit it.  The password thing was not it, since it does
work for a while.  After reading about IC44976, I found the trace file
and could see those error messages in the file.  I am off to find the
latest patch for TOR 5.3.
Unfortunately, the files at
mopreport/latest have not been updated since 2003, so I doubt this is
really the latest available.
Does anyone have a better source for TOR latest code?  Until then, I
will be scheduling a daily restart of that service.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Schaub, Steve
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 5:27 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM Operational Reporting just stops functioning

I would suspect IC44976, since Todd noted that TOR would work for a day
or two before entering the Twilight Zone.  I have also been bitten by
the expired admin pwd bug, but that stopped TOR cold in my case, so I
didn't think it fit this particular problem.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
E Mike Collins
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 12:57 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM Operational Reporting just stops functioning

Hi Todd, Steve, All,

Two likely causes are documented in APARs IC43649, and IC44976.   You
go to and search for those for more information.  In a nut
IC43649 documents a restriction for TOR where it doesn't surface an
expired admin password for the account it uses to communicate with the
server.  An expired password can cause all TOR worker threads to be
consumed resulting in no further scheduled reports being sent out.  The
recommendation is to reset any expired passwords and then set the
password to not expire.  IC44976 is fixed in
5.2.6 and will be available in 5.3.2 when that ships.  It fixes a
resource leak that will also cause this behavior.  If you need
additional information please send me a note directly.  Best Regards,

TSM Operational Reporting just stops functioning TOR is, running
on W2K3.  The hardware also runs ISC/AC, but we don't use that much.

TOR is set to monitor two TSM servers, one at 5.3, and one at 5.2, both
running AIX, if it matters.

For each TSM server, I have the standard hourly report, and two daily
reports; the standard daily report split up into two - a summary report
and a detail report.

By looking at the current reports in MMC, it appears that TOR simply
stopped running the reports.  The tsmrept service is still running.
There is nothing in the application or system event logs to indicate an
Looking at the date/time on the last reports run, all of the daily
reports appeared to run at the prescribed time for that day.  The hourly
reports ended up running for their last time at different times (TSM
server1's last hourly report was several hours later than TSM server2's
last hourly report).  Once the hourly reports stop running, subsequent
daily reports will not run, either.

Stopping and starting the tsmrept service fixes this for a while.
Sometimes it will work fine for only a day, sometimes for three days.  I
have verified that the select commands are not getting to the TSM
server: again, the service is still running.

I deactived the detail level report, but that hasn't helped anything.
I found a file tecinfo.txt in the Console\TEC folder of TSM.  The log
information there supports my observations; hourly reports running fine,
daily reports running fine, then hourlys stopping for one server

Re: backup stgpool

2005-09-15 Thread Todd Lundstedt
As I re-read through this, I realize I made a mistake.  Using delete
volume will not adhere to the reuse delay.  Reclamation set to 1 will.
But I also think there are other things that should be considered, most
of which were addressed by Andy in other posts.
Sorry if my mistake cause you any issues.

-Original Message-
From: Todd Lundstedt 
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 9:03 AM
Subject: RE: [ADSM-L] backup stgpool

As I read through your initial request, it sounds like, every Friday,
you want all of your offsite copy pool tapes consolidated onto fewer
tapes.  If that is what you are wanting, you can delete vol with
discarddata=yes for each of your offsite pool tapes prior to your backup
stgpool (now that you have the reuse set to 4 days, they still won't be
eligible for return for another four days).  Or, you can set your
reclamation=1 on the offsite copy storage pool (I am not sure you can
set it to 0, I have never tried).

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 1:21 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] backup stgpool

Hmmm thanks andy,
I have changed the reuse delay to 4, that is the same as dbbackup
expiration days.

Ok..i have to have two copy storage pools both having a complete and
separate set of tapes. From this i understand that everytime the stgpool
backup is performed, there is no way to tell TSM that you need to take
full backup of primary pool instead of incremental from what it did last

Kind Regards

 Hi Sandra,

 I'm sure you'll get plenty of advice and suggestions from others, but 
 here are my two cents:

 Once concern right off the bat is the reuse delay of zero, which puts 
 at risk your goal of 100% restore capability of up to 4 days ago.
 Instead, your reuse delay should be the same as your dbbackup and plan

 file expiration settings. Consider the case where on day 1, tape 'A'
 contains valid data that is expired on day 2. Tape 'A' is now empty, 
 so it is available for immediate reuse. On day 3, the tape is written 
 over with new data. Now it is day 4, and you need to restore your 
 database back to day 1. You restore the database back to day 1. Now 
 you want to restore data from tape 'A' that was there on day 1... but 
 that data no longer exists because it was written over with new data 
 on day 3... and your 100% restore capability is out the window.

 From what you wrote, I am under the impression that you think you 
 multiple sets of copy storage pools to allow you to restore up to 4 
 days ago. But this is not true. Since each copy pool is a logical 
 mirror of the primary pools, a single copy pool is all that is 
 necessary to restore your data up to four days ago (assuming 
 everything else is also configured to minimally meet the four day 
 requirement). If you want an onsite copy pool and an offsite copy 
 pool, then have two copy pools: one that stays onsite, and another 
 that goes offsite. You can then run BACKUP STGPOOL multiple times to 
 back up the primary pools to each of your copy pools. If you need more

 onsite copy pools, you can define them and back up the storage pools
to them.



 Andy Raibeck
 IBM Software Group
 Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: 
 Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
 The command line is your friend.
 Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

 ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU wrote on 2005-09-07

  Dear All,
  I am running TSM 5.2.3 on Windows 2003 with 3582 Library with 2 
  drives. Ultrium2 tapes with 200GB space.
  Daily incremental backup of about 5GB.
  I have setup a copypool to which i backup my primary pool daily. The

  plan file (after running prepare) has ever increasing tapes required

  for primary stgpool restore.
  My question:
  Can i take full backup of stgpool daily and not the incremental on 
  daily basis. The command refernce says it won't copy any file to 
  copypool until the file is damaged or not available in copypool...
  that is sort of incremental.
  Purpose is to send one set of DR tapes to offsite weekly on friday.
  I want this set to be 100% capable of restoring my environment while

  at the same time, having 3 sets of DR at main site so that I can 
  revert to a maximum of 4 days.
  DBbackup and plan file expiration is 4 days, and volume reuse delay 
  in all stgpools is 0. I want to reuse the tapes immediately.
  Can anyone enlighten me on this.
   Sent via SUPERwebmail - Supernet web-based email service

 Sent via SUPERwebmail - Supernet web

TSM Operational Reporting just stops functioning

2005-09-14 Thread Todd Lundstedt
TOR is, running on W2K3.  The hardware also runs ISC/AC, but we
don't use that much.

TOR is set to monitor two TSM servers, one at 5.3, and one at 5.2, both
running AIX, if it matters.

For each TSM server, I have the standard hourly report, and two daily
reports; the standard daily report split up into two - a summary report
and a detail report.

By looking at the current reports in MMC, it appears that TOR simply
stopped running the reports.  The tsmrept service is still running.
There is nothing in the application or system event logs to indicate an
Looking at the date/time on the last reports run, all of the daily
reports appeared to run at the prescribed time for that day.  The hourly
reports ended up running for their last time at different times (TSM
server1's last hourly report was several hours later than TSM server2's
last hourly report).  Once the hourly reports stop running, subsequent
daily reports will not run, either.

Stopping and starting the tsmrept service fixes this for a while.
Sometimes it will work fine for only a day, sometimes for three days.  I
have verified that the select commands are not getting to the TSM
server: again, the service is still running.

I deactived the detail level report, but that hasn't helped anything.
I found a file tecinfo.txt in the Console\TEC folder of TSM.  The log
information there supports my observations; hourly reports running fine,
daily reports running fine, then hourlys stopping for one server, and
then stopping for the other server, and no additional reports after
that, until I stop and start the service.

Any thoughts?


Re: TSM for System Backup and Recovery restore issues

2005-09-09 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Thanks, David.
As it turns out, a Sysback developer saw my original note, and sent me
an email -- wow!! how did I rate that!?
Anyway, he had me upgrade to a newer version, and after talking to him
some more about my setup, I realized I didn't have all the required
software installed into the appropriate places, and we corrected that,
as well.  One thing he was concerned about was the fact that the
Installation Options menu had no options at all, when it should have at
least had a CD and a network entry, even though I didn't have all of the
required software components installed in the right places.
Further attempts still failed.  As we continued to look at the issues,
both of us very perplexed, I noticed something that I had not realized
was happening... I was receiving several errors about no space when
the SBR Installation and Maintenance menu was loading (it happened so
fast, I couldn't really tell what was going on until I scrolled up).
Then, he had me check the size of the ramfs, and it was waaay to small.
He ended up walking me through some modifications of a couple of scripts
to increase the size of the ramfs, and then we rebuilt the boot image.
This time it worked, and I have been successful restoring the backup
image I created.
He will be looking into the ramfs issue, and I am back to testing this
product out.

Thanks for the note,

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
David E Ehresman
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM for System Backup and Recovery restore issues

If you're still having problems, you might call tivoli.  There was a min
level of sysback that I needed for aix 5.2 and I think it might have
been 5.6.6 but I'm not sure.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/07/05 5:53 PM 
TSM running on AIX 5.2
NIM master
AIX 5.2
TSM Client (or whatever is fairly recent in the 5.2.2.x range)
I have been successful creating the TSM4SBR System Image backup of the
Client to the virtual TSM device, and verified that the backups exist
as a /TSM4SBR filespace in the Server's storage pools.
I have installed TSM4SBR into the NIM SPOT assigned to this Client,
rebuilt the Network Boot Image, and reallocated the SPOT and
LPP_Resource to the Client via the NIM Master's SMIT panels.
I have been successful booting the client from the network, pointing the
client to the NIM Master's IP address as a bootp server.  I have
received the TSM for System Backup and Recovery Installation and
Maintenance screen after boot.  The Installation Device is [not
set].  When I use the menu option to Change Installation Device, I
receive the next panel that is mostly blank, and indicates There are no
tape drives or network devices available to install from. (bad grammar,
IBM).  Examples of this panel in the manual indicate there might be CD,
Tape, and a tsmdev device listed.  Nothing is listed.
What am I missing?  Where do I set or define the installation devices
available to a boot image.  I assume I will have to rebuild the boot
image once I make that definition.
Using the NIM Master's smit panels, I have tried entering network
identifiers (ent1, etc) into the Software Install Device field of
different Install Client Defaults panels, but that has not helped.
Any help would be appreciated.  If you think you could help better via a
phone call, I can place that call.  Email me directly with your phone
Thanks in advance,
Todd Lundstedt
Via Christi Regional Medical Center
Wichita KS

Re: backup stgpool

2005-09-08 Thread Todd Lundstedt
As I read through your initial request, it sounds like, every Friday,
you want all of your offsite copy pool tapes consolidated onto fewer
tapes.  If that is what you are wanting, you can delete vol with
discarddata=yes for each of your offsite pool tapes prior to your backup
stgpool (now that you have the reuse set to 4 days, they still won't be
eligible for return for another four days).  Or, you can set your
reclamation=1 on the offsite copy storage pool (I am not sure you can
set it to 0, I have never tried).

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 1:21 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] backup stgpool

Hmmm thanks andy,
I have changed the reuse delay to 4, that is the same as dbbackup
expiration days.

Ok..i have to have two copy storage pools both having a complete and
separate set of tapes. From this i understand that everytime the stgpool
backup is performed, there is no way to tell TSM that you need to take
full backup of primary pool instead of incremental from what it did last

Kind Regards

 Hi Sandra,

 I'm sure you'll get plenty of advice and suggestions from others, but 
 here are my two cents:

 Once concern right off the bat is the reuse delay of zero, which puts 
 at risk your goal of 100% restore capability of up to 4 days ago. 
 Instead, your reuse delay should be the same as your dbbackup and plan

 file expiration settings. Consider the case where on day 1, tape 'A' 
 contains valid data that is expired on day 2. Tape 'A' is now empty, 
 so it is available for immediate reuse. On day 3, the tape is written 
 over with new data. Now it is day 4, and you need to restore your 
 database back to day 1. You restore the database back to day 1. Now 
 you want to restore data from tape 'A' that was there on day 1... but 
 that data no longer exists because it was written over with new data 
 on day 3... and your 100% restore capability is out the window.

 From what you wrote, I am under the impression that you think you 
 multiple sets of copy storage pools to allow you to restore up to 4 
 days ago. But this is not true. Since each copy pool is a logical 
 mirror of the primary pools, a single copy pool is all that is 
 necessary to restore your data up to four days ago (assuming 
 everything else is also configured to minimally meet the four day 
 requirement). If you want an onsite copy pool and an offsite copy 
 pool, then have two copy pools: one that stays onsite, and another 
 that goes offsite. You can then run BACKUP STGPOOL multiple times to 
 back up the primary pools to each of your copy pools. If you need more

 onsite copy pools, you can define them and back up the storage pools
to them.



 Andy Raibeck
 IBM Software Group
 Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: 
 Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
 The command line is your friend.
 Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

 ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU wrote on 2005-09-07

  Dear All,
  I am running TSM 5.2.3 on Windows 2003 with 3582 Library with 2 
  drives. Ultrium2 tapes with 200GB space.
  Daily incremental backup of about 5GB.
  I have setup a copypool to which i backup my primary pool daily. The

  plan file (after running prepare) has ever increasing tapes required

  for primary stgpool restore.
  My question:
  Can i take full backup of stgpool daily and not the incremental on 
  daily basis. The command refernce says it won't copy any file to 
  copypool until the file is damaged or not available in copypool...
  that is sort of incremental.
  Purpose is to send one set of DR tapes to offsite weekly on friday.
  I want this set to be 100% capable of restoring my environment while

  at the same time, having 3 sets of DR at main site so that I can 
  revert to a maximum of 4 days.
  DBbackup and plan file expiration is 4 days, and volume reuse delay 
  in all stgpools is 0. I want to reuse the tapes immediately.
  Can anyone enlighten me on this.
   Sent via SUPERwebmail - Supernet web-based email service

 Sent via SUPERwebmail - Supernet web-based email service

TSM for System Backup and Recovery restore issues

2005-09-07 Thread Todd Lundstedt
TSM running on AIX 5.2
NIM master
AIX 5.2
TSM Client (or whatever is fairly recent in the 5.2.2.x range)
I have been successful creating the TSM4SBR System Image backup of the
Client to the virtual TSM device, and verified that the backups exist
as a /TSM4SBR filespace in the Server's storage pools.
I have installed TSM4SBR into the NIM SPOT assigned to this Client,
rebuilt the Network Boot Image, and reallocated the SPOT and
LPP_Resource to the Client via the NIM Master's SMIT panels.
I have been successful booting the client from the network, pointing the
client to the NIM Master's IP address as a bootp server.  I have
received the TSM for System Backup and Recovery Installation and
Maintenance screen after boot.  The Installation Device is [not
set].  When I use the menu option to Change Installation Device, I
receive the next panel that is mostly blank, and indicates There are no
tape drives or network devices available to install from. (bad grammar,
IBM).  Examples of this panel in the manual indicate there might be CD,
Tape, and a tsmdev device listed.  Nothing is listed.
What am I missing?  Where do I set or define the installation devices
available to a boot image.  I assume I will have to rebuild the boot
image once I make that definition.
Using the NIM Master's smit panels, I have tried entering network
identifiers (ent1, etc) into the Software Install Device field of
different Install Client Defaults panels, but that has not helped.
Any help would be appreciated.  If you think you could help better via a
phone call, I can place that call.  Email me directly with your phone
Thanks in advance,
Todd Lundstedt
Via Christi Regional Medical Center
Wichita KS

Image Backups and SANs

2005-03-14 Thread Todd Lundstedt
TSM server on AIX 5.2
BAClient on Windows 2003
I noticed the following in the help regarding BACKUP IMAGE:
Image backup of IBM TotalStorage SAN File Systems is not supported.
... and in the Backup/Archive Installation manual, 5.2.2, Technical
changes for version 5.2.2 - Dec 2003 section
Backup and restore support for IBM TotalStorage SAN File systems
Backup and restore for IBM TotalStorage SAN File Systems is supported on
the Windows 2000 client.  See Supported files systems
... and that section also indicates IBM TotalStorage SAN File System is
supported on Windows 2000 only.
Is data on an IBM Shark considered on an IBM TotalStorage SAN File
Does the support also extend to Windows 2003?
Thanks in advance

migr_mb in stgpools is not reporting correctly

2005-03-02 Thread Todd Lundstedt
TSM on AIX 5200-03
select stgpool_name, migr_mb from stgpools
Why do all but one (sometimes two) of my disk storage pools that migrate
to tape only have 0.0?  It even displays this value when a migration
is in progress, with GBs of data transferred.  Am I missing something
The two that do have values are less than 1,000 MB (one around 40 MB,
the other around 720 MB).

Re: Server 5.2 with 5.1 clients?

2005-03-02 Thread Todd Lundstedt
The only issue we have seen here is NT4 is no longer supported with 5.2
Storage Agent.  That hit us hard since we weren't informed of it by the
company that performed the 4.2 - 5.2 upgrade (with an AIX upgrade as
well).  We had to scramble to re-schedule large database servers so all
the databases weren't backing up FULL every day.  Other than that, the
older B/A clients appear to work well for us (so far, we haven't had to
do a restore of an NT4 node from our 5.2 server, yet).

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Ben Bullock
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Server 5.2 with 5.1 clients?

We have many old clients backing up to our 5.2 TSM servers, a
few TSM V3 clients, and they still work great. IBM does not guarantee
that they will work, and we would probably have issues getting support,
but we find in most cases they continues to work... Until they don't :-)

5.1.5 clients should be fine, IMHO.


-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Rob Hefty
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 11:13 AM
Subject: Server 5.2 with 5.1 clients?

Hello all, 

We have a TSM server version and have been upgrading clients to
be on the 5.2 client level and found that our old WinNT 4.0 servers are
not compatible with this version level.  Will these older clients
(version be able to backup\restore and archive\retrieve to a
5.2 server properly?  If so, is this something that is guaranteed by
IBM, or merely a loophole that works?


Re: Select for Tape Storage Pool Report

2005-02-21 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Here is the script in it's final form if any one else wants it.  Adjust your 
devclass and char/decimal output and column titles as needed..

select -
  cast(a.stgpool_name as char(22)) as Stg Pool  , -
  cast((a.est_capacity_mb/1024/1024) as dec(5,2)) as TB, -
  a.pct_utilized as PctUtl, -
  a.pct_logical as Logi, -
  cast(a.recl_running as char(4)) as Run?, -
  cast(a.reclaim as dec(3)) as Recl, -
  cast(a.maxscratch as dec(3)) as Max, -
  cast(count(*) as dec(3)) as VolUsed, -
  cast(a.maxscratch - count(*) as dec(3)) as Diff -
from -
  stgpools a, -
  volumes b -
where -
  devclass in ('LTO','LTO2') and -
  a.stgpool_name=b.stgpool_name -
group by -
  a.stgpool_name, -
  a.est_capacity_mb, -
  a.pct_utilized, -
  a.pct_logical, -
  a.recl_running, -
  a.reclaim, -

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert 
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Select for Tape Storage Pool Report

Hi Todd

This Script will give you the number of volumes per stg and maxscratch allocated

select a.stgpool_name,a.maxscratch,count(*)  as Number of Vols from stgpools 
a, volumes b where a.stgpool_name = b.stgpool_name and a.devclass = 
'SCALARCLASS' group by a.stgpool_name,a.maxscratch

Regards Robert Ouzen
Haifa University

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Todd 
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2005 12:00 AM
Subject: Select for Tape Storage Pool Report

I created this SQL select statement...
select -
  cast(stgpool_name as char(22)) as Stg Pool  , -
  cast((est_capacity_mb/1024/1024) as decimal(5,2)) as TB, -
  pct_utilized as Util, -
  pct_logical as Logi, -
  cast(recl_running as char(4)) as Run?, -
  cast(reclaim as dec(3)) as Recl, -
  cast(maxscratch as dec(3)) as Max -
from stgpools -
where devclass in ('LTO','LTO2') 
It outputs exactly what I think it should...
Stg Pool   TB  Util  LogiRun? Recl  Max
L1_CPY_DBVL_LTO2_OFF1   19.06  14.5 100.0NO100   55
L1_CPY_DB_LTO_OFF1  18.18   0.8 100.0NO100  100
L1_CPY_DB_LTO_ON 0.00   0.0 100.0NO100   25
L1_CPY_DSKIMG_LTO2_OFF   0.00   0.0 100.0NO100   30
L1_CPY_LTO2_OFF110.91   3.9  99.9NO100   30
L1_CPY_LTO_OFF1  9.50  35.9  99.5YES60   50
L1_CPY_LTO_ON0.00   0.0 100.0NO100   20
L1_PRI_DBVL_LTO216.65  16.6 100.0NO100   40
L1_PRI_DB_LTO5.43   2.7 100.0NO100   24
L1_PRI_DSKIMG_LTO2   0.00   0.0 100.0NO 60   10
L1_PRI_LTO   5.85  58.5  99.1NO100   29
L1_PRI_LTO2  3.00  14.4  99.9NO1008
L2_CPY_DB_LTO_OFF1   0.00   0.0 100.0NO100   20
L2_CPY_DSKIMG_LTO2_OFF   0.00   0.0 100.0NO100   30
L2_CPY_LTO_OFF1  5.07  22.2  99.8NO 60   30
L2_PRI_DB_LTO0.00   0.0 100.0NO1001
L2_PRI_DSKIMG_LTO2   0.00   0.0 100.0NO 60   10
L2_PRI_LTO   2.32  48.8  99.6NO100   15
L3_CPY_DB_LTO_OFF1   3.69  15.7 100.0YES60   20
L3_CPY_DOM_LTO_OFF1  4.54  11.1 100.0YES60   25
L3_CPY_DSKIMG_LTO2_OFF   0.00   0.0 100.0NO100   30
L3_CPY_LTO_OFF1  6.25  61.0  99.8NO 60   35
L3_CPY_MAIL_LTO_OFF1 3.56   5.7 100.0NO100   20
L3_PRI_DB_LTO2.64  22.1 100.0NO100   10
L3_PRI_DOM_LTO   1.74  29.0 100.0NO100   10
L3_PRI_DSKIMG_LTO2   0.00   0.0 100.0NO 60   10
L3_PRI_LTO   5.68  67.3  99.6NO100   30
L3_PRI_MAIL_LTO  1.77  17.0 100.0NO100   10
LTOTAPE 11.54  25.7  99.7NO 60   50
LTOTAPE_SQL  1.81   3.6 100.0NO100   10
OFFSITE 19.16  15.8  99.9YES60  100
SPACEMGPOOL  0.00   0.0 100.0NO 600

But, I want to add yet one more column.. the count of volumes currently 
assigned to that storage pool.  I can find that information with the following 
select statement...
select -
  count(*) -
from volumes -

Why can't I delete an other server entry?

2005-02-21 Thread Todd Lundstedt
TSM on AIX 5.2 ML3
I installed and setup Storage Agent on a W2K node for testing purposes.  
Everything tested out fine, and now I am wanting to remove everything, 
including the other server entry on the TSM server.  I have already 
uninstalled the Storage Agent and device drivers from the W2K node.  I have 
deleted all the filespaces related to that node name (a special node name setup 
to test the storage agent, the original node and filespaces still exist, but it 
never used the storage agent to do backups).  I did all that last week sometime.
Today, when I try to delete the other server entry for the Storage Agent, it 
tells me the server is currently in use.
I deleted the nodename that we used for testing, and ran audit lic... no change.
Nothing is listed in q ses related to this node.
I checked netstat to verify there were no connections to that IP address...
What am I missing?
(I don't know if it matters, but we were testing LVSA and Image backups using 
the storage agent).

Re: Why can't I delete an other server entry?

2005-02-21 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Sorry.. Forgot to mention what I had checked out as a result of the ANR1664W 
I have no devtype definitions of server (at least, in the GUI, when I go to 
Objects, Server Storage, Device Classes, Server Device Classes, there are no 
We don't have an event server... 
And I addressed the connection issues with comments re: sessions and netstat 

Still can't figure it out..

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andrew 
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Why can't I delete an other server entry?

Check the DELETE SERVER syntax, as it includes a list of items that will cause 
the command to fail. In particular, make sure you don't have any device 
SERVER-type classes that point to your other server.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew 
Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU wrote on 2005-02-21

 TSM on AIX 5.2 ML3

 I installed and setup Storage Agent on a W2K node for testing 
 purposes.  Everything tested out fine, and now I am wanting to remove 
 everything, including the other server entry on the TSM server.  I 
 have already uninstalled the Storage Agent and device drivers from the 
 W2K node.  I have deleted all the filespaces related to that node name 
 (a special node name setup to test the storage agent, the original 
 node and filespaces still exist, but it never used the storage agent 
 to do backups).  I did all that last week sometime.
 Today, when I try to delete the other server entry for the Storage 
 Agent, it tells me the server is currently in use.
 I deleted the nodename that we used for testing, and ran audit lic... 
 no change.
 Nothing is listed in q ses related to this node.
 I checked netstat to verify there were no connections to that IP

 What am I missing?
 (I don't know if it matters, but we were testing LVSA and Image 
 backups using the storage agent).


Re: Why can't I delete an other server entry?

2005-02-21 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I verified that the define server command used serverpassword= instead of 
password=.  This other server name was defined via the GUI anyway, so it 
would make sense that it used the correct syntax (one can assume).

02/11/05 14:31:28 ANR2017I Administrator MYID issued command: DEFINE SE 
   ESSION: 47407)  

Cycling the server process allowed me to delete the server.
Thanks, Andy,


-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andrew 
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Why can't I delete an other server entry?

OK, well, I just like to make sure all the bases are covered if they aren't 
explicitly mentioned... :-)

APAR IC41610 might also be a match.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew 
Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU wrote on 2005-02-21

 Sorry.. Forgot to mention what I had checked out as a result of the 
 ANR1664W message...
 I have no devtype definitions of server (at least, in the GUI, when 
 I go to Objects, Server Storage, Device Classes, Server Device 
 Classes, there are no entries)...
 We don't have an event server...
 And I addressed the connection issues with comments re: sessions and 
 netstat connections..

 Still can't figure it out..

 -Original Message-
 From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Andrew Raibeck
 Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 1:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Why can't I delete an other server entry?

 Check the DELETE SERVER syntax, as it includes a list of items that 
 will cause the command to fail. In particular, make sure you don't 
 have any device SERVER-type classes that point to your other server.



 Andy Raibeck
 IBM Software Group
 Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail:
 Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
 The command line is your friend.
 Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

 ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU wrote on 2005-02-21

  TSM on AIX 5.2 ML3
  I installed and setup Storage Agent on a W2K node for testing 
  purposes.  Everything tested out fine, and now I am wanting to 
  remove everything, including the other server entry on the TSM 
  server.  I have already uninstalled the Storage Agent and device 
  drivers from the

  W2K node.  I have deleted all the filespaces related to that node 

  (a special node name setup to test the storage agent, the original 
  node and filespaces still exist, but it never used the storage agent 
  to do backups).  I did all that last week sometime.
  Today, when I try to delete the other server entry for the Storage 
  Agent, it tells me the server is currently in use.
  I deleted the nodename that we used for testing, and ran audit lic...
  no change.
  Nothing is listed in q ses related to this node.
  I checked netstat to verify there were no connections to that IP
  What am I missing?
  (I don't know if it matters, but we were testing LVSA and Image 
  backups using the storage agent).

Re: Select for Tape Storage Pool Report

2005-02-21 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Here's something funny tho...
Sometimes, when I run the script, I get a duplicate (sort of) entry in the 

Stg PoolTB PctUtl   Logi Run?  Recl   Max VolUsed  Diff
-- --- -- --  - - --- -
L3_PRI_LTO6.70   57.4   99.6 NO 10035  29 6
L3_PRI_LTO6.70   57.4   99.6 NO 10035   134

The run before this one showed the VolUsed column at 17 and 13 (still totaling 
30).  When I do a count of the volumes in that stgpool, it does come out to 30.
The run after this one showed only a single entry for L3_PRI_LTO, with 30 tapes 
Odd behavior.. If anyone has a clue why, it would sure help satisfy my 

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sung Y Lee
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Select for Tape Storage Pool Report

Very nice
Even added the difference in counts.  This select is very nice indeed.
I think you over estimated this group about  93 seconds thing..
I tried to combine two selects for over an hour and gave up.

Sung Y. Lee

ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU wrote on 02/21/2005
10:30:39 AM:

 Here is the script in it's final form if any one else wants it.
 Adjust your devclass and char/decimal output and column titles as

 select -
   cast(a.stgpool_name as char(22)) as Stg Pool  , -
   cast((a.est_capacity_mb/1024/1024) as dec(5,2)) as TB, -
   a.pct_utilized as PctUtl, -
   a.pct_logical as Logi, -
   cast(a.recl_running as char(4)) as Run?, -
   cast(a.reclaim as dec(3)) as Recl, -
   cast(a.maxscratch as dec(3)) as Max, -
   cast(count(*) as dec(3)) as VolUsed, -
   cast(a.maxscratch - count(*) as dec(3)) as Diff - from -
   stgpools a, -
   volumes b -
 where -
   devclass in ('LTO','LTO2') and -
   a.stgpool_name=b.stgpool_name -
 group by -
   a.stgpool_name, -
   a.est_capacity_mb, -
   a.pct_utilized, -
   a.pct_logical, -
   a.recl_running, -
   a.reclaim, -

 -Original Message-
 From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Robert Ouzen
 Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 11:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Select for Tape Storage Pool Report

 Hi Todd

 This Script will give you the number of volumes per stg and maxscratch 

 select a.stgpool_name,a.maxscratch,count(*)  as Number of Vols
 from stgpools a, volumes b where a.stgpool_name = b.stgpool_name and 
 a.devclass = 'SCALARCLASS' group by a.stgpool_name,a.maxscratch

 Regards Robert Ouzen
 Haifa University

 -Original Message-
 From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Todd Lundstedt
 Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2005 12:00 AM
 Subject: Select for Tape Storage Pool Report

 I created this SQL select statement...
 select -
   cast(stgpool_name as char(22)) as Stg Pool  , -
   cast((est_capacity_mb/1024/1024) as decimal(5,2)) as TB, -
   pct_utilized as Util, -
   pct_logical as Logi, -
   cast(recl_running as char(4)) as Run?, -
   cast(reclaim as dec(3)) as Recl, -
   cast(maxscratch as dec(3)) as Max - from stgpools - where devclass 
 in ('LTO','LTO2')

 It outputs exactly what I think it should...

 Stg Pool   TB  Util  LogiRun?
 Recl  Max
 L1_CPY_DBVL_LTO2_OFF1   19.06  14.5 100.0NO
 100   55
 L1_CPY_DB_LTO_OFF1  18.18   0.8 100.0NO
 100  100
 L1_CPY_DB_LTO_ON 0.00   0.0 100.0NO
 100   25
 L1_CPY_DSKIMG_LTO2_OFF   0.00   0.0 100.0NO
 100   30
 L1_CPY_LTO2_OFF110.91   3.9  99.9NO
 100   30
 L1_CPY_LTO_OFF1  9.50  35.9  99.5YES
 60   50
 L1_CPY_LTO_ON0.00   0.0 100.0NO
 100   20
 L1_PRI_DBVL_LTO216.65  16.6 100.0NO
 100   40
 L1_PRI_DB_LTO5.43   2.7 100.0NO
 100   24
 L1_PRI_DSKIMG_LTO2   0.00   0.0 100.0NO
 60   10
 L1_PRI_LTO   5.85  58.5  99.1NO
 100   29
 L1_PRI_LTO2  3.00  14.4  99.9NO
 L2_CPY_DB_LTO_OFF1   0.00   0.0 100.0NO
 100   20
 L2_CPY_DSKIMG_LTO2_OFF   0.00   0.0 100.0NO
 100   30
 L2_CPY_LTO_OFF1  5.07  22.2  99.8NO
 60   30
 L2_PRI_DB_LTO0.00   0.0 100.0NO
 L2_PRI_DSKIMG_LTO2   0.00   0.0 100.0NO
 60   10
 L2_PRI_LTO   2.32  48.8  99.6NO
 100   15
 L3_CPY_DB_LTO_OFF1   3.69  15.7 100.0YES

Select for Tape Storage Pool Report

2005-02-18 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I created this SQL select statement...
select -
  cast(stgpool_name as char(22)) as Stg Pool  , -
  cast((est_capacity_mb/1024/1024) as decimal(5,2)) as TB, -
  pct_utilized as Util, -
  pct_logical as Logi, -
  cast(recl_running as char(4)) as Run?, -
  cast(reclaim as dec(3)) as Recl, -
  cast(maxscratch as dec(3)) as Max -
from stgpools -
where devclass in ('LTO','LTO2') 
It outputs exactly what I think it should...
Stg Pool   TB  Util  LogiRun? Recl  Max
L1_CPY_DBVL_LTO2_OFF1   19.06  14.5 100.0NO100   55
L1_CPY_DB_LTO_OFF1  18.18   0.8 100.0NO100  100
L1_CPY_DB_LTO_ON 0.00   0.0 100.0NO100   25
L1_CPY_DSKIMG_LTO2_OFF   0.00   0.0 100.0NO100   30
L1_CPY_LTO2_OFF110.91   3.9  99.9NO100   30
L1_CPY_LTO_OFF1  9.50  35.9  99.5YES60   50
L1_CPY_LTO_ON0.00   0.0 100.0NO100   20
L1_PRI_DBVL_LTO216.65  16.6 100.0NO100   40
L1_PRI_DB_LTO5.43   2.7 100.0NO100   24
L1_PRI_DSKIMG_LTO2   0.00   0.0 100.0NO 60   10
L1_PRI_LTO   5.85  58.5  99.1NO100   29
L1_PRI_LTO2  3.00  14.4  99.9NO1008
L2_CPY_DB_LTO_OFF1   0.00   0.0 100.0NO100   20
L2_CPY_DSKIMG_LTO2_OFF   0.00   0.0 100.0NO100   30
L2_CPY_LTO_OFF1  5.07  22.2  99.8NO 60   30
L2_PRI_DB_LTO0.00   0.0 100.0NO1001
L2_PRI_DSKIMG_LTO2   0.00   0.0 100.0NO 60   10
L2_PRI_LTO   2.32  48.8  99.6NO100   15
L3_CPY_DB_LTO_OFF1   3.69  15.7 100.0YES60   20
L3_CPY_DOM_LTO_OFF1  4.54  11.1 100.0YES60   25
L3_CPY_DSKIMG_LTO2_OFF   0.00   0.0 100.0NO100   30
L3_CPY_LTO_OFF1  6.25  61.0  99.8NO 60   35
L3_CPY_MAIL_LTO_OFF1 3.56   5.7 100.0NO100   20
L3_PRI_DB_LTO2.64  22.1 100.0NO100   10
L3_PRI_DOM_LTO   1.74  29.0 100.0NO100   10
L3_PRI_DSKIMG_LTO2   0.00   0.0 100.0NO 60   10
L3_PRI_LTO   5.68  67.3  99.6NO100   30
L3_PRI_MAIL_LTO  1.77  17.0 100.0NO100   10
LTOTAPE 11.54  25.7  99.7NO 60   50
LTOTAPE_SQL  1.81   3.6 100.0NO100   10
OFFSITE 19.16  15.8  99.9YES60  100
SPACEMGPOOL  0.00   0.0 100.0NO 600

But, I want to add yet one more column.. the count of volumes currently 
assigned to that storage pool.  I can find that information with the following 
select statement...
select -
  count(*) -
from volumes -
where stgpool_name='SOME_STGPOOL_NAME'
select -
  stgpool_name, -
  count(*) -
from volumes -
group by stgpool_name
I know I can select from multiple tables
select a.col5, a.col20, b.col7 from table1 a, table2 b, blah blah..
But I am unsure how to code the count portion and relate it to the 
stgpool_name of that line... 
I also can't seem to get subselects to work.. I thought I had done this before, 
but I am not sure on that one... 
select * from (select col1, col2, col3 from tableA)
I bet one of YOU can do it in 93 seconds, or less...
The clock is ticking..

TSM Windows Client 5.2.4?

2005-02-15 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Is there a release date on this?
I am using on a W2K node (server is on AIX 5.2-03).  Tried to 
do an Image backup and we got a few error messages during the backup.  A quick 
search at returned a single entry that matched my error almost to the 
letter, and indicated the problem has been fixed in the software version 5.2.4, 
but I don't see that version on the FTP site yet.  It also indicated that a 
work around was to set resourceutilization to 1, and that seems to work, for 

Re: DB2 LANFree reconfiguration to use LAN

2005-01-24 Thread Todd Lundstedt
We just moved some of our LANFree W2K and W2K3 clients from one datacenter to 
another.  The SAN is still in the old datacenter, to LANFree from those clients 
is currently impossible (without additional hardware).  I instructed the move 
team to stop, and disable the StorageAgent service on those machines that are 
moving, so the APIs use the default LAN path without changing any .opt files.  
Once the SAN is moved to the new datacenter, all we have to do is start the 
StorageAgent services, and life will (should) be good, again.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Daniel 
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 9:02 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] DB2 LANFree reconfiguration to use LAN

Depends on when the storage agent fails. If it fails during backup/restore 
processing, the DB/2 backup(or restore) will fail. If it fails and then the 
DB/2 process starts, yes it will fail-over to LAN functionality.

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm 6B
183 62 TÄBY
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51

Thomas, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager 
2005-01-24 15:57
Please respond to


Re: DB2 LANFree reconfiguration to use LAN

Daniel (and Jeroen) - thanks for the advice.

One further thought:
If, for example,  the StorageAgent failed or was disabled in Services,
wouldn't the API default to the LAN path on finding the LANFree route

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Daniel Sparrman
Sent: 24 January 2005 14:39
Subject: Re: DB2 LANFree reconfiguration to use LAN

Yes, you will need to restart DB2 as it only reads the configuration file 
during startup

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Propellervägen 6B
183 62 TÄBY
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51

Thomas, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU
2005-01-24 15:36
Please respond to


DB2 LANFree reconfiguration to use LAN


We're backing up DB2 v7 (WinNT) via LANFree to a TSM 4.2 server on AIX. 
has been relatively fine and dandy. However, we're now due to upgrade the
TSM server to v5.2 and must therefore revert to LAN backups for this DB2
Does anyone know whether a db2stop/db2start is required to pick up the
change from ENABLELANFREE YES to ENABLELANFREE NO in the api dsm.opt?

Matt Thomas
Open Systems - Backup
Midrange  Storage
Infrastructure Services

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Re: resourceutilization

2005-01-24 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I thought resourceutilization was a Windows Client option only.. Did
that change? 

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Joni Moyer
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 11:59 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] resourceutilization

Hello All!

I have a Solaris client at the TSM client level and the user
would like to know how to stream a single archive that sends multiple
files to the TSM server through 1 session instead of multiple sessions.
I have the MAXNUMMP set to 2 for this client and I have looked at the
dsm.sys file and there is no resourceutilization parameter within the
file, so I believe it is using the default.  I couldn't find the value
for the default of the number of sessions a client can start on the TSM
server, which in my case is an AIX server.  Here is the user's
question:  If I issue an archive with multiple files TSM starts
multiple sessions - one for each file.  Do we have a approach to limit
the number of sessions?  Any suggestions/help would be appreciated.
Also, when issuing an archive, is it possible to override the dsm.sys
file and specify the resourceutilization for that archive at the time it
is issue?  Thanks again!

Joni Moyer
Storage Systems

Re: resourceutilization

2005-01-24 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Found in the Windows version of Backup Archive Clients Installation and
User's Guide.pdf, v5.2, page 329, RESOURceutilizaion value...

Supported Clients
This option is valid for all Windows clients. The server can also define
this option. The Tivoli Storage Manager client API does not support this

I read that as it is only valid in Windows clients, especially since the
base API doesn't support the value... Do I interpret this incorrectly?
I also find no mention of the option in any of the AIX client pdfs that
I have around.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Andrew Raibeck
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] resourceutilization

Nothing has changed. When this option was introduced, it was (and still
is) available for all clients.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew
Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU wrote on 2005-01-24

 I thought resourceutilization was a Windows Client option only.. Did 
 that change?

 -Original Message-
 From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Joni Moyer
 Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 11:59 AM
 Subject: [ADSM-L] resourceutilization

 Hello All!

 I have a Solaris client at the TSM client level and the user 
 would like to know how to stream a single archive that sends multiple 
 files to the TSM server through 1 session instead of multiple
 I have the MAXNUMMP set to 2 for this client and I have looked at the 
 dsm.sys file and there is no resourceutilization parameter within the 
 file, so I believe it is using the default.  I couldn't find the value

 for the default of the number of sessions a client can start on the 
 TSM server, which in my case is an AIX server.  Here is the 
 question:  If I issue an archive with multiple files TSM starts 
 multiple sessions - one for each file.  Do we have a approach to limit

 the number of sessions?  Any suggestions/help would be appreciated.
 Also, when issuing an archive, is it possible to override the dsm.sys 
 file and specify the resourceutilization for that archive at the time 
 it is issue?  Thanks again!

 Joni Moyer
 Storage Systems

Re: resourceutilization

2005-01-24 Thread Todd Lundstedt
OK.. I will look at the manuals again, and see what I have downloaded..
Must have mislabeled one, or something.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Andrew Raibeck
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] resourceutilization

I can see how that might be misleading, but the Windows client manual
information is in the context of the Windows OS, and not necessarily
that of other operating systems (Unix, NetWare, etc.). If you look in
the corresponding manual for the other OSes, you'll see that
RESOURCEUTILIZATION appears there, too. I don't know which PDF files you
are looking at, but I verified that it goes back at least as far as the
version 4.2 books (oldest manual version I have readily available) for
Mac, Unix, and NetWare.

RESOURCEUTILIZATION is not available in the API because that option is
used to funnel data at the file level, and the TSM API does not perform
any file I/O. It would be up to the vendor of an API application to
implement their own RESOURCEUTILIZATION-like functionality in their



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew
Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU wrote on 2005-01-24

 Found in the Windows version of Backup Archive Clients Installation 
 and User's Guide.pdf, v5.2, page 329, RESOURceutilizaion value...

 Supported Clients
 This option is valid for all Windows clients. The server can also 
 define this option. The Tivoli Storage Manager client API does not 
 support this option.

 I read that as it is only valid in Windows clients, especially since 
 the base API doesn't support the value... Do I interpret this
 I also find no mention of the option in any of the AIX client pdfs 
 that I have around.

 -Original Message-
 From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Andrew Raibeck
 Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 12:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] resourceutilization

 Nothing has changed. When this option was introduced, it was (and 
 is) available for all clients.



 Andy Raibeck
 IBM Software Group
 Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: 
 Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
 The command line is your friend.
 Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

 ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU wrote on 2005-01-24

  I thought resourceutilization was a Windows Client option only.. Did

  that change?
  -Original Message-
  From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
  Behalf Of Joni Moyer
  Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 11:59 AM
  Subject: [ADSM-L] resourceutilization
  Hello All!
  I have a Solaris client at the TSM client level and the user

  would like to know how to stream a single archive that sends 
  multiple files to the TSM server through 1 session instead of 
  I have the MAXNUMMP set to 2 for this client and I have looked at 
  the dsm.sys file and there is no resourceutilization parameter 
  within the file, so I believe it is using the default.  I couldn't 
  find the value

  for the default of the number of sessions a client can start on the 
  TSM server, which in my case is an AIX server.  Here is the 
  question:  If I issue an archive with multiple files TSM starts 
  multiple sessions - one for each file.  Do we have a approach to 

  the number of sessions?  Any suggestions/help would be appreciated.
  Also, when issuing an archive, is it possible to override the 
  dsm.sys file and specify the resourceutilization for that archive at

  the time it is issue?  Thanks again!
  Joni Moyer
  Storage Systems

Re: Filespace query

2005-01-24 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Shouldn't you be using the query occupancy command?

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Jones, Eric J
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Filespace query

Thanks.  I can now query the various drives but I cannot seem to get the
I want to be able to tell how much space the SYSTEM OBJECT is taking
up(90 days worth).
With the space in the name it does not seem to find it.  I tried using
single quotes and double quotes around SYSTEM OBJECT, single and double
quotes around the entire filespace(\\owgttsm\SYSTEM OBJECT) and it
does not seem to find it.

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Andrew Raibeck
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: Filespace query

Try tacking on the NAMETYPE=UNICODE option on the QUERY FILESPACE



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew
Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU wrote on 2005-01-24

 Good Afternoon.
 Is there an easy way to see how much space the SYSTEM OBJECT is taking

 up on a particular client?
 I can see what the total space that the client uses but I'd like to 
 find out the individual filespaces(total).
 I tried to do aquery filespace owgwttsm SYSTEM OBJECT f=d
 and I get File space note found.
 I then did a query on the d drive  query filespace owgwttsm
 \\owgttsm\d$ f=d
 (matches what I see for the filespace under the client name and I 
 receive Filespace not found.

 I'm running AIX 5.2 TSM5.2.2 on the server and the client is win2K
 SP3 with TSM 5.2.2

 Have a Great Day,

[no subject]

2005-01-10 Thread Todd Lundstedt
We will be moving our 3584 library (including the TSM server, shark, and
everything else in our data center) across town to a new facility.  I am
trying to decide what the best method is to accomplish certain aspects
of the library move.  We don't want to leave the tapes in the library
during the move.  Is it best to checkout the tapes before the move, or
just remove the tapes, and put them back into the library after the move
in no specific order, and run an audit library libname
checklabel=barcode after the move?

If we go the checkout route, I have a script to remove the scratch tapes
first using the I/O slots.  We will have to run the script several times
(10 slots), until all the scratch tapes are removed.  Then, I planned on
creating and executing a script that for each VOLNAME in a query libv
command, it would do a checkout libv libname $VOLNAME remove=no
checklabel=no.  The way I understand the help commands, this will leave
all the existing volumes (which should be only in use volumes) in
their current SCSI slot.  We would then remove and box up all the tapes.
At the new datacenter, we would place all the tapes in no particular
order directly back into the library storage slots, then I would run a
checkin libv libname search=yes checklabel=barcode status=private.
After that completed, I would run through several checkin libv
commands to put the scratch volumes back into the library through the
I/O slots.

All that sounds like a lot of work when, in theory, I should be able to
just shut down the TSM server, remove the tapes (scratch and private
together), transport the tapes and library (and everything), re-insert
the tapes, start TSM and run an audit library libname
checklabel=barcode as soon as it comes up... right?

Of course, I would, via the 3584 User Panel or the 3584 Web Interface,
remove the cleaning cartridges and diagnosis cartridge after TSM shuts
down, and insert them before TSM starts up again.

Thoughts? Suggestions?  Horror stories?

ps, please reply directly to me, as well as the listserv.  I never did
unsubscribe to the listserv, but I have not been getting any email from
the listserv in several months.  I subscribed again today, so we will
see how it goes.

Thanks in advance,



Multiple nodes in dsm.opt (or dsm.sys).

2004-08-12 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Client is running on AIX5.2 with HACMP.

On AIX, how do I setup the baclient to recognize more than one node name,
so I can start multiple dsmc sched processes; one for the local drives,
and one for each shared resource group (I have made this work on Windows
boxes, but this is the first time I have had to do this on AIX).  I had
intended to keep the dsm.opt, dsm.sys, schedule logs, inclexcl list, and
error logs for the local filesystems in /usr/tivoli/tsm, and the dsm.opt,
dsm.sys, logs and list for the shared resource groups on the shared disks.
 I need to be able to have different inclexcl lists for each nodename to
ensure things get backed up to the correct nodename.

++The following two files (plus an inclexcl.lst file) exist in

--dsm.opt for local hard drive files:
SErvername  axhrtlp1

--dsm.sys for local hard drive files:
SErvername  axhrtlp1
   COMMmethod TCPip
   PASSWORDAccess generate
   schedlogname   /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmsched.log
   INCLEXCL   /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/inclexcl.lst
   errorlogname   /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmerror.log
   schedlogretention  5
   errorlogretention  5

++The following two files (plus an inclexcl.lst file) exist in

--dsm.opt for shared drive files:
SErvername  axhrorap

--dsm.sys for shared drive files:
SErvername  axhrorap
   COMMmethod TCPip
   PASSWORDAccess generate
   schedlogname /oracle/cluster/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmsched.log
   INCLEXCL /oracle/cluster/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/inclexcl.lst
   errorlogname /oracle/cluster/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmerror.log
   schedlogretention  5
   errorlogretention  5

When I execute dsmc -optfile=/oracle/cluster/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt
and enter the servername of axhrorap, I get the following error...
08/12/04   15:28:18 ANS1370E The user ID entered does not have the correct
level of authority to access the client machine.

I searched through the documentation, and nothing jumped out at me as a
solution.  Where can I read about how to set this up?
Thanks in advance,

Multiple copy pools per primary pool

2004-07-07 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I am just trying to consider all the pros/cons of having multiple copy
storage pools per primary pool.  I was considering having one copy storage
pool that never gets taken offsite (remains in the library), and two copy
pools that get checked out and set to offsite.  Obviously, the pros are
that, in the event of a disaster, you have multiple offsite storage pools
offsite, and volumes that are destroyed, damaged, or lost in transit to
your recovery center are duplicated in the storage pool set that remained
offsite.  Additionally, the onsite copy storage pool can be used to
restore damaged primary storage pool tapes.

For a recent disaster recovery test, I made a second copy of an offsite
storage pool, so we wouldn't have to take the only offsite tapes that
existed.  During the recovery process (for which I was creating the
procedures on the fly), I ran into a snag.  The secondary copy pool tapes
I took didn't have all of the data that existed in its primary, or the
real offsite copy pool (this was known ahead of time).  I set the
volumes in the primary storage pool to destroyed, and tried to recover
some files.  When I got to the point where the files the client wished to
recover were only in the copy pool that was back home, TSM requested we
checkin, and mount that volume.  At the time, my work around was to delete
the volumes (discarddata=yes) in the storage pool that was back home,
since an access of destroyed is not allowed for copy pool volumes.  This
allowed me to restore the files.  I am now wondering if simply setting the
volumes to unavailable instead of offsite would have worked.

If you have input on this, I would like to hear it.  According to the TSM
Help system, if you set a sequential volume to unavailable, TSM will not
attempt to mount the volume.  That sounds pretty cut and dry, but without
a safe way to test that, I don't want to include that in any procedures I
create for DR.

Thanks in advance,

TDP, Exchange 2003, and SANs

2004-06-24 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I am working up my plan to backup our new Exchange 2003 storage groups.
Our environment includes:
Exchange 2003 running on Windows 2003
TSM running on AIX 5.2
Shark storage for the AIX server's disk based storage
EVA (I think) storage for the Exchange server data
LTO1 in a 3584 accessed across a McData 4500 SAN switch

I read through the TDP for Exchange v5.2 documentation.  It appears that I
cannot split up the different data types (meta, data, logs) into different
management classes, but I can put the different backup types (full, copy,
incr, diff, dbcopy) into different management classes.

My questions are...
When doing an incr, or diff backup via TDP, how does TDP do that?  I
intend to backup the storage groups full across the SAN.  The storage
groups will be 20GB in size.  From what the Exchange admins are telling
me, Exchange creates log files with a max size of 5MB.  During an incr or
diff backup, does TDP backup all the log file transaction information as
one filename to TSM, allowing for less overhead when using a SAN, or does
TDP keep individual log file names intact, backing up each one serially
(which would lead me to believe that using the SAN would actually slow
things down)?

All my experience with TDP is in SQL (and a bit in Domino).  Does TDP for
Exchange get out of sync as easily as TDP for SQL when dealing with
management class name changes?  With TDP for SQL, I have to rename the
existing filespaces and start with new filespaces whenever I change
management class names to ensure the meta stays in sync with the data. Are
there any quirks like this in TDP for Exchange?

Are there any other things I should be considering?

Thanks in advance,

Re: TDP, Exchange 2003, and SANs

2004-06-24 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Yeah.. I read that in the documentation, and understand that log files are
deleted after a successful incremental, and not deleted after a successful
diff... But, I am looking for more detail in the actual transfer and
storage, as the rest of my email indicated.

Thx though

Stapleton, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
06/24/2004 09:45 AM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Re: TDP, Exchange 2003, and SANs

From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Todd Lundstedt
I read through the TDP for Exchange v5.2 documentation.  It
appears that I
cannot split up the different data types (meta, data, logs)
into different
management classes, but I can put the different backup types
(full, copy,
incr, diff, dbcopy) into different management classes.

When doing an incr, or diff backup via TDP, how does TDP do that?

An incremental backup with TDP for Mail (Exchange) is actually a backup
of all log files since the last incremental backup. A differential
backup is, IIRC, a backup of the all the log files since the last full

Mark Stapleton

Re: TDP, Exchange 2003, and SANs

2004-06-24 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Thanks.. follow up question...
You said...

Data Protection for Exchange performs incremental and
differential backups by backing up the full
transaction log files to TSM. They are all placed into a
single TSM backup object.

From this, would it be safe to assume that the data from hundreds of 5MB
log files would stream well across the SAN, since your description infers
that the incr would be handled with a single TSM database transaction?
Does the txngroupmax value have any bearing on this?

You said the incr/diff backup only backs up the full transaction log
files.  That concerns me a bit.  The Exchange admin indicated that
Exchange has four log files open at all times.  This means that up to 20
MB of transactions would not get backed up during a backup (full
included).  We are new to Exchange, migrating from Domino (plea$e, plea$e,
don't a$k me why we would even what to do that... it'$ a long $tory).  I
guess we will have to just live with the incomplete/incorrect point of

Thanks again for the quick and informative reply,

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
06/24/2004 10:02 AM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Re: TDP, Exchange 2003, and SANs


I have embedded some answers below.



ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/24/2004
10:39:59 AM:

 I am working up my plan to backup our new Exchange 2003 storage groups.
 Our environment includes:
 Exchange 2003 running on Windows 2003
 TSM running on AIX 5.2
 Shark storage for the AIX server's disk based storage
 EVA (I think) storage for the Exchange server data
 LTO1 in a 3584 accessed across a McData 4500 SAN switch

 I read through the TDP for Exchange v5.2 documentation.  It appears that
 cannot split up the different data types (meta, data, logs) into
 management classes, but I can put the different backup types (full,
 incr, diff, dbcopy) into different management classes.

This is intentional because you want all TSM objects that
represent a single, logical backup to be managed under the
same policy but you may also want to be able to manage the
different backup types with different policy.

 My questions are...
 When doing an incr, or diff backup via TDP, how does TDP do that?  I
 intend to backup the storage groups full across the SAN.  The storage
 groups will be 20GB in size.  From what the Exchange admins are telling
 me, Exchange creates log files with a max size of 5MB.  During an incr
 diff backup, does TDP backup all the log file transaction information as
 one filename to TSM, allowing for less overhead when using a SAN, or
 TDP keep individual log file names intact, backing up each one serially
 (which would lead me to believe that using the SAN would actually slow
 things down)?

Data Protection for Exchange performs incremental and
differential backups by backing up the full
transaction log files to TSM. They are all placed into a
single TSM backup object.
During restore, Data Protection for Exchange will
pull the individual log files out of the single
TSM object and write them to disk.

 All my experience with TDP is in SQL (and a bit in Domino).  Does TDP
 Exchange get out of sync as easily as TDP for SQL when dealing with
 management class name changes?  With TDP for SQL, I have to rename the
 existing filespaces and start with new filespaces whenever I change
 management class names to ensure the meta stays in sync with the data.
 there any quirks like this in TDP for Exchange?

SQL has some unique issues that cause the anomaly that
you are referring to. The root cause of it on SQL is the
multiple-striping that is allowed and the temporary objects
that are used to hold pre-transaction-commit striped data.
Even if you didn't use multiple-striping, it can occur.

Data Protection for Exchange does NOT have this issue.

 Are there any other things I should be considering?

 Thanks in advance,

Re: TDP, Exchange 2003, and SANs

2004-06-24 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Thanks, Del.

My comment  regarding living with an incomplete/incorrect point of
recovery was solely meant to represent that in a complete data center
wipe-out, the existing full and incrementals that we have offsite would
not accurately represent what was in a particular mailbox at the time of
the backup.  Since TDP doesn't backup a log file unless it is filled (and
I assume that means if a log file is open, the TDP doesn't backup that
information in those logs).  If somehow, TDP is able to get this
information from the currently open log files (four per storage group, or
is it four per mail store), then we will be OK.

Thanks again.. I will be testing how all this works as soon as we can.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
06/24/2004 10:39 AM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Re: TDP, Exchange 2003, and SANs


Answers embedded.



ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/24/2004
11:17:55 AM:

 Thanks.. follow up question...
 You said...
 Data Protection for Exchange performs incremental and
 differential backups by backing up the full
 transaction log files to TSM. They are all placed into a
 single TSM backup object.

 From this, would it be safe to assume that the data from hundreds of 5MB
 log files would stream well across the SAN, since your description
 that the incr would be handled with a single TSM database transaction?
 Does the txngroupmax value have any bearing on this?

There are always various factors that can influence this,
however, in theory, you are correct. These will be represented
by a single stream of data being backing up to a single TSM object.
txngroupmax will not affect this since it is a single TSM object.
My best suggestion is to try it to see how it performs for you.

 You said the incr/diff backup only backs up the full transaction log
 files.  That concerns me a bit.  The Exchange admin indicated that
 Exchange has four log files open at all times.  This means that up to 20
 MB of transactions would not get backed up during a backup (full
 included).  We are new to Exchange, migrating from Domino (plea$e,
 don't a$k me why we would even what to do that... it'$ a long $tory).  I
 guess we will have to just live with the incomplete/incorrect point of

You don't need to live with anything. You don't need to
be concerned, either. Data Protection for Exchange works
directly in conjunction with the Exchange server through
the Exchange backup API. The Exchange Server tells Data
Protection for Exchange which logs files need to be backed up.
Data Protection for Exchange takes that list and backs them up.

You don't need to worry about an incomplete backup, either.
Since Data Protection for Exchange uses the Exchange backup API,
all of your backups will be completely consistent.

 Thanks again for the quick and informative reply,

Move Nodedata starts and ends without doing anything

2003-11-11 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Recently, I moved data for several nodes from one Primary storage pool to
another.  That new primary storage pool is backing up to a different copy
storage pool.  Data for those servers in the original copy storage pool
(stgpool_name='OFFSITE') is no longer needed.  So, I was going to perform
a move nodedata for those servers with FROMstgpool=OFFSITE
(TOstgpool=OFFSITE is assumed since this is a copy storage pool) and then
delete the new OFFSITE storage pool volumes with discarddata=yes to remove
them from the old copy storage pool.  But nothing moved.  What is wrong?

Thanks in advance,

TSM Server running on AIX 4.3.3.
relevant storage pool info:
   Storage Pool Name: OFFSITE
   Storage Pool Type: Copy
   Device Class Name: LTO
   Reclamation Threshold: 100
 Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 100
Storage Pool Data Format: Native

Total volumes used in stgpool currently: 71, all access=offsite
That leaves 29 volumes available to be added to the storage pool.
There are 19 scratch volumes in the library.

Q OCC NT-DCO-EPRISE1 STG=OFFSITE (sorry if this ends up wrapping)
Node Name   Type  Filespace   Storage Number of   PhysicalLogical
  NamePool Name   Files  Space  Space
  Occupied   Occupied
  (MB)   (MB)
--    --  --  -  -  -
NT-DCO-EP-  Bkup  \\nt-dco--  OFFSITE39,645   3,990.87   3,950.56
 RISE1 eprise1\-
NT-DCO-EP-  Bkup  \\nt-dco--  OFFSITE 9,567 493.96 475.78
 RISE1 eprise1\-

11/11/03 09:51:56 ANR2017I Administrator TLUNDSTE issued command: MOVE

   NODEDATA NT-DCO-EPRISE1 from=offsite maxprocess=1

11/11/03 09:51:56 ANR1643I MOVE NODEDATA: All file spaces for node
   NT-DCO-EPRISE1, will be moved.
11/11/03 09:51:56 ANR0984I Process 2579 for MOVE NODE DATA started in
   BACKGROUND at 09:51:56.
11/11/03 09:51:56 ANR1284I Move node data started as process 2579.
11/11/03 09:51:56 ANR2110I MOVE NODEDATA started as process 2579.
11/11/03 09:51:56 ANR0609I MOVE NODEDATA started as process 2579.
11/11/03 09:51:56 ANR1288I Move node data process 2579 ended for
   pool OFFSITE.
11/11/03 09:51:56 ANR0985I Process 2579 for MOVE NODE DATA running in
   BACKGROUND completed with completion state SUCCESS
11/11/03 09:51:56 ANR1290I Move node data from storage pool OFFSITE to

   storage pool OFFSITE has ended.  Files Moved: 0,
   Moved: 0, Unreadable Files: 0, Unreadable Bytes: 0.


Re: Move Nodedata starts and ends without doing anything

2003-11-11 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Shouldn't it use primary storage volumes to get the data, just like a
reclamation or a move data for acc=offsite volumes?

But nothing moved.  What is wrong?

The tapes are offsite and thus the data can't be moved?

Re: Move Nodedata starts and ends without doing anything

2003-11-11 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Well, there it is then.  We'll see if TSM support comes back with this bit
of information on their next attempt to resolve this issue.  Their first
attempt was to tell me that I couldn't move nodedata from a copy storage
pool to another storage pool.  I guess they didn't read the entire ESR.
Anyway, I agree... a note about volume access being readwrite or readonly
most certainly could be added to the help move nodedata text, as well.

Thanks, Richard.
ps.  The Technical Guide redbook now has a direct link on my desktop.

Shouldn't it use primary storage volumes to get the data, just like a
reclamation or a move data for acc=offsite volumes?

Again, I urge reading the Technical Guide redbook to fully understand
TSM functions before trying to use them.  It's particularly important
to do so because the command reference manual ends up getting just a
fraction of the information presented in the TG - often omitting
important facts, such as:

  The volumes added to this list have to have an access of READWRITE or

That obviously precludes Access=Offsite.  And wouldn't it be nice if the
programmers put out some kind of message when the function ends up copying
none of the data that the customer requested?  (Come on, IBM - that's not
enterprise level programming.)

  Richard Sims, BU

Re: How to mark all TAPEPOOL volumes read only

2003-11-05 Thread Todd Lundstedt
(if your storage pool name is TAPEPOOL, then)
update volume * access=readonly wherestgpool=tapepool

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
11/05/2003 09:16 AM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Re: How to mark all TAPEPOOL volumes read only

update volume _volume_name acc=reado

- Original Message -
From: Farren Minns [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 4:08 PM
Subject: How to mark all TAPEPOOL volumes read only

 Hi TSMers

 TSM on Solaris 2.7

 What's the best way to make all tapes in our TAPEPOOL read-only. I don't
 want the TAPEPOOL itself read-only, just the volumes it's using at
 Then it can start using new scratch tapes from now on.


 Farren Minns - John Wiley  Sons Ltd


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Tapes being set to Unavailable (was Re: 3584 Cleaning Frequency)

2003-10-16 Thread Todd Lundstedt
IBM.. and it is happening with frequency on tapes that are new, as well as 
tapes we have had since day one.  I cleaned the drives manually (using the 
panel on the 3584), but we are still getting a few unavailables each 

I did some research on the tapes that went unavailable over the last 30 
days, and all of the ones I checked had another error nearby.. indicating 
that the dismount of that volume failed, and it may still be in the 
drive... yet, they never are, they seem to be dismounted successfully.
I am still trying to figure this out... if anyone has a suggestion.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
10/16/2003 07:35 AM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to: 
Subject:Re: 3584 Cleaning Frequency

Todd, what kind of tapes do you use (Imation, 3M, IBM, Fuji ? 

We had much much more r/o tapes with Imation than with IBM ones !


-Original Message-
From: Todd Lundstedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday,13. October 2003 18:36
Subject: 3584 Cleaning Frequency

What is the normal clean frequency for LTO-1 drives in a 3584?  I have the
drives defined to TSM with a cleaning frequency of none, and the 3584
library set to Automatic cleaning, per recommendations.  Yet, when I use
the front panel of the 3584 to look at the cleaning cartridges, one has
never been used, and the other has only been used 4 times.  We have had
this library for nearly 2 years now.  I started looking at this because of
the number of tapes that are marked read-only or unavailable per night
(anywhere from one to 7 so far, usually 2 or 3 per night).  The eight
drives show as follows:

Library Loads:  10391
Library Unloads:10381

Drive Loads:867 (drive1 has been reset recently)
MB Written: 2903279
MB Read:1923642
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  10023
Library Unloads:10015

Drive Loads:6535
MB Written: 49313622
MB Read:26764547
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  10239
Library Unloads:10234

Drive Loads:1598
MB Written:   10083308
MB Read:5886656
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  6877
Library Unloads:6873

Drive Loads:6461
MB Written: 44438571
MB Read:25808491
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  6528
Library Unloads:6527

Drive Loads:6705
MB Written: 47722355
MB Read:28614867
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  1933
Library Unloads:1932

Drive Loads:2144
MB Written: 11874084
MB Read:6888474
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  2051
Library Unloads:2050

Drive Loads:2823
MB Written: 27765506
MB Read:7691746
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  2102
Library Unloads:2101

Drive Loads:2265
MB Written: 12299072
MB Read:8002016
Cleans: 0

These tape drives have transferred thousands of terabytes of data (what's
that.. exabyte?), apparently without cleanings.  What can I check to find
out why, other than what I mentioned above (Lib set to AUTO, and drives
set in TSM to none).
Thanks in advance

Re: Tapes being set to Unavailable (was Re: 3584 Cleaning Frequency)

2003-10-16 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Yep.. they are at a very recent, if not the most recent code level, along 
with the library's code level.  No more than 2 months old there... but 
then, that could be the problem.. perhaps that code level is bad.. I will 
have my CE get me the latest numbers and check that, but I suspect (hope) 
that isn't the issue.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
10/16/2003 02:11 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to: 
Subject:Tapes being set to Unavailable (was Re: 3584 Cleaning 

Have you had the firmware on the drives brought uptodate?

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH  321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/16/03 02:43PM 
IBM.. and it is happening with frequency on tapes that are new, as well as 

tapes we have had since day one.  I cleaned the drives manually (using the 

panel on the 3584), but we are still getting a few unavailables each 

I did some research on the tapes that went unavailable over the last 30 
days, and all of the ones I checked had another error nearby.. indicating 
that the dismount of that volume failed, and it may still be in the 
drive... yet, they never are, they seem to be dismounted successfully.
I am still trying to figure this out... if anyone has a suggestion.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
10/16/2003 07:35 AM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to: 
Subject:Re: 3584 Cleaning Frequency

Todd, what kind of tapes do you use (Imation, 3M, IBM, Fuji ? 

We had much much more r/o tapes with Imation than with IBM ones !


-Original Message-
From: Todd Lundstedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday,13. October 2003 18:36
Subject: 3584 Cleaning Frequency

What is the normal clean frequency for LTO-1 drives in a 3584?  I have the
drives defined to TSM with a cleaning frequency of none, and the 3584
library set to Automatic cleaning, per recommendations.  Yet, when I use
the front panel of the 3584 to look at the cleaning cartridges, one has
never been used, and the other has only been used 4 times.  We have had
this library for nearly 2 years now.  I started looking at this because of
the number of tapes that are marked read-only or unavailable per night
(anywhere from one to 7 so far, usually 2 or 3 per night).  The eight
drives show as follows:

Library Loads:  10391
Library Unloads:10381

Drive Loads:867 (drive1 has been reset recently)
MB Written: 2903279
MB Read:1923642
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  10023
Library Unloads:10015

Drive Loads:6535
MB Written: 49313622
MB Read:26764547
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  10239
Library Unloads:10234

Drive Loads:1598
MB Written:   10083308
MB Read:5886656
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  6877
Library Unloads:6873

Drive Loads:6461
MB Written: 44438571
MB Read:25808491
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  6528
Library Unloads:6527

Drive Loads:6705
MB Written: 47722355
MB Read:28614867
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  1933
Library Unloads:1932

Drive Loads:2144
MB Written: 11874084
MB Read:6888474
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  2051
Library Unloads:2050

Drive Loads:2823
MB Written: 27765506
MB Read:7691746
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  2102
Library Unloads:2101

Drive Loads:2265
MB Written: 12299072
MB Read:8002016
Cleans: 0

These tape drives have transferred thousands of terabytes of data (what's
that.. exabyte?), apparently without cleanings.  What can I check to find
out why, other than what I mentioned above (Lib set to AUTO, and drives
set in TSM to none).
Thanks in advance

This message is for the named person's use only.  It may 
contain confidential, proprietary, or legally privileged 
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the sender.  You must not, directly or indirectly, use, 
disclose, distribute, print

Re: Tapes being set to Unavailable (was Re: 3584 Cleaning Frequency)

2003-10-16 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Clips?? Please explain.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
10/16/2003 03:44 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Re: Tapes being set to Unavailable (was Re: 3584 Cleaning 

Has your CE installed the new drive clips?  That helps with the dismount

John Monahan
Senior Consultant Enterprise Solutions
Computech Resources, Inc.
Office: 952-833-0930 ext 109
Cell: 952-221-6938

 Todd Lundstedt
 Dist Stor  cc
 .EDU Re: Tapes being set to Unavailable
   (was Re: 3584 Cleaning Frequency)

 10/16/2003 02:16

 Please respond to
 ADSM: Dist Stor

Yep.. they are at a very recent, if not the most recent code level, along
with the library's code level.  No more than 2 months old there... but
then, that could be the problem.. perhaps that code level is bad.. I will
have my CE get me the latest numbers and check that, but I suspect (hope)
that isn't the issue.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
10/16/2003 02:11 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Tapes being set to Unavailable (was Re: 3584
Cleaning Frequency)

Have you had the firmware on the drives brought uptodate?

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH  321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/16/03 02:43PM 
IBM.. and it is happening with frequency on tapes that are new, as well as

tapes we have had since day one.  I cleaned the drives manually (using the

panel on the 3584), but we are still getting a few unavailables each

I did some research on the tapes that went unavailable over the last 30
days, and all of the ones I checked had another error nearby.. indicating
that the dismount of that volume failed, and it may still be in the
drive... yet, they never are, they seem to be dismounted successfully.
I am still trying to figure this out... if anyone has a suggestion.

Re: I/O errors

2003-10-14 Thread Todd Lundstedt
TSM on AIX 4.3.3 ML10, Fiber Channel HBA, IBM LTO1

We recently upgraded from to  I started seeing the
unavailable and read-only tapes soon after that.  I haven't done
anything else to determine the issues.  I thought it might be due to dirty
tape drives (recently sent an email to the list regarding that), and
manually forced a clean of all the drives, but that didn't resolved the

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
10/14/2003 10:22 AM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:I/O errors


My configuration is:
p6H0 with AIX 4.3.3 ML 9
HBA 6228
bridge FC-SCSI 3250
drives HP-Ultrium1

 From time to time randomly I get error messages in errpt ADSM_DD_LOG2.
 From the sense data I can see that the problem is with a medium. In the
TSM actlog there are messages I/O error..., and the tape is marked as
read-only (I don't include error logs because I want my mail to be read).

I've checked almost everything from tapes, microcode on the drives
through optical fibers to AIX and TSM (there is no errors on the bridge).

Has anybody have similar adventure with TSM? I'm opened for every
suggestions. Next week I'm going to connect my library and drives
directly through the SCSI (this week I strongly suspect the HBA) :)



--== KKus ==--

3584 Cleaning Frequency

2003-10-13 Thread Todd Lundstedt
What is the normal clean frequency for LTO-1 drives in a 3584?  I have the
drives defined to TSM with a cleaning frequency of none, and the 3584
library set to Automatic cleaning, per recommendations.  Yet, when I use
the front panel of the 3584 to look at the cleaning cartridges, one has
never been used, and the other has only been used 4 times.  We have had
this library for nearly 2 years now.  I started looking at this because of
the number of tapes that are marked read-only or unavailable per night
(anywhere from one to 7 so far, usually 2 or 3 per night).  The eight
drives show as follows:

Library Loads:  10391
Library Unloads:10381

Drive Loads:867 (drive1 has been reset recently)
MB Written: 2903279
MB Read:1923642
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  10023
Library Unloads:10015

Drive Loads:6535
MB Written: 49313622
MB Read:26764547
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  10239
Library Unloads:10234

Drive Loads:1598
MB Written:   10083308
MB Read:5886656
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  6877
Library Unloads:6873

Drive Loads:6461
MB Written: 44438571
MB Read:25808491
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  6528
Library Unloads:6527

Drive Loads:6705
MB Written: 47722355
MB Read:28614867
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  1933
Library Unloads:1932

Drive Loads:2144
MB Written: 11874084
MB Read:6888474
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  2051
Library Unloads:2050

Drive Loads:2823
MB Written: 27765506
MB Read:7691746
Cleans: 0
Library Loads:  2102
Library Unloads:2101

Drive Loads:2265
MB Written: 12299072
MB Read:8002016
Cleans: 0

These tape drives have transferred thousands of terabytes of data (what's
that.. exabyte?), apparently without cleanings.  What can I check to find
out why, other than what I mentioned above (Lib set to AUTO, and drives
set in TSM to none).
Thanks in advance

Re: BackupSet creativity

2003-09-30 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I asked my Netware guy about Native File Access, and he said it isn't
supported on this Netware version (5.0).  Only on 5.1 and up.  Thx,
though... I hadn't even heard of Native File Access before.  It may come
in handy at a later date.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
09/30/2003 07:58 AM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Re: BackupSet creativity

How 'bout loading native file access on the Netware volume? I don't
seeing what version of Netware and if you're at a level that supports
but then you can access the Netwar volume from the Windows box without a
Netware client loaded.

Bill Boyer

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Todd Lundstedt
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: BackupSet creativity

This NT server is a locked down NAS server.  That was option suggested,
investigated, and declined.
We will probably just use multiple workstations to do copies.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
09/29/2003 03:50 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Re: BackupSet creativity

You're going to have to use that workstation to copy files from point A
point B, after all.


Rather than using a workstation and send the data across the network
could you install a Netware client (temporarily) on the NT server, map the
drive, and just do a copy from Netware to NT directly?


BackupSet creativity

2003-09-29 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Although this shouldn't matter, I am running TSM on AIX 4.3.3.

We are moving a large number and size of files from a Netware server to an
NT server, and I am trying to come up with a way to help the process so we
don't have to use a workstation to copy files from a Netware mount to a
Windows mount (which really slows things down because the data has to
travel from the Netware server to the workstation and then to the NT
server all on one network connection).

I can't give client access rights to an NT server for Netware backups
because of the file/folder rights/properties/attributes issues.  So, my
bright idea was to generate a backupset of the Netware volume to the TSM
server, delete the backup set, define that tape volume to the NT server as
a backup set, and restore the data from TSM (my understanding is a
backupset is unencrypted backups with no rights/properties information...
just files and folders, perhaps readonly, hidden etc attributes included).
 The generate backupset went well (after I used move nodedata to place all
the files on one tape).  The delete and define had no noticeable issues.
We are trying to do the restore of the backupset to the NT server now, but
nothing is moving.  The session started only has 4.5K sent and 694bytes
rcv'd.  It has been sitting like that for 20 minutes.  I visually checked
the tape drive, and the light is flashing as if the drive is doing
something (LTO library).  The NT admin verifies that there are no
folders/files restored.

Was this a pipe dream to begin with?

Re: BackupSet creativity

2003-09-29 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Oops.. forgot to mention that.. yeah. we did a restore to a specific
location, with the default path setting.  It does look like it is just
reading through the entire tape.  This was a backupset of a single
filespace, not everything on the server.  So I would hope that it is
merely file/folders on the tape, and nothing fancy.

However (and not to derail my initial plea for help), how can the restore
process on my NT server (test box) force a restore TO my Netware server
(production box) across the net work?  That entire last statement of yours
concerns me.  I didn't think that was possible, but perhaps I am
misinterpreting what you mean there.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
09/29/2003 11:52 AM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Re: BackupSet creativity


I'm guessing that you will eventually end up with an error message stating
that there was no match  found, or something to that effect.  It may take
long time to get to that point.  Backupsets can be very slow to process;
you typically wind up reading through the entire tape before the command
completes (or errors out).

There may also be inherent client compatibility issues that will prevent
this from working at all.  For one thing, the filespace naming format is
completely different between NT and Netware.

If you did not specify a destination for the restore, there will be no
filespace/drive that matches the source on the server that you are running
the restore from.

It's always a good idea to specify a destination on a restore like this,
anyway - prevents nasty things like overwriting data on the production
server across the network, rather than restoring data to the test box that
the restore is running on.


At 10:23 AM 9/29/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Although this shouldn't matter, I am running TSM on AIX 4.3.3.

We are moving a large number and size of files from a Netware server to
NT server, and I am trying to come up with a way to help the process so
don't have to use a workstation to copy files from a Netware mount to a
Windows mount (which really slows things down because the data has to
travel from the Netware server to the workstation and then to the NT
server all on one network connection).

I can't give client access rights to an NT server for Netware backups
because of the file/folder rights/properties/attributes issues.  So, my
bright idea was to generate a backupset of the Netware volume to the TSM
server, delete the backup set, define that tape volume to the NT server
a backup set, and restore the data from TSM (my understanding is a
backupset is unencrypted backups with no rights/properties information...
just files and folders, perhaps readonly, hidden etc attributes
  The generate backupset went well (after I used move nodedata to place
the files on one tape).  The delete and define had no noticeable issues.
We are trying to do the restore of the backupset to the NT server now,
nothing is moving.  The session started only has 4.5K sent and 694bytes
rcv'd.  It has been sitting like that for 20 minutes.  I visually checked
the tape drive, and the light is flashing as if the drive is doing
something (LTO library).  The NT admin verifies that there are no
folders/files restored.

Was this a pipe dream to begin with?

Re: BackupSet creativity

2003-09-29 Thread Todd Lundstedt
This NT server is a locked down NAS server.  That was option suggested,
investigated, and declined.
We will probably just use multiple workstations to do copies.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
09/29/2003 03:50 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Re: BackupSet creativity

You're going to have to use that workstation to copy files from point A
point B, after all.


Rather than using a workstation and send the data across the network
could you install a Netware client (temporarily) on the NT server, map the
drive, and just do a copy from Netware to NT directly?


Re: SQL server backups

2003-09-23 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Yes, but you could stripe the full backup across multiple tape drives (if
you have more than one tape drive).  This spreads the database backup
across multiple tapes, and makes reclamation of those files less
problematic.  Note: if you stripe a backup, you *must* send the backup to
a collocate=filespace storage pool.  Otherwise, reclamation could put more
than one stripe for a particular backup on a tape, making restoration
Additionally, TDP will allow you to backup differential backups of the
database, and even transactions logs, directly to TSM storage.  This would
cut down backup time (but increase restore time).
Hope that helps.

ps.. we are backing up an 800+ GB SQL database using stripe=3 to LTO1
drives via SAN in 3-4 hours.
pps.. if you implement a FULL with DIFF backup from TDP, make sure your
database is not getting dumped to disk at all, or it invalidates the FULL
on tape, but TSM is unaware of it.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
09/23/2003 12:39 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:SQL server backups

My company has a Windows server supporting a very large SQL Server
Before the last hardware upgrade, the database was backed up with the SQL
Server Connect Agent. Since the upgrade the database has been dumped to a
flat file which is then backed up by the backup/archive client. Either way
the backup arrives at the TSM server as a single file containing about
20 gigabytes of data. A single file this size causes a number of problems.
The recovery log gets pinned for hours. Tape reclamation tends to perform
poorly. The system administrator is now considering installing TDP for
SQL Server. Would this software still send the backup as a single huge

Re: SQL server backups

2003-09-23 Thread Todd Lundstedt
One option would be to redirect those backups to storage pools that don't
reclaim.  Simply let the retention expire the data, and empty the volumes.
 It is what I had to do to prevent reclaiming three 280+GB striped files.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
09/23/2003 01:11 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Re: SQL server backups

 My company has a Windows server supporting a very large SQL Server
 Before the last hardware upgrade, the database was backed up with the
 Server Connect Agent. Since the upgrade the database has been dumped to
 flat file which is then backed up by the backup/archive client. Either
 the backup arrives at the TSM server as a single file containing about
 20 gigabytes of data. A single file this size causes a number of
 The recovery log gets pinned for hours. Tape reclamation tends to
 poorly. The system administrator is now considering installing TDP for
 SQL Server. Would this software still send the backup as a single huge

 Without product, level, and tape drive details, it's hard to give a lot
 advice; but it sounds like you have significant tape drive technology
 slowing everything down.  Large files are usually the optimal type of
 for backup systems, allowing streaming, minimal tracking updates, etc.
 I would not approach TDP until you address underlying issues.  I'd begin
 getting benchmark numbers on your tape drive and other subsystem
 rates to isolate the bottleneck and address that.

I didn't give details about the tape configuration because it is
clearly not the problem. We used to be able to back up the
database to a disk storage pool initially (the database is slowly but
steadily growing) and had the same kind of log pinning issues. The
worst form of the tape reclamation pathology occurs with offsite tapes.
We tend to get one of the huge files starting at or near the beginning
of a 3590 J volume, filling the rest of that volume, and spilling on
to the first few percent of another volume. The next offsite reclamation
process regards the second volume as a prime candidate for reclamation
and recopies the entire file to two new volumes. In some cases we have
seen this phenomenon repeatedly for several days running. Onsite tape
reclamation handles big spanned files more gracefully, but even there
such files result in a poor trade-off between the amount of data
movement and the amount of free space generated. The pathalogical
behavior results from the relationship between file size and volume
capacity, and has absolutely no relation to streaming, tracking
updates, or whatever.

Re: Deleting a copypool

2003-09-23 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Return the tapes to your library (if you have one) and update each volume
to readonly or readwrite.  They will be deleted from the storage pool, and
then you can delete the storage pool.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
09/23/2003 02:21 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Deleting a copypool


I created a copypool a month ago so I could copy a set of tapes to be
offsite.  Now, I no longer need those tapes. Reading the help manual, I
deleted each tape with 'DISCARDDATA=YES' option. Every tape was
deleted. I then proceeded to delete the copy pool. However, TSM refused to
remove the pool, saying it still containing tapes. Can someone help me to
those tapes out of this copypool?  The access of those tapes are all
marked 'OFFSITE' in within this pool right now.

My TSM server version is running on AIX 5.1


Re: Very long Netware restore

2003-09-23 Thread Todd Lundstedt
MTU=Maximum Transmission Unit
and is a parameter of the network card/driver.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
09/23/2003 04:43 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Re: Very long Netware restore

I don't the exactly what MTU means  Basicly it is the packet size.  We
found this out after my network guys ran Sniffer on our network.  The
difference in restore tmes was 2-3 days to about 10-12 hours!  Your
people should be able to give a better definition!  I colocated my
after my first big reatore.

Bruce Kamp
Midrange Systems Analyst II
Memorial Healthcare System
Phone: (954) 987-2020 x4597
Fax: (954) 985-1404

-Original Message-
From: William Rosette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:35 PM

Hey Bruce,

  I had a similar problem with 500 GB of info on 2 clients of
Novell/Netware, 1 200 GB and the other 300 GB.  It also took days.  I was
told to collocate and restore the dirs only first.  What does MTU stand
Is it a TSM client setting?, server setting? or Novell/Netware setting?

Thank You,
Bill Rosette
Data Center/IS/Papa Johns International

  Kamp, Bruce
  Sent by: ADSM:  cc:
  Dist StorSubject:  Re: Very long
Netware restore

  09/23/2003 03:19
  Please respond to
  ADSM: Dist Stor

Had this problem before!  It was an MTU size problem.  Once that was fixed
the restore flew!

Bruce Kamp
Midrange Systems Analyst II
Memorial Healthcare System
P: (954) 987-2020 x4597
F: (954) 985-1404

-Original Message-
From: Richard Rhodes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 2:07 PM

We recently did a full restore of a Netware server.  Basically, we're
interested if the restore time sounds reasonable - it doesn't to us.

The server that was restored is actually at a remote site from the TSM
server location, but the restore was done at the TSM site, then, driven to
the remote site for installation.

The restore specs read like this:

  Compression:  Files compressed using TSM client compression
  Size: 240gb
  Files: 938,617
  Restore Time:  50 hours
  Throughput:  around 1.3mb/s average speed (240gb/50hr)
  Network:  100MB/fdx, local to TSM server
(admins checked for duplex mismatch)
  Tape Drives:  IBM 3590
  Netware Server
Version:  NW5.1 SP3
Dell 2650
   1 - 2ghz xeon processor
   2gb memory
   513mb cache on processor

This just doesn't sound right.  After this was all done, we created a
backupset to see just how fast TSM could access the servers files.

  Backupset Creation Time:  11 hours
  From Tape Drive:  IBM 3590
  To Tape Drive:  IBM 3590

So . . . . the bottleneck doesn't appear to be the TSM server.

Any thoughts as to why our restore took 50 hours???  The obvious answer is
that the files had to be uncompressed on the client, but I would have
thought a 2ghz processor would be able to uncompress much more than a
1.3mb/s data stream.



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original message.

Move NodeData, and copy storage pools

2003-09-16 Thread Todd Lundstedt
TSM on AIX 4.3.3
I have moved data for several nodes from one primary storage pool to
another primary storage pool.  Each of these primaries has a different
copy storage pool defined.
OrigPrimaryStg  -- OrigCopyStg
NewPrimaryStg -- NewCopyStg

move nodedata node1,node2 from=OrigPrimaryStg to=NewPrimaryStg

After the move, the backup of the NewPrimaryStg copied the data to
NewCopyStg, but how do I remove the data from OrigCopyStg?  Per the
documentation, one cannot move data from one copy storage pool to another.
 Am I stuck with doing a move nodedata within the OrigCopyStg, then
deleting the volumes?  I am assuming after the move nodedata, I could
delete vol xx discarddata=yes for the OrigCopyStg volumes that
contain ONLY data from node1 and node2, and it will NOT delete the data in
the primary storage pool (NewPrimaryStg) and it's copy storage pool
(NewCopyStg).  Is that a correct assumption, too?  Help on Delete Volume
indicates copies will be deleted when primaries volumes are deleted, but
it doesn't specify if primaries are deleted when copy volumes are deleted.

Thanks in advance

Re: Open File Support v5.2.0.1

2003-08-14 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I had my first experience with 5.2 client code a few weeks ago.  We had
initially manually selected to install the open file module (among others)
when we installed the client on a WinXP machine.  I received the same
errors you listed.  After much trial and error, we had ran the setup
again, chose to modify the install, and removed the open file module.
After that, backups went normally.


Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
08/05/2003 01:54 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Re: Open File Support v5.2.0.1

Did you install to a machine with an existing version of TSM? If so,
was the TSM LVSA
 module installed (i.e. were you enabled for online image backup)?

This was a brand new machine with no TSM code on it.

How *exactly* did you perform the install of the client? If you chose
to install all
components, open file support is included.

The standard installation method was used, just default modules were

 I don't follow the part that says ... it tries to do an image backpu
of the
 filesystem Are you saying that when you attempt to run dsmc
incremental it instead
 runs dsmc backup image?

The error message we get is:

ANS1228E Sending of object \\hostname\c$ failed
ANS1381E The snapshot cache location cannot be located on the same
volume that is being backed up.
ANS1228E Sending of object \\hostname\c$ failed
ANS1377E Unable to perform operation using a point-in-time copy of the
filesystem on '\\hostname\c$.  The backup/archive operation will
continue without snapshot support.

I am not 100% sure what it is doing right now and am hoping that you can
shed some light on the situation.

Joshua S. Bassi
IBM Certified - AIX/HACMP, SAN, Shark
Tivoli Certified Consultant- ADSM/TSM
Cell (831) 595-3962

Internal Server Error Detected

2003-08-14 Thread Todd Lundstedt
We just upgrade our server version from to on AIX 4.3.3.
We had to upgrade to stay in support.
The client having problems is running on Netware 4.10 (I
understand Netware 4.10 cannot use TSM B/A Clients higher than
I understand B/A 3.x is way out of support.

This has been happening since the upgrade of the server code.
I have a DIRMC set in a client option set assigned to this node, which
points to sequential file based volumes in that management class.  The
rest of the files backup to our default management class, which points to
random disk volumes.  When we attempt to backup files and directories, we
get the following in the activity logs...

08/05/03 12:20:59 ANR0406I Session 27441 started for node
   (NetWare) (Tcp/Ip x.x.x.x(3736)).
08/05/03 12:21:08 ANR8340I FILE volume /tsmdirdisk/1EEB.BFS
08/05/03 12:21:08 ANRD bfcreate.c(1918): ThreadId64 Destination

   switched from L1_DIR_FILEPOOL to L1_PRI_DSK in the
   of  a transaction.
08/05/03 12:21:08 ANR0530W Transaction failed for session 27441 for
   SFRMC_SURGERY (NetWare) - internal server error

I did some searching on the net, using the text of the ANRD message,
and found one post where removing the DIRMC setting helped.  That didn't
help for us.  (Side note:  First, our DIRMC setting was set via a client
option set, and I couldn't quickly see how to remove a client option set
value from a specific node, so I copied the existing client option set to
a new name, and deleted the option for DIRMC in the new set, and assigned
the node to that new client option set.  That didn't help, so I renamed
the node in TSM, created a new node with no client option set value, and
tried the backup again.  Same error.  Of course, we restarted the NLMs
after every change to be certain.)

Has anyone found a way to get a Netware 4.10 server using B/A client to work with TSM Server 5.1+?

Re: Internal Server Error Detected

2003-08-14 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Well, this is puzzling indeed.  It works for you for a WinNT B/A client at with the DIRMC option removed, and it worked for the Netware user
who's post I found (also removing the DIRMC option), yet it doesn't work
for me with or without the DIRMC option.  We are already looking at other
options, but it would be great if we didn't have to purchase another
backup system for just these two nodes.  I am not giving up on this.  If
anyone else has ideas, please let me know.

Tab Trepagnier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
08/05/2003 05:07 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Re: Internal Server Error Detected


I saw the same thing with client V on Windows NT sending data to
TSM server 5.1.   I, too, use the DIRMC option on my production TSM
system.  On my test system, the V client worked OK with V 5.1
server without the DIRMC option implemented.

There is no workaround that I know of other than a client upgrade or
removing the DIRMC option.  Our V 4.1 clients didn't exhibit the problem.
We used the V 5.1 upgrade to get the clients, too, so now almost all of
our clients are running 5.1.  We had been running a mix of 3.1, 4.1, and
4.2 clients.

Tab Trepagnier
TSM Administrator
Laitram LLC

Todd Lundstedt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
08/05/2003 12:43 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Internal Server Error Detected

We just upgrade our server version from to on AIX 4.3.3.
We had to upgrade to stay in support.
The client having problems is running on Netware 4.10 (I
understand Netware 4.10 cannot use TSM B/A Clients higher than
I understand B/A 3.x is way out of support.

This has been happening since the upgrade of the server code.
I have a DIRMC set in a client option set assigned to this node, which
points to sequential file based volumes in that management class.  The
rest of the files backup to our default management class, which points to
random disk volumes.  When we attempt to backup files and directories, we
get the following in the activity logs...

08/05/03 12:20:59 ANR0406I Session 27441 started for node
   (NetWare) (Tcp/Ip x.x.x.x(3736)).
08/05/03 12:21:08 ANR8340I FILE volume /tsmdirdisk/1EEB.BFS
08/05/03 12:21:08 ANRD bfcreate.c(1918): ThreadId64 Destination

   switched from L1_DIR_FILEPOOL to L1_PRI_DSK in the
   of  a transaction.
08/05/03 12:21:08 ANR0530W Transaction failed for session 27441 for
   SFRMC_SURGERY (NetWare) - internal server error

I did some searching on the net, using the text of the ANRD message,
and found one post where removing the DIRMC setting helped.  That didn't
help for us.  (Side note:  First, our DIRMC setting was set via a client
option set, and I couldn't quickly see how to remove a client option set
value from a specific node, so I copied the existing client option set to
a new name, and deleted the option for DIRMC in the new set, and assigned
the node to that new client option set.  That didn't help, so I renamed
the node in TSM, created a new node with no client option set value, and
tried the backup again.  Same error.  Of course, we restarted the NLMs
after every change to be certain.)

Has anyone found a way to get a Netware 4.10 server using B/A client to work with TSM Server 5.1+?

Re: Internal Server Error Detected

2003-08-14 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I can't speak to how different NW 4.10 and 4.11 are.  Our Netware guy did
some research, and found that version TSM BA 3.7.x.x (can't remember the
x's) supported NW 3.1, 3.2, 4.11, and some other higher versions, but it
skipped 4.10.  TSM BA does specify NW 4.10.
When we installed TSM, starting on, we couldn't get any of the 4.2
clients to work on the NW 4.10 servers.  The consultant found the
version, and it worked (unsupported, but it worked).

One of the NW servers is running an application we expect to have replaced
by Oct 1, so we should be able to decommission that NW410 server by Jan1
(must run parallel).  The other server we are discussing
upgrading/migrating it with the team responsible for it.  Until then, we
are using some other workaround we have devised to get the backups we

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
08/07/2003 10:27 AM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Re: Internal Server Error Detected

All our Netware servers are now at V6 but it took at least a year to get
them all upgraded.  In the meantime all our Netware V4.11 boxes were using
the TSM Client version and had no problems with backups.  Is NW
V4.10 that much different?  And if so, wouldn't it be easier to upgrade
your NW's to V4.11?  I know next to nothing about NetWare except as a big
chunk of my TSM Backup Clients so I may be way off base here, but it seems
to me that it is much easier to upgrade the NW boxes one level than to
consider bringing in another backup product that will not be half as
versatile as TSM.

Shannon Bach
Madison Gas  Electric Co.
Operations Analyst - Data Center Services
Office 608-252-7260
Fax 608-252-7098

Re: Reclamation of Copy Dirs

2003-08-12 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I ran into this exact problem when I had one 1GB random access DISK based
primary storage pool (about 27% used).  I didn't backup it up to it's own
copy storage pool, but I did back it up to the same copy storage pool
where I copied the other management classes.  When reclamation occurred, I
would often have one or two offsite tapes that were 0% full, 99%
reclaimable, and the reclaim job ran all day with one output, and no input
volumes mounted.
To fix the immediate needs, I would find a nice non-stormy day and update
reclamation=100, cancel existing reclamation, go offsite, retrieve the
offending tapes, insert them to the library, update them to readonly, and
move the data manually.  Those moves went fairly quickly... lightning
compared to the reclamation.
To fix the long term needs, when I had time to do it, I created a new
device class type of DIR_FILE with an estimated capacity of 10MB, then
created a new sequential access storage pool using that DIR_FILE device
class that allowed up to 100 volumes (approx 1GB total), then pointed the
DIRMC to use that new storage pool.  Then I moved the data from the random
disk volumes to the new storage pool (so it filled up just over 27 volumes
right away).
After all that, the reclamation is going at a better rate.  I think it is
because the one 1GB disk volume containing all of the directory objects
was just too resource intensive to scan.  The 10MB volumes are much faster
to scan through.  Personally, it doesn't make sense that a random access
volume would have that much trouble finding the file, but I had read other
posts with problems similar to mine, so I made those changes.

Hope this helps

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
08/05/2003 12:44 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Fax to:
Subject:Re: Reclamation of Copy Dirs

Yes, it's forever and 2 days with no tape drive contention.
We're using 3590E1A's, but moving to LTO in the next 30 to 60 days.

I only have 12 volumes utilized in the Copy Dirs pool.  So we've turned
over the specific volumes a number of times.   So I don't think it's any
one volume that could be causing the problem, as far as read/write errors

How does reclamation on this pool work?   When you reclaim Copy Dirs, it
only uses one tape drive, just an output volume, no input volume.   All
other storage pools use two drives, an input volume and an output volume.
So is it going back to the client to re-write the data to a new tape?

Deb Randolph

  Richard Sims
  Sent by: ADSM:  cc:
  Dist StorSubject:  Re: Reclaimation
of Copy Dirs

  08/05/2003 11:17
  Please respond to
  ADSM: Dist Stor

Is it supposed to take forever and 2 days to reclaim my Copy Dirs pool?

Not for the price of the product...

You haven't told us if you are checking for tape drive contention,
as in drives busy with higher priority tasks.
If no contention, you may have some difficult tapes, consuming costly
retries in reading or writing.  To try to isolate the problem, you can
do Move Data on indicative tapes and follow the progress, watching for
particular points where things crawl, and go from there, as in examining
I/O load or paging on your server.
We also don't know your tape technology type: as you may have seen from
historic posting, start-stop on some drives is painful.

  Richard Sims, BU

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Version 5 features

2003-08-04 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I could swear I read somewhere that TSM v5 added a feature to client
schedules that allowed for Pre- and Post-schedule commands.  I can't
remember where I read that, nor can I find the information about it in the
version we have installed now (just upgraded from to
Does v5 allow this?  Where do I read about it?

Thanks in advance.

Netware backup oddities

2003-03-25 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Server is AIX 4.3.3 running TSM

Prior to this weekend, everything seemed to be fine on this Netware 4.11
server running B/A Client  Compression is set to ON at the Node
Definition level.  It was inspecting its 111K+ files and backing up between
200-1000 files a day (about 60-200MB) and completing that entire processes
within 20 or 30 minutes, according to log information.  Friday night, the
backup didn't complete until Sunday morning, running 31+ hours, backing up
18K+ files (30GB+).  Sunday night's backup was still running Monday morning
when we came in.  We cycled that Netware server (which killed the backup in
progress).  We even cycled the TSM server process and OS (as a request from
TSM support regarding another issue).  I took the opportunity to increase
the log retention days, and turn on verbose logging.  (On the sessions
where the backup amounts increased, the dsmerror.log indicated several
instances of session lost due to inactivity, but that is quite possible as
some of the files on this server are quite large, and compression could
have caused a session to time out.)  Last night's backup was still running
when we came in this morning.  With the verbose logging, I could see what
files were being backed up.
I started a GUI restore session with view active/inactive set on, and
navigated to some of the directories that I noticed in the logs.  In all
cases that I checked...
1.  The entire directory and files within had been in existence since
before TSM was installed on this node (Nov, 01).
2.  Those files in that directory had backed up originally on day one of
TSM on this node
3.  Some of the files had recently been backed up again early in Feb 03,
even though there was no evidence of them changing.
4.  Those same files started backing up again this weekend, again, even
though there was no evidence of the changing.  They appear to be backing up
every session, even though the session on Friday night - Sunday morning
successfully completed, and they backed up then.

One more thing, we do have the NWIGNORECOMPRESSBIT flag set to YES, but
that really shouldn't have mattered as many of the files that I noticed
should have been Netware compressed for a very very long time, and would
not have been accessed by a user.

Any clues?  Thanks,

Re: Cancel All Processes

2003-03-25 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I have a script that cancels any migration, reclamation, move, and backup
stgpool processes.  I modified it slightly here, but it should work to
cancel any process running in TSM.  However, remember that the process will
not necessarily cancel immediately.  It has to finish what it is doing at
that time before canceling, for instance a 150GB file that just started
reclaiming will take approximately 3 hours to reclaim (on my system).  A
cancel process will not actually cancel that process until that file is
finished moving.
Anyway.. here is the slightly modified script.


dsmadmc -id=someTSMid -pass=TSMidpasswd q pro | awk '{ print $1 }' 

for ProcNo in `cat $PROCESSES`
  dsmadmc -id=someTSMid -pass=TSMidpasswd cancel pro $ProcNo

I haven't tested this, but it should work, maybe with some slight
modification to the 'awk' parameters.

||  Dearman, |
||  Richard  |
||  DU   |
||  Sent by:  |
||  ADSM: Dist   |
||  Stor Manager |
||  IST.EDU  |
||  03/25/2003|
||  03:57 PM  |
||  Please respond|
||  to ADSM: Dist|
||  Stor Manager |
  |  cc:   
  |  Fax to:   
  |  Subject: Cancel All Processes 

Does anyone have a script to cancel all process?  For example you can
cancel sess all to cancel all sessions but there is no cancel proc all
command.  So there must be a scripting way of doing this.


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Re: Selective backups

2003-03-18 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Thanks Scott.
We are setup using POLLING, and our Randomization is set to 10% with a
Client Action Duration of 5 days.  Perhaps this is why it ran so much
later.  The startup window is 720 minutes (12 hours).  I can change my
Client Action Duration to 1 day, that will get me a start window of 144
minutes, run the schedule, then change it back.  Are there any other
gotchas that might hit me there?

I placed commas without spaces in between the objects because that's what
the Help indicated to do.  I am guessing I would need the double quotes
around the list of drives if I am using spaces.  Correct?

As far as why I need to do this...
I thought I needed to do a selective backup of all directories on all
servers so that the ones that are stored on tape could be backed up again,
and then stored on disk only, eventually allowing the ones on tape to
expire off.  We do have a few Netware servers, and a large number of NT/W2K
servers.  So, in order to make sure we have everything moved to a the new
management class, I thought the selective backup would be warranted.

||  Scott McCambly|
||  ANADA.CA |
||  Sent by:  |
||  ADSM: Dist   |
||  Stor Manager |
||  IST.EDU  |
||  03/18/2003|
||  10:00 AM  |
||  Please respond|
||  to ADSM: Dist|
||  Stor Manager |
  |  cc:   
  |  Fax to:   
  |  Subject: Re: Selective backups

I suspect your immediate action ran 7 hours later because your node is
using POLLING schedmode and you have randomization set to 50%. Immediate
action schedules are defined with a huge starting window, so although I
don't typically use POLLING, I've never understood how it would ever
work for those nodes (should be called eventual action schedule :-) ).

The job failed because of the commas in your objects list.  Just type it
exactly as you would on the command line. And all you need is C:\   D:\
  G:\  - the asterix is not necessary, but shouldn't hurt.

Most importantly however is why you think you need to do this in the
first place. Unless you have excessively large ACL's on your
directories, they are stored entirely in the TSM database.  They didn't
used to many versions ago, so what you are setting up used to be valid.
 If this is your situation, then great!

I'm assuming that most people today only use DIRMC to avoid binding to a
management class that has NOLIMIT for object retonly.
Does anyone else out there use DIRMC?

Todd Lundstedt wrote:

I have recently setup a Directory Management Class, some server-side
Option Sets pointing DIRMC to that management class, and assigned those
option sets to nodes.  So now, all new/changed directories should be being
managed by that management class (disk based storage, no migration, etc.).
I can see that going to each node and issuing a
dsmc selective -dirsonly -subdir=yes c:\* g:\*
and any other drives that exist will re-backup versions of all directories
on the listed disk drives.

But, that's a lot of work.
So I tried an immediate action schedule on one of the servers.
Action = Selective
Options = -dirsonly -subdir=yes
Objects = c:\*,d:\*,g:\*

and that immediate action schedule finally tried to run 7 hours later, and
didn't work.

Is there anything I can do from the server to kick off a -dirsonly
-subdir=yes backup of ALL existing drives in a list of nodes?  From what I
am gathering, the selective backup requires a filespace and I have not
able to get *:\* to work yet.  Or, do I need to even worry about this?  My
intention was to (eventually) get all backup versions of directory objects
off of tape and stored only on disk.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Selective backups

2003-03-18 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Thanks Andy.
Here is what the Help web page shows me when I click on the Help button in
the Admin GUI for Immediate Action Schedules...

Enter the objects for which the specified action is performed.

*  You can specify more than one object by separating the objects with
commas, with no intervening spaces.
*  etc.

Those two quotes seem to contradict one another.  But I will try following
your quote (Scott's suggestion to give credit where credit is due), since
following the instructions I read didn't work.

Also, Andy, do you think there is any gotchas I need to be concerned with
if I set my Client Action Duration via the Immediate Action Schedule GUI
from the current five (days) to one?  I would set it back again after all
the clients in the list had a chance to run (which should be withing 2.5
hours if I am doing my math correctly (1440 minutes (one day) * 10%
randomization = 144 minutes).

Thanks in advance.

||  Andrew Raibeck|
||  M.COM|
||  Sent by:  |
||  ADSM: Dist   |
||  Stor Manager |
||  IST.EDU  |
||  03/18/2003|
||  11:22 AM  |
||  Please respond|
||  to ADSM: Dist|
||  Stor Manager |
  |  cc:   
  |  Fax to:   
  |  Subject: Re: Selective backups

Here is what HELP UPDATE SCHEDULE or HELP DEFINE SCHEDULE shows me for the
OBJECTS parameter:

 Specifies the objects for which the specified action is
 performed. Use a single space between each object.


And yes, you'll need to put quotes around the list of objects (this is a
general rule for any parameter that contains blank spaces, as described in
the Command Entry Rules in the server admin reference).

The best way to think of this is to enter the OBJECTS and OPTIONS strings
the same way you would enter them from the client command line. For
example, a client command like this:

   dsmc archive c:\dir1\ d:\dir2\ f:\dir3\ -subdir=yes -archmc=mymc

would be scheduled like this:

   def sch standard mysched action=archive objects=c:\dir1\ d:\dir2\
f:\dir3\ options=-subdir=yes -archmc=mymc ...



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (change eye to i to reply)

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Todd Lundstedt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
03/18/2003 09:53
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: Selective backups

Thanks Scott.
We are setup using POLLING, and our Randomization is set to 10% with a
Client Action Duration of 5 days.  Perhaps this is why it ran so much
later.  The startup window is 720 minutes (12 hours).  I can change my
Client Action Duration to 1 day, that will get me a start window of 144
minutes, run the schedule, then change it back.  Are there any other
gotchas that might hit me there?

I placed commas without spaces in between the objects because that's what
the Help indicated to do.  I am guessing I would need the double quotes
around the list of drives if I am using spaces.  Correct?

As far as why I need to do this...
I thought I needed to do a selective backup of all directories on all
servers so that the ones that are stored on tape could be backed up again,
and then stored on disk

Selective backups

2003-03-17 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I have recently setup a Directory Management Class, some server-side Client
Option Sets pointing DIRMC to that management class, and assigned those
option sets to nodes.  So now, all new/changed directories should be being
managed by that management class (disk based storage, no migration, etc.).
I can see that going to each node and issuing a
dsmc selective -dirsonly -subdir=yes c:\* g:\*
and any other drives that exist will re-backup versions of all directories
on the listed disk drives.

But, that's a lot of work.
So I tried an immediate action schedule on one of the servers.
Action = Selective
Options = -dirsonly -subdir=yes
Objects = c:\*,d:\*,g:\*

and that immediate action schedule finally tried to run 7 hours later, and
didn't work.

Is there anything I can do from the server to kick off a -dirsonly
-subdir=yes backup of ALL existing drives in a list of nodes?  From what I
am gathering, the selective backup requires a filespace and I have not been
able to get *:\* to work yet.  Or, do I need to even worry about this?  My
intention was to (eventually) get all backup versions of directory objects
off of tape and stored only on disk.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Renaming a W2K node

2003-03-13 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Thanks for everyone's responses on this.  With the suggestions given here,
I was able to write up a procedure to assist our NT/W2K admins with this
function.  It involves using the DSMCUTIL command instead of the wizard,
and a little thought before doing it.
In these special cases, I wanted the TSM node name to be something other
than the NETBIOS name, and the scripts we have setup for the NT admins to
run includes registering the node, and installing the services with
%computername%.  Which means, the filespace names will default to
\\%computername%\driveletter$, for a totally different named node.
However, if the NETBIOS name is changing along with the nodename, the
filespace names will need to be changed as well (or else they will just
backup full again).
Anyway.. Thanks again everyone.


||  Prather, Wanda|
||  HUAPL.EDU  |
||  Sent by: ADSM: |
||  Dist Stor   |
||  Manager|
||  T.EDU  |
||  |
||  |
||  03/13/2003 01:13|
||  PM  |
||  Please respond  |
||  to ADSM: Dist  |
||  Stor Manager   |
||  |
  |  cc:   
  |  Fax to:   
  |  Subject: Re: Renaming a W2K node  

Everything you did is OK.
And with old versions of the client (V3.1, for instance) that is all you
to do.

But on W2K, you need more steps for the service.
1) Repeat all the stuff you did, that makes the GUI OK.
2) Start the GUI, pull down Utilities, Setup Wizard
3) Click (only) the check box for configure scheduler. - NEXT
4) Click modify existing scheduler - NEXT
5) On the next page, click to highlight the service  name - NEXT
6) Keep walking through and take all the defaults except put in the the new
nodename and password.
7) Click FINISH.
8) restart the scheduler service

Bottom line is that the service installation saves stuff in the registry
you have to fix it this way.
If this doesn't fix it, I would try using the setup wizard to uninstall the
old service, then reinstall it with the new nodename.

-Original Message-
From: Todd Lundstedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 7:00 PM
Subject: Renaming a W2K node

AIX 4.3.3 running TSM Server

I have a few client nodes that are W2K servers.  Oddly, they are named
after our NT servers (NT-ServerA, NT-ServerB, etc..).  The dsm.opt file
contains the NT machine name as the NodeName.  I would like to change the
NodeName to W2K-ServerA, but not rename the machine name.
... I stopped the scheduler service on the client node.
... I modified the name in dsm.opt, and saved the file
... I renamed the node on the TSM Server (rename node nt-servera
w2k-servera, or whatever the command is... I actually used the web admin
GUI to do it).
... I entered dsmc query session at the command line of the client node.
... ... it indicated it was node W2K-ServerA, requested the user ID, and
password.. I entered (defaulted) the ID, and keyed in the password for that
node.  The information was returned as expected.
... I entered dsmc query session at the command line of the client node,
... ... The information was returned as expected, without ID and password
being required (by the way, the opt file does have passwordaccess
generate), still indicating it was the new nodename, W2K-ServerA.
... I started the service up... it started and quietly failed (no GUI
messages on the screen).  I checked the dsmsched.log file, and it appeared
that it attempted to connect using NT-ServerA instead of W2K-ServerA.

Baffled.. so
... I checked to properties on the service.. I didn't see anything that
indicated NT-ServerA.
... I started the Backup/Archive GUI (vers 5.1.x) and checked the
preferences there.  Everything was as I would have expected it to be based

Client Connection Issues

2003-03-12 Thread Todd Lundstedt
TSM server running on AIX 4.3.3
TSM Client running on Netware 5

Start a Backup Archive GUI session from the Client Node list (click on the
Link to Node icon).
The Java GUI loads (if this is the first time accessing a 5.x client from
that workstation, the Java install runs without issue).
Click on the Backup or Restore or Archive or Retrieve button, and nothing
happens.  You can see the GUI button get pressed, but it never
un-presses, and the appropriate utility never starts.  The main Java GUI
goes in to a state where the graphical portions won't refresh if another
application is placed on top of it, or if it is minimized then restored.
This worked fine last week, so I know everything was working alright.
Other clients' v5 GUIs work as expected.

Any clues where to look?
Thanks in advance

Renaming a W2K node

2003-03-05 Thread Todd Lundstedt
AIX 4.3.3 running TSM Server

I have a few client nodes that are W2K servers.  Oddly, they are named
after our NT servers (NT-ServerA, NT-ServerB, etc..).  The dsm.opt file
contains the NT machine name as the NodeName.  I would like to change the
NodeName to W2K-ServerA, but not rename the machine name.
... I stopped the scheduler service on the client node.
... I modified the name in dsm.opt, and saved the file
... I renamed the node on the TSM Server (rename node nt-servera
w2k-servera, or whatever the command is... I actually used the web admin
GUI to do it).
... I entered dsmc query session at the command line of the client node.
... ... it indicated it was node W2K-ServerA, requested the user ID, and
password.. I entered (defaulted) the ID, and keyed in the password for that
node.  The information was returned as expected.
... I entered dsmc query session at the command line of the client node,
... ... The information was returned as expected, without ID and password
being required (by the way, the opt file does have passwordaccess
generate), still indicating it was the new nodename, W2K-ServerA.
... I started the service up... it started and quietly failed (no GUI
messages on the screen).  I checked the dsmsched.log file, and it appeared
that it attempted to connect using NT-ServerA instead of W2K-ServerA.

Baffled.. so
... I checked to properties on the service.. I didn't see anything that
indicated NT-ServerA.
... I started the Backup/Archive GUI (vers 5.1.x) and checked the
preferences there.  Everything was as I would have expected it to be based
on the values in the dsm.opt file, including the node name being

After much searching of documentation and scratching of head, I punted and
changed everything (dsm.opt, nodename on TSM server, etc.) back to
NT-ServerA and the service started up and stayed up.

What am I missing to change the node name?  Something is still using the
old node name when it attempts to contact the TSM server, and of course,
that nodename no longer exists on the TSM server.  I did do some looking
around in that quickFaQ that Richard links to all the time... didn't find
anything in there that jumped out at me.  Same with the last 3 months of archives, and IBM's horridly slow and completely non-user-friendly
support pages.

I am lost...

Thanks in advance

Backup Strategy and Performance using a PACS Digital Imaging System

2003-03-04 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Heya *SMers,
This is a long one, grab a beverage.

I am running TSM on AIX 4.3.3 on a dual processor B80 backing up
around 112 nodes with 5.2TB capacity 2.3TB used, storing 18.6 million
objects (3.2TB) in the primary and copy storage pools.  The TSM database is
8.7GB running around 80% utilization.  All but a few of the nodes are
server class machines.  We backup about 250GB a night, and on weekends we
do full TDP SQL database backups to the tune of an additional 450 GB (and
growing).  Expiration processing occurs daily, and completes in
approximately 70 minutes.  The four Fuji PACS servers we have are included
in the above numbers, but only the application and OS, not the images and
clinical notes (less than 1k text files).

FYI.. where TSM and disk management are concerned, Fuji is the DEVIL!.
Each image, and each 1k note file with text referencing an image are stored
in their own directory.. image_directory/imagefile and
text_directory/textfile.. a one to one relationship.  To backup the
directories/textfiles now takes the backup process over 12 hours to
complete, incrementally backing up very little.  The backup has to scan the
files to see what needs to be backed up (this is not TSM yet, but some
other backup software).

The powers that be are asking what it would take to move all of the data
stored on DVDs in the DVD jukebox (images) to magnetic media disk based
storage.  Then, start backing all of that up to TSM.  I have some numbers
from the PACS administrator.  On the four PACS servers, the additional data
they would like TSM to backup tallies up to...
1.5+ million folders
1.0+ million files (yes... more folders than files...)
2.2+ TB storage (images and text files)

All of this data will not change.  Once it backs up, it will very likely
never need to be backed up again.  Because of that, I am recommending three
tape storage pools at a minimum: one primary, one on-site copy, and one
off-site copy.  I would actually like to have two off-site copy storage
pools.  Since this data doesn't change, and no additional backups will
occur for the files, there will be no need for reclamation.  The extra copy
storage pools are a safety net in case we have bad media spots/tapes.
Without reclamation, we will never know if we have bad media.

So, at a minimum, 3 storage pools containing a total of 7.5+ million
objects ((directory+files)*3) will use up 4.3GB of a TSM database (7.5
million * 600 bytes).  The amount of growth per year is being estimated at
about 4+ GB of TSM database, so, approximately another 2.3+ million
files/folders each year.  It will very likely be more.  (Daily estimates
are 6500 additional files/folders).
Keep in mind.  This data will NOT be changed or deleted in the foreseeable
future.  New data incoming daily.  NO data expires.  I don't know if Fuji
will ever change the way they store their images/text files.

So, here is what I am trying to figure out.
1.  Will adding the additional objects from the PACS servers significantly
increase my expiration processing run time?  Will TSM have to scan all of
those database objects during expiration processing?
2.  I have heard it is possible to run another instance of TSM server on
the same machine.  Would that be a good idea here?  It makes sense to this
novice user.  I wouldn't have to run expiration processing daily on the
PACS TSM instance.
3.  If a second TSM server instance is the recommended course, how
difficult is that to setup?  Any redbooks or how-tos out there regarding
that?  What issues do I have with sharing my LTO library between the two
TSM server instances?  Any redbooks or how-tos on sharing a single 3584
library (five LTO drives, and hoping to get more out of this project)
between two TSM server instances on the same machine?
4.  Regardless of how many TSM server instances, journaling will have to be
setup on each of the NT4.0 PACS servers.  What kind of overhead can we
expect to run journaling on the NT servers (I haven't setup journaling
anywhere, yet)?  Three of the servers each have about 400-500K image
objects, and the fourth server (the one with all of the 1k text files) has
close to 1 million image/text objects (none of that includes the OS or
application files/databases, just image/textreport files).
5.  Due to the fact that the directory and file objects will likely not
change, would there be a pressing need to use a DIRMC (non-migrating)?  I
would suppose not.
6.  Is there a better way to do this?  (probably should have asked that
question first.)

Thanks in advance.

Todd Lundstedt
Technical Specialist
Via Christi Information Management Services
ofc.   (316) 261-8385
fax.   (316) 660-0036

TSM Upgrade frequency

2003-02-18 Thread Todd Lundstedt
For you folks that patch your TSM server frequently (like the individual
from Oxford University who upgraded from some version to on Feb3,
then to on Feb7, and now planning to upgrade to within a
couple weeks), how many of you have Storage Agent nodes?
I am still on simply because of the Storage Agent issue.  We have a
problem with TSM server crashes that is supposed to be fixed in,
but I find it hard to justify upgrading to when I know I will have
to upgrade to 5.x soon after.  According to the documentation I have read,
the TSM Server version and the Storage Agent version must be at the same
We have several Storage Agent nodes, and all of them are considered 24x7
servers, mission critical.  It is like pulling teeth to get downtime for
any one of them just for normal OS or Application type maint.  I dread the
time where I have to take them all down at once.  Even more so, I dread
having to take all of them down at the same time several times a month just
to keep updating TSM Storage Agent versions because the TSM Server needed a
How do you folks with several mission critical, 24x7 servers go about doing
TSM Server upgrades and TSM Storage Agent upgrades?  Especially considering
that TSM Server outages are best done during the day when no backups are
occurring, and TSM Client Node outages are done during the night to reduce
impact on the users of those Client Nodes.

Re: Another Expiration question

2003-02-14 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I am not certain on the order in which filespaces are processed during
expiration, but, from looking at the log of my expiration processing, it
appears to go in node (or perhaps filespace) order, based on when they were
added to TSM (certainly not alphabetical).  Oldest node (or filespace) gets
processed first, newest gets processed last.  I am unaware if there is a
flag indicating where you would like to start.  I doubt there is, though.

If you never let the expiration processing complete, you will never expire
all of the files that can be expired.

Hope this helps.

||  Michael Raine |
||  Michael.Raine@ALL|
||  Sent by: ADSM:   |
||  Dist Stor Manager|
||  EDU  |
||  02/14/2003 11:40  |
||  AM|
||  Please respond to |
||  ADSM: Dist Stor  |
||  Manager  |
  |  cc:   
  |  Fax to:   
  |  Subject: Another Expiration question  

Does anyone know the particulars on how expiration works.

Normally we are run expiration with a time limit or 6 hours.  When we ran
without the time limit it ran for 15 hours and never finished.
Does expiration start reviewing the db from the beginning or is there some
of flag set on where to start.
I'm trying to figure out if we never let it run through completely will I
get back all the data that has expired or not.

Thanks for the help

Re: management class question???

2003-01-31 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Or, just back it up to diskpool.  When the diskpool gets to the high water
mark, it will start migration to the next storage pool (I assume, your
tapepool).  When the diskpool gets completely full, TSM will automatically
send files to the next storage pool (again, assuming your tapepool),
meaning, directly to tape.
This is all good, as long as you have at least two tape drives.

One thing I would suggest is to run this backup outside of your normal
scheduled backups, so you will have this done (and hopefully copied to your
copy stgpool (offsite)) before the main backups for all your other clients

Hope this helps.

Ford, Phillip   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM:   Fax to:
Dist Stor Subject: Re: management class question???

10:41 AM
Please respond
to ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

Just change the destination pool of the given management class to the tape
pool (the one that the disk pool will migrate to).  Make sure you activate
the policy set.  Then do your first backup.  Now go in and change the
destination pool to the disk pool.  Make sure to activate the policy set
again.  That should do it.

Phillip Ford
Senior Software Specialist
Corporate Computer Center
Schering-Plough Corp.
(901) 320-4462
(901) 320-4856 FAX

-Original Message-
From: Joni Moyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 10:19 AM
Subject: management class question???

Hi everyone!

I am creating a new management class for a user that wants all files backed
up incrementally no matter if it is open or not.  I know that I have to use
the dynamic parameter for copy serialization.  On a normal day I want the
backup to go to the disk pool, but the first time this server backs up it
will back up the entire 202 GB server.  My problem is that the disk pool is
only 34 GB.  I want to direct the first backup directly to tape and all
future backups to disk.  How do I do this?  If I tell the user to first use
a MC that goes directly to tape and then use a MC that goes to disk for all
others, will it not try to do a backup of all files for the second
incremental backup since it is technically using a new MC class or does it
go by files that exist?  Thanks in advance for any help!!!

Joni Moyer
Systems Programmer

This message and any attachments is solely for the intended recipient. If
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Re: AIX question

2003-01-07 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Becky (and Justin from another post),
Both of you suggest that I first delete the offending disks... yet that is
my exact problem.  I can't delete them.  When I try to rmdev them, I get
an error indicating that there is not enough information to uniquely
identify the device (rmdev -l 'hdisk2' -d ... but there are two hdisk2
devices).  I was looking for a way to delete them other than rmdev.

The AIX guru in our shop finally came up with something he remembered from
his classes... odmget and odmdelete commands.  They appear to allow one to
more uniquely identify a single object, more so than rmdev.  Are there
any gotchas to consider while using odmget and odmdelete?


Becky.Davidson   cc:
@SLBG.COMFax to:
Sent by: ADSM:   Subject: Re: AIX question
Dist Stor

06:47 PM
Please respond
to ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

Delete the two hdisk again.  Run cfgmgr again.  Check it and if you see the
same type of pattern of 1 vpath showing 4 and the other 2 showing only one
then the shark guy needs to recheck his configuration.  If you see a
different pattern try running cfgmgr again.  There was a problem awhile
that you need to run cfgmgr x's with x being the number of paths so that
would get all of the paths.  Sometimes we have had to delete and run cfgmgr
again because it doesn't seem to work right the first time.  After delete
and rerunning cfgmgr it seems to work better.  Something you might want to
get your hands on is the Shark Gotcha's document.  I think it is still on
the storage page but if not email me off list and I will send it to you.
Another issue you might run into is that the devices may not be fully
formatted.  There was a version of the shark code that said that everything
was formatted yet it wasn't.  The only way you could tell was to go into
shark under where you configure paths and refresh the screen.

good luck and let me know if I can be of further assistance

-Original Message-
From: Todd Lundstedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 4:50 PM
Subject: AIX question

First, let me say..
Dear Lord, the IBM web pages are a pain to dig through and find what you
are looking for.  Couldn't find any knowledge bases or anything to help me
resolve the issue I have... so.. here goes.

AIX 4.3.3
My TSM server is a pSeries with two Fibre Channel Adapters installed,
through which we access data on the ESS (shark) and the LTO tape drives (I
know, bad idea).  Each of the fibre cards is connected to its own fibre
switch.  Each switch has two connections to the Shark (four data paths to
the Shark).

We have been trying to add some additional Shark storage to the TSM server.
After the Shark guy did his thing, I ran cfgmgr, and thinks didn't look
quite right.  The two old vpath devices each showed four disks (hdsikX),
two on each of the two fibre cards (fscsi1, fscsi0), just like they always
have.  One of the three new vpath devices showed four hdisks on two
different fscsi devices, but the other two vpath devices only showed
two hdisks, one on each fscsi.

lscfg showed a bunch of new disks, mostly available, but four were
defined.  I decided to delete the three new vpath devices, and all of
the associated hdisk devices, including the defined ones.  As I got to
looking, I saw something odd...

root@ax-dco-tsm / # lsdev -Cc disk
hdisk0  Available 10-88-00-8,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1  Available 10-88-00-9,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk18 Available 10-68-01 IBM FC 2105F20
hdisk19 Available 10-68-01 IBM FC 2105F20
hdisk20 Available 10-68-01 IBM FC 2105F20
hdisk21 Available 10-68-01 IBM FC 2105F20
hdisk22 Available 10-78-01 IBM FC 2105F20
hdisk23 Available 10-78-01 IBM FC 2105F20
hdisk24 Available 10-78-01 IBM FC 2105F20
hdisk25 Available 10-78-01 IBM FC 2105F20
vpath3  Available  Data Path Optimizer Pseudo Device Driver
vpath4  Available  Data Path Optimizer Pseudo Device Driver
hdisk2  Defined   10-78-01 IBM FC 2105F20 
hdisk2  Defined   10-68-01 IBM FC 2105F20 
hdisk3  Defined   10-68-01 IBM FC 2105F20 
hdisk3  Defined   10-68-01 IBM FC 2105F20 
root@ax-dco-tsm / # datapath query device

Total Devices : 2

DEV#:   0  DEVICE NAME: vpath3  TYPE: 2105F20   SERIAL: 00719516

Path#  Adapter/Hard DiskState Mode Select
0 fscsi0/hdisk18 OPEN   NORMAL 25
1 fscsi0/hdisk20 OPEN

AIX question

2003-01-06 Thread Todd Lundstedt
First, let me say..
Dear Lord, the IBM web pages are a pain to dig through and find what you
are looking for.  Couldn't find any knowledge bases or anything to help me
resolve the issue I have... so.. here goes.

AIX 4.3.3
My TSM server is a pSeries with two Fibre Channel Adapters installed,
through which we access data on the ESS (shark) and the LTO tape drives (I
know, bad idea).  Each of the fibre cards is connected to its own fibre
switch.  Each switch has two connections to the Shark (four data paths to
the Shark).

We have been trying to add some additional Shark storage to the TSM server.
After the Shark guy did his thing, I ran cfgmgr, and thinks didn't look
quite right.  The two old vpath devices each showed four disks (hdsikX),
two on each of the two fibre cards (fscsi1, fscsi0), just like they always
have.  One of the three new vpath devices showed four hdisks on two
different fscsi devices, but the other two vpath devices only showed
two hdisks, one on each fscsi.

lscfg showed a bunch of new disks, mostly available, but four were
defined.  I decided to delete the three new vpath devices, and all of
the associated hdisk devices, including the defined ones.  As I got to
looking, I saw something odd...

root@ax-dco-tsm / # lsdev -Cc disk
hdisk0  Available 10-88-00-8,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1  Available 10-88-00-9,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk18 Available 10-68-01 IBM FC 2105F20
hdisk19 Available 10-68-01 IBM FC 2105F20
hdisk20 Available 10-68-01 IBM FC 2105F20
hdisk21 Available 10-68-01 IBM FC 2105F20
hdisk22 Available 10-78-01 IBM FC 2105F20
hdisk23 Available 10-78-01 IBM FC 2105F20
hdisk24 Available 10-78-01 IBM FC 2105F20
hdisk25 Available 10-78-01 IBM FC 2105F20
vpath3  Available  Data Path Optimizer Pseudo Device Driver
vpath4  Available  Data Path Optimizer Pseudo Device Driver
hdisk2  Defined   10-78-01 IBM FC 2105F20 
hdisk2  Defined   10-68-01 IBM FC 2105F20 
hdisk3  Defined   10-68-01 IBM FC 2105F20 
hdisk3  Defined   10-68-01 IBM FC 2105F20 
root@ax-dco-tsm / # datapath query device

Total Devices : 2

DEV#:   0  DEVICE NAME: vpath3  TYPE: 2105F20   SERIAL: 00719516

Path#  Adapter/Hard DiskState Mode Select
0 fscsi0/hdisk18 OPEN   NORMAL 25
1 fscsi0/hdisk20 OPEN   NORMAL 31
2 fscsi1/hdisk22 OPEN   NORMAL 29
3 fscsi1/hdisk24 OPEN   NORMAL 26

DEV#:   1  DEVICE NAME: vpath4  TYPE: 2105F20   SERIAL: 60219516

Path#  Adapter/Hard DiskState Mode Select
0 fscsi0/hdisk19 OPEN   NORMAL  13465
1 fscsi0/hdisk21 OPEN   NORMAL  13636
2 fscsi1/hdisk23 OPEN   NORMAL  13567
3 fscsi1/hdisk25 OPEN   NORMAL  13727

Note the  lines.
I have two entries for hdisk2 and two for hdisk3.  Smitty won't let me
remove them (not enough information to uniquely identify the device) and
similar error messages for change/show charactaristics.

How can I remove hdisk2 and hdisk3?  The 10-78 and 10-68 devices are
the fibre cards.

Thanks in advance

Todd Lundstedt
Technical Specialist
Via Christi Information Management Services
ofc.   (316) 261-8385
fax.   (316) 660-0036

Mulitple Schedule backup strategy

2002-12-18 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I am trying to see if I am on the right track here.  I don't have a test
Netware server to play with.  Please let me know if I am thinking
correctly, or if I am way off base.  Thanks

I have recently been told that we need to backup certain files on a machine
weekly, and the rest of the files on the same machine daily.  I think the
way to go about this is to add another nodename in the dsm.opt file
(Netware server here), along with the excludes/includes for that node.
So, the dsm.opt my NW-DCO-Server4 would look something like this...

* Tivoli Storage Manager



 EXCLUDE  sys:\system\secaudit.log
 EXCLUDE  sys:\system\events.log
 EXCLUDE  sys:\system\system.log
 EXCLUDE  sys:\system\btrieve.trn
 EXCLUDE  SYS:\system\tsa\err$hst.*
 EXCLUDE  sys:\system\tsa\err$log.*
 EXCLUDE  sys:\system\tsa\skip$log.*
 EXCLUDE  sys:\system\tsa\tsa$temp.*
 EXCLUDE  sys:\system\sys$log.err
 EXCLUDE  sys:\_swap_.mem
 EXCLUDE  sys:\vol$log.err
 EXCLUDE  sys:\tts$log.err



  NODENAME  NW-DCO-Server4.a




I would have to define the node NW-DCO-Server4.a to TSM, and schedule it
for weekly backups with the original schedule for daily backups.  Am I on
the right track here?  Am I missing something?  Is there a different/better
way to do this?


Re: Idle system fails with Media mount not possible

2002-12-17 Thread Todd Lundstedt
How strange.. I just went through something similar.  Running on AIX 4.3.3,
TSM  What are you running?
The short answer was to reboot the AIX operating system, and everything
started working fine.. The long answer follows (well, not really an answer,
just my situation, and what I tried to resolve it).

AIX 4.3.3

Storage Agent
BA Client
TDP for SQL 2.2
SQL 2000

Storage Agent
BA Client
TDP for SQL 1.1
SQL 6.5

Relevant TSM server storage as follows...
diskpool_sql_meta (no next storage pool intended only for the
*/.../meta/.../* info)
diskpool_sql (next storage pool is ltotape_sql, intended for smaller
ltotape_sql (collocation of FILESPACE since /stripes=2 backups are kept

The SQL 2000 server had been having issues over the last few months where
backups to ltotape_sql with /stripes=2 of a 265GB database would fail with
a server media mount no possible error, but /stripes=1 differential
backups would back up fine.  Oddly, increasing the Maximum Mount Points for
the node by one would allow the /stripes=2 backup to succeed, but the next
time a /stripes=2 backup would run, it would fail (until I increased the
MMP again).  I had 5 drives, all free and unused and 7 MMP for the node
when... this new wrinkle occurred.

The SQL 6.5 server started having problems backing up certain databases:
the smaller system databases; master, model, msdb, pubs, tempdb, with and
error message of server media mount not possible.  All the DBs on this
server have a destination of ltotape_sql.  Like you, plenty of room in the
storage pool, plenty of scratch.

Called support

Got level one.. told him a few things.. he didn't even want to try it.. and
immediately escalated to level two.  While I waited for a call back from
level two, the following occurred.

I noticed that there are some databases in diskpool_sql that haven't
migrated to ltotape_sql.  Kicking off a migration gets a similar error
message media mount not possible, which, oddly, is the same message I got
from the storage agent when backing up tapes to ltotape_sql.

I carefully detailed what it took to migrate those 3 files from
diskpool_sql to ltotape_sql, which is a whole other chapter by itself,
involving changing maxscratch up and down, moving data, and a few other
hoops, and I was unable to get some tapes to move with a move data
command (tapes that had only one master or msdb or tempdb type database on

Level two calls back.  I go through the entire situation, including the
fact of the Max Mount Point having to change every time I did I /stirpes=2
backup (I wasn't sure if that was a related issue or not).  She is baffled,
and wants to think it over and search databases etc to see what she can
come up with.  Within 30 mins, she calls back and asks me to reboot the TSM
server's OS (uptime reported a whopping 82 days), just to see what would
happen.  I do.  Migrations go.  Backups /stripes=1 go.  Backups /stripes=2
go (even with MMP set back to 4 for that node, instead of 7 ( with only 5
tape drives remember).  This was Friday.

Sunday night, the TSM server did something odd (haven't reported this to
TSM support yet).  It just stopped.  It showed link status on the fiber
cards, and network cards, but you couldn't ping it, the server console
wouldn't wake up, nothing.  Even the display on the front was dark, but the
power light was on steady like it was operational, not flashing like it
would be if you did a proper shutdown.  I reset it Monday morning when I
found it that way, and then had to do a clean shutdown and power on to get
the fiber cards to see the library correctly.  Very weird.

So, I am taking Monday morning (yesterday) as the start time to see how
long it takes until I have to increase my MMP on the one node just to get a
/stripes=2 backup.

The saga continues...

M   Fax to:
Sent by: Subject: Idle system fails with Media 
mount not possible
ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

03:19 PM
Please respond
to ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

strange one... and ive looked at everything i can think of.

In client dsmerror.log:

12/17/02   15:01:54 ANS1228E Sending of object
'/tibco/logs/hawk/log/Hawk4.log' failed
12/17/02   15:01:54 ANS1312E Server media mount not possible

12/17/02   15:01:57 ANS1312E Server media mount not possible

In activity log:

ANR0535W Transaction failed for session 1356 for node
SY00113 (AIX) - insufficient mount points available to
satisfy the request.

There is NOTHING else running on this TSM server. All 6 

Re: include/exclude syntax question for TSM Unix Client

2002-12-04 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I believe exclude.dir is processed first regardless of where it is stacked
in the list.
You will have to work your exclude.dir statements so there isn't one that
will hit true on the u38 directory;
exclude.dir /u[0-2,4-9][0-9]
exclude.dir /u3[0-7,9]

Hope this helps.

Peppers, Holly
Holly.Peppers@B   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM:Fax to:
Dist Stor  Subject: include/exclude syntax 
question for TSM Unix Client

12/04/2002 03:52
Please respond
to ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

Hi All,

I was hoping I could get some feedback on the syntax of a set of files that
I am trying to include during backup.  Currently, my exclude.list file
like so:

exclude.dir /u[0-9][0-9]
include.file /u38/exp/.../*.*

I'm trying to get TSM to backup all the files and subdirs under /u38/exp,
but still exclude all the the other u* directories and files.  I must be
doing something wrong, as TSM is still excluding /u38/exp.  I've tried a
different combinations, but with no luck.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks.

Holly L. Peppers
Cpacity Planning

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., and its subsidiary and
affiliate companies are not responsible for errors or omissions in this
e-mail message. Any personal comments made in this e-mail do not reflect
the views of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.

Re: System Object / Mgmt. Classes / Policy Sets / Backup Groups - - Wh at's the best way??

2002-10-23 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Correct me if I am wrong, but this will only change the management class
for the backups after the changes are made.  All of the other systemobjects
that exist in the database that are managed by the old management class
will be retained for their 60 days.  In order to facilitate the move to the
new management class, you will want to rename the systemobject filespace on
each server (for instance, systemobject.old), then perform your backups for
8-9 days, making sure the new systemobject only has data stored for 7 days,
and only in the new management class.  Then, it will be safe to delete
systemobject.old, and recover that database space prior to your upgrade.

||  Prather, Wanda|
||  Wanda.Prather@J|
||  HUAPL.EDU  |
||  Sent by: ADSM: |
||  Dist Stor   |
||  Manager|
||  T.EDU  |
||  |
||  |
||  10/23/2002 11:48|
||  AM  |
||  Please respond  |
||  to ADSM: Dist  |
||  Stor Manager   |
||  |
  |  cc:   
  |  Fax to:   
  |  Subject: Re: System Object / Mgmt. Classes / Policy Sets / Backup Groups 
- - Wh at's the best way??   |

Hi Kevin,

Most people have only 2 policy sets for each policy domain - the acitve and
the inactive one.
I suggest you make a new management class:

*   In the NOCODOM policy domain, create a new management class, for
example call it SYSOBJ_MAN
*   Edit the BACKUP COPY GROUP for that new management class to set
retention to 7 instead of 60.
*   ACTIVATE the policy set for that domain; that makes the changed
version active.
*   Pick a Win2K client in the NOCODOM domain to test.
*   In the dsm.opt file of that client, put an include statement to
cause TSM to bind the systemobject to the new management class:
  include.systemobject SYSOBJ_MAN

*   Start the backup client and backup the system object
*   Now pretend you are going to restore the system object:
start the client
click on one of the components (like registry)
scroll to the right, you should see the time and management
class of the last backup
if it says SYSOBJ_MAN instead of DEFAULT, it's working
*   Now you have to figure out how you are going to make this happen on
ALL the clients in the NOCODOM domain.
*   You can either use sneakernet and add this to the dsm.opt file of
all the affected clients, or
create a clientoptionset on the server with this include statement
(certainly easier to do!)

-Original Message-
From: Thach, Kevin [mailto:KThach;COVHLTH.COM]
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 3:54 PM
Subject: System Object / Mgmt. Classes / Policy Sets / Backup Groups --
Wh at's the best way??


I've been designated the TSM administrator here at my workplace, and I'm
trying to educate myself as I go without making a mess of things.  Our IBM
partner came in and installed the server and a few clients, and handed it
over to me.  I now have about 200 Win2K clients, 40 AIX Clients, and about
Linux Clients.

My question is this:

The person that installed our environment basically set up 6 Policy
Colodom, Exchange, Lanfree, MSSQL, Nocodom, and Oracle.

99% of the clients are in the Nocodom (non-collocated) domain, which has
policy set, and one management class which has one backup copy group with
retention policies set to NOLIMIT, 3, 60, 60.

So, my problem is this.  It turns out that in trying to upgrade from
to 5.1.X we ran into the problem with System Objects BIGTIME.  We are
retaining 60 days worth of System Object files for about 200 Win2K clients,
which translates to about 29,000,000 System Object files, and about 55% of
our TSM database (36 GB).

What we've decided to do before 

Re: OK IBM _ ENOUGH ALREADY with the IBM/Tivoli TSM website -

2002-10-23 Thread Todd Lundstedt
I think that may be because all of the functionality at has been
(or soon will be completely) replaced with functionality at  I
received several emails over the last month regarding this last week, and I
think Friday, Oct. 18 was officially the last day we were to try to use site.
Just my understanding of the emails I have been receiving...

||  Prather, Wanda|
||  Wanda.Prather@J|
||  HUAPL.EDU  |
||  Sent by: ADSM: |
||  Dist Stor   |
||  Manager|
||  T.EDU  |
||  |
||  |
||  10/23/2002 02:42|
||  PM  |
||  Please respond  |
||  to ADSM: Dist  |
||  Stor Manager   |
||  |
  |  cc:   
  |  Fax to:   
  |  Subject: Re: OK IBM _ ENOUGH ALREADY with the IBM/Tivoli TSM website -

I don't have any trouble going to the FTP site, THANK GOODNESS!!

I'm talking about the Tivoli web pages on the IBM support site.
A lot of new users are not ready to navigate the FTP site and figure out
patch/fix levels on their own; we have taught many support people to start
with the Tivoli web pages, which have NICE select drop downs to help them
figure out the current levels of code they need; when they click the web
page, it sends them to the RIGHT PLACE on the FTP site.  Either the web
pages should WORK, or they should be eliminated entirely.  They should not
be implemented in a broken state.

This is the web site I'm talking about:

Start here, select the WinNT-2000 , then try going through the SUPPORT

-Original Message-
From: Richard Cowen [mailto:richard_cowen;CNT.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: OK IBM _ ENOUGH ALREADY with the IBM/Tivoli TSM website -

I downloaded the AIX server v5151 yesterday, I can navigate the site today.

Connected to
220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon Dec 3
15:26:19 MST 2001) ready
User ( ftp
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
ftp cd tivoli-storage-management
250 CWD command successful.
ftp dir
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
total 88
-rw-rw-r--   1 18125700 200  490 Jun 28 2001  .message
-rw-r-x---   1 0200   71 Jan 24 2000  .profile
d--x--s--x   2 0200  512 Jan 24 2000  bin
d--x--s--x   2 0200  512 Jan 24 2000  dev
drwxrwsr-x   3 18125700 200  512 Jun 26 2001  devices
d--x--s--x   2 0200  512 Jan 24 2000  lib
drwxrwsr-x   9 18125700 200  512 Jul 31 2001  maintenance
drwxrwsr-x   9 18125700 200  512 Apr  5 2002  patches
drwxrwsr-x   2 18125700 200  512 Nov 29 2000  plus
drwxrwsr-x   2 18125700 200 8192 Oct 22 17:05 swap
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 628 bytes received in 0.00Seconds 628000.00Kbytes/sec.
ftp cd patches
250 CWD command successful.
ftp cd client
250 CWD command successful.
ftp dir
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
total 32
drwxrwsr-x  10 18125700 200  512 Mar 30 2001  v3r7
drwxrwsr-x  12 18125700 200  512 Jun 11 10:49 v4r1
drwxrwsr-x  13 217  200  512 May 31 06:05 v4r2
drwxrwsr-x   9 18125700 200  512 Oct 18 11:03 v5r1
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 250 bytes received in 0.01Seconds 25.00Kbytes/sec.
ftp cd v5r1
250 CWD command successful.
ftp dir
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
total 80832
-rw-rw-r--   1 18125700 200  41166639 Oct 17 17:04 IP22546_02.exe
-rw-rw-r--   1 18125700 20091223 Oct 17 17:04

Re: Audit Library question.

2002-10-22 Thread Todd Lundstedt
The reason I started the audit was because TSM was not reporting the tape
in the library, yet the library knew the tape was inserted.  I could see
the tape in the library (with my own eyes).  Using the manual operations |
move tape functions from the LCD display on the library, the library was
able to move the tape out and back into the library.  But Query LIBVolume
did not show the tape in the library.
I thought Audit Library with checklabel=barcode should fix it, but after 2
hours, the process hadn't ended.  So I cancelled it.
What I ended up doing was manually removed the tape (via the move tape
functions from the LCD panel of the library), and then turned around and
did a Checkin process for the tapes in the Bulk I/O slots.  After that, the
query libvolume command reported the tape in the library.
This tells me that there is/was no problem with the barcode, or the reader,
and possibly even the library memory (since the library knew it had the
tape all along).  Something funky going on with the Audit Library process,
for sure.

||  David Longo |
||  David.Longo@HEALTH-|
||  FIRST.ORG  |
||  Sent by: ADSM: Dist|
||  Stor Manager   |
||  U  |
||  |
||  |
||  10/22/2002 01:02 PM |
||  Please respond to   |
||  ADSM: Dist Stor|
||  Manager|
||  |
  |  cc:   
  |  Fax to:   
  |  Subject: Re: Audit Library question.  

I imagine the checkl=barocde was introduced to shorten audit, without
it you would have to mount every tape in library - which would take
some considerable time with some libraries!  What you are doing is
checkinbg the barcode label in library memory as opposed to checking
magnetic tape label header.

The ideal short way is to have the library do it's inventory, which
barcodes and is quick, then do audit with checkl=barcode.  Whole
process shouldn't take more than a few minutes - there may be some
library units that take longer.  This complete process should take
of anything that has gotten out of sync.  I have had a few cases where
there was still something out of sync and had to do detailed
to correct.

It can have  a problem reading the barcode if the laser scanner
read the label.  That can happen some times - especially if you don't
original manufacturers labels.  If you have AIX server and use
with inventory action, it will show the slot status for tapes like
in abnormal status.  When the audit with checkl=barcode runs it
this and no barcode label for that slot and mounts the tape in that
to read the magnetic label and update TSM's inventory.

A brief overview as I have seen it in action many times.

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH  321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/22/02 01:44PM 
At 11:29 AM -0400 10/22/02, David Longo said:
With checklabel=barcode, what happens is that TSM reads the internal
memory of the library as to what the library's inventory says is

So checklabel=barcode doesn't really mean read the barcodes?  It just
means check the library's internal memory?  I guess that's still
useful in some circumstances, if there'e a possibility that TSM and
the library have gotten out of sync.
But it would be nice if things mean what they say.  Suppose I really
want it to read the barcodes?  Suppose I think the library's internal
memory has gotten confused somehow, and I  want to do a physical
audit of barcode locations to compare with the internal memory?  Is
this possible? Or is it a function of the library (which I guess
might  make more sense).

So generally that won't take long.  And a drive needs to be available
the case where library had a problem 

Re: Audit Library question.

2002-10-22 Thread Todd Lundstedt
Not true on my library, Ken...
I have run several audits using checklabel=barcode before with success.
The arm has never moved in the library with an audit using checkl=b.

||  Sent by:  |
||  ADSM: Dist   |
||  Stor Manager |
||  IST.EDU  |
||  10/22/2002|
||  01:03 PM  |
||  Please respond|
||  to ADSM: Dist|
||  Stor Manager |
  |  cc:   
  |  Fax to:   
  |  Subject: Re: Audit Library question.  

Not true...
With checklabel=barcode, all of the barcodes are read.  This is then
checked with the internal memory of the library as to what the library's
inventory says is where.  The tape is mounted, only if the barcode is


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/22/2002 10:44:50 AM 
At 11:29 AM -0400 10/22/02, David Longo said:
With checklabel=barcode, what happens is that TSM reads the internal
memory of the library as to what the library's inventory says is

So checklabel=barcode doesn't really mean read the barcodes?  It just
means check the library's internal memory?  I guess that's still
useful in some circumstances, if there'e a possibility that TSM and
the library have gotten out of sync.
But it would be nice if things mean what they say.  Suppose I really
want it to read the barcodes?  Suppose I think the library's internal
memory has gotten confused somehow, and I  want to do a physical
audit of barcode locations to compare with the internal memory?  Is
this possible? Or is it a function of the library (which I guess
might  make more sense).

So generally that won't take long.  And a drive needs to be available
the case where library had a problem reading a barcode label, that
can be mounted in a tape drive to verify - even if using checkl=b.

But how can it have a problem reading the barcode label if check-=b
doesn't even try to read the labels?


Matt Simpson --  OS/390 Support
219 McVey Hall  -- (859) 257-2900 x300
University Of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506
mainframe --   An obsolete device still used by thousands of obsolete
companies serving billions of obsolete customers and making huge obsolete
profits for their obsolete shareholders.  And this year's run twice as fast
as last year's.

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Re: offsite tape destroyed

2002-10-04 Thread Todd Lundstedt

When dealing with multiple primary storage pools being copied to a single
copy storage pool, it might be better to use move data.  And yes, you can
move data from a copy storage pool volume as long as it is set to
access=offsite (unavailable works, too, I think).

move data will work
delete volume x discarddata=yes
backup stg primary_stgpool copy_stgpool (for EACH primary_stgpool) will

||  David Longo |
||  David.Longo@HEALTH-|
||  FIRST.ORG  |
||  Sent by: ADSM: Dist|
||  Stor Manager   |
||  U  |
||  |
||  |
||  10/04/02 10:20 AM   |
||  Please respond to   |
||  ADSM: Dist Stor|
||  Manager|
||  |
  |  cc:   
  |  Fax to:   
  |  Subject: Re: offsite tape destroyed   

If an offsite tape (COPYPOOL) is destroyed then it is simple.
Do a DEL VOL blah discarddata=yes, for the destroyed volume.
When that is complete then do a Backup STG blah blah and this
will recopy the data (and any data not copied) from the onsite pool
to a new tape on the offsite pool.

The TSM DB keeps track and knows that the copy has been deleted so it
recopies at next backup stg process run.

You can't do a Move Data because the original volume is destroyed.

David Longo

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/04/02 10:54AM 
I did a quick search of some stuff I have and can't find an answer,
plus I
just don't have time to sit and look this morning so I need a bit of
If an offsite tape is destroyed what are the steps to deal with this. I
it's not the same for a primary stg pool.


Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

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the message states such views or opinions are on behalf of a particular
entity;  and (2) the sender is authorized by the entity to give such views
or opinions.


Re: Anyone tried

2002-09-25 Thread Todd Lundstedt

I am interested in reading your write-up.  Is it complete, and if so, under
what subject?  If not, do you have an estimate on when?
Thanks for doing this Gretchen,

||  Gretchen L.  |
||  Thiele   |
||  .BITNET  |
||  Sent by:  |
||  ADSM: Dist   |
||  Stor Manager |
||  IST.EDU  |
||  09/24/02 08:47|
||  PM|
||  Please respond|
||  to ADSM: Dist|
||  Stor Manager |
  |  cc:   
  |  Fax to:   
  |  Subject: Re: Anyone tried

I found that the SYSTEM OBJECT which were not unicode were never deleted
unless I did it manually.  A QUERY OCC * SYSTEM OBJECT (without the
NAMETYPE=UNICODE option) will let you know if you have that problem.
did you run the command CLEANUP BACKUPGROUPS?  For me, on it ran
never cleaned everything up and it wouldn't run on  I finally had

Actually, this problem occurs with both unicode and nonunicode
SYSTEM OBJECT filesystems. If you delete the nonunicode filesystem
it will rebackup as unicode. The new unicode SYSTEM OBJECT
filesystem will continue accumulate extra versions as well.

I could run CLEANUP BACKUPGROUPS with an earlier v5 version,
but it didn't work (I ran it, but then ran it again and it
found more errors). The CLEANUP didn't work (got the loop problem)
under v5.1.1.6, but then the AUDITDB didn't work! This is
what I'm writing up...

Gretchen Thiele
Princeton University

Re: Is reclamation working?

2002-09-11 Thread Todd Lundstedt

I have seen the number of reclaimable tapes grow steadily over the course
of a week, but the percent utilized average would go down over time.
If I remember correctly, reclaiming tapes in offsite pools is similar to a
migration, in that the reclamation process moves the data in the largest
chunks possible.
For example...
Day one, you have 3 tapes that need to be reclaimed in the offsite pool,
but by the end of the day, they each only get down to 25-30% utilized.
Day two, three more tapes are added to the reclamation list, but since
onsite tapes mounted for reclamation will have more data to be moved on
them for the newly added tapes, the tapes from day one will not get
reclaimed as much as the tapes from day two.  So now you end up with the
day one tapes an additional 5% less utilized, and the day two tapes 20%
less utilized.
Day three comes along, adding four tapes that are 50% utilized, and the
list of tapes grows, but the reclaimable percentage, on average, is still
less.  Each day, this happens without fully reclaiming some tapes.

What I do when I see this condition is set the reclamation threshold
higher.. say 95% or 90%.. and get the tapes that are 5 or 10% utilized
fully reclaimed.  Later, I will set the threshold lower, in increments that
make sense (say, only two or four tapes will match the reclamation
threshold) so that tapes get fully reclaimed.

The situation you are seeing can happen very easily if your primary storage
pool is collocated, but your copy storage pool is not.  Lots of primary
storage pool tape mounts will slow down your reclamation process.

Hope this helps

||  Gill, Geoffrey |
||  L. |
||  @SAIC.COM  |
||  Sent by: ADSM: |
||  Dist Stor   |
||  Manager|
||  T.EDU  |
||  |
||  |
||  09/11/02 10:05  |
||  AM  |
||  Please respond  |
||  to ADSM: Dist  |
||  Stor Manager   |
||  |
  |  cc:   
  |  Fax to:   
  |  Subject: Is reclamation working?  

TSM Server is AIX 4.3.3 running TSM

I have noticed I have about 145 volumes that are less than 25% utilized,
most of these are in the offsite pool. Reclamation runs on the offsite pool
daily, sometimes, like this morning, I find it is still running.
kicks off at 5PM with reclaim=50. I'm not understanding why these aren't
being reclaimed quicker.

Just a few:
U00582OFFSITE_POOL   3590CLASS25,415.90.0
U00586OFFSITE_POOL   3590CLASS19,665.60.0
U01638OFFSITE_POOL   3590CLASS18,157.98.5

This morning I saw reclamation running with this tape mounted and a scratch
tape had just been mounted to, more than likely, move some files. But it's
100% full so I don't get it.

U02188NOTES_TPOOL  3590CLASS36,672.3  100.0Full

Is this strange and does anyone else have this many tapes with the same
percentage used.
Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

Backups of a file when it hasn't changed.

2002-08-02 Thread Todd Lundstedt

Does anyone else see this issue?
I have seen several instances where TSM backed up a file when it had not
been modified in anyway.  Even when you look at the restore application,
there are several versions of a file, each with the same create date, the
same modified date, and different backed up dates.  I am curious if others,
or everyone sees this happening, or if I have some setting incorrect some
There have been no always backup backups (selective) performed, so that
isn't what happened.


Re: Backups of a file when it hasn't changed.

2002-08-02 Thread Todd Lundstedt

I had considered that, and honestly, I wouldn't know how to tell if the
permissions had changed on the days in question.  I don't see why they
would have changed.  There are other files in the same directory that have
their only backups on the same day as the oldest backups for these files in
question (the day this node started backing up to TSM).  Yet some of the
files have had additional backups when it doesn't appear to have been
necessary.  We don't normally set permissions at the file level (this is a
Netware server).  Plus, some of the files in question wouldn't even have a
need to be accessed.. things like Ghost(R) files and old archival type

It really boggles the mind.

||  Ford, Phillip|
||  Sent by: ADSM:|
||  Dist Stor  |
||  Manager   |
||  ST.EDU|
|| |
|| |
||  08/02/02 02:53 |
||  PM |
||  Please respond |
||  to ADSM: Dist |
||  Stor Manager  |
|| |
  |  cc:   
  |  Subject: Re: Backups of a file when it hasn't changed.

Did the permissions change on the file or owner or group?  If any of these
change, TSM will take a new copy of the file as if the file had changed.

Phillip Ford
Senior Software Specialist
Corporate Computer Center
Schering-Plough Corp.
(901) 320-4462
(901) 320-4856 FAX

-Original Message-
From: Todd Lundstedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 2:49 PM
Subject: Backups of a file when it hasn't changed.

Does anyone else see this issue?
I have seen several instances where TSM backed up a file when it had not
been modified in anyway.  Even when you look at the restore application,
there are several versions of a file, each with the same create date, the
same modified date, and different backed up dates.  I am curious if others,
or everyone sees this happening, or if I have some setting incorrect some
There have been no always backup backups (selective) performed, so that
isn't what happened.


 This message and any attachments is solely for the intended recipient. If
you are not the intended recipient, disclosure, copying, use, or
distribution of the information included in this message is prohibited --
please immediately and permanently delete this message.

Re: Backups of a file when it hasn't changed.

2002-08-02 Thread Todd Lundstedt

Copy mode is set to modified, and has been since day one (Nov, 2001).  I
assume if the copy mode was set to absolute, every file would backup every
time... and that is not happening.  It just appears TSM is backing things
up randomly.  I checked the file details using the TSM restore utility, and
each version of the file was absolutely identical, with the exception of
the backed up date.

I see this condition Netware servers, mostly.  I don't recall running
across this condition on NT/W2K or my AIX servers.


||  Rushforth, Tim|
||  PEG.MB.CA  |
||  Sent by: ADSM: Dist|
||  Stor Manager   |
||  U  |
||  |
||  |
||  08/02/02 03:29 PM   |
||  Please respond to   |
||  ADSM: Dist Stor|
||  Manager|
||  |
  |  cc:   
  |  Subject: Re: Backups of a file when it hasn't changed.

Check that your copy group copy mode is not set to absolute.

Is this windows? Are file permissions being changed?

-Original Message-
From: Todd Lundstedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: August 2, 2002 2:49 PM
Subject: Backups of a file when it hasn't changed.

Does anyone else see this issue?
I have seen several instances where TSM backed up a file when it had not
been modified in anyway.  Even when you look at the restore application,
there are several versions of a file, each with the same create date, the
same modified date, and different backed up dates.  I am curious if others,
or everyone sees this happening, or if I have some setting incorrect some
There have been no always backup backups (selective) performed, so that
isn't what happened.


Re: How to save volhist and devconfig

2002-08-02 Thread Todd Lundstedt

After the backup of our database, we backup the device config and volhist
files from TSM to the text files, then we perform a maksysb on our AIX
server.  That backup tape (4mm) goes offsite with the TSM tapes (LTO).

||  Rob Schroeder  |
||  robs@FAMOUSFOO|
||  Sent by: ADSM:|
||  Dist Stor  |
||  Manager   |
||  ST.EDU|
|| |
|| |
||  08/01/02 02:50 |
||  PM |
||  Please respond |
||  to ADSM: Dist |
||  Stor Manager  |
|| |
  |  cc:   
  |  Subject: Re: How to save volhist and devconfig

I have written a batch file that runs on our operators' Win2k Pro machine.
The batch file maps the network drive to the TSM server and copies the
required files to local diskette and another network drive.  I just use the
Windows scheduler to have this run every day at the same time.  This may
not be the best approach, but it only took 5 minutes and my operations
staff doesn't have to worry about anything.

Rob Schroeder
Famous Footwear

  brian welsh
  AIL.COM cc:
  Sent by: ADSM:  Subject:  How to save
volhist and devconfig
  Dist Stor

  08/01/2002 02:17
  Please respond to
  ADSM: Dist Stor


I was wondering how other administrators are saving the volhist, devconfig,
dsmserv.dsk and dsmserv.opt.

Every day we save the volhist and devconfig and manually ftp these files to
a network-drive in case of a crash of the server.

Now I'm not familiar with scripts so far, but I want to automate these job.

So, I was wondering how other administrators are doing this job.

Thanks for your reply.


Chat on line met vrienden en probeer MSN Messenger uit:

Re: Backups of a file when it hasn't changed.

2002-08-02 Thread Todd Lundstedt

And, how nice it was of Tivoli to set the default of that to no.  That is
probably my problem.  I will make that change to all the Netware servers on
Monday (never change things on Friday unless you have to).  Thanks for that
little tidbit.


||  Rushforth, Tim|
||  PEG.MB.CA  |
||  Sent by: ADSM: Dist|
||  Stor Manager   |
||  U  |
||  |
||  |
||  08/02/02 04:06 PM   |
||  Please respond to   |
||  ADSM: Dist Stor|
||  Manager|
||  |
  |  cc:   
  |  Subject: Re: Backups of a file when it hasn't changed.

Ahhh, Netware - check the value of the tsm option NWIGNORECOMpressbit.
set to no, then tsm will rebackup the file when netware compresses or
decompresses the file.

-Original Message-
From: Todd Lundstedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: August 2, 2002 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: Backups of a file when it hasn't changed.

I had considered that, and honestly, I wouldn't know how to tell if the
permissions had changed on the days in question.  I don't see why they
would have changed.  There are other files in the same directory that have
their only backups on the same day as the oldest backups for these files in
question (the day this node started backing up to TSM).  Yet some of the
files have had additional backups when it doesn't appear to have been
necessary.  We don't normally set permissions at the file level (this is a
Netware server).  Plus, some of the files in question wouldn't even have a
need to be accessed.. things like Ghost(R) files and old archival type

It really boggles the mind.

||  Ford, Phillip|
||  Sent by: ADSM:|
||  Dist Stor  |
||  Manager   |
||  ST.EDU|
|| |
|| |
||  08/02/02 02:53 |
||  PM |
||  Please respond |
||  to ADSM: Dist |
||  Stor Manager  |
|| |

  |  cc:
  |  Subject: Re: Backups of a file when it hasn't changed.


Did the permissions change on the file or owner or group?  If any of these
change, TSM will take a new copy of the file as if the file had changed.

Phillip Ford
Senior Software Specialist
Corporate Computer Center
Schering-Plough Corp.
(901) 320-4462
(901) 320-4856 FAX

-Original Message-
From: Todd Lundstedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 2:49 PM
Subject: Backups of a file when it hasn't changed.

Does anyone else see this issue?
I have seen several instances where TSM backed up a file when it had not
been modified in anyway.  Even when you look at the restore application,
there are several versions of a file, each with the same create date, the
same modified date, and different backed up dates.  I am curious if others,
or everyone sees this happening, or if I have some setting incorrect some
There have been no always backup backups (selective) performed, so that
isn't what happened.


 This message and any attachments is solely for the intended recipient. If
you are not the intended recipient, disclosure, copying, use, or
distribution of the information included in this message

Striped backup speeds.

2002-08-01 Thread Todd Lundstedt

Server: TSM, AIX 4.3.3, two fiber gigabit ethernet cards, each
accessing disk and tape (I know, this is bad, but it shouldn't impact this
Client: W2K, 4 processors (around 900mhz, I think), just over 3GB of
physical memory, TSM B/A client, TSPSQL 2.2, Storage agent, three fiber gigabit ethernet cards (qLogic), one for disk, two for
tape access.
SAN: Shark ESS
Node setup has 4 mountpoints allowed.
Fiber Network: dual Brocade 2109 fiber switches.
Library IBM 3584 with five LTO Ultrium fiber connected drives (three
connected to one switch, two to the other switch).
Utility used to measure speed during backups: qLogic Sanblade Manager.

Backing up a 33GB SQL database located on the Shark to one tape, I can get
about 28-30 MB/second.  Backing up the same database striped to two tapes,
I would get about 31 MB/second.  I had the DB admin spread the three files
in the database over three of the four different available drive letters
(actually on 2 different packs on the ESS Shark).  That made my two-stripe
backup in the 36-37MB/second range (single stripe backups are still in the
28-30MB/second range).  I am looking to find a way to get somewhere near
the 50-60MB/s range for a backup.  It doesn't make sense to stripe a backup
when you are only getting a 20% increase in throughput (and this works out
to less than a 20% decrease in time for the backup because of the storage
agent mounting tapes, locating last files, etc, one tape at a time).  I am
doing testing in preparation for a 500GB database.

I did some tests with very large files on each of the four drive letters,
simultaneously copying the large files to nul (using four different
command line prompts), to get a benchmark of data throughput on the disk
fiber card.  The max sustained throughput (based on the qLogic monitor) was
~66MB/second.  Most of the time, the rate hovered in the 45-55 MB/second
range.  CPU utilization on the client node during a 2-stripe backup is
around 85-95%, and during a single-stripe backup, it is around 35-45% (on
all four processors).

Can anyone suggest some things to check that might impact this?

On another note, the backups are not completing as of my last two-stripe
test.  I am working with Tivoli support regarding this problem.  Backups
with a single stripe are working.

Re: Minimizing Database Utilization

2002-07-31 Thread Todd Lundstedt

Expiration is working fine.  It starts every morning at 5 AM, and runs for
about 30-40 minutes.
ANR0812I Inventory file expiration process 295 completed:
 examined 944182 objects, deleting 37102 backup objects, 0
 archive objects, 0 DB backup volumes, and 0 recovery plan
 files. 0 errors were encountered
Does this mean I only have 944,182 objects being managed by the database?
If so, it sounds like I do have something bloating my database.  If Thomas
D. can get primary and copy pool backups for 4.8 million + files in a 10GB
database, and my 8GB database is filled nearly 70% utilized with less than
a million objects, something is wrong somewhere.

Also, I in looking for things that stand out, I found occasional instances
in my 30 days worth of activity log where a TDP for SQL server started/end
sessions for storage agent on the order of 5-40 times per second, sometimes
lasting 4-5 seconds, sometimes lasting 4-5 minutes.  I understand that
anything in the activity log is in the database, too.  Any ideas what could
be causing the storage agent to start/end sessions 40 times per second for
5 minutes?

||  Roger Deschner|
||  U|
||  Sent by:  |
||  ADSM: Dist   |
||  Stor Manager |
||  IST.EDU  |
||  07/31/02 01:14|
||  AM|
||  Please respond|
||  to ADSM: Dist|
||  Stor Manager |
  |  cc:   
  |  Subject: Re: Minimizing Database Utilization  

Consider the possibility that you are not expiring well enough, which
could be causing database bloat. (Not to mention tape storage pool
bloat.) How long does your expiration process take? Does it seem to
never end? If so, you may be in an expiration bound death spiral.

If you are having trouble with expiration as it is, you are in no
position to take on an additional large client system, as was the start
of this thread. Dramatically lengthening expiration process run times
are a true sign that a TSM server is out of gas, and needs an upgrade
just for its present workload, not to mention adding more work to it.

Roger Deschner  University of Illinois at Chicago [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Tue, 30 Jul 2002, Todd Lundstedt wrote:

Well, well.. I totally read my book the wrong way.  I will go recalculate.
Thanks for pointing out this huge error on my part.  Now I have to go
figure out where the rest of my database utilization is going, too.

Re: Minimizing Database Utilization

2002-07-31 Thread Todd Lundstedt

We have no Oracle, DB2 or Exchange at the moment.  All we have is SQL and
Domino.  TDP for SQL v 1.1 (for SQL 6.5) works that way, and we are issuing
the commands to inactivate olderthan 10 days, and the management class is
set to 1/0/0/0.  TDP for SQL v 2.2 (for SQL 7.0/2000) and TDP for Domino
correctly use the management classes/definitions assigned without the need
for inactivate commands.

Still looking for why some of my SQL servers using storage agent are
starting and ending so many sessions per second.  I am sure that is one
reason why my database seems to be over utilized based on the number of
files I have managed in the database.

||  MC Matt Cooper|
||  (2838)|
||  Matt.Cooper@AMGREE|
||  Sent by: ADSM:|
||  Dist Stor Manager |
||  DU|
|| |
|| |
||  07/31/02 09:59 AM  |
||  Please respond to  |
||  ADSM: Dist Stor   |
||  Manager   |
|| |
  |  cc:   
  |  Subject: Re: Minimizing Database Utilization  

Look to make sure your TDP's are actually deleting their backups.
was burned by DB2, Oracle and MS-EXCHANGE platforms not sending the command
to TSM to delete their old backups.   These files are NOT really being
managed by the copygroup policy the way you may think they are.  The client
must tell the server that the file (the TDP backups are all date/time
stamped and therefore UNIQUE) has been deleted.  Then your deleted file
policy in the copygroup is in effect.

-Original Message-
From: Todd Lundstedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: Minimizing Database Utilization

Expiration is working fine.  It starts every morning at 5 AM, and runs for
about 30-40 minutes.
ANR0812I Inventory file expiration process 295 completed:
 examined 944182 objects, deleting 37102 backup objects, 0
 archive objects, 0 DB backup volumes, and 0 recovery plan
 files. 0 errors were encountered
Does this mean I only have 944,182 objects being managed by the database?
If so, it sounds like I do have something bloating my database.  If Thomas
D. can get primary and copy pool backups for 4.8 million + files in a 10GB
database, and my 8GB database is filled nearly 70% utilized with less than
a million objects, something is wrong somewhere.

Also, I in looking for things that stand out, I found occasional instances
in my 30 days worth of activity log where a TDP for SQL server started/end
sessions for storage agent on the order of 5-40 times per second, sometimes
lasting 4-5 seconds, sometimes lasting 4-5 minutes.  I understand that
anything in the activity log is in the database, too.  Any ideas what could
be causing the storage agent to start/end sessions 40 times per second for
5 minutes?

||  Roger Deschner|
||  U|
||  Sent by:  |
||  ADSM: Dist   |
||  Stor Manager |
||  IST.EDU  |
||  07/31/02 01:14|
||  AM|
||  Please respond|
||  to ADSM: Dist|
||  Stor Manager |

  |  cc:
  |  Subject: Re: Minimizing Database Utilization


Consider the possibility that you are not expiring well enough, which
could be causing database bloat. (Not to mention

Minimizing Database Utilization

2002-07-30 Thread Todd Lundstedt

TSM running on AIX 4.3.3
Database is 8GB, 66.2% utilized.  DBVols are on an ESS shark.

We have an application server that the admins would like to backup on the
TSM server.  The problem is, after I analyzed the backup needs of this one
server, my database would grow an additional 300GB, and increase in size an
additional 50-100MB each day (in actuality, it may be an additional 66%
growth because I can't recall if I calculated my copy storage pool needs).
They have a folder on this server (NT4.0 running a PACS system, by Fujimed,
I think) that contain over 240K+ files, each file in it's own folder (so
240K+ folders) each uniquely named, never changing, and almost all of the
files less than 1K in data size.  There are other similar folders on this
server that would significantly increase the size of the database, but not
as much as this one folder.  I based the increase in DB size on the 600k
of database space per object stored by TSM rule.  I told the admin there
would be no way I could back that data up unless he created a zip file (or
something similar) of all those directories/files first.  He is looking
into this possibility.
Is there any other way to do this without increasing the size of my
database more than the size of the files being backed up (what is that... 3
million times more?)?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Todd Lundstedt
Technical Specialist
Via Christi Information Management Services

Re: Minimizing Database Utilization

2002-07-30 Thread Todd Lundstedt

Well, well.. I totally read my book the wrong way.  I will go recalculate.
Thanks for pointing out this huge error on my part.  Now I have to go
figure out where the rest of my database utilization is going, too.

||  Thomas Denier   |
||  Thomas.Denier@mai|
||  07/30/02 10:37 AM |
  |  cc:   
  |  Subject: Re: Minimizing Database Utilization  

 I based the increase in DB size on the 600k
 of database space per object stored by TSM rule.

I believe the rule of thumb historically given in TSM documentation
is 600 bytes per object, not 600 kilobytes. I have a single client
with 4.8 million backup files in one of its file systems, and several
others with substantial fractions of that number. I have offsite copy
pools for all backups. All of this fits in a ten gigabyte database.

Changing Storage Pools/Management Classes

2002-07-02 Thread Todd Lundstedt

I sent this out just over a month ago, and received no responses.  Trying
again to see if anyone can help Thanks..

Currently, we backup everything either to DISKPOOL (which migrates to
LTOTAPE), or directly to LTOTAPE.  Files (backup/archive client), databases
(TDP for Domino, and TDP for SQL), everything is eventually stored into
LTOTAPE.  The databases get backed up FULL every time.  The largest
database we have is ~75GB.  The TDP SQL databases are in a different set of
management classes from the other files (TDP Domino databases have their
own management class, as well).

Soon, we will be creating an application that will have a 500GB database.
FULL backups for SQL databases will be changing over to FULL with DIFFs
(for the larger databases, FULLs on the smaller ones).  I would like to
segregate the SQL databases into their own tape storage pool.  There will
be no reclamation on the tapes in this storage pool, and collocation will
be turned on, because I will be doing some striped backups.   (I don't see
the sense in reclaiming tapes when the major databases range in size from
10% to 400% of a tape, but give me a reason to consider it, and I will)

What is the best way to handle moving/changing the storage location of my
SQL databases from the LTOTAPE storage pool to the LTOSQLTAPE storage pool
(I just made that name up).

Should I modify the existing management classes to start using the new
storage pool?  If so, what happens to the files in the current storage

Should I create a new management class pointing to the new storage pool and
change the INCLUDE statements to point to the new management class?  If so,
what happens to the files in the current storage pool and the current
management class?

Is there another way to do this?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Todd Lundstedt
Technical Specialist
Via Christi Information Management Services

ps  FYI.  Since the first time I sent this note out, I have done some
testing.  After working with TSM support on an issue that came up in my
testing, I find out that a management class cannot be changed if you are
backing up LANFREE.  You must back up the file across the LAN in order to
change the management class.  Once the active version of the file is in the
new management class, LANFREE backups can resume.  However, I am still
getting occasional errors when I do this, and then try to perform striped

Re: Changing Storage Pools/Management Classes

2002-07-02 Thread Todd Lundstedt

Thanks, Wanda.  I think you answered my question.  I just want to make sure
there are no issues.  So, to clarify...
I have had management classes setup to handle these files for a long time,
and they are pointing to either a diskpool or a tapepool.  I want all of
the files in these management classes to eventually be stored in a
different disk and tape pool.  It sounds like the best way to do this is
(very simply) to just change the copy-to destination of the existing
management classes for these files to point to the new storage pools.  I
will still maintain the original storage pools for other management classes
still in use.
I just wasn't sure of any negative aspects of this change.  Do you see any
gotchas? anything in particular of which I should be aware?

Thanks again,

||  Prather, Wanda|
||  Wanda.Prather@J|
||  HUAPL.EDU  |
||  Sent by: ADSM: |
||  Dist Stor   |
||  Manager|
||  T.EDU  |
||  |
||  |
||  07/02/02 11:50  |
||  AM  |
||  Please respond  |
||  to ADSM: Dist  |
||  Stor Manager   |
||  |
  |  cc:   
  |  Subject: Re: Changing Storage Pools/Management Classes

If you want some files in a different tape storage pool, you will need a
management class for them.
If you are backing up direct to tape, just point the new management class
the new tape storage pool.  Use INCLUDE statements in dsm.opt to bind just
the files you want to the new management class.

If you are backing up to disk first, you will need to create a new disk
for these files as well as a separate tape pool.  (You can't have one
primary disk pool that migrates to two different tape pools.) Make the new
management class point to the new disk pool and have the disk pool point to
the new tape pool.

When you backup files to the new management class, the NEW backup versions
will go to the new pool(s).

Nothing happens to older/existing backup versions of those files.  They
on whatever media they were on originally.Nothing triggers them to move
or relocate.  They aren't hurt, you can still restore from them if you need
to.  The best thing to do is just leave them where they sit, and let them
expire when they normally would.

-Original Message-
From: Todd Lundstedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 11:48 AM
Subject: Changing Storage Pools/Management Classes

I sent this out just over a month ago, and received no responses.  Trying
again to see if anyone can help Thanks..

Currently, we backup everything either to DISKPOOL (which migrates to
LTOTAPE), or directly to LTOTAPE.  Files (backup/archive client), databases
(TDP for Domino, and TDP for SQL), everything is eventually stored into
LTOTAPE.  The databases get backed up FULL every time.  The largest
database we have is ~75GB.  The TDP SQL databases are in a different set of
management classes from the other files (TDP Domino databases have their
own management class, as well).

Soon, we will be creating an application that will have a 500GB database.
FULL backups for SQL databases will be changing over to FULL with DIFFs
(for the larger databases, FULLs on the smaller ones).  I would like to
segregate the SQL databases into their own tape storage pool.  There will
be no reclamation on the tapes in this storage pool, and collocation will
be turned on, because I will be doing some striped backups.   (I don't see
the sense in reclaiming tapes when the major databases range in size from
10% to 400% of a tape, but give me a reason to consider it, and I will)

What is the best way to handle moving/changing the storage location of my
SQL databases from the LTOTAPE storage pool to the LTOSQLTAPE storage pool
(I just made that name up).

Should I modify the existing management classes to start using the new
storage pool?  If so, what happens to the files in the current storage

Should I create a new management class

What would be the SQL select to determine....

2002-06-24 Thread Todd Lundstedt

... a list of files (with directory names) in a storage pool that only have
one version?

Or can you do that with an SQL select?

I am trying to identify files with unique names that may be of a temporary
nature, so I can point them to a different management class with a Retain
Only Version count of zero.

Thanks in advance,

Changing Storage Pools/Management Classes

2002-05-30 Thread Todd Lundstedt

Currently, we backup everything either to DISKPOOL (which migrates to
LTOTAPE), or directly to LTOTAPE.  Files (backup/archive client), databases
(TDP for Domino, and TDP for SQL), everything is eventually stored into
LTOTAPE.  The databases get backed up FULL every time.  The largest
database we have is ~75GB.  The TDP SQL databases are in a different set of
management classes from the other files (TDP Domino databases have their
own management class, as well).

Soon, we will be creating an application that will have a 500GB database.
FULL backups for SQL databases will be changing over to FULL with DIFFs
(for the larger databases, FULLs on the smaller ones).  I would like to
segregate the SQL databases into their own tape storage pool.  There will
be no reclamation on the tapes in this storage pool, and collocation will
be turned on, because I will be doing some striped backups.   (I don't see
the sense in reclaiming tapes when the major databases range in size from
10% to 400% of a tape, but give me a reason to consider it, and I will)

What is the best way to handle moving/changing the storage location of my
SQL databases from the LTOTAPE storage pool to the LTOSQLTAPE storage pool
(I just made that name up).

Should I modify the existing management classes to start using the new
storage pool?  If so, what happens to the files in the current storage

Should I create a new management class pointing to the new storage pool and
change the INCLUDE statements to point to the new management class?  If so,
what happens to the files in the current storage pool and the current
management class?

Is there another way to do this?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Todd Lundstedt
Technical Specialist
Via Christi Information Management Services

TDP for SQL and Stripes

2002-05-16 Thread Todd Lundstedt

I am starting to play with the stripe function of the TDP for SQL.  I got
to wondering...
If you have a database backed up directly to tape using 4 stripes... you
need 4 tape drives to do that.. and, 4 tape drives to do a restore.  I got
that much...

What happens if, by reclamation process, two or more of the striped
portions of the backup get reclaimed onto the same tape?  Will TSM allow
that to happen?  if so, how do you do a restore?  Any other gotchya's out

Re: Expiring specific files

2002-04-24 Thread Todd Lundstedt

Wow! Steve, that sounds like.. um.. fun?!
I follow along with what you are trying to do, but I am not sure what this
would do to the application, since that application watches this directory
(as, I am guessing, a sort of queue).  I would hesitate to create any file
on my own in this directory, even more so, a file that has already been
created by the application in this directory.

I will certainly keep this workaround in mind for future issues, though.

Just to clarify.. is there no way to expire a single file version, active
or inactive?

||  Steve Harris  |
||  LD.GOV.AU|
||  Sent by: ADSM: Dist  |
||  Stor Manager |
||  04/23/02 06:59 PM |
||  Please respond to |
||  ADSM: Dist Stor  |
||  Manager  |
  |  cc:   
  |  Subject: Re: Expiring specific files  


I just had this problem with a bunch of oracle archive files that had been
placed into the wrong directory and so had picked up the default retention
(retonly 365) instead of the oracle one (retonly 35).  Your suggested
approach will work fine for active files, which will be rebound, but
inactive files will not be.

As you have suggested, set up your includes to give these files a short
retention period.
Then, generate your list of inactive files.  In my case it was easy as the
files had ascending sequence numbers.  If your case isn't that simple you
could use either the ba client q backup command or alternatively use the
admin client to select appropriately from the contents table and
post-process the output.  Both approaches have issues, but are do-able.

Take this list and process it through your favourite scripting language.
In batches of say 100 files,
create a new zero length file with the name of the file you want deleted
from tsm. Under unix I'd use touch, under windows I'm not sure.
back up the directory
delete the batch

Repeat until all files processed.
back up the directory one last time
Set your include/excludes to whatever your long term requirement is for

This should fix the problem.


Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 24/04/2002 6:32:23 
I have a bunch of files that have been backed up in one directory on this
node that we no longer need to keep.  These files all have unique names,
but share the extension of .prt.  There is a very large number of inactive
versions (simply because these are temporary files that get deleted each
day).  I would like to find a way to expire the files in this folder.

Is there a command to do this? or do I have to change the management class
for this file to a dummy management class/backup copy group (say, nohold
set to 1, 0, 0, 0)?

If I have to change the management class, what are the steps I need to do
to accomplish this?  Is it simply...

Create new management class/backup copy group (call it nohold)?
modify the options file for this node to have an include path\*.prt
and then run an incremental

Is that basically it?

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Re: SQL Output

2002-04-24 Thread Todd Lundstedt

If you are doing this from the command line in AIX.
dsmadmc -id=yourID -password=yourPW select whatever from whereever,
etc | tail +XX | grep -v YY  new_filename

If you are doing this to a file that was created from the dsmadmc client
already.. it is very similar...
cat filename | tail +XX | grep -v YY  new_filename

where XX = the number of rows you want removed from the top
where YY = some unique text in the line you want to exclude

David E
deehre01@LOUIS   cc:
VILLE.EDUSubject: SQL Output
Sent by: ADSM:
Dist Stor

04/24/02 12:15
Please respond
to ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

I there a way to get JUST the output from a select statement into a file
without the TSM version header info at the beginning and the condition
code at the end?

This is TSM 4.2 on Aix 5.1.


Expiring specific files

2002-04-23 Thread Todd Lundstedt

I have a bunch of files that have been backed up in one directory on this
node that we no longer need to keep.  These files all have unique names,
but share the extension of .prt.  There is a very large number of inactive
versions (simply because these are temporary files that get deleted each
day).  I would like to find a way to expire the files in this folder.

Is there a command to do this? or do I have to change the management class
for this file to a dummy management class/backup copy group (say, nohold
set to 1, 0, 0, 0)?

If I have to change the management class, what are the steps I need to do
to accomplish this?  Is it simply...

Create new management class/backup copy group (call it nohold)?
modify the options file for this node to have an include path\*.prt
and then run an incremental

Is that basically it?

Re: Expiring specific files

2002-04-23 Thread Todd Lundstedt

Nope.. sorry .. I didn't include any specific info..
TSM Server running on AIX 433
the node in question is Netware 4.11 running TSM B/A Client for Netware
It is an application and fileserver, so no, there is a LOT more stuff on
this filespace than just the files I want to expire off.


||  David Longo |
||  David.Longo@HEALTH-|
||  FIRST.ORG  |
||  Sent by: ADSM: Dist|
||  Stor Manager   |
||  U  |
||  |
||  |
||  04/23/02 03:55 PM   |
||  Please respond to   |
||  ADSM: Dist Stor|
||  Manager|
||  |
  |  cc:   
  |  Subject: Re: Expiring specific files  

If this was a unix platform AND the files are the ONLY thing in a
filesystem (filespace) then just use DELETE FILESPACE on the TSM
server would be simplest way.

David Longo

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/23/02 04:32PM 
I have a bunch of files that have been backed up in one directory on this
node that we no longer need to keep.  These files all have unique names,
but share the extension of .prt.  There is a very large number of inactive
versions (simply because these are temporary files that get deleted each
day).  I would like to find a way to expire the files in this folder.

Is there a command to do this? or do I have to change the management class
for this file to a dummy management class/backup copy group (say, nohold
set to 1, 0, 0, 0)?

If I have to change the management class, what are the steps I need to do
to accomplish this?  Is it simply...

Create new management class/backup copy group (call it nohold)?
modify the options file for this node to have an include path\*.prt
and then run an incremental

Is that basically it?

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Re: How Best to Suspend a Schedule

2002-04-19 Thread Todd Lundstedt

Wouldn't this disable ALL schedules, instead of just the one you need to

||  Edgardo Moso  |
||  edgardo_moso@KINDREDHEALT|
||  Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor |
||  Manager  |
||  04/19/02 12:22 PM |
||  Please respond to ADSM:  |
||  Dist Stor Manager|
  |  cc:   
  |  Subject: Re: How Best to Suspend a Schedule   

For #1 you can set , disablesched   Yes  in the dsmserv.opt file.

From: Kilmer, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 04/19/2002 09:02 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:   How Best to Suspend a Schedule

As a relative newbie to TSM, I'd be interested to hear what is the easiest
way to temporarily:
1- Suspend a backup schedule from running.
2- Suspend an individual client's participation in a backup schedule.

I've accomplished #2 by removing the client schedule association, though I
don't regard this method to be particularly elegant.

Thanks in advance.

Paul E. Kilmer
Lead Technical Architect
New World Pasta
(717) 526-2431

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