
2006-02-27 Thread Toni Banire

daily backup

2002-01-07 Thread Toni Banire


I am trying to generate a list of monthly files backed up. I come up with
the select statement below which seems to be taking it's time (not sure if
it's legal). Does anyone know of a better way generate a summary of the
total no. of files backed up



select count(contents.file_name), count(volumes.volume_name) from
contents,volumes where volumes.volume_name=contents.volume_name and
volumes.last_write_date = '2002-01-04 00:00'

total monthly backups

2001-12-06 Thread Toni Banire

Need help on this one

Is there a way to extract a list of total backups over a monthly period.

I currently have this SQL statement

SELECT start_time, end_time, entity, bytes from summary where activity ='BACKUP'
and end_time between 'start_date' and 'end_date'

To get a list of backups run, I just total all entity values. The snag
here is that if a TSM client has it resourceutilisation set to 1 I will
get duplicate listings for any day during the backup period as it will
list objects processed on each client and not  just the client.

Does anyone know if there is a better way to do this to get a list of
total monthly backups by client and not object.



delay re-boot

2001-05-16 Thread Toni Banire

Does anyone know if there is a way I can get TSM to not ask for a
re-boot after an install on an NT Server. I am doing a silent install as
part of a script. I need the script to complete before the server reboots.
For now it reboots halfway through the script.



Re: delay re-boot

2001-05-16 Thread Toni Banire

1 - Install Windows Installer if not present (Reboot)
2 - Install TSM (Reboot)
3 - Make my specific custo

Do the steps follow through automatically. I mean after the reboot for step
1 does the script continue with step 2 ?


Re: delay re-boot

2001-05-16 Thread Toni Banire

By the way is there a list someplace where I can find the meanings of the
different parameters used for the setup program


Re: delay re-boot

2001-05-16 Thread Toni Banire

No, can't get it to work for TSM v4


weird error

2001-03-19 Thread Toni Banire

I am running TSM 4.1.2
The server is on Unix whikst the clients are on NT4 SP6a

The scheduled backups complete ok but when I issue:
q file servername from the TSM backup server, the lastbckup date shows
28/2/01. However when I issue:
q b drive letter:\ on the NT server I get a full listing of all the

I can't seem to figure out why when querying the TSM server the backup
deatils are incorrect



strange restore

2001-02-06 Thread Toni Banire

See output below:

Object name '\\drs01\e$\new copy1\copy1\data\HC- N\hcn pfu and gc\HCN pfu and
gc\pfu\PFU3F9' contains one or more unrecognized characters and is not valid.
Object name '\\drs01\e$\new copy1\copy1\data\li- ning cells\lcfor 18s\SBLCS25T7'
contains one or more unrecognized characters and is not valid.

Original Location
data\lining cells\lcfor 18s
data\HCN\hcn pfu and gc\HCN pfu and gc\pfu

You  will notice fro the above that TSM has changed the folder names for HCN and
lining  cells  on  the restore. I have logged a call with Tivoli support. In the
meantime I was wondering if anyone has a clue about how this could happen.

I  have  performed  another back /restore and it all worked ok. I even performed
one  with  the  changed  folder names to establish if TSM could pick up a folder
name with those characters. All went well.

I  have the feeling this is just a fluke. It's not that serious as this was just
a  test.  My  worry  is, it happened once so it could happen again in a non test



restore files

2001-01-31 Thread Toni Banire

I am basically curious to know if anyone out there is experiencing the same
problem as myself.
I have come across a couple of incidents where TSM has not been able to restore
a file it successfully backed up. The last one, see below
PFU3F9' contains one or more unrecognised characters and is not valid.
SBLCS25T7' contains one or more unrecognized characters and is not valid

What I don't get is that if TSM can't recognise these files during the restore
how could it recognise them to do the backup.

Has anyone come across anything like this ever.
I must admit, its very rare. But the fact that it happens is worrying


peace of mind

2001-01-25 Thread Toni Banire

I just need confirmation on this.

I ran a number of sel backups on a 90Gb array. When I performed the first few
restores the tape mounts occurred instantly. Over time the tape mount times
have started to increase. Currently it takes about an hr for the tape to mount
when I issue a restore req.

I have no problem with this as long as I understand what's going on.

Here's what I think, I may be way off base here.

The more sel backups I run, the more files have to be examined when the restore
is done.
I think with the noquery restore TSM is looking through every file to match the
restore req.
With some restore commands I use a pitd and pitt, with others I don't use these
options, tape mounts are still about 1hr in both instances.

I hope I have made myself clear here.

Am I on the right path ?



problem restore

2001-01-22 Thread Toni Banire

22-01-2001 14:49:50   ANR0406I Session 267 started for node ClientA (WinNT)

22-01-2001 15:49:55   ANR8337I DLT volume BACKUP01 mounted in drive MT3.0.0.7


This is a continuation of the probs I have been having with restores.
If you notice it has taken an hr for the tape to mount for this restore req.
Does anyone know of a setting within TSM that could account for this.

The restore has been issued via the command line. The msg displayed when the
command is issued is 'waiting for files from server'



q backup

2001-01-15 Thread Toni Banire

I am trying to perform a restore from a remote node without success.

I am running the command res -fromnode=server1 t:\ e:\(restore location)
-subdir=yes -repl=no

I keep getting the msg no files backed up for t:\. Yet when I issue q backup t:\
on server1 I get a list of files backed up but only the ones backed up using the
GUI. I don't see a list of files backed up when I used WINAT to schedule the

Does anyone have any insight into how this can be resolved.

Many Thanks


q backup 2

2001-01-15 Thread Toni Banire

I am trying to perform a restore from a remote node without success.

I am running the command res -fromnode=server1 t:\ e:\(restore location)
-subdir=yes -repl=no
I then tried res -fromnode=server1 {"\\server1\d$\"}\* -subdir=yes -repl=no

I keep getting the msg no files backed up for t:\. Yet when I issue q backup t:\
on server1 I get a list of files backed up but only the ones backed up using the
GUI. I don't see a list of files backed up when I used WINAT to schedule the

Does anyone have any insight into how this can be resolved.

Many Thanks

Forgot to say, I am working on an NT box.


Re: backup 2

2001-01-15 Thread Toni Banire

Managed to figure it out. Used nodename.


backup error

2001-01-11 Thread Toni Banire



When I run a backup some of the files fail with the above error msg.
Anyone knows wha

t this means.

I am sending data to disk then migrating to tape.
If I backup straight to tape I don't get this problem.



test results

2001-01-05 Thread Toni Banire

(Embedded image moved to file: pic14452.pcx)

Above is a snippet of the tests I am running comparing backup software.

The backup ser/client are the same for both tests.

Backup server - NT4, TSM 3.7.4, 768MB RAM, 400MHz P3 *2, 100BaseT NIC
Server options
MoveBatchSize  256
MoveSizeThresh 500
TCPWindowsize  64512
TCPNoDelay No

Backup Client
NT4, TSM 3.7.4 512MB RAM, 400MHz P3 *2, 100BaseT NIC
Client Options
TXNBYtelimit   2097152

As you will notice the Legato backups are faster than that of TSM and TSM
restores are faster compared to Legato.
Just need to know what kind of results other people out here experience using
TSM on NT.

Are you results better, similar, etc.

If anyone has much better backup results can you let me know how you are
configuring your server and client.




No Subject

2001-01-04 Thread Toni Banire

Does any one know where I can get hold of this doc - ADSM Client Disaster
Recovery Bare Metal Restore



No Subject

2001-01-04 Thread Toni Banire

I've looked there, can't find it


Re: Bare metal restore manual

2001-01-04 Thread Toni Banire


I found it there eventually


Re: weird backup

2000-12-18 Thread Toni Banire

Thanks to all those who replied. I am now using TSM4.1 to run these test
backups. Each backup is taking around 1hr longer than the previous backup. I
noticed that the files are being marked as inactive when I run the next sel
backup so I assume this is the reason for the extra hrs delay on the backup

Next question -  is there any function to tune on the TSM server to make the
setting of filesin the TSM database to inactive to run faster, thus speeding up
the backup



element parameter

2000-12-15 Thread Toni Banire

I am trying to set up an ADIC Fastor7 unit on my TSM 4.1 NT server. I have
looked on the TSM web site, the eleent no. to use is 86. When I issue my define
drive statement and give it element no. 86  I get the error :

ANR8366E DEFINE DRIVE: Invalid value for ELEMENT parameter

The command I issue is :

define drive lb1.0.0.7 drive1 device=mt3.0.0.7 element=86

Can someone pls tell me where I am going wrong.



weird backup

2000-12-15 Thread Toni Banire

I seem to have a weird backup situation here

I am running backups in a test environment. I'm testing large arrays for file
The 1st sel backup took around 9hrs (80GB), subsequent sel backups are taking
around 19hrs to complete.

As I am only running sel backups I figure the ADSM database should not be
processed for the next backup to run. Even if it was it shouldn't take 19hrs.
The weird thing is that if I change the drive letter so that ADSM thinks the
data is from a new file system the backup time is back to around 9hrs.

This is quite puzzling.
Can anyone out there shed some light on this.



Re: ACCESS based TSM queries

2000-12-08 Thread Toni Banire

Yes pls

multiple sessions

2000-12-05 Thread Toni Banire

I am trying to run multiple simultaneous sessions for a TSM backup. I am using
TSM 3.7 Cli/Ser. I could do this ok on ADSM 3.1, but it doesn't appear to work
on TSM. Does anyone know if there is an option that needs o be set on the client
or server side for this to take effect.

Also, where can I get hold of TSM 3.7.3.



Mac file restore

2000-11-22 Thread Toni Banire

Does anyone know f there is a way I can backup Macintosh files that reside on an
NT server and restore them successfully so that the MAC file can be read on the
Mac system.
We use NT4, ADSM 3.1.2103 Client and Server. The ADSM server runs Solaris 2.6.
We use DAVE v2.1 to get the mac files onto the NT system.



Re: nable to restore file

2000-11-22 Thread Toni Banire


I am running ADSM 3.1.2. I can retore some files. Can you let me know if you are
running services for mac on your NT server. We use DAVE v2.1



Mac file restore

2000-11-22 Thread Toni Banire

Does anyone know f there is a way I can backup Macintosh files that reside on an
NT server and restore them successfully so that the MAC file can be read on the
Mac system.
We use NT4, ADSM 3.1.06 Client and Server. The ADSM server runs Solaris 2.6. We
use DAVE v2.1 to get the mac files onto the NT system.

When the restore is done on this particular file it appears to lose the resource
information. However this does not happen on all files of this type.
When you open the file it thinks it is a PC file and can't find an association
for the file. When you select the option to choose an application to open the
file with, the correct application is not listed.

I can't seem to figure out why the restore works on some files and not others.



Re: Mac file restore

2000-11-22 Thread Toni Banire

This is what i'm experiencing now, when I copy the mac data onto another drive
letter on the originating server or a different server the restore works ok.
When I restore to a sub-folder of the original data location I get the err msg


nable to restore file

2000-11-21 Thread Toni Banire

I have some files on a NT system. An AppleMac server hosts the files for users
via software on the Apple machine called DAVE.
Not to familiar with DAVE,
Here's what happens when I do a restore

Lets say I have a dir (A) with 4 subdirs (a1...4) and the file resides in a4.

If I try to restore the file into a folder called a4i, I get the error msg
ANS1256E. I think it's to do with permissions. I have NTFS change permission on
the main dir where this file resides. The file itself has no other permissions
However, when I restore the file into A1i it's fine.

Not sure what's going on here


ADSM course

2000-11-16 Thread Toni Banire

Has anyone out there taken the TSM course with Storm UK. I think they are now
called InTechnology and they are based in Harrogate around York. I am
desperately trying to find a TSM course on Solaris in the UK that has a good

If anyone know of any other places in Europe I would like to hear from you.




2000-11-09 Thread Toni Banire


I am thinking of taking a TSM impl 3.7 with IBM (Leeds).
Has anyone taken a class with IBM,
all comments on their suitability welcome, also if anyone knows of where I can
take a class in the UK before the yr runs out pls drop me a line.



NT backup server

2000-10-13 Thread Toni Banire

Does anyone out there use an NT server as an ADSM/TSM backup server.

If so, how many clients do you backup, how much data, what's the hardware config
of the backup server, do you have any unix clients attached, how does the server



eventlog backup

2000-09-11 Thread Toni Banire

  I have found out that one can't restore an open eventlog unless you use
  the eventb command. I am trying to set this up for a few hundred NT
  I thought maybe I could add the command to the options file for each
  client but that didn't work, I also tried scheduling it by linking it to a
  mgt class with all the clients in it. I put eventback entire in the
  options field on the GUI. no joy.

  Does anyone out there do this already, or can anyone shed light on how
  best to go about this



eventlog backup

2000-09-08 Thread Toni Banire

I have found out that one can't restore an open eventlog unless you use the
eventb command. I am trying to set this up for a few hundred NT clients.
I thought maybe I could add the command to the options file for each client but
that didn't work, I also tried scheduling it by linking it to a mgt class with
all the clients in it. I put eventback entire in the options field on the GUI.
no joy.

Does anyone out there do this already, or can anyone shed light on how best to
go about this



Database size query

2000-09-05 Thread Toni Banire

Just to make sure i'm on the right track

I am trying to work out the size of a TSM database according to the TSM concepts
guide which is the total no. of files being backed up * versions kept * 600B
*135% (for overhead and growth).

No of files = 234333

versions kept = 130

234333*130 = 30463290

30463290*600 = 18277974000B

18277974000B = 18.3Gb  (make it 19 for ease)

19Gb *135% = 26GB

This seems like quite a lot to me. Compared to our other sites the no. of files
here (for 4 servers is extremely low)

It looks like I will end up with a database in TB's on large sites.

I am hoping my maths is wrong



more on database size

2000-09-05 Thread Toni Banire

The admin guide for ADSM says add 50% to the initial size of the database
with TSM 3.7 it says to add 135% to the initial size

Has anyone noticed this, does this seem right


No Subject

2000-08-24 Thread Toni Banire

Does anyone know where I can get hold of TSM 3.7.3 or 4.1 server code try and
buy version to download



Event log restore

2000-08-21 Thread Toni Banire

Has anyone tried doing a restore of the event logs. As the files are always
open, when I try to open the restored files they come up as corrupt.
I'm thinking of doing regular dumps of these logs and backing them up as flat


Failed intall

2000-08-15 Thread Toni Banire

I am trying to install TSM 3.7.3 on a NT server. The install runs ok. However,
when I restart the server and go through the initialisation process I get an
error at the server initialisation task - ANRU1008E. This is to do with a
timeout. I also see a msg that a file I need is in use. Re-booting the server
does not help. I don't get this problem when I install the server software on an
NT workstation.

I tried the install using default settings and also changing the location of the
software. Both gave the same error.

Has anyone come across this before.



No Subject

2000-08-02 Thread Toni Banire

Hello there

Does anyone know if TSM 3.7+ can backup the open WINs and DHCP databases. Using
Legato currently and Legato skips these files.
Planning to set the parameter to shared static under TSM for the backup of open

