ChangedCharSetException from HTMLEditorKit.Parser

2001-03-26 Thread John Caron

I am trying to use the javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.Parser to
parse some web pages (using code from Elliotte Harold's "Java Network
Programming" 2nd ed (oreilly).

I gets javax.swing.text.ChangedCharSetException on most pages because
(it seems) Netscape Composer embeds this in each page:

   GDV WebStart

and it seems that "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" always causes an

Does anyone know why? 
Reccomend another HTML parser?

Thanks for any help
Advanced-swing mailing list

Re: ChangedCharSetException from HTMLEditorKit.Parser

2001-03-31 Thread John caron

> I am trying to use the javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.Parser to
> parse some web pages (using code from Elliotte Harold's "Java Network
> Programming" 2nd ed (oreilly).
> I gets javax.swing.text.ChangedCharSetException on most pages because
> (it seems) Netscape Composer embeds this in each page:
>GDV WebStart
> and it seems that "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" always causes an
> Exception.

Here's a brute-force workaround for this kind of problem, i just remove the offending 
lines before parsing the HTML. If anyone has more info on what 
HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback can and cant do, or better ways to parse HTML, please 

baseURL = new URL(urlName);
InputStream in = baseURL.openStream();
InputStreamReader r = new InputStreamReader(filterTag(in));
HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback callback = new MyCallerBacker();
parser.parse(r, callback, false);

 // workaround for HTMLEditorKit.Parser, cant deal with "content-encoding"
  private InputStream filterTag(InputStream in) throws IOException {
DataInputStream dins = new DataInputStream( in);
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1);

DataInputStream din =  new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(in));
while (din.available() > 0) {
  String line = din.readLine();
  String lline = line.toLowerCase();
  if (0 <= lline.indexOf("

Re: Replacing the JList as the JComboBox popup

2001-05-10 Thread John caron

"Farwell, Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked:

> We have a calendar component that we want displayed when the user clicks the
> JComboBox arrow.  Does anyone know a relatively painless way to set a
> component -- other than the default JList -- as the popup item in a
> JComboBox? In looking at the JComboBox source and its delegates (e.g.
> BasicComboBoxUI, BasicComboPopup) it looks as if JList is pretty tightly
> coupled as the JComboBox's popup component. 

Yes, I couldnt find a way to replace JList. I ended up building my own, wasnt as hard 
as subclassing JComboBox. 

If you want to look at what i did, you can get our (LGPL) source snapshot at

and look at ucar.unidata.ui.SuperComboBox. 

Regards, John

Advanced-swing mailing list

JTable tooltip placement

2001-05-10 Thread John Caron

This is a continuation of the "JTable and ToolTips per Cell" thread from 
January 4, 2001.

To summarize, to add tooltips to a JTable, extend the CellRenderer, eg:

   jtable = new JTable();
   jtable.setDefaultRenderer(Object.class, new MyTableCellRenderer() );

   private class MyTableCellRenderer extends 
javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer {

 public Component getTableCellRendererComponent( JTable table, 
Object value,
boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {

   Component c = super.getTableCellRendererComponent( table, value, 
hasFocus, row, column);

   if (value instanceof NamedObject) {
   // LOOK!! should turn tip off if there is none !!

   return c;

So this works fine except that the placement of the tooltip is wrong 
when the JTable is on the left edge of the screen, in which case long 
tooltips get their left part chopped off. For some reason the 
ToolTipManager doesnt do its normal job of placing tooltips correctly 
near the window edge.

Now if I add a getToolTipLocation() method to MyTableCellRenderer, it 
never gets called. When I add getToolTipLocation() method to the JTree, 
the tooltip blinks like crazy like its in some loop, then sometimes 
finally displays the tooltip, but in the same location as before.

 // add tooltips
   private class MyJTable extends javax.swing.JTable {

 public Point getToolTipLocation(MouseEvent e) {
   return e.getPoint();

If getToolTipLocation() returns null, then I get the previous behavior 
of chopping off the edge of the screen.

This is all in JDK 1.3. Anyone have any ideas on why the tooltip 
location is unusual?

John Caron

Advanced-swing mailing list