KW Perf. Report missing Content Network stats

2011-06-07 Thread joel
Until today the Keyword Performance Report included Content Network
stats under the "Content" keyword match type. Today those stats are
missing from the row (the rows aren't included at all). This is
screwing up our daily reporting. Has anyone else noticed this? Do we
need to switch to downloading a separate AdGroup performance report to
get these statistics?



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Re: KW Perf. Report missing Content Network stats

2011-06-07 Thread joel
I probably should have also mentioned this is v201101.

On Jun 7, 1:21 pm, joel  wrote:
> Until today the Keyword Performance Report included Content Network
> stats under the "Content" keyword match type. Today those stats are
> missing from the row (the rows aren't included at all). This is
> screwing up our daily reporting. Has anyone else noticed this? Do we
> need to switch to downloading a separate AdGroup performance report to
> get these statistics?
> Thanks,
> Joel

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Re: KW Perf. Report missing Content Network stats

2011-06-08 Thread Reed
This is not a new problem - it begain earlier this year.  You no
longer get display network data in the KeywordPerformance report.  You
need to pull ManagedPlacement reports for the managed placements, and
AutomaticPlacement  reports for the automatic placements.  This will
get you close to the totals you see in the engine UI and in the
AccountPerformance reports, but not exact.  The difference will be the
value of the Other Domains shown in the UI for Automatic Placements.
This value cannot be pulled via any report.  You can compute it by
pulling an AdGroup Performance report with segmentation set to
Network1, filtering out all data except Display network data, and then
subtracting from that number the totals for each AdGroup for the data
already pulled from the above three reports. This will give you the
Other Domains number.


Also take into account the impact of click fraud adjustments.  Also
take into account the correct timing for pulling these reports.  The
usual mantra from Google (sorry Eric, Anash) of "4-5 hours after
midnight" that is given in reponse to the common question of "when can
I pull performance reports" is just plain wrong.  It only applies to
keyword performance reports and summary data reports
(AccountPerformance,...).  For managed placement reports, Google's own
AdWords docs say to wait until after 3:00pm in the account's timezone
(I wait until 5 to be safe); I have accounts that have shown
empiracally that their managed placement data never changes after 8:00
am of the following day, but the Google documented rule is 3:00  of
the following day.

Automatic placement data is far worse.  If you log into the UI and try
to look at yesterday's data this morning, you will see the usual
breakdown at the bottom of the screen showing Search and Display
totals, and if you go to the Networks tab you will see the breakdown
between Managed Placements and Automatic Placements.  But if  you try
to expand the automatic placements section you will see that there is
no  data - everything is listed for Other Domains.  I've waited all
day, and it stays like that.  I've ended up waiting until 7:00am of
the next day (2 days after the data date) to pull that data.  It is
still not perfect - I've seen the Automatic Placements data change
over the course of 5 days after the event.  Not just numbers
fluctuating, but new data rows for automatic placement sites showing
up.  As far as I can tell, Google knows what the total is supposed to
be about 4-5 hours after midnight in the account timezone (I pull
AccountPerformance reports at that time, and they have the correct
totals), but they aren't able to break it down into the detail
Automatic Placement performance data for another 36-40 hours, and it
doesn't totally settle down for another 5 days.

So you need to keep pulling the automatic placement data for the last
week or so, checking to see if there is new or changed data, load it
or modify your existing data, and the also update whatever value you
originally calculated as the Other Domains (since those changes/
additions will have come out of the Other Domains bucket).

Now you're almost home.  Unless you have remarketing campaigns,
especially if you have remarketing campaigns that include placements.
Remarketing data only shows up 100% at the detail level in one report
- the AdPerformance report.  But that report doesn't have keywords in
it (since it is an Ad report - makes perfect sense, since not all ads
have keywords).  So you need a scheme to find the ad data for
remarketing campaigns - we decided that all remarketing campaigns
would have "remarketing" in their name, and so can locate them that
way.  So now you get the remarketing data loaded.  But if a
remarketing campaign includes a managed placement, then its data also
shows up in the managed placement performance report - so now you've
loaded some of the data twice.  Since you cannot tell from the Ad
Performance Report itself that the ad is for a Managed Placement, what
you end up doing is having the code that loads the Managed Placement
Performance Report filter out the data for Remarketing campaigns.
Would be nice if the remarketing data was just integrated into the
reporting system, but as you can see it's not a clean situation since
there can be overlap between the "buckets" of data that remarketing
data can be assigned to.

Now you're real close.  Unless you have video ads with no keywords.
They only show up in the AdPerformance Report, so you need to figure
out how to filter their data from that report and get it loaded.

And don't forget, most of these numbers will be constantly changing
over the course of a week or so as click fraud adjustments are made.
You can try to determine if adjustments have been made by pulling
AccountPerformance data every day for the past xxx days time period,
and then comparing that number with what's in your database for each
of those days, but to fix your data you need to be constantly
repulling the det

Re: KW Perf. Report missing Content Network stats

2011-06-08 Thread Rob
We find it easier just to use the Ad Performance report as the basis for 
everything since it contains data for all ad types, plus the keyword ID for 
each row.

We then use the keyword and managed placement reports to match up keyword 
IDs and enhance the Ad Performance data with keyword text or placement, the 
match type (if it's in the managed placement report then I know it's content 
match!), status, bid cap and quality score, etc.

Anything that's left over is some form of display advertising, which usually 
has fixed "keyword" IDs, e.g. 300 for content targeting.  Apparently you 
can use the AdGroupCriterion service to check what these IDs mean but we've 
seen so few of them that we've just coded up a list internally and add to it 
if a new one comes along.

We're not so much interested in splitting out the automatic placements, 
since we're focused on biddable criteria and there's just one content bid 
per ad group, but I'm sure it would be possible to do.  There's no extra API 
cost to pull the last 7 days daily data, so you should be able to update a 
rolling 7 day period in your database and it would update the domain split 
as and when that's available.

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Re: KW Perf. Report missing Content Network stats

2011-06-09 Thread joel
The Keyword Performance Report was working fine until June 6th. I
don't like it when reports change data with no warnings. I'm also not
looking for domain-level stats, just Adgroup stats. I'm still waiting
on an official word back from Google on it.

On Jun 8, 12:32 pm, Rob  wrote:
> We find it easier just to use the Ad Performance report as the basis for
> everything since it contains data for all ad types, plus the keyword ID for
> each row.
> We then use the keyword and managed placement reports to match up keyword
> IDs and enhance the Ad Performance data with keyword text or placement, the
> match type (if it's in the managed placement report then I know it's content
> match!), status, bid cap and quality score, etc.
> Anything that's left over is some form of display advertising, which usually
> has fixed "keyword" IDs, e.g. 300 for content targeting.  Apparently you
> can use the AdGroupCriterion service to check what these IDs mean but we've
> seen so few of them that we've just coded up a list internally and add to it
> if a new one comes along.
> We're not so much interested in splitting out the automatic placements,
> since we're focused on biddable criteria and there's just one content bid
> per ad group, but I'm sure it would be possible to do.  There's no extra API
> cost to pull the last 7 days daily data, so you should be able to update a
> rolling 7 day period in your database and it would update the domain split
> as and when that's available.

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Re: KW Perf. Report missing Content Network stats

2011-06-09 Thread Alexander Parij
Hi ,

I'm also having problems with keywords report not downloading content 
network. Until couple days ago it was working fine. I haven't change my code 
so the problem is with the api.

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Re: KW Perf. Report missing Content Network stats

2011-06-09 Thread Eric Koleda
Hi All,

We apologize for the sudden change to this report.  The core engineering 
team has located the source of the problem and is working on a solution.  If 
you are merely interested in ad group level detail about the display 
network, then you can run an ADGROUP_PERFORMANCE_REPORT with a predicate for 
AdNetworkType1 EQUALS "CONTENT".

To address the points that Reed made, we acknowledge that the reports 
available today don't provide detailed data on all criteria.  We are working 
with the core engineering team to improve this, as we know this data is of 
great importance to our customers.  It's important to note however that the 
aggregate data (for ad groups, campaigns, account) is always accurate and 
complete.  I think the complexity of Reed's approach stems from trying to 
re-aggregate the detailed data to match up with the aggregate data we 
provide.  If you only care about the aggregate data, or the detailed data we 
do currently provide, then I don't think the process needs to be as complex. 
 Additionally, although it may have a great unit cost, the 
AdGroupCriterionService can be used to retrieve statistics on all criteria 
in the system.

Finally, in regards to the timing for pulling reports, we took Reeds 
feedback from when he raised the issue and have circled around with the core 
engineering team to provide better estimates.  We hope to publish that 
updated information soon.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

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Re: KW Perf. Report missing Content Network stats

2011-06-10 Thread Reed
Stephan is 100% correct.  Aggregated numbers are great for simple
reports, but a lot of us (especially agencies) need to see data at the
detail level.

So, can you explain comment about looking into putting back this
functionality?  What exactly is that referring to - do you mean the
"content" keyword with the 300 ID?  Seeing as how the data being
attributed to that keyword (which is a legacy artifact from old
reporting systems when placement reports didn't even exist) has been
slowly disappearing since February, that's hard to believe!  I for one
would rather see you get rid of it completely and forever, but also
get the data in the placement reports correct (ie, the Other Domains
data) so that they add up correctly.  It is really useful to have the
detail data for the display network, and not just a lump sum "content"
keyword data at the adgroup level - but only if the numbers are

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Aw: KW Perf. Report missing Content Network stats

2011-06-14 Thread Stefan Podkowinski
Data on content seems to be back again. Just noticed it today, so I'm not 
sure when it has been fixed or if it works for everyone.

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Re: KW Perf. Report missing Content Network stats

2011-06-16 Thread Reed
Eric, the blog posting is excellent.  The timing of data availability
as explained in the posting matches what we have seen.  It was also
valuable to be given some insight into the processeing that goes on
behind the scenes.

My only question on this topic at this point is what is meant when you
say that the content keyword functionality has been "restored."  Are
you saying that all adgroups with placement activity once again will
have a "content" keyword (Id 300) in the keyword performance
report that shows their aggregated activity?  Is there any
circumstance in which it would be better to use that data instead of
the combined data of the managed placement and automatic placement
reports, other than the fact that the "Other Domains" issue becomes
moot because we dealing with aggregated data instead of detail data?
My experience is that the placement reports removed a lot of the
"black box" nature of dealing with the content network activity by
letting me see what was really going on.

Again, thanks for the great explanation of the timing of data

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Re: KW Perf. Report missing Content Network stats

2011-06-22 Thread Eric Koleda
Hi Reed,

I'm glad to hear that the blog post was helpful and matched the data you've 
seen from experience.

By restored I mean that the special "content" keyword (ID 300) will 
appear in KEYWORDS reports again, and represent all the content-network 
traffic in the ad group that was due to contextual keyword matching.  In 
general I think we would recommend that customers not use the content if 
possible.  It's a strange way to retrieve to expose that data and as you 
said much of the same information is available in other reports.

- Eric

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Aw: Re: KW Perf. Report missing Content Network stats

2011-06-10 Thread Stefan Podkowinski
Using aggregated reports on adgroup/campaign/account level is not ideal for 
api clients that provide some kind of drill down functionality. Numbers will 
simply not match up if you're going to list objects below adgroup level. 

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Re: Aw: KW Perf. Report missing Content Network stats

2011-06-15 Thread Eric Koleda
Hi All,

The previous "Content" keyword functionality has been restored as on 
yesterday.  Please let us know if you continue to find it missing from your 

Reed, we are continuing to work with the core engineering team to expose the 
"Other domains" figure but there some challenges involved.  In regards to 
timing, yesterday we published a blog post about when certain statistics are 
available in reports, so please look it over and let us know if this matches 
what you've been seeing:

- Eric

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