Re: [agi] AGI interests

2007-03-28 Thread Russell Wallace

On 3/27/07, YKY (Yan King Yin) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

One thing that I really don't understand is why so many people I've talked
to about AGI insist on working for free.

Do you have a source of finance? This is not a rhetorical question; if you
have, I'd be very interested in working for money.

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Re: [agi] AGI interests

2007-03-28 Thread kevin . osborne

>Everyone on this list is quite different.
What about the rest of you, what are your interests?

as a programmer: skilling up in cognitive systems in a fairly gradual
way so I'm ready and able to contribute when human-level (though not
necessarily -like) reasoning becomes a solved problem in the
mathematics|theory domain and needs competent programmers (which I'm
very far from being at this point, even after 10 years in the field)

as a fan of AGI: watching the smart guys (like Novamente) do the real
work of laying out the problem domain in theory and positing solutions
that make the leap between sound logic and running code. I'm not as
happy with all the blowhard action from others who are seemingly
incompetent in regards to making the leaps between
but am aware that the more people who are trying the better and as
someone with -zero- theories am aware that I'm a mere critic so -try-
to keep my scepticism to myself.

as a techie: scepticism. I think the 'small code' and 'small hardware'
people are kidding themselves. The CS theory|code we have today is
pretty much universally a complete bucket of sh!t and the hardware &
networking (while better) is still kinder toys compared to where it
could be. We are just -so- damn far away from say being able to build
hardware/software into things like ubiquitous (i.e. motes everywhere)
nanotech. Thinking that a semi-trivial set of code loops will somehow
become meta-cognitive is ridiculous and a tcpip socket does not a
synapse make.

as a singulatarian: big fan; I think it's inevitable, and that things
are definitely starting to snowball - see Can't say I'm buying into any
'when' predictions quite yet though.

as a person: nihilism & the human condition. crime, drugs, debauchery.
self-destructive and life-endangering behaviour; rejection of social
norms. the world as I know it is a rather petty, woeful place and I
pretty much think modern city-dwelling life is a stenchy wet mouthful
of arse - not to say that living and dying in depravity and pain like
every one of my ancestors wasn't a whole lot worse. I'm far from
finding much in the Modern|West that is particularly engaging, but
luckily enough also think the Old|East was even more pathetic and that
naturalist hippies should be shot for their banal bovinity. I get
somewhat of a kick out of the fact that I might be risking the chance
to live forever by being such a societal refusenik.

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Re: [agi] small code small hardware

2007-03-28 Thread Jean-Paul Van Belle
Department of Information Systems
Phone: (+27)-(0)21-6504256
Fax: (+27)-(0)21-6502280
Office: Leslie Commerce 4.21
>>> kevin.osborne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2007/03/28 15:57 >>>
> as a techie: scepticism. I think the 'small code' and 'small
> people are kidding themselves. 
Kevin, you're most probably right there. But remember that us small
code people *have* to have this belief in order to justify ourselves
working as individuals / tiny teams often during spare time and snatched
moments. As a small code person I think the chance of a small code
project achieving AGI is probably <1% (still probably an optimistic
estimate) that that of a larger, coordinated, well-funded and focussed
research group. But some of us are loners, like it that way, keep
dreaming and thinking away. Some of us have also seen how some really
innovative ideas tend to get lost in larger groups due to the
normalisation/group pressure. And we take heart in the fact that many of
the big advances in history (i.e. the big ideas) were typically produced
by single individuals or tiny teams. Not so sure about the small
hardware bit. Singularity software will require massive distributed
hardware IMHO but prototypes should run fine on "tomorrow's" PCs. When I
get technical enough, I'll plan my nebulous design/architecture around
~2012 hardware: i.e. a couple of 64-processor 256GB RAM machines - gives
me a realistic time horizon and something concrete.
>as a person: nihilism & the human condition. crime, drugs,
>self-destructive and life-endangering behaviour; rejection of social
>norms. the world as I know it is a rather petty, woeful place [...]
hey i liked that bit ;-) most of the time i think the world is a great
place tho. But that's probably because I'm living in
paradise^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HCape Town ;-)

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Re: [agi] small code small hardware

2007-03-28 Thread A. T. Murray
Jean-Paul Van Belle responded to Kevin Osborne:
>> as a techie: scepticism. I think the 'small code'
>> and 'small hardware' people are kidding themselves. 
> Kevin, you're most probably right there.
> But remember that us small code people *have* to
> have this belief in order to justify ourselves
> working as individuals / tiny teams often during
> spare time and snatched moments. As a small code
> person I think the chance of a small code
> project achieving AGI is probably <1% 
> (still probably an optimistic estimate) that
> that of a larger, coordinated, well-funded and
> focussed research group. But some of us are loners,
> like it that way, keep dreaming and thinking away. 

Right on, Bro! (mon frere). Here is my small code, small
hardware work of today:

Today we gear up to do our first Mind.Forth programming since 
the 18jun06C.F version that has been on the Web since 18 June 2006. 
Back then, we switched to coding the JavaScript AI Mind that had 
not been updated since two years earlier, in 2004. Initially 
we worked on the timing problems of the main JSAI aLife loop, 
and then we worked on bringing the JSAI up to par with Mind.Forth AI. 
We were especially concerned with porting the Mind.Forth dynamic 
tutorial mode into the JavaScript AI, which had previously only 
a rotating tutorial message display and now has both the static 
but rotating message display and the impressively dynamic display. 

After coding the dynamic JSAI tutorial, we set about fixing bugs 
that had long been hidden in the JavaScript AI code, and were 
probably hidden also in the Mind.Forth code. At the same time, 
we were trying hard to implement slosh-over in the JavaScript AI, 
which we finally achieved in the 20mar07A.html version of the JSAI. 
Afterwards we made plans to further improve the JSAI before moving on 
to resume coding Mind.Forth, but yesterday we realized that the time 
to update Mind.Forth is now, when the JSAI has taught us what to do. 
It would be too risky and too imprecise to try to perfect the JSAI 
in advance of upgrading the Forth AI. Something could happen that 
might long or forever prevent us from getting Mind.Forth to work right, 
and it would be hard to know precisely when to stop improving the JSAI. 
The success of slosh-over in the JSAI is precisely when to code in Forth. 
We may find that we once again get far advanced in Forth, or we may 
be able to code Mind.Forth and the JSAI simultaneously now that since 
20.MAR.2007 we finally know what we are doing in either language. 

Today we are running out of time and we have only just begun. 
First we spent precious time compiling a C:\MAR01Y07\JSAI\chglog01.txt 
file of "Changelog entries of the JavaScript Mind.html AI program." 
We need such a summary of our JSAI work so that we will know what 
we need to code in Forth. We may not have to repeat the exact order 
of the JavaScript changes, since the languages are different and since 
we may be able to take short-cuts & achieve slosh-over quicker in Forth. 

Next we spent quite some time updating our C:\MAR01Y07\JSAI\mfpjtemp.html 
file today so that it will be easier to do Mind.Forth coding from now on. 
We were updating the template file & this "fp070328" page simultaneously 
as we saw exactly what we needed to change to make our work easier. 
Upshot: We ran out of time for now & we need to monitor our Web situation.

P.S. Ben Goertzel runs a big team but he has to clean the
turtle tank and do other jobs in his embourgeoisement.

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Re: [agi] Why C++ ?

2007-03-28 Thread Charles D Hixson

rooftop8000 wrote:

-very hard to "write code that writes code" compared to LISP, Ruby etc
-very hard to safely run code i think. in java you have security things
to execute code in safe sandboxes, in C++ any array can just run outside 
its bounds

-in LISP any ruby and the likes, you can just execute 1 line of code 
in C++ you have to go through a big compile cycle

The only thing C++ is good for, is writing efficient code
if you really need it

--- "kevin.osborne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Actually, these points are significant, but not determinant.  I could 
easily imagine a project that used C/C++ for the code that needed to be 
fast and Python or Ruby for code that needed to be flexible.  Similarly 
for Java and Groovy/Jython.  (Or, if gcj is mature enough, simple 

It would be very nice to use one language throughout the project, but I 
don't believe that at the moment any single language is both mature 
enough and both flexible enough and fast enough to satisfy.  I'm keeping 
an eye on D however (Digital Mars D ).  Currently it's too 
incoherent to think seriously about, with the most basic library coming 
in two incompatible versions, but this shouldn't last too long.  (Well, 
it's already too long, but probably not more than a month or two more.)  
It seems generally both fast enough and flexible enough.  There are some 
unavoidable stiff places which all efficient languages seem to have 
(perhaps not Lisp or Haskell...I don't know them well enough to comment).

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Re: [agi] small code small hardware

2007-03-28 Thread Russell Wallace

On 3/28/07, Jean-Paul Van Belle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kevin, you're most probably right there. But remember that us small code
people *have* to have this belief in order to justify ourselves working as
individuals / tiny teams often during spare time and snatched moments.

A very good point. But I think there's a way to reconcile the belief we need
with realism: small framework, big content. That is, I think if the right
framework were created by an individual or small team, it would then be
possible to get a community effort started on providing the required large
volume of content.

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