BUS: [Proposal & Pend Intent] Saving Sponsorship

2020-07-09 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-business
These proposals were pended using pendants. However, because the rules
at the time did not render them sponsored, they did not become so. It is,
in my opinion, an error that they were not rendered sponsored retroactively;
as Promotor, I feel an obligation to mop things up, and this proposal would
do so. I've checked the way the reward rules are phrased, and it looks like
this should work.

I submit the following proposal. For N from 2 to 5, I intend with N support
to cause the following proposal to become pending.

Title: Saving Sponsorship
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Aris

Each of the following proposals is hereby rendered sponsored:
- "Plain Old Bribery", by Jason
- "Agora the karma bank", by G.

BUS: [Promotor] Removals

2020-07-09 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-business
The Promotor hereby removes each of the following proposals from the
Proposal Pool:

- Reset deadlines when resetting the economy
- Contract charities
- Decriminalization
- Generalized card auctions
- Stop disincentivizing bugfixes

Re: BUS: [Ribbon] Ribbon Grabbing

2020-07-09 Thread Falsifian via agora-business

On 2020-07-08 1:43 a.m., Nch via agora-business wrote:

I qualify for a lime ribbon for being a co-author on proposals 8459, 8468, and 
8469. I award myself a lime ribbon.


Me too! I award myself a Lime Ribbon for being co-author of Proposals 
8459, 8462 and 8469.


BUS: Re: DIS: Test

2020-07-09 Thread omd via agora-business

I support.

at 6:47 PM, ais523 via agora-discussion   

No doubt this message will spur a flurry of suspicion and precautionary
objections, but after being stuck with a temporary email client for a
month, my main email client has started working for receiving Agoran
email again.

I'm therefore hoping that it will also be currently capable of sending,
in which case I may be able to use my main email client for both
sending and receiving Agoran email for the first time in years, and
this is the message I'm using to test that.


Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer opens a card shop [Attn. Notary]

2020-07-09 Thread Falsifian via agora-business



Any player can become a party to this contract by announcement. Parties to
this contract which aren’t Cuddlebeam are known as Clients.


Clients cease to be parties to this contract once 1 nanosecond has passed
since the last time they have become Clients.


This contract has a Price-o-meter, which is a positive integer value that
starts at 100. If the Beeping action has not been performed within the last
24 hours, a Client can perform a Beeping. Beeping is the following: by
announcement and by clearly stating in the same message the amount that the
Price-o-meter’s value becomes, a Client CAN lower the Price-o-meter value
by 5.


If a Client has transferred an amount of coins equal to the Price-o-Meter’s
amount to Cuddlebeam in a message, they can once in that message (and no
more than once, twice and above is INEFFECTIVE) transfer a Card from this
Contract to themselves.


If Cuddlebeam has Cards, a Client can act on their behalf to transfer a
Card from Cuddlebeam to this Contract.

I become a party to the above contract. I perform a Beeping. I believe 
the Price-o-meter is now 95.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [Falsifian, Treasuror, Notary] Quickexchange use

2020-07-09 Thread Falsifian via agora-business

On 2020-07-06 5:42 a.m., Reuben Staley via agora-discussion wrote:

On 2020-06-29 11:31, Becca Lee via agora-business wrote:

I become a party to Dragon Quickexchange, transferring 1 victory card for
100 credits (idk why theres an incentive to transfer products into this
contract but i might as well try it with a card)

Again, apologies for the lateness, but I believe that at this point you 
had given all your cards and products (except for legislative cards and 
pendants) to PSS. I believe that none of your transfers to the Dragon 
QuickExchange were effective.

The Pendant transfers worked, right? (They're in the report, but your 
above messages says none worked.)

Based on the above note, the latest Treasuror report, and my recent CoE, 
I believe Dragon QuickExchange currently owns:

* Two Victory Points
* Two Blot-B-Gones
* Six Pendants
* One Extra Vote

I think Credit holdings are as follows:

Victory Credits: Falsifian owns 88.
Justice Credits: Falsifian owns 88.
Legislative Credits: Falsifian owns 176; R. Lee owns 88.
Voting Credits: Falsifian owns 44.


BUS: Re: OFF: [Treasuror] [Weekly Report] Forbes 491

2020-07-09 Thread Falsifian via agora-business

|   Entity   | cn | wc | jc | lc | vc | wp | bg | pd | xv |
|Agora   |2300|   0|   0|   0|   0|   0|   0|   0|   0|
|CB Locker[1]| 219|   1|   1|   1|   1|   0|   0|   0|   0|
|D. Corp.[2] | 495|   0|   0|   1|   0|   0|   1|   1|   1|
|DracoLotto  |   0|   0|   0|   0|   0|   0|   0|   0|   0|
|DragonQE    |   0|   0|   0|   0|   0|   2|   0|   6|   1|

CoE: I transferred two Blot-B-Gones to DragonQE on June 29: 

The other transfers in that message are covered here:

|DragonQE  |+   1pd|29 Jun 2020 13:50|Transfer Falsifian (Credits) |
|Falsifian |-   1pd|29 Jun 2020 13:50|Transfer DragonQE (Credits)  |
|DragonQE  |+   1pd|29 Jun 2020 13:50|Transfer Falsifian (Credits) |
|Falsifian |-   1pd|29 Jun 2020 13:50|Transfer DragonQE (Credits)  |
|DragonQE  |+   1pd|29 Jun 2020 13:50|Transfer Falsifian (Credits) |
|Falsifian |-   1pd|29 Jun 2020 13:50|Transfer DragonQE (Credits)  |
|DragonQE  |+   1pd|29 Jun 2020 13:50|Transfer Falsifian (Credits) |
|Falsifian |-   1pd|29 Jun 2020 13:50|Transfer DragonQE (Credits)  |
|DragonQE  |+   1wp|29 Jun 2020 13:50|Transfer Falsifian (Credits) |
|Falsifian |-   1wp|29 Jun 2020 13:50|Transfer DragonQE (Credits)  |
|DragonQE  |+   1wp|29 Jun 2020 13:50|Transfer Falsifian (Credits) |
|Falsifian |-   1wp|29 Jun 2020 13:50|Transfer DragonQE (Credits)  |
|DragonQE  |+   1xv|29 Jun 2020 13:50|Transfer Falsifian (Credits) |
|Falsifian |-   1xv|29 Jun 2020 13:50|Transfer DragonQE (Credits)  |


BUS: [Diplonomic Proposal] Voting Fixes

2020-07-09 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-business
This allows for the withdrawal of votes and lets the proposer vote.

I submit the following Diplonomic Proposal, "Voting Fixes":

Amend Diplonomic Rule 8 to read in full:

  8. At any time, any Contestant CAN submit a Proposal to change these
  rules by announcement. Any Contestant CAN withdraw any Proposal e has
  submitted by announcement. When a Proposal has been submitted but not
  withdrawn, any Contestant CAN privately send a vote to the Judge, or
  withdraw eir previous vote. When a Proposal has received a number of
  non-withdrawn votes in favor greater than half the number of Contestants,
  the Judge SHALL, in a timely fashion, and CAN enact the proposal by
  publishing the new text of the rules and the number of votes in favor
  and against. The Judge SHALL NOT reveal the votes of specific


BUS: [Diplonomic Proposal] Order Clarification

2020-07-09 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I submit the following as a Diplonomic Proposal:

Amend Diplonomic Rule 17 to read in full:

17. There are four possible orders: Hold, Move, Support, and Convoy. Not
giving a unit an order is interpreted as ordering it to hold.

A Hold order orders a unit to stay where it is.

A Move order orders a unit to move to a different province. Armies can 
only move onto adjacent inland or coastal provinces. Fleets can only 
move to adjacent water or coastal provinces. A Move order making use of 
a Convoy must specify what Convoy paths it will use or conditionals to 
determine such.

Support orders help another unit's action, whether or not it is a unit 
of the same Great Power. An Army or Fleet can provide support to another 
Army or Fleet. Support can be offensive or defensive. A unit cannot 
support an order to or on a province which the supporting unit could not 
move to itself.

A Convoy order orders a fleet in a water province to move an army from 
an adjacent coastal province to another adjacent coastal province. 
Multiple fleets may be used to convoy the same army, allowing an army to 
be convoyed over multiple water provinces. If any fleet involved in a 
convoy is dislodged, the convoy fails.


[The Diplonomic Rules were somewhat unclear specifically about Support 
and Convoys. I had to look up how they both worked. This should clarify 
things as well as bring them in line with official Diplomacy rules. I 
know the rules state that where they're unclear, the official Diplomacy 
rules and/or common sense take over, but this should help to keep 
everyone on the same page. I also separated each move into a separate 
paragraph to help with readability.]

friendly neighborhood russian notary here :)

BUS: [Diplonomic Proposal] Team Play

2020-07-09 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-business
The Diplonomic game filled up in about 6 hours. There are quite likely
to be some non-contestants who are interested and got excluded. This seems
like the fairest way of involving them.

Quick explanation of the "best interests of the tournament" provision: this is
intended for things like a team member not helping at all, or someone
trying to sell membership on the winning team. I don't think it's likely
to trigger, but it seems worth putting the call in the GM's hands.

I submit the following Diplonomic Proposal,"Team Play":
Amend Diplonomic Rule 7 to read in full:
  7. Contestants may seek the assistance of non-Contestants. If any do so,
  they SHALL notify the Judge and publicly announce the identities of any
  such non-Contestants and what assistance they will provide. This could
  include negotiating on eir behalf, providing feedback on orders, or
  drafting proposals on eir behalf. Any notifications given under the
  former section 7 of the Birthday Tournament regulations are considered
  to have fulfilled this section of the Diplonomic 2020 rules.

  A contestant CAN, by announcement, cause a person who consents to become
  or cease to be eir teammate, provided the person is not another contestant
  or the teammate of another contestant. Designating someone as a teammate
  is considered a notification that the teammate may assist the contestant
  in any manner. When these rules provide for certain contestants to win by
  a certain method, the Gamemaster CAN include their teammates and SHALL do
  so unless it is eir opinion that extraordinary circumstances render it
  against the best interest of the tournament. Teammates are encouraged to
  lie to and cheat other teams, and SHALL NOT engage in any behaviors outside
  of the tournament intended to influence its course; however, they SHALL NOT
  betray their teams.



BUS: [Diplonomic Proposal] Longer Order Period

2020-07-09 Thread omd via agora-business
I submit the following as a “Proposal to change these rules” as defined by  
the Diplonomic 2020 rules (but not as an Agoran proposal):

In the following passage of Diplonomic rule 15, change "24:00” to “18:00”:
At the beginning of each turn, there is a period, lasting from 0:00
UTC until 24:00 UTC on the same calendar day, in which negotiations
should occur.
[This moves 6 hours from the negotiation period to the order-submitting  
period, making both 18 hours long, rather than 24 and 12 respectively.  The  
goal is to make it easier to avoid accidentally missing the  
order-submitting period, even if large chunks of it are taken up by, e.g.,  
sleeping hours or work hours.]
