BUS: [Promotor] Draft

2021-04-04 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-business
Here's my draft.


I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote collector
is the Assessor, the quorum is 3, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID  Author(s)   AITitle
8557&   Aris, Trigon, nix   2.0   Archimedes' Principle

The proposal pool currently contains the following proposal(s):

Author(s)   AITitle
nix, G., Aris   2.0   The Election Cycle v1.1

Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
& : Ordinary proposal.
~ : Unsponsored proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
the information shown above shall control.

ID: 8557
Title: Archimedes' Principle
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Aris
Co-author(s): Trigon, nix

  -The Treasuror sets a target for the Total Buoyancy every week;
   the most recent target takes effect at the beginning of the month
  -The Unit of Floatation is now rounded, so people can actually remember
   it (unlike the draft, I'm rounding up, to deal with cases
   where it's evenly between two integers)
  -The Treasuror no longer has a monthly report, and is instead
   just encouraged to make sure the Total Buoyancy and Unit of Floatation
   are published

Amend Rule 2634, "Buoyancy Control", by changing it to read in full:

  The Total Buoyancy and Buoyancy Target are singleton
  integer switches, tracked by the Treasuror in eir weekly report.

  The Treasuror CAN, by announcement, set the Buoyancy Target
  to a specified value approximately equal to the sum of all coin
  balances at a specified point within the last week,
  and SHALL do so each time e publishes eir weekly report.

  The Treasuror may exercise reasonable judgement in calculating the
  Buoyancy Target. The Buoyancy Target will be deemed set so long as
  the value chosen by the Treasuror is not obviously and grossly
  incorrect. However, the Treasuror SHALL NOT deliberately introduce
  error into the Buoyancy Target.

  At the beginning of each month, the Total Buoyancy is flipped to
  the Buoyancy Target.

Amend Rule 2635, "Floating Rate Fleet", by changing it to read in full:

  The Unit of Flotation is equal to 1/2500 times the Total Buoyancy,
  rounded up, and is tracked in the Treasuror's weekly report.
  A boatload of something is a quantity of that thing equal
  in count to the Unit of Floatation.

  The Treasuror is ENCOURAGED to arrange for the new Total Buoyancy
  and Unit of Flotation to be published as close as possible
  to the beginning of the month.

[No clue why this should be secured — granting assets isn't secured.
The reason I'm amending this is to make the payday happen
after the boatload value update; I'm open to other phrasings.]

Amend Rule 2559, "Paydays", by replacing:

  The occurrence of Paydays is secured. At the beginning of each
  month, a Payday occurs.


  At the beginning of each month, after all other events that
  take place at the beginning of the month, a Payday occurs.

  Amend Rule 2559, "Paydays", by replacing:

The occurrence of Paydays is secured. At the beginning of each
month, a Payday occurs.


At the beginning of each month, after all other events that
take place at the beginning of the month, a Payday occurs.

ID: 8557
Title: Archimedes' Principle
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Aris
Co-author(s): Trigon, nix

  -The Treasuror sets a target for the Total Buoyancy every week;
   the most recent target takes effect at the beginning of the month
  -The Unit of Floatation is now rounded, so people can actually remember
   it (unlike the draft, I'm rounding up, to deal with cases
   where it's evenly between two integers)
  -The Treasuror no longer has a monthly report, and is instead
   just encouraged to make sure the Total Buoyancy and Unit of Floatation
   are published

Amend Rule 2634, "Buoyancy Control", by changing it to read in full:

  The Total Buoyancy and Buoyancy Target are singleton
  integer switches, tracked by the Treasuror in eir weekly report.

  The Treasuror CAN, by announcement, set the Buoyancy Target
  to a specified value approximately equal to the sum of all coin
  balances at a specified point within the last week,
  and SHALL do so each time e publishes eir weekly report.

  The Treasuror may exercise reasonable judgement in calculating the
  Buoyancy Target. The Buoyancy Target will be deemed set so long as

BUS: [Proposal] Archimedes' Principle

2021-04-04 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-business
I submit the following proposal and pay a pendant to pend it.

Title: Archimedes' Principle
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Aris
Co-author(s): Trigon, nix

  -The Treasuror sets a target for the Total Buoyancy every week;
   the most recent target takes effect at the beginning of the month
  -The Unit of Floatation is now rounded, so people can actually remember
   it (unlike the draft, I'm rounding up, to deal with cases
   where it's evenly between two integers)
  -The Treasuror no longer has a monthly report, and is instead
   just encouraged to make sure the Total Buoyancy and Unit of Floatation
   are published

Amend Rule 2634, "Buoyancy Control", by changing it to read in full:

  The Total Buoyancy and Buoyancy Target are singleton
  integer switches, tracked by the Treasuror in eir weekly report.

  The Treasuror CAN, by announcement, set the Buoyancy Target
  to a specified value approximately equal to the sum of all coin
  balances at a specified point within the last week,
  and SHALL do so each time e publishes eir weekly report.

  The Treasuror may exercise reasonable judgement in calculating the
  Buoyancy Target. The Buoyancy Target will be deemed set so long as
  the value chosen by the Treasuror is not obviously and grossly
  incorrect. However, the Treasuror SHALL NOT deliberately introduce
  error into the Buoyancy Target.

  At the beginning of each month, the Total Buoyancy is flipped to
  the Buoyancy Target.

Amend Rule 2635, "Floating Rate Fleet", by changing it to read in full:

  The Unit of Flotation is equal to 1/2500 times the Total Buoyancy,
  rounded up, and is tracked in the Treasuror's weekly report.
  A boatload of something is a quantity of that thing equal
  in count to the Unit of Floatation.

  The Treasuror is ENCOURAGED to arrange for the new Total Buoyancy
  and Unit of Flotation to be published as close as possible
  to the beginning of the month.

[No clue why this should be secured — granting assets isn't secured.
The reason I'm amending this is to make the payday happen
after the boatload value update; I'm open to other phrasings.]

Amend Rule 2559, "Paydays", by replacing:

  The occurrence of Paydays is secured. At the beginning of each
  month, a Payday occurs.


  At the beginning of each month, after all other events that
  take place at the beginning of the month, a Payday occurs.

  Amend Rule 2559, "Paydays", by replacing:

The occurrence of Paydays is secured. At the beginning of each
month, a Payday occurs.


At the beginning of each month, after all other events that
take place at the beginning of the month, a Payday occurs.

Re: BUS: [Registrar] Officializing Discord

2021-04-04 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-business
On Sun, Apr 4, 2021 at 4:13 PM Aris Merchant via agora-business
> I intend, without objection, to modify the publicity of the Agora
> Nomic Chat Server (current invite: https://discord.gg/JCC6YGc) to
> discussion.
> There have been several concerns raised that have prevented us from
> doing this before now. One is that the platform is proprietary.
> However, it has demonstrated that it is likely to stay around for a
> while, and is certainly no worse from a data retention perspective
> than IRC, which is totally ephemeral. We could even ask Jason if e
> would be willing to bridge some of the channels that aren't currently
> bridged to IRC so people could access it that way.
> Furthermore, the lack of "official recognition" has not prevented the
> widespread unofficial use of the Discord server. Not everyone has
> joined, but according to G., about as many players have taken part in
> the Discord as took part in our IRC channel in its heyday. I do not
> think there is any benefit to withholding recognition under these
> circumstances — the effect of doing so is simply to have a misleading
> fora list.

Let the record reflect that a copy of the preceding message has now
been relayed to the Discord server.

BUS: [Registrar] Officializing Discord

2021-04-04 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-business
I intend, without objection, to modify the publicity of the Agora
Nomic Chat Server (current invite: https://discord.gg/JCC6YGc) to

There have been several concerns raised that have prevented us from
doing this before now. One is that the platform is proprietary.
However, it has demonstrated that it is likely to stay around for a
while, and is certainly no worse from a data retention perspective
than IRC, which is totally ephemeral. We could even ask Jason if e
would be willing to bridge some of the channels that aren't currently
bridged to IRC so people could access it that way.

Furthermore, the lack of "official recognition" has not prevented the
widespread unofficial use of the Discord server. Not everyone has
joined, but according to G., about as many players have taken part in
the Discord as took part in our IRC channel in its heyday. I do not
think there is any benefit to withholding recognition under these
circumstances — the effect of doing so is simply to have a misleading
fora list.

BUS: [Registrar] Deactivation

2021-04-04 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-business
I intend, with notice, to make lucidiot inactive.
I intend, with notice, to make JTAC inactive.
I intend, with notice, to make Ubercrow inactive.
I intend, with notice, to make Noah inactive.
I intend, with notice, to make Slam_Joe_Jr_Supreme inactive.

Note: I could make omd inactive, but I am currently disinclined to do so.

BUS: Cyan Ribbon Claim [attn. Tailor]

2021-04-04 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-business
I award myself a cyan ribbon.


BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposal 8556

2021-04-04 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-business

8556&   Jason, nix  1.0   Ministry Normalization


Re: BUS: Re: DIS: Paying attention for once [attn. Treasuror]

2021-04-04 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-business

Jason wrote:

On 4/1/21 2:14 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-discussion wrote:

Pursuant to my focus in Legislation, I gain one Legislative Card.


I gain one Legislative Card in the same fashion.

Re: DIS: [Treasuror] [@All Players] Auction Regulation Wishlists (was Re: BUS: Timing leniency amendments)

2021-04-04 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-business

Trigon wrote:

ǐ ïǹţəñð ťø ḑêčłåřẹ ạṗąẗȟÿ ŝṗéçịḟỳíŋĝ ṁỹśęłḟ

I object.

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [ADoP] Metareport

2021-04-04 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-business

ATMunn wrote:

On 3/28/2021 2:54 PM, Edward Murphy via agora-official wrote:


Office Report    Last Published Late[1]

ADoP   Offices   2021-03-21[2]
Arbitor    Judicial matters  2021-03-25
Notary Contracts 2021-03-18
Promotor   Proposal pool 2021-03-21
Referee    Rule violations   2021-03-07 !!
Registrar  Players, Fora 2021-03-27 (vacant)
Rulekeepor Short Logical Ruleset 2021-03-11 !
Stonemason Stones    2021-03-24
Tailor Glitter values    2021-03-28
Treasuror  Coins, other currencies   2021-03-25

[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
[2] Not including this report

CoE: I published a Notary report on the 24th:


Admitted. (It was listed in the detail section, but the weekly/monthly
flag was apparently missed out; I should fix the update script to block
in that situation.)

BUS: @Notary Re: OFF: [Splat Market] Order Book

2021-04-04 Thread Falsifian via agora-business
On Sun, Apr 04, 2021 at 01:34:21PM -0700, Gaelan Steele via agora-official 
> The following orders (as defined by the Splat Market contract) exist: 
> Victory Cards:
> 1x buy @ 20 coins (nix)
> Decipoints (Obstructive Pooling):
> 25x buy @ 2 coins (nix)
> Some tips on using the Splat Market:
> - "buy" and "sell" are from the perspective of the order's owner,
>   so if someone has a buy order for victory cards, that means e
>   wants to buy victory cards, and vice versa
> - To create orders: "I create 5 buy orders for pendants at
>   at 50 coins."
> - To use an order: "I execute 5 of Gaelan's buy orders for pendants
>   at 50 coins." (If you're paranoid, you could add something like
>   "if doing so would cause me to gain 5 pendants".)
> Gaelan

I become a party to the Splat Market.

I create 4 buy orders for Victory Cards at 200 Coins.

I create 100 buy orders for Decipoints (as defined in the Obstructive
Pooling contract) at 8 Coins.

[A Decipoint is intended to be worth 1/10 of a Victory Point. See the
contract for details.]


BUS: [Referee] Crime and Punishment - Apr 4 2021

2021-04-04 Thread Gaelan Steele via agora-business

 Crime and Punishment (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of this report: 2021-04-04
Date of last report: 2021-03-28
(all times UTC)

BLOT HOLDINGS(self-ratifies)

  BlotsActive player
7  R. Lee
1  Cuddlebeam
1  G.
1  nix


2  Shelvacu

PENDING FINGERS   (does not self-ratify)

No fingers are pending.

AVAILABLE FORGIVENESS (does not self-ratify)

  BlotsPlayer   Deadline
  ---   -
1  G.   Sat Apr 10, 01:30 UTC
  [words: cuddle beam Cuddlebeam humiliate humble humbug humidity]
1  nix  Sat Apr 10, 01:52 UTC
  [words: internet internship internal international website webbing]

BLOT HISTORY  (does not self-ratify)

PersonChange   DateReason
  ---  --  -
nix+1 (f)  2021-04-04  Tardiness (Webmastor report)
G. +1 (f)  2021-04-04  Tardiness (humiliating public
reminder for indictment 0...01)
   2021-03-28  [Date of Last Report]
Cuddlebeam +1  2021-02-06  Unjustified Gesticulation
R. Lee -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
R. Lee -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
omd-1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Trigon -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Trigon -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
omd-1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Falsifian  -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
nix-1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2021-01-18  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2021-01-18  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
G. -1  2021-01-14  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
G. -1  2021-01-14  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan +3 (f)  2021-01-03  Breach of Contract
G. +2  2020-12-13  Tardiness (Cooper)
nix+1  2020-12-13  Tardiness (Webmastor)
R. Lee -72 2020-12-01  Expunged by Proposal 8525
Falsifian  +1  2020-11-08  Tardiness (Registrar)
Gaelan -1  2020-11-01  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2020-11-01  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2020-11-01  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2020-11-01  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Falsifian  -1  2020-10-21  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Falsifian  -1  2020-10-21  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Trigon +2 (f)  2020-10-11  Tardiness (Trigon)
nix-1  2020-10-01  Expunged by Jason with 1 Blot-B-Gone
ATMunn -1  2020-10-01  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Sehlvacu   +2 (f)  2020-09-27  Tardiness (CFJ 3884)
G. -2  2020-09-13  Apology
Falsifian  +2  2020-09-13  Missed report (Registrar)
G. +2 (f)  2020-09-13  Oathbreaking
ATMunn +1  2020-09-13  Missed report (Notary)
Jason  -1  2020-08-30  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Jason  -1  2020-08-30  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Jason  -1  2020-08-30  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Jason  -1  2020-08-30  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Jason  +2  2020-08-30  Tardiness (humiliating public
reminder for Proposal 8489)
Jason  +2  2020-08-30  Tardiness (humiliating public
reminder for Proposal 8488)
Jason  +0  2020-08-23  Unjustified Gesticulating
R. Lee +1  2020-08-09  Breach of pledge (w/ indictment)
Aris   -1  2020-08-02  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Aris   -1  2020-08-02  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Aris   +2  2020-08-02  Tardiness (CFJ 3869)
nix+1  2020-07-26  Breach of pledge
Gaelan -1  2020-07-22  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2020-07-22  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan +2  2020-07-22  Faking (as Greg)
Gaelan +2  2020-07-22  Faking (as Greg)
Aris   -1