OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8180-8187

2019-06-11 Thread Aris Merchant
I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
quorum is 9, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid
options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

IDAuthor(s) AITitle
8180  Trigon, D Margaux 1.0   Paying our Assessor
8181  D Margaux, [1]1.7   Referee CAN Impose Fines (v1.1)
8182  Jason Cobb3.0   Add value to zombies
8183  V.J. Rada, Tiger  3.0   Regulated Actions Reform
8184  G.3.0   power-limit precedence
8185  Trigon3.0   OUGHT we?
8186  Jason Cobb3.0   Minor currency fixes
8187  Jason Cobb3.0   Not so indestructible now, eh?

[1] Falsifian, twg

The proposal pool is currently empty.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below.

ID: 8180
Title: Paying our Assessor
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Trigon
Co-authors: D Margaux

[ Comment: This is something I didn't include from the version of
   Rule 2496 that I didn't include for whatever reason. ]

To Rule 2496 "Rewards" add the following bullet point after the third
  "Resolving an Agoran Decision on whether to adopt a proposal,
  provided that no other Agoran Decision on whether to adopt that or any
  other proposal had been resolved earlier in that Agoran week: 5 coins."

ID: 8181
Title: Referee CAN Impose Fines (v1.1)
Adoption index: 1.7
Author: D Margaux
Co-authors: Falsifian, twg

Amend Rule 2478 to replace this text:

  “When a player Points a Finger, the investigator SHALL investigate the
  allegation and, in a timely fashion, SHALL conclude the investigation by:”

With this text:

  “When a player Points a Finger, the investigator SHALL investigate the
  allegation and CAN, and in a timely fashion SHALL, conclude the investigation

ID: 8182
Title: Add value to zombies
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Jason Cobb

Amend Rule 2574 as follows:

  Replace the text
"Resale is a secured natural switch for zombies"
  with the text
"Resale value is a secured natural switch for zombies".

  Replace the text "Resale value" in the third item of the only list
  with the text "resale value".

ID: 8183
Title: Regulated Actions Reform
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: V.J. Rada
Co-authors: Tiger

Amend Rule 2125 "Regulated Actions" by replacing the text
  "The Rules SHALL NOT be interpreted so as to proscribe unregulated actions."

with the text

  "Nothing in the Rules and no other Entity nor any other thing under these
  rules proscribes unregulated actions, and this sentence takes precedence
  over any Rule or Entity that could be interpreted as proscribing such an

ID: 8184
Title: power-limit precedence
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: G.

Amend Rule 2140 (Power Controls Mutability) by replacing:
  No entity with power below
  Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, no entity with power below

ID: 8185
Title: OUGHT we?
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Trigon

In Rule 2152:


ID: 8186
Title: Minor currency fixes
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Jason Cobb

Amend Rule 2578 ("Currencies") as follows:

  Replace all instances of the text '"Agora's official currency"' with
  the text "the official currency of Agora". [Note: this strikes the
  quotation marks]

  Amend Rule 2549 ("Auction Initiation") as follows:
  Replace all instances of the text "Agora's official currency" with
  the text "the official currency of Agora".

  Amend Rule 2483 ("Economics") as follows:

  Replace the text "Coins are the official currency of Agora tracked
  by the Treasuror." with the text "Coins are the official currency of
  Agora and are tracked by the Treasuror."

ID: 8187
Title: Not so indestructible now, eh?
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Jason Cobb

[Comment: This fixes the underlying issue behind my recently submitted
CFJ. This also allows contracts to destroy their own indestructible assets.]

Amend the first paragraph of Rule 2577 as follows:


OFF: [Arbitor] CFJ 3734 assigned to V.J. Rada

2019-06-11 Thread Kerim Aydin

The below CFJ is 3734, I assign it to V.J. Rada.

===  CFJ 3734  ===

  A Player with Blots CAN destroy a Blot in eir possession if e has
  neither gained blots nor expunged any blots from emself in the
  current Agoran week.


Caller:Jason Cobb

Judge: V.J. Rada



Called by Jason Cobb: 10 Jun 2019 19:10:58
Assigned to V.J. Rada:(as of this message)


Caller's Arguments:

I argue that when a player announces that e expunges a Blot from emself,
then e is the one destroying the Blot. Thus, under Rule 2577, the Blot
CANNOT be destroyed, as it was not destroyed "by a proposal or rule,
other than [Rule 2577], specifically addressing the destruction of
indestructible assets or that asset in particular", but rather by the

I argue that Rule 2240 ("No Cretans Need Apply") does not apply, as the
definition of an asset being "indestructible" does not occur in Rule
2555, but Rule 2555 rather defers to Rule 2577 for the definition, and
then later attempts to override the definition in Rule 2577. Thus the
conflict is between two Rules, rather than within the text of a certain

If the above two arguments are found valid, then Rule 1030 ("Precedence
between Rules") states that the Rule with the higher Power takes
precedence. In this case that is Rule 2577. This would mean that Blots
CANNOT be destroyed.

I thus argue that the ruling on this CFJ should be FALSE.

Caller's Evidence:

Excerpt from Rule 2555/2 ("Blots")

  Blots are an indestructible fixed currency with ownership
  restricted to persons.


  To expunge a blot is to destroy it.


  If a player has neither gained blots nor expunged any blots from
  emself in the current Agoran week, e CAN expunge 1 blot from
  emself by announcement.

Excerpt from Rule 2577/1 ("Asset Actions") [Power=3]

  An asset generally CAN be destroyed by its owner by announcement,
  subject to modification by its backing document. An indestructible
  asset is one defined as such by it backing document, and CANNOT be
  destroyed except by a proposal or rule, other than this one,
  specifically addressing the destruction of indestructible assets
  or that asset in particular; any other asset is destructible.


OFF: [Arbitor] CFJ 3733 assigned to G.

2019-06-11 Thread Kerim Aydin

The below CFJ is 3733, I assign it to G.

===  CFJ 3733  ===

  On June 7, 2019, omd earned 5 Coins for publishing a
  duty-fulfilling report.



Judge: G.



Called by Falsifian:  08 Jun 2019 15:08:40
Assigned to G.:   (as of this message)


Caller's Arguments:

V.J. Rada said there's some precedent, but we haven't been able to
find it. omd found CFJ 3551, which isn't quite the same situation: in
it, H. Judge o decided that publishing a revision to a report in
response to a claim of error fulfills a duty for the purpose of the
Rewards rule.

Ignoring precedent, I think it's TRUE. R2143 defines "official duty
for an office", but I don't see "duty" defined in the rules. The first
definition in Wiktionary is "That which one is morally or legally
obligated to do". omd was both legally (in the sense that the rules
required em) and morally (in the sense that one should do what one
promises) obligated to publish that report.

Caller's Evidence:

omd  wrote:
> I pledge to publish a report, at least once in the current week, about
> whether or not I am wearing a hat.
> I publish the following report:
> {
> I am not wearing a hat, although my bicycle helmet is on the desk in
> front of me.
> }
> I earn 5 Coins for publishing a duty-fulfilling report.


OFF: [Arbitor] CFJ 3732 assigned to Murphy

2019-06-11 Thread Kerim Aydin

The below CFJ is 3732, I assign it to Murphy.

===  CFJ 3732  ===

  In the message quoted below, Corona gave eir 'explicit or
  reasonably implied consent', as required by Rule 1006, to be made
  the holder of Prime Minister.



Judge: Murphy



Called by twg:02 Jun 2019 14:59:08
Assigned to Murphy:   (as of this message)


Caller's Evidence:

On Friday, July 6, 2018 10:58 AM, Corona wrote:

> I become a candidate for Prime Minister.
> Platform: Not being the other guy, who currently supports unpopular and
> somewhat misguided reforms.
> ~Corona


OFF: [Arbitor] CFJ 3730 assigned to D. Margaux

2019-06-11 Thread Kerim Aydin

I assign CFJ 3730 (below) to D. Margaux.

===  CFJ 3730  ===

  If no player activates Rule 2596 'The Ritual' in a certain week,
  all players who are players that week have violated the rule,
  which provides that (1) "Any player CAN perform The Ritual" and
  (2) "The Ritual MUST be performed at least once in every Agoran


Caller:V.J. Rada

Judge: D. Margaux



Called by V.J. Rada:  06 Jun 2019 00:49:19
Assigned to D. Margaux:   (as of this message)


Caller's Arguments:

I suspect that the text is not clear and therefore the four-part test
must be applied. I believe it is in the best interest of the game to
impose criminal liability for the violation of the Rules as much as
possible. I also believe that it is perfectly reasonable as a matter of
text to impose criminal liability on "any player" who by failing to act
in "performing the ritual" (despite being able to do so) leads to a
violation of the command that "the ritual must be performed".

I note that we don't apply American law here, just like we don't apply
Klingon law, unless it is specifically stated in the rules. Although
American law principles may be applied as a part of the four part test,
American law is of course occasionally atextual common law (or atextual
statutory interpretation). Agora specifically provides that the text
controls, precluding a test of "wrongness" in deciding whether something
is a criminal violation in the first place, appearing nowhere in the text..


OFF: deputy-[Arbitor] Court Gazette

2019-06-11 Thread Kerim Aydin
[My recent posts included all the info in a Gazette in a minimal form,
so I might as well call it a Gazette while waiting for any
corrections... more complete-form Gazettes in the future...]

I deputise for the Arbitor to publish the following Weekly Report:

Players interested in Judging:
D. Margaux, G., Murphy, Trigon, Falsifian, V.J. Rada

Summary of Recent Judicial Case Activity
(since last report of 27-May-19)

Cases listed open in the Court Gazette May 27
  - CFJ 3726, later judged by Falsifian, no action needed
  - CFJ 3727, later judged by Falsifian, no action needed
  - CFJ 3728, later judged by Trigon, no action needed

Subsequent Events (Grouped by case, cases sorted by date of Call)

May 23, 7:10 PM
 - Falsifian CFJs on "the Lost and Found department owns..."
 - Arbitor assigns it to D. Margaux as 3729
 - D. Margaux judges it (no further action needed)

May 28, 2019 at 9:49:13 AM EDT
 - D. Margaux files a CFJ "The ADoP did not..." with the Referee.
 - Referee assigns this CFJ to Trigon as an "unnumbered" CFJ.
 - Trigon judges this CFJ.

May 29, 2019, 9:02 PM
 - Falsifian calls a CFJ "Rance paid 2 Coins..." but later withdraws it.
 - (no further action needed)

Jun 2, 7:59 AM
 - twg calls a CFJ:  "...Corona gave eir 'explicit or reasonably implied

Jun 4, 1:09 PM
 - Arbitor attempts to assign #3730 to a case with text "If no player
   activates Rule 2596...", and assign it to D. Margaux, but the case was
   'called' by V.J. Rada in Discussion so didn't exist.
 - V.J. Rada (Jun 5, 5:50 PM) calls a CFJ with the same text.
 - D. Margaux favored the pseudo-CFJ, so assuming favoring is still good.

Jun 8, 8:09 AM
 - Falsifian CFJs:  "On June 7, 2019, omd earned 5 Coins...".
 - Favored by G.

Jun 9, 4:50 PM
 - Rance calls a CFJ on the Ritual, later withdraws it (no action needed).

Jun 10, 12:11 PM
 - Jason calls a CFJ "A Player with Blots CAN destroy a Blot..."
 - Favored by V.J. Rada
