Re: OFF: [Mad Hatter] Quasi-yearly report [attn. Referee]

2023-11-08 Thread Janet Cobb via agora-official
On 11/8/23 15:40, 4st nomic via agora-official wrote:
> This is a self-ratifying document. (Please do not object to this report
> outright, instead, submit a CoE so I may make the appropriate correction
> upon the next report).
> I swear, to the best of my ability, that the following is true and correct,
> under penalty of no faking:
> The following are players and the hats they are wearing:
> PlayerHat
> --- --
> Gaelan is wearing a giant question mark as a hat.
> Murphy is wearing history itself as a hat.
> Janet is wearing a pointy purple witch hat.
> cuddlybanana is wearing a banana hat.
> ais523 is wearing THE SUPER ULTIMATE WINNER'S HAT.
> snail is wearing the helix fossil as a hat.
> juan is wearing the entrance gates of Agora as a hat.
> Aris is wearing a hat.
> 4st is wearing the number 4 as a hat.
> Yachay Wayllukuq is wearing a regular old ghost as a hat.
> blob is wearing emself as a hat.
> Anneke-Constantine is wearing the movie Constantine as a hat.
> kiako is wearing a different hat.
> Kate is wearing Beatrice (bird form) as a hat.
> Zipzap is wearing a zipper as a hat.
> nix is wearing anarchy as a hat.
> omd is wearing this report as a hat.
> innalienableWright is wearing as a hat.
> beokirby is wearing the same hat.

Oh, one more:

I note the infraction of 4st publishing the false statement that the
above-quoted document is self-ratifying, knowing or being negligent in
not knowing the same to be false, and with intent to mislead.

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

OFF: [Agent] Report - IT'S STILL LOOSE

2023-11-08 Thread 4st nomic via agora-official

UNDEFINED is currently at large and uncontained
We have these reports:
"I have nothing. It keeps taxing me. It just won't stop collecting taxes.
After I've given everything, it finds more to take! WHY ME?!"
"it's completely invisbilitated. That really should be against the law.
Maybe that law is invisbilitated? UGH SUCH A MESS!"
"At least it's not an instrument! I think. Uhm..."

Theorized Description:
Having escaped containment, UNDEFINED is capable of doing or being
anything, or anyone! Trust no one.

8th November 2023 - UNDEFINED remains at large. Casualties unknown. No
containment procedures have been enacted.
9th July 2023 - Security Breach Discovered - UNDEFINED evaded any sort of
containment protocol initiated on 24th June 2023 on 26th June 2023.
6th July 2023 - Additional Containment Protocol submitted.
24th June 2023 - UNDEFINED submitted for containment.


Uncertified Bad Idea Generator

OFF: [Mad Hatter] Quasi-yearly report

2023-11-08 Thread 4st nomic via agora-official
This is a self-ratifying document. (Please do not object to this report
outright, instead, submit a CoE so I may make the appropriate correction
upon the next report).
I swear, to the best of my ability, that the following is true and correct,
under penalty of no faking:

The following are players and the hats they are wearing:
--- --
Gaelan is wearing a giant question mark as a hat.
Murphy is wearing history itself as a hat.
Janet is wearing a pointy purple witch hat.
cuddlybanana is wearing a banana hat.
snail is wearing the helix fossil as a hat.
juan is wearing the entrance gates of Agora as a hat.
Aris is wearing a hat.
4st is wearing the number 4 as a hat.
Yachay Wayllukuq is wearing a regular old ghost as a hat.
blob is wearing emself as a hat.
Anneke-Constantine is wearing the movie Constantine as a hat.
kiako is wearing a different hat.
Kate is wearing Beatrice (bird form) as a hat.
Zipzap is wearing a zipper as a hat.
nix is wearing anarchy as a hat.
omd is wearing this report as a hat.
innalienableWright is wearing as a hat.
beokirby is wearing the same hat.

Uncertified Bad Idea Generator

OFF: [Herald] Scroll of Agora

2023-11-08 Thread 4st nomic via agora-official
HEREBY, I temporarily deputize as herald to publish the Scroll of Agora:

- ais523 won by Noticing the Rock Garden on November 1st.
(added under "Zen" as per the name of the rule.)


Herald's Monthly Report

  November 8, 2023

 Anarchy: Alexis
  Apathy: ais523, Aspen, babelian, Bayushi, D. Margaux,
  Gaelan (x2), grok, Ienpw III, Murphy, nix, o,
  omd, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, Quazie,
  R. Lee, Sprocklem, tris, twg, Veggiekeks,
  Warrigal, 天火狐
   Birds: snail
   Cards: G., Murphy, OscarMeyr, root, Taral
 Champion*(11/6): Kelly
  Champion*(3/2): Chuck, Kelly, Steve
  Champion*(4/3): Chuck, Kelly, KoJen, Steve,
  Troublemaker at Large, Wes
  Champion*(5/3): Kelly, Steve
  Champion*(7/6): Chuck, elJefe, Kelly, KoJen, Morendil, Steve,
  Swann, Troublemaker at Large
   Clout: ais523, Alexis
   Economic Takeover: Falsifian, G., Madrid, Trigon
Election: G.
  Escape: omd
  High Score: ais523 (x4), Alexis (x2), BobTHJ, Elysion,
  Falsifian, G. (x2), Janet (x2), Levi, Madrid,
  Murphy (x3), omd (x4), Pavitra, root, snail (x4),
  Steve, Tiger, Trigon, twg (x2), Walker, Wooble,
  Yachay Wayllukuq
   Junta: ais523 (x2), Alexis, G., nix, omd (x2),
  OscarMeyr, the AFO
  Leadership: ais523
   Lotto: Alexis, omd
  Maniac: Craig, root
 Masonry: Falsifian, Murphy, R. Lee
Musicianship: ais523, omd, Tiger, Wooble, Zefram
 Nomaoic: snail
 Paradox: ais523, Alexis, BobTHJ (x2), Bucky (x2), ehird,
  G. (x2), Gaelan, Murphy, omd, R. Lee, root
Politics: Aspen, D. Margaux (x2)
Proposal: ais523 (x4), Alexis (x3), allispaul, Andon,
  Andre (x3), Aspen, BobTHJ, Bucky, Canada,
  D. Margaux (x501), G. (x2), Human Point Two,
  Madrid, Morendil, Murphy, omd (x2), Spitemaster,
  Steve (x3), Tiger, Trigon, twg, woggle, Yally
 Renaissance: ais523, Alexis (x3), Aspen, G. (x3), Janet (x2),
  Murphy, twg
Rice: G.
 Rulebending: G., Janet, nix
Solitude: ais523 (x2), Alexis (x2), omd
 Spaaace: Falsifian, Janet (x1000)
Stamp Collecting: snail
  Tournament: ais523, Aspen, ATMunn, G., grok, Janet (x2),
  Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, root, Taral,
 Unspecified: Blob, Chuck, Dave Bowen, elJefe, favor, Garth,
  General Chaos, Ian, Jeffrey, KoJen, Michael,
  Ørjan, Steve, Swann, t, Timothy,
  Troublemaker at Large, Vanyel (x2), Wes (x2)
Via Ratification: The President
Zen: ais523


Peter Suber, Chuck Carroll, Douglas Hofstadter, Michael Norrish

Murphy, G., omd


   Associate of Nomic Artistry (A.N.A.):Aspen, Madrid
   Associate of Nomic (A.N.):   G., Alexis, twg
   Juris Doctorate of Nomic (J.N.): Falsifian, G.
   Baccalaureate of Nomic (B.N.):   elJefe, favor,
Steve, Vanyel,
Kolja A., Murphy,
   Magisteriate of Nomic (M.N.):ais523, Janet
   Doctorate of Nomic History (D.N.Hist.):  Swann, Vlad
   Doctorate of Nomic Philosophy (D.N.Phil.):   Steve, ais523
   Doctorate of Nomic Science (D.N.Sci.):   Janet

 Coming of Age [Jul 2011]
  (awarded to Active Players on Agora's 18th Birthday, July 2011).
  root, ais523, Droowl, ehird, G., Gondolier, Math321,
  Murphy, omd, Pavitra, Roujo, Alexis, Warrigal,

OFF: [Herald] BRIGHTEST BULBS (08 Nov 2023)

2023-11-08 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
I deputize as Herald to publish the following report:
Radiances as of 08 Nov 2023.

-      --
1stMUR   067
2rdAIS   021   +14
3ndSNL   011
4st4ST   007
   ARI   007
   JNT   007
   YCY   007
   BEO   007
   BLB   007
   CBN   007
   IWR   007
   JWN   007
   ANK   007

All other radiances are zero.

[0] 4st = 4ST; Janet = JNT; Murphy = MUR; ais523 = AIS;
cuddlybanana = CBN; juan = JWN; snail = SNL; Aris = ARI;
Yachay = YCY; beokirby = BEO; blob = BLB;
inalienableWright = IWR; Anneke-Constantine = ANK;

[1] Since last official report.

If you'd like to change your three letter name, please let the Herald

Events Since Last Report

2023-10-09: ais523 gains 3 (radiance stone)
2023-10-16: ais523 gains 3 (radiance stone)
2023-11-04: ais523 gains 8 (hot potato stone)


OFF: [Collector] Stamp Collections (08 Nov 2023)

2023-11-08 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
Stamp Holdings as of 8 Nov 2023

Stamp Holdings

L (0):

ais523 (58):
- 1 4st stamp
- 34 ais523 stamps
- 1 Janet stamp
- 1 juan stamp
- 15 Madrid stamps
- 1 Murphy stamp
- 3 nix stamp
- 1 snail stamp
- 1 Yachay stamp

Anneke (1):
- 1 Anneke stamp

Aris (48):
- 48 Aris stamps

beokirby (1):
- 1 beokirby stamp

blob (1):
- 1 blob stamp

Janet (15):
- 6 ais523 stamps
- 6 Janet stamps
- 1 Madrid stamp
- 1 orb stamp
- 1 Pilgore stamp
- 1 snail stamp
- 1 ziproot stamp

juan (12):
- 2 ais523 stamps
- 7 juan stamps
- 1 Madrid stamp
- 1 Murphy stamp
- 1 snail stamp

Kate (16):
- 16 Kate stamps

Katie (17):
- 16 Katie stamps
- 1 Yachay stamp

kiako (9):
- 2 ais523 stamp
- 1 kiako stamp
- 1 Marb stamp
- 1 Murphy stamp
- 1 nix stamp
- 1 R. Lee stamp
- 1 Shy Owl stamp
- 1 Yachay stamp

Murphy (2):
- 1 Murphy stamp
- 1 R. Lee stamp

snail (27):
- 1 Aced7 stamp
- 6 snail stamp
- 1 juan stamp
- 1 Madrid stamp
- 7 nix stamp
- 8 R. Lee stamps
- 1 tb148 stamp
- 2 Yachay stamps

Yachay Wayllukuq (1):
- 1 Yachay stamps

Zipzap (1):
- 1 Zipzap stamp

All other stamp balances are 0.

Type Totals

4st: 1
Aced7: 1
Anneke: 1
ais523: 44
Aris: 48
beokirby: 1
blob: 1
Janet: 7
juan: 9
Kate: 16
Katie: 16
kiako: 1
Madrid: 18
Marb: 1
Murphy: 4
nix: 11
orb: 1
Pilgore: 1
R. Lee: 10
Shy Owl: 1
snail: 9
tb148: 1
Yachay Wayllukuq: 6
ziproot: 1
Zipzap: 1

Stamp Descriptions (does not ratify)

juan Stamps:
"It features me in a thoughtful pose, a chalkboard full of indeciphrable
mathematical symbols as a background."

Madrid Stamp:
That image, you know the one.

4st Stamp:
"Intricately detailed, innumerous qualities, nothing like it shall ever
come to exist. Unless, of course, the original were to be destroyed."

Since Last Report
2023-10-09: kate granted 1 kate stamp (wealth dream)
2023-10-09: ais523 granted 1 ais523 stamp (minty stone)
2023-10-11: kiako trades 1 R. Lee stamp to Murphy for 1 Murphy stamp
2023-10-16: kate granted 1 kate stamp (wealth dream)
2023-10-16: ais523 granted 1 ais523 stamp (minty stone)
2023-10-23: kate granted 1 kate stamp (wealth dream)
2023-10-30: kate granted 1 kate stamp (wealth dream)
2023-11-06: kate granted 1 kate stamp (wealth dream)