OFF: [Stonemason] December Collection Notice

2023-12-07 Thread Janet Cobb via agora-official
I hereby publish the following collection notice:

All random choices are made using AgoraBot in a public channel on the Discord 
discussion forum. I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the best of my 
knowledge, the choices listed below had the required probability distributions.

Escape Minimum: 3

StoneOwnerSmoothness   Mossiness  Slipperiness  Escape 
---  ---  --   -    

PowerJanet 2   0 2  
[Immune: Protection]
Soul Agora 3   1 4  
[Immune: Agora]
Sabotage Agora 4   1 5  
[Immune: Agora]
Mintyais5233   0 3  YES
Protection   Agora 4   1 5  
[Immune: Agora]
RecursionJanet 4   1 5  YES
Hot Potato   Murphy5   0 5  YES
BlankAgora 0   1 1  
[Immune: Agora]
Anti-Equatorial  Agora 5   1 6  
[Immune: Agora]
Radiance ais5233   0 3  YES

Stones that escape do so in the order they are listed below.

The following stones hereby escape (and thus are transferred to Agora):

Owned by ais523: Minty
Owned by Janet: Recursion
Owned by Muphy: Hot Potato

The mossiness of each other Stone is incremented by 1.

OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 3 Dec 2023 (revision 1)

2023-12-07 Thread Janet Cobb via agora-official
In response to Kate's CoE on the Stonemason's weekly report dated

> CoE: Per my CoE a moment ago to the recent Dream Keeper report, I
> believe my Dream is now Gardens, so my Base Rockiness should be 1 (and
> will rise to 2 about five minutes from now).

I respond by publishing the following revision:

DATED 2023-12-03 23:38:53

StoneMossiness  OwnerLast Wielded  Immune?
---  -  ---    ---
Power0  Janet2023-10-25Protection
Soul 1  Agora2023-04-23Agora
Sabotage 1  Agora2023-10-25Agora
Minty1  Agora2023-10-31Agora
Protection   1  Agora2023-10-01Agora
Recursion1  Janet2023-12-03
Hot Potato   0  snail2023-11-04
Blank1  Agora2023-05-28Agora
Anti-Equatorial  1  Agora2023-11-01Agora
Radiance 0  ais523   2023-12-01

PlayerBase Rockiness
Beokirby  26
juan  20
kiako  8
ais523 3
snail  1
Goren  2
Janet  1
Murphy 1
Kate   1

Player Reached For  Time
-  ---  ---
snail  Minty2023-11-27 08:41:29
ais523 Minty2023-12-01 20:38:51
Janet  Protection   2023-12-03 23:36:41

Summary of stone functions:

PowerA specified player's strength is increased by 3 on referenda
 on ordinary proposals in their voting period.

Soul A specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
 wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
 robbed player.

Sabotage The AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
 increased by 1.

MintyA specified player gains a stamp of eir own type.

Protection   A specified stone becomes immune (until the next Collection

RecursionCan be wielded as any other stone.

Hot Potato   Grants he wielder 8 radiance, then is transferred to another

BlankDoes nothing.

Anti-Equatorial  Steals the mossiest stone, then increases its own mossiness
 by one.

ScoreA specified player's radiance is increased by 3.

2023-12-03 23:36:41  Janet wields Recursion Stone, specifying Protection Stone, 
specifying Power Stone.
2023-12-03 23:36:41  Janet reaches for Protection Stone.
2023-12-01 20:38:51  ais523 wields Radiance Stone, specifying self.
2023-12-01 20:38:51  ais523 reaches for Minty Stone.
2023-11-27 08:41:29  snail reaches for Minty Stone.
2023-11-27 00:00:00  Base Rockiness of ais523, Beokirby, Goren, juan, Janet, 
Kate, kiako, Murphy, snail increased by 1 due to Dream of Gardens.
2023-11-27 00:00:00  Janet gathers Power Stone, resetting eir Base Rockiness 
and the stone's mossiness.
2023-11-26 21:20:20  Janet reaches for Power Stone.
2023-11-21 21:02:39  ais523 wields Radiance Stone, specifying self.
2023-11-20 00:01:23  Goren reaches for Sabotage Stone.
2023-11-20 00:00:00  4st reaches for Power Stone.
2023-11-20 00:00:00  Base Rockiness of ais523, Beokirby, juan, Janet, kiako, 
snail, Goren increased by 1 due to Dream of Gardens.
2023-11-20 00:00:00  snail gathers Hot Potato Stone, resetting eir Base 
Rockiness and the stone's mossiness.
2023-11-19 23:59:46  Janet reaches for Sabotage Stone.
2023-11-17 11:38:26  ais523 reaches for Sabotage Stone.
2023-11-13 11:24:14  snail reaches for Hot Potato Stone.
2023-11-13 01:00:00  4st reaches for Protection Stone.
2023-11-13 00:00:00  Base Rockiness of ais523, Beokirby, juan, Janet, kiako, 
snail increased by 1 due to Dream of Gardens.
2023-11-13 00:00:00  ais523 gathers Radiance Stone, resetting eir Base 
Rockiness and the stone's mossiness.
2023-11-12 19:27:43  ais523 reaches for Radiance Stone.
2023-11-12 19:17:29  Janet reaches for Sabotage Stone.
2023-11-06 00:00:00  Base Rockiness of ais523, Beokirby, juan, Janet, kiako, 
snail increased by 1 due to Dream of Gardens.
2023-11-06 00:00:00  Janet gathers Recursion Stone, resetting eir Base 
Rockiness and the stone's mossiness.
2023-11-05 19:34:57  Janet reaches for Radiance Stone.
2023-11-05 05:26:56  ais523 reaches for Radiance Stone.
2023-11-05 04:40:10  Mossiness of Power, Soul, Sabotage, Minty, Protection, 
Recursion, Blank, Anti-Equatorial, Radiance Stones incremented per collection 
2023-11-05 04:40:10  Collection notice.
2023-11-05 00:00:00  All stones are transferred