[Keuangan] Wall Street ends down for 4th day; caution prevails

2009-09-02 Terurut Topik herisetiono004
S&P 500 posting its worst losing streak since late May.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks fell on Wednesday as jitters about the economy 
prompted investors to unload some shares for a fourth-straight day even after a 
sharp drop in the previous session.

Major indexes fluctuated between positive and negative territory throughout the 
day before closing in the red, with S&P 500 posting its worst losing streak 
since late May.

A labor-market report showing more private-sector job losses in August than 
forecast made investors nervous ahead of Friday's highly anticipated monthly 
jobs data from the U.S. Labor Department.

The weak data also prompted stock investors to shift some of their money into 
assets deemed safe such as precious metals, sending gold futures up to their 
highest level in almost three months.

"Investors are turning to gold as a hedge" against financial malady, said Chad 
Morganlander, portfolio manager at Stifel, Nicolaus & Co in Florham Park in New 

[Keuangan] Wall Street Merosot Tertekan Data Ketenagakerjaan

2009-09-02 Terurut Topik herisetiono004
New York (ANTARA News/AFP) - Saham-saham di Wall Street merosot pada Rabu waktu 
setempat, setelah laporan payrolls (daftar gaji) non pertanian AS lebih buruk 
dari perkiraan, menambah kekhawatiran menjelang data utama ketenagakerjaan pada 

Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average turun 29,93 poin (0,32 persen) menjadi 
berakhir pada 9.280,67, keempat kali berturut-turut ditutup di wilayah merah 
untuk indeks blue-chip.

Indeks komposit saham teknologi berat Nasdaq turun 1,82 poin (0,09 persen) 
menjadi 1.966,76 dan indikator pasar lebih luas indeks Standard & Poor`s 500 
mundur 3,29 poin (0,33 persen) menjadi 994,75.

Indeks utama dibuka lebih rendah dan diperdagangkan dalam kisaran sempit 
sebelum mengakhiri dengan kerugian moderat dalam perdagangan yang berombak.

"Wall Street masih terhuyung-huyung dari pukulan-pukulan hari Selasa yang 
membuat indeks utama terjun sekitar 2,0 persen di seluruh papan perdagangan," 
kata Joseph Hargett dari Schaeffer`s Investment Research.

Data lebih buruk dari yang diperkirakan pada pekerjaan sektor swasta mengangkat 
alarm jelang data pemerintah tentang pekerjaan non pertanian Agustus yang akan 
dirilis Jumat.

Perusahaan payrolls ADP melaporkan sektor swasta non pertanian AS mengurangi 
298.000 pekerjaan pada Agustus, jumlah terkecil pekerjaan dalam hampir satu 
tahun.Angka tersebut melampaui prediksi konsensus pengurangan 250.000 pekerjaan.

Re: [Keuangan] 2010, Ditjen Pajak Incar Tiga Sektor

2009-09-02 Terurut Topik devry bonte
Katanya krisis global, tapi target (penerimaan pajak indonesia) kok bisa naik 
24% ya?
Apa perekonomian Indonesia ( terutama 3 sektor yang jadi incaran ) ngak terkena 
dampak krisis.

Pak Gun , Pak Sabha dan Pak Winarto,
Bisa disharing tips untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara (mereka) menghitung target 
kenaikan penerimaan dan kiat WP untuk mengantisipasinya.

> http://www.kontan. co.id/index. php/nasional/ news/20840/ 2010-Ditjen- 
> Pajak-Inca
> r-Tiga-Sektor
> Selasa, 01 September 2009 | 19:18
> 2010, Ditjen Pajak Incar Tiga Sektor
> JAKARTA. Naiknya target penerimaan pajak pada tahun depan dalam Rancangan
> Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (RAPBN) 2010 nampaknya membuat
> Direktorat Jenderal (Ditjen) Pajak kian fokus membidik sektor penerimaaan
> pajak.
> Direktur Potensi Penerimaan dan Kepatuhan DJP Sumihar Petrus Tambunan
> mengatakan, tahun depan Ditjen Pajak bakal fokus membidik sektor usaha
> minyak dan gas bumi (migas), pertambangan, dan pertanian.
> Dia menjelaskan, difokuskannya penerimaan negara pada sektor itu
> dikarenakan
> target penerimaan pajak naik 24% dari prognosa penerimaan pajak tahun 2009
> yang mematok sebesar Rp 528 triliun.
> Target penerimaan pajak tahun depan sendiri yang berasal dari non migas
> ditargetkan sebesar Rp 611,22 triliun. Sedangkan target dari PPh Migas
> sebesar Rp 30,882 triliun.
> Dia menjelaskan, asumsi penerimaan pajak pada tahun depan itu sudah
> menghitung potensi penerimaan yang hilang akibat diturunkannya tarif PPh
> dari 28% menjadi 25% berdasarkan UU PPh. "Kalau belum menghitung potensial
> lost dari penurunan tarif, target penerimaan pajak 2010 sebesar Rp 649
> triliun," sambungnya.
> Direktur Jenderal Pajak Mochamad Tjiptardjo mengatakan, secara umum untuk
> mengenjot penerimaan pajak Ditjen Pajak akan melangkah intensifikasi.
> Alasannya, hal itu merupakan langkah tercepat dan hasilnya bisa langsung.
> Diluar itu, Ditjen Pajak juga melakukan ekstensifikasi pajak.
> Martina Prianti
> --
> -
> save a tree.. please don't print this email unless you really need to
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [Keuangan] Pengawasan BI Lemah (KOMPAS tgl1)Mohon Pencerahan

2009-09-02 Terurut Topik Muh. Nurul Falah
Menurut saya,  disinilah letaknya perbedaan kepemimpinan seseorang. Pemimpin
harus melihat berdasarkan rasa keadilan masyarakat, kalau keadilan terusik
(ada penipuan besar-besaran di bank & pemimpin tertinggi harus bertanggung
jawab) & khawatir mereka kabur ke negeri Jiran yang biasa menampung kriminal
koruptor, maka langkah cepat harus diambil.
Hukum mungkin masih ada kelemahannya atau karena eksekutornya tidak berani
memutuskan tapi rasa keadilan bersifat universal.

Pada 2 September 2009 10:45, madjmudin m  menulis:

> Apakah pernyataan BI dalam menjawab JK, penangkapan RT (owner Bank Century)
> tidak memilik dasar hukum mengapa tidak memiliki dasar hukum ya?
> Alasannya apa?
> http://cetak.kompas.com/read/xml/2009/09/01/0320330/pengawasan.bi.lemah
> Selasa, 1 September 2009 | 03:20 WIB
> Jakarta, Kompas - Wakil
> Presiden Muhammad Jusuf Kalla menegaskan, masalah yang terjadi di Bank
> Century merupakan tindakan kriminal murni, yaitu berupa perampokan bank
> oleh pemiliknya sendiri akibat lemahnya pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh
> Bank Indonesia.
> dst.
> Wapres mengatakan, saat Sri Mulyani dan
> Gubernur BI Boediono melapor ke Istana Wapres, ia telah meminta
> Boediono melaporkan kasus Bank Century ke Kepolisian Negara RI
> (Polri).”Saya
> minta Gubernur BI melaporkan ke Polri untuk menangkap Robert Tantular
> (pemegang saham) dan anggota direksi lainnya, tetapi BI tidak berani
> karena mengaku tidak ada dasar hukumnya. Saya ambil alih dan saya
> instruksikan langsung Kepala Kepolisian Negara RI untuk menangkap
> Robert Tantular dalam waktu tiga jam. Dalam waktu tiga jam itu Robert
> akhirnya ditahan Polri,” papar Wapres.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Keuangan] vacancy Dosen FE Ubaya

2009-09-02 Terurut Topik Putu Anom
Dear all,

Kami FE Ubaya membuka lowongan untuk posisi Dosen, untuk jurusan Manajemen dan 
Lulusan Doktor dari Universitas terkemuka di Indonesia dan Luar Negeri
Bagi pelamar jurusan manajemen Diutamakan dari konsentrasi Manajemen Pemasaran, 
dan Operasi.
lowongan ini terbuka juga bagi kandidat doktor yang diperkirakan akan lulus 
paling lambat pada 2010. 
Silakan mengirimkan CV, surat lamaran, fotocopy ijazah kepada Dekan FE Ubaya
Jln. Raya Kalirungkut 
Surabaya 60293
Phone: 031 2981199

Sebenar ada attachment untuk pengumuman ini, namun sepertinya milis ini 
attachment dilarang. Bagi yang membutuhkan info lebih lanjut silakan kontak 
saya, japri.

Putu Anom Mahadwartha
visit easy finance: as easy as finance at anomania.blogspot.com
Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics 
Universitas Surabaya (www.ubaya.ac.id) 
Phone: +62 031 298-1139 
Fax: +62 031 298-1131


[Keuangan] The Economics of Ramadhan

2009-09-02 Terurut Topik Hasan M. Soedjono
Interesting reading - written by a young ITB alumni, with thanks to Sri for
forwarding this.





From: Srisetiowati Seiful [mailto:srise...@gmail.com] 



August 26, 2009

The Economics

Rivandra Royono

I started fasting at a very young age. Not necessarily out of extreme
piousness, but rather because I wasn't much of an eater and was only too
grateful to be allowed not to have lunch for an entire month. On top of
that, by a five year-old's logic, I believed I was doing my parents a big
favor by cutting down expenses for food.

That five year-old's logic is turned completely upside down by reality. As a
matter of fact, households' expenses in Indonesia, as well is in other
predominantly Muslim economies, increase quite significantly during
Ramadhan. Apparently, during the holy month, the overwhelming majority of
Indonesian households increase their consumption, which pushes up demand,
thus increases price. So not only do households buy more stuff, they buy
them at higher prices.

If there are still people out there who are skeptical that Ramadhan induces
higher inflation, governments of predominantly Muslim countries all over the
world are certainly not. From Indonesia to Jordan, governments recognize the
immense increase in demand and are already rushing to intervene the market
by either upping supply or imposing ceiling price. However, even with such
relatively massive intervention, the demand shift is usually too significant
and higher inflation is inevitable. Indonesian Trade Minister Pangestu
already found 11 to 33 percent increase in price of foodstuff in Bandung a
day before Ramadhan started.

That price increases because of rising demand is basic economics; that
demand increases during what is supposed to be the month of frugality is
nothing short of an irony.

The major culprits behind this demand shift are likely to be the middle and
upper classes, who have the means to consume more. What really causes the
consumptive behavior is up for grabs. One explanation is that we are all too
sensitive to our loss of utility-loosing meals during the day-and
overcompensate it by consuming more in the evening and during Ied. A more
common term used for this hypothesis is balas dendam-avenging for our loss.

Or perhaps it is impulse buying and herding movement-we see everybody else
eating out, having feasts with friends and family, and we are compelled to
join the wagon. It's quite easy to justify these impulses by saying that
it's all in the spirit of strengthening silaturahmi or bonds among the

Regardless of what really caused demand-pushing behavior, what we really
need to understand is that the significantly higher inflation during
Ramadhan hurts the poor tremendously. Most of them do not work as traders
and would not feel the benefit of the inflation. Yet they would certainly
feel the impact of increased price, especially of basic goods. Cutting down
both quantity and quality of food is often the only option.

Worse still, in the effort to reap benefit from the inflation, some traders
would be compelled to sell damaged goods at lower price; and they would
certainly find buyers. Nearing Ramadhan, officials from Jakarta had raided a
number of stalls in traditional markets that sold spoiled chicken and meat.
It is the poor who would most likely buy and consume these damaged goods,
and later suffer the consequences.

To be fair, demand shift and inflation are not the only Ramadhan-induced
economic phenomena. While an in-depth analysis of aggregate data is required
to validate the following statement, anecdotal evidence indicates that the
holy month also brings about increased redistribution of wealth. It is after
all the month of charity.

However, increased alms-giving, be it compulsory like the zakat or voluntary
like the sadaqoh, would only significantly benefit the poor in a
low-inflation economy; and as we have seen, this is not the norm during
Ramadhan. Coupled with inflation, alms would most likely only help the poor
maintain their purchasing power, but not increase it.

Furthermore, while inflation affects the entire population, alms tend to be
targeted to only small pockets of the same population. Hence, though there
would indeed be poor households who received assistance in coping with the
inflation, most of the lower class population would only feel the full-blown
effect of increased price without receiving significant support from the
redistributed wealth.

In the light of everything, the middle and upper classes would actually help
the poor more by not spending than by giving.

So all this leads the Muslim middle and upper classes to two options. If we
really wish to help the poor during the holy mont