Re: [Keuangan] The global slump of 2008-09 has begun as poison spreads

2008-05-15 Terurut Topik Poltak Hotradero
At 06:48 PM 5/14/2008, you wrote:

 e Bush rescue package - $800 in
 rebate cheques per household === ini jelas2 ngarang.. rebate checknya
 $600 per orang.. untuk yang berpenghasilan kurang dari $75K..

Rasanya penjelasan anda juga tidak terlalu tepat (ada faktor pembeda
antara household (seperti yang tertulis) dan orang (seperti yang anda
sebut)) - karena masih ada tambahan rebate checks untuk setiap anak
dibawah usia 17 dalam keluarga

wah bang poltak mungkin anda perlu baca lebih lanjut tentang rebate
check ini.. mungkin angka yang lebih bagus adalah $1800, 600 untuk
bapaknya 600 untuk ibunya, dan 300 untuk anaknya..

Bung Glenn,
- Tidak semua keluarga (household) punya orang tua lengkap.  Ada 
single parent family.
- Tidak semua keluarga (household) punya anak.

Saya hanya hendak tunjukkan adalah bahwa anda sudah keliru ketika 
menyamakan begitu saja antara household (yang ditulis $800) dan per 
ORANG yang anda sebut $ 600.  Anda mengatakan orang lain ngarang -- 
padahal anda tidak teliti membaca antara household dan person (orang).

Itu saja.

Re: [Keuangan] The global slump of 2008-09 has begun as poison spreads

2008-05-14 Terurut Topik Glenn Hassan
e Bush rescue package - $800 in
rebate cheques per household === ini jelas2 ngarang.. rebate checknya
$600 per orang.. untuk yang berpenghasilan kurang dari $75K..

Rasanya penjelasan anda juga tidak terlalu tepat (ada faktor pembeda
antara household (seperti yang tertulis) dan orang (seperti yang anda
sebut)) - karena masih ada tambahan rebate checks untuk setiap anak
dibawah usia 17 dalam keluarga

wah bang poltak mungkin anda perlu baca lebih lanjut tentang rebate
check ini.. mungkin angka yang lebih bagus adalah $1800, 600 untuk
bapaknya 600 untuk ibunya, dan 300 untuk anaknya..

kalau anda lihat average household income di america kira2 $48k di
tahun 2006, mungkin lebih rendah sekarang. kalau kita lihat lebih
lanjut, ternyata sekitar 70% household di america incomenya lebih
rendah dari $75k.. jadi 70% bakal dapet kira2 lebih dari $1200
(mungkin banyak yang gak punya anak).. tapi jelas jumlahnya lebih dari
800.. jadi seperti saya bilang sebelumnya.. mendingan anda baca
financial times atau economist.. daripada dengerin mas Ambrose yang
nulis artikel di atas.

soal cash balance dari SP500 mungkin lebih baik saya pas kerja nanti
liat database di kantor dan analisa lebih lanjut supaya kita gak
ngomong asal2an..

kalo soal debt Debt as a percentage of net worth for non-financial
companies outside of farming was 61.3 in the fourth quarter of last
year, compared with 68 at the start of the 2001 recession and 93.6 in
the 1990- 91 contraction, Fed figures show.

kalo anda mau saya bisa lihat lagi data2 ini supaya, seperti yang saya
bilang, kita gak ngomong asal2an.

Seluruh perusahaan di SP 500 menurut link yang anda referkan - punya
$615 Billion in cash TAPI kelihatan sekali jomplangnya. Gabungan
Exxon Mobil ($34.5 Billion), Pfizer Inc ($25.5 Billion) dan Cisco
($22.7 Billion) sudah setara dengan $82.7 Billion atau 13% dari
seluruh cash SP500. Lha bagaimana dengan 497 perusahaan
lainnya? Bagaimana juga dengan posisi liabilities (baik jangka
panjang maupun pendek)...?

Anda bilang artikel saya mengatakan seluruh perusahaan di SP500 punya
$625 B in cash, tapi jelas2 artikelnya bilang industrial
corporations lihat di bawah ini:

As a result, industrial corporations in the Standard  Poor's 500
have amassed $615.5 billion in cash and cash equivalents

Berarti keadaan saat ini sangat ekstreme antara yang kelebihan duit
dan yang kekurangan duit.
Apalagi kalau kita membandingkan antara posisi cash terhadap asset
secara historis.

anda yakin ini yang terjadi saat ini? apakah benar cash as a
percentage dari BV sekarang lebih rendah dari pada historical average?

2008/5/14 Poltak Hotradero [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 At 10:23 AM 5/14/2008, you wrote:

  Diane Vazza,
  SP's credit chief, says defaults are rising at almost twice the rate of
  past downturns. Companies are heading into this recession with a much
  toxic mix. Their margin for error is razor-thin, she said.
  Two-thirds have a
  speculative rating, compared to 50pc before the dotcom bust, and 40pc in
  early 1990s. The culprit is debt. They ramped it up in the last 18 months
  the credit boom. A lot of deals were funded that should not have been
  she said.
  Ini orang ngarang apa nyolong motong quote orang? setau saya companies
  di sini malah flush with cash. coba anda baca artikel ini

  Mungkin perlu diteliti dulu perusahaan mana yang flushed with cash -
  dan mana yang nggak.
  Seluruh perusahaan di SP 500 menurut link yang anda referkan - punya
  $615 Billion in cash TAPI kelihatan sekali jomplangnya. Gabungan
  Exxon Mobil ($34.5 Billion), Pfizer Inc ($25.5 Billion) dan Cisco
  ($22.7 Billion) sudah setara dengan $82.7 Billion atau 13% dari
  seluruh cash SP500. Lha bagaimana dengan 497 perusahaan
  lainnya? Bagaimana juga dengan posisi liabilities (baik jangka
  panjang maupun pendek)...?

  Berarti keadaan saat ini sangat ekstreme antara yang kelebihan duit
  dan yang kekurangan duit.
  Apalagi kalau kita membandingkan antara posisi cash terhadap asset
  secara historis.

  e Bush rescue package - $800 in
  rebate cheques per household === ini jelas2 ngarang.. rebate checknya
  $600 per orang.. untuk yang berpenghasilan kurang dari $75K..

  Rasanya penjelasan anda juga tidak terlalu tepat (ada faktor pembeda
  antara household (seperti yang tertulis) dan orang (seperti yang anda
  sebut)) - karena masih ada tambahan rebate checks untuk setiap anak
  dibawah usia 17 dalam keluarga.


[Keuangan] The global slump of 2008-09 has begun as poison spreads

2008-05-13 Terurut Topik sidqy suyitno
global slump of 2008-09 has begun as poison spreads
By Ambrose
Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Last Updated: 12:59amBST 
The avalanche of
bankruptcies has begun. Six UScompanies of substance have defaulted on
bonds over the past fortnight, against 17 for the whole of last year.
As a “non-believer”
in the instant rebound story, I am not easily shocked by gloomy reports. But
the latest note by Standard  Poor’s - The Bust After The Boom - gave me a
The sick list is
varied, though most for now are victims of the housing crash: Linens ‘n Things,
($650m), Kimball Hill ($703m), Home Interiors ($310m), French Lick Resorts
($142m), Recycled Paper Greetings ($187m), and Tropicana Entertainment
As the Fed’s
latest loan survey makes clear, lenders have dropped the guillotine. With the
usual delay, the poison is spreading from banks to the real world.
Diane Vazza,
SP’s credit chief, says defaults are rising at almost twice the rate of
past downturns. “Companies are heading into this recession with a much more
toxic mix. Their margin for error is razor-thin,” she said.
Two-thirds have a
“speculative” rating, compared to 50pc before the dotcom bust, and 40pc in the
early 1990s. The culprit is debt. “They ramped it up in the last 18 months of
the credit boom. A lot of deals were funded that should not have been funded,”
she said.
Some 174 UScompanies are trading at “distress levels”.
Spreads on their bonds have rocketed above 1,000 basis points. This does not
cover the carnage among smaller firms outside the rating universe.
The Californiacity of Vallejo(117,000 inhabitants) has just made history
by opting for Chapter 9 bankruptcy, the result of tax erosion from a 26pc fall
in local house prices. Half Moon Bay may be next.
“This is the tip
of the iceberg: everybody is going to line up for Chapter 9 in California,” 
said John Moorlach, OrangeCountyboard chief.
USconsumers are juggling plastic to put off
their day of reckoning. The Fed survey said credit card debt had jumped 6.7pc
in the first quarter to $957bn, or $6,000 per working American, despite usury
rates near 20pc.
“My guess is that
many Americans continue to run up massive credit card debt because they have
little intention of paying it off,” said Peter Schiff at Euro Pacific Capital.
Thankfully, the
Fed’s monetary blitz has averted a depression. Emergency lending under the
“unusual and exigent circumstances” clause of the Fed Act - the nuclear Article
13 (3), unused since the 1930s - has put a floor under the banking system.
There will be no
“reset Armaggedon” as rates vault on honey-trap mortgages. Drastic Fed cuts -
to 2pc from 5.25pc in September - have conjured away that disaster, at least.
One dreads to
think what would have happened if Fed liquidationists (Plosser, Hoenig, Fisher)
had prevailed, as they did in 1930 - and still do in Euroland, where Germany’s 
Axel Weber holds sway, and nobody of
sense dares lead a mutiny.
Despite the
rescue, UShouse prices are likely to fall 25pc from
peak to trough (Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs). We are barely half done, yet
10m-12m households are in negative equity already.
The bears at
Société Générale are going into Siberian hibernation, issuing an “Ice Age”
alert. They have slashed exposure to global equities to a minimum 30pc for the
first time ever.
Their weighting
of super-safe “AAA” government bonds has been raised to a maximum 50pc. This is
a bet on gruelling “Japanese” deflation. The bank expects equities to fall by
50pc to 75pc.
“Nowhere and
nothing will be immune. We are on the cusp of an equity meltdown that will slash
and shred portfolios,” said Albert Edward, SG’s global strategist.
“We see a global
recession unfolding. Liquidity will drain away and crush the twin emerging
market and commodity bubbles. The recent hope that ‘the worst might be over’ is
truly staggering. Profits are disintegrating,” he said.
Today’s “bear
rally” may live on into June. Don’t count on it. Global bourses are no longer
rising hand-in-hand with oil in exuberant celebration of liquidity relief (US, 
UK, and Canadian rate cuts).
Crude ceased to
be a friend of equities when it reached around $110 a barrel. At last week’s
close of $126, it became an outright threat. The Bush rescue package - $800 in
rebate cheques per household - has been rendered null and void by the latest
spike. The average UShome is now spending over 8pc of income on
energy or fuel.
OPEC is playing
with fire by refusing to pump more oil to offset rebel attacks in Nigeria. The 
cartel’s output drop of 350,000
barrels a day in April is a hostile act at this point.
But there again,
why should Middle Eastern states help America as long as the White House keeps
filling the US petroleum reserve to prepare for war with Iran? Bush is playing
with fire, too.
The oil spike
will burn itself out. Chinahas hit the buffers. With 

Re: [Keuangan] The global slump of 2008-09 has begun as poison spreads

2008-05-13 Terurut Topik Glenn Hassan
Linens 'n Things,
($650m), Kimball Hill ($703m), Home Interiors ($310m), French Lick Resorts
($142m), Recycled Paper Greetings ($187m), and Tropicana Entertainment

Mas, kalo menurut saya problem dari perusahaan2 diatas adalah
fundamental dan gak seluruhnya gara2 kredit krisis.. kalo anda pernah
ke linen n things dan ke tropicana di vegas.. anda pasti ngerti apa
yang saya bilang..

Diane Vazza,
SP's credit chief, says defaults are rising at almost twice the rate of
past downturns. Companies are heading into this recession with a much more
toxic mix. Their margin for error is razor-thin, she said.
Two-thirds have a
speculative rating, compared to 50pc before the dotcom bust, and 40pc in the
early 1990s. The culprit is debt. They ramped it up in the last 18 months of
the credit boom. A lot of deals were funded that should not have been funded,
she said.

Ini orang ngarang apa nyolong motong quote orang? setau saya companies
di sini malah flush with cash. coba anda baca artikel ini

kalo saya rasa dia ngambil quote dari diane pas diane ngomong soal
private equity deal. contoh dia bilang a lot of deals were funded
that should not have been funded

kalo itu sih emang bener.. tapi kalo mister ambrose bilang ini untuk
semua companies. itu mah dia ngarang..

e Bush rescue package - $800 in
rebate cheques per household === ini jelas2 ngarang.. rebate checknya
$600 per orang.. untuk yang berpenghasilan kurang dari $75K..

mendingan mas sidqy baca bloomberg atau cnbc atau wall street journal
daripada baca tabloid.. masalahnya kita gak tau bener apa enggak

On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 7:37 AM, sidqy suyitno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  global slump of 2008-09 has begun as poison spreads
  By Ambrose
  Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
  Last Updated: 12:59amBST

  The avalanche of
  bankruptcies has begun. Six UScompanies of substance have defaulted on
  bonds over the past fortnight, against 17 for the whole of last year.
  As a non-believer
  in the instant rebound story, I am not easily shocked by gloomy reports.
  the latest note by Standard  Poor's - The Bust After The Boom - gave me a
  The sick list is
  varied, though most for now are victims of the housing crash: Linens 'n
  ($650m), Kimball Hill ($703m), Home Interiors ($310m), French Lick Resorts
  ($142m), Recycled Paper Greetings ($187m), and Tropicana Entertainment
  As the Fed's
  latest loan survey makes clear, lenders have dropped the guillotine. With
  usual delay, the poison is spreading from banks to the real world.
  Diane Vazza,
  SP's credit chief, says defaults are rising at almost twice the rate of
  past downturns. Companies are heading into this recession with a much more
  toxic mix. Their margin for error is razor-thin, she said.
  Two-thirds have a
  speculative rating, compared to 50pc before the dotcom bust, and 40pc in
  early 1990s. The culprit is debt. They ramped it up in the last 18 months
  the credit boom. A lot of deals were funded that should not have been
  she said.
  Some 174 UScompanies are trading at distress levels.
  Spreads on their bonds have rocketed above 1,000 basis points. This does
  cover the carnage among smaller firms outside the rating universe.
  The Californiacity of Vallejo(117,000 inhabitants) has just made history
  by opting for Chapter 9 bankruptcy, the result of tax erosion from a 26pc
  in local house prices. Half Moon Bay may be next.
  This is the tip
  of the iceberg: everybody is going to line up for Chapter 9 in California,
 said John Moorlach, OrangeCountyboard chief.
  USconsumers are juggling plastic to put off
  their day of reckoning. The Fed survey said credit card debt had jumped
  in the first quarter to $957bn, or $6,000 per working American, despite
  rates near 20pc.
  My guess is that
  many Americans continue to run up massive credit card debt because they
  little intention of paying it off, said Peter Schiff at Euro Pacific
  Thankfully, the
  Fed's monetary blitz has averted a depression. Emergency lending under the
  unusual and exigent circumstances clause of the Fed Act - the nuclear
  13 (3), unused since the 1930s - has put a floor under the banking system.
  There will be no
  reset Armaggedon as rates vault on honey-trap mortgages. Drastic Fed cuts
  to 2pc from 5.25pc in September - have conjured away that disaster, at
  One dreads to
  think what would have happened if Fed liquidationists (Plosser, Hoenig,
  had prevailed, as they did in 1930 - and still do in Euroland, where
 Germany's Axel Weber holds sway, and nobody of
  sense dares lead a mutiny.
  Despite the
  rescue, UShouse prices are likely to fall 25pc from

Re: [Keuangan] The global slump of 2008-09 has begun as poison spreads

2008-05-13 Terurut Topik Poltak Hotradero
At 10:23 AM 5/14/2008, you wrote:

Diane Vazza,
SP's credit chief, says defaults are rising at almost twice the rate of
past downturns. Companies are heading into this recession with a much more
toxic mix. Their margin for error is razor-thin, she said.
Two-thirds have a
speculative rating, compared to 50pc before the dotcom bust, and 40pc in the
early 1990s. The culprit is debt. They ramped it up in the last 18 months of
the credit boom. A lot of deals were funded that should not have been funded,
she said.

Ini orang ngarang apa nyolong motong quote orang? setau saya companies
di sini malah flush with cash. coba anda baca artikel ini

Mungkin perlu diteliti dulu perusahaan mana yang flushed with cash - 
dan mana yang nggak.
Seluruh perusahaan di SP 500 menurut link yang anda referkan - punya 
$615 Billion in cash  TAPI kelihatan sekali jomplangnya.  Gabungan 
Exxon Mobil ($34.5 Billion), Pfizer Inc ($25.5 Billion) dan Cisco 
($22.7 Billion) sudah setara dengan $82.7 Billion atau 13% dari 
seluruh cash SP500.  Lha bagaimana dengan 497 perusahaan 
lainnya?  Bagaimana juga dengan posisi liabilities (baik jangka 
panjang maupun pendek)...?

Berarti keadaan saat ini sangat ekstreme antara yang kelebihan duit 
dan yang kekurangan duit.
Apalagi kalau kita membandingkan antara posisi cash terhadap asset 
secara historis.

e Bush rescue package - $800 in
rebate cheques per household === ini jelas2 ngarang.. rebate checknya
$600 per orang.. untuk yang berpenghasilan kurang dari $75K..

Rasanya penjelasan anda juga tidak terlalu tepat (ada faktor pembeda 
antara household (seperti yang tertulis) dan orang (seperti yang anda 
sebut)) - karena masih ada tambahan rebate checks untuk setiap anak 
dibawah usia 17 dalam keluarga.