Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Calculating averages

2003-01-05 Thread Isobel Clark
Hi Craig

The average of a product will only equal the product
of the averages if the two numbers are completely
independent of one another.

This is exactly analogous to the calculation of a
covariance in statistics.


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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Original Covariogram paper.

2003-01-05 Thread Isobel Clark

There is a 96 page bibliography in the back of
Cressie's book!

Cressie, Noel A. C., Statistics for Spatial Data,
Revised Edition, 1993, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New
York, 900pp.

The earliest paper I know of about variograms (but not
using that terminology) is by Prof de Wijs in a paper
in the SAIMM journal around 1953. He called it
studying "successive differences" and wrote it whilst
on sabbatical in South Africa. Hence the "de Wijsian
model" cited by Matheron - who did coin the
terminology in 1963.

There is also a paper by Cressie in Math Geol called
"The Origins of Kriging" which came out in the early


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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Calculating averages

2003-01-05 Thread Digby Millikan
Calculating averagesCraig,
 Don't you mean multiply Average Nickel Head grade by Average Mill
recovery. Your first figure 0.3342 is correct but your  figure 0.315963265
is incorrect. It is your assumption that your average mill recovery is
tonneage recovery, i.e. you averaged the mill recovery as if it where
recovery per tonne of ore instead of per % of metal so your calculation
of 0.5557*0.56857 is incorrect.

Your average mill recovery should be calculated

(0.53+0.65+0.32+0.8+0.56+0.45+0.58) =0.601465

So your original table should look like;

Nickel  MillRecovered
Grade   %   (Ni %)
0.5360  0.3180
0.6562  0.4030
0.3220  0.0640
0.8 70  0.5600
0.5663  0.3528
0.4555  0.2475
0.5868  0.3944
Average 0.555714286 60.14652956 0.3342

Average Nickel Head Grade
divided by Average Mill Recovery >  0.334242857

Regards Digby Millikan
Geolite Mining Systems

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AI-GEOSTATS: Calculating averages

2003-01-05 Thread Allison, Craig
Title: Calculating averages


I was hoping advice could be given on the following problem. We store nickel (eg 0.40 Ni %) and mill recovery (55.45%) in our mine model. From this we calculate a mill recovered nickel (eg 0.22 RecNi %) and store this in the model. All 3 model items are stored to two decimal places. The rounding is to three decimal places (i.e. +/-0.005).

We create ore-cuts based on the tonnes-weighted average of the Mill Recovered Nickel (using an Ore-material classification scheme based off Mill Recovered Nickel).

My problem is given below and highlighted in green. I have assumed tonnage weighting in each row is 1. 

    Nickel  Mill    Recovered  
    Head    Recovery    Nickel 
    Grade   %   (Ni %) 
    0.53    60  0.3180 
    0.65    62  0.4030 
    0.32    20  0.0640 
    0.8 70  0.5600 
    0.56    63  0.3528 
    0.45    55  0.2475 
    0.58    68  0.3944 
Average 0.555714286 56.85714286 0.3342 
Average Nickel Head Grade              
divided by Average Mill Recovery >  0.315963265        

It would appear that the averaging of the recovered nickel (0.3342) gives a different result to dividing the average Nickel Head Grade by the Average Mill Recovery (0.315963265). These averages are generated in Microsoft Excel so it doesn't seem to be a rounding error. We believe the first average is wrong and it would appear that the greater the variability of the data set, the greater the difference between the two calculation averages. If possible, would anyone know what is happening here and which is the correct approach.

Thank-you in appreciation.

Craig Allison

MKO Resource Evaluation Geologist