Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Re: generalize kriging variance to average-based estimators different than

2006-07-18 Thread Gerald van den Boogaart
 that the posted formula for the
 weighted average converges on the variance of the arithmetic mean when
 variable weighting factors converge on 1/n. What she or he may not know
 that this variance is called the Central Limit Theorem. If you really want
 to know more about sampling and statistics, you should visit my website.

 What you should not do is blame me if you become addicted to commonsensical
 sampling practices and scientifically sound statistical methods.

 Kind regards,

 Jan W Merks
   - Original Message -
   From: tom andrews
   To: JW
   Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 4:05 PM
   Subject: Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Re: generalize kriging variance to
 average-based estimators different than

   Dear Jan W Merks
   !--[if !supportEmptyParas]-- !--[endif]--
   I have a simple question that should be a piece of cake for such great
 expert like You. For a set of N input samples I can do by kriging the only
 ONE estimate and compute kriging variance for this single estimate.  So,
 why do You call the kriging variance the variance of some set of kriged
 estimates? or variance of a set of distance-weighted averages et al ?
 !--[if !supportEmptyParas]-- !--[endif]--
   Best Regards
   Tomasz Suslo

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Prof. Dr. K. Gerald v.d. Boogaart
Professor als Juniorprofessor fuer Statistik  

B�ro: Franz-Mehring-Str. 48, 1.Etage rechts
phone:  00+49 (0)3834/86-4621
fax:00+49 (0)3834/86-4615   (Institut)

Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet Greifswald
Institut f�r Mathematik und Informatik
Jahnstr. 15a
17487 Greifswald

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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Re: generalize kriging variance to average-based estimators different than

2006-07-18 Thread JW

Hello Everybody,

What is lackingin the 
latest spirited defense of the practice of assuming spatial dependence, 
interpolating by kriging, selecting the BLUP (whatever happened to the BLUE?) 
and smoothing the BLUP’s pseudo variance to perfection, is a reference to the 
Journelian doctrine that spatial dependence may be assumed unless proven 
otherwise, although with the proviso that “classical Fischerian [sic!] 
statistics” not be applied to prove otherwise. What should I read 
inthe reference to “missing assumption of stochastic independency between 
observations”? Does it refer to the same spatial dependence that may still be 
assumed in accordance with Journel’s 1992 doctrine?Assuming spatial 
dependence does precede interpolating by kriging, doesn't it?

What I do not understandis 
what happened to degrees of freedom. I was taught quite a while ago that 
measured values give degrees of freedom but functionally dependent 
(calculated) values are not so giving. So what gives? Who changed the 
rules? When? Why? Are degrees of freedom for sets of measured values with 
identical weights not longer positive integers?Isn't it true that degrees 
of freedomfor sets of measured values with variable weights become 
positive irrationals? Last year this matter came up on ai-geostats. Did the 
concept of degrees of freedom disappear in 2005 just like the variance of the 
single distance-weighted average did in the 1960s? 

Geostatistical software converted 
Bre-X’s bogus grades and Busang’s barren rock into a massive phantom gold 
resource. In contrast, vexatiousANOVA provedthe intrinsic variance 
of Busang’s gold to be statistically identical to zero. Is the 
Kolmogorov-Wieder-BLUP-Prediction perhaps to blame for Bre-X’s Busang, Hecla’s 
Grouse Creek, and other shrinking reserves and resources? I don’t careif 
BLUPs surf alongcoastlines orimpactshrimp counts,infect 
bacteria counts in culture dishes, and so on.What I do care aboutis 
thatthe geostatistical practice of assuming spatial dependence, 
interpolating by kriging, selecting the BLUE (or is it the BLUP?), and smoothing 
its pseudo variance to perfection, no longer be applied to reserve and resource 

Several times I've asked 
IAMG’s brass and JMG’s brains to explain why the true variance 
of the single distance-weighted average was replaced with the pseudo variance of 
a set of distance-weighted averages but to no avail! Don't count on my presence 
inEurope next spring for a free mini-workshop. On the contrary, I’ll offer 
a fee based workshop for recovering geostatisticians in Vancouver next 

Kind regards,Jan 
W Merks

Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Re: generalize kriging variance to average-based estimators different than

2006-07-17 Thread JW

Hello Tomasz,

What you should do with a set of 
N measured values, determined in samples 
selected at positions with different coordinates in a finite sample space is 
verify spatial dependence by comparing the calculated F-value between 
var(x), the variance of the 
set, and var1(x), the first 
variance of the ordered set, with F0.05;n-1;2(n-1) and F0.01;n-1;2(n-1), the tabulated values of 
F-distributions at 5% and 1% with the proper degrees of freedom. If the set does 
not display a significant degree of spatial dependence, its distance-weighted 
average-cum-kriged estimate is not necessarily an unbiased estimate for 
the central values of the set. However, the variance of a single 
distance-weighted average is a genuine variance irrespective of the degree of 
spatial dependence. In fact, it would be misleading to compute confidence limits 
for that central value.

What you ought not to do is 
compute pseudo kriging variances of sets of kriged estimates because a set of 
N functionally dependent kriged 
estimatesgives exactly zero 
degrees of freedom. In fact, a compelling case can be made that the concept of 
degrees of freedom evolved to ensure that infinite sets of kriged estimates 
become the equivalent of perpetual motion in data acquisition. 

What a pity that Krige, Matheron, 
and scores of first generation geostatisticians, were not aware that each 
distance-weighted average had its own variance long before it was reborn as an 
honorific but variance-deprived kriged estimate. Here’s a link that may guide 
you into mathematical statistics 

What you may want to do is print 
out Readme and do read it. Most high school 
graduates are able to deductthat the posted formula forthe weighted 
average converges on the variance of the arithmetic mean when variable weighting 
factors converge on 1/n. 
Whatshe or he may not know that this variance is calledthe Central 
Limit Theorem. If you really want to know more about sampling and statistics, 
you should visit my website. 

What you should not do is blame 
me if you become addicted tocommonsensical sampling practices and 
scientifically sound statistical methods. 

Kind regards,Jan 
W Merks 

  - Original Message - 
  To: JW 
  Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 4:05 PM
  Subject: Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Re: generalize 
  kriging variance to average-based estimators different than
  Dear Jan W Merks
  I have a simple question that should be 
  a piece of cake for such great expert like You.
  For a set of N input samples I can do by 
  kriging the only ONE estimate and compute kriging variance for this single 
  estimate. So, why do You call the kriging variance the 
  “variance ofsome set of kriged estimates”? or “variance of a set of 
  distance-weighted averages” et al ? 
  Best Regards
  Tomasz Suslo
  Do you Yahoo!?Get on board. You're 
  invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Re: generalize kriging variance to average-based estimators different than

2006-07-17 Thread tom andrews
  Dear Jan W Merks  KRIGING VARIANCEFor a set of N input samples I can do by kriging the only ONE estimate and compute kriging variance for this single estimate.So, kriging variance is a variance (derived from the model) of single unknown true value minus single weighted average.Kriging variance isn’t any variance of a set of weighted averages. We don’t need any other single weighted average.FUNCTIONAL DEPENDENCE There are the rivers on the Earth.There are the towns on the Earth.The man needs a water to live.The man lives in a town.The rivers and towns are functionally dependent.So, we can see the towns at the rivers (or the rivers inside the towns), there is some constraint.I don’t think that kriged estimates are functionally dependent since I can do by kriging the only one estimate at any coordinate I just want. It means that kriged estimates don’t see each other, there is no constraint.DEGREES OF FREEDOM  For infinite sample the variance in the global case = sum of deviation squares divided by the size of sample (all weights are equal). For finite sample the deviation squares are weighted by identical weights ONLY in the case of gaussian noise.Experimental variance = sum of deviation squares that is scaled by degrees of freedom can be applied only in the case of gaussian noise. So, such variance is useful for analysis of grades in the school not in the mine. Increasing (by degrees of freedom) the denominator of weights we can blow the confidence intervals to “infinity”. In such case the forecasting always will match the observation. But it’s
 not goal of (geo)statistics.F-TEST  As above (degrees of freedom, sum of deviation squares), postulated F-TEST for “so-called” spatial dependence in fact is the test for trend (drift) in high-noised data (gaussian noise) and can be useful to analyse the pupil’s progress in the school not to analyse spatial dependence in the core.The famous F-TEST for Clark's hypothetical uranium data in fact is the test for trend in the data under assumption that there is no correlation structure in the data.  KRIGING ESTIMATORKriging estimator, for gaussian noise, simplifies to the least-squares estimator that was introduced to statistics by Mr. Gauss. Best RegardsTomasz Suslo   
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AI-GEOSTATS: Re: generalize kriging variance to average-based estimators different than

2006-07-12 Thread Isobel Clark
OriolDownload for free, my old book Practical Geostatistics. Chapter 4 tells you all about calculating the variance for any weighted average estimator. Follow links from http://www.kriging.comIsobelOriol Falivene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Dear Colleagues,I’m a PhD student working on interpolation of categorical variables(like facies).I would like to know if it’s possible to generalize the kriging varianceto other average-based estimators different than kriging, such askriging with an areal trend, indicator kriging or inverse distanceweighting?; if it’s possible could you send me some references where Ican find that?.Thank you.Best
 regardsOriol--__Oriol Falivene[EMAIL PROTECTED] (+34) 93 4034028fax (+34) 93 4021340Fac. de Geologia,Univ. de Barcelona++ To post a message to the list, send it to To unsubscribe, send email to majordomo@ with no subject and "unsubscribe ai-geostats" in the message body. DO NOT SEND Subscribe/Unsubscribe requests to the list+ As a general service to list users, please remember to post a summary of any useful responses to your questions.+ Support to the forum can be found at

Re: AI-GEOSTATS: Re: generalize kriging variance to average-based estimators different than

2006-07-12 Thread JW

Hello Oriol,

Isobel gave good advice when she suggested to download Chapter 4 of her 
Practical Geostatistics. This book taught me more than David's 
Geostatistical Ore Reserve Estimation and Journel and Huijbregts's 
Mining Geostatistics combined because of its many practical examples. 
For example, look at Clark's hypothetical uranium data (see Clark and the 
Kriging Game at 
) and find out what happens if the variance of the distance-weighted average 
were to resurface after it went missing on Krige's watch at the Witwatersrand 
gold reef complex in South Africa in the 1950s. You should also peruse 
to find out why statistically astute thinking was lacking when pioneering 
geostatisticians replaced the genuine variance of a single distance-weighted 
average with the pseudo kriging variance ofsome set of kriged 
estimates. Study Clark's hypothetical uranium data step-by-step as 
outlined on the Geostatistics talk page. It is possible to make the 
variance of the distance-weighted average vanish again by the condition that 
thisvariance be replacedwith thekriging variance ofsome 
set of kriged estimates if, and only if, the absolute difference between the 
true variance and the Central Limit Theorem exceeds say 1% or 
perhaps5%.Conditional switching between real variances and voodoo 
variancesmay not be a bright idea so early in your career.

Kind regards,Jan W Merks 

  - Original Message - 
  Isobel Clark 
  To: Oriol Falivene 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:06 
  Subject: AI-GEOSTATS: Re: generalize 
  kriging variance to average-based estimators different than
  Download for free, my old book Practical Geostatistics. Chapter 4 tells 
  you all about calculating the variance for any weighted average estimator. 
  Follow links from
  IsobelOriol Falivene [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Colleagues,I’m a PhD student working on interpolation of categorical 
variables(like facies).I would like to know if it’s possible to 
generalize the kriging varianceto other average-based estimators 
different than kriging, such askriging with an areal trend, indicator 
kriging or inverse distanceweighting?; if it’s possible could you send 
me some references where Ican find that?.Thank you.Best 
Falivene[EMAIL PROTECTED] (+34) 
93 4034028fax (+34) 93 4021340Fac. de Geologia,Univ. de 
Barcelona++ To post a message to the list, send it to To unsubscribe, send email to majordomo@ with 
no subject and "unsubscribe ai-geostats" in the message body. DO NOT SEND 
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