[akka-user] unrecoverable Tcp connection with ByteString of moderate size (~250k)

2015-07-06 Thread Sam Halliday
Dear all,

I had a few questions for this list last week regarding an unrecoverable 
error condition that I was seeing in Wandoulabs WebSockets.

I have now isolated the problem to standard Scala 2.11.7 / Akka 2.3.11 
Tcp.Write with the minimal example at the bottom of this email.

It seems that sending a ByteString of a moderate size can basically nuke 
the network connection.

I am very concerned that such unrecoverable errors are possible 
(reconnecting would potentially allow sending the failed message, but let's 
not consider that a solution).

What is even more concerning is that I have seen related problems in my 
integration tests, where I am using Acking with backpressure everywhere, 
but I have been unable to get a reliable reproduction of the problem. Using 
Acking seems to mitigate the problem somewhat, but obviously not enough.

Can somebody please have a look at this and let me know if it is a bug or 
if there is some part of the Tcp.Write spec that I failed to grok. Also, 
confirming if the problem exists on some network other than mine would be a 
good data point. My corporate environment uses PEAP

Best regards,

package testing

import akka.actor._
import akka.event.LoggingReceive
import akka.io.{ IO, Tcp }
import akka.util.ByteString
import java.net.InetSocketAddress
import java.util.UUID
import concurrent.duration._

 * This is a test of Akka IO to see if the WebSocket behaviour
 * described in Buggy is a TCP problem or limited to the WebSocket
 * implementation.
 * Run a blackhole on the target machine, e.g.
 *   nc -k -l  /dev/null
 * For a single session, to confirm transmission of payloads:
 *   nc -l   blackhole
 * run-main testing.BuggyTcp
object BuggyTcp extends App {
  implicit val system = ActorSystem()

  val remote = new InetSocketAddress(remote-hostname-here, )

  system.actorOf(Props(classOf[BuggyTcp], remote), client)

class BuggyTcp(remote: InetSocketAddress) extends Actor with ActorLogging {

  import Tcp._
  import context.system

  override def preStart(): Unit = {
IO(Tcp) ! Connect(remote)

  var connection: ActorRef = _

  object Ack extends Tcp.Event with spray.io.Droppable {
override def toString = Ack

  def receive = {
case CommandFailed(write@Tcp.Write(bytes, ack)) =
  log.error(sfailed to write ${ack})

  // perpetually retry ... does it ever correct itself?
  import context.dispatcher
  context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(1 second, connection, write)

case c: Connected =
  connection = sender()
  connection ! Register(self)

  // works
  //connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(A * 3), NoAck(Big thing))
  //connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(UUID.randomUUID.toString), Ack)

  // never recovers
  connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(A * 30), NoAck(Big thing))
  connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(UUID.randomUUID.toString), Ack)

case Ack =
case _: ConnectionClosed =

case msg =
  // WORKAROUND https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/17898
  // (can't use LoggingReceive)
  log.info(sgot a ${msg.getClass.getName})



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[akka-user] Re: unrecoverable Tcp connection with ByteString of moderate size (~250k)

2015-07-06 Thread Sam Halliday
Aha! Think I got it.

I need to send ResumeWriting and listen for a WritingResumed, to recover 
from such a situation.

On Monday, 6 July 2015 11:01:23 UTC+1, Sam Halliday wrote:

 I should say, that in every example I have tried... with payloads up to 
 30MB for the initial un-acked message, it always arrives at the 
 destination. The subsequent, and retried, but the connection is completely 
 dead and the Ack-ed message can never be sent.

 On Monday, 6 July 2015 10:59:38 UTC+1, Sam Halliday wrote:

 Dear all,

 I had a few questions for this list last week regarding an unrecoverable 
 error condition that I was seeing in Wandoulabs WebSockets.

 I have now isolated the problem to standard Scala 2.11.7 / Akka 2.3.11 
 Tcp.Write with the minimal example at the bottom of this email.

 It seems that sending a ByteString of a moderate size can basically nuke 
 the network connection.

 I am very concerned that such unrecoverable errors are possible 
 (reconnecting would potentially allow sending the failed message, but let's 
 not consider that a solution).

 What is even more concerning is that I have seen related problems in my 
 integration tests, where I am using Acking with backpressure everywhere, 
 but I have been unable to get a reliable reproduction of the problem. Using 
 Acking seems to mitigate the problem somewhat, but obviously not enough.

 Can somebody please have a look at this and let me know if it is a bug or 
 if there is some part of the Tcp.Write spec that I failed to grok. Also, 
 confirming if the problem exists on some network other than mine would be a 
 good data point. My corporate environment uses PEAP

 Best regards,

 package testing

 import akka.actor._
 import akka.event.LoggingReceive
 import akka.io.{ IO, Tcp }
 import akka.util.ByteString
 import java.net.InetSocketAddress
 import java.util.UUID
 import concurrent.duration._

  * This is a test of Akka IO to see if the WebSocket behaviour
  * described in Buggy is a TCP problem or limited to the WebSocket
  * implementation.
  * Run a blackhole on the target machine, e.g.
  *   nc -k -l  /dev/null
  * For a single session, to confirm transmission of payloads:
  *   nc -l   blackhole
  * run-main testing.BuggyTcp
 object BuggyTcp extends App {
   implicit val system = ActorSystem()

   val remote = new InetSocketAddress(remote-hostname-here, )

   system.actorOf(Props(classOf[BuggyTcp], remote), client)

 class BuggyTcp(remote: InetSocketAddress) extends Actor with ActorLogging 

   import Tcp._
   import context.system

   override def preStart(): Unit = {
 IO(Tcp) ! Connect(remote)

   var connection: ActorRef = _

   object Ack extends Tcp.Event with spray.io.Droppable {
 override def toString = Ack

   def receive = {
 case CommandFailed(write@Tcp.Write(bytes, ack)) =
   log.error(sfailed to write ${ack})

   // perpetually retry ... does it ever correct itself?
   import context.dispatcher
   context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(1 second, connection, write)

 case c: Connected =
   connection = sender()
   connection ! Register(self)

   // works
   //connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(A * 3), NoAck(Big 
   //connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(UUID.randomUUID.toString), Ack)

   // never recovers
   connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(A * 30), NoAck(Big thing))
   connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(UUID.randomUUID.toString), Ack)

 case Ack =
 case _: ConnectionClosed =

 case msg =
   // WORKAROUND https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/17898
   // (can't use LoggingReceive)
   log.info(sgot a ${msg.getClass.getName})



  Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
  Check the FAQ: 
  Search the archives: https://groups.google.com/group/akka-user
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[akka-user] Re: Akka HTTP (RC-4): failing on blocking operations with simple test

2015-07-06 Thread Dmitry Vorobiov
Wow, it might be the cause, thank you, Egis! I ll check it soon!

On Monday, July 6, 2015 at 11:45:17 AM UTC+2, Egis wrote:

 You are most likely getting these errors because of this regression in 
 RC4: https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/17854

 Your test should do what you expect with RC3. It would also work with RC4 
 if your client had HTTP KeepAlive enabled:
  ab -n 50 -c 4 -k http://localhost:9000/test


 On Sunday, 5 July 2015 14:29:07 UTC+1, Dmitry Vorobiov wrote:


 I am investigating akka-http as a potential replacement for spray for our 
 new microservices. There we have lots of blocking IO operations that are 
 pretty easy to handle with spray by wrapping them in Future and blocking 
 and providing a separate thread pool.

 I tried to test the same approach with simple Akka HTTP code: 

 object Main extends App with SimpleAkkaHttpMain with Logging

 trait SimpleAkkaHttpMain {
   implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem()

   implicit def executor: ExecutionContextExecutor = system.dispatcher
   val endpointDispatcher = 

   implicit val materializer: Materializer = ActorMaterializer()
   Http().bindAndHandle(new SimpleEndpoint(endpointDispatcher).routes(),, 9000)

 class SimpleEndpoint(_context: ExecutionContext) extends Directives {
   implicit val context = _context
   def routes() = {
 (get  path(test)) {
   complete {
 Future {
   blocking {


 threadpool-dispatcher {
   type = Dispatcher
   executor = thread-pool-executor
   thread-pool-executor {
 core-pool-size-min = 2
 core-pool-size-factor = 2.0
 core-pool-size-max = 100


 I ran the following terminal command to test it:

  ab -n 50 -c 4  http://localhost:9000/test

 Benchmarking localhost (be patient)...apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by 
 peer (54)
 Total of 10 requests completed

 This is what I see in logs: 

 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:11,403 CEST] TcpListener - New 
 connection accepted
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:11,404 CEST] TcpListener - New 
 connection accepted
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:13,426 CEST] TcpListener - New 
 connection accepted
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:13,426 CEST] SelectionHandler - 
 Monitored actor 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:13,427 CEST] SelectionHandler - 
 Monitored actor 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:16,186 CEST] TcpListener - New 
 connection accepted
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:16,186 CEST] TcpListener - New 
 connection accepted
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:16,187 CEST] TcpListener - New 
 connection accepted
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:16,187 CEST] TcpListener - New 
 connection accepted
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:18,202 CEST] TcpListener - New 
 connection accepted
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:18,208 CEST] TcpListener - New 
 connection accepted
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:18,208 CEST] SelectionHandler - 
 Monitored actor 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:18,209 CEST] TcpListener - New 
 connection accepted
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:18,209 CEST] TcpListener - New 
 connection accepted
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:20,217 CEST] TcpListener - New 
 connection accepted
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:20,219 CEST] TcpListener - New 
 connection accepted
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:20,223 CEST] SelectionHandler - 
 Monitored actor 

 A similar test for Spray works smoothly. Can you please help me with advice 
 what one can do to process blocking operations in akka-http?

  Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
  Check the FAQ: 
  Search the archives: https://groups.google.com/group/akka-user
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[akka-user] Re: unrecoverable Tcp connection with ByteString of moderate size (~250k)

2015-07-06 Thread Sam Halliday
This part of Register is also relevant

   * @param useResumeWriting If this is set to true then the connection 
   *will refuse all further writes after issuing a 
   *notification until [[ResumeWriting]] is received. This 
   *be used to implement NACK-based write backpressure.

this implies that if useResumeWriting=false then further writes after a 
CommandFailed *will* be successful when the backlog is cleared. Is this 

On Monday, 6 July 2015 11:18:13 UTC+1, Sam Halliday wrote:

 Aha! Think I got it.

 I need to send ResumeWriting and listen for a WritingResumed, to recover 
 from such a situation.

 On Monday, 6 July 2015 11:01:23 UTC+1, Sam Halliday wrote:

 I should say, that in every example I have tried... with payloads up to 
 30MB for the initial un-acked message, it always arrives at the 
 destination. The subsequent, and retried, but the connection is completely 
 dead and the Ack-ed message can never be sent.

 On Monday, 6 July 2015 10:59:38 UTC+1, Sam Halliday wrote:

 Dear all,

 I had a few questions for this list last week regarding an unrecoverable 
 error condition that I was seeing in Wandoulabs WebSockets.

 I have now isolated the problem to standard Scala 2.11.7 / Akka 2.3.11 
 Tcp.Write with the minimal example at the bottom of this email.

 It seems that sending a ByteString of a moderate size can basically nuke 
 the network connection.

 I am very concerned that such unrecoverable errors are possible 
 (reconnecting would potentially allow sending the failed message, but let's 
 not consider that a solution).

 What is even more concerning is that I have seen related problems in my 
 integration tests, where I am using Acking with backpressure everywhere, 
 but I have been unable to get a reliable reproduction of the problem. Using 
 Acking seems to mitigate the problem somewhat, but obviously not enough.

 Can somebody please have a look at this and let me know if it is a bug 
 or if there is some part of the Tcp.Write spec that I failed to grok. Also, 
 confirming if the problem exists on some network other than mine would be a 
 good data point. My corporate environment uses PEAP

 Best regards,

 package testing

 import akka.actor._
 import akka.event.LoggingReceive
 import akka.io.{ IO, Tcp }
 import akka.util.ByteString
 import java.net.InetSocketAddress
 import java.util.UUID
 import concurrent.duration._

  * This is a test of Akka IO to see if the WebSocket behaviour
  * described in Buggy is a TCP problem or limited to the WebSocket
  * implementation.
  * Run a blackhole on the target machine, e.g.
  *   nc -k -l  /dev/null
  * For a single session, to confirm transmission of payloads:
  *   nc -l   blackhole
  * run-main testing.BuggyTcp
 object BuggyTcp extends App {
   implicit val system = ActorSystem()

   val remote = new InetSocketAddress(remote-hostname-here, )

   system.actorOf(Props(classOf[BuggyTcp], remote), client)

 class BuggyTcp(remote: InetSocketAddress) extends Actor with 
 ActorLogging {

   import Tcp._
   import context.system

   override def preStart(): Unit = {
 IO(Tcp) ! Connect(remote)

   var connection: ActorRef = _

   object Ack extends Tcp.Event with spray.io.Droppable {
 override def toString = Ack

   def receive = {
 case CommandFailed(write@Tcp.Write(bytes, ack)) =
   log.error(sfailed to write ${ack})

   // perpetually retry ... does it ever correct itself?
   import context.dispatcher
   context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(1 second, connection, write)

 case c: Connected =
   connection = sender()
   connection ! Register(self)

   // works
   //connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(A * 3), NoAck(Big 
   //connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(UUID.randomUUID.toString), Ack)

   // never recovers
   connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(A * 30), NoAck(Big 
   connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(UUID.randomUUID.toString), Ack)

 case Ack =
 case _: ConnectionClosed =

 case msg =
   // WORKAROUND https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/17898
   // (can't use LoggingReceive)
   log.info(sgot a ${msg.getClass.getName})



  Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
  Check the FAQ: 
  Search the archives: https://groups.google.com/group/akka-user
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Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/akka-user.
For more options, visit 

[akka-user] Re: Akka HTTP (RC-4): failing on blocking operations with simple test

2015-07-06 Thread Egis
You are most likely getting these errors because of this regression in 
RC4: https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/17854

Your test should do what you expect with RC3. It would also work with RC4 
if your client had HTTP KeepAlive enabled:
 ab -n 50 -c 4 -k http://localhost:9000/test


On Sunday, 5 July 2015 14:29:07 UTC+1, Dmitry Vorobiov wrote:


 I am investigating akka-http as a potential replacement for spray for our 
 new microservices. There we have lots of blocking IO operations that are 
 pretty easy to handle with spray by wrapping them in Future and blocking 
 and providing a separate thread pool.

 I tried to test the same approach with simple Akka HTTP code: 

 object Main extends App with SimpleAkkaHttpMain with Logging

 trait SimpleAkkaHttpMain {
   implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem()

   implicit def executor: ExecutionContextExecutor = system.dispatcher
   val endpointDispatcher = 

   implicit val materializer: Materializer = ActorMaterializer()
   Http().bindAndHandle(new SimpleEndpoint(endpointDispatcher).routes(),, 9000)

 class SimpleEndpoint(_context: ExecutionContext) extends Directives {
   implicit val context = _context
   def routes() = {
 (get  path(test)) {
   complete {
 Future {
   blocking {


 threadpool-dispatcher {
   type = Dispatcher
   executor = thread-pool-executor
   thread-pool-executor {
 core-pool-size-min = 2
 core-pool-size-factor = 2.0
 core-pool-size-max = 100


 I ran the following terminal command to test it:

  ab -n 50 -c 4  http://localhost:9000/test

 Benchmarking localhost (be patient)...apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by 
 peer (54)
 Total of 10 requests completed

 This is what I see in logs: 

 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:11,403 CEST] TcpListener - New connection 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:11,404 CEST] TcpListener - New connection 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:13,426 CEST] TcpListener - New connection 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:13,426 CEST] SelectionHandler - Monitored 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:13,427 CEST] SelectionHandler - Monitored 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:16,186 CEST] TcpListener - New connection 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:16,186 CEST] TcpListener - New connection 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:16,187 CEST] TcpListener - New connection 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:16,187 CEST] TcpListener - New connection 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:18,202 CEST] TcpListener - New connection 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:18,208 CEST] TcpListener - New connection 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:18,208 CEST] SelectionHandler - Monitored 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:18,209 CEST] TcpListener - New connection 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:18,209 CEST] TcpListener - New connection 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:20,217 CEST] TcpListener - New connection 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:20,219 CEST] TcpListener - New connection 
 history-api DEBUG [2015-07-05 15:24:20,223 CEST] SelectionHandler - Monitored 

 A similar test for Spray works smoothly. Can you please help me with advice 
 what one can do to process blocking operations in akka-http?

  Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
  Check the FAQ: 
  Search the archives: https://groups.google.com/group/akka-user
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Akka 
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To post to this group, send email to akka-user@googlegroups.com.
Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/akka-user.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[akka-user] Re: unrecoverable Tcp connection with ByteString of moderate size (~250k)

2015-07-06 Thread Sam Halliday
I should say, that in every example I have tried... with payloads up to 
30MB for the initial un-acked message, it always arrives at the 
destination. The subsequent, and retried, but the connection is completely 
dead and the Ack-ed message can never be sent.

On Monday, 6 July 2015 10:59:38 UTC+1, Sam Halliday wrote:

 Dear all,

 I had a few questions for this list last week regarding an unrecoverable 
 error condition that I was seeing in Wandoulabs WebSockets.

 I have now isolated the problem to standard Scala 2.11.7 / Akka 2.3.11 
 Tcp.Write with the minimal example at the bottom of this email.

 It seems that sending a ByteString of a moderate size can basically nuke 
 the network connection.

 I am very concerned that such unrecoverable errors are possible 
 (reconnecting would potentially allow sending the failed message, but let's 
 not consider that a solution).

 What is even more concerning is that I have seen related problems in my 
 integration tests, where I am using Acking with backpressure everywhere, 
 but I have been unable to get a reliable reproduction of the problem. Using 
 Acking seems to mitigate the problem somewhat, but obviously not enough.

 Can somebody please have a look at this and let me know if it is a bug or 
 if there is some part of the Tcp.Write spec that I failed to grok. Also, 
 confirming if the problem exists on some network other than mine would be a 
 good data point. My corporate environment uses PEAP

 Best regards,

 package testing

 import akka.actor._
 import akka.event.LoggingReceive
 import akka.io.{ IO, Tcp }
 import akka.util.ByteString
 import java.net.InetSocketAddress
 import java.util.UUID
 import concurrent.duration._

  * This is a test of Akka IO to see if the WebSocket behaviour
  * described in Buggy is a TCP problem or limited to the WebSocket
  * implementation.
  * Run a blackhole on the target machine, e.g.
  *   nc -k -l  /dev/null
  * For a single session, to confirm transmission of payloads:
  *   nc -l   blackhole
  * run-main testing.BuggyTcp
 object BuggyTcp extends App {
   implicit val system = ActorSystem()

   val remote = new InetSocketAddress(remote-hostname-here, )

   system.actorOf(Props(classOf[BuggyTcp], remote), client)

 class BuggyTcp(remote: InetSocketAddress) extends Actor with ActorLogging {

   import Tcp._
   import context.system

   override def preStart(): Unit = {
 IO(Tcp) ! Connect(remote)

   var connection: ActorRef = _

   object Ack extends Tcp.Event with spray.io.Droppable {
 override def toString = Ack

   def receive = {
 case CommandFailed(write@Tcp.Write(bytes, ack)) =
   log.error(sfailed to write ${ack})

   // perpetually retry ... does it ever correct itself?
   import context.dispatcher
   context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(1 second, connection, write)

 case c: Connected =
   connection = sender()
   connection ! Register(self)

   // works
   //connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(A * 3), NoAck(Big thing))
   //connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(UUID.randomUUID.toString), Ack)

   // never recovers
   connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(A * 30), NoAck(Big thing))
   connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(UUID.randomUUID.toString), Ack)

 case Ack =
 case _: ConnectionClosed =

 case msg =
   // WORKAROUND https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/17898
   // (can't use LoggingReceive)
   log.info(sgot a ${msg.getClass.getName})



  Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
  Check the FAQ: 
  Search the archives: https://groups.google.com/group/akka-user
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Akka 
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[akka-user] Re: How can I extract Future[T] value in unmarshaller without blocking ?

2015-07-06 Thread Dmitry Vorobiov
Have you looked at onComplete / onSuccess directives that help processing 

On Sunday, July 5, 2015 at 11:12:29 PM UTC+2, Jack Daniels wrote:

 I'm using akka-http 1.0.-RC4.

 How can I extract Future[T] value in unmarshaller without blocking ? 

 Details are here 
 but in short here is what I want to do.

 I extended ScalaXmlSupport you created to support unmarshalling http 
 requests using Unmarshaller[NodeSeq, T] unmarshallers by adding this

 implicit def xmlUnmarshallerConverter[T](marshaller: 
 Unmarshaller[NodeSeq, T])(implicit mat: Materializer): 
 FromEntityUnmarshaller[T] =
 xmlUnmarshaller(marshaller, mat)

 implicit def xmlUnmarshaller[T](implicit marshaller: 
 Unmarshaller[NodeSeq, T], mat: Materializer): FromEntityUnmarshaller[T] = 
 implicit val exec = mat.executionContext
 defaultNodeSeqUnmarshaller.map(v = {
 val future = marshaller(v)(mat.executionContext)
 val result = Await.result(future, Duration(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS))

 The only problem is that prototype of Unmarshaller.apply is this

 def apply[A, B](f: ExecutionContext ⇒ A ⇒ Future[B]): Unmarshaller[A, B]

 It requires me to returns Future which I do by creating unmarshallers of 
 model classes like

 implicit val articleBodyUnmarshaller = Unmarshaller[NodeSeq, ArticleBody] { 
 xml =

 But I can't use it in xmlUnmarshaller : FromEntityUnmarshaller[T] because 
 it requires me to return concrete object which forces me to do ugly blocking

 How should I write it properly ?

  Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
  Check the FAQ: 
  Search the archives: https://groups.google.com/group/akka-user
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Re: [akka-user] Akka HTTP Streams vs Pulse Queues

2015-07-06 Thread Viktor Klang
Hi Eric,

I'm not sure I can answer your very broad question, would you mind/be able
to formulate a couple of more specific ones?

On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 6:34 PM, Eric Kolotyluk eric.koloty...@gmail.com

 I have prototyped an application that basically multiplexes messages,
 assembles them into blocks, and then segments them. The application tries
 to do as much concurrently as possible.

 I have used something I call a 'pulse queue' which is based on a
 non-blocking concurrent queue.


 Basically, I create a separate future to handle the processing of each
 message, and the futures complete their work by adding their results to the
 non-blocking queue. The pulse part is that periodically (i.e. each second)
 the queue is drained to create a block or segment. There are other reasons
 to drain a queue, i.e. size, but primarily it is the pulse that keeps data
 moving through the system.

 I have found this to be simple to code, and effective at handling large
 numbers of Futures concurrently.

 As I am trying to understand Akka Streams, and Akka HTTP, I am wondering
 if Streams would be a better or equivalent solution, but I do not really
 understand how streams work under the hood to answer my curiosity. For
 example, in the Streams environment is it possible to create a separate
 future to handle each message, the way the pulse queue does? My sense is
 that each element in the stream is an Actor under the hood, so that the
 messages (while non-blocking) would get serialized.

 Cheers, Eric


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[akka-user] Re: How to create dispatcher's threads set to low priority?

2015-07-06 Thread kermitas
Please see the answer 

W dniu czwartek, 2 lipca 2015 15:45:10 UTC+2 użytkownik kermitas napisał:

 Hi group,

 what is the best way to assign dedicated ThreadFactory to dispatcher? My 
 goal is to have all threads in the given dispatcher set to low priority (


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Re: [akka-user] Akka Stream Source as ActorPublisher

2015-07-06 Thread Viktor Klang
Hi Maxim,

could you please minimize the problematic code into a self-contained, no
extraneous pieces, snippet?

On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 9:55 PM, Maxim Korolyov korolyov.ma...@gmail.com

 Hey, i was playing with akka stream and akka http and faced and issue,
 when source created as ActorPublisher doesn't publish any data to source.
 i have verified that `onNext` method of ActorPublisher is invoking and
 that the source is empty by adding a logging flow like this 
 = println(s);s}

 Have any one faced this?

 there is a link to the code http://github.com/mkorolyov/akka-streams.
 In two words it is an websocked endpoint which expects in request message
 json string {isoCode:USD} and serves realtime currency rates updates +
 optionally history of rates by currency code. I am creating an `
 actualSource` from the ActorPublisher and concatenating it with history
 source from DB in CurrecnyService.scala. Concatenated source is
 transferred as chucked message to websocket channel.

 Appreciate for any advise.


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[akka-user] Akka Stream Source as ActorPublisher

2015-07-06 Thread Maxim Korolyov
Hey, i was playing with akka stream and akka http and faced and issue, when 
source created as ActorPublisher doesn't publish any data to source. i have 
verified that `onNext` method of ActorPublisher is invoking and that the 
source is empty by adding a logging flow like this source.via(Flow[String]{s 
= println(s);s}

Have any one faced this?

there is a link to the code http://github.com/mkorolyov/akka-streams. In 
two words it is an websocked endpoint which expects in request message json 
string {isoCode:USD} and serves realtime currency rates updates + 
optionally history of rates by currency code. I am creating an `actualSource` 
from the ActorPublisher and concatenating it with history source from DB in 
CurrecnyService.scala. Concatenated source is transferred as chucked 
message to websocket channel.

Appreciate for any advise.


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[akka-user] Lost actor communication

2015-07-06 Thread Benjamin Black
I am running a 24 node cluster that is roughly split into two roles: 
frontend and backend. There is a streamer actor on the frontend node 
talking to a tracker actor on the backend node. There can be many streamer 
actors on several frontend nodes talking to one tracker actor. It would 
seem that at some point the streamer actor on a frontend node stop being 
able to communicate with the tracker actor. It would seem that communicate 
between the frontend node and the backend node has been lost, but the 
backend node can still receive messages from the frontend. I say this 
because the streamer was able to send a poison pill to the tracker, which 
successfully killed the actor, but the streamer wasn't informed about the 

I see no indication that a node has fallen from the cluster or is having 
problems communicating (I have logging set to INFO). Is there anything I 
can do to get a better idea of what is happening?


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Re: [akka-user] Production Systems Using DistributedPubSub?

2015-07-06 Thread Michael Frank
what problem are you trying to solve with DistributedPubSub?  if you are 
not tolerant to losing some messages, then DistributedPubSub might not 
be appropriate in your scenario.

i wouldn't depend on always being able to gracefully leave the cluster 
in production!  node failures and network partitions are a fact of life.


On 07/06/15 06:08, James Carman wrote:
We are considering using the DistributedPubSub support in a production 
system.  We would like to be able to upgrade this system on the fly. 
 I am trying to get some advice on that sort of setup.  What we've 
seen is that when a node dies, we definitely have missed messages. 
 However, when I issue the leave command (via JMX), things appear to 
clean up gracefully.  Obviously, we would use the leave command in a 
production upgrade scenario, but is there anything we can do (other 
than setting up the at-least-once-delivery stuff) to get the cluster 
to more gracefully recover from a node failure?  I've been playing 
around with this stuff using this very simple project on github:


Basically, I've set it up so that there are three seed nodes, which 
I start up together.  Then, I fire up the client node, which 
basically just sends strings to one of the seed nodes using a 
DistributedPubSubMediator.Send message.

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Re: [akka-user] Production Systems Using DistributedPubSub?

2015-07-06 Thread James Carman
I'm using DPS as a routing engine, basically.  We will have multiple nodes 
of a particular type connecting into the system which are basically 
different applications that have different needs.  These different 
applications should only consume a message one time, but it doesn't matter 
which of their nodes gets it (load balancing or competing consumers).  

As far as requiring the cluster to stay in-tact, I'm not really concerned 
about that so much and that's to be expected that things will happen (let 
it fail right), but what I do want to be able to do is, in a controlled 
fashion, upgrade a running system to a new version by doing some sort of 
rolling restart approach, or the like.  That's what I'm trying to 
understand is how do folks do that?  Sure, things will happen when things 
don't go as planned, but I want to at least come up with the as planned 
situation first before we worry about the failure scenarios.

On Monday, July 6, 2015 at 1:04:49 PM UTC-4, Michael Frank wrote:

  what problem are you trying to solve with DistributedPubSub?  if you are 
 not tolerant to losing some messages, then DistributedPubSub might not be 
 appropriate in your scenario.  

 i wouldn't depend on always being able to gracefully leave the cluster in 
 production!  node failures and network partitions are a fact of life.


 On 07/06/15 06:08, James Carman wrote:
 We are considering using the DistributedPubSub support in a production 
 system.  We would like to be able to upgrade this system on the fly.  I am 
 trying to get some advice on that sort of setup.  What we've seen is that 
 when a node dies, we definitely have missed messages.  However, when I 
 issue the leave command (via JMX), things appear to clean up gracefully. 
  Obviously, we would use the leave command in a production upgrade 
 scenario, but is there anything we can do (other than setting up the 
 at-least-once-delivery stuff) to get the cluster to more gracefully recover 
 from a node failure?  I've been playing around with this stuff using this 
 very simple project on github:


  Basically, I've set it up so that there are three seed nodes, which I 
 start up together.  Then, I fire up the client node, which basically just 
 sends strings to one of the seed nodes using a 
 DistributedPubSubMediator.Send message.  
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Re: [akka-user] Akka and Node.js

2015-07-06 Thread Justin du coeur
On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 2:20 AM, Andi Nugroho Dirgantara 
andi.n.dirgant...@gmail.com wrote:

 I want my Node.js apps also works under Akka system maybe using node-java.
 Is it good practice? If it's not, is there any solution that Node.js can
 communicate with Akka?

If you particularly want to run under Node.js, you may want to look into
Scala.js, which outputs JavaScript instead of JVM, and thus runs natively
under Node.  There are folks in that community who are working on porting
Akka to Scala.js https://github.com/unicredit/akka.js.  (Akka.js is still
under development, but I gather they've made good progress.)

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