Re: [akka-user] Re: CPU-usage and a lot of actors with cluster-systems

2015-11-20 Thread Jim Hazen

But! It is important for me that the work of message 1 is done before 
> message 2 is handled. And isn't one of the benefits for the actor model and 
> akka itself, that I have the garantee to that message 1 is done before 
> message 2?
> Yes.  And you might be in trouble there.  In which case, at least on a 
per-actor basis, you wouldn't be able to use actor pooling or my Future 
dispatching solution.  You have essentially 20k sequential processors.  If 
having 20k concurrent actors doesn't provide enough concurrency to keep 
your system busy, I'm not sure what else you can do.  Optimize the IO and 
the sequential time best you can. 

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[akka-user] Re: CPU-usage and a lot of actors with cluster-systems

2015-11-20 Thread Carsten Saathoff

I think you (and probably everyone else here) need more data to figure out 
why your system is behaving as it is. 

Above, you write the configuration with four machines exposes the behaviour 
you describe. Does that mean with 12 machines the CPUs are fully utilized? 
What about a single machine. Can you fully utilize a single machine?

I would add some sort of monitoring to your system and try to figure out 
how a single actor system behaves. If you are able to fully utilize a 
single machine, find out what happens if you use more than one.

In general, understanding a concurrent and distributed system is hard, so 
IMHO data is your best friend. Therefore, measure what's going on. And of 
course there is a lot of information missing. Are you doing any blocking 
stuff, any IO, how large is the data you have to send around in the 
cluster, and so on. You also write you have to ensure ordering of messages, 
and I guess that will limit parallelism as well.



Am Dienstag, 17. November 2015 22:10:37 UTC+1 schrieb Flo B.:
> Hallo everyone, 
> I have a question about CPU-usage and a large number of actors. I'm 
> currently playing with a server-system with 15 machines and each machine 
> has 2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2450 v2 @ 2.50GH (8 Cores, 16 Threads for 
> each CPU)
> I also have a measurement client which is one of the machines.
> I have 4 machines e. g. and they handle 20 000 actors with a 
> cluster-configuration. If I send a number of messages to each actor at one 
> time and measure the time between sending and receiving on the measurement 
> client, I found out that I can only send a certain amount of messages to 
> the actors. More messages lead to flow control warnings and the client does 
> not get all answers in time. 
> If I use 12 machines, the cluster-system can handle more messages, which 
> makes sense. 
> What surprised me is the CPU-usage for the configuration with 4 machines. 
> The CPU-usage per machine is only around 1000% (possible is 3200%; with 
> Linux top command).
> I use the following dispatcher-configuration. Each other configuration 
> (e.g. a big core-pool-size or bigger/smaller throughput) have worse time 
> results and lead to more CPU-usage.
> myDispatcher {
>  type = Dispatcher
>  executor = "thread-pool-executor"
>  thread-pool-executor {
>  core-pool-size-min = 16.0
>  core-pool-size-factor = 2.0
>  core-pool-size-max = 32
> }
> throughput = 60
> }
> My explanation for this phenomenon is that each CPU can only handle a 
> certain amount of actors at one point of time (or a small range) and a 
> certain number of actors do not need all the power of one core/thread. 
> Could this be the explanation?
> Best Regards
> Flo

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Re: [akka-user] Re: CPU-usage and a lot of actors with cluster-systems

2015-11-19 Thread Jim Hazen
I'm not saying use a lot of dispatchers.  I'm saying that you should 
delegate to maybe 1 more dispatcher for your heavy work to unblock your 
actor's dispatching thread (and definitely another for blocking IO) 
allowing it to put more of your Actor's mailbox entries to work 
concurrently.  In one of your posts you were afraid that actors "doing too 
much" could be causing things to slow down.  If your actors are blocking on 
IO or some other lengthy task, a single actor won't be able to process 
message 2 until the receive block from message 1 has completed.  By 
delegating heavy work to a different "heavy work" dispatcher, your Actor's 
dispatcher can start to process more requests from the mailbox.  This 
allows more heavy/blocking tasks to be inflight.  It doesn't make long 
tasks take less time, but hopefully will allow you to maximize your 
remaining resources either queuing up blocking work or processing the 
results as they return.

To Patrik's point.  2 actors is already a lot of concurrency.  Unless 
you broadcast 5 messages to each while the first message waits for 10s on a 
remote Geo call.  Then you've spent some CPU queuing 100k requests, started 
the blocking IO for 20k of those and then wait for 10s.  This is an 
exaggeration, but the idea here is that the time you spend waiting for IO 
drives down your overall CPU utilization.  If you're looking to maximize 
CPU utilization you want all of your 100k requests in flight, saturating 
your IO pipe, and then processing results as they return.  After a window 
of delay you should be processing results at the max speed of your network, 
which ought to keep your CPU busier than it is now.

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Re: [akka-user] Re: CPU-usage and a lot of actors with cluster-systems

2015-11-19 Thread Flo B.
Thanks Hazen for your explanation and your comment. 

I hope I understood everything right! :) You want to split the work inside 
an actor and use e. g.  two executors, one for the actor stuff and one for 
the heavy work (io...). But! It is important for me that the work of 
message 1 is done before message 2 is handled. And isn't one of the 
benefits for the actor model and akka itself, that I have the garantee to 
that message 1 is done before message 2?

And wouldn't that lead to the decision to use two actors for the task? one 
for the handling and one for the work? 

Best regards


Am Donnerstag, 19. November 2015 20:45:32 UTC+1 schrieb Jim Hazen:
> I'm not saying use a lot of dispatchers.  I'm saying that you should 
> delegate to maybe 1 more dispatcher for your heavy work to unblock your 
> actor's dispatching thread (and definitely another for blocking IO) 
> allowing it to put more of your Actor's mailbox entries to work 
> concurrently.  In one of your posts you were afraid that actors "doing too 
> much" could be causing things to slow down.  If your actors are blocking on 
> IO or some other lengthy task, a single actor won't be able to process 
> message 2 until the receive block from message 1 has completed.  By 
> delegating heavy work to a different "heavy work" dispatcher, your Actor's 
> dispatcher can start to process more requests from the mailbox.  This 
> allows more heavy/blocking tasks to be inflight.  It doesn't make long 
> tasks take less time, but hopefully will allow you to maximize your 
> remaining resources either queuing up blocking work or processing the 
> results as they return.
> To Patrik's point.  2 actors is already a lot of concurrency.  Unless 
> you broadcast 5 messages to each while the first message waits for 10s on a 
> remote Geo call.  Then you've spent some CPU queuing 100k requests, started 
> the blocking IO for 20k of those and then wait for 10s.  This is an 
> exaggeration, but the idea here is that the time you spend waiting for IO 
> drives down your overall CPU utilization.  If you're looking to maximize 
> CPU utilization you want all of your 100k requests in flight, saturating 
> your IO pipe, and then processing results as they return.  After a window 
> of delay you should be processing results at the max speed of your network, 
> which ought to keep your CPU busier than it is now.

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[akka-user] Re: CPU-usage and a lot of actors with cluster-systems

2015-11-18 Thread Jim Hazen
That's possible. Your actor won't be able to get more work until it completes 
its receive.  You could:

A:  look into actor pool/routers. This will give you more receive blocks to 
work with, increasing concurrency. 
B:  look into spending less time within your receive block, maybe by delegating 
the real work to a dispatched Future. If you go this route you'll have the 
ability to use a thread-pool-dispatcher for the longer/blocking work and your 
fork-join-dispatcher for your very fast receive executions. 

I tend to end up with option B. With my Spray services, using the dispatch 
directive takes the real work out of http dispatching thread. With actors that 
are mostly IO, since Spray IO is async, you get essentially the same thing. So 
when I find I have dense cpu intensive code, I offload that work into another 
dispatcher and let the actor drive work into this ecexutor as quickly as it 

At the very least, option B should help you drive up cpu utilization. 

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[akka-user] Re: CPU-usage and a lot of actors with cluster-systems

2015-11-18 Thread Flo B.

Am Mittwoch, 18. November 2015 00:39:46 UTC+1 schrieb Jim Hazen:
> Also, the default akka-remoting utilizing Java serialization is dog slow. 
>  There are other threads that discuss swapping out the serializer with much 
> faster ones.  So if you're doing a lot of cluster sharding, your throughput 
> may be bottlenecked on the remote inter-node IO.

Thanks Jim for your response,

I already use for 
serialization. I tried the fork-join-executor, but it does not make 
anything better (even worse with some settings) and tried different 
parameters for the executor, still the above settings seems best for my 

Could it be, that the logic inside the actors is to big? So the parallelism 
is limited?

Best regards


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[akka-user] Re: CPU-usage and a lot of actors with cluster-systems

2015-11-18 Thread Flo B.
Thanks again for your interesting points, jim

I already have a separate dispatcher for the actors and one for the system. 

Am Mittwoch, 18. November 2015 18:30:13 UTC+1 schrieb Jim Hazen:
> That's possible. Your actor won't be able to get more work until it 
> completes its receive.  You could:
> A:  look into actor pool/routers. This will give you more receive blocks 
> to work with, increasing concurrency. 
> B:  look into spending less time within your receive block, maybe by 
> delegating the real work to a dispatched Future. If you go this route 
> you'll have the ability to use a thread-pool-dispatcher for the 
> longer/blocking work and your fork-join-dispatcher for your very fast 
> receive executions. 
> I tend to end up with option B. With my Spray services, using the dispatch 
> directive takes the real work out of http dispatching thread. With actors 
> that are mostly IO, since Spray IO is async, you get essentially the same 
> thing. So when I find I have dense cpu intensive code, I offload that work 
> into another dispatcher and let the actor drive work into this ecexutor as 
> quickly as it can. 
> At the very least, option B should help you drive up cpu utilization. 

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Re: [akka-user] Re: CPU-usage and a lot of actors with cluster-systems

2015-11-18 Thread jimhazen2000
Be sure you aren't just separating your actors onto their own collective 
executor, but put the work each actor is doing onto an executor. The goal is to 
drive as much work as possible into these executors, and free up akka's 
executors to simply drive this work into to those other executors as quickly as 

At a high level this would look like a receive block that only contains code 
wrapped within a Future. This puts the load on the child executor and frees up 
akka to drive this executor as hard as it can. 

If you don't do this you're just moving your single threaded actor handling 
from one dispatcher to the next, but aren't increasing internal actor 


-- Sent from my mobile device

> On Nov 18, 2015, at 11:12 AM, Flo B.  wrote:
> Thanks again for your interesting points, jim
> I already have a separate dispatcher for the actors and one for the system. 
> Am Mittwoch, 18. November 2015 18:30:13 UTC+1 schrieb Jim Hazen:
>> That's possible. Your actor won't be able to get more work until it 
>> completes its receive.  You could:
>> A:  look into actor pool/routers. This will give you more receive blocks to 
>> work with, increasing concurrency. 
>> B:  look into spending less time within your receive block, maybe by 
>> delegating the real work to a dispatched Future. If you go this route you'll 
>> have the ability to use a thread-pool-dispatcher for the longer/blocking 
>> work and your fork-join-dispatcher for your very fast receive executions.
>> I tend to end up with option B. With my Spray services, using the dispatch 
>> directive takes the real work out of http dispatching thread. With actors 
>> that are mostly IO, since Spray IO is async, you get essentially the same 
>> thing. So when I find I have dense cpu intensive code, I offload that work 
>> into another dispatcher and let the actor drive work into this ecexutor as 
>> quickly as it can.
>> At the very least, option B should help you drive up cpu utilization.
> -- 
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Re: [akka-user] Re: CPU-usage and a lot of actors with cluster-systems

2015-11-18 Thread Patrik Nordwall
What kind of work is performed by the actors?

If you already have 2 actors I don't think the advice about delegating
to futures will help.


ons 18 nov. 2015 kl. 20:36 skrev :

> Be sure you aren't just separating your actors onto their own collective
> executor, but put the work each actor is doing onto an executor. The goal
> is to drive as much work as possible into these executors, and free up
> akka's executors to simply drive this work into to those other executors as
> quickly as possible.
> At a high level this would look like a receive block that only contains
> code wrapped within a Future. This puts the load on the child executor and
> frees up akka to drive this executor as hard as it can.
> If you don't do this you're just moving your single threaded actor
> handling from one dispatcher to the next, but aren't increasing internal
> actor concurrency.
> -Jim
> -- Sent from my mobile device
> On Nov 18, 2015, at 11:12 AM, Flo B.  wrote:
> Thanks again for your interesting points, jim
> I already have a separate dispatcher for the actors and one for the
> system.
> Am Mittwoch, 18. November 2015 18:30:13 UTC+1 schrieb Jim Hazen:
>> That's possible. Your actor won't be able to get more work until it
>> completes its receive.  You could:
>> A:  look into actor pool/routers. This will give you more receive blocks
>> to work with, increasing concurrency.
>> B:  look into spending less time within your receive block, maybe by
>> delegating the real work to a dispatched Future. If you go this route
>> you'll have the ability to use a thread-pool-dispatcher for the
>> longer/blocking work and your fork-join-dispatcher for your very fast
>> receive executions.
>> I tend to end up with option B. With my Spray services, using the
>> dispatch directive takes the real work out of http dispatching thread. With
>> actors that are mostly IO, since Spray IO is async, you get essentially the
>> same thing. So when I find I have dense cpu intensive code, I offload that
>> work into another dispatcher and let the actor drive work into this
>> ecexutor as quickly as it can.
>> At the very least, option B should help you drive up cpu utilization.
>> --
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> --
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Re: [akka-user] Re: CPU-usage and a lot of actors with cluster-systems

2015-11-18 Thread Flo B.
Thank both of you for your answers, 

@Jim; so your solution would be to use a lot of dispatchers/executors to 
resolve the problem; doesn't this lead to a lot of overhead and makes the 
application more complex than it should be?

@Patrik; Hello Patrik, each actor has a geo-locaiton condition to test; I 
send a message to test if the location inside the message fits the location 
-> each actor answers if it does

Are there any experiences with the akka network configurations? I left 
everything by default (remoting); could the tcp-interface be the 

Best regards and thanks both for your help,


Am Mittwoch, 18. November 2015 21:01:02 UTC+1 schrieb Patrik Nordwall:
> What kind of work is performed by the actors?
> If you already have 2 actors I don't think the advice about delegating 
> to futures will help.
> /Patrik
> ons 18 nov. 2015 kl. 20:36 skrev :
>> Be sure you aren't just separating your actors onto their own collective 
>> executor, but put the work each actor is doing onto an executor. The goal 
>> is to drive as much work as possible into these executors, and free up 
>> akka's executors to simply drive this work into to those other executors as 
>> quickly as possible. 
>> At a high level this would look like a receive block that only contains 
>> code wrapped within a Future. This puts the load on the child executor and 
>> frees up akka to drive this executor as hard as it can. 
>> If you don't do this you're just moving your single threaded actor 
>> handling from one dispatcher to the next, but aren't increasing internal 
>> actor concurrency. 
>> -Jim
>> -- Sent from my mobile device
>> On Nov 18, 2015, at 11:12 AM, Flo B. > > wrote:
>> Thanks again for your interesting points, jim
>> I already have a separate dispatcher for the actors and one for the 
>> system. 
>> Am Mittwoch, 18. November 2015 18:30:13 UTC+1 schrieb Jim Hazen:
>>> That's possible. Your actor won't be able to get more work until it 
>>> completes its receive.  You could:
>>> A:  look into actor pool/routers. This will give you more receive blocks 
>>> to work with, increasing concurrency. 
>>> B:  look into spending less time within your receive block, maybe by 
>>> delegating the real work to a dispatched Future. If you go this route 
>>> you'll have the ability to use a thread-pool-dispatcher for the 
>>> longer/blocking work and your fork-join-dispatcher for your very fast 
>>> receive executions. 
>>> I tend to end up with option B. With my Spray services, using the 
>>> dispatch directive takes the real work out of http dispatching thread. With 
>>> actors that are mostly IO, since Spray IO is async, you get essentially the 
>>> same thing. So when I find I have dense cpu intensive code, I offload that 
>>> work into another dispatcher and let the actor drive work into this 
>>> ecexutor as quickly as it can. 
>>> At the very least, option B should help you drive up cpu utilization. 
>>> -- 
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[akka-user] Re: CPU-usage and a lot of actors with cluster-systems

2015-11-17 Thread Jim Hazen
Also, the default akka-remoting utilizing Java serialization is dog slow. 
 There are other threads that discuss swapping out the serializer with much 
faster ones.  So if you're doing a lot of cluster sharding, your throughput 
may be bottlenecked on the remote inter-node IO.

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