[algogeeks] Re: Given an integer n , you have to print all the ways in which n can be represented as sum of positive integers

2011-03-14 Thread Ralph Boland

On Mar 11, 9:33 am, saurabh agrawal saurabh...@gmail.com wrote:
 Given an integer n , you have to print all the ways in which n can be
 represented as sum of positive integers

I suggest you
   1)  generate the numeric partitions of  n.
That's the lists of numbers in sorted order whose sum is n.
 e.g. The numeric partitions of  3 are: {(1,1,1), (1,2), 3}
   2)  For each partition generate its multiset permutations.

Note: there is a formula for how many of sums of positive integers to
there are but I don't what it is.


Ralph Boland

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[algogeeks] Re: first larger element in unsorted array...

2011-02-06 Thread Ralph Boland

On Jan 31, 11:17 am, ritu ritugarg.c...@gmail.com wrote:
 Build a data structure on array B[1..n]  in O(n) time such that

  the following problem can be solved in O(log n) time:
      Given an index i and value  v,  find the index j of the first
      element in  B  such that  j = i and B[j]  v.
      Return  -1 if no such j exists.

 then it ll take n*lg(n) time ... while a o(n) solution exists

Your comment makes no sense given that I posted a (slightly)
different problem.   In the original problem there is no v!
Of particular importance the value v is not provided until after
the data structure is constructed. For the record the O(log n) time
cost for a query is optimal. (Admittedly I never actually proved


Ralph Boland

 On Jan 31, 9:25 pm,RalphBolandrpbol...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Jan 30, 11:00 pm, ritu ritugarg.c...@gmail.com wrote:

   You are given an array (unsorted) and for every element i, find the
   first occurance of an element j (in the remaining array) that is
   greater than or equal to i. If no such j occurs then print -1.
   Eg: Input--- A={1,3,5,7,6,4,8}
   Output--- 3 5 7 8 8 8 -1
   Time Complexity:O(n)
   Space Complexity:O(n)

  I solved a version of this problem in my thesis.

  Build a data structure on array B[1..n]  in O(n) time such that
  the following problem can be solved in O(log n) time:
      Given an index i and value  v,  find the index j of the first
      element in  B  such that  j = i and B[j]  v.
      Return  -1 if no such j exists.

  I have an application of this data structure in my thesis (which
  is why I invented it) but I would love to hear other applications.


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[algogeeks] Re: sorted 2-d array

2010-06-08 Thread Ralph Boland

On Jun 7, 8:49 am, Senthilnathan Maadasamy
senthilnathan.maadas...@gmail.com wrote:
 We can do it in O(n * log n) by individually binary-searching for zero on
 each of the rows.  Once we get the index of the first position where zero
 appears, counting the number of negative number is straight-forward.

 Here is an even better O(N) algorithm which is very elegant:
 Consider the bottom-left element of the given 2-D array.
 If it is negative, the whole of first-column is negative.  So we can add
 that count and ignore that column from then onwards.
 If it is non-negative, the whole of last-row is non-negative.  So we can
 ignore that row without changing the count.
 Therefore, by just doing one comparison we are able to eliminate one row
 or one column.
 We can iteratively follow this approach and it will terminate in exactly 2*N

I must say that your algorithm is very clever since I never thought of
it. :-)

I thought of a different approach that can be combined with yours
to, oddly enough, get an even better solution.

Consider the bottom-left element of the given 2-D array.
If it is negative:
  Search the bottom row for the first non-negative value.
  If this element is the kth then it can be found in
  O(log k)  time using a variation of binary search.
  Now the first  k - 1  columns are all negative so we count
If it is non-negative:
  Search the first column bottom to top for the first negative
  If this element is the jth from the bottom then it can be found
in  O(log j) time.
  Now the last j-1 rows are all non-negative so they need not be

Now follow this approach and it will terminate in O(N) steps.
This is no better than your approach in the worst case (in fact
slightly worse)
but can be much better for cases where either most of the elements are
or most of the elements are negative.  For example if all elements are
the algorithm runs in  O(log N)  time (actually 2 log N + O(1)).

Open problem:

I am guessing that my algorithm is optimal in some (reasonable) sense
in which your algorithm is not.
Define optimal (reasonably) than then prove that my algorithm is
optimal or show that some other algorithm is better by your


Ralph Boland

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[algogeeks] Re: another google telephone interview question

2010-05-22 Thread Ralph Boland

On May 21, 7:17 am, Bharath bharath1...@gmail.com wrote:
 Find the median of the values and move the lower values to left and higher
 values to the right. This can be done in o(n). now do the same on both the
 parts recursively. And the total complexity will be o(nlogk).

Very good!  I never thought of this even though I knew you could make
quicksort  be  O(n log(n))  by using the the median as the pivot
Of course I'm sure everyone realizes that one needs to stop the
recursion when all the elements in a subarray are the same.


Ralph Boland

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[algogeeks] Re: another google telephone interview question

2010-05-22 Thread Ralph Boland

On May 21, 7:17 am, Bharath bharath1...@gmail.com wrote:
 Find the median of the values and move the lower values to left and higher
 values to the right. This can be done in o(n). now do the same on both the
 parts recursively. And the total complexity will be o(nlogk).

Further to my previous post, one question.
Can the median be found in O(n) time without using extra memory?
I am not familiar with the algorithms that find the median though I
know the
median can be found in O(n) time.



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[algogeeks] Re: tree from linked list

2010-05-16 Thread Ralph Boland

On May 14, 9:46 pm, Yalla Sridhar sridhar2...@gmail.com wrote:
 @atul linked list can be converted to array with O(n) both space @ time
 overhead. then tree can be built in O(n)

This is true but is not the simplest solution.
As pointed out earlier by me and also Divya Jain
the best solution is to build the tree bottom up.


Ralph Boland

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[algogeeks] Re: Complexity of Algorithms

2010-05-08 Thread Ralph Boland
 prove that the average case
performance of
quicksort is theta(n * log(n)).



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[algogeeks] Re: tree from linked list

2010-05-07 Thread Ralph Boland

On May 2, 7:08 am, divya sweetdivya@gmail.com wrote:
 u are given a sorted lnked list construct a balanced binary search
 tree from it.

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There is a simple iterative solution to this problem that obviously
runs in linear time.
I have implemented a version of it that builds a weighted binary tree.
I'll refrain from describing it here though because I suspect this is
someones homework.  :-)
I will give this clue though.  The tree is built bottom up, not top
down which is more difficult.


Ralph Boland

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[algogeeks] Re: Largest span of Increasing Pair in an array

2010-03-20 Thread Ralph Boland

On Mar 15, 10:07 am, saurabh gupta sgup...@gmail.com wrote:
 while you scan the array
 maintain four indices plus two lengths
 two indices and a length mark one sub-array - start,end, length
 each such sub-array indicates a non-decreasing sequence,
 call them S1 and S2.

 while one scans, S2 keeps track of incoming elements (curr sequence)
 S1 keeps track of the maximum length (along with indices) so far (prev
 as one encounters an element which is less than the previous element,
 this marks the end of S2,
 S1 replaces S2 if len S2  len S1 else S2 starts afresh from this new

 In the end if len S2  len S1 answer = S2
 else answer = S1.

 PS: In the beginning and till one encounters a smaller element  than the
 prev one for the first time, S1 = S2

I agree that this is a nice algorthithm that solves the
largest non decreasing  sequence problem.
However, I don't agree that this solves the problem
originally posted.


Ralph Boland

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[algogeeks] Re: Largest span of Increasing Pair in an array

2010-03-14 Thread Ralph Boland

On Mar 14, 7:46 am, ASHISH MISHRA meetcoolash...@gmail.com wrote:
 @ankur how u can solve it in o(n)
 i suppose u need atleast o(n lgn)

 On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 2:52 PM, ankur aggarwal 

  o(n) is the best sol known to me..

  On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Pramod Negi negi.1...@gmail.com wrote:

  i guess sorting will do the work.
  any other constraint??

  On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 9:52 AM, p0r$h 1987.shis...@gmail.com wrote:

  Given an array of integers A[N], find the maximum value of (j-k) such
  that A[k] = A[j]  jk.
  I am looking for a solution with time complexity better than O(N^2).

I don't know how to solve this in the claimed  O(N) time.
However, I have coded a data structure that,
given  j,  will find  k  in  O(log(N))  time.
With it you can solve your problem in  O(N log N) time.
The data structure is built in  O(N)  time and space.
It is part of a larger data structure that I will implement
and release as open source in a few months.


Ralph Boland

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[algogeeks] Re: Interview question.Provide the solution as per the constraints.

2010-03-08 Thread Ralph Boland
This can be done without the parent pointer though the method
may not be wise.  As you traverse the tree downward you set
the child pointer you traverse to point to the parent (grandparent
of the child).  When you
traverse upward you reset the pointer of the node you traverse
to point to its original child.  Now no parent pointers are needed
and no recursion either.  The catch is that if your code does
not complete for any reason the tree is cooked.
Charcoal anyone?

On Mar 8, 5:37 am, Terence technic@gmail.com wrote:
 What is the storage structure of your BST?
 If each node contains pointers to its left child, right child and
 parent, then we can traverse through the tree without recursive or stack.

     p = root;
     last = root-parent = NULL;
    while(p) {
      if (last == p-parent) {  // enter
        if(p-left) {
         last = p; p = p-left;
        } else if(p-right) {
         last = p; p = p-right;
        } else {
         last = p; p = p-parent;
      } else if (last == p-left) {
         if(p-right) {
         last = p; p = p-right;
        } else if(p-right) {
         last = p; p = p-parent;
      } else {
         last = p; p = p-parent;


 Combine this with Rahul Singh's algorithm lead to a solution with O(n)
 time and O(1) memory

 On 2010-3-8 15:11, Nikhil Agarwal wrote:

  @all: you cannot traverse through the tree recursively because it has
  been mentioned that no extra memory (in recursive calls or stack ) is

  On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 8:42 AM, gaurav gupta
  1989.gau...@googlemail.com mailto:1989.gau...@googlemail.com wrote:

      Median of BST means : median of Sorted array of elements? is it?

      Convert BST into Hight Balance Search Tree then root node will be
      your median.

      On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 2:42 AM, Nik_nitdgp
      nikhil.bhoja...@gmail.com mailto:nikhil.bhoja...@gmail.com wrote:

          Given a BST (Binary search Tree) how will you find median in that?
          -No extra memory.
          Algorithm should be efficient in terms of complexity.
          Write a solid secure code for it.

          No extra memory--u cannot use stacks to avoid recursion.
          No static,global--u cannot use recursion and keep track of the
          elements visited so far in inorder.

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  Thanks  Regards
  Nikhil Agarwal
  Junior Undergraduate
  Computer Science  Engineering,
  National Institute Of Technology, Durgapur,India

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[algogeeks] Re: Find nearest point

2009-11-18 Thread Ralph Boland

On Nov 17, 7:09 am, Tiago Reul tiagor...@gmail.com wrote:
 Suppose that you have the position of each person in the world.
 Position is the pair (latitude, longitude).

 How to represent the data so that I can find the nearest person
 from a point (φ,λ) without comparing to every pair in the collection?

The standard solution to this problem is to use a Voronoi diagram.
I am only familiar with the Euclidean version but I see no problem
constructing a Voronoi diagram on the surface of a sphere.

Ralph Boland


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[algogeeks] Re: minimum difference.

2009-09-02 Thread Ralph Boland

On Sep 1, 7:05 am, ankur aggarwal ankur.mast@gmail.com wrote:
 given  a array of length n. find  2 number such that their differnce is

As already pointed out sorting and then comparing adjacent elements
gives you an O(n log n) algorithm.
If you have a likelyhood of duplicates then heapsort might be better
since the heap can be built in linear time and the sort phase can be
aborted if a duplicate element is found.  Alternatively one could
put your elements into a set (using hashing) and stop immediately
if you discover a duplicate by adding an element to the set that is
already there (O(n) expected time to build the set).

Ralph Boland
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[algogeeks] Re: Check divisibility by 3

2009-08-20 Thread Ralph Boland

On Aug 16, 7:29 pm, Ralph Boland rpbol...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Aug 14, 1:45 am, richa gupta richa.cs...@gmail.com wrote:

  can we check the divisibility of a given number by 3 withoutusing
  operators like '/' or '%'.
  I want the efficient solution to this problem ..

  can someone help ??
  Richa Gupta

 If the number is an arbitrarily large binary number then
   0)  Let  X  be the input number.
   1)  Add the binary values of each byte of  X.  Let result be X.
   2)  If X  255  goto step 1).
   3)  Look up the answer in a table  or
b1)  treat X as a base 16 number and add digits.  Let the
 result be X.
b2)  if  X   16  go to step  b1.

16 should be  15 here.  That is:  if  X   15  go to step  b1.

b3)  The original number is divisible by  3  IFF  X is
 divisible by 3  (X in {0,3,6,9,12,15}).

Note that the rule of 3s and the rule of 9s for decimal numbers is be
applied here but for the the number 255 and its factors;  that is
3, 5, 15, 17, 51, and 85.
It works for the same reason that the rule of  9's (and its factor
rules; i.e.
rule of 3's) works for decimal numbers.
We could call these rules for base 256 numbers
the rule of  3s base 256,  the rule of 5's base 256, the rule of 15's
base 256 etc.

 The above algorithm can be modified to use 16 bit numbers or  32 bit
 numbers instead of bytes.

For 16 bit numbers for the digit base the method can be applied
to factors of  2^16 -1, that  is  3,5,17, and  257.

However step 3 cannot be applied to  17 or  257.
For 32 bit numbers you have the additional factor  2^16 + 1 (and the
numbers in its prime factorization but unfortunately  2^ 16 + 1 is

 It can also be modified to determine if the input number is divisible
 by 5,6,7,9,12, 14, or  15.

To do digits  7 or  9  one has to use base 64 digits instead of  base
(7 * 9 = 63 = 64 - 1).
 I believe divisibility by 13 can also be done but a different
 algorithm is needed.

 Ralph Boland

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[algogeeks] Re: Check divisibility by 3

2009-08-16 Thread Ralph Boland

On Aug 14, 1:45 am, richa gupta richa.cs...@gmail.com wrote:
 can we check the divisibility of a given number by 3 withoutusing
 operators like '/' or '%'.
 I want the efficient solution to this problem ..

 can someone help ??
 Richa Gupta

If the number is an arbitrarily large binary number then
  0)  Let  X  be the input number.
  1)  Add the binary values of each byte of  X.  Let result be X.
  2)  If X  255  goto step 1).
  3)  Look up the answer in a table  or
   b1)  treat X as a base 16 number and add digits.  Let the
result be X.
   b2)  if  X   16  go to step  b1.
   b3)  The original number is divisible by  3  IFF  X is
divisible by 3  (X in {0,3,6,9,12,15}).

The above algorithm can be modified to use 16 bit numbers or  32 bit
numbers instead of bytes.
It can also be modified to determine if the input number is divisible
by 5,6,7,9,12, 14, or  15.
I believe divisibility by 13 can also be done but a different
algorithm is needed.

Ralph Boland
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[algogeeks] permuting the elements of an array

2009-06-23 Thread Ralph Boland

I have an array of objects and I need to generate all permutations.
e.g.  for [1,2,3]   I get:

This problem is actually easy to solve and in fact there is a purely
iterative solution.
However in my case I also need to solve a variant of this problem.
In this variant the array has 2n elements grouped into n groups of two
where each 2 element pair are equal.
For example for array  [1,1,2,2]  I get:

Note that in the first case I get n! permutations whereas in the
second case
I get  (2n)! / 2^n  permutations.  I want to generate the permutations
I particular it is unacceptable to generate the (2n)! combinations and
remove the duplicates.   I have come up only with complicated ways of
doing this
but I am hoping someone can post or reference a simpler solution.
A solution that generalizes in various ways would be nice but not
important to my
particular problem.

I will be implementing the final solution in Smalltalk (Squeak) and
eventually in other
languages as part of an implentation of the spine tree decomposition
data structure.
It will be released (in Squeak at least) under the MIT license.

Thanks for any help provided.

Ralph Boland
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[algogeeks] Re: Deciding on a project

2009-05-31 Thread Ralph Boland

On May 28, 8:27 am, Miroslav Balaz gpsla...@googlemail.com wrote:
 and that polygons are convex?

No, the polygon need not be convex,
though my algorithm is based upon an algorithm
that only works for convex polygons.
In fact the polygon need not be simple though
what you mean by area and chord for
non simple polygons needs to be defined.

Of particular interest are overlapping polygons.
Overlapping polygons can have multiple horizontal trapezoidizations.
In my paper I show that the sum of the areas of the trapezoids
of each trapezoidization is the same;
an intuitive result perhaps but it's not at all clear how to prove it.

My point in all this though is that the algorithm is simple enough
for a 15 year old interested in computational geometry to

Ralph Boland

 2009/5/25 Ralph Boland rpbol...@gmail.com

  On May 24, 5:05 am, Albert albert.xtheunkno...@gmail.com wrote:

   I'm 15 years old and I'm interested in algorithms, data structures,
   computational geometry and general coding. What sort of projects could
   I do in my spare time that fuels my interests and is something I can
   go on with? Other than competing in USACO...


  In my Ph.D.  thesis is an algorithm that is quite simple yet pretty
  that you might enjoy implementing.
  My guess is that it is at least 100 times simpler and 100 times
  that the previous best algorithm for polygons of practical size.
  This level of improvement is possible in part because the previous
  best algorithm for this problem triangulates the input polygon
  and my algorithm does not!

  Though I know of no applications of this algorithm the simplicity
  of the problem suggests that applications are out there.
  Who knows, you might be able to sell it.

  The algorithm involves computing areas of polygons.
  More precisely, given a polygon  P,  the algorithm constructs from
  P  a data structure with which, when given a chord  C  of  P,  the
  algorithm can compute the areas of the two subpolygons  of  P
  determined by  C, say  P1 and  P2.
  (In other words the chord  C  cuts the polygon  P  into two smaller
  I call  P1 and P2;  that is:    P = P1  union  P2  union  C.)
  The algorithm requires linear time and space to construct the data
  Then, given any input chord  C,  the areas of  P1  and  P2
  are computed in constant time.

  If you are interested I can email you a copy of the paper.
  Actually you can find it on line by searching for my name
  or the Canadian Computational Geometry Conference.
  If you have problems understanding the paper I can help.

  Good luck whatever you decide.

  Ralph Boland
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[algogeeks] Re: Deciding on a project

2009-05-25 Thread Ralph Boland

On May 24, 5:05 am, Albert albert.xtheunkno...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm 15 years old and I'm interested in algorithms, data structures,
 computational geometry and general coding. What sort of projects could
 I do in my spare time that fuels my interests and is something I can
 go on with? Other than competing in USACO...


In my Ph.D.  thesis is an algorithm that is quite simple yet pretty
that you might enjoy implementing.
My guess is that it is at least 100 times simpler and 100 times
that the previous best algorithm for polygons of practical size.
This level of improvement is possible in part because the previous
best algorithm for this problem triangulates the input polygon
and my algorithm does not!

Though I know of no applications of this algorithm the simplicity
of the problem suggests that applications are out there.
Who knows, you might be able to sell it.

The algorithm involves computing areas of polygons.
More precisely, given a polygon  P,  the algorithm constructs from
P  a data structure with which, when given a chord  C  of  P,  the
algorithm can compute the areas of the two subpolygons  of  P
determined by  C, say  P1 and  P2.
(In other words the chord  C  cuts the polygon  P  into two smaller
I call  P1 and P2;  that is:P = P1  union  P2  union  C.)
The algorithm requires linear time and space to construct the data
Then, given any input chord  C,  the areas of  P1  and  P2
are computed in constant time.

If you are interested I can email you a copy of the paper.
Actually you can find it on line by searching for my name
or the Canadian Computational Geometry Conference.
If you have problems understanding the paper I can help.

Good luck whatever you decide.

Ralph Boland
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[algogeeks] Re: Geometric Algo..

2008-11-20 Thread Ralph Boland

On Nov 20, 1:46 pm, Monty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Frndz,

     If there are n points on the circumference of circle(order not
 known) ,how can we find out the closest pair in complexity O(nlgn)...

 pls help with the answer... thnx.

The closest pair will be the closest pair measured by distance along
the circle.

Select a start point on the circle and measure distance to each
point in one direction around the circle.

Now sort.

Then add 2pi to each value to create another set of  n  values (2n in
total all sorted).
Then find closest pair in  O(n)  time by comparing consecutive
If closest pair has first value from first set of points and
second value from second pair of points then shorter arc
along circle joining points contains start point.

Ralph Boland
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[algogeeks] two solutions looking for problems to solve

2008-11-16 Thread Ralph Boland

I have two nice algorithms (which I will publish when I get the
for which I would l like to know if there are important applications
of those I know if in Computational Geometry.
Both algorithms are on polygons.
They are:

1)  Visibility of objects in a n vertex simple polygon P.
Consider that you want to construct a data structure that allows you
to in O(1) time:
 a)  Given two vertices or edges of  P  compute if there is a
   chord of the polygon that joins them.
 b)  Given any two of a fixed set of points on the boundary of  P
   compute if there is a chord of the polygon joining them.
 c)   Given any two of a fixed set of points in the interior of
   P  compute  if there is a line segment interior to  P
joining them.

For a) I have a data structure constructed in O(n log n) time
which requires O(n log n) space.  These costs are  O(n)
in best case and the average case is probably good.

For b) and c)  I have data structures constructed in
O((n +k)log(n))  time which requires  O((n+k) log(n))
space where  k  is the number of fixed points.

2)  Ray shooting in a n vertex polygon: Construct a data structure
that allows one to quickly shoot a ray from inside a polygon and
compute the first intersection of the ray  with the boundary of the
There already exist 3 optimal algorithms for this problem and my
solution is not optimal because the building the data structure
O(n log n) time (optimal is O(n)) though, like the optimal
the data structure requires O(n)  space and the actual ray shoot is
O(log n).
The advantages of my algorithm are:
a)  It is considerably simpler than the other algorithms.
b)  The constant coefficients for the complexities are lower than
  the optimal algorithms; thus my algorithm should be faster
  in practice.  I expect this to be true even for the data
 construction step because the worst case O(n log n)
 time scenario is unlikely (I believe).
c)  The algorithm is new and quite different from the optimal
 solutions so there may be room for improvement.
 Perhaps the preprocessing can be reduced to  O(n).

I hasten to point out that my ray shooting algorithm is still missing
a few details so my claims could in the end prove false.

If you have knowledge (or ideas) of  applications of these algorithms
I would  appreciate hearing about them.
Suggestions of other groups that would be interested in my algorithms
would also be appreciated.
I am willing to implement these algorithms; if someone would pay me to
do so of course.


Ralph Boland   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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