[algogeeks] Re: Programming Problem

2012-07-25 Thread Tushar
i think we cannot change the order of the characters

On Thursday, 19 July 2012 11:00:20 UTC+5:30, gobind hemb wrote:

 String s is called *unique* if all the characters of s are different.

 String s2 is *producible* from string s1, if we can remove some 
 characters of s1 to obtain s2.

 String s1 is *more beautiful* than string s2 if length of s1 is more than 
 length of s2 or they have equal length and s1 is lexicographically greater 
 than s2.

 Given a string s you have to find the *most beautiful unique* string that 
 is producible from s.


 First line of input comes a string s having no more than 1,000,000(10^6) 
 characters. all the characters of s are lowercase english letters.


 Print the most beautiful unique string that is producable from s

 *Sample Input:*


 *Sample Output:*



 In the above test case all unique strings that are producible from s are 
 ab and ba and ba is more beautiful than ab.

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[algogeeks] Re: programming problem

2008-05-21 Thread Chonku
You could do this too...

1. Sort the words based on length. Max Time: O(nlogn)
2. Now, Create a tree similar to a state transition diagram. For each word
in the tree, store their start and end pointers.
3. If a word comprises of another word, then the main word would only store
start and end pointers for the enclosed word.
  For example in the tree , the word catsdogcats, will stored as
   original cats+pointer to start and end of dog+pointer to start and end of

 Even if all the words are different, this construction will not take you
more then O(n*w) time where w is the maximum length of any word.

4. Finding the longest word which can be constructed using other words can
either be done online i.e. while constructing the tree or after constructing
the tree, we do it for each unique branch of the tree. Max Time: O(n*I)

Hence. total time: O(n log n)

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 1:56 PM, anshu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This question aint clear
 So, for example in above list hippopotamuses  is also in the list of
 word in the file.
 So this word includes itself and is 14 characters.
 where is a condition that concatenation is a must?

 On May 20, 3:39 am, greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Write a program that reads a file containing a sorted list of
   words (one word per line, no spaces, all lower case), then identifies
   longest  word in the file that can be constructed by concatenating
  copies of
   shorter words also found in the file.
   For example, if the file contained:
   The answer would be 'ratcatdogcat' - at 12 letters, it is the longest
   word made up of other words in the list.
  I'm having trouble coming up with anything other than starting with
  the longest word in the list and checking for each of the other words
  in the list, which seems incredibly inefficient, any ideas or
  suggestions of things to look at?

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[algogeeks] Re: programming problem

2008-05-21 Thread Deepak Manohar
The very fact that the complexity is O(nlogn) doesn't hold good since the
comparison operation takes O(length of string).

Can you give us more details on the algorithm?

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 11:32 AM, Chonku [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You could do this too...

 1. Sort the words based on length. Max Time: O(nlogn)
 2. Now, Create a tree similar to a state transition diagram. For each word
 in the tree, store their start and end pointers.
 3. If a word comprises of another word, then the main word would only store
 start and end pointers for the enclosed word.
   For example in the tree , the word catsdogcats, will stored as
original cats+pointer to start and end of dog+pointer to start and end
 of cats

  Even if all the words are different, this construction will not take you
 more then O(n*w) time where w is the maximum length of any word.

 4. Finding the longest word which can be constructed using other words can
 either be done online i.e. while constructing the tree or after constructing
 the tree, we do it for each unique branch of the tree. Max Time: O(n*I)

 Hence. total time: O(n log n)

 On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 1:56 PM, anshu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This question aint clear
 So, for example in above list hippopotamuses  is also in the list of
 word in the file.
 So this word includes itself and is 14 characters.
 where is a condition that concatenation is a must?

 On May 20, 3:39 am, greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Write a program that reads a file containing a sorted list of
   words (one word per line, no spaces, all lower case), then identifies
   longest  word in the file that can be constructed by concatenating
  copies of
   shorter words also found in the file.
   For example, if the file contained:
   The answer would be 'ratcatdogcat' - at 12 letters, it is the longest
   word made up of other words in the list.
  I'm having trouble coming up with anything other than starting with
  the longest word in the list and checking for each of the other words
  in the list, which seems incredibly inefficient, any ideas or
  suggestions of things to look at?

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[algogeeks] Re: programming problem

2008-05-20 Thread Dave

Well, he does say other words. hippopotamuses is not made up of
other words in the list.

It looks like a recursive procedure would do the trick. It might help
to sort the word list into order by length. Then beginning with the
longest word, find other words that match the beginning of the word.
For each of them, recurse on the rest of the word. If you get to end
the word, you've found your answer.


On May 20, 3:26 am, anshu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This question aint clear
 So, for example in above list hippopotamuses  is also in the list of
 word in the file.
 So this word includes itself and is 14 characters.
 where is a condition that concatenation is a must?

 On May 20, 3:39 am, greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Write a program that reads a file containing a sorted list of
   words (one word per line, no spaces, all lower case), then identifies
   longest  word in the file that can be constructed by concatenating
  copies of
   shorter words also found in the file.

   For example, if the file contained:


   The answer would be 'ratcatdogcat' - at 12 letters, it is the longest
   word made up of other words in the list.

  I'm having trouble coming up with anything other than starting with
  the longest word in the list and checking for each of the other words
  in the list, which seems incredibly inefficient, any ideas or
  suggestions of things to look at?- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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[algogeeks] Re: programming problem

2008-05-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Regular expressions ?

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[algogeeks] Re: programming problem

2008-05-20 Thread Deepak Manohar
You can solve this problem by the following technique:

Proc 1: Take any word W in the file
Find all strings S(k) which are formed by concatenating k words in the file
and is a prefix of W. [A word can repeat multiple times in different places]
As you can see, number of words in S(k) will certainly be greater than or
equal to S(k+1). Further, S(k+1) can be formed using S(k).

Algo1: You run the Proc 1 finding S(k)s for each k = 2 until you either
1. find some count(S(k)) = 0 where you are not able to find other words
which can be used to form the current word
2. if some word in S(k) is equivalent to W, then you have a candidate word W
which can be formed using other words.

Here goes the pseudo code for the program :

*vs arr; *// a vector of strings containing the word that I am searching

// The function takes as input an integer pos. This pos is the index of
the string in arr for which we are finding whether the string arr[pos] can
be formed using other words.
*bool canForm(int pos) {*
bool *tmp, *tmp1;
int l = arr[pos].size();
tmp = new bool[l+1];
tmp1 = new bool[l+1];
for(i,0,l+1) tmp1[i] = tmp[i] = false;
tmp[0] = true;
while (true) {
bool atleastOne = false;
for(i,0,l+1) tmp1[i] = false;
for(i,0,l) {
if (tmp[i] == true) {
for(j,0,arr.size()) {
if (pos != j) {
if (l - i = arr[j].size()) {
bool match = true;
for(k,0,arr[j].size()) {
if (arr[j][k] != arr[pos][i+k]) {
match = false;
if (match) {
tmp1[i + arr[j].size()] = true;
atleastOne = true;
if (i + arr[j].size() == l) return true;
bool *t = tmp;
tmp = tmp1;
tmp1 = t;
if (!atleastOne) return false;
// never comes
return false;

worst case time complexity : If there are n words and the maximum length
string is of length l, then O(n^2 * l ^ 2)


On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 11:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Regular expressions ?


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[algogeeks] Re: programming problem

2008-02-17 Thread robin

Does anyone has any ideas on how to solve it?
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[algogeeks] Re: programming problem

2008-02-17 Thread robin

The following is a statement of a programming problem i encountered
I don't know how to solve it.
Any ideas??

The owner of shop Jell Bells has order a large consignment of jell
balls which is about to arrive. He has
hired you as an assistant to help him sort the balls and put them in
their respective containers at the shop (pretty
simple ? HuH!!).

Now the Job Profile Is  :

The balls are of different colors (say n), though many of the colors
are repeated. Whenever the balls are removed
from the consignment, they have to be kept in some temporary sack
(say a stack) with each ball on top of other in
no particular order. Each sack is of infinite capacity and you can
use as many sacks as u like. When all the balls are
removed from the consignment, they are then to be put in their
respective colored containers at the store. Here
comes the tricky thing, any colored container can be given to you by
the owner to be filled. All the balls of that
particular color have to be put in container at once. It may be
possible that that particular colored ball is at the
bottom of the sack, then you have to first move all the balls above
it in some other sack. The owner wants that the
number of temporary sacks multiplied by the number of moves is
minimum. (How moves are counted  when a ird
move) and so on, then finally to the container (last move) for that
particular ball). Once the things are sorted, you
get your pay (and some jell balls too. Yummy!!)

The first line of input contains an integer X, specifying the number
of test cases. Second line contains number of
containers N, and the number of balls M. the third line is the
sequence in which the balls are removed from the
consignment. Fourth is the order in which the owner of shop gives you
the containers to be filled.

The first line of output will be the number of moves P, and the
number of sacks used Q.
From second line onwards you have to specify each and every move as
described in the example below.


Say the N colors are represented by numbers 1 to n, the temporary

sacks as temp1,
Sample input
3 6
3 3 2 2 1 1
1 2 3

Sample output
12 1
Move 1 :: put ball 3 in temp1
Move 2 :: put ball 3 in temp1
Move 3 :: put ball 2 in temp1
Move 4 :: put ball 2 in temp1
Move 5 :: put ball 1 in temp1
Move 6 :: put ball 1 in temp1
Move 7 :: put ball 1 in cont1
Move 8 :: put ball 1 in cont1
Move 9 :: put ball 2 in cont2
Move 10 :: put ball 2 in cont2
Move 11 :: put ball 3 in cont3
Move 12 :: put ball 3 in cont3

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