[alto] WGLC for draft-ietf-alto-path-vector-11

2020-09-28 Thread Jan Seedorf

Dear all,

as discussed during the ALTO session at IETF-108, we are moving forward 
with all the remaining milestones.

Thus, this email starts a WGLC for draft-ietf-alto-path-vector-11. The 
WGLC will run two weeks, so from today, Monday, September 28, until 
Monday, Oktober 12, 2020.

We would like to have two individual reviews of this document as part of 
the WGLC. Please send us an email if you are willing review the draft as 
part of WGLC. We really need these reviews to make progress.

 - Vijay and Jan

alto mailing list

[alto] WGLC for draft-ietf-alto-performance-metrics-12

2020-09-28 Thread Jan Seedorf

Dear all,

as discussed during the ALTO session at IETF-108, we are moving forward 
with all the remaining milestones.

Thus, this email starts a WGLC for 
draft-ietf-alto-performance-metrics-12. The WGLC will run two weeks, so 
from today, Monday, September 28, until Monday, Oktober 12, 2020.

We would like to have two individual reviews of this document as part of 
the WGLC. Please send us an email if you are willing review the draft as 
part of WGLC. We really need these reviews to make progress.

 - Vijay and Jan

alto mailing list

Re: [alto] Interested in reviewing unified-props? And other drafts as well

Hi Vijay,

My apologies for my lack of responsiveness, I have had a number of subsequent 
events impeding me to concentrate on this.

My answer is yes, and I take October 9th as hard deadline for providing my 
review. Is that correct?

Apologies again for my late expression of interest on performing it.

Best regards


De: alto  En nombre de Vijay Gurbani
Enviado el: lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2020 17:43
Para: Luis M. Contreras 
Asunto: [alto] Interested in reviewing unified-props? And other drafts as well

Dear Luis: Are you still interested in reviewing unified-props?  If so, can you 
please let Jan and me know as soon as possible?  The draft needs an in-depth 
WGLC review by Oct. 9.

All: Since my posting asking for volunteers to review unified-props [1], I have 
received no offers.  Considering that we have performance-metrics draft and the 
path-vector draft that need to be reviewed for WGLC, the lack of review 
volunteers do not bode well.

One logical conclusion that can be drawn if we do not get any review offers is 
that the WG does not have the energy to finish existing work.  This begs the 
question on why recharter ALTO if we cannot meet the current deadlines.

A subset of you are organizing weekly meetings to further the work on drafts 
and re-chartering.  My advice would be that effort spent on those meetings 
should be redirected (or at least shared) with reviewing existing drafts so we 
can finish up the work and get ready for re-chartering.

[1] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/alto/cWi2YNk6odQ_hL-0oF9GRxKyYqs/


- vijay

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alto mailing list

[alto] Interested in reviewing unified-props? And other drafts as well

2020-09-28 Thread Vijay Gurbani
Dear Luis: Are you still interested in reviewing unified-props?  If so, can
you please let Jan and me know as soon as possible?  The draft needs an
in-depth WGLC review by Oct. 9.

All: Since my posting asking for volunteers to review unified-props [1], I
have received no offers.  Considering that we have performance-metrics
draft and the path-vector draft that need to be reviewed for WGLC, the lack
of review volunteers do not bode well.

One logical conclusion that can be drawn if we do not get any review offers
is that the WG does not have the energy to finish existing work.  This begs
the question on why recharter ALTO if we cannot meet the current deadlines.

A subset of you are organizing weekly meetings to further the work on
drafts and re-chartering.  My advice would be that effort spent on those
meetings should be redirected (or at least shared) with reviewing existing
drafts so we can finish up the work and get ready for re-chartering.

[1] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/alto/cWi2YNk6odQ_hL-0oF9GRxKyYqs/


- vijay
alto mailing list

[alto] Meeting Info for Sep 30, 2020

2020-09-28 Thread kaigao
Hi everyone,

As usual, we will have a weekly meeting this Wednesday (Sep 30) at 9:00 am US 


1. WG document: unified property

2. Recharter discussion: ALTO east-west interface

Bridge link: https://yale.zoom.us/my/yryang

The detailed agenda will be announced later, once we confirm with potential 

Important Notice:

1. Agenda bash: Despite the fixed agenda items, it is encouraged that anyone 
who wants to present or lead a discussion to issue an "agenda bash", i.e., by 
replying this email or directly sending me a request with the following 

Presenter name:


Estimated time:

2. Doodle poll: We have launched a doodle poll to help find the time that works 
for most people from the working group. However, it only receives 4 submissions 
at this point. It is much appreciated if you can take a minute to submit your 
preferences (see [1]), thanks a lot!

Best Regards,


[1] https://doodle.com/poll/e39rpsm9sr7s4mgi___
alto mailing list