Re: missing files

2001-05-14 Thread Bernhard R. Erdmann

 dump 0.4b16-1 on a debian potato system.

Go get a newer version of Linux dump (0.4b22, as many bugfixes have been applied.

Re: problem backing up a host with more than 171 disklist entries of root-tar

2001-05-14 Thread Bernhard R. Erdmann

 Please let me know if this solves your problem so I can get it into the
 source tree.

Amanda rocks! (No problem after applying your patch)

Thanks you very much for your quick help - what's the number of your
paypal account? ;-)


full back up

2001-05-14 Thread Jens Krause


I've got a problem with my Amanda installation:

I am using Amanda version 2.4.2p2 on SuSE-Linux 6.3 (i386) - Kernel

Amanda should always do only full backups daily (Mo to Fr), weekly
(every Sa)
and monthly (every 1st Day in month).
For that i have 3 configurations, and all have the same settings
(without configname
and no of tapes):

# general parameters
- dumpcycle 0 day  # the number of days in the normal dump cycle

# dumptypes
define dumptype global {
   strategy noinc

All was working well, but since a few weeks my weekly configuration is
trying to do
a level 2 backup of the disk /usr2. Last week i forced a full backup of
this disk via
amadmin, but the last backup failed again with

  gretel /usr2 lev 0 FAILED [can't switch to incremental dump]

First this behaviour occured with Amanda 2.4.2b2, so i updated to
2.4.2p2 last week. But Amanda is trying to continue to do incrementals.

Because of the description in amanda.conf (2.4.2b2)

# noinc- do level 0 dumps every time.
#  Unfortunately, this is not currently
#  implemented.  Use `dumpcycle 0'
#  instead.

I commented out this command, but nothing changes.

I have nothing changed on the Amanda server, in the configurations or
something else. So why is Amanda trying to do incrementals since a
few weeks?

Please reply to me directly, because i'm not subscribed in the list

I have attached the Amanda-email my amanda.conf.

Jens Krause



Subject: woche AMANDA MAIL REPORT FOR May 13, 2001
X-AntiVirus: scanned for viruses by AMaViS 0.2.1 (

*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [label Tagessicherung.Freitag doesn't match
labelstr ^Wochensicherung.Woche[1-5]].
Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
Run amflush to flush them to tape.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: Wochensicherung.Woche2.

  gretel /usr2 lev 0 FAILED [can't switch to incremental dump]

  Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:08
Run Time (hrs:min) 1:33
Dump Time (hrs:min)1:25   1:25   0:00
Output Size (meg)8437.5 8437.50.0
Original Size (meg)  8437.5 8437.50.0
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- --
Filesystems Dumped6  6  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)  1696.0 1696.0--

Tape Time (hrs:min)0:00   0:00   0:00
Tape Size (meg)
Tape Used (%)
Filesystems Taped 0  0  0
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s) -- -- --

  planner: Forcing full dump of henko:/ as directed.
  planner: Forcing full dump of henko:/opt as directed.
  planner: Forcing full dump of gretel:/ as directed.
  planner: Forcing full dump of gretel:/opt/informix as directed.
  planner: Forcing full dump of gretel:/usr2 as directed.
  planner: Forcing full dump of gretel:/usr5 as directed.
  planner: Forcing full dump of focus:/ as directed.


-- -

focus/   0 146146   --   60:17 403.7   N/A   N/A

gretel   /   0 28648322864832   --   13:163599.8   N/A   N/A

gretel   -t/informix 0   65088  65088   --0:106199.8   N/A   N/A

gretel   /usr2   0 FAILED
gretel   /usr5   0 38152003815200   --7:597961.3   N/A   N/A

henko/   0  307040 307040   --2:252120.8   N/A   N/A

henko/opt0  127808 127808   --0:482685.1   N/A   N/A

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.2p2)



# amanda.conf - sample Amanda configuration file.  This started off life
#   the actual config file in use at CS.UMD.EDU.
# If your configuration is called, say, csd, then this file normally
# in @CONFIG_DIR@/csd/amanda.conf.

# general parameters
org woche# your organization name for reports
mailto root# space separated list of operators at your site
dumpuser root # the user to run dumps under

inparallel 5  # maximum dumpers that will run in parallel
netusage  1200 Kbps # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, in KB per sec

dumpcycle 0 day  # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 0 day  # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days

Re: Can load but can't eject tapes...

2001-05-14 Thread Lennart Hansen

On Thursday 10 May 2001 22:18, John R. Jackson wrote:
  You want to put:
eject 1
  in your chg-scsi config file ...
 Have allready tryed that, but it don't work..

 What did it do?  I'd like to see the chg-scsi*debug file that goes along
 with this.

I have tryed to use both 1 and 2 on eject, in chg-scsi.conf, nothing works..

If i use
$mt -f /dev/nst0 offline 
followed by 
$mtx -f /dev/sga first, next... whatever..
it works

The debug file, is attached.

 Just to be clear, are you using the chg-scsi that comes with 2.4.2p2
 or did you get the one from 2.5 (or something else)?

I have tryed 2.4.2p2, and the latest cvs..



 Lennart Hansen, System Administrator @ DixaNet (UK) Ltd.

 Mobile:[+45] 51 39 67 42   Vedbæk Strandvej 341
 Phone: [+45] 45 67 67 42   DK-2950 Vedbæk
 Fax.:  [+45] 45 67 67 45   [Enrum Castle]

Quitters Never Win, Winners Never Quit, But Those Who Never Win 
AND Never Quit Are Idiots. 

chg-scsi: debug 1 pid 11770 ruid 24 euid 24 start time Mon May 14 11:28:11 2001
chg-scsi: $Id: chg-scsi.c,v 1.26 2001/05/07 17:57:12 ant Exp $
ARG [0] : /usr/local/amanda/libexec/chg-scsi
ARG [1] : -slot
ARG [2] : next
Number of configurations: 1
Tapes need eject: Yes
barcode reader  : No
Tapes need sleep: 90 seconds
Cleancycles : 100
Changerdevice   : /dev/sga
Labelfile   : /usr/local/amanda/etc/amanda/Daily/labelfile
Tapeconfig Nr: 0
  Drivenumber   : 0
  Startslot : 0
  Endslot   : 4
  Cleanslot : 6
  Devicename: /dev/nst0
  changerident  : none
  SCSITapedev   : /dev/sga
  tapeident : none
  statfile  : /usr/local/amanda/etc/amanda/Daily/tapestatus
  Slotfile  : /usr/local/amanda/etc/amanda/Daily/tape-slot
  Cleanfile : /usr/local/amanda/etc/amanda/Daily/tape-clean
  Usagecount: /usr/local/amanda/etc/amanda/Daily/totaltime
 # START LogSense
# START DecodeSense
LogSense :Sense Keys
ErrorCode 00
Valid 0
ASC   00
ASCQ  00
Sense key 00
No Sense
LogSense : Tape_Ready failed
# START LookupElement
# STOP LookupElement (DTE)
# START LookupElement
# STOP LookupElement (STE)
# START DecodeSense
SCSI_Move :Sense Keys
ErrorCode 70
Valid 0
ASC   3B
ASCQ  90
Sense key 05
Illegal Request
SCSI_Move : end 0
 # START GenericClean
# START RequestSense
GenericClean :
# START DecodeExtSense
GenericClean : Extended Sense
# START DecodeSense
GenericClean : Sense Keys
ErrorCode 70
Valid 0
ASC   00
ASCQ  00
Sense key 00
No Sense
Log Parameter Page Code 00
Log Parameter Code  00
Underrun/Overrun Counter00
Read/Write Error Counter0
Tape Drive needs to be cleaned
Remaing 1024 byte tape blocks   0
Tracking Retry Counter  00
Read/Write Retry Counter00
Fault Sympton Code  00
# START LookupElement
# STOP LookupElement (DTE)
# START LookupElement
# STOP LookupElement (STE)
# START DecodeSense
SCSI_Move :Sense Keys
ErrorCode 70
Valid 0
ASC   3B
ASCQ  90
Sense key 05
Illegal Request
SCSI_Move : end 0
 # START GenericClean
# START RequestSense
GenericClean :
# START DecodeExtSense
GenericClean : Extended Sense
# START DecodeSense
GenericClean : Sense Keys
ErrorCode 70
Valid 0
ASC   00
ASCQ  00
Sense key 00
No Sense
Log Parameter Page Code 00
Log Parameter Code  00
Underrun/Overrun Counter00
Read/Write Error Counter0
Tape Drive needs to be cleaned
Remaing 1024 byte tape blocks   0
Tracking Retry Counter  00
Read/Write Retry Counter00
Fault Sympton Code  00
# START LookupElement
# STOP LookupElement (DTE)
# START LookupElement
# STOP LookupElement (STE)
# START DecodeSense
SCSI_Move :Sense Keys


2001-05-14 Thread Jens Krause


I've got a problem with restoring files from a special disk.

My Amanda installation:
Amanda version 2.4.2p2 on SuSE-Linux 6.3 (i386) - Kernel 2.2.19.
For backing up and restoring I am using Gnutar.

My disklist looks as follows (the part of the requested disk):

# Gretel:
gretel  /  gretel
gretel  /opt/informix  gretel
gretel  /usr2  gretel
gretel  /usr5  gretel

The (requested) dumptype in amanda.conf:

# dumptypes
define dumptype global {
comment Global definitions
compress none
priority high
# strategy noinc
index yes
program GNUTAR

define dumptype gretel {
comment remote gretel
exclude list /usr/local/var/amanda/exclude.gretel

The filesystem is mounted as follows:

/dev/rd/c0d0p1 on / type ext2 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
/dev/rd/c0d0p3 on /opt type ext2 (rw)
/dev/rd/c0d0p5 on /usr2 type ext2 (rw)
/dev/rd/c0d0p6 on /usr5 type ext2 (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=0620)

I want to restore the file usr/local/sbin/exec, which is mounted
on root (/).

For that i'm using the following command:

amrestore -p /dev/st0 gretel / | tar -xvf - ./usr/local/sbin/exec

Amanda answers:

amrestore:   0: skipping start of tape: date 20010514 label
amrestore:   1: restoring gretel._opt_informix.20010513.0
tar: ./usr/local/sbin/exec: Not found in archive
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

Amanda wasn't looking in the right disk!

If i do the command without the diskname, i get the same answer:
# amrestore -p /dev/st0 gretel | tar -xvf - ./usr/local/sbin/exec

amrestore:   0: skipping start of tape: date 20010514 label
amrestore:   1: restoring gretel._opt_informix.20010513.0
tar: ./usr/local/sbin/exec: Not found in archive
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

So Amanda won't looking for the right disk. She is looking in the first
disk on tape (belonging to the requested Host) and exit then.
But as documented Amanda should looking for the file in all disks
to this host!

At last i tried to do a restore without giving host- or diskname to
the same result:
amrestore -p /dev/st0 | tar -tvf - ./usr/local/sbin/exec

amrestore:   0: skipping start of tape: date 20010514 label
amrestore:   1: restoring gretel._opt_informix.20010513.0
tar: ./usr/local/sbin/exec: Not found in archive
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

In this case Amanda should search for the file in all hosts and disks on
But she doesn't! Can you help me?

Please reply to me directly, because i'm not subscribed in the list

Jens Krause

changing volumes on pioe input

2001-05-14 Thread Mair, Wolfgang

Hello list,

can somebody please help me with the following problem:

I'm using amanda 2.4.2p2 on Solaris 8 and I don't have a tape device,
therfore I need to restore from the holdingdisk. The backup runs fine, I'm
doing a full backup (always-full) on each run. But with the restore I'm
having problems.

I'm trying to restore from the holding disk, after I mounted the directory
from the backup server. I use the following command:

dd if=/a/20010515/volvo._dev_dsk-c0t0d0s7.0 bs=32k skip=1 | ufsrestore -ifv

After entering the command, the ufsrestore runs fine for a while. Then I get
the following message:

42267+0 records in
42267+0 records out
changing volumes on pipe input
abort? [yn]

The only thing I can do at this point is to abort the restore. When I abort
it the system core is dumped. It looks to me as it only occurs while
restoring partitions arround or greater 1 Gbyte.
When I dump the image into a file f. e.:

dd if=volvo._dev_dsk-c0t0d0s7.0 bs=32k skip=1 of=volvopart7

and run ufsrestore:

ufsrestore -ifv ./volvopart7

ufsrestore expects a second volume. But there is no second volume...:-((( 

Any help or ideas would be appreciated


Re: Restore

2001-05-14 Thread Bernhard R. Erdmann

 I want to restore the file usr/local/sbin/exec, which is mounted
 on root (/).
 For that i'm using the following command:
 amrestore -p /dev/st0 gretel / | tar -xvf - ./usr/local/sbin/exec

Please specify / as /. The filesystem is interpreted as a regular
expression, so you'll have to write '^/$' (' for/against the shell).
And please do use /dev/nst0, just forget /dev/st0:

amrestore -p /dev/nst0 gretel '^/$' | tar -xvf - ./usr/local/sbin/exec

...will do the trick

Re: IPSec for safety?

2001-05-14 Thread Greg Troxel

I would expect IPsec to work.  However, it will be slightly
non-straigthforward to set up with SPD entries, since one would have
to define selectors to describe the Amanda traffic.  Packets to
UDP/10080 (in src/out dst on tape host, and in dst/out src on clients)
should be easy, but the ports used for TCP connections appear to be
hard to predict.

So, I think that modifying the Amanda source to make the appropriate
kernel calls to bind policy to the Amanda sockets is the right thing
to do.

Of course, one still needs to set up an IKE daemon or manual keying.

Also, I realize you said you didn't want to set up Kerberos, but IMHO
it's no harder than making IPsec work for Amanda.


Re: missing files

2001-05-14 Thread Ray Shaw

On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 08:57:02AM +0200, Bernhard R. Erdmann wrote:
  dump 0.4b16-1 on a debian potato system.
 Go get a newer version of Linux dump (0.4b22, as many bugfixes have been applied.

Probably the best way to do this is to temporarily change the potato
to woody in your /etc/apt/sources file, apt-get update, install
dump, then change it back.  The new version of apt can keep track of
things like this without having to shuffle config lines, but you
wouldn't have the new version with potato :)

Woody has 0.4b21-4 (likely with some of the later fixes backported).


Sotto la panca la capra crepa
sopra la panca la capra campa

error: Connection refused

2001-05-14 Thread Mirek

Hello everybody!

We have amanda running with 10 hosts and since two weeks i get only errors
from some hosts, before everything was working fine
I'm using amandahosts.
Can please somebody help?
Thank you in advance!

amcheck reports:

WARNING: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.1p1)

but on the host seems everything ok:

[root@amanda]# less selfcheck.debug
selfcheck: debug 1 pid 2847 ruid 202 euid 202 start time Mon May 14 18:31:10
/usr/local/amanda/libexec/selfcheck: version 2.4.1p1
checking disk sda2: device /var: OK
checking disk sda4: device /web1: OK
checking disk sda1: device /: OK
selfcheck: pid 2847 finish time Mon May 14 18:31:10 2001

mostly amandad.debug contains this:

amandad: got ack:

Amanda 2.4 REQ HANDLE 006-E8720508 SEQ 989857978
SERVICE selfcheck

amandad: weird, it's not a proper ack
  addr: peer 13AC98C2 dup 13AC98C2, port: peer B6F1 dup BAF1
amandad: sending REP packet:

Amanda 2.4 REP HANDLE 006-E8720508 SEQ 989857978
OK sda2
OK sda4
OK sda1
OK /usr/local/amanda/libexec/runtar executable
OK /usr/bin/gtar executable
OK /etc/amandates read/writable
OK /usr/local/amanda/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/. read/writable
OK /usr/bin/gzip executable
OK /dev/null read/writable
OK /tmp has more than 64 KB available.
OK /tmp/amanda has more than 64 KB available.
OK /etc has more than 64 KB available.

amandad: waiting for ack: Connection refused, retrying
amandad: waiting for ack: Connection refused, retrying
amandad: waiting for ack: Connection refused, retrying
amandad: waiting for ack: Connection refused, retrying
amandad: waiting for ack: Connection refused, giving up!
amandad: pid 2876 finish time Mon May 14 18:36:51 2001

sometimes i get also this :

got packet:

Amanda 2.4 REQ HANDLE 006-E8720508 SEQ 989857638
SERVICE selfcheck

sending ack:

Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 006-E8720508 SEQ 989857638

amandad: running service /usr/local/amanda/libexec/selfcheck
amandad: error receiving message: Connection refused

Re: changing volumes on pioe input

2001-05-14 Thread John R. Jackson

I'm trying to restore from the holding disk, after I mounted the directory
from the backup server. I use the following command:

dd if=/a/20010515/volvo._dev_dsk-c0t0d0s7.0 bs=32k skip=1 | ufsrestore -ifv -

After entering the command, the ufsrestore runs fine for a while. Then I get
the following message:

42267+0 records in
42267+0 records out
changing volumes on pipe input
abort? [yn]

That means ufsrestore did not get the end of image markers it

Is your image split into multiple chunks in the holding disk?  If so,
or even if not, you might want to use amrestore rather than dd to pipe
into ufsrestore:

  amrestore -p /a/20010515/volvo._dev_dsk-c0t0d0s7.0 volvo | ufsrestore ...

Amrestore knows about multiple holding disk chunks and will go from one
to the other.  Using dd to do that will be more challenging :-).


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

can't switch to incremental dump

2001-05-14 Thread ahall


I ran an amadmin to force a level 0 dump, then ran amdump.  I received the
following error

can't switch to incremental dump

Why is amanda trying to do an incremental dump, when I just told it to do
a full?


Re: can't switch to incremental dump

2001-05-14 Thread John R. Jackson

Why is amanda trying to do an incremental dump, when I just told it to do
a full?

Amanda always tries to fall back to an incremental if it cannot do
a full dump.  The message is just telling you it couldn't fall back
because you forced it to do a full.

The reason it could not do the full should also be in the messages.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: can't switch to incremental dump

2001-05-14 Thread ahall

You are correct.. I just missed it.  Sorry for the unnecessary mail...



On Mon, 14 May 2001, John R. Jackson wrote:

 Why is amanda trying to do an incremental dump, when I just told it to do
 a full?

 Amanda always tries to fall back to an incremental if it cannot do
 a full dump.  The message is just telling you it couldn't fall back
 because you forced it to do a full.

 The reason it could not do the full should also be in the messages.


 John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No Subject

2001-05-14 Thread daniel . a . fulton