Re: Backing up PostgreSQL?

2002-06-14 Thread Ragnar Kjørstad

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 04:57:16PM -0500, Kirk Strauser wrote:
 At 2002-06-13T21:26:22Z, Ragnar Kjørstad [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  The easiest way to snapshot the filesystem is to use a logical volume
  manager (LVM or EVMS on linux) and then do:
  1. take database offline
  2. take snapshot
  3. take database online
  4. backup from snapshot
  5. remove snapshot
 I'm on FreeBSD-STABLE right now, so that's unfortunately not an option at
 the moment.  I'm interested that you include steps #1 and #3, though.  On
 FreeBSD-CURRENT, the snapshot is atomic.  There wouldn't be a need to stop
 or restart any services.  Is it different on Linux?

snapshot is atomic on linux as well, but by shutting the database down
first you allow postgresql to shut down cleanly.

If fsync is enabled and so on you should still be able to start with a
consistant database, so I suppose it's not strictly required.

Ragnar Kjørstad
Big Storage

Re: How to Configure Tapeless Backup in 2.4.3

2002-06-14 Thread Steve Follmer

Anyone have a .conf for using the new tapeless backup techniques
introduced in 2.4.3? I too am stuck; my best guess is this:

There are 2 ways to do tapeless backup: 
(a) The 2.4.2 and below way (just uses holding disk) 
(b) the 2.4.3 way (if anyone has this working please post your .conf!) 
(no holding disk needed I guess; uses new file driver, somehow) 

Way (a) seems to be well described, and oughta works with 2.4.3 and up 
The FAQ 
_highlightWords=tapelessfile=191 states... 

...I've set up a system using 2.4.2p2 to backup to nfs mounted drive 
space just recently. If you are able to use 2.4.3, there is a 
setting to save to disk. Check the docs or the mail archives... 

I have checked the docs and the mail archives and have had no joy. 
I'd would love to use the whiz-bang new 2.4.3 technique but 
despite the optimistic language in the FAQ, the docs and the mail 
archives do not adequately describe technique (b). Following are 
2 long posts. The first is the somewhat sparse documentation in 
the 2.4.3 docs. It may soon be time to give up on (b) and surrender 
to the adequately documented (a) technique. People won't use new
features if they are not documented enough. The second long posting 
details one man's use of technique (a). 

We should all stop confusing the 2 different tapeless approaches. 
And if anyone is successfully using the new 2.4.3 (b) technique, 
could you post your .conf file? The helpful descriptions of the (a) 
technique are masking the need for fuller documentation of the (b) 
technique. I tried something like Mohamed in his earlier post with
the same bad results.


New in 2.4.3 man page... but hard to grok... can't make it work
(See Mohamed's posting)...

   The  normal value for the tapedev parameter, or for what a 
   tape changer returns, is a full path name to a non-rewind- 
   ing  tape  device,  such  as  /dev/nst0 or /dev/rmt/0mn or 
   /dev/nst0.1 or whatever conventions the  operating  system 
   uses.Amanda   provides  additional  application  level 
   drivers that support non-tradition  tape  simulatation  or 
   features.  To access a specific output driver, set tapedev 
   (or configure your changer to return) a string of the form 
   driver:driver-info  where  driver  is one of the supported 
   drivers and driver-info is optional additional information 
   needed by the driver. 
   The supported drivers are: 
   tape  This  is the default driver.  The driver-info is 
 the tape device name.  Entering /dev/rmt/0mn  is 
 really a short hand for tape:/dev/rmt/0mn. 
   null  This  driver  throws away anything written to it 
 and returns EOF for any reads except  a  special 
 case  is made for reading a label, in which case 
 a fake value is returned  that  Amanda  checks 
 for  and  allows  through regardless of what you 
 have set in labelstr.  The driver-info field  is 
 not used and may be left blank: 
tapedev null: 
 The length value from the associated tapetype is 
 used to limit the amount of data written.   When 
 the  limit  is reached, the driver will simulate 
 end of tape. 
 NOTE: this driver should only be used for debug- 
 ging  and  testing,  and  probably only with the 
 record option set to no. 
   rait  Redundant  Array  of  Inexpensive  (?)Tapes. 
 Reads  and  writes  tapes  mounted  on  multiple 
 drives by spreading the data across  N-1  drives 
 and  using  the  last drive for a checksum.  See 
 docs/RAIT for more information. 
 The driver-info field describes the  devices  to 
 use.   Curly  braces  indicate multiple replace- 
 ments in the string.  For instance: 
tapedev rait:/dev/rmt/tps0d{4,5,6}n 
 would use the following devices: 
   file  This driver emulates a tape device with a set of 
 files  in  a  directory.   The driver-info field 
 must be the name of an existing directory.   The 
 driver  will  test  for  a  subdirectory of that 
 named data and return offline until it  is  pre- 
 sent.   When  present, the driver uses two files 
 in the data subdirectory  for  each  tape  file. 
 One  contains  the  actual data.  The other con- 
 tains record length information. 

Re: Backing up PostgreSQL?

2002-06-14 Thread Ragnar Kjørstad

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 05:33:31PM -0500, Brandon D. Valentine wrote:
 The easiest way to snapshot the filesystem is to use a logical volume
 manager (LVM or EVMS on linux) and then do:
 1. take database offline
 2. take snapshot
 3. take database online
 4. backup from snapshot
 5. remove snapshot
 I would like to comment that while this is a possible way to backup your
 database, it's not the way I would recommend going about it.  There are
 a couple of caveats:
 1) In order to take a filesystem snapshot you must have enough diskspace
 elsewhere to contain the filesystem snapshot.  If your database resides
 on a large filesystem with other data[0] then you're unlikely to want to
 deal with caching an entire snapshot until amanda backs it up.

You need extra space with both approaches (pg_dump and snapshot). Which
solution requires the most space will depend on many factors, e.g. how
much you write you your database. If it's mostly read-only, the snapshot
will not require much space.

 2) Backing up a database by grabbing the actual files off of the disk
 can introduce problems if trying to restore onto, for instance, an
 upgraded version of Postgres, which might have changed the ondisk
 representation slightly.  There are also problems if you migrate to a
 different architecture since things like byte ordering can change.  By
 generating a database dump with pg_dump you insure that you have a
 portable, plain text file full of valid query commands which can be read
 into any future version of Postgres and possibly even into other RDMBS
 products provided you choose a pg_dump format which is standards
 complaint enough.

Yes, this is a backup-solution, not a migration-solution.

pg_dumps can not always be imported into newer postgresql versions
without modifications.

 3) If your snapshot code is not atomic it means you must take your
 database server down everytime you make the snapshot, which on a large
 filesystem could be a non-trivial amount of time.  With pg_dump you're
 just dumping the tables via the standard Postgres interface so you've
 got no issues with doing it on a running database.

Hmm, is the pg_dump consistent?
IOW, is it done in a single transaction? (even for multiple databases?)
If yes, would a very long-running pg_dump not cause problems for the
running server? I know postgresql doesn't lock whole tables, but it
means that if data changes postgresql needs to keep two branches, and it
will require extra diskspace and I suppose also introduce overhead to
other processes?

Of course, if the database is mostly read-only this is just a minor
problem, but that's true for snapshot-backups as well.

Ragnar Kjørstad
Big Storage

remote backup still fails

2002-06-14 Thread klavs klavsen

Hi guys,

I still haven't solved this issue.. I hope you have an idea as to what
is wrong.

My guess, is that the following error message is the reason - but what
does it mean?

FAIL taper / 20020612 0 [input: can't open: ¼S^F: No such
 file or director
 FAIL driver / 20020612 0 [dump to tape failed]

My disklist only contain:

localhost / always-full / always-full

p.s. is in my hosts file - on both machines.

On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 19:00, klavs klavsen wrote:
 Hi guys,
 I'm setting up Amanda-2.4.3b3.
 I've set it to log to my disk - and it seems to backup my localhost
 If I run amcheck, it returns all fine - also on remote host.
 I've put my amdump.1 log in the bottom - sorry I had to include it all,
 but I didn't know what was important.
 heres what I get in my backup-log:
 DISK planner localhost /
 DISK planner /
 START driver date 20020612
 START planner date 20020612
 WARNING planner Last full dump of localhost:/ on tape DiskBackup11
 overwritten on this run.
 WARNING planner Last full dump of on tape  overwritten
 in 1 run.
 START taper datestamp 20020612 label DiskBackup11 tape 0
 INFO planner Incremental of localhost:/ bumped to level 2.
 FINISH planner date 20020612
 STATS driver startup time 735.308
 STRANGE dumper localhost / 0 [sec 995.448 kb 3039930 kps 3053.8 orig-kb
   sendbackup: start [localhost:/ level 0]
   sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/tar
   sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/tar -f... -
   sendbackup: info end
   | gtar: ./dev/gpmctl: socket ignored
 [SNIP more socket ignored msgs]
   | gtar: ./var/prelude/socket: socket ignored
   | Total bytes written: 3112888320 (2.9GB, 3.0MB/s)
   sendbackup: size 3039930
   sendbackup: end
 SUCCESS taper localhost / 20020612 0 [sec 995.770 kb 3039968 kps 3052.9
 {wr: writers 94999 rdwait 956.222 wrwait 38.908 filemark 0.043}]
 FAIL taper / 20020612 0 [input: can't open: ¼S^F: No such
 file or director
 FAIL driver / 20020612 0 [dump to tape failed]
 INFO taper tape DiskBackup11 kb 3039968 fm 2 [OK]
 FINISH driver date 20020612 time 1921.265
 amdump log:
 amdump: start at Wed Jun 12 14:06:41 CEST 2002
 amdump: datestamp 20020612
 planner: pid 27386 executable /usr/lib/amanda/planner version 2.4.3b3
 planner: build: VERSION=Amanda-2.4.3b3
 planner:BUILT_DATE=Wed Jun 5 21:23:29 CEST 2002
 planner:BUILT_MACH=Linux 2.4.18 #1 Sat May 18
 01:53:27 CEST 2002 i686 unknown
 planner:CONFIGURE_COMMAND='./configure' '--prefix=/usr'
 '--exec-prefix=/usr' '--bindir=/usr/bin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin'
 '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--datadir=/usr/share' '--includedir=/usr/include'
 '--libdir=/usr/lib' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/amanda'
 '--localstatedir=/var/lib/lib' '--sharedstatedir=/usr/com'
 '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--host=i586-mandrake-linux-gnu'
 '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--enable-shared'
 '--with-smbclient=/usr/bin/smbclient' '--with-amandahosts'
 '--with-user=amanda' '--with-group=disk' '--with-gnutar=/bin/tar'
 planner: paths: bindir=/usr/bin sbindir=/usr/sbin
 [SNIP planner: dirstuff]
 planner: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER=localhost DEFAULT_CONFIG=DailySet1
 planner: dgram_bind: socket bound to
 driver: pid 27387 executable /usr/lib/amanda/driver version 2.4.3b3
 driver: send-cmd time 0.006 to taper: START-TAPER 20020612
 startup took 0.022 secs
 setting up estimates for localhost:/
 localhost:/ overdue 1 day for level 0
 setup_estimate: localhost:/: command 0, options:
 last_level 1 next_level0 -1 level_days 1
 getting estimates 0 (3047110) 1 (52140) 2 (0)
 setting up estimates for overdue 11851 days for level 0
 setup_estimate: command 0, options:
 last_level 0 next_level0 -11851 level_days 0
 getting estimates 0 (-1) 1 (0) -1 (-1)
 setting up estimates took 0.001 secs
 driver: started dumper0 pid 27390
 driver: started dumper1 pid 27391
 driver: started dumper2 pid 27392
 driver: started dumper3 pid 27395
 taper: pid 27388 executable taper version 2.4.3b3
 taper: page size is 4096
 taper: buffer size is 32768
 taper: buffer[00] at 0x40265000
 [SNIP more buffer stuff]
 taper: buffer[19] at 0x402fd000
 taper: buffer structures at 0x40305000 for 240 bytes

RE: ./var/adm not being excluded

2002-06-14 Thread Martinez, Michael - CSREES/ISTM

It worked! Thank you very much.

It looks like there may be a bug in the exclude files... directive,
then, because no matter how I worked it, it wasn't working.

Michael Martinez
System Administrator (Contractor)
Information Systems and Technology Management
CSREES - United States Department of Agriculture
(202) 720-6223

-Original Message-
From: Gene Heskett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 6:08 PM
To: Martinez, Michael - CSREES/ISTM; 'Jon LaBadie';
Subject: Re: ./var/adm not being excluded

On Thursday 13 June 2002 11:50, Martinez, Michael - CSREES/ISTM wrote:
Tried excluding the entire directory --- no go.

Another question for ya: if I use the exclude list option, does my
 list file need to be in an amanda directory (var/amanda) or can it be
 anywhere? My Sco Unix installation has amanda installed in
 /usr/local. On the other hand, my amanda server has amanda in

The exclude file can be anyplace that the line in *your* backup config 
(define dumptype etc) description in amanda.conf tells amanda to look.  
By using that mechanism, one can have different exclude lists for 
different backup styles or machines.  Typically, it might look like 
this snippet from amanda.conf:

define dumptype user-tar {
comment user partitions dumped with tar
exclude list /usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1/exclude.gtar
compress server best
priority medium

Michael Martinez
System Administrator (Contractor)
Information Systems and Technology Management
CSREES - United States Department of Agriculture
(202) 720-6223

-Original Message-
From: Jon LaBadie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: ./var/adm not being excluded

On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 11:32:47AM -0400, Martinez, Michael -

 I had posted this msg before, but I had given the wrong info.

 I'm backing up / on one of my clients. I would like to exclude
 /var/adm/syslog from the backup.

 On my server:amanda.conf, I have defined a disklist entry with
 exclude ./var/adm/syslog and I'm using this in my disklist file.

 But it's not working. tar continues to give me an error (actually a


 about /var/adm/syslog: changes as we read it.

It should not be a fatal error. I'm not sure why that should be anything 
but an info advisory.  FWIW, I don't see any messages about that in my 
reports here, or at home.  Do you have another cron job running 
something that would cause this logfile to be appended to while amdump 
is running?  Amanda would rather have the run of the machine if it can.

 Now, I know this isn't much of a problem. But since my Amanda report
 gets mailed out every day to the IT director and the project
 manager, I'd like


 NUKE this FAILURE message, cuz they think the backup is failing.

Do you need to backup anything under /var/adm?
Maybe exclude the entire directory.

The entrys in the exclude file should be in the form of a relative to . 
style, as in if you want to skip that directory tree, then the file 
should contain a line that reads 


and that whole tree will, or should be skipped.  Of course it follows 
that an identically named directory someplace else in the system will 
also be skipped when using this relative syntax.

Cheers, Gene
CE @ WDTV-5, CBS for N. Central WV

Re: How to Configure Tapeless Backup in 2.4.3

2002-06-14 Thread John D. Bickle

i am using the 2.4.3 method, and i find it to be the most efficient.

The only relevant line in the amanda.conf is the following:


After that, configure the rest as you would anything else, making a tape definition 
according to how much space you would need for the night's backups.

To rotate 'tapes', i recommend creating sub-directories and symbolically linking them 
to a 'data' subdirectory, which amlabel et al will look for. The directories are 
labelled like tapes. I name the subdirectories according to date, then i have a shell 
script which creates a new directory every night, makes the symlink, labels the tape 
then runs the backup.

works great! Amanda is wonderfull!!


Steve Follmer wrote:
 Anyone have a .conf for using the new tapeless backup techniques
 introduced in 2.4.3? I too am stuck; my best guess is this:
 There are 2 ways to do tapeless backup: 
 (a) The 2.4.2 and below way (just uses holding disk) 
 (b) the 2.4.3 way (if anyone has this working please post your .conf!) 
 (no holding disk needed I guess; uses new file driver, somehow) 
 Way (a) seems to be well described, and oughta works with 2.4.3 and up 
 The FAQ 
 _highlightWords=tapelessfile=191 states... 
 ...I've set up a system using 2.4.2p2 to backup to nfs mounted drive 
 space just recently. If you are able to use 2.4.3, there is a 
 setting to save to disk. Check the docs or the mail archives... 
 I have checked the docs and the mail archives and have had no joy. 
 I'd would love to use the whiz-bang new 2.4.3 technique but 
 despite the optimistic language in the FAQ, the docs and the mail 
 archives do not adequately describe technique (b). Following are 
 2 long posts. The first is the somewhat sparse documentation in 
 the 2.4.3 docs. It may soon be time to give up on (b) and surrender 
 to the adequately documented (a) technique. People won't use new
 features if they are not documented enough. The second long posting 
 details one man's use of technique (a). 
 We should all stop confusing the 2 different tapeless approaches. 
 And if anyone is successfully using the new 2.4.3 (b) technique, 
 could you post your .conf file? The helpful descriptions of the (a) 
 technique are masking the need for fuller documentation of the (b) 
 technique. I tried something like Mohamed in his earlier post with
 the same bad results.
 New in 2.4.3 man page... but hard to grok... can't make it work
 (See Mohamed's posting)...
The  normal value for the tapedev parameter, or for what a 
tape changer returns, is a full path name to a non-rewind- 
ing  tape  device,  such  as  /dev/nst0 or /dev/rmt/0mn or 
/dev/nst0.1 or whatever conventions the  operating  system 
uses.Amanda   provides  additional  application  level 
drivers that support non-tradition  tape  simulatation  or 
features.  To access a specific output driver, set tapedev 
(or configure your changer to return) a string of the form 
driver:driver-info  where  driver  is one of the supported 
drivers and driver-info is optional additional information 
needed by the driver. 
The supported drivers are: 
tape  This  is the default driver.  The driver-info is 
  the tape device name.  Entering /dev/rmt/0mn  is 
  really a short hand for tape:/dev/rmt/0mn. 
null  This  driver  throws away anything written to it 
  and returns EOF for any reads except  a  special 
  case  is made for reading a label, in which case 
  a fake value is returned  that  Amanda  checks 
  for  and  allows  through regardless of what you 
  have set in labelstr.  The driver-info field  is 
  not used and may be left blank: 
 tapedev null: 
  The length value from the associated tapetype is 
  used to limit the amount of data written.   When 
  the  limit  is reached, the driver will simulate 
  end of tape. 
  NOTE: this driver should only be used for debug- 
  ging  and  testing,  and  probably only with the 
  record option set to no. 
rait  Redundant  Array  of  Inexpensive  (?)Tapes. 
  Reads  and  writes  tapes  mounted  on  multiple 
  drives by spreading the data across  N-1  drives 
  and  using  the  last drive for a checksum.  See 
  docs/RAIT for more information. 
  The driver-info field describes the  devices  to 
  use.   Curly  braces  indicate multiple replace- 
  ments in the string.  For 

new amtoc doesn't work like the old one!

2002-06-14 Thread abijur

Hi everyone,

I am having trouble with amtoc.  In the earlier version of amtoc (Amanda
2.4.1) it asked for the configuration as an argument, i.e, Daily,
Monthly, 4_Monthly and it worked.  amtoc picked up the log file from the
/tmp directory.  However, with the new version (Amanda 2.4.2 patch 2), I
have to give the entire path and log-filename as an argument. Does
anybody have an idea as to how the latest version of amtoc can be made
to behave like the previous version?  Thanks in advance.

Ashwin Bijur.
Combustion Research and Flow Technology, Inc.
174 North Main Street
Building 3, P.O.Box 1150
Dublin, PA 18917
Tel: (215) 249-9780
Fax: (215) 249-9796

Re: Backing up PostgreSQL?

2002-06-14 Thread Kirk Strauser

At 2002-06-14T05:40:24Z, Brandon D. Valentine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Space permitting?  Most natural language plain text files compress very
 well.  A file full of database queries is going to have lots of easy to
 predict repetitive query statements and lots of natural language within
 the database entries itself.  It should compress better than 2:1.

n + n/2 can be something to contend with when n is on the order of 30GB and
you're using commodity hardware.
Kirk Strauser
The Strauser Group -

Re: Backing up PostgreSQL?

2002-06-14 Thread Kirk Strauser

At 2002-06-14T07:41:53Z, Ragnar Kjørstad [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hmm, is the pg_dump consistent?

From man 1 pg_dump:

   pg_dump  makes  consistent backups even if the database is
   being used concurrently.  pg_dump  does  not  block  other
   users accessing the database (readers or writers).

 IOW, is it done in a single transaction? (even for multiple databases?)

From what I can tell, pg_dump has no provision for concurrent dumping of
multiple databases.
Kirk Strauser
The Strauser Group -

RE: Skipping a tape

2002-06-14 Thread Bort, Paul

Yes, that would be the right way to do it. This is why many people on the
list have recommended having and extra tape or two in the rotation as

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 7:35 PM
 To: Bort, Paul
 Subject: Re: Skipping a tape
 Thanks for the answer.
 However, I belive I am hitting the issue 1) that you mentioned.
 My configuration is as follows:
 dumpcycle 2 weeks   # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
 runspercycle 10 # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
 tapecycle 22 tapes  # the number of tapes in rotation
 Could I perhaps change tapecycle to 21 tapes for a short time?
 Thanks again,
 Bort, Paul wrote:
  No need to edit the tapelist file directly, almost ever. In 
 this case, you
  can tell AMANDA not to use the tape, then tell her it is 
 available again
  Remove a tape from rotation:
  amanda@tape$ amadmin YOURCONFIG no-reuse YOURTAPE
  Return a tape to rotation: 
  amanda@tape$ amadmin YOURCONFIG reuse YOURTAPE
  1) AMANDA may ask for a new tape if this reduces the number 
 of active tapes
  below the tapecycle value in amanda.conf. 
  2) Index information is preserved for restores, so don't 
 worry about being
  able to restore from this tape
  3) If you're alternating between a set of on-site and 
 off-site tapes, you
  may want to add a third set that sits idle at your office 
 waiting to be
  used. This gives you time to change tapes off-site.
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 4:38 PM
 Subject: Skipping a tape
 I am wondering if it is possible to safely skip a tape that happens
 to be unavailable (it was moved offsite but hasn't returned).
 I've looked at the $AMANDA/tapelist file and am tempted to edit,
 but am hesitating because I don't actually understand how Amanda
 uses the information.
 In particular, does the line position matter? The tape that Amanda
 wants is the last tape in tapelist, and it also has the earliest
 last-use date (the first field). If I wanted Amanda to just move
 to the next tape, should I just edit the date field?
 Move the line to the top of the file? Both?

Re: Intermittent timeouts udp woes

2002-06-14 Thread Robert L. Becker Jr.

Here is an FYI wrap-up of a problem I sent to users and hackers lists a
week or so ago. Problem was that amcheck worked most of the time, but
timed out occasionally to frequently, especially for a Linux host.
Solution was to recheck what I (thought I) had done in setting up the
/etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf files. When setting up the clients, I
had mis-specified nowait in the following inetd.conf line:

amanda dgram udp nowait amanda /usr/local/amanda/libexec/amandad amandad

The specification (per the installation instructions) should have been
wait instead of nowait. It was easy to overlook the error because the
other amanda-related lines in the file appropriately used nowait. Of
course, with the wonders of cut and paste, I propagated the error to all
of the clients. When I fixed it, time outs disappeared for all of my
clients *except* for the Linux box. Weird behavior persisting there was
that amcheck routinely called into being nearly twenty instances of
amandad and still timed out frequently. So... I just upgraded the Linux
host from RedHat 6.2 to 7.3 and the problem went away. A side benefit is
that the upgrade automatically took care of migrating everything from the
inetd.conf style to the xinetd style of configuring services. I've now run
through two consecutive days, backing up 21 partitions on 7 hosts, without
a hiccup.

One new question (there's always one more) concerns the port 10080 entries
that RedHat 7.3 set up for amanda in the new /etc/services file:

amanda  10080/tcp   # amanda backup services
amanda  10080/udp   # amanda backup services

I don't recall anything from the various versions of installation
instructions about setting up amanda for tcp on 10080. Can anyone comment
on the reason/effect of this entry?

Robert L. Becker, Jr.
Department of Cellular Pathology
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Washington, DC 20306-6000

On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Robert L. Becker Jr. wrote:

 Folks -- I'm posting a request for help to hackers list because 1) I've
 seen no definitive help so far from other users, and 2) investigation is
 leading into packet dissection that is way over my head.

 Problem seems to be udp miscommunication during amcheck and (apparently)
 during amdump. Client/Server links through amandad work for various hosts
 one time, but not the next. Previous posts to amanda-users (see thread
 Intermittent time-outs) describe sporadic amcheck failures, with timeout
 errors reported at the level of dgram_recv, for example (to a host for
 which selfcheck succeeded minutes before):

 amandad: weird, it's not a proper ack
   addr: peer dup, port: peer 559 dup 582
 amandad: dgram_recv: recvfrom() failed: Connection refused
 amandad: waiting for ack: Connection refused, retrying
 amandad: dgram_recv: recvfrom() failed: Connection refused
 amandad: waiting for ack: Connection refused, retrying
 amandad: dgram_recv: recvfrom() failed: Connection refused
 amandad: waiting for ack: Connection refused, retrying
 amandad: dgram_recv: recvfrom() failed: Connection refused
 amandad: waiting for ack: Connection refused, giving up!
 amandad: pid 1143 finish time Wed Jun  5 10:42:27 2002

[snipping out the rest of prior post to hackers list, now overtaken by
events... anyone interested in symptoms can find the full msg in the
hacker archives]

GNU tar and SAMBA backups

2002-06-14 Thread Kenny MacPherson

I'm moving over to use SAMBA based AMANDA backups, and have to start
using gnutar. 

If my amcheck tells me...

ERROR: edinburgh: [GNUTAR program not available]
ERROR: edinburgh: [can not read/write
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/.: No such file or directory]
Client check: 1 host checked in 1.178 seconds, 2 problems found

Where am I going wrong? I have downloaded, configured, make'd and
installed GNU tar from, I have re-configured, make-d and
installed Amanda with the additional --with-gnutar=/usr/local/bin/tar

I see a few websites/FAQs refer to gtar and can someone also confirm if
gnutar is the same as tar from GNU???


Kenny MacPherson
IT Manager
DDI: +44 131 272 7091

Wolfson Microelectronics Ltd.
t: +44 131 272-7000
f: +44 131 272-7001

Registered in Scotland 89839

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Wolfson Microelectronics Limited is a company 
incorporated in Scotland  having its Registered Office at
20 Bernard Terrace, Edinburgh EH8 9NX

Re: Backing up PostgreSQL?

2002-06-14 Thread Niall O Broin

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 10:29:33PM -0500, Kirk Strauser wrote:

 I would re-do the backup steps as
 1) Make a snapshot
 2) Use dump to back up that completely static filesystem image
 3) Remove the snapshot

This is NOT guaranteed to work - it may, if you're lucky. By doing this
you're guaranteeing that the database files, no matter how active the
database, are frozen in time via the snapshot. But the big issue that you're
failing to address here is that any one point in time the database files are
not internally consistent. The currently running database instance has a
consistent view of the data because it has data in memory and on disk and of
course it knows what's where. This is why there are programs such as pgdump
etc. One means suggested to backup a database which can't be stopped is to
have your database files on a mirrored disk pair (or pairs). Then to make a
backup, you issue read locks on all the tables. Having got those locks, you
break the disk mirror at an OS level, then relinquish the locks. 

Then you backup the broken part of the mirror which is not in use. I think
you could do something similar with a snapshot supporting filesystem. You
lock all the tables, then make a snapshot, then relinquish the locks. And
you should then be able to backup a consistent view of the tables from the

The above, however, is entirely speculation and I haven't tried it. But even
as speculation, it's more likely to work than simply backing up a snapshot.
Bear in mind that the snapshot may often work but it won't always and your
backup system should cover every eventuality.


Niall  O Broin

Re: GNU tar and SAMBA backups

2002-06-14 Thread Frank Smith

Does /usr/local/bin/tar exist (and is it executable) on edinburgh ?


--On Friday, June 14, 2002 16:29:27 +0100 Kenny MacPherson 

 I'm moving over to use SAMBA based AMANDA backups, and have to start
 using gnutar.

 If my amcheck tells me...

 ERROR: edinburgh: [GNUTAR program not available]
 ERROR: edinburgh: [can not read/write
 /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/.: No such file or directory]
 Client check: 1 host checked in 1.178 seconds, 2 problems found

 Where am I going wrong? I have downloaded, configured, make'd and
 installed GNU tar from, I have re-configured, make-d and
 installed Amanda with the additional --with-gnutar=/usr/local/bin/tar

 I see a few websites/FAQs refer to gtar and can someone also confirm if
 gnutar is the same as tar from GNU???


 Kenny MacPherson
 IT Manager
 DDI: +44 131 272 7091

 Wolfson Microelectronics Ltd.
 t: +44 131 272-7000
 f: +44 131 272-7001

 Registered in Scotland 89839

 This message may contain confidential or proprietary
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 Wolfson Microelectronics Limited is a company
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 20 Bernard Terrace, Edinburgh EH8 9NX

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

RE: GNU tar and SAMBA backups

2002-06-14 Thread Kenny MacPherson

Yes it does!! 

edinburgh.root(7)= ls -al /usr/local/bin/tar
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root other  835584 Jun 14 13:08

Kenny MacPherson
IT Manager
DDI: +44 131 272 7091

-Original Message-
From: Frank Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 14 June 2002 16:48
To: Kenny MacPherson; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: GNU tar and SAMBA backups

Does /usr/local/bin/tar exist (and is it executable) on edinburgh ?


--On Friday, June 14, 2002 16:29:27 +0100 Kenny MacPherson

 I'm moving over to use SAMBA based AMANDA backups, and have to start
 using gnutar.

 If my amcheck tells me...

 ERROR: edinburgh: [GNUTAR program not available]
 ERROR: edinburgh: [can not read/write
 /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/.: No such file or directory]
 Client check: 1 host checked in 1.178 seconds, 2 problems found

 Where am I going wrong? I have downloaded, configured, make'd and
 installed GNU tar from, I have re-configured, make-d and
 installed Amanda with the additional --with-gnutar=/usr/local/bin/tar

 I see a few websites/FAQs refer to gtar and can someone also confirm
 gnutar is the same as tar from GNU???


 Kenny MacPherson
 IT Manager
 DDI: +44 131 272 7091

 Wolfson Microelectronics Ltd.
 t: +44 131 272-7000
 f: +44 131 272-7001

 Registered in Scotland 89839

 This message may contain confidential or proprietary
 information. If you receive this message in error, please
 immediately delete it, destroy all copies of it and notify the sender.
 You must not use or disclose any part of this message if you are not
 intended recipient. We may monitor all Email communication through our

 Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual
 except where the message states otherwise.

 We take reasonable precautions to ensure our Emails are virus free.
 However, we cannot accept responsibility for any virus transmitted by
 and recommend that you subject any incoming Email to your own virus
 checking procedures.

 Wolfson Microelectronics Limited is a company
 incorporated in Scotland  having its Registered Office at
 20 Bernard Terrace, Edinburgh EH8 9NX

Frank Smith
Systems Administrator Voice:
Hoover's Online Fax:

Re: Intermittent timeouts udp woes

2002-06-14 Thread Lee Fellows

On Fri, 2002-06-14 at 10:59, Robert L. Becker Jr. wrote:
 One new question (there's always one more) concerns the port 10080 entries
 that RedHat 7.3 set up for amanda in the new /etc/services file:
 amanda  10080/tcp   # amanda backup services
 amanda  10080/udp   # amanda backup services
 I don't recall anything from the various versions of installation
 instructions about setting up amanda for tcp on 10080. Can anyone comment
 on the reason/effect of this entry?
 Robert L. Becker, Jr.
 Col, USAF, MC
 Department of Cellular Pathology
 Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
 Washington, DC 20306-6000

Assuming amanda hasn't been modified to handle tcp, the effect of the
entry is zilch.  If a tcp service where to start listening to 10080 with
this /etc/services in place, then utilities like netstat may incorrectly
report the service as amanda, but nothing else.  /etc/services merely
associates service names with port/protocol pairs.

I suspect someone was a little overzealous and assigned both
port/protocol pairs to the same service.  My /etc/services file
lists www-http as both 80/udp and 80/tcp, but I have yet to find
an http server that can service udp queries.

amrecover no such file

2002-06-14 Thread Jonathan Murray

anyone seen this?

akita 25# ./amrecover
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.2p2. Contacting server on amanda-server ...
amrecover: cannot connect to amanda-server: No such file or directory


Jonathan Murray

RE: GNU tar and SAMBA backups

2002-06-14 Thread Frank Smith

Check /tmp/amanda/amandad.debug to see if GNUTAR=/usr/local/bin/tar appears in
the list of configuration options near the top of the file.  If not, I suspect
you didn't clear the cached configure output from your original build before you
re-ran configure with your new options.


--On Friday, June 14, 2002 16:51:47 +0100 Kenny MacPherson 

 Yes it does!!

 edinburgh.root(7)= ls -al /usr/local/bin/tar
 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root other  835584 Jun 14 13:08

 Kenny MacPherson
 IT Manager
 DDI: +44 131 272 7091

 -Original Message-
 From: Frank Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 14 June 2002 16:48
 To: Kenny MacPherson; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: GNU tar and SAMBA backups

 Does /usr/local/bin/tar exist (and is it executable) on edinburgh ?


 --On Friday, June 14, 2002 16:29:27 +0100 Kenny MacPherson

 I'm moving over to use SAMBA based AMANDA backups, and have to start
 using gnutar.

 If my amcheck tells me...

 ERROR: edinburgh: [GNUTAR program not available]
 ERROR: edinburgh: [can not read/write
 /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/.: No such file or directory]
 Client check: 1 host checked in 1.178 seconds, 2 problems found

 Where am I going wrong? I have downloaded, configured, make'd and
 installed GNU tar from, I have re-configured, make-d and
 installed Amanda with the additional --with-gnutar=/usr/local/bin/tar

 I see a few websites/FAQs refer to gtar and can someone also confirm
 gnutar is the same as tar from GNU???


 Kenny MacPherson
 IT Manager
 DDI: +44 131 272 7091

 Wolfson Microelectronics Ltd.
 t: +44 131 272-7000
 f: +44 131 272-7001

 Registered in Scotland 89839

 This message may contain confidential or proprietary
 information. If you receive this message in error, please
 immediately delete it, destroy all copies of it and notify the sender.
 You must not use or disclose any part of this message if you are not
 intended recipient. We may monitor all Email communication through our

 Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual
 except where the message states otherwise.

 We take reasonable precautions to ensure our Emails are virus free.
 However, we cannot accept responsibility for any virus transmitted by
 and recommend that you subject any incoming Email to your own virus
 checking procedures.

 Wolfson Microelectronics Limited is a company
 incorporated in Scotland  having its Registered Office at
 20 Bernard Terrace, Edinburgh EH8 9NX

 Frank Smith
 Systems Administrator Voice:
 Hoover's Online Fax:

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501

RE: GNU tar and SAMBA backups

2002-06-14 Thread Steve Follmer

This certainly can be made to work. All I did was add this line to
edge //viveka/C user-tar 
note that edge is the localhost, since the samba is there. 
No software needed on the remote windows box. 

Then I had to make sure my dumptype did not involve the exclude command.
Then I had to set up the account on the windows box and the password on 
the amanda box. 

Looks like you will need to create the directory

Not sure about your main problem. Are you sure you have gnutar and not
merely tar?
Check out and also

Maybe we need to see your disklist and amanda.conf. Which Unix are you


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Kenny MacPherson
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 8:52 AM
To: 'Frank Smith'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: GNU tar and SAMBA backups

Yes it does!! 

edinburgh.root(7)= ls -al /usr/local/bin/tar
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root other  835584 Jun 14 13:08

Kenny MacPherson
IT Manager
DDI: +44 131 272 7091

-Original Message-
From: Frank Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 14 June 2002 16:48
To: Kenny MacPherson; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: GNU tar and SAMBA backups

Does /usr/local/bin/tar exist (and is it executable) on edinburgh ?


--On Friday, June 14, 2002 16:29:27 +0100 Kenny MacPherson

 I'm moving over to use SAMBA based AMANDA backups, and have to start 
 using gnutar.

 If my amcheck tells me...

 ERROR: edinburgh: [GNUTAR program not available]
 ERROR: edinburgh: [can not read/write
 /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/.: No such file or directory] 
 Client check: 1 host checked in 1.178 seconds, 2 problems found

 Where am I going wrong? I have downloaded, configured, make'd and 
 installed GNU tar from, I have re-configured, make-d and 
 installed Amanda with the additional --with-gnutar=/usr/local/bin/tar

 I see a few websites/FAQs refer to gtar and can someone also confirm
 gnutar is the same as tar from GNU???


 Kenny MacPherson
 IT Manager
 DDI: +44 131 272 7091

 Wolfson Microelectronics Ltd.
 t: +44 131 272-7000
 f: +44 131 272-7001

 Registered in Scotland 89839

 This message may contain confidential or proprietary information. If 
 you receive this message in error, please immediately delete it, 
 destroy all copies of it and notify the sender. You must not use or 
 disclose any part of this message if you are not
 intended recipient. We may monitor all Email communication through our


 Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual
 except where the message states otherwise.

 We take reasonable precautions to ensure our Emails are virus free. 
 However, we cannot accept responsibility for any virus transmitted by
 and recommend that you subject any incoming Email to your own virus 
 checking procedures.

 Wolfson Microelectronics Limited is a company
 incorporated in Scotland  having its Registered Office at
 20 Bernard Terrace, Edinburgh EH8 9NX

Frank Smith
Systems Administrator Voice:
Hoover's Online Fax:

Re: Backing up PostgreSQL?

2002-06-14 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On , June 14, 2002 at 09:23:33 (-0500), Kirk Strauser wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: Backing up PostgreSQL?

 At 2002-06-14T07:41:53Z, Ragnar Kjørstad [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hmm, is the pg_dump consistent?
 From man 1 pg_dump:
pg_dump  makes  consistent backups even if the database is
being used concurrently.  pg_dump  does  not  block  other
users accessing the database (readers or writers).

I believe a caveat is necessary -- the reliability of this feature
depends on which version of PostgreSQL you're using

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Backing up PostgreSQL?

2002-06-14 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On , June 13, 2002 at 22:29:33 (-0500), Kirk Strauser wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: Backing up PostgreSQL?

 At 2002-06-13T23:07:54Z, Niall O Broin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Nothing to do with BSD, Linux, or even, Gawd help us, Windows. If you
  don't take the database offline then the files which make up the database
  are not guaranteed to be in anything resembling a consistent state i.e. if
  you copy those files, in whatever manner, there's absolutely no guarantee
  that you'll be later able to use the database program to read the files.
 That's the really nice thing about FreeBSD's new snapshots (in the
 development tree).  When you freeze the filesystem image, it really is a
 snapshot.  If all of your database files are on the same filesystem then
 you're pretty much guaranteed a consistent backup, regardless of the amount
 of updates being committed to the database.

Which is still really totally useless for backing up an RDBMS like
PostgreSQL.  Even if everything is fsync()ed all the time there's still
going to be dozens of race conditions where a backup, even if supposedly
nearly instantaneous like a snapshot, will result in an inconsistent
database image.  With PostgreSQL in particular (since it only uses
filesystem files, not raw disk) you MUST stop the database --
i.e. completely stop the processes that have database files open so that
those files are completely all closed and so that the kernel filesystem
interface can present a consistent view of the data that's been written
to the filesystem.  This is becoming even more critical as PostgreSQL
gains ever more features that allow the DBA to optimise when writes are
done to the filesystem.

The only good thing about filesystem snapshots is that you can in theory
do them much quicker (than a full dump) so database downtime is much lower.

 I would re-do the backup steps as

0) Stop the database

 1) Make a snapshot

1.5) restart the database

 2) Use dump to back up that completely static filesystem image
a level zero

 3) Remove the snapshot

Of course if you're concerned about the integrity of your data (and
perhaps you give your data a higher value than even the application and
support system it is stored and manipulated in), particularly for
off-site backups, then the only really sure way to backup the database
is to do a dump at the database level into a flat-file form, and of
course PostgreSQL has pg_dump which has already been discussed.

You should probably be doing regular pg_dumps anyway, even if you don't
do them every time you run amanda.  They're the only way you can be sure
your disaster recovery plan works -- i.e. they let you reload a new test
database to be sure everything works.

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: How to Configure Tapeless Backup in 2.4.3

2002-06-14 Thread klavs klavsen

On Fri, 2002-06-14 at 19:17, Steve Follmer wrote:
 To recap, the poster Mohamed and myself have the same ERROR, viz:
 $ /usr/local/sbin/amcheck puredisk
 Amanda Tape Server Host Check
 ERROR: file:/backup: not an amanda tape
(expecting a new tape)
 NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
just run amlabel DailySet1 label

that did it for me - my amcheck runs 100% with 2.4.3beta3 and
Klavs Klavsen

-| This mail has been sent to you by: |
  Klavs Klavsen - Open Source Consultant 

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Re: How to Configure Tapeless Backup in 2.4.3

2002-06-14 Thread Michael Hicks

Steve Follmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To recap, the poster Mohamed and myself have the same ERROR, viz:
 $ /usr/local/sbin/amcheck puredisk
 Amanda Tape Server Host Check
 ERROR: file:/backup: not an amanda tape
(expecting a new tape)
 NOTE: skipping tape-writable test

Looks like amanda found something, but it just didn't have an Amanda label.
Try running `amlabel' on it.

Mike Hicks   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Unix Support Assistant| Carlson School of Management
Office: 1-160  Phone: 6-7909 |   University of Minnesota

Description: PGP signature

RE: Backing up PostgreSQL?

2002-06-14 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Friday, June 14, 2002 at 12:20:21 (-0400), Bort, Paul wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: Backing up PostgreSQL?

 I don't know much about PostgresQL, but on MS SQL server and Oracle (IIRC),
 any update that would leave the database inconsistent should be inside a
 transaction. Any snapshot will not happen while a transaction is in
 progress; therefore the snapshot is consistent and restorable. I guess it
 depends on how sane your programmers are. 

Oracle, running on any snapshot-capable unix (including FreeBSD) and
using a normal filesystem for storage, will not -- cannot possibly --
guarantee that a snapshot will not happen while a transaction is in
progress.  There is no possible interlock in any snapshot
implementations I'm aware of between the kernel (which does the snapshot
operation) and the user-land Oracle process(es).

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Backing up PostgreSQL?

2002-06-14 Thread Bort, Paul

Sorry, when the previous poster mentioned 'snapshot', I was thinking of SQL
Server's 'dump', which is transactionally consistent, because it's done by
the SQL engine. I thought Oracle had a similar method for producing a usable
backup of the SQL server?

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 2:53 PM
 To: Bort, Paul
 Subject: RE: Backing up PostgreSQL?
 [ On Friday, June 14, 2002 at 12:20:21 (-0400), Bort, Paul wrote: ]
  Subject: RE: Backing up PostgreSQL?
  I don't know much about PostgresQL, but on MS SQL server 
 and Oracle (IIRC),
  any update that would leave the database inconsistent 
 should be inside a
  transaction. Any snapshot will not happen while a transaction is in
  progress; therefore the snapshot is consistent and 
 restorable. I guess it
  depends on how sane your programmers are. 
 Oracle, running on any snapshot-capable unix (including FreeBSD) and
 using a normal filesystem for storage, will not -- cannot possibly --
 guarantee that a snapshot will not happen while a transaction is in
 progress.  There is no possible interlock in any snapshot
 implementations I'm aware of between the kernel (which does 
 the snapshot
 operation) and the user-land Oracle process(es).
 Greg A. Woods
 +1 416 218-0098;  [EMAIL PROTECTED];  [EMAIL PROTECTED];  
 Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird 

RE: Backing up PostgreSQL?

2002-06-14 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Friday, June 14, 2002 at 15:07:40 (-0400), Bort, Paul wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: Backing up PostgreSQL?

 Sorry, when the previous poster mentioned 'snapshot', I was thinking of SQL
 Server's 'dump', which is transactionally consistent, because it's done by
 the SQL engine. I thought Oracle had a similar method for producing a usable
 backup of the SQL server?

yes, I believe Oracle also has a database dump utility even when using
filesystem storage (it certainly does when raw disk is used for storage
and I see no logical reason why the same tool wouldn't work for all
storage mechanisms, but then again we are talking about Oracle! :-)

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Backing up PostgreSQL?

2002-06-14 Thread Ragnar Kjørstad

On Fri, Jun 14, 2002 at 04:32:20PM +0100, Niall O Broin wrote:
  1) Make a snapshot
  2) Use dump to back up that completely static filesystem image
  3) Remove the snapshot
 This is NOT guaranteed to work - it may, if you're lucky. By doing this
 you're guaranteeing that the database files, no matter how active the
 database, are frozen in time via the snapshot. But the big issue that you're
 failing to address here is that any one point in time the database files are
 not internally consistent. 

They're always consistent. 

If they hadn't been, you would not be able to recover from a crash /

Ragnar Kjørstad
Big Storage

Re: Backing up PostgreSQL?

2002-06-14 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 00:45:12 (+0200), Ragnar Kjørstad wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: Backing up PostgreSQL?

 snapshots (LVM snapshots) are not supposedly nearly instantaneous, but
 instantaneous. All write-access to the device is _locked_ while the
 snapshot is in progress (the process takes a few milliseconds, maybe a
 second on a big system), and there are _no_ races. That's the whole
 point of the snapshot!

That's irrelevant from PostgreSQL's point of view.  There's no sure way
to tell the postgresql process(es) to make the on-disk database image
consistent before you create the snapshot.  The race condition is
between the user-level process and the filesystem.  The only sure way to
guarantee a self-consistent backup is to shut down the process so as to
ensure all the files it had open are now closed.  PostgreSQL makes no
claims that all data necessary to present a continually consistent view
of the DB will be written in a single system call.  In fact this is
impossible since the average database consistes of many files and you
can only write to one file at a time through the UNIX system interface.
If your snapshot occurs between two writes where both are necessary to
maintain DB consistency then the snapshot is in an inconsistent state.
Yes there are other ways to recover consistency using other protection
mechanisms maintained by PostgreSQL, but you don't want to be relying on
those when you're doing backups -- you barely want to rely on those when
you're doing crash recovery!

If doing a snapshot really is that fast then there's almost no excuse
_not_ to stop the DB -- just do it!  Your DB downtime will not be

 To postgresql (or any other application) the rollback of an snapshot
 (or the backup of a snapshot) will be exactly like recovering from a
 crash. Database-servers need to write the data to disk (and fsync)
 before the transaction is completed. In practise they don't actually
 write it to the database-files but to a log, but that doesn't change the
 So, the only advantage of shutting down the database is that it doesn't
 have to recover like from a crash.

Newer releases of PostgreSQL don't always use fsync().  I wouldn't trust
recovery to be consistent without any loss implicitly.  Because
PostgreSQL uses the filesystem (and not raw disk) the only way to be
100% certain that what's written to disk is a consistent view of the DB
is to close all the open DB files.

You don't want the state of your backups to appear as if the system had
crashed -- you want them to be fully self-consistent.  At least that's
what you want if you care about your data _and_ your application, and
you care about getting a restored system back online ASAP.  

Of course if you really care most about your data in and of itself then
you'll be doing pg_dump to back it up -- quick restoration of a given
physical system isn't always what's most important!

Maybe both are important -- do a pg_dump, back up the dump file, then
stop the DB, do a snapshot, restart the DB, and then back up the
snapshot too.

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: GNU tar and SAMBA backups

2002-06-14 Thread Robert L. Becker Jr.

On Fri, 14 Jun 2002, Michael Hicks wrote:

 Before you get too far, make sure you are running a new version of tar
 (check with `tar --version). Version 1.13 (available from causes Amanda to generate corrupt index files, so
 recovering files can be painful.

 If you need a new version, get a copy of tar from

I started running samba backups a few days before I ran across the
first reference to a problem with gnutar 1.13. It turns out that's the
version that runs on my smbclient host, yet the indexes displayed by
amrecover and the two or three test recoveries that I've tried have worked
fine. Are there special circumstances in which gnutar 1.13 fails? Thanks.

Robert L. Becker, Jr.
Department of Cellular Pathology
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Washington, DC 20306-6000