RE: amrecover

2002-08-20 Thread m . schneider

Thanks for your help.
The parameters for amrecover are NOT optional and now it works.
Now the next Problem is, that there is now index, but I think I don´t create

You might want to specify your tape server, index server and tape device
you run amrecover. Is calvin you tape server or the box you are trying to
recover to, or both? Try running amrecover with the following args:

amrecover -C TwiceAWeek -s {index server} -t { tape server} -d {tape

so if calvin is your tape server it would look something like

amrecover -C TwiceAWeek -s calvin -t calvin -d /dev/rmt/0bn   (or whatever
your tape device is)

-Original Message-
From: BRINER Cedric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 4:30 PM
Cc: _amanda
Subject: Re: amrecover

 We have an Amanda 2.4.0 Server running and want to recover some files.
 I start 
 amrecover -C TwiceAWeek
 on the Server, I get a timeout.
 In the daemon.log :
 Aug 16 13:47:34 calvin amindexd[31263]: warning: can't get client address:
 Connection timed out
 Aug 16 13:47:34 calvin amindexd[31263]: connect from unknown
 Aug 16 13:49:16 calvin amindexd[31264]: warning: can't get client address:
 Connection timed out
 Aug 16 13:49:16 calvin amindexd[31264]: connect from unknown
 In the .amandahosts I set the localhost to root.
 What can I do?
from where are you starting the amrecover...
for example if you launch amrecover from
the put in your .amandahosts root
calvin root


 * * *
-- **---  * :(
BRINER Cédric*  o  +
Observatory of Geneva, Switzerland  .:oO0Oo:.   
cedricîbriner@obsóunigeùch* *   o
( ^--- hint:replace the odd letters by dot ):*

Re: Configuration help?

2002-08-20 Thread Conny Gyllendahl

On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

 Tread lightly -- thar be dragons here.  :)  They both have their pros and
 cons, and it can be a matter of deep seated religous belief for people.
 FS specific dump programs can back up things that tar doesn't know about
 (e.g. ACLs), and can sometimes be faster.  But they're limited to
 partitions only, and require that the recovery machine have them
 installed.  Tar can do subdirectories and doesn't care about OS/FS (and
 thus you can recover on just about any machine).

Hmm.. odd, I have been using a dumptype using ufsdump for just
subdirectories and it appears to be working. Or maybe amanda is smarter
than me, notices it and switches them to using tar instead. :)

Conny Gyllendahl

His mind is like a steel trap: full of mice.
-- Foghorn Leghorn

Re: Configuration help?

2002-08-20 Thread Conny Gyllendahl

On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, Jay Lessert wrote:

 You say ufs(dump), so I'm assuming recent Solaris.  The calculation
 is different for Linux.

Correctamundo! Solaris 2.8 to be precise.

*snip great list of pros and cons*

Thanks for the input!

Conny Gyllendahl

It is not enough to have great qualities,
we should also have the management of them.
-- La Rochefoucauld

File too large problem

2002-08-20 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

I have recently installed amanda 2.4.2p2 and I discovered that it no 
longer supports negative chunksize parameter, which I used to direct big 
dumps (some 10G+ filesystems) to tape directly. Now, when I try to du 
level 0 dump of such a filesystem, it gives me an error: data write: File 
too large. 
What could be a solution of this problem? I don't really want to split 
these filesystems in parts - they have a lot of subdirs, and it's a pain 
to maintain the up-to-date list. Is there a way to make dump go directly 
on tape as before? Or does my problem lie in something else? (BTW, the 
tape should be enough to keep the dumps - it's 35M tape, and I did 
successfull level 0 dump on it with older amanda version). 

TIA for any help,
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer   
[EMAIL PROTECTED] +972-3-6139665 ext.115

Re: Configuration help?

2002-08-20 Thread Jon LaBadie

On Tue, Aug 20, 2002 at 10:27:16AM +0300, Conny Gyllendahl wrote:
 On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
  Tread lightly -- thar be dragons here.  :)  They both have their pros and
  cons, and it can be a matter of deep seated religous belief for people.
  FS specific dump programs can back up things that tar doesn't know about
  (e.g. ACLs), and can sometimes be faster.  But they're limited to
  partitions only, and require that the recovery machine have them
  installed.  Tar can do subdirectories and doesn't care about OS/FS (and
  thus you can recover on just about any machine).
 Hmm.. odd, I have been using a dumptype using ufsdump for just
 subdirectories and it appears to be working. Or maybe amanda is smarter
 than me, notices it and switches them to using tar instead. :)

From Solaris 2.8 man page of ufsdump:

   Specifies the files to dump. Usually it  identifies  a
   whole file system by its raw device name (for example,

   Incremental dumps (levels 1 to  9) of files changed
   after a certain  date  only apply to a whole file system.

   Alternatively, files_to_dump can identify individual
   files or  directories.  ...  This dump is equivalent
   to a level 0 dump of the indicated portions of the
   filesystem ...

It looks like by naming a directory you do a level 0 each time unless
(perhaps?) that directory is the mount point.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: File too large problem

2002-08-20 Thread Jon LaBadie

On Tue, Aug 20, 2002 at 12:08:52PM +0300, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
 I have recently installed amanda 2.4.2p2 and I discovered that it no 
 longer supports negative chunksize parameter, which I used to direct big 
 dumps (some 10G+ filesystems) to tape directly. Now, when I try to du 
 level 0 dump of such a filesystem, it gives me an error: data write: File 
 too large. 
 What could be a solution of this problem? I don't really want to split 
 these filesystems in parts - they have a lot of subdirs, and it's a pain 
 to maintain the up-to-date list. Is there a way to make dump go directly 
 on tape as before? Or does my problem lie in something else? (BTW, the 
 tape should be enough to keep the dumps - it's 35M tape, and I did 
 successfull level 0 dump on it with older amanda version). 

I do not recall a meaning for negative chunksize.
Sure you do not mean a negative value for use.

File too large sounds like  max file size for the file system.
Generally a chunksize of 1GB would prevent that.  An unspecified
chunksize could allow chunks to grow too large.  Perhaps the
negative chunksize is interpreted as illegal and thus unspecified.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: Configuration help?

2002-08-20 Thread Conny Gyllendahl

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Jon LaBadie wrote:

  Alternatively, files_to_dump can identify individual
  files or  directories.  ...  This dump is equivalent
  to a level 0 dump of the indicated portions of the
  filesystem ...

 It looks like by naming a directory you do a level 0 each time unless
 (perhaps?) that directory is the mount point.

Looks like it, though I cannot speak for its behaviour if I specified a
mount-point. Either way, through sheer luck, it works just like I wanted
it to (ie: doing level 0 dumps all the time).


Ýsteyen Kýz Ýsteyen Erkek Çocuk Sahibi Olabilir

2002-08-20 Thread ARBIL BÝLGÝSAYAR

insanlara mutluluk vermeye devam ediyor.Ýsteyen Erkek Ýsteyen Kýz Çocuk 
Sahibi Olabilir.
 Bu mutluluða ulaþmanýn en kolay yolu aþaðýda ki telefonu aramak.
Çok küçük bir bedel ödeyerek ömür boyu kullanacaðýnýz cinselliðin saati olarak 
niteleyebileceðiniz programa sahip olabilmekten geçiyor.
Bu maili okuduðunuza göre bilgisayarýn teknoloji harikasý olarak çalýþtýðýný biliyorsunuz 
Belki bilmediðiniz bilgisayarýn bu kadar çok iþlevi sadece ve sadece 0(Devre kapalý) 
1(Devre açýk)
Komutlarýyla oluþturulduðudur.
Bilgisayarý sadece 0-1 lerden yola çýkarak günümüz harikalarýný yapmaya yönlendiren ise 
Yani gerçekte mükemmel olan bilgisayar deðil bilgisayarý oluþturup kendi yararýna kullanan 
Ýnsan vücudunun her hücresi bilgisayarda ki 0-1 mantýðýndan daha karmaþýk ama hiç 
hatasýz çalýþýr.
Yani su içtiðiniz de su vücuttaki gerekli yerlere siz hiçbir þey yapmadan 
Cinsellikle ilgili olarak ta vücud her zaman gereken düzeni sabit tutar.
Bu bilgilerden yola çýkarak yapýlan araþtýrmalarla cinselliðin saati diyebileceðimiz Aile 
planlamasý programý geliþtirilmiþtir.
Bu program eþinizle iliþkiye gireceðiniz zaman bakacaðýnýz ve o gün kü kadýn vücudunun 
döllenmeye hazýr olup olmadýðýný, döllenmeye hazýrsa döllenecek bebeðin kýz mý, erkek mi 
olacaðýný size bildiren dizayna sahiptir.
Þöyle düþünelim. Sadece programý ilk kez kullanmaya baþlayan çiftler 13 günlük doðal 
korunma bilgisine ulaþýrlar. Yani her bayanýn her ay en az 13 gün doðal olarak korunma 
günü vardýr.
Program kullanýmý 3 ayý bulduktan sonra ise bu 13 gün 21 güne kadar çýkabilmektedir.
Yine programý kullanarak çocuk istiyorsanýz % 98 doðrulukla istediðiniz cinsiyette çocuða 
sahip olabilirsiniz. Programý bu yönde kullananlardan þu ana kadar istem dýþý çocuk sahibi 
olan çift olmamýþtýr.
Programa ulaþmanýz çok kolay.
60 adet prezervatif parasýna ömür boyu kullanacaðýnýz programý 
elde edebilmeniz için bir telefonunuz yeterli. Ayrýca isterseniz ayrýntýlý bilgi verilecekltir.
Arbil bilgisayar 0242 312 47 00
Programi internetten satýn almak isterseniz lütfen 
talebinizi bildiren bir mail atýn

NAK error

2002-08-20 Thread Soo Hom

I just installed amanda-2.4.3b3 on solaris 8.  I got this error when I ran
Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: whitney NAK: expected PROGRAM, got OPTIONS

How do I go about fixing it?


chg-manual problems

2002-08-20 Thread Brashers, Bart -- MFG, Inc.

Can anyone help me?

I'm using the chg-manual on a DLT-8000, with runtapes=2.  I've un-commented
the section in the script that sends mail once an hour, asking for the next
Amanda tape.  

Right now, I started an amflush after last night's failure to find the right
tape.  It rejected the first tape I put in (even though the last amreport
said amanda expected it) but took the 2nd tape I tried.  amflush is now
running -- the lights on the tape drive indicate it's being written to, and
it's whirring.  But I'm getting about 5 emails per _minute_ with the usual
chg-manual message insert Amanda tape into slot 373 (/dev/nst0).  Yet
nothing's running:

[root ~]% ps aux | grep am
amanda   25118  0.0  0.0  1972  840 ?S07:40   0:00 amflush Daily
amanda   25119  0.0  0.0  2592  756 ?S07:40   0:00 taper Daily
amanda   25120  0.0  0.0  2628  836 ?D07:40   0:00 taper Daily

Those are just what you'd expect to see running when doing an amflush!  Can
anyone help me figure out what to kill to stop these email messages?

As a side note, I often have trouble figuring out which tape amanda wants.
amcheck runs each afternoon from crontab, just before I go home, to make
sure I have the right tape in.  If I forget to change the tape, when amdump
fires off (also from crontab) later that evening, then two processes are
requesting insert Amanda tape, each unloading the tape after not finding
the right one, and never letting the other process get started.  

If anyone has hacked the chg-manual script with improvements, like
specifying _which_ tape amanda wants, I'd sure like a copy...


Bart Brashers   MFG Inc.
Air Quality Meteorologist   19203 36th Ave W Suite 101
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Lynnwood WA 98036-5707   425.921.4000 Fax: 425.921.4040

Re: Amdump and Timeouts

2002-08-20 Thread Jim Summers

My timeout issues were more related to the dump process of amanda.  From
what I can tell from your snippet is that you may need to verify how
your amanda services are configured on each end of the pipe.

I am responding this to the list so that others may be able to help


On Tue, 2002-08-20 at 10:28, Goldowsky, Boris wrote:
 I found this message from you in the archive:
  amandad: waiting for ack: timeout, giving up!
  amandad: pid 12794 finish time Fri Jun  7 13:41:53 2002
 were you able to find a solution?  I am having the same problem.
 In my case there is no firewall in between teh systems, so I don't think
 that's the issue.
 Boris Goldowsky
 Chief Technical Architect
 Family Education Network 
 This email may contain confidential material.
 If you were not an intended recipient, 
 Please notify the sender and delete all copies.
 We may monitor email to and from our network.

Re: chg-manual problems

2002-08-20 Thread Sébastien GALLET

Try this :

In chg-manual, comment or remove the line
  DD if=$tape count=1  $logfile 21


- Original Message -
From: Brashers, Bart -- MFG, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Amanda Users (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 5:16 PM
Subject: chg-manual problems

 Can anyone help me?

 I'm using the chg-manual on a DLT-8000, with runtapes=2.  I've
 the section in the script that sends mail once an hour, asking for the
 Amanda tape.

 Right now, I started an amflush after last night's failure to find the
 tape.  It rejected the first tape I put in (even though the last amreport
 said amanda expected it) but took the 2nd tape I tried.  amflush is now
 running -- the lights on the tape drive indicate it's being written to,
 it's whirring.  But I'm getting about 5 emails per _minute_ with the usual
 chg-manual message insert Amanda tape into slot 373 (/dev/nst0).  Yet
 nothing's running:

 [root ~]% ps aux | grep am
 amanda   25118  0.0  0.0  1972  840 ?S07:40   0:00 amflush
 amanda   25119  0.0  0.0  2592  756 ?S07:40   0:00 taper Daily
 amanda   25120  0.0  0.0  2628  836 ?D07:40   0:00 taper Daily

 Those are just what you'd expect to see running when doing an amflush!
 anyone help me figure out what to kill to stop these email messages?

 As a side note, I often have trouble figuring out which tape amanda wants.
 amcheck runs each afternoon from crontab, just before I go home, to make
 sure I have the right tape in.  If I forget to change the tape, when
 fires off (also from crontab) later that evening, then two processes are
 requesting insert Amanda tape, each unloading the tape after not finding
 the right one, and never letting the other process get started.

 If anyone has hacked the chg-manual script with improvements, like
 specifying _which_ tape amanda wants, I'd sure like a copy...


 Bart Brashers   MFG Inc.
 Air Quality Meteorologist   19203 36th Ave W Suite 101
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Lynnwood WA 98036-5707   425.921.4000 Fax: 425.921.4040

amandahostsauth failing -- why?

2002-08-20 Thread Schlomo Schwartz

I'm trying to back up a filesystem on a Red Hat 7.2
linux client, but when I run amcheck DailySet1, it
gives me this error:

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: lin001: [access as amanda not allowed from
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] amandahostsauth failed
Client check: 1 host checked in 0.041 seconds, 1
problem found

I'd read in previous posts that .amandahosts had to
have 600 permissions and a simple change to the
hostname worked for others, but I've tried everything
that I've read to no avail.

I know it's listening and it looks like it should work
on the client.  Here's an entry in the client's

Aug 20 11:26:32 lin001 xinetd[871]: START: amanda
pid=1427 from=

And I'm getting this on all of my amanda clients.  I'm
sure it's something simple, but can anyone tell me
what I'm missing?



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Re: Disklist - partial directory backup - advice please

2002-08-20 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Hello John,

2.4.3b3 is buggy with relative exclude list. Try the latest snapshot
from .


On Mon, Aug 19, 2002 at 08:47:52PM -0400, John Ouellette wrote:
 Ok, now that's interesting...  I'll agree that the fact that you're using
 2.4.3b3 and aren't having problems indicates that you're right.  
 However...  The comments in the amanda.conf file say:
 Note that the `full pathname' of a file within its
 filesystem starts with `./', because of the way amanda runs
 gnutar: `tar -C $mountpoint -cf - --lots-of-options .' (note
 the final dot!)  Thus, if you're backing up `/usr' with a
 diskfile entry like ``host /usr gnutar-root', but you don't
 want to backup /usr/tmp, your exclude list should contain
 the pattern `./tmp', as this is relative to the `/usr' above.
 Please refer to the man-page of gnutar for more information.
 If a relative pathname is specified as the exclude list,
 it is searched from within the directory that is
 going to be backed up.
 The man page says:
  For exclude list, If the file name is relative, the
 disk name being backed up is prepended.  So if this
 is entered:
exclude list .amanda.excludes
 the actual file use would be  /var/.amanda.excludes
 for  a  backup of /var, /usr/local/.amanda.excludes
 for a backup of /usr/local, and so on.
 These suggest that the exclude pattern, whether as a exclude pattern or a 
 file containing a list of patterns, is supposed to have *relative* 
 pathnames, not absolute pathnames.  Yes, your list is relative, but your 
 path for the exclude list file itself is absolute 
 (/usr/local/etc/amanda/exclude.gtar) which is not quite what the docs 
 I'll try some absolute paths later: if they work, it suggests a 
 documentation bug, rather than a coding one... 
 On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Gene Heskett wrote:
  On Monday 19 August 2002 20:09, John Ouellette wrote:
  We're going a bit far afield from what Kevin had originally posted
   but oh well.
  Are you using version 2.4.2, Gene?
  No, 2.4.3b3-20020805 right now.  And I'm not having any known 
  problems, none.  And other than some broken scripting in the 
  amstatus command, I've had zilch troubles with amanda in the last 4 
  or more months, thru a goodly number of 2.4.3b* versions.
Kevin and I are using v2.4.3b3
   and have found the same problem with exclude lists.  What I have
   found (again, with v2.4.3b3) was that the exclude keyword in a
   dumptype definition *causes the size estimates from tar to fail*.
The debug info from Amanda shows that tar is never even called. 
   From one of my tests (sendsize.*.debug):
  sendsize: debug 1 pid 27066 ruid 499 euid 499 start time Mon Aug
   19 14:31:57 2002
  /home/amanda/libexec/sendsize: version 2.4.3b3
  sendsize: calculating for amname '/', dirname '/'
  sendsize: getting size via gnutar for / level 0
  Any one of my copious numbers of sendsize.*.debug files is exactly 
  like the rest, containing only a copy of the exclude file as 
  So I again submit that the exclude logic isn't broken, but that the 
  file itself simply isn't being found due to a lack of a full 
  pathlist in the dumptype specification, as is shown that I am using 
  (Note that there were three other partitions called with the same
  dumptype: the size estimates weren't even attempted by amanda --
   the above is the entire contents of the debug file.)  This with a
   dumptype definition of:
  This is yours
  define dumptype TEST {
  comment test dumptype
  program GNUTAR
  compress none
  exclude ./amanda ---whats the current pwd when this 
  record no
  (The idea of the exclude was the same as Kevin's: to exclude the
   holding disk areas from those disks.)  The result is the same if
   I use:
  exclude ./amanda*
  exclude *amanda*
  exclude list .amanda.exclude
  exclude list ./.amanda.exclude
  etc., in the dumptype definition.  The exclude keyword seemed to
   work in v2.4.2p2, but I decided to upgrade to 2.4.3b3 to get
   other features working (I'm not sure if it was worth it now...).
  Thats odd. I also note that you still aren't giving it a full path 
  to the exclude file.  Its possible that the fact that it can't find 
  it might be enough of an error to cause the tar call to fail.
  I've taken a brief look into the code for how exclude lists are
   handled, but there was such a big change from v2.4.2 to v2.4.3,
   I'm not sure if I'll be able to figure out what broke the exclude
  Note that in the amandad debug file, the exclude list seems to be
   parsed OK, so it really must be in the call to sendsize that the
   error is occurring...
  On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Gene Heskett wrote:

Re: amandahostsauth failing -- why?

2002-08-20 Thread Scott Sanders

Sounds to me like you need to add the entry in the clients .amandahosts
file like this: amanda

Schlomo Schwartz wrote:

 I'm trying to back up a filesystem on a Red Hat 7.2
 linux client, but when I run amcheck DailySet1, it
 gives me this error:

 Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
 ERROR: lin001: [access as amanda not allowed from
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]] amandahostsauth failed
 Client check: 1 host checked in 0.041 seconds, 1
 problem found

 I'd read in previous posts that .amandahosts had to
 have 600 permissions and a simple change to the
 hostname worked for others, but I've tried everything
 that I've read to no avail.

 I know it's listening and it looks like it should work
 on the client.  Here's an entry in the client's

 Aug 20 11:26:32 lin001 xinetd[871]: START: amanda
 pid=1427 from=

 And I'm getting this on all of my amanda clients.  I'm
 sure it's something simple, but can anyone tell me
 what I'm missing?



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Re: amandahostsauth failing -- why?

2002-08-20 Thread Jim Summers

1. the amanda hosts exists on all participants
2. format correct?  
   hostname amandausername || hostname.domain amandausername
3. the file is in the amanda user home.

Hope this helps,

On Tue, 2002-08-20 at 14:33, Schlomo Schwartz wrote:
 I'm trying to back up a filesystem on a Red Hat 7.2
 linux client, but when I run amcheck DailySet1, it
 gives me this error:
 Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
 ERROR: lin001: [access as amanda not allowed from
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]] amandahostsauth failed
 Client check: 1 host checked in 0.041 seconds, 1
 problem found
 I'd read in previous posts that .amandahosts had to
 have 600 permissions and a simple change to the
 hostname worked for others, but I've tried everything
 that I've read to no avail.
 I know it's listening and it looks like it should work
 on the client.  Here's an entry in the client's
 Aug 20 11:26:32 lin001 xinetd[871]: START: amanda
 pid=1427 from=
 And I'm getting this on all of my amanda clients.  I'm
 sure it's something simple, but can anyone tell me
 what I'm missing?
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Re: amandahostsauth failing -- why?

2002-08-20 Thread Schlomo Schwartz

--- Jim Summers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1. the amanda hosts exists on all participants
 2. format correct?  
hostname amandausername || hostname.domain
 3. the file is in the amanda user home.

Here's the contents of my /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts

lin01 amanda amanda
localhost amanda
localhost.localdomain amanda

By default, there is the last two (localhost* amanda)
and when that didn't work, I added the lin01 amanda
entry and when _that_ didn't work,
amanda was added.

Here's the permissions on that file:

-rw---1 amanda   disk  101 Aug 20
11:28 .amandahosts

xinetd is running on the client and the only service
that's available is amanda.

I don't know what else could be wrong -- I can see the
server request the info, it gets logged, and for some
reason, the server's authentication is failing.  What
sort of authentication is it trying to do, exactly?



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Re: amandahostsauth failing -- why?

2002-08-20 Thread Scott Sanders

Just double checking here, is /var/lib/amanda the amanda users home dir?

Schlomo Schwartz wrote:

 --- Jim Summers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  1. the amanda hosts exists on all participants
  2. format correct?
 hostname amandausername || hostname.domain
  3. the file is in the amanda user home.

 Here's the contents of my /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts

 lin01 amanda amanda
 localhost amanda
 localhost.localdomain amanda

 By default, there is the last two (localhost* amanda)
 and when that didn't work, I added the lin01 amanda
 entry and when _that_ didn't work,
 amanda was added.

 Here's the permissions on that file:

 -rw---1 amanda   disk  101 Aug 20
 11:28 .amandahosts

 xinetd is running on the client and the only service
 that's available is amanda.

 I don't know what else could be wrong -- I can see the
 server request the info, it gets logged, and for some
 reason, the server's authentication is failing.  What
 sort of authentication is it trying to do, exactly?



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dumps too big, but cannot incremental dump new disk

2002-08-20 Thread Marvin Davenport

I am trying to perform a forced full backup on all
disks in disklist to tapetype HARD-DISK

define tapetype HARD-DISK  {
length 4 mbytes
there is 70GB available on the disk but I get this
error on most of the files in the disklist

  s2a.dotcom /home lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but
cannot incremental 
dump new disk]
  s2a.dcadev /home lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but
cannot incremental 
dump new disk]
  s4a.dcadev / lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump 
new disk]
  s2a.dcadev / lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump 
new disk]
  s2a.dotcom / lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump 
new disk]
  s4a.dotcom / lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump 
new disk]
  s3a.dotcom / lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump 
new disk]
  s3a.dcadev /var lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but
cannot incremental 
dump new disk]
  s4a.dcadev /var lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but
cannot incremental 
dump new disk]
  s2a.dotcom /var lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but
cannot incremental 
dump new disk]
  s4a.dotcom /var lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but
cannot incremental 
dump new disk]
  s3a.dotcom /var lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but
cannot incremental 
dump new disk]
  s3a.dotcom /usr lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but
cannot incremental 
dump new disk]

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Re: amandahostsauth failing -- why?

2002-08-20 Thread Schlomo Schwartz

--- Scott Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Just double checking here, is /var/lib/amanda the
 amanda users home dir?

Yes, it is.

# grep amanda /etc/passwd
amanda:x:33:6:Amanda user:/var/lib/amanda:/bin/bash

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Re: dumps too big, but cannot incremental dump new disk

2002-08-20 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 at 3:39pm, Marvin Davenport wrote

 I am trying to perform a forced full backup on all
 disks in disklist to tapetype HARD-DISK
 define tapetype HARD-DISK  {
 length 4 mbytes
 there is 70GB available on the disk but I get this
 error on most of the files in the disklist
   s2a.dotcom /home lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but
 cannot incremental 
 dump new disk]

What version of amanda, and what is your tapedev?

Most likely, this is what is going on:

Amanda wants to dump to your tapedev, but can't (b/c it doesn't exist, or 
some such), and so goes into degraded mode.

In degraded mode, amanda by default reserves 100% of the disk for degraded 
mode dumps, which are incrementals only.

These are all new disks, so amanda can't do incrementals, and so FAILs all 
the disks.

Your options are:

1) Crank reserve down to 0, which should alleviate this problem, or

2) Use 2.4.3b3 (b is for beta), and its file: driver for tapedev, the
   details of which are in the included amanda(8) man page.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: dumps too big, but cannot incremental dump new disk

2002-08-20 Thread Marvin Davenport

I am using 2.4.3b3 and file driver 

slot 1 file:/mnt/disk2/t01
slot 2 file:/mnt/disk2/t02
slot 3 file:/mnt/disk2/t03
slot 4 file:/mnt/disk2/t04
slot 5 file:/mnt/disk2/t05
slot 6 file:/mnt/disk2/t06
slot 7 file:/mnt/disk2/t07
slot 8 file:/mnt/disk2/t08
slot 9 file:/mnt/disk2/t09

--- Joshua Baker-LePain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 at 3:39pm, Marvin Davenport
  I am trying to perform a forced full backup on all
  disks in disklist to tapetype HARD-DISK
  define tapetype HARD-DISK  {
  length 4 mbytes
  there is 70GB available on the disk but I get this
  error on most of the files in the disklist
s2a.dotcom /home lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big,
  cannot incremental 
  dump new disk]
 What version of amanda, and what is your tapedev?
 Most likely, this is what is going on:
 Amanda wants to dump to your tapedev, but can't (b/c
 it doesn't exist, or 
 some such), and so goes into degraded mode.
 In degraded mode, amanda by default reserves 100% of
 the disk for degraded 
 mode dumps, which are incrementals only.
 These are all new disks, so amanda can't do
 incrementals, and so FAILs all 
 the disks.
 Your options are:
 1) Crank reserve down to 0, which should alleviate
 this problem, or
 2) Use 2.4.3b3 (b is for beta), and its file:
 driver for tapedev, the
details of which are in the included amanda(8)
 man page.
 Joshua Baker-LePain
 Department of Biomedical Engineering
 Duke University

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Re: amandahostsauth failing -- why?

2002-08-20 Thread Frank Smith

--On Tuesday, August 20, 2002 15:19:14 -0700 Schlomo Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- Jim Summers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1. the amanda hosts exists on all participants
 2. format correct?
hostname amandausername || hostname.domain
 3. the file is in the amanda user home.

 Here's the contents of my /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts

 lin01 amanda amanda
 localhost amanda
 localhost.localdomain amanda

Didn't your original post give an error message about amanda@lino02 (I
can't check it in the archives since yahoo stripped most of the error
thinking it was an email address).  Look for the error message that

[access as amanda not allowed from [EMAIL PROTECTED]] amandahostsauth failed

and make sure that whatever is after the '@' is the first field and
the name before the at (amanda in this case) is the second field in your
amanda hosts.

Systems Administrator Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online Fax: 512-374-4501


2002-08-20 Thread Galen Johnson

Has anyone found a way to use amanda with Windows systems?  I have a 
mixed environment I need to do backups for and would love to have a 
single solution.  For some reason veritas couldn't use the Exabyte 
changer properly.


Re: curious

2002-08-20 Thread Mark Fearer

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Galen Johnson wrote:
 Has anyone found a way to use amanda with Windows systems?  I have a 
 mixed environment I need to do backups for and would love to have a 
 single solution.  For some reason veritas couldn't use the Exabyte 
 changer properly.

Check out 

Re: curious

2002-08-20 Thread Galen Johnson

I had considered a samba solution...just wanted to be sure I didn't miss 
anything simpler.  


Mark Fearer wrote:

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Galen Johnson wrote:

Has anyone found a way to use amanda with Windows systems?  I have a 
mixed environment I need to do backups for and would love to have a 
single solution.  For some reason veritas couldn't use the Exabyte 
changer properly.

Check out 


Re: NAK error

2002-08-20 Thread Christopher Odenbach


 I just installed amanda-2.4.3b3 on solaris 8.  I got this error when
 I ran amcheck:
 Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
 ERROR: whitney NAK: expected PROGRAM, got OPTIONS

 How do I go about fixing it?

Looks to me like a version conflict between server and client. The 
amanda protocol was changed with amanda 2.4.1 I think. So perhaps you 
still have an old client version installed somewhere and inetd.conf is 
pointing there?


Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Odenbach
HNI Rechnerbetrieb
Tel.: +49 5251 60 6215