Libraries and multiple drives setup in amanda.conf

2002-11-08 Thread Gustave Eiffel
I have changerdev setup and working but I have 2 DLT8000 drives.
What I am wondering is how do I tell amanda about 2 drives?
Right now I have this in the amanda.conf:

tapedev /dev/st/nh0c0t1l0 # the no-rewind tape device to be used

But that is only one of the two.  Should this be something different?
My 2 drives are:

I think I may be getting close to a working config.

Thanks all.


Re: tar/ not missing any new directories

2002-11-08 Thread Toralf Lund
At 10:56 AM 10/14/2002 +0200, Toralf Lund wrote:

With tar, and some sort of a guarantee that no individual file will
exceed the tape capacity, this can be done by breaking the disklist
entries up into subdirs,

Yes, that's what I'm doing. The problem with this is that something 
easily gets left out as new directories are created.

I'm late to this conversation,  but I don't think it is possible to
leave out any new directories with a scheme like this:

define dumptype  diskA-TheRest {
   comp-user-tar   #or other local globally defined TAR dumptype
exclude list /diskA/diskA.exclude

on client,/diskA/diskA.exclude contains:

on server,   disklist:

client.fqdn  /diskA   diskA-TheRest #excludes fred,sally,sam,tom
client.fqdn  /diskA/fred   comp-user-tar
client.fqdn  /diskA/sally   comp-user-tar
client.fqdn  /diskA/sam   comp-user-tar
client.fqdn  /diskA/tom   comp-user-tar

(a)  when remembered,  add a new directory by editting   disklist   
(explicitly add  deb   and  client:/diskA/diskA.exclude  explicitly 
exclude  deb
(b)  when forgotten,   new directory is already included in the
diskA-TheRest  because you haven't explicitly excluded it.
Yes. I think you are right.

The fact that two separate files have to be maintained is a drawback, 
though, but I understand that with Amanda 2.4.3, that won't be necessary 
as multiple exclusions can be listed in the dumptype (which could be 
inlined in the disklist file.)

I still think a way to automate the split process would be useful, 

- Toralf

Error with barcode reader Email Message

2002-11-08 Thread Owain Pritchard

I'm having a little trouble understanding why everytime I run 
amcheck or amdump I receive a large email with the subject Error 
with barcode reader on Fri ... and contains a list full of enties like:-

Fri Nov  8 10:38:05 GMT 2002 Invoked with args '-info'
STATUS - currently loaded slot = -1
INFO - current slot -1, last slot 9, can go backwards 1
Fri Nov  8 10:38:05 GMT 2002 Invoked with args '-search 
SEARCH - WARNING!!!  BacypMis12 not found in current ADIC-
barcodes database.
   - WARNING!!!  Check your typing, and/or update the 

From my point of view, the barcode reader is working perfectly.  I 
can still run inventory commands etc.  Even when amcheck is 
running the autoloader still looks for and locates the correct tapes 
but when either amcheck or amdump begin, amanda sends out the 

Any ideas would be most welcome

Thank you!

Windows backups

2002-11-08 Thread Du-Wayne Rood
Hi All

Quick one, can amanda backup open files on windows using samba, and if 
not how can i backup open files on amanda ??


RE: Windows backups

2002-11-08 Thread Kevin Passey
Hi ,

We had that issue - we couldn't backup our exchange files while exchange was
up - so we put in scheduled job to switch off Exchange while the backup was
in progress - and then another one to start it up again once the backup was
completed. Works a treat.

If you want the .bat files let me know and I will publish them in the list.



-Original Message-
From: Du-Wayne Rood [mailto:du-wayner;]
Sent: 08 November 2002 13:31
Subject: Windows backups

Hi All

Quick one, can amanda backup open files on windows using samba, and if 
not how can i backup open files on amanda ??


Re: Windows backups

2002-11-08 Thread Paul Bijnens
Du-Wayne Rood wrote:

Quick one, can amanda backup open files on windows using samba, and if 


not how can i backup open files on amanda ??

I do it the other way around.  I create shares on a unix/linux server
and run samba on the server.  Everybody uses these shares to store
their data. (Yes, this gives problems with e.g. Outlook users etc,
who have to modify the defaults to store the mail on the share etc.
and laptop users who _need_ data on their local drive, but laptops
are not around at night when amanda runs anyway.)
Then I make the backups with amanda from the unix-host: no problems
with open files, and much faster too.
Some shares do reside on Windows-servers, but I try to keep most of
them without write access; this avoids the open shares problems.

Does there exist a native Windows program that can backup open files?
The standard backup program on e.g. win2000 can't (but most pc users
are not aware of that problem :-).

ps. I'm not a windows specialist, I just have many windows users.

Paul Bijnens, Xplanation   Tel  +32 16 40.51.40
Interleuvenlaan 15 H, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUM   Fax  +32 16 40.49.61  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D, ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, F6, *
* quit,  ZZ, :q, :q!,  M-Z, ^X^C,  logoff, logout, close, bye,  /bye, *
* stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,  abort,  hangup, *
* PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill -1 $$,  shutdown, *
* kill -9 1,  Alt-F4,  Ctrl-Alt-Del,  AltGr-NumLock,  Stop-A,  ...*
* ...  Are you sure?  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...   I'm out  *

Re: another wishlist thought

2002-11-08 Thread Marc Mengel
Todd T. Fries wrote:

- support public key encryption type of schemes 'pgp' or 'openssl' style

You should read the SECURITY-API file in the docs directory, that's the
design to handle that; the API is in the 2.5 code (that is, the main CVS 
branch)  If you want to roll up an openssl and/or pgp security module to 
go with the current bsd, krb4, and krb5 ones, and would like to 
contribute it,  go for it!

- support signing the data (instead of a crc or sha1 or rmd160), one
  can use pgp, gpg, or openssl for this

Not sure if one could call that a compression scheme or what...  That
would be the usual kluge in the current versions of Amanda, configure it
to use /usr/local/bin/compress_and_sign instead of /usr/bin/gzip, and make
compress_and_sign a program that compresses and signs the archives. Then
archives that you compress on the client side would be signed, and the
uncompress operation would check the signatures.

- Would there be a way for individual users to restore their own files without 
  compromising system security (aka currently, anyone who is allowed access to
  amanda via 'amrecover' can restore any file).

I've thought about this somewhat; it would require some serious infrastructure 
changes; basically
  * the indexing would have to include better file permissions/ownership
information so amrecover could tell who owns the files on the tape
  * amrecover (and any code it calls) would have to be thorougly reviewed for
setuid safety.
  * You would have to have it amrestore the files into a /tmp directory
that the user can't get at, then change the modes so the user can
read it when you're done; otherwise you would have to fix amrecover,
tar, and all the {ufs,vfs,...}restore utilities to be symlink-race-proof;
and that's not likely to happen any time soon.
Then you could make amrecover setuid and off you'd go.

aka the above suggestions of encryption/signing are for storage in the
holding disk (since I have configured mine to be _the_ place data is stored,
tape drive not hooked up yet), or to tape.  To do this of course the amanda
user would have to have access to the keys.  

You would probalby want to give your amanda user its own PGP key, and have
everyone sign the data and encrypt it to the amanda user...

Why can't amanda backup open samba files?

2002-11-08 Thread Carl D. Blake
Would somebody explain why amanda can't backup Windows files over SAMBA
that are open?  I'm confused by this because I know that multiple people
can open a file on a Windows share over a network (or at least I thought
they could).  If multiple people can open a file on a Windows share, why
can't amanda open and read that same file even though it's open?

Carl D. Blake
Director of Engineering
Boeckeler Instruments, Inc.
4650 S. Butterfield Dr.
Tucson, AZ  85714

Phone: 520-745-0001
FAX: 520-745-0004


Re: Windows backups

2002-11-08 Thread Marc Mengel
Paul Bijnens wrote:

Does there exist a native Windows program that can backup open files?
The standard backup program on e.g. win2000 can't (but most pc users
are not aware of that problem :-).

There are Windows calls to break open file locks; BackupExec, Legato, and
other commercial packages can use software that does it, and the files
get backed up (for suitable values of backed up), but it:
a) sometimes confuses the software that has the file open, and
b) backs up contents of the file that aren't neccesarily in any
   sane state since the application (i.e. email server, database server)
   has stuff cached that isn't on disk yet.
So even though there's stuff that *can* do it; I'm not sure you *want* to.
It's much better to make an application dump (i.e. database table dump)
and back that up, or stop the application for the backup.

The samba server solution fixes a) but not b).


Requesting comments on a possible amanda configuration

2002-11-08 Thread Carl D. Blake
I'm trying to setup an AMANDA backup system with the following
Full backup every Wednesday on a different weekly tape
Differential backup on Thurday, Friday, Monday, and Tuesday
Full backup on the last Wednesday of each month which is then
archived for a year.

So far I've setup a Weekly configuration with runspercycle set to 0,
dumpcycle set to 0, and tapecycle set to 7.  record is set to yes so
that differentials run on a daily basis will have a date that the last
full backup was done on.

I have a Monthly configuration with runspercycle set to 0, dumpcycle set
to 0, and tapecycle set to 14.  Again, record is set to yes for the sake
of the daily differentials.

The Daily configuration is runspercycle set to 4, dumpcycle set to 1
weeks, and tapecycle set to 7.

I have cron setup to run amdump Daily on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday,
and Friday; amdump Weekly on Wednesday for the first 3 (or 4) weeks of
the month; and amdump Monthly on the last Wednesday of the month.

Does this sound like my configuration will do what I want?  Or do I have
something really messed up?  Any comments or suggestions would be
Carl D. Blake
Director of Engineering
Boeckeler Instruments, Inc.
4650 S. Butterfield Dr.
Tucson, AZ  85714

Phone: 520-745-0001
FAX: 520-745-0004


Re: Windows backups

2002-11-08 Thread Leonid Mamtchenkov
Dear Paul Bijnens,

Once you wrote about Re: Windows backups:
 Does there exist a native Windows program that can backup open files?
 The standard backup program on e.g. win2000 can't (but most pc users
 are not aware of that problem :-).

Google for open file manager.  OFM is used by several backup products
(e.g. Novanet from NovaStor).  OFM simply keeps track of all open file
on the system, and, when asked by backup or any other software, provides
the lates copy it has.  We've used it for the last couple of years and
it works stable and does the job.  It can be purchased and installed
separately on each server without any backup system. 

Best regards,
  Leonid Mamtchenkov, RHCE
  System Administrator
  Francoudi  Stephanou Ltd.

Re: Why can't amanda backup open samba files?

2002-11-08 Thread Leonid Mamtchenkov
Dear Carl D. Blake,

Once you wrote about Why can't amanda backup open samba files?:
 Would somebody explain why amanda can't backup Windows files over SAMBA
 that are open?  I'm confused by this because I know that multiple people
 can open a file on a Windows share over a network (or at least I thought
 they could).  If multiple people can open a file on a Windows share, why
 can't amanda open and read that same file even though it's open?

If everyone opens the file for reading, then it's OK.  But if someone
opens the file for writing, you will, most probably, run into all sorts
of different problems, starting with Permission denied errors and
ending at corrupted contents.  Good luck. :)

Best regards,
  Leonid Mamtchenkov, RHCE
  System Administrator
  Francoudi  Stephanou Ltd.