Re: [UPDATE] How to control which tape is next?

2003-10-23 Thread Lucio
> > Check to see if some problem has truncated your tapelist file.  If a
> > problem (e.g., no space left on a device) prevents the tapelist from
> > being created or some other problem truncated the file, then you
> > could expect to see a problem like this.  Check to see if there have
> > been any drive faults or other system events at the time when Amanda
> > started giving you strange results.
> I have created a patch, which seems not yet included in the current
> sources, for similar errors:
> (but it seems that this is not the problem, as Lucio seems to indicate
> that there ARE enough entries in the tapelist file.  Maybe a permission
> problem?  Or looking at a file with the same name but not the one
> as configured in amanda.conf?)

The file is not truncated nor there are permission problems. There are five 
entries in the tapelist file and tapecycle is set to five tapes. Every entry 
matches the labelstr and every entry is marker as "reuse". The only strange 
thing is that the timestamp for each entry dates back to several days ago 
while the backup is due every night and the backup reports tell everything is 
ok every morning.

There is a write permission problem on amanda.conf (root.root rw-r--r--), but 
I guess this has nothing to do with the tapelist, right?

Re: [UPDATE] How to control which tape is next?

2003-10-23 Thread Lucio
> > Or looking at a file with the same name but not the one
> > as configured in amanda.conf?)

I can't tell how stupid I feel just now. The one above was the reason.
Thanks everybody.


Re: [UPDATE] How to control which tape is next?

2003-10-23 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 23 October 2003 05:38, Lucio wrote:
>> > Check to see if some problem has truncated your tapelist file. 
>> > If a problem (e.g., no space left on a device) prevents the
>> > tapelist from being created or some other problem truncated the
>> > file, then you could expect to see a problem like this.  Check
>> > to see if there have been any drive faults or other system
>> > events at the time when Amanda started giving you strange
>> > results.
>> I have created a patch, which seems not yet included in the
>> current sources, for similar errors:
>> (but it seems that this is not the problem, as Lucio seems to
>> indicate that there ARE enough entries in the tapelist file. 
>> Maybe a permission problem?  Or looking at a file with the same
>> name but not the one as configured in amanda.conf?)
>The file is not truncated nor there are permission problems. There
> are five entries in the tapelist file and tapecycle is set to five
> tapes. Every entry matches the labelstr and every entry is marker
> as "reuse". The only strange thing is that the timestamp for each
> entry dates back to several days ago while the backup is due every
> night and the backup reports tell everything is ok every morning.
>There is a write permission problem on amanda.conf (root.root
> rw-r--r--), but I guess this has nothing to do with the tapelist,
> right?

Or everything maybe, since the user amanda:disk should own all files 
in that same directory.  The perms should look something like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ls -l /usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1
total 48
-rw-r--r--1 amanda   disk20832 Aug  3 04:29 amanda.conf
-rw-r--r--1 amanda   disk  693 Dec 24  2002 chg-scsi.conf
-rw-r--r--1 amanda   disk 5502 Jul 13 09:16 disklist
-rw---1 amanda   disk  784 Oct 23 00:30 tapelist
-rw---1 amanda   disk  757 Jun 10 16:26 
-rw---1 amanda   disk  784 Oct 23 00:30 

This is beginning to look as if you have chowned things a bit somehow.  
Please chown them back to resemble the above.  This is possibly 
something that rpms may not handle properly.  When useing the 
tarballs, it is unpacked, configured, and built by amanda, then is 
installed by root, automaticly taking care of all required 
permissions when done in that manner.  It just works.

Likewise, your /usr/local/var/amanda/DailySet1 tree (or wherever the 
rpms keep the records) should also all belong to amanda:disk.  The 
executables, probably in /usr/local/libexec should look like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ls -l /usr/local/libexec
total 1904
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk57760 Oct 20 05:05 amandad
-rw-r--r--1 amanda   disk  180 Oct 20 05:05 amcat.awk
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk52567 Oct 20 05:05 amcleanupdisk
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk59680 Oct 20 05:05 amidxtaped
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk   114258 Oct 20 05:05 amindexd
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk46638 Oct 20 05:05 amlogroll
-rw-r--r--1 amanda   disk17439 Oct 20 05:05 amplot.awk
-rw-r--r--1 amanda   disk 3283 Oct 20 05:05 amplot.g
-rw-r--r--1 amanda   disk 3293 Oct 20 05:05
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk52927 Oct 20 05:05 amtrmidx
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk51722 Oct 20 05:05 amtrmlog
-rwsr-x---1 root disk47402 Oct 20 05:05 calcsize
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk11165 Oct 20 05:05 chg-chio
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk10066 Oct 20 05:05 chg-chs
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk 5160 Oct 20 05:05 chg-juke
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk 6769 Oct 20 05:05 chg-manual
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk13096 Oct 20 05:05 chg-mcutil
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk 5596 Oct 20 05:05 chg-mtx
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk11962 Oct 20 05:05 chg-multi
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk 1703 Oct 20 05:05 chg-null
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk 4006 Oct 20 05:05 chg-rait
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk 6691 Oct 20 05:05 chg-rth
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk   401126 Oct 20 05:05 chg-scsi
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk37294 Oct 20 05:05 chg-zd-mtx
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk97207 Oct 20 05:05 driver
-rwsr-x---1 root disk90217 Oct 20 05:05 dumper
-rwsr-x---1 root disk41995 Oct 20 05:05 killpgrp
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk 4848 Oct 20 05:05 patch-system
-rwsr-x---1 root disk91428 Oct 20 05:05 planner
-rwsr-x---1 root disk38963 Oct 20 05:05 rundump
-rwsr-x---1 root disk40270 Oct 20 05:05 runtar
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk63188 Oct 20 05:05 selfcheck
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk   121100 Oct 20 05:05 sendbackup
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk79728 Oct 20 05:05 sendsize
-rwxr-xr-x1 amanda   disk93117 Oct 20 05:0

Re: problem labelling tapes

2003-10-23 Thread Tony
Hi all,

I am still having trouble trying to label tapes and Amanda
recognising them.

I label a tape:

bash-2.05a$ /usr/sbin/amlabel daily daily01fri
rewinding, reading labelamlabel: strange amanda header: "AMANDA:
, not an amanda tape
rewinding, writing label daily01fri, checking label, done.

I then check the tape:

bash-2.05a$ dd bs=32k if=/dev/st0

1+0 records in
1+0 records out

So I then run amcheck:

bash-2.05a$ /usr/sbin/amcheck daily
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /tmp: 521540 KB disk space available, that's plenty
amcheck-server: strange amanda header: "AMANDA: T"
ERROR: /dev/nst0: not an amanda tape
   (expecting tape daily01tue or a new tape)

If I continually run amcheck, about maybe 5% of the time I will
get the response "Tape daily01fri label ok", to indicate that it
was actually able to read the label on the tape. This is VERY
strange !

I have downloaded and installed 2.4.4p1 and it is a RH7.3

As an aside, I did manage to work out the stinit stuff and the
drive is no longer using hardware compression. I did another
tapetype and got the following:

define tapetype dds4 {
  comment "produced by tapetype prog (HW compresssion off)"
  length 19503 mbytes
  filemark 0 kbytes
  speed 2693 kps

which is a lot more like what it should be.

Any suggestions on why it is not recognising the label ?


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Re: problem labelling tapes

2003-10-23 Thread Tom Brown
> Any suggestions on why it is not recognising the label ?

is your drive new/old/dirty/clean?

what about SCSI termination? have you tried a different cable?

has this drive/cable setup ever worked?


Re: problem labelling tapes

2003-10-23 Thread Paul Bijnens
Tony wrote:

As an aside, I did manage to work out the stinit stuff and the
drive is no longer using hardware compression. I did another
tapetype and got the following:
which is a lot more like what it should be.

Any suggestions on why it is not recognising the label ?
Now that you have a correct stinit.def, the stuff should work better.
But there is still one gotcha.  When you insert a tape that was
written with other settings, and you READ something on that tape,
the drive adjusts itself automatically to the settings of the tape.
This is very convenient to read a tape (you don't have to be guess
what the settings were), but when you write subsequently to that tape,
the drive does it with these settings, and those that you specified
in stinit.def.
I've been hit (and many people on this list) a few times with the
compression status.  You label a few tapes (or all tapes in my case)
with compression on (because you didn't notice, or by accident).
Later you find out about stinit.def and how to disable compression
with "mt" etc and you think you're safe now.  But when amanda verifies
the label, it automatically resets the drive to "compression on" for
those tapes. Writing this tape is silently done with compression
on, resulting is about 20-30% capacity loss.  Many people don't even
notice, until they hit EOT prematurely (and sometimes think it is a
bad tape).
To correct this behaviour, you have to set the correct parameters
in the drive (in stinit.def and/or using mt) and then write some data
to the tape WITHOUT reading it.
You can't use amlabel for this, because it first verifies the tape in
the drive, to check for an already existing amanda label.
The program amtapetype does work to erase a tape.  You don't need
to run it completely to the end; using the new "-c" option is
sufficient and takes only a few minutes for each tape. Something like:
	amtapetype -c -f /dev/st0

And then run amlabel again.

If I continually run amcheck, about maybe 5% of the time I will
get the response "Tape daily01fri label ok", to indicate that it
was actually able to read the label on the tape. This is VERY
strange !
The above does not explain why you get in about 5% of the cases
a correct labelcheck.  There is still "something else"...  Maybe
even a hardware problem.  (But why does it consistently shows 9 bytes
of the label is strange in that case too.)
Paul Bijnens, XplanationTel  +32 16 397.511
Technologielaan 21 bus 2, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUMFax  +32 16 397.512  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D, ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, F6, *
* quit,  ZZ, :q, :q!,  M-Z, ^X^C,  logoff, logout, close, bye,  /bye, *
* stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,  abort,  hangup, *
* PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill -1 $$,  shutdown, *
* kill -9 1,  Alt-F4,  Ctrl-Alt-Del,  AltGr-NumLock,  Stop-A,  ...*
* ...  "Are you sure?"  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...   I'm out  *

Re: problem labelling tapes

2003-10-23 Thread Paul Bijnens
Sorry, not read before hitting send...

Paul Bijnens wrote:

what the settings were), but when you write subsequently to that tape,
the drive does it with these settings, and those that you specified
in stinit.def.
Should be:
.. the drive does it with these settings and NOT those that you
specified in stinit.def.

Paul Bijnens, XplanationTel  +32 16 397.511
Technologielaan 21 bus 2, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUMFax  +32 16 397.512  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D, ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, F6, *
* quit,  ZZ, :q, :q!,  M-Z, ^X^C,  logoff, logout, close, bye,  /bye, *
* stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,  abort,  hangup, *
* PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill -1 $$,  shutdown, *
* kill -9 1,  Alt-F4,  Ctrl-Alt-Del,  AltGr-NumLock,  Stop-A,  ...*
* ...  "Are you sure?"  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...   I'm out  *

More than one tape per run

2003-10-23 Thread Toralf Lund
I'm thinking about using more than one tape, i.e. set "runtapes" 
parameter to a value > 1, for my updated archival setup. Is there 
anything special I need to keep in mind when doing this? Also, how do I 
set up runspercycle in this case? Is it the total number of tapes 
runspercycle * runtapes, or just runspercycle?

- Toralf

Re: More than one tape per run

2003-10-23 Thread Paul Bijnens
Toralf Lund wrote:

I'm thinking about using more than one tape, i.e. set "runtapes" 
parameter to a value > 1, for my updated archival setup. Is there 
anything special I need to keep in mind when doing this? Also, how do I 
set up runspercycle in this case? Is it the total number of tapes 
runspercycle * runtapes, or just runspercycle?
runspercycle does not need to be changed.  The "runtapes" means that
for each run up to that number of tapes may be used (note: not "must").
You have to increase your tapecycle probably to cover the same 
dumpcycle(s), because you'll burn twice as much tapes for each run.
(well, "burn", hopefully not litteraly).

The parameter "taperalgo largestfit" will help to fill the first
tape(s) to 100%.  (New since amanda 2.4.3.)
This works better when also using:

dumporder "SS"  # as many S's as you have dumpers

(or use "TT", which is a good approximation of , but optimises
the total runtime of your backups better; I use T).
For a complete explanation why this works better, see:

Paul Bijnens, XplanationTel  +32 16 397.511
Technologielaan 21 bus 2, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUMFax  +32 16 397.512  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D, ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, F6, *
* quit,  ZZ, :q, :q!,  M-Z, ^X^C,  logoff, logout, close, bye,  /bye, *
* stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,  abort,  hangup, *
* PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill -1 $$,  shutdown, *
* kill -9 1,  Alt-F4,  Ctrl-Alt-Del,  AltGr-NumLock,  Stop-A,  ...*
* ...  "Are you sure?"  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...   I'm out  *

Re: Mixing backups to disk and tape?

2003-10-23 Thread JC Simonetti
I am interested quite a lot in making backups on two different media, like what you 
said disk and tape. In my case I would like to write my data on disk and disk, but 
with 800km between the 2 disk shelves.
I don't think RAIT can handle this.

And if there's no existing solution, I don't mind developing it from scratch. Is 
someone interested in coding it with me?

On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 15:55:58 -0500
Frank Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Since the list has been pretty quiet lately:
> Is there a (relatively) easy way of backing up to both disk and
> tape from a single config?  I was thinking of using the file driver
> to do backups to disk (for faster recoveries) while also using
> tapes (for archiving and offsite purposes).
> Options I've considered:
> Just using the file driver and then dd'ing those to tape later.
> But since I couldn't keep as many file 'tapes' around as I would
> keep tapes, how would I handle recoveries of older data?  Just
> delete the file 'tapes' as needed, and to do a restore, first
> dd the tape back to the properly named file?
> Using the RAIT driver (does it still exist?) to mirror a backup
> between disk and file?  How would a restore work in this case;
> would Amanda expect both tape and file to be present?  Could
> a changer script handle the two diferent mediums?
> Two configs.  It would double the backup window and I"m soaking
> some WAN links too long already. 
> Something else?
> My idea is to somehow use the file driver to keep a couple of
> dumpcycle's worth of backups on disk, but to also have a
> tapecycle's worth of tapes (which is many times dumpcycle).
> Anybody tried anything similar?
> Frank
> -- 
> Frank Smith  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Systems Administrator   Voice: 512-374-4673
> Hoover's Online   Fax: 512-374-4501

amoverview output

2003-10-23 Thread Rohit Peyyeti
Attached are my amoverview and disklist files. I see some { brackets,
statements etc., in my amoverview output. These were not there before I
introduced include,exclude in the disklist file. Amreports everything fine
all in the disklists though.

Any idea?

# localhost /etc comp-root-tar

machine1  /vl   tar-low
machine1  /vw   tar-high
machine1  /vm   tar-high
machine1  /htar-low

machine3 /rp   cvs-backup-full   -1 local
machine3 /vw   tar-low
machine3 /vm   tar-low

machine3 /hAM /h {
include "./[a-m]*"
} -1 local

machine3 /hNZ /h {
include "./[n-z]*"
} -1 local

machine2   /vmtar-low
machine2   /vwtar-med

machine2 /hAM /h {
include "./[a-m]*"
} 1

machine2 /hNZ /h {
include "./[n-z]*"
} 1

machine2 /h2AM /h2 {
include "./[a-m]*"
} 1

machine2 /h2NZ /h2 {
include "./[n-z]*"
} 1

machine2 /h3NZ /h3 {
include "./rohit"
} 1

# machine2/vl tar-low
# machine2 //meosis/users   windows-high
# machine2 //meosis/UsersG2 windows-high
# machine2 //meosis/UsersG3 windows-high
 date 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
host disk 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

machine1 /h0  E  E  E  E1  2  2  2  2  E   0
machine1 /vl   E  0  E  E  EE  0  1  0  1  E 1  0  1
machine1 /vm   0  1  1  0  00  1  0  1  1  1 1  0  1
machine1 /vw   E  0  E  1  22  0  1  0  1  1 1  1  1
machine2   /h2AM 0  1  1
machine2   /h2NZ 0  1  1
machine2   /h3NZ
machine2   /hAM  0  1  1
machine2   /hNZ  0  1  1
machine2   /vm
machine2   /vw   E E  0  E1  1  0  1  1  2  0  1
include  "./[a-m]*"
include  "./[n-z]*"
include  "./rohit"
machine3/hAM   0
machine3/hNZ   0

NFS mount as second holding disk

2003-10-23 Thread Dan Willis
Hello. I am still experimenting with my Amanda setup. I have dedicated 
essentially all of the available disk space on an HP LH3 for my Amanda 
holding disk (approx 50 gig).  However, I still have some partitions to be 
backed up which exceed the size of the holding disk.  I know that an NFS 
mount would not be the ideal holding disk (I have googled on the subject 
before posting), but it is not practical for me to add disk space to the 
LH3 at this time.  I can live with a performance hit as long as the backup 
was reliable.

Has anyone successfully used an NFS mount as a secondary holding disk?  Can 
backups still be run through dump or should they all be tar going this 
route?  Or is this just not advisable at all?

Dan Willis

Re: More than one tape per run

2003-10-23 Thread Toralf Lund
Paul Bijnens wrote:

Toralf Lund wrote:

I'm thinking about using more than one tape, i.e. set "runtapes" 
parameter to a value > 1, for my updated archival setup. Is there 
anything special I need to keep in mind when doing this? Also, how do 
I set up runspercycle in this case? Is it the total number of tapes 
runspercycle * runtapes, or just runspercycle?

runspercycle does not need to be changed.  The "runtapes" means that
for each run up to that number of tapes may be used (note: not "must").

You have to increase your tapecycle probably to cover the same 
dumpcycle(s), because you'll burn twice as much tapes for each run.
(well, "burn", hopefully not litteraly).
I'm still not sure I understand. If I have

runspercycle 2


runtapes 2

will amanda try to distribute the full dumps across 4 tapes, or just 2?

When I think about it, the first answer makes most sense, as the 
parameter otherwise ought to have been called "tapespercycle".

The parameter "taperalgo largestfit" will help to fill the first
tape(s) to 100%.  (New since amanda 2.4.3.)
I'm using that already.

This works better when also using:

dumporder "SS"  # as many S's as you have dumpers

(or use "TT", which is a good approximation of , but optimises
the total runtime of your backups better; I use T).
For a complete explanation why this works better, see:
This is very helpful indeed. Thanks.

I've been wondering how I might avoid having the largest image left on 
the holding disk when the total size is only just larger than the tape 
(like you say, taperalgo often doesn't help), but never noticed this 
parameter, or the message you are referring to.

- Toralf

FAILED [[parse of reply message failed]]

2003-10-23 Thread Yeates, Stephen [Heanet]
Title:  FAILED [[parse of reply message failed]]

Hi there,
    Newbie question, I'm running amanda server on Debian Linux 
amanda-server 2.4.2p2-4 

I get the above parse error 'parse of reply message failed'
when backing up a Solaris 2.6 client running amanda-2.4.4

Does anyone have any idea what may be causing this parsing error. 

A Google serch seems to suggest it's a problem with the client's version but I'm not sure, would appreciate any help or pointers.




2003-10-23 Thread fredricktay


First, may I solicit your confidentiality in this transaction, this by virtue of its 

I am Fredrick Taylor, a cousin to the former and exiled president Charles Taylor of 

As a result of his step down and exile, he has mandated me to look for a reliable 
partner who will urgently assist us in the claims of a consignment contained in a 
trunk box (containing cash of $39.8m deposited as family treasures in the safe deposit 
custody of the diplomatic de espanol non inspection deposit unit in madrid-spain under 
an assigned diplomatic agent during his regime.

We need a foreigner, private or company of high magnitude of honesty and reliability 
whom we will portray as the bona-fide owner of the consignment during the change of 
beneficiary/ownership when applied upon your reconfirmation, which a certificate of 
change of ownership will be issued in your new name as the beneficiary before our 
meeting in madrid spain for the claims and banking processes to the account you will 
provide with the assistance of the assigned agent.[the Euro Diplomatic Services]

Thereafter, this fund will be invested in your company or you advice us on any 
lucrative project to invest the fund into,after rewarding you for your efforts and 
assitances through out the period of the transaction which you will be entitled to 20% 
of the total sum.

My cousin has handed over to me the transaction to follow up as a result of his step 
down and exile, as all necessary arrangements have been made to perfection awaiting 
the immediate commencement of this transaction upon your reconfirmation. . I will want 
to be guaranteed that you will be able to handle this transaction with utmost 
confidentiality and honesty as a result of Mr. Charles commitments with the 
international community through out the rebeling period untill his current step down 
and exile,as i am assuring you same from my side.

Upon receipt of your positive response, including your complete personal datas, i will 
immediately make an application for the change of ownership.

Please contact me on this email address: or through my private thuraya satelite 
number:+88-216-520-700-41 .as i will be expecting your responce.

Best Regards

Fredrick . Taylor

Re: amoverview output

2003-10-23 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau
Hi Rohit,

Could you try this patch


On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 07:00:56PM +0530, Rohit Peyyeti wrote:
> Attached are my amoverview and disklist files. I see some { brackets,
> include
> statements etc., in my amoverview output. These were not there before I
> introduced include,exclude in the disklist file. Amreports everything fine
> for
> all in the disklists though.
> Any idea?
> Rohit

> # localhost /etc comp-root-tar
> machine1  /vl   tar-low
> machine1  /vw   tar-high
> machine1  /vm   tar-high
> machine1  /htar-low
> machine3 /rp   cvs-backup-full   -1 local
> machine3 /vw   tar-low
> machine3 /vm   tar-low
> machine3 /hAM /h {
> tar-low
> include "./[a-m]*"
> } -1 local
> machine3 /hNZ /h {
> tar-low
> include "./[n-z]*"
> } -1 local
> machine2   /vmtar-low
> machine2   /vwtar-med
> machine2 /hAM /h {
> tar-med
> include "./[a-m]*"
> } 1
> machine2 /hNZ /h {
> tar-med
> include "./[n-z]*"
> } 1
> machine2 /h2AM /h2 {
> tar-med
> include "./[a-m]*"
> } 1
> machine2 /h2NZ /h2 {
> tar-med
> include "./[n-z]*"
> } 1
> machine2 /h3NZ /h3 {
> tar-med
> include "./rohit"
> } 1
> # machine2/vl tar-low
> # machine2 //meosis/users   windows-high
> # machine2 //meosis/UsersG2 windows-high
> # machine2 //meosis/UsersG3 windows-high

>  date 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
> host disk 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
> machine1 /h0  E  E  E  E1  2  2  2  2  E   0
> machine1 /vl   E  0  E  E  EE  0  1  0  1  E 1  0  1
> machine1 /vm   0  1  1  0  00  1  0  1  1  1 1  0  1
> machine1 /vw   E  0  E  1  22  0  1  0  1  1 1  1  1
> machine2   /h2AM 0  1  1
> machine2   /h2NZ 0  1  1
> machine2   /h3NZ
> machine2   /hAM  0  1  1
> machine2   /hNZ  0  1  1
> machine2   /vm
> machine2   /vw   E E  0  E1  1  0  1  1  2  0  1
> include  "./[a-m]*"
> include  "./[n-z]*"
> include  "./rohit"
> machine3/hAM   0
> machine3/hNZ   0
> machine3/rp0
> machine3/vm
> machine3/vw
> tar-low
> tar-med
> }-1
> }1

Jean-Louis Martineau email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Département IRO, Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succ. CENTRE-VILLETel: (514) 343-6111 ext. 3529
Montréal, Canada, H3C 3J7Fax: (514) 343-5834
--- amanda-2.4.4p1.orig/server-src/amadmin.c2003-01-03 22:35:54.0 -0500
+++ 2003-10-23 09:44:08.0 -0400
@@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@
   ip->name[0] ? ip->name : "default");
 printf("disk %s:\n", dp->name);
-if(dp->device) printf("device: %s\n", dp->device);
+if(dp->device) printf("device %s\n", dp->device);
 printf("program \"%s\"\n", dp->program);
 if(dp->exclude_file != NULL && dp->exclude_file->nb_element > 0) {

RE: FAILED [[parse of reply message failed]]

2003-10-23 Thread Yeates, Stephen [Heanet]
Title: RE: FAILED [[parse of reply message failed]]

On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 03:05:57PM +0100, Yeates, Stephen [Heanet] wrote:
> Hi there,
> Newbie question, I'm running amanda server on Debian Linux 
> amanda-server 2.4.2p2-4 
>> I get the above parse error 'parse of reply message failed'
>> when backing up a Solaris 2.6 client running amanda-2.4.4
>> Does anyone have any idea what may be causing this parsing error. 
>> A Google serch seems to suggest it's a problem with the client's version but
>> I'm not sure, would appreciate any help or pointers.

>My recollection is that a newer server can handle clients of all
>previous 4.? clients.  However the newer versions added some optional
>features that would stump older servers.  However if you do not use
>these optional new features (not sure what they were :-( ) then you
>should be compatible with new client and old server.

Hi Jon,
  Thanks for your quick response. I'll try upgrading the amanda server and see if it helps. I'll post the results to the list.



 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road    (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

amusing, huge amreport

2003-10-23 Thread Jon LaBadie
Woke up this morning to a 1 line, 70 byte
mail message from my amdump overnight.

I was working on the system at 2AM when the backup
kicked in.  At the time I was moving things around
to empty space on an new disk drive and doing general
cleanup (aka deletions of old garbage).

Turns out I deleted or moved thousands of files
between the time amanda made a list of what files
to backup on my /w file system and the actual
tar'ing of those files.  So I got thousands of
"can not stat" messages. :)

I don't think I will bother to archive that email.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: amoverview output

2003-10-23 Thread Rohit
Thanks Jean, but I have a binary RPM version installed on my
tape server. I'll download sources and try this later later.

Thanks again.

- Original Message - 
From: "Jean-Louis Martineau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Rohit Peyyeti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: amoverview output

> Hi Rohit,
> Could you try this patch
> Jean-Louis
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 07:00:56PM +0530, Rohit Peyyeti wrote:
> > Attached are my amoverview and disklist files. I see some { brackets,
> > include
> > statements etc., in my amoverview output. These were not there before I
> > introduced include,exclude in the disklist file. Amreports everything
> > for
> > all in the disklists though.
> >
> > Any idea?
> >
> > Rohit
> > # localhost /etc comp-root-tar
> >
> > machine1  /vl   tar-low
> > machine1  /vw   tar-high
> > machine1  /vm   tar-high
> > machine1  /htar-low
> >
> > machine3 /rp   cvs-backup-full   -1 local
> > machine3 /vw   tar-low
> > machine3 /vm   tar-low
> >
> > machine3 /hAM /h {
> > tar-low
> > include "./[a-m]*"
> > } -1 local
> >
> > machine3 /hNZ /h {
> > tar-low
> > include "./[n-z]*"
> > } -1 local
> >
> >
> > machine2   /vmtar-low
> > machine2   /vwtar-med
> >
> > machine2 /hAM /h {
> > tar-med
> > include "./[a-m]*"
> > } 1
> >
> > machine2 /hNZ /h {
> > tar-med
> > include "./[n-z]*"
> > } 1
> >
> > machine2 /h2AM /h2 {
> > tar-med
> > include "./[a-m]*"
> > } 1
> >
> > machine2 /h2NZ /h2 {
> > tar-med
> > include "./[n-z]*"
> > } 1
> >
> > machine2 /h3NZ /h3 {
> > tar-med
> > include "./rohit"
> > } 1
> >
> > # machine2/vl tar-low
> > # machine2 //meosis/users   windows-high
> > # machine2 //meosis/UsersG2 windows-high
> > # machine2 //meosis/UsersG3 windows-high
> >  date 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10
> > host disk 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23
> >
> > machine1 /h0  E  E  E  E1  2  2  2  2  E
> > machine1 /vl   E  0  E  E  EE  0  1  0  1  E
1  0  1
> > machine1 /vm   0  1  1  0  00  1  0  1  1  1
1  0  1
> > machine1 /vw   E  0  E  1  22  0  1  0  1  1
1  1  1
> > machine2   /h2AM
0  1  1
> > machine2   /h2NZ
0  1  1
> > machine2   /h3NZ
> > machine2   /hAM
0  1  1
> > machine2   /hNZ
0  1  1
> > machine2   /vm
> > machine2   /vw   E E  0  E1  1  0  1  1  2
0  1
> > include  "./[a-m]*"
> > include  "./[n-z]*"
> > include  "./rohit"
> > machine3/hAM
> > machine3/hNZ
> > machine3/rp
> > machine3/vm
> > machine3/vw
> > tar-low
> > tar-med
> > }-1
> > }1
> -- 
> Jean-Louis Martineau email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Département IRO, Université de Montréal
> C.P. 6128, Succ. CENTRE-VILLETel: (514) 343-6111 ext. 3529
> Montréal, Canada, H3C 3J7Fax: (514) 343-5834

Re: FAILED [[parse of reply message failed]]

2003-10-23 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 03:05:57PM +0100, Yeates, Stephen [Heanet] wrote:
> Hi there,
> Newbie question, I'm running amanda server on Debian Linux 
> amanda-server 2.4.2p2-4 
> I get the above parse error 'parse of reply message failed'
> when backing up a Solaris 2.6 client running amanda-2.4.4
> Does anyone have any idea what may be causing this parsing error. 
> A Google serch seems to suggest it's a problem with the client's version but
> I'm not sure, would appreciate any help or pointers.

My recollection is that a newer server can handle clients of all
previous 4.? clients.  However the newer versions added some optional
features that would stump older servers.  However if you do not use
these optional new features (not sure what they were :-( ) then you
should be compatible with new client and old server.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: More than one tape per run

2003-10-23 Thread Toralf Lund

runspercycle does not need to be changed.  The "runtapes" means that
for each run up to that number of tapes may be used (note: not "must").

You have to increase your tapecycle probably to cover the same 
dumpcycle(s), because you'll burn twice as much tapes for each run.
(well, "burn", hopefully not litteraly).

I'm still not sure I understand. If I have

runspercycle 2


runtapes 2

will amanda try to distribute the full dumps across 4 tapes, or just 2?

When I think about it, the first answer makes most sense, as the 
parameter otherwise ought to have been called "tapespercycle".

"Sense" is a funny thing.

Amanda will "try" to fit each run on a single tape.  But will use a
second tape during that run if necessary.
Ah, I see. So it won't actually multiply tape size by runtapes when 
trying to figure out how much it can write... I'm not sure the 
functionaltiy is of much use to me then, but perhaps I could cheat and 
pretend the tapes are "runtapes" times larger than they really are?

 Thus the answer is "it depends".
It will try to use 2 tapes, but may use 3 or 4.
BTW I find it strange that an "archival" configuration would be setup with
a dumpcycle > 0 (or 1?) and with runspercycle > 1.
When I want an archive dump I want it to be the state of the system now.
Not the current state of half the DLE's and incrementals from the last
'archive' of the other half.  Maybe that is just me ;)

The archival config disables incrementals, obsiously. And *of course* I 
have to split the backup across several tapes; isn't the data in any 
real setup larger than what fits on a tape?

But actually, one of the reasons why I'm asking about runtapes > 1 is 
that I've considered setting up so that everything is dumped in one run...

- Toralf

Re: More than one tape per run

2003-10-23 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, October 23, 2003 15:53:23 +0200 Toralf Lund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Paul Bijnens wrote:
>> Toralf Lund wrote:
>>> I'm thinking about using more than one tape, i.e. set "runtapes" 
>>> parameter to a value > 1, for my updated archival setup. Is there 
>>> anything special I need to keep in mind when doing this? Also, how do 
>>> I set up runspercycle in this case? Is it the total number of tapes 
>>> runspercycle * runtapes, or just runspercycle?
>> runspercycle does not need to be changed.  The "runtapes" means that
>> for each run up to that number of tapes may be used (note: not "must").
>> You have to increase your tapecycle probably to cover the same 
>> dumpcycle(s), because you'll burn twice as much tapes for each run.
>> (well, "burn", hopefully not litteraly).
> I'm still not sure I understand. If I have
> runspercycle 2
> and
> runtapes 2
> will amanda try to distribute the full dumps across 4 tapes, or just 2?

Well, technically your data could be spread over up to four tapes, but you are
only going to have one full backup of a single filesystem on one of the tapes
(assuming no promotions were made) and not on the others.
   Increasing runtapes just gives amanda more room to write a single day's
backups, but it is a maximum, so if all the scheduled backups fit on one
tape then it won't use the second one until the next run.

> When I think about it, the first answer makes most sense, as the parameter otherwise 
> ought to have been called "tapespercycle".
>> The parameter "taperalgo largestfit" will help to fill the first
>> tape(s) to 100%.  (New since amanda 2.4.3.)
> I'm using that already.
>> This works better when also using:
>> dumporder "SS"  # as many S's as you have dumpers
>> (or use "TT", which is a good approximation of , but optimises
>> the total runtime of your backups better; I use T).
>> For a complete explanation why this works better, see:
> This is very helpful indeed. Thanks.
> I've been wondering how I might avoid having the largest image left on the holding 
> disk when the total size is only just larger than the tape (like you say, taperalgo 
> often doesn't help), but never noticed this parameter, or the message you are
> referring to.
> --
> - Toralf

Systems Administrator   Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online   Fax: 512-374-4501

RE: [UPDATE] How to control which tape is next?

2003-10-23 Thread donald . ritchey
Is the modification date on the tapelist file changing?  If the entries
in the tapelist are not keeping up with the Amanda processes, then this
implies that something is preventing Amanda from keeping the tapelist
up to date.  One thing occurs to me, check the permissions on the config
directory, if it is read-only or owned and writable only by root, then 
Amanda cannot manipulate the files necessary to change the tapelist.

It's the little things that get you,


Donald L. (Don) Ritchey

-Original Message-
From: Lucio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 4:38 AM
Subject: Re: [UPDATE] How to control which tape is next?

> > Check to see if some problem has truncated your tapelist file.  If a
> > problem (e.g., no space left on a device) prevents the tapelist from
> > being created or some other problem truncated the file, then you
> > could expect to see a problem like this.  Check to see if there have
> > been any drive faults or other system events at the time when Amanda
> > started giving you strange results.
> I have created a patch, which seems not yet included in the current
> sources, for similar errors:
> (but it seems that this is not the problem, as Lucio seems to indicate
> that there ARE enough entries in the tapelist file.  Maybe a permission
> problem?  Or looking at a file with the same name but not the one
> as configured in amanda.conf?)

The file is not truncated nor there are permission problems. There are five 
entries in the tapelist file and tapecycle is set to five tapes. Every entry

matches the labelstr and every entry is marker as "reuse". The only strange 
thing is that the timestamp for each entry dates back to several days ago 
while the backup is due every night and the backup reports tell everything
ok every morning.

There is a write permission problem on amanda.conf (root.root rw-r--r--),
I guess this has nothing to do with the tapelist, right?

This e-mail and any of its attachments may contain Exelon Corporation
proprietary information, which is privileged, confidential, or subject 
to copyright belonging to the Exelon Corporation family of Companies. 
This e-mail is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity 
to which it is addressed.  If you are not the intended recipient of this 
e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, 
copying, or action taken in relation to the contents of and attachments 
to this e-mail is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have 
received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and 
permanently delete the original and any copy of this e-mail and any 
printout. Thank You.


2003-10-23 Thread kola_2003
Dear Friend,


I write to inform you of my desire to acquire estates or landed properties
in your country on behalf of the Director of Contracts and Finance Allocation
of the Federal Ministry of works and Housing in Nigeria. Considering his
very strategic and influential position, he would want the transaction to
be strictly as confidential as possible. First i will want to introduce
myself to you, i am Mr Kola Brown the personal assistant to Director of
Contracts and Finance Allocation of the Federal Ministry of works and Housing
in Nigeria. I came across your contact information due to my desperate search
for a reliable hand in assisting us, hence I am contacting you in assisting
us in this our mutual beneficial transaction (please my apologies for reaching
you through this manner).

He further want his identity to remain undisclosed at least for now, until
the completion of the transaction. Hence our desire to have an overseas
agent or rather an oversea partner. I have therefore been directed to inquire
if you would agree to act as our overseas agent in order to actualise this

The deal in brief is that the funds with which to carry out our proposed
investments in your country is presently in a coded account in the Nigerian
apex bank and we need your assistance to transfer the funds to your country
or any safe account outside your country in a convenient bank account that
will be provided by you before we can put the funds into use. For this you
shall be considered to have executed a contract for the ministry.

The contract sum of which shall run into US$16.5Million of which your share
shall be duely given to you if you agree to be our overseas agent. Your
area of specialisation does not matter in this transaction, all that is
required of you is a safe account and your willingness to assist us acquire
estates in your country. As soon as payment is effected and the amount mentioned
above is successfully transferred into your account, we intend to use our
own share in acquiring some estates abroad. For this too, we will rely on
your advice.

It might interest you to note that last year, a similar transaction was
carried out with one MR. CHIENCHEN YU of Taiwan but after securing the payment
approvals, and payment effected, MR.CHIENCHEN YU changed his numbers and
addresses, and was no where to be found on our getting to Taiwan. That was
how a former government official lost US$17.5Million. So this time around,
I will be with you before the remmittance is made into your provided account
to avoid future occurrence and allow trust to play a very minimal role until
performance is seen. You are requested to communicate your acceptance or
otherwise of this proposal,after which we shall discuss in details the modalities
for seeing this transaction through.

If however, you are not disposed to assist, kindly destroy this letter in
view of the confidentiality of the proposed transaction and interest of
personalities involved. If you will be willing to assist us as it will definately
benefit all involved, you should please send to me your phone number to
enable me speak with you on the modalities of securing this transaction

Thank you in anticipation of your co-operation.

Best Regards,

Mr Kola Brown.

Re: More than one tape per run

2003-10-23 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 03:53:23PM +0200, Toralf Lund wrote:
> Paul Bijnens wrote:
> >Toralf Lund wrote:
> >
> >>I'm thinking about using more than one tape, i.e. set "runtapes" 
> >>parameter to a value > 1, for my updated archival setup. Is there 
> >>anything special I need to keep in mind when doing this? Also, how do 
> >>I set up runspercycle in this case? Is it the total number of tapes 
> >>runspercycle * runtapes, or just runspercycle?
> >
> >
> >runspercycle does not need to be changed.  The "runtapes" means that
> >for each run up to that number of tapes may be used (note: not "must").
> >You have to increase your tapecycle probably to cover the same 
> >dumpcycle(s), because you'll burn twice as much tapes for each run.
> >(well, "burn", hopefully not litteraly).
> I'm still not sure I understand. If I have
> runspercycle 2
> and
> runtapes 2
> will amanda try to distribute the full dumps across 4 tapes, or just 2?
> When I think about it, the first answer makes most sense, as the 
> parameter otherwise ought to have been called "tapespercycle".

"Sense" is a funny thing.

Amanda will "try" to fit each run on a single tape.  But will use a
second tape during that run if necessary.  Thus the answer is "it depends".
It will try to use 2 tapes, but may use 3 or 4.

BTW I find it strange that an "archival" configuration would be setup with
a dumpcycle > 0 (or 1?) and with runspercycle > 1.

When I want an archive dump I want it to be the state of the system now.
Not the current state of half the DLE's and incrementals from the last
'archive' of the other half.  Maybe that is just me ;)
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: More than one tape per run

2003-10-23 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 05:37:02PM +0200, Toralf Lund wrote:
> >>>runspercycle does not need to be changed.  The "runtapes" means that
> >>>for each run up to that number of tapes may be used (note: not "must").
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>>You have to increase your tapecycle probably to cover the same 
> >>>dumpcycle(s), because you'll burn twice as much tapes for each run.
> >>>(well, "burn", hopefully not litteraly).
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>I'm still not sure I understand. If I have
> >>
> >>runspercycle 2
> >>
> >>and
> >>
> >>runtapes 2
> >>
> >>will amanda try to distribute the full dumps across 4 tapes, or just 2?
> >>
> >>When I think about it, the first answer makes most sense, as the 
> >>parameter otherwise ought to have been called "tapespercycle".
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >"Sense" is a funny thing.
> >
> >Amanda will "try" to fit each run on a single tape.  But will use a
> >second tape during that run if necessary.
> >
> Ah, I see. So it won't actually multiply tape size by runtapes when 
> trying to figure out how much it can write... I'm not sure the 
> functionaltiy is of much use to me then, but perhaps I could cheat and 
> pretend the tapes are "runtapes" times larger than they really are?
Won't buy you anything.  Amanda will reach the actual end of the tape
and not be able to go on to a second tape because runtapes is 1.

> > Thus the answer is "it depends".
> >It will try to use 2 tapes, but may use 3 or 4.
> >
> >BTW I find it strange that an "archival" configuration would be setup with
> >a dumpcycle > 0 (or 1?) and with runspercycle > 1.
> >
> >When I want an archive dump I want it to be the state of the system now.
> >Not the current state of half the DLE's and incrementals from the last
> >'archive' of the other half.  Maybe that is just me ;)
> > 
> >
> The archival config disables incrementals, obsiously. And *of course* I 
> have to split the backup across several tapes; isn't the data in any 
> real setup larger than what fits on a tape?

Total data, yes.  Data per DLE, no.  Because amanda can not deal with
individual DLE's larger than a single tape capacity.  But it will happily
put 10 DLE's on the first tape, 20 on the second and 4 on the third if
that is what fits, is needed, and runtapes is >= 3.

> But actually, one of the reasons why I'm asking about runtapes > 1 is 
> that I've considered setting up so that everything is dumped in one run...

Assuming that each individual DLE, when given a level 0, fits on a single
tape, then set dumpcycle = 0, runspercycle = 1, and runtapes = 1000.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: NFS mount as second holding disk

2003-10-23 Thread Eric Siegerman
On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 08:32:31AM -0500, Dan Willis wrote:
> Has anyone successfully used an NFS mount as a secondary holding disk?

Haven't tried it.

> Can backups still be run through dump or should they all be tar
> going this route?

I don't see offhand why it would make a difference.  From the
Amanda server's point of view, they're both just byte streams
coming in over a socket.

> Or is this just not advisable at all?

Perhaps this is overly alarmist, but over on the info-cvs list,
the common wisdom is that people should *not* access their CVS
repositories over NFS, but use the CVS client/server protocol
instead.  That's because interoperability problems between
different O/S's have been known to knock holes out of files
(whole blocks of NULs instead of the data that should be there).

A recent thread discussed the problem, and the circumstances in
which one can probably get away with NFS-mounting one's repo.
See this message from Larry Jones, one of the main CVS
maintainers at this point, and a guy who, IMO, generally seems to
know what he's talking about:

and the final paragraph of this one:

(The rest of the thread is of less interest, since it deals with
more CVS-specific issues.)

There are circumstances in which that problem isn't as critical
(e.g.  CVS working directories; since everything's in the repo
anyway, all you risk is your latest round of changes).  But a
backup isn't the kind of thing I'd want to gamble with --
especially not a compressed one, where an error would trash the
rest of the file!


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
When I came back around from the dark side, there in front of me would
be the landing area where the crew was, and the Earth, all in the view
of my window. I couldn't help but think that there in front of me was
all of humanity, except me.
- Michael Collins, Apollo 11 Command Module Pilot

Re: FAILED [[parse of reply message failed]]

2003-10-23 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau
I Stephen,

Newer client should be compatible with older server.
Could you send the amandad..debug on the client for the
sendbackup services.  I would like to see the reply message.


On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 03:05:57PM +0100, Yeates, Stephen [Heanet] wrote:
> Hi there,
> Newbie question, I'm running amanda server on Debian Linux 
> amanda-server 2.4.2p2-4 
> I get the above parse error 'parse of reply message failed'
> when backing up a Solaris 2.6 client running amanda-2.4.4
> Does anyone have any idea what may be causing this parsing error. 
> A Google serch seems to suggest it's a problem with the client's version but
> I'm not sure, would appreciate any help or pointers.
> regards,
> Stephen

Jean-Louis Martineau email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Département IRO, Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succ. CENTRE-VILLETel: (514) 343-6111 ext. 3529
Montréal, Canada, H3C 3J7Fax: (514) 343-5834

Re: NFS mount as second holding disk

2003-10-23 Thread Jay Lessert
On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 08:32:31AM -0500, Dan Willis wrote:
> Has anyone successfully used an NFS mount as a secondary holding disk?

I currently am.  Actually it's the *only* holdingdisk. :-)

> Can backups still be run through dump or should they all be tar going
> this route?

Makes absolutely no difference.  It's just holdingdisk, ordinary file
open/write/read, nothing special from a functionality POV.

> Or is this just not advisable at all?

As long as you've comprehended the bandwidth costs, there is no
particular problem.  In my case, I'm taking about a 25% backup window
elapsed time hit, but a cheap 200GB IDE disk in a castoff Linux box is
freeing up six very expensive Solaris fibre-channel disks for other
purposes.  (As soon as I get around to acquiring GB-E and HVD SCSI
cards for the linux box, *it* becomes the new Amanda server and the
25% hit goes away...)

Accelerant Networks Inc.   (voice)1.503.439.3461
Beaverton OR, USA(fax)1.503.466.9472

Samba - which does compress-client-best point to?

2003-10-23 Thread Dege, Robert C.

RedHat 7.1, kernel 2.4.19
amanda 2.4.2p2, samba 2.2.6

I've been backing up several Windows machines for a while now (months).
Recently, I've been getting cramped with tape space, so I added
"compress-client-best" to my samba-pc dump type.

However, while watching amanda perform the dump, it seems as if the linux
server is compressing the data, and not the windows client.  The more I
think about it, the more it makes sense, since amanda treats the smbclient
connection as an ftp connection rather than an amanda client machine.  So
the amanda server itself is the client, and the server in one for the samba
backups (right?)

But, my amanda server is slow.  So the PC stays connected while the dumper
compresses the dumped files.  Would the dumper relinquish the machine faster
if I used compress-svr-fast vs. compress-client-fast?


lev 0 FAILED [can't switch to incremental dump]

2003-10-23 Thread Rebecca Pakish Crum
Hi there - 

I'm running amanda2.4.2p2 on a RH8.0 box - the client is a RH7.2 box
also running amanda2.4.2p2.

The client has two disks, the first disk is partitioned in a standard
way - the second disk only has one partition /docs; and docs is the only
thing I want to back up.

Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5   350021 66155265795  20% /
/dev/hda177750  5957 67779   9% /boot
/dev/hda2  1510060 35812   1397540   3% /home
/dev/hdd1 19243804   6235232  12031016  35% /docs
none 63352 0 63352   0% /dev/shm
/dev/hda7   147766  4153135984   3% /tmp
/dev/hda8  4759544898008   3619760  20% /usr
/dev/hda3  1004052 51352901696   6% /var

My disklist entry looks like this: /docs user-tar

amcheck runs fine, detects no problems,
but the dump didn't run...
client.u /docs lev 0 FAILED [can't switch to incremental dump]

Why does amanda think I'm running an incremental dump on a this
partition? Also - this dump went to holding disk due to a tape it just saying that it couldn't drop this to a level 1?

Rebecca A. Crum  
Systems Administrator 
Unterberg & Associates, P.C. 
(219) 736-5579 ext. 184 

Re: lev 0 FAILED [can't switch to incremental dump]

2003-10-23 Thread Paul Bijnens
Rebecca Pakish Crum wrote:
amcheck runs fine, detects no problems,
but the dump didn't run...
client.u /docs lev 0 FAILED [can't switch to incremental dump]
Why does amanda think I'm running an incremental dump on a this
partition? Also - this dump went to holding disk due to a tape it just saying that it couldn't drop this to a level 1?
I guess the "reserve" parameter is configured to 100 (the default)
or only so much that the 6.2 Gbyte full dump does not fit.
The reserve parameter indicates how much to reserve to full dumps
on holdingdisk when dumping in degraded mode.
You had a tape error, and amanda decides to degrade some or all
full dumps to incrementals and continue with dumps to holdingdisk.
But, because (from the context) it seems it never did a full dump,
amanda can't switch to incremental, because there is no previous
full dump to base the increments on.
Was this what happened?
Paul @ Home

RE: lev 0 FAILED [can't switch to incremental dump]

2003-10-23 Thread Rebecca Pakish Crum
> I guess the "reserve" parameter is configured to 100 (the 
> default) or only so much that the 6.2 Gbyte full dump does 
> not fit. The reserve parameter indicates how much to reserve 
> to full dumps on holdingdisk when dumping in degraded mode.
> You had a tape error, and amanda decides to degrade some or 
> all full dumps to incrementals and continue with dumps to holdingdisk.
> But, because (from the context) it seems it never did a full 
> dump, amanda can't switch to incremental, because there is no 
> previous full dump to base the increments on.
> Was this what happened?

I'll check on the reserve parameter - I just checked my holding disk
size and it was set at 15000 MB, which this 6.2 GB full dump would not
fit on the holding disk with the over 10GB from my other disks...I
increased the size of my holding disk so that would not be a problem.

This would have been the first time I backed up this client, so that's
why I didn't totally understand the error. You are absolutely can I expect it to do an incremental due to lack of holding
disk space when it's never done the full level 0 Amanda is so much
smarter than me. With the hopes of no media errors on the horizon, I'm
sure it will work tonight. Thanks for the input.

Re: Samba - which does compress-client-best point to?

2003-10-23 Thread Paul Bijnens
Dege, Robert C. wrote:
RedHat 7.1, kernel 2.4.19
amanda 2.4.2p2, samba 2.2.6
I've been backing up several Windows machines for a while now (months).
Recently, I've been getting cramped with tape space, so I added
"compress-client-best" to my samba-pc dump type.
In my experience the compress best uses 4 times as much CPU for only
5% better compression, so it's not worth it, unless you have spare CPU
cycles to burn.  Maybe it's better to increase the dumpcycle (maybe
add more tapes to the tapecycle too), at the cost of having higher
incrementals.  Unless you have already a dumpcycle that's very long...
(Many people run with a dumpcycle of 2 weeks, some even more.)
If you don't have a changer, but you do have large enough holdingdisk,
one of the options is also to set "runtapes 2" and "reserve 0", and
let the dumps go to one tape, and overflow on holdingdisk, which you
flush each morning manually.

However, while watching amanda perform the dump, it seems as if the linux
server is compressing the data, and not the windows client.  The more I
think about it, the more it makes sense, since amanda treats the smbclient
connection as an ftp connection rather than an amanda client machine.  So
the amanda server itself is the client, and the server in one for the samba
backups (right?)
Right.  If you think a litter more about this, the amanda server does
not need to be the computer that runs smbclient.  My amandaserver has
already his cpu fully loaded, and two other machines do the smbclient
backups for my window machines, and they do the compression too.
But, my amanda server is slow.  So the PC stays connected while the dumper
compresses the dumped files.  Would the dumper relinquish the machine faster
if I used compress-svr-fast vs. compress-client-fast?
Execute "compress" on the machine that has the free CPU cycles, be it
your amanda server, be it one or more other machines.
Another possibility is to run the cygwin client on the windows PC's 
themselves, and then they can do their own compression  (but some recent
messages on this list indicate cygwin+amanda+compression has some
problems, yet to be solved).

Paul @ Home

problem taking backups

2003-10-23 Thread Amit Kumar

I am having some trouble taking backups using amanda. amcheck says that 
everything is fine but when I try using amdump, nothing happens. The 
tape drive is on a P200 MMX machine running RedHat Linux 9.0. Kernel 
version is 2.4.20-20.9.XFS1.3.1.
In the amdump log files, I see a message which says 
"FloatingPointException". I have no idea what could possibly be causing 
The dumpcycle, runspercycle and tapecycle are 3 weeks, 9 and 9 tapes 
respectively. The tape drive is Quantum DLT800. Below are the last few 
lines from the amdump log file:

driver: adding holding disk 0 dir /var/lib/amanda/Weekly/holding size 
reserving 15254652 out of 15254652 for degraded-mode dumps
driver: start time 750.775 inparallel 4 bandwidth 205800 diskspace 
15254652 dir OBSOLETE datestamp 20031017 driver: drain-ends tapeq FIRST 
big-dumpers ttt
driver: result time 750.776 from taper: TAPER-OK
taper: DONE [idle wait: 742.386 secs]
/usr/local/sbin/amdump: line 99: 28089 Done
$libexecdir/planner$SUF "$@"
28090 *Floating point exception*| $libexecdir/driver$SUF $conf
taper: writing end marker. [Weekly1 OK kb 0 fm 0]
amdump: end at Fri Oct 17 11:44:33 EDT 2003

I have also attached the full amdump log file.
I would greatly appreciate any help that I can get.


Amit Kumar
Dept. of Chemical Engg.
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
Ph: (302) 831-2345

amdump: start at Fri Oct 17 11:32:03 EDT 2003
amdump: datestamp 20031017
planner: pid 28089 executable /usr/local//libexec/planner version 2.4.4p1
planner: build: VERSION="Amanda-2.4.4p1"
planner:BUILT_DATE="Fri Oct 17 10:24:50 EDT 2003"
planner:BUILT_MACH="Linux 2.4.20-20.9.XFS1.3.1 #1 Sat Oct 
11 13:38:26 CDT 2003 i586 i586 i386 GNU/Linux"
planner:CONFIGURE_COMMAND="'./configure' '--prefix=/usr/local/' 
'--with-user=amanda' '--with-group=disk' '--with-config=Weekly'"
planner: paths: bindir="/usr/local//bin" sbindir="/usr/local//sbin"
planner:libexecdir="/usr/local//libexec" mandir="/usr/local//man"
planner:AMANDA_TMPDIR="/tmp/amanda" AMANDA_DBGDIR="/tmp/amanda"
planner:CONFIG_DIR="/usr/local//etc/amanda" DEV_PREFIX="/dev/"
planner:RDEV_PREFIX="/dev/" DUMP="/sbin/dump"
planner:RESTORE="/sbin/restore" SAMBA_CLIENT="/usr/bin/smbclient"
planner:GNUTAR="/bin/gtar" COMPRESS_PATH="/bin/gzip"
planner:UNCOMPRESS_PATH="/bin/gzip" MAILER="/usr/bin/Mail"
planner: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER=""
planner: time 0.003: dgram_bind: socket bound to
planner: time 0.024: startup took 0.024 secs

planner: time 0.024: setting up estimates for overdue 4 days for level 0
setup_estimate: command 0, options:
last_level 0 next_level0 -4 level_days 0
getting estimates 0 (10307792) 1 (0) -1 (-1)
planner: time 0.026: setting up estimates for overdue 29 days for level 0
setup_estimate: command 0, options:
last_level 1 next_level0 -29 level_days 1
getting estimates 0 (4243080) 1 (11730) -1 (-1)
planner: time 0.028: setting up estimates took 0.003 secs

taper: pid 28091 executable taper version 2.4.4p1
taper: page size is 4096
taper: buffer size is 32768
taper: buffer[00] at 0x401ef000
taper: buffer[01] at 0x401f7000
taper: buffer[02] at 0x401ff000
taper: buffer[03] at 0x40207000
taper: buffer[04] at 0x4020f000
taper: buffer[05] at 0x40217000
taper: buffer[06] at 0x4021f000
taper: buffer[07] at 0x40227000
taper: buffer[08] at 0x4022f000
taper: buffer[09] at 0x40237000
taper: buffer[10] at 0x4023f000
taper: buffer[11] at 0x40247000
taper: buffer[12] at 0x4024f000
taper: buffer[13] at 0x40257000
taper: buffer[14] at 0x4025f000
taper: buffer[15] at 0x40267000
taper: buffer[16] at 0x4026f000
taper: buffer[17] at 0x40277000
taper: buffer[18] at 0x4027f000
taper: buffer[19] at 0x40287000
taper: buffer structures at 0x4028f000 for 240 bytes
driver: pid 28090 executable /usr/local//libexec/driver version 2.4.4p1
driver: send-cmd time 0.042 to taper: START-TAPER 20031017
driver: started dumper0 pid 28093
driver: started dumper1 pid 28094
driver: started dumper2 pid 28095
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to 0.0.

Re: problem labelling tapes

2003-10-23 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 23 October 2003 05:48, Tony wrote:
>Hi all,
>I am still having trouble trying to label tapes and Amanda
>recognising them.
>I label a tape:
>bash-2.05a$ /usr/sbin/amlabel daily daily01fri
>rewinding, reading labelamlabel: strange amanda header: "AMANDA:
>, not an amanda tape
>rewinding, writing label daily01fri, checking label, done.
>I then check the tape:
>bash-2.05a$ dd bs=32k if=/dev/st0
>1+0 records in
>1+0 records out
>So I then run amcheck:
>bash-2.05a$ /usr/sbin/amcheck daily
>Amanda Tape Server Host Check
>Holding disk /tmp: 521540 KB disk space available, that's plenty
>amcheck-server: strange amanda header: "AMANDA: T"
>ERROR: /dev/nst0: not an amanda tape
>   (expecting tape daily01tue or a new tape)
>If I continually run amcheck, about maybe 5% of the time I will
>get the response "Tape daily01fri label ok", to indicate that it
>was actually able to read the label on the tape. This is VERY
>strange !
>I have downloaded and installed 2.4.4p1 and it is a RH7.3
>As an aside, I did manage to work out the stinit stuff and the
>drive is no longer using hardware compression. I did another
>tapetype and got the following:
>define tapetype dds4 {
>  comment "produced by tapetype prog (HW compresssion off)"
>  length 19503 mbytes
>  filemark 0 kbytes
>  speed 2693 kps
>which is a lot more like what it should be.
>Any suggestions on why it is not recognising the label ?
The only idea I keep coming up with is that for DDS tapes, the status 
of the tapes compression is recorded in a hidden header on the tape.  
Simply turning off the compression and relabeling the tape will turn 
it back in in the initial label read, so you wind up with the 
compression on regardless.  The workaround I've used is to read out 
the label with dd and save it to a scratch file.  Rewind the tape and 
issue the compression off commands, then dd the label file back to 
the tape useing the non-rewinding device.  This will not normally 
move the tape, or flush the buffers as its not a big enough write, 
and you'll only succeed if you force the drive to flush its buffers 
which will then record the compression off state in the header.  So 
one must, in addition to dd'ing the label back, follow that up with 
another dd from /dev/zero thats big enough to force the buffer flush, 
use at least a meg of /dev/zero more than the drives rated buffer 

I have a script around here someplace, and which has also been posted 
to this list on 2-3 occasions, that does all this in one swell foop 
per tape MOST of the time.

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> Yahoo! Messenger

Cheers, Gene
99.27% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly attornies please note, additions to this message
by Gene Heskett are:
Copyright 2003 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

Re: [UPDATE] How to control which tape is next?

2003-10-23 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 23 October 2003 06:29, Lucio wrote:
>> > Or looking at a file with the same name but not the one
>> > as configured in amanda.conf?)
>I can't tell how stupid I feel just now. The one above was the
> reason. Thanks everybody.

You probably have lot of company in that, I think at one time or 
another, many of us have had similar problems.  welcome to the real 
world... :)
Cheers, Gene
99.27% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly attornies please note, additions to this message
by Gene Heskett are:
Copyright 2003 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

Mutually Beneficial

2003-10-23 Thread Mr iyang
Attn: President/CEO/SIR/MADAM


Firstly, I must solicit your confidentiality. This is by virtue of it's
nature as being utterly "confidential" and  Though I know 
a transaction of this magnitude will make anyone apprehensive and 
but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day. A 
step taken shall not be regretted I assure you.
I am Mr iyang and I head a seven man tender board in charge of contract
awards and payment approvals. I came to know of you in my search for a 
and reputable person to handle a very confidential business 
which involves the transfer of a huge sum of money to a foreign account
requiring maximum confidence. My colleagues and I are top official of 
Government Contract Review and Award Panel. Our duties include 
vetting, and approval for payment of contract jobs done for the Federal
Ministry of Aviation(FMA) etc. We are therefore soliciting for your 
to enable us transfer into your account the said funds. Our country 
a lot of money everyday that is why the international community is very
careful and warning their citizens to be careful but I tell you "a 
will convince you".The source of the fund is as follow: During the last
military regime here in Nigeria, this committee awarded a contract of 
Million to a group of five construction firms on behalf of the Federal 
of Aviation (FMA)for the supply and installation of landing and 
equipment in Lagos and Port Harcourt International Airports. During 
process my colleagues and I decided among us to deliberately over 
the total contract sum of US$420.5 Million with the aim of sharing the
remaining sum of US$20.5 million.The government has since approved the
sum of US$420.5Million for us as the contract sum, but since the 
is only worth US$400M the remaining US$20.5 Million is what we intend 
transfer to a reliable and safe offshore account,we are prohibited to 
foreign account in our names since we are still in Government. Thus, 
it impossible for us to acquire the money in our name right now, I have
therefore been delegated as a matter of trust by my colleagues to look 
an oversea partner into whose account we can transfer the sum of 
colleagues and I have decided that if you/your Company can as the 
of this funds on our behalf, you or your company will retain 20% of the
total amount (US$20.5Million) while 75% will be for us (officials) and 
remaining 5% will be used in offsetting all debts/expenses incurred 
this transaction We have decided that this transaction can only proceed
under the following condition
(a) Our conviction of your transparent honesty and that you treat this 
with utmost secrecy and confidentiality
(b) That upon Receipt of the funds you will release the funds as 
by us after you've removed your share of 20%. Please acknowledge the 
of this letter using the above e-mail address. I will bring you into 
complete of this transaction when I've heard from you.
Your urgent response will be highly appreciated as we are already 
schedule for the financial quarter. Please do be informed that his 

transaction is 100% legal and completely free from drug or money 
Only trust can make the reality of this transaction.

Best regards,

Mr iyang


Re: NFS mount as second holding disk

2003-10-23 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 23 October 2003 09:32, Dan Willis wrote:
>Hello. I am still experimenting with my Amanda setup. I have
> dedicated essentially all of the available disk space on an HP LH3
> for my Amanda holding disk (approx 50 gig).  However, I still have
> some partitions to be backed up which exceed the size of the
> holding disk.  I know that an NFS mount would not be the ideal
> holding disk (I have googled on the subject before posting), but it
> is not practical for me to add disk space to the LH3 at this time. 
> I can live with a performance hit as long as the backup was
> reliable.
>Has anyone successfully used an NFS mount as a secondary holding
> disk?  Can backups still be run through dump or should they all be
> tar going this route?  Or is this just not advisable at all?
>Dan Willis

Generally speaking, dump is not the prefered utility for use with 
amanda.  We seem to have gradually come to prefer tar, in any version 
1.13-19 or higher.

Are these partitions that exceed the size of the holding disk 

If so, that may serve as a starting point to arrive at a sequence that 
allows the holding disk to be used.  I ask because I have several 
partitions that while not larger than the holding disk, do regularly 
compress to 20% or less of the original size.  The downside is that 
the compression takes time and serious horsepower, and the lags its 
use will create will allow the holding disk's files to be written to 
tape in a more timely manner possibly preventing it from becomeing 
100% full.

Keep in mind that if the disk gets full, the next dump will go direct 
to the tape, and this may result in shoe-shining the drive if the 
machine can't compress and move the data fast enough to stream 100% 
of the time.  The dump that fills it up may be lost, but IIRC amanda 
will know that and retry it again on the next run.

Cheers, Gene
99.27% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly attornies please note, additions to this message
by Gene Heskett are:
Copyright 2003 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

Re: NFS mount as second holding disk

2003-10-23 Thread Jay Lessert
On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 07:53:32PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Thursday 23 October 2003 09:32, Dan Willis wrote:
> >Hello. I am still experimenting with my Amanda setup. I have
> Generally speaking, dump is not the prefered utility for use with 
> amanda.  We seem to have gradually come to prefer tar, in any version 
> 1.13-19 or higher.

Gene, though that is the conventional wisdom for Linux ext2/ext3
because of kernel buffer inconsistency issues, I don't think Dan
mentioned his OS; for some OS's, like Solaris, (ufs)dump is arguably
the preferred solution unless you require excludes or subdirectories.

Accelerant Networks Inc.   (voice)1.503.439.3461
Beaverton OR, USA(fax)1.503.466.9472


2003-10-23 Thread Paul Yeatman
Hi, I was once given the impression that chunksize in the amanda.conf
could be used to control at what size a backup image would be written
to tape instead of to holding disk.  From reading what is in the man
page, I certainly wouldn't get this idea.

I made the following note in my amanda.conf at one time (possibly the
negative sign alters the meaning?):

# chunksize -1370 Mb  # in my own words, this tells
  # amanda to use a single file on the holding
  # disk for any filesystem < 1370 Mb while
  # writing any filesystem > 1370 Mb directly
  # to tape

I'm now questioning whether any of this is true.  I seem to also
vaguely remember something being said to me once about chunksize not
even being used by AMANDA anymore.  Any comments to any of this?



Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

Re: NFS mount as second holding disk

2003-10-23 Thread Dan Willis
Thanks to everyone who responded.

My Amanda server is RH9 using the 2.4.3 amanda packages included with the 
distribution (head hung in shame after reading a couple of days of 
posts...).  One client box is RH 7.3 with the 2.4.2 rh packages, one is RH9 
with the 2.4.3 rh packages and the remaining boxes (to be added to the 
disklist later) are RH 9 as well.  The largest partition I'm trying to 
backup is actually an SMB mount on a Windows 2000 server.

I've stuck with hardware compression so far because all of these boxes are 
pretty old and slow (I've borrowed a Compaq SDLT220 tape drive for testing 
purposes while I try to get the nearly $5,000 purchase approved- the tape 
unit will be the most valuable piece of the whole setup!).

I knew that an NFS mount couldn't be backed up with dump- I wasn't sure how 
an NFS holding disk would factor in.  I take it that tar is the preferred 
backup method for ext3 filesystems?  My initial config used dump on the 
non-SMB partitions, but I can quickly change over to tar.

At 07:35 PM 10/23/2003, you wrote:
On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 07:53:32PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Thursday 23 October 2003 09:32, Dan Willis wrote:
> >Hello. I am still experimenting with my Amanda setup. I have
> Generally speaking, dump is not the prefered utility for use with
> amanda.  We seem to have gradually come to prefer tar, in any version
> 1.13-19 or higher.
Gene, though that is the conventional wisdom for Linux ext2/ext3
because of kernel buffer inconsistency issues, I don't think Dan
mentioned his OS; for some OS's, like Solaris, (ufs)dump is arguably
the preferred solution unless you require excludes or subdirectories.
Accelerant Networks Inc.   (voice)1.503.439.3461
Beaverton OR, USA(fax)1.503.466.9472

Re: NFS mount as second holding disk

2003-10-23 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 23 October 2003 20:35, Jay Lessert wrote:
>On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 07:53:32PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Thursday 23 October 2003 09:32, Dan Willis wrote:
>> >Hello. I am still experimenting with my Amanda setup. I have
>> Generally speaking, dump is not the prefered utility for use with
>> amanda.  We seem to have gradually come to prefer tar, in any
>> version 1.13-19 or higher.
>Gene, though that is the conventional wisdom for Linux ext2/ext3
>because of kernel buffer inconsistency issues, I don't think Dan
>mentioned his OS; for some OS's, like Solaris, (ufs)dump is arguably
>the preferred solution unless you require excludes or
> subdirectories.

Most of the comments I've read on this list from folks who have run 
dump, seem to be less than enthusiastic after it bites them in a 
recovery attempt.

Maybe there are platform diffs that make it ok here, and a drooling 
dog someplace else.  Its my impression that tar doesn't seem to have 
quite a much negative publicity as long as its new enough, and it 
does do excludes and subdirs quite nicely, allowing one to break up 
his disklist into bite sized pieces.  But thats just my impression 
Jay... That, and a buck might get you a cup of coffee in a small 
town. :-)

Cheers, Gene
99.27% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly attornies please note, additions to this message
by Gene Heskett are:
Copyright 2003 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

Re: chunksize

2003-10-23 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 23 October 2003 22:14, Paul Yeatman wrote:
>Hi, I was once given the impression that chunksize in the
> amanda.conf could be used to control at what size a backup image
> would be written to tape instead of to holding disk.  From reading
> what is in the man page, I certainly wouldn't get this idea.
>I made the following note in my amanda.conf at one time (possibly
> the negative sign alters the meaning?):
>   # chunksize -1370 Mb  # in my own words, this tells
>  # amanda to use a single file on the
> holding # disk for any filesystem < 1370 Mb while # writing any
> filesystem > 1370 Mb directly # to tape
>I'm now questioning whether any of this is true.  I seem to also
>vaguely remember something being said to me once about chunksize not
>even being used by AMANDA anymore.  Any comments to any of this?

Chunksize was originally a workaround for some filesystems file size 
limitations.  When in use, the ONLY place it effects is the holding 
disk by breaking up a huge 30 gig total filesystem into files that it 
can handle in say, 2 gig hunks.  These files are merged into one big 
file on the tape itself, and all chunks must be completed for a given 
filesystem before the transfer to the tape begins.  And all chunks 
must have been written to the tape before any chunks are deleted from 
the holding disk.

Cheers, Gene
99.27% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly attornies please note, additions to this message
by Gene Heskett are:
Copyright 2003 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

Re: chunksize

2003-10-23 Thread Paul Yeatman
> Chunksize was originally a workaround for some filesystems file size 
> limitations.  When in use, the ONLY place it effects is the holding 
> disk by breaking up a huge 30 gig total filesystem into files that it 
> can handle in say, 2 gig hunks.  These files are merged into one big 
> file on the tape itself, and all chunks must be completed for a given 
> filesystem before the transfer to the tape begins.  And all chunks 
> must have been written to the tape before any chunks are deleted from 
> the holding disk.

Thanks for the reply.  Is there any such setting then that would
perform what I was once was lead to believe chunksize could control,
ie. specifying a file size over which a backup file should be written
directly to tape, bypassing the holding disk?

Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

Re: chunksize

2003-10-23 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, October 23, 2003 21:06:36 -0700 Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Chunksize was originally a workaround for some filesystems file size 
>> limitations.  When in use, the ONLY place it effects is the holding 
>> disk by breaking up a huge 30 gig total filesystem into files that it 
>> can handle in say, 2 gig hunks.  These files are merged into one big 
>> file on the tape itself, and all chunks must be completed for a given 
>> filesystem before the transfer to the tape begins.  And all chunks 
>> must have been written to the tape before any chunks are deleted from 
>> the holding disk.
> Thanks for the reply.  Is there any such setting then that would
> perform what I was once was lead to believe chunksize could control,
> ie. specifying a file size over which a backup file should be written
> directly to tape, bypassing the holding disk?

For the filesystems you want to go directly to tape, use a dumptype
that specifies 'holdingdisk no'.
   I'm not sure why you would want to not use a holdingdisk (unless
you are using the FILE driver), it is generally more efficient to use


> -- 
> Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

Re: chunksize

2003-10-23 Thread Paul Yeatman
> > Thanks for the reply.  Is there any such setting then that would
> > perform what I was once was lead to believe chunksize could control,
> > ie. specifying a file size over which a backup file should be written
> > directly to tape, bypassing the holding disk?
> For the filesystems you want to go directly to tape, use a dumptype
> that specifies 'holdingdisk no'.
>I'm not sure why you would want to not use a holdingdisk (unless
> you are using the FILE driver), it is generally more efficient to use
> one.

Ah, great point!  I had forgotten about this.

The main reason I want to write some filesystems to tape (while writing
others to holding disk) is that I have a config that backs up some
laptops at noon, delaying desktop backups until 9p.  If I don't
have enough holding disk space for one of the laptop's filesystems, the
whole job gets delayed until 9p (which can screw things up when the
laptop is no longer on the net at 9p).  I'm wondering if I specify for
the filesystems of the laptops to always be written directly to tape if
this would avoid this problem.


Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

Re: chunksize

2003-10-23 Thread Frank Smith
--On Thursday, October 23, 2003 21:40:13 -0700 Paul Yeatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> > Thanks for the reply.  Is there any such setting then that would
>> > perform what I was once was lead to believe chunksize could control,
>> > ie. specifying a file size over which a backup file should be written
>> > directly to tape, bypassing the holding disk?
>> For the filesystems you want to go directly to tape, use a dumptype
>> that specifies 'holdingdisk no'.
>>I'm not sure why you would want to not use a holdingdisk (unless
>> you are using the FILE driver), it is generally more efficient to use
>> one.
> Ah, great point!  I had forgotten about this.
> The main reason I want to write some filesystems to tape (while writing
> others to holding disk) is that I have a config that backs up some
> laptops at noon, delaying desktop backups until 9p.  If I don't
> have enough holding disk space for one of the laptop's filesystems, the
> whole job gets delayed until 9p (which can screw things up when the
> laptop is no longer on the net at 9p).  I'm wondering if I specify for
> the filesystems of the laptops to always be written directly to tape if
> this would avoid this problem.

A larger holdingdisk (or smaller reserve) might be an easier solution.
Keep in mind that going direct to tape means you do all your backups
one at a time in series, but with a holding disk you can do several in
parallel (as many as you have dumpers).  Depending on how many (and
how slow) laptops you're backing up, you might be extending your
backup window too long and not having them finish before the laptops
go home.
   You might want to consider using BackupPC to backup the laptops
to a machine and then use Amanda to back that up.  It would require
more disk but it could be on a cheaper machine with a large IDE drive,
plus the users can do their own restores.


> Paul
> -- 
> Paul Yeatman   (858) 534-9896[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>==Proudly brought to you by Mutt==

RE: problem labelling tapes

2003-10-23 Thread Dana Bourgeois
Or you could check for a DIP switch and force compression off.  My Sony DDS4
drive can start with compression either on or off and can either be switched
under software control or locked in one mode.  I locked compression off so I
don't have this hassle.

Dana Bourgeois

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gene Heskett
> Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 3:00 PM
> Subject: Re: problem labelling tapes
> On Thursday 23 October 2003 05:48, Tony wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I am still having trouble trying to label tapes and Amanda 
> recognising 
> >them.
> >
> >I label a tape:
> >
> >bash-2.05a$ /usr/sbin/amlabel daily daily01fri
> >rewinding, reading labelamlabel: strange amanda header: "AMANDA: T"
> >, not an amanda tape
> >rewinding, writing label daily01fri, checking label, done.
> >
> >I then check the tape:
> >
> >bash-2.05a$ dd bs=32k if=/dev/st0
> >
> >1+0 records in
> >1+0 records out
> >
> >So I then run amcheck:
> >
> >bash-2.05a$ /usr/sbin/amcheck daily
> >Amanda Tape Server Host Check
> >-
> >Holding disk /tmp: 521540 KB disk space available, that's plenty
> >amcheck-server: strange amanda header: "AMANDA: T"
> >ERROR: /dev/nst0: not an amanda tape
> >   (expecting tape daily01tue or a new tape)
> >
> >
> >If I continually run amcheck, about maybe 5% of the time I 
> will get the 
> >response "Tape daily01fri label ok", to indicate that it was 
> actually 
> >able to read the label on the tape. This is VERY strange !
> >
> >I have downloaded and installed 2.4.4p1 and it is a RH7.3 machine.
> >
> >As an aside, I did manage to work out the stinit stuff and 
> the drive is 
> >no longer using hardware compression. I did another tapetype and got 
> >the following:
> >
> >define tapetype dds4 {
> >  comment "produced by tapetype prog (HW compresssion off)"
> >  length 19503 mbytes
> >  filemark 0 kbytes
> >  speed 2693 kps
> >}
> >
> >which is a lot more like what it should be.
> >
> >
> >Any suggestions on why it is not recognising the label ?
> >
> The only idea I keep coming up with is that for DDS tapes, the status 
> of the tapes compression is recorded in a hidden header on the tape.  
> Simply turning off the compression and relabeling the tape will turn 
> it back in in the initial label read, so you wind up with the 
> compression on regardless.  The workaround I've used is to read out 
> the label with dd and save it to a scratch file.  Rewind the tape and 
> issue the compression off commands, then dd the label file back to 
> the tape useing the non-rewinding device.  This will not normally 
> move the tape, or flush the buffers as its not a big enough write, 
> and you'll only succeed if you force the drive to flush its buffers 
> which will then record the compression off state in the header.  So 
> one must, in addition to dd'ing the label back, follow that up with 
> another dd from /dev/zero thats big enough to force the buffer flush, 
> use at least a meg of /dev/zero more than the drives rated buffer 
> size.
> I have a script around here someplace, and which has also been posted 
> to this list on 2-3 occasions, that does all this in one swell foop 
> per tape MOST of the time.
> >Thanks,
> >Tony.
> >
> >
> >
> > Want to chat instantly with your online friends?  Get the FREE  
> >Yahoo! Messenger
> -- 
> Cheers, Gene
> 99.27% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly 
> attornies please note, additions to this message by 
> Gene Heskett are: Copyright 2003 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, 
> all rights reserved.

Re: chunksize

2003-10-23 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 09:06:36PM -0700, Paul Yeatman wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.  Is there any such setting then that would
> perform what I was once was lead to believe chunksize could control,
> ie. specifying a file size over which a backup file should be written
> directly to tape, bypassing the holding disk?

I'm pretty sure the size of the holding disk already does this.

If the estimated size of the backup is larger than the holding disk
space it is taped directly.  For this determination I believe the
space available has already been reduced by the percentage specified
by the "reserve" parameter in amanda.conf and by the amount of
space the other currently running dumps will take.

BTW the "negative number" you thought applied to chunksize might have
been the holding disk size.  A positive number means use up to the
specified amount of space while a negative number means use all the
space on the disk except the specified amount.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)