Re: signal 13 (PIPE) error.

2005-03-15 Thread Bruce S. Skinner

Jon LaBadie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 10:37:11PM +, Bruce S. Skinner wrote:
  My last dozen or so emails to amanda-users have gone into a black
  hole, I'll try this from another network under another subject.
  So let's try and walk (crawl?) before we run.
  I've set things up with only one small disk to be backed up, set
  dumpcycle 0 and removed the holding disk and tape changer from the
  config.  It's still failing.  There is a signal 13 (PIPE) error in
 This will likely not assist you, just for information sake.
 Most amanda admins don't realize that when indexing is on
 there are actually two tars that run.  One does the actual
 creation of the archive.  The output of this command is
 duplicated (think of the unix tee command) with one copy
 going to the holding disk or tape drive as appropriate.
 The second copy of the newly created archive is send to
 another tar which reads through it and creates a table
 of contents which is the index.

I was aware of this.  It also was failing and I had disabled indexing
for my testing.

 It has been my impression from the posted articles that
 about 90% of the tar pipe errors are from this second
 tar, the one creating the index from the archive, not
 the tar creating the archive itself.  I'd be happy to
 be told I'm all wrong, but it seems to be a fragile
 part of amanda that manifests itself inconsistantly
 and in such a way as to not be analyzable (sp?).
 People who have the problem seem to fumble around
 making changes and it goes away without them being
 able to point to a specific reason for the repair.
  JG Computing
  4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
  Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)


Bruce S. Skinner
Defence RD Canada - Atlantic
9 Grove St.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 1012
Dartmouth  NS
CANADAtel: (902) 426-3100 x205
B2Y 3Z7   fax: (902) 426-9654

Re: signal 13 (PIPE) error.

2005-03-15 Thread Bruce S. Skinner
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce S. Skinner) writes:

 Hello Don,
  I don't want you to feel like we are all jumping on you, but...
  I noticed that you have used localhost ( as the address 
  for your network connections, and as the archives will illustrate 
  in incredible detail, we generally consider that a Bad Idea (Tm).
 This appears to have been the problem.
  Removing the holding disk from the picture actually makes the picture
  more murky, not less.  If you have a holding disk, then the backup 
  of the data happens in two parts, separating the dumper process of
  getting the data off of the disk to be backed up and onto the holding
  disk, and then the taper process moves the backed up data from
  the holding disk to the tape drive.  Combining the two obscures 
  where the actual problem is:  in the dumper or in the taper.
  My natural instinct is to look at the tape drive and the taper
  portion of the process, since that is a more mechanically driven 
  process and past history (mine) indicates that most of the errors
  that I have encountered have been there.
  Repeat the experiment, correcting these two issues and I think the
  picture will get a little clearer.
 Repeated successfully.  Reconfigured for the real world, (added more
 DLE's, bigger tapecycle, bigger runtapes, etc.) and it appears to be
 functioning.  One dump has been moved to tape and another is building
 on the holding disk.  Tomorrow we'll see how it turned out.


Many thanks to all the folks who contributed to that success.

regards :-)


Bruce S. Skinner
Defence RD Canada - Atlantic
9 Grove St.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 1012
Dartmouth  NS
CANADAtel: (902) 426-3100 x205
B2Y 3Z7   fax: (902) 426-9654

Re: tapecycle and the doc

2005-03-15 Thread Brian Cuttler

We have found that a shorter dumpcycle simplifies restores.

We have also found that a shorter tape cycle simplified managerial
issues... We need to investigate XYZ user please bring back all copies
of their Lotus Notes mailbox.

We find 20-25 tapes ample for most situations, gives a month plus
restore period (we have dumps 5x/week) with a few of the older
amanda configs on sight having a shorter period (we have intranet
source for the external web server, we really only need to recover
the OS and that is current at least once per designated dumpcycle).

On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 01:03:31AM -0500, Jon LaBadie wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 09:14:43AM -0700, Tom Schutter wrote:
  I had some questions regarding tapecycle, and after reading the man
  page and the doc (old and new), I think that they fall short on
  describing what tapecycle should be set to.  The minimum value of
  tapecycle is well covered, but not the maximum value, and how
  tapecycle should relate to the number of tapes that have been
  From the man page:
 tapecycle int
Default: 15 tapes.  The  number  of  tapes  in  the
 Gee, I did not realize there was a default :)
active  tape  cycle.   This  must  be  at least one
larger than the number of Amanda runs done during a
dump  cycle (see the dumpcycle parameter) times the
number of tapes used  per  run  (see  the  runtapes
For  instance,  if dumpcycle is set to 14 days, one
Amanda run is done every day (Sunday through Satur-
day),  and  runtapes  is set to one, then tapecycle
must be at least 15 (14 days * one  run/day  *  one
tape/run + one tape).
In practice, there should be several extra tapes to
allow for schedule adjustments or  disaster  recov-
  So what is an active tape cycle?  That is never defined anywhere.
 Bad wording.  And it is seldom good practice to use a term (eg tapecycle)
 in the definition of the term.
  Although the last sentence is correct and it makes sense, it does not
  explain how tapecycle should relate to the actual number of labeled
  Here is my bad attempt at an improvement, please do not use it verbatim:
You must have at least tapecycle tapes labeled, but you can have
more.  By labeling extra tapes, you can allow for schedule
adjustments or disaster recovery.  For example, lets say that your
tapecycle is set to 20 and you have 20 labeled tapes.  If you
discover that tape #5 that you are about to put in the drive is bad,
your only alternative is to immediately label a new replacement
tape.  If tapecycle was 20 and you had 25 labeled tapes, then you
could put tape #6 in the drive and deal with the problem later.
On the other hand, if the number of labeled tapes greatly exceeds
tapecycle, then AMANDA (insert inefficiency issue here).
 Two things; I know of no inefficiency issues related to exceedingly
 large numbers of tapes in rotation.  Or other problems, except cost,
 even in using fresh tapes every run.  And as to your suggested
 revision, in writing man page documentation one must judge how much
 example, description, and definition should go into a document that
 is intended to be terse and quickly readable as reference, not how-to.
 Here is my attempt at a revision:
 tapecycle int
 Default: 15 tapes.  Typically tapes are used by amanda in
   an ordered rotation.  The tapecycle parameter defines the
   size of that rotation.  The number of tapes in rotation must
   be larger than the number of tapes required for a complete
   dump cycle (see the dumpcycle parameter). This is calculated
   by multiplying the number of amdump runs per dump cycle
   (runspercycle parameter) times the number of tapes used per
   run (runtapes parameter).  Typically two to four times this
   calculated number of tapes are in rotation.
   While amanda is always willing to use a new tape in its rotation,
   it refuses to reuse a tape until at least 'tapecycle' number of
   other tapes have been used.  It is considered good administrative
   practice to set the tapecycle parameter slightly lower than the
   actual number of tapes in rotation.  This allows the administrator
   to more easily cope with damaged or misplaced tapes or schedule
   adjustments that call for slight adjustments in the rotation order.
  JG Computing
  4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
  Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)
   Brian R Cuttler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Computer Systems Support(v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center(f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of Health  

debug error messages

2005-03-15 Thread Lars Sørensen
Hi I'm using

amanda 2.4.3 on a RedHat 9.0. Up until now amanda have been working
perfectly. Then I made some changes:

1) migrated mailserver from Redhat 8 to a MS Exchange server
2) migrated fileserver from a RedHat 8 to a MS Excahnge server

I did number one quite a while ago and most of the time there is no
problems but sometimes I get the following report in the daily amanda

  backuphost //exchange/backups lev 0 STRANGE


/-- backuphost //exchange/backups lev 0 STRANGE
sendbackup: start [backuphost://exchange/backups level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/bin/smbclient
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/smbclient -f... -
sendbackup: info end
? File size change - truncating \mail_backup.bkf to 1825887232 bytes
| tar: dumped 1 files and directories
| Total bytes written: 1825887744
sendbackup: size 1783094
sendbackup: end

2) was a emergency operation since the old file server started acting
weird. I will later set up a MS 2003 server to host the file server.
But since I moved it I've been getting the followeing error:

  backuphost //exchange/finance lev 1 STRANGE


/-- backuphost //exchange/finance lev 1 STRANGE
sendbackup: start [backuphost://exchange/finance level 1]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/bin/smbclient
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/smbclient -f... -
sendbackup: info end
? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file \03 PAS\Liste
over bredbånd.xls (\03 PAS\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening
remote file \03 PAS\Morten\Best-m¢de 2004-07-02 FIN.xls (\03
PAS\Morten\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file \03
PAS\Salary, vacation\Fravær_Videlity 2003.xls (\03 PAS\Salary,
vacation\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file \03
PAS\Salary, vacation\Lon 2002\Ferietillæg udbetaling sum.xls (\03
PAS\Salary, vacation\Lon 2002\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
opening remote file \03 PAS\Salary, vacation\Lon 2003\November
hensættelse.xls (\03 PAS\Salary, vacation\Lon 2003\) ?
NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file \03 PAS\Salary,
vacation\Lon 2004\L¢nliste til James.xls (\03 PAS\Salary, vacation\Lon
2004\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file
\Finance\Navision\Sælger.prf (\Finance\Navision\) ?
\Finance\unitel\Definitions\Account advices\Export\Bankoverf¢rsel
advis.def (\Finance\unitel\Definitions\Account advices\Export\) ?
\Finance\unitel\Definitions\Entries and balances\Export\Bankoverf¢rsel
advis.def (\Finance\unitel\Definitions\Entries and balances\Export\) ?
\Finance\unitel\Definitions\Entries and balances\Print\Kontoudtog med
tilh¢rende adviseringer.def (\Finance\unitel\Definitions\Entries and
balances\Print\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file
advices\Export\Bankoverf¢rsel advis.def
(\Finance\unitel\HODINST\Definitions\Account advices\Export\) ?
\Finance\unitel\HODINST\Definitions\Entries and
balances\Export\Bankoverf¢rsel advis.def
(\Finance\unitel\HODINST\Definitions\Entries and balances\Export\) ?
\Finance\unitel\HODINST\Definitions\Entries and
balances\Print\Kontoudtog med tilh¢rende adviseringer.def
(\Finance\unitel\HODINST\Definitions\Entries and balances\Print\)
| tar: dumped 223 files and directories
| Total bytes written: 0
sendbackup: size 0
sendbackup: end

my disklist looks like this:
# Take everything on the mail server
backuphost //exchange/backups samba 

# New Finance
backuphost //exchange/finance samba
backuphost //exchange/marvin samba

# Take DB dumps from F.Engel (placed on suseref)
suseref.videlity /backup client_compression

and my dumptypes are difend like this:
define dumptype normal_backup {
compress NONE
index yes
maxdumps 5
program GNUTAR
record yes

define dumptype samba {
program GNUTAR
compress server fast
index yes

define dumptype client_compression {
compress client fast
index yes

Anyone got any ideas what is going on? I've tried google but can't
verify that anyone talks about exactly whats going on in my case.

thanks in advance.

Re: backup Oracle DB at AMANDA server

2005-03-15 Thread Tom Brown
Jack$on wrote:
Thankx to everyone!
currently I'm recompile my amanda, with my tar script.
shutdown/startup schema good working  now I'm replace start/shop of
my Oracle DB to a switching DB in  switching out hot backup mode...
I'm reconfigure my Oracle DB,  change archive_log_dest to another
partition (may be to another server), and try backup redo logs with
starttime param in dumptype. I think, that if I backup redo logs with
estimated delay (2 or 3 hours) all must works correctly... i think...
not sure what version of Oracle you use but here we use and all on Linux. To backup i simply backup the DB using RMAN and 
backup to a directory on the local oracle server. I then use Amanda to 
backup that directory and so i get control files, datafiles etc all in 
the RMAN backup.

This works fine as i can't stop my db's either as we are a 24x7 shop

RE: debug error messages

2005-03-15 Thread Mark Lidstone
Hi Lars,

Could it be something to do with character representation?  If I remember 
rightly there are many different ways that Samba can represent some unusual 
characters (such as the å, ¢ and æ characters I see in there).

If that's the case, then maybe someone on a Samba list could give you an answer.

You could try copying one of those files to the local machine and doing a test 
dump of that file - see if it complains in a similar manner.

Another alternative for a quick fix - I notice you've used ntbackup to backup 
the Exchange database to a file which you then backup - you could again use 
ntbackup to backup the file storage then backup that single file.  It's hardly 
an ideal situation, but it could get your backups up and running in the short 


Mark Lidstone
IT and Network Support Administrator

BMT SeaTech Ltd
Grove House, Meridians Cross, 7 Ocean Way
Ocean Village, Southampton.  SO14 3TJ. UK
Tel: +44 (0)23 8063 5122 
Fax: +44 (0)23 8063 5144

E-Mail:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Confidentiality Notice and Disclaimer: 
The contents of this e-mail and any attachments are intended only for the
use of the e-mail addressee(s) shown. If you are not that person, or one
of those persons, you are not allowed to take any action based upon it or
to copy it, forward, distribute or disclose the contents of it and you
should please delete it from your system. BMT SeaTech Limited does not
accept liability for any errors or omissions in the context of this e-mail
or its attachments which arise as a result of Internet transmission, nor
accept liability for statements which are those of the author and not
clearly made on behalf of BMT SeaTech Limited.

-Original Message-
From: Lars Sørensen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 March 2005 14:27
Subject: debug error messages

Hi I'm using

amanda 2.4.3 on a RedHat 9.0. Up until now amanda have been working perfectly. 
Then I made some changes:

1) migrated mailserver from Redhat 8 to a MS Exchange server
2) migrated fileserver from a RedHat 8 to a MS Excahnge server

I did number one quite a while ago and most of the time there is no problems 
but sometimes I get the following report in the daily amanda

  backuphost //exchange/backups lev 0 STRANGE


/-- backuphost //exchange/backups lev 0 STRANGE
sendbackup: start [backuphost://exchange/backups level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/bin/smbclient
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/smbclient -f... -
sendbackup: info end
? File size change - truncating \mail_backup.bkf to 1825887232 bytes
| tar: dumped 1 files and directories
| Total bytes written: 1825887744
sendbackup: size 1783094
sendbackup: end

2) was a emergency operation since the old file server started acting weird. I 
will later set up a MS 2003 server to host the file server. But since I moved 
it I've been getting the followeing error:

  backuphost //exchange/finance lev 1 STRANGE


/-- backuphost //exchange/finance lev 1 STRANGE
sendbackup: start [backuphost://exchange/finance level 1]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/bin/smbclient
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/smbclient -f... -
sendbackup: info end
? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file \03 PAS\Liste over 
bredbånd.xls (\03 PAS\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file 
\03 PAS\Morten\Best-m¢de 2004-07-02 FIN.xls (\03
PAS\Morten\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file \03 
PAS\Salary, vacation\Fravær_Videlity 2003.xls (\03 PAS\Salary,
vacation\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file \03 
PAS\Salary, vacation\Lon 2002\Ferietillæg udbetaling sum.xls (\03 PAS\Salary, 
vacation\Lon 2002\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file \03 
PAS\Salary, vacation\Lon 2003\November hensættelse.xls (\03 PAS\Salary, 
vacation\Lon 2003\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file \03 
PAS\Salary, vacation\Lon 2004\L¢nliste til James.xls (\03 PAS\Salary, 
2004\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file 
\Finance\Navision\Sælger.prf (\Finance\Navision\) ? 
NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file 
\Finance\unitel\Definitions\Account advices\Export\Bankoverf¢rsel advis.def 
(\Finance\unitel\Definitions\Account advices\Export\) ? 
NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file 
\Finance\unitel\Definitions\Entries and balances\Export\Bankoverf¢rsel 
advis.def (\Finance\unitel\Definitions\Entries and balances\Export\) ? 
NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file 
\Finance\unitel\Definitions\Entries and balances\Print\Kontoudtog med 

Re: The spanning patch

2005-03-15 Thread John Stange
  I haven't looked at amverify yet at all (you're the first person who's
  tried to use it with the patch).  I'll take a whack at it once some regular
  work stuff is off my plate.
 When you've had your whack at it let me know and I'll give it a run as

Whacking now, expect stuff in the next week or so...

John Stange, Systems Administrator
National Academies Press

Re: debug error messages

2005-03-15 Thread Lars Sørensen
hmmm you've got a point with the characters, I'll try my luck on a samba list.

meanwhile I'm trying what you suggested regarding ntbackup

On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 15:34:38 -, Mark Lidstone
 Hi Lars,
 Could it be something to do with character representation?  If I remember 
 rightly there are many different ways that Samba can represent some unusual 
 characters (such as the å, ¢ and æ characters I see in there).
 If that's the case, then maybe someone on a Samba list could give you an 
 You could try copying one of those files to the local machine and doing a 
 test dump of that file - see if it complains in a similar manner.
 Another alternative for a quick fix - I notice you've used ntbackup to backup 
 the Exchange database to a file which you then backup - you could again use 
 ntbackup to backup the file storage then backup that single file.  It's 
 hardly an ideal situation, but it could get your backups up and running in 
 the short term.
 Mark Lidstone
 IT and Network Support Administrator
 BMT SeaTech Ltd
 Grove House, Meridians Cross, 7 Ocean Way
 Ocean Village, Southampton.  SO14 3TJ. UK
 Tel: +44 (0)23 8063 5122
 Fax: +44 (0)23 8063 5144
 E-Mail:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Confidentiality Notice and Disclaimer:
 The contents of this e-mail and any attachments are intended only for the
 use of the e-mail addressee(s) shown. If you are not that person, or one
 of those persons, you are not allowed to take any action based upon it or
 to copy it, forward, distribute or disclose the contents of it and you
 should please delete it from your system. BMT SeaTech Limited does not
 accept liability for any errors or omissions in the context of this e-mail
 or its attachments which arise as a result of Internet transmission, nor
 accept liability for statements which are those of the author and not
 clearly made on behalf of BMT SeaTech Limited.
 -Original Message-
 From: Lars Sørensen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 15 March 2005 14:27
 Subject: debug error messages
 Hi I'm using
 amanda 2.4.3 on a RedHat 9.0. Up until now amanda have been working 
 perfectly. Then I made some changes:
 1) migrated mailserver from Redhat 8 to a MS Exchange server
 2) migrated fileserver from a RedHat 8 to a MS Excahnge server
 I did number one quite a while ago and most of the time there is no problems 
 but sometimes I get the following report in the daily amanda
   backuphost //exchange/backups lev 0 STRANGE
 /-- backuphost //exchange/backups lev 0 STRANGE
 sendbackup: start [backuphost://exchange/backups level 0]
 sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/bin/smbclient
 sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/smbclient -f... -
 sendbackup: info end
 ? File size change - truncating \mail_backup.bkf to 1825887232 bytes
 | tar: dumped 1 files and directories
 | Total bytes written: 1825887744
 sendbackup: size 1783094
 sendbackup: end
 2) was a emergency operation since the old file server started acting weird. 
 I will later set up a MS 2003 server to host the file server. But since I 
 moved it I've been getting the followeing error:
   backuphost //exchange/finance lev 1 STRANGE
 /-- backuphost //exchange/finance lev 1 STRANGE
 sendbackup: start [backuphost://exchange/finance level 1]
 sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/bin/smbclient
 sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/smbclient -f... -
 sendbackup: info end
 ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file \03 PAS\Liste over 
 bredbånd.xls (\03 PAS\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file 
 \03 PAS\Morten\Best-m¢de 2004-07-02 FIN.xls (\03
 PAS\Morten\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file \03 
 PAS\Salary, vacation\Fravær_Videlity 2003.xls (\03 PAS\Salary,
 vacation\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file \03 
 PAS\Salary, vacation\Lon 2002\Ferietillæg udbetaling sum.xls (\03 PAS\Salary, 
 vacation\Lon 2002\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file \03 
 PAS\Salary, vacation\Lon 2003\November hensættelse.xls (\03 PAS\Salary, 
 vacation\Lon 2003\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file \03 
 PAS\Salary, vacation\Lon 2004\L¢nliste til James.xls (\03 PAS\Salary, 
 2004\) ? NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file 
 \Finance\Navision\Sælger.prf (\Finance\Navision\) ? 
 NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file 
 \Finance\unitel\Definitions\Account advices\Export\Bankoverf¢rsel advis.def 
 (\Finance\unitel\Definitions\Account advices\Export\) ? 

Re: tapecycle and the doc

2005-03-15 Thread Tom Schutter
On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 01:03 -0500, Jon LaBadie wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 09:14:43AM -0700, Tom Schutter wrote:
  Here is my bad attempt at an improvement, please do not use it verbatim:

 Here is my attempt at a revision:
 tapecycle int
 Default: 15 tapes.  Typically tapes are used by amanda in
   an ordered rotation.  The tapecycle parameter defines the
   size of that rotation.  The number of tapes in rotation must
   be larger than the number of tapes required for a complete
   dump cycle (see the dumpcycle parameter). This is calculated
   by multiplying the number of amdump runs per dump cycle
   (runspercycle parameter) times the number of tapes used per
   run (runtapes parameter).  Typically two to four times this
   calculated number of tapes are in rotation.
   While amanda is always willing to use a new tape in its rotation,
   it refuses to reuse a tape until at least 'tapecycle' number of
   other tapes have been used.  It is considered good administrative
   practice to set the tapecycle parameter slightly lower than the
   actual number of tapes in rotation.  This allows the administrator
   to more easily cope with damaged or misplaced tapes or schedule
   adjustments that call for slight adjustments in the rotation order.

Your attempt is far better than mine, and it says what I meant.

Tom Schutter (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Platte River Associates, Inc. (

Re: The spanning patch

2005-03-15 Thread Bruce S. Skinner
John Stange [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Whacking now, expect stuff in the next week or so...

Awaiting results... :-)


Bruce S. Skinner
Defence RD Canada - Atlantic
9 Grove St.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 1012
Dartmouth  NS
CANADAtel: (902) 426-3100 x205
B2Y 3Z7   fax: (902) 426-9654

unknown service: noop?

2005-03-15 Thread Steve Wray
Hi there,
we just had an inexplicable hiccup in our (recently configured) backup 

Night before last, the backup for this host went perfectly.
Last night, it didn't come back with its estimates.
So far as I can tell, there were no changes to the amanda config on this 
host in between these.

The client concerned is running debian 'woody'.
Looking at the /tmp/amanda/ logfiles on the client in question, I find 
something I've not seen before.

Any ideas would be appreciated!
got packet:

Amanda 2.4 REQ HANDLE 004-B0080708 SEQ 1110921966
OPTIONS features=feff9ffe0f;

sending nack:

Amanda 2.4 NAK HANDLE 004-B0080708 SEQ 1110921966
ERROR unknown service: noop

amandad: pid 16404 finish time Wed Mar 16 10:26:02 2005

Re: tapecycle and the doc

2005-03-15 Thread Tom Schutter
On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 10:25 -0700, Tom Schutter wrote:
 On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 01:03 -0500, Jon LaBadie wrote:
  While amanda is always willing to use a new tape in its rotation,
  it refuses to reuse a tape until at least 'tapecycle' number of
  other tapes have been used.

Ooops.  I think that should be:
 While amanda is always willing to use a new tape in its rotation,
 it refuses to reuse a tape until at least 'tapecycle-1' number of
 other tapes have been used.

Tom Schutter (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Platte River Associates, Inc. (

Re: tapecycle and the doc

2005-03-15 Thread Stefan G. Weichinger
Hi, Tom,

on Dienstag, 15. März 2005 at 23:32 you wrote to amanda-users:

TS On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 10:25 -0700, Tom Schutter wrote:
 On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 01:03 -0500, Jon LaBadie wrote:
  While amanda is always willing to use a new tape in its rotation,
  it refuses to reuse a tape until at least 'tapecycle' number of
  other tapes have been used.

TS Ooops.  I think that should be:
TS  While amanda is always willing to use a new tape in its rotation,
TS  it refuses to reuse a tape until at least 'tapecycle-1' number of
TS  other tapes have been used.

10 points for that.
best regards,

Stefan G. Weichinger