Amanda increment level?

2002-04-29 Thread Alexander Belik

I can't understand how amanda increment level?
For example
www sda1 comp-high # /
www sda2 comp-user-tar # /home
www sda3 comp-root # /usr
www sda5 comp-user-tar # /var
dumpcycle 7 days
runspercycle 9
tapecycle 1 tapes

Amanda first night made llevel 0 next night made level 1 next day
some partitions stay on level 1 some begin from level 0 and rest made 
level 2?

 2:465/207@Fidonet  Alexander Belik[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Amanda increment level?

2002-04-29 Thread Alexander Belik

On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Frank Smith wrote:

> --On Tuesday, April 30, 2002 01:21:20 +0300 Alexander Belik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >
> > I can't understand how amanda increment level?
> > For example
> > --disklist-
> > www sda1 comp-high # /
> > www sda2 comp-user-tar # /home
> > www sda3 comp-root # /usr
> > www sda5 comp-user-tar # /var
> > ---
> > dumpcycle 7 days
> > runspercycle 9
> > tapecycle 1 tapes
> > 
> > Amanda first night made llevel 0 next night made level 1 next day
> > some partitions stay on level 1 some begin from level 0 and rest made
> > level 2?
> You plan to run Amanda 9 times in 7 days using only 1 tape?

I plan to use 1 type per week! 1 type per cycle

 2:465/207@Fidonet  Alexander Belik[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Amanda increment level?

2002-04-29 Thread Alexander Belik

On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Jay Lessert wrote:

> > Amanda first night made llevel 0 next night made level 1 next day
> > some partitions stay on level 1 some begin from level 0 and rest made 
> > level 2?
> That's right.  In general, amanda will try to make sure you get:
> 1)  At least one level 0 every dumpcycle days.
> 2)  At least two level 0's over tapecycle tapes (so that
> if a single tape fails there is another level 0, even
>   if it might be a little old).
> 3)  Incrementals (level 1-9) will be used as convenient; the
> levels will increase if that is necessary to achieve 1) and
>   2).
> You've given amanda an unconventional configuration.  You're telling
> it:
> dumpcycle 7 days
> Give me at least one level 0 on each disklist entry every 7 days
> (this part is conventional).
> runspercycle 9
> Over that 7 days, I intend to run amdump 9 times.  That part is
> unconventional.

But if I wont to run 7 times in 7 days?  This is conditional?

> The usual use for runspercycle != dumpcycle would be something like
> dumpcycle=7, runspercycle=5 (e.g, I want a level 0 every week, but
> I'm only going to run amdump on Monday-Friday, not Saturday or
> Sunday).
> tapecycle 1 tapes
> No, no, no.  tapecycle is the total number of tapes you want in
> your rotation.  For example, if your amanda runs all fit on
> a single tape and you run amdump 7 days/week, then:
> dumpcycle 7 days
> tapecycle 14 tapes
> You label 14 tapes, you always carry at least two level 0's.

:) Will Amanda ask me for a new type when  new dumpcycle begin?
Or I must do it manualy?

 2:465/207@Fidonet  Alexander Belik[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Amanda increment level?

2002-04-30 Thread Alexander Belik

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Jon LaBadie wrote:

> > :) Will Amanda ask me for a new type when  new dumpcycle begin?
> > Or I must do it manualy?
> First, amanda expects each run of amdump will be on its own set of tapes.
> This means several tapes are in a rotation known as a tape cycle.  My
> tape cycle is 18 tapes.

Ok! Thx!

> Amanda will NOT add one dump to the end of a tape containing a previous
> dump.  It will either refuse to use the tape (if your config says it is
> not time to reuse the tape) or it will overwrite the old data with a
> new amdump.  Having a tapecycle of 1 means the next dump always destroys
> the ONLY dump you currently have.  A definite NO-NO :)

So I must chage my types avery day (when amdump)? 

> Second, amanda does not synchronize the levels of dump of each file system
> with each other one.  Instead, each file system is scheduled independently
> with an aim of keeping the total size of each amdump run consistant.
> So you should excpect to see a mixture of levels in each amdump run.

:) Thanks! I understand! Amanda decide when do a next level (depending on 
size only?) and avery dumpcycle runs level 0 dump! I'am right?

> Third, to answer your specific question, no it will not ask.  That sounds
> like you expect an interactive session.  Amanda is designed to be run
> automatically on a scheduled basis (like my 2 AM nightly backup).  And
> I'm not "always" here at 2 AM :)

Amnada after avery backup generate a report with line:
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: AUTH2

So, I understand because "tapecycle 1 tapes"?

> Instead, each amdump run generates a report, generally emailed to the admin,
> saying what tape it used and what tape it expects to have available the next
> amdump run.  If that tape is not available for the next run, amanda complains
> (in the email report) and tries to do what she can.  A common outcome is that
> the new amdump get written to a disk area known as the "holding disk" and
> can later be "amflush'ed" to the proper tape.

I know this! Thanks!

 2:465/207@Fidonet  Alexander Belik[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rewind probllem I think!

2002-05-10 Thread Alexander Belik

I have problem with my taper! When I insert a new type (but with amanda 
label) and run amverify it faild, but when I run it second time it checks
and all ok! Why? Why it faild first time?

[root@auth sbin]# ./ammt -f /dev/nst0 status
/dev/nst0 status: ONLINE BOT
[root@auth sbin]# ./amverify auth
No tape changer...
Tape device is /dev/nst0...
Verify summary to root
Defects file is /tmp/amanda/amverify.8127/defects
amverify auth
óÂÔ íÁÊ 11 08:40:37 EEST 2002

Using device /dev/nst0
Waiting for device to go ready...
Processing label...
** Error reading label on tape
Errors found:
0+0 in
0+0 out
[root@auth sbin]# ./amverify auth
No tape changer...
Tape device is /dev/nst0...
Verify summary to root
Defects file is /tmp/amanda/amverify.8208/defects
amverify auth
óÂÔ íÁÊ 11 08:42:22 EEST 2002

Using device /dev/nst0
Waiting for device to go ready...
Processing label...
Volume AUTH5, Date X
Fresh tape. Skipping...

 2:465/207@Fidonet  Alexander Belik[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Amanda I/O error!

2002-05-13 Thread Alexander Belik

I have Input/output error. But I have cleaned my device. 

P.S. I have red FAQ 

 2:465/207@Fidonet  Alexander Belik[EMAIL PROTECTED]

-- Forwarded message --
These dumps were to tape AUTH5.
*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [[writing file: Input/output error]].
Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
Run amflush to flush them to tape.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: AUTH6.

  wwwsda5 lev 1 FAILED [out of tape]
  wwwsda2 lev 1 STRANGE
  auth   hda4 lev 0 FAILED [no more holding disk space]

  Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:03
Run Time (hrs:min) 0:41
Dump Time (hrs:min)0:47   0:00   0:47
Output Size (meg) 682.80.0  682.8
Original Size (meg)  1708.40.0 1708.4
Avg Compressed Size (%)24.1--24.1   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Dumped   12  0 12   (1:10 2:2)
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)   248.8--   248.8

Tape Time (hrs:min)0:00   0:00   0:00
Tape Size (meg)
Tape Used (%)   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Taped 8  0  8   (1:8)
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  2696.2--  2696.2


/-- wwwsda2 lev 1 STRANGE
sendbackup: start [www:sda2 level 1]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/gtar
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/gzip -dc |/bin/gtar -f... -
sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz
sendbackup: info end
? gtar: ./httpd/noc/cfg/sirius93.cfg_l: Warning: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
? gtar: ./httpd/noc/cfg/sirius93.cfg_l_32123: Warning: Cannot stat: No such file or 
| Total bytes written: 206530560 (197MB, 565kB/s)
sendbackup: size 201690
sendbackup: end

  planner: Last full dump of auth:hda4 on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Incremental of ultra:hda1 bumped to level 2.
  taper: tape AUTH5 kb 6560 fm 9 writing file: Input/output error
  driver: going into degraded mode because of tape error.

-- - 
auth hda21  25 64 256.0   0:01   0.0   0:002604.0
auth hda40 FAILED ---
mail sda111171192  16.4   0:09  17.9   0:003023.4
mail sda22  366610 366610   --6:27 948.3   N/A   N/A 
mail sdb21 532 64  12.0   0:07   2.6   0:002656.2
news sda11  17 64 376.5   0:00   0.0   0:002345.7
news sda311030128  12.4   0:04  21.3   0:003193.1
news sda511244480  38.6   0:02 239.3   0:002475.8
ultrahda12 1062569 226822  21.3  31:20 120.7   N/A   N/A 
www  sda11 830 96  11.6   0:14   4.2   0:002614.7
www  sda21  201690  91418  45.3   5:57 255.9   N/A   N/A 
www  sda31 420128  30.5   0:18   3.6   0:002876.5
www  sda51  113270  13570  12.0   2:12 102.5  FAILED  

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.3b3)

Re: Amanda I/O error!

2002-05-14 Thread Alexander Belik

On Mon, 13 May 2002, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> On Mon, 13 May 2002 at 6:23pm, Alexander Belik wrote
> > I have Input/output error. But I have cleaned my device. 
> Dirty tapes aren't the only source of I/O errors.  Look in your system 
> logs for what type of I/O error the kernel reported.

I found errors but ! What it meen? What can I do?
May 15 03:30:21 auth kernel: st0: Error with sense data: [valid=0] Info 
fld=0x0, Current st09:00: sense key Unit Attention
May 15 03:30:21 auth kernel: st0: Error with sense data: [valid=0] Info 
fld=0x0, Current st09:00: sense key Unit Attention
May 15 03:30:21 auth kernel: Additional sense indicates Power on, reset, 
or bus
device reset occurred
May 15 03:30:21 auth kernel: Additional sense indicates Power on, reset, 
or bus
device reset occurred

 2:465/207@Fidonet      Alexander Belik[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> 100% when dumping!!

2002-05-16 Thread Alexander Belik

This night my dump were strange! I can't understand why hdb2 > 1000%??
Using /var/log/amanda/amdump from Fri May 17 02:00:01 EEST 2002

Look for amstatus (amanda in progress yet)!
auth:hda21   0k finished (2:26:37)
auth:hda40 3813400k finished (3:30:23)
mail:sda11 162k finished (2:27:04)
mail:sda23  142517k wait for dumping 
> mail:sdb21  239486k dumping  6004224k 
> (2507.13%) (2:26:36)
news:sda11   0k finished (2:26:37)
news:sda31  95k finished (2:27:00)
news:sda51 414k finished (2:27:09)
news:sda6/all012064110k dumping 10549632k ( 87.45%) 
ultra:hda1   3  275684k finished (3:36:03)
www:sda1 1 110k finished (2:27:41)
www:sda2 3   13582k finished (3:30:48)
www:sda3 1 180k finished (2:27:48)
www:sda5 25570k finished (2:29:02)

And so I have in disklist
mail sda1 comp-high # /
mail sda2 comp-root # /var
mail sdb2 comp-user-tar # /var/home/ftp
news sda3 comp-high # /
news sda1 comp-root # /boot
news sda5 comp-root # /home
news sda6/all sda6 {
exclude "./spool/news"
exclude "./spool/uucp"
} 6
www sda1 comp-high # /
www sda2 comp-user-tar # /home
www sda3 comp-root # /usr
www sda5 comp-user-tar # /var

 2:465/207@Fidonet      Alexander Belik[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am right? (Exclude problem)!

2002-05-17 Thread Alexander Belik

I want to type a big filesystem! 
Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda6 16301312  12262385   3190295  79% /var

So I have in disklist:

news sda6/all sda6 {
exclude "./spool/news" "./spool/uucp"
} 6

I just want to exclude non-interesting dir's (dont backup them at all)
But I have strange rezult in amanda report:

/-- news   sda6/all lev 0 STRANGE
sendbackup: start [news:sda6/all level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/gtar
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/gtar -f... -
sendbackup: info end
? gtar: Cannot add file ./spool/news/alt/business/61867: No such file or 
? gtar: Cannot add file ./spool/news/alt/business/61868: No such file or 
[skip 200Kb]
Why it backup this dir? Where I am wrong? How to exclude two dirs?

 2:465/207@Fidonet      Alexander Belik[EMAIL PROTECTED]

20Gb On type label (BASF DDS3)

2002-05-17 Thread Alexander Belik

I have 20Gb BASF types. But how to be sure that 20 GB can be taped on it?
I make some interesting test (using dd I am, in cyrcle, wroute 1Mb 
(tar-file) on type and than show how many times).But I have problem today!
These dumps were to tape AUTH8.
*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [[writing file: No space left on device]].
Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
Run amflush to flush them to tape.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: AUTH1.

  wwwsda5 lev 2 STRANGE
  wwwsda2 lev 3 STRANGE
  news   sda6/all lev 0 STRANGE
  news   sda6/all lev 0 FAILED [out of tape]
  mail   sdb2 lev 1 FAILED [no more holding disk space]

  Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:27
Run Time (hrs:min) 7:49
Dump Time (hrs:min)5:57   5:06   0:51
> Output Size (meg)   15925.615488.0  437.6
Original Size (meg) 17211.815488.0 1723.8
Avg Compressed Size (%)25.4--25.4   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Dumped   13  2 11   (1:7 2:1 3:3)
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)   760.9  863.1  146.6

Tape Time (hrs:min)0:53   0:48   0:06
Tape Size (meg)  4013.4 3724.1  289.4
Tape Used (%)  18.3   16.91.4   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Taped11  1 10   (1:7 2:1 3:2)
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  1282.2 1331.8  867.0

Only 15Gb Why OUT OF SPACE? No erros!!
in amanda.conf:

tapetype HP-DAT  
define tapetype HP-DAT {
comment "DAT tape drives"
length 22000 mbytes
filemark 2000 kbytes
speed 600 kbytes

P.S. By the way *filemark* what is this?

 2:465/207@Fidonet      Alexander Belik[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 20Gb On type label (BASF DDS3)

2002-05-17 Thread Alexander Belik

On Fri, 17 May 2002, Jon LaBadie wrote:

> Couple of things,
> First, address you queries to either the list or to an individual.

> > 
> > I have 20Gb BASF types. But how to be sure that 20 GB can be taped on it?
> > I make some interesting test (using dd I am, in cyrcle, wroute 1Mb 
> > (tar-file) on type and than show how many times).But I have problem today!
> Amanda sources come with a program to do just this test.  It is called
> "tapetype" and must be compiled separately (make tapetype).

I will test again now!

> What kind, if any, compression are you using (HW or SW).

How to see HW compression on/off?
[root@auth alex]# mt -f /dev/nst0 status
SCSI 2 tape drive:
File number=0, block number=0, partition=0.
Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x8c (EXB-8505 compressed).
Soft error count since last status=0
General status bits on (4101):

HW compression enable? How too disable it? I want to use SW (gzip)

 2:465/207@Fidonet  Alexander Belik[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 20Gb On type label (BASF DDS3)

2002-05-17 Thread Alexander Belik

On Fri, 17 May 2002, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> > These dumps were to tape AUTH8.
> > *** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [[writing file: No space left on device]].
> > Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
> *snip*
> Actually, only 4GB made it tape, as indicated above.  There probably was 
> some sort of tape error, which amanda interpreted as an out of space 
> error.  Look in your system logs for something relating to the tape drive 
> at around the time the backup failed.

I found some error! 

May 17 09:43:46 auth kernel: st0: Error on write filemark.
May 17 09:43:46 auth kernel: st0: Error on write filemark.

So the question is: What is filemark (in amanda.conf)?

> Also, make sure that hardware compression is *off*, since you are using 
> software compression.  Trying to compress already compressed data is Bad.

How to disable HW compression? It's enabled!

 2:465/207@Fidonet  Alexander Belik[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 24 gig Tape Settings

2002-05-17 Thread Alexander Belik

On 17 May 2002, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:

> >>>>> "BH" == Brook Hurd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> BH> I am about to use the following tape type: HP C5708A DDS-3 Data
> BH> Cartridge, 24GB
> I've used:
> define tapetype DDS-3 {
> comment "DDS-3 DAT drive"
> length 12288 mbytes # 12 GB
>>>>>>> filemark 0 kbytes
> speed 850 kbytes
> }

"filemark 0 kbytes" What is this?

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    ICQ: 41776461
 2:465/207@Fidonet  Alexander Belik[EMAIL PROTECTED]

TapeType -f /dev/nst0 - error!

2002-05-19 Thread Alexander Belik

I have Sun Storage C1537A L706 under RH6.2 Sparc
I tried to run tapetype -f /dev/nst0 from amanda 3 times and get the same 
[root@host]# tapetype -f /dev/nst0
wrote 375069 32Kb blocks in 1147 files in 11803 seconds (short write)
st0: Error 2603 (sugg. bt 0x20, driver bt 0x26, host bt 0x3).
tapetype: could not write any data in this pass: short write
st0: Error 2603 (sugg. bt 0x20, driver bt 0x26, host bt 0x3).
st0: Error on write filemark.

[root@host]# mt -f /dev/nst0 status
SCSI 2 tape drive:
File number=0, block number=1, partition=0.
Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x0 (default).
Soft error count since last status=0
General status bits on (2101):

 2:465/207@Fidonet  Alexander Belik[EMAIL PROTECTED]