Re: Incremental Backup and Backup NT from Unix server

2001-05-30 Thread Christoph Sold

Howard Zhou schrieb:
> Hi, Amanda Users,
> I am new to Amanda software. I have two concerns to clarify before I explore
> futher.
> 1) Does Amanda support incremental backup? It should be obvisou but I didn't
> see it on the feature list on Amanda home page. Is it easy to schedule full
> backup and incremental backups?

amanda plans the full/incemental backup schedule itself. The algorithm
will try to put as much full backups into the tape cycle as the number
of tapes permit.

> 2) If I set up Amanda on a FreeBSD server, can I set up Amanda to backup
> Windows Clients? If so, do I need any support software in addition? Would
> Samba be good enough? To my understanding, Samba allows Windows client to
> see file systems on Unix system. In this case, it's vice versa. So I am
> concerned.

Yes, and yes. Samba and amanda play along quite the way you like it.
Configuring windows to get backed up will be the most painsome process.
Use the ports to install, it will automagically work like a charm on

-Christoph Sold

Re: Need advise for a tape drive

2001-06-06 Thread Christoph Sold

Radu Filip schrieb:
> Hi!
> Please help me with an advise regarding purchase a new tape drive that
> must (all criteria must be satisfied):
> (-) works on a SCSI Adaptec Controller
> (-) works on a RedHAt 6.2 distribution with the original 2.2.16
> kernel, without the need to recompile that kernel.
> (-) be supported by Amanda
> (-) have at least 20 no-compressed GB tape drives that don't get
> defective to easy
> (-) be produced by a well known & seriuos company, relatively known for
> backup products
> (-) not be an external drive; I need an internal drive
> (-) have a decent and fair price for all of that
> Currently I had an OnStream ADR50 tape drive but its tapes goes defective
> too fast and are too expensive and meantime that company went out of
> business :-( (anyway, it was not my ideea to use their products) and I had
> to spent a whole day until someone from the list helps me ti figure out
> that I had to recompile Amanda with --without-fsf option in order to get
> restore works.
> So now I'm looking for a tape, with characteristics described like above,
> that makes me happy with doing safety backups.

I use Benchmark DLT1 tape drives. Not too expensive, and definitely
reliable. OEM also available from Dell and Compaq.

Just my EUR.02
-Christoph Sold

Re: info

2001-06-13 Thread Christoph Sold

Vincenzo Agosto schrieb:
> It's possible to make a backup in a Windows machine using Linux Red Hat
> 7.1 with amanda?


-Christoph Sold

Re: Inappropriate file type or format

2001-06-26 Thread Christoph Sold

Clem Kumah schrieb:
> Hello,
> I wonder if anyone knows what the following errors are. I seem to be
> getting them in my amanda backup reports. Any help would be appreciated.
> sendbackup: info end
> ? fstab: /etc/fstab: Inappropriate file type or format
> ? fstab: /etc/fstab: Inappropriate file type or format

Bogus entries int /etc/fstab. Have a look at it, eventually try
unmounting and remount each of the volumes listed there.

-Christoph Sold

Re: dds3 or dds4?

2001-06-27 Thread Christoph Sold

Tom Strickland schrieb:
> We're on the verge of ordering a DDS drive (this week). It'll probably
> be an HP Surestore - but the question is DDS3 or DDS4? There's the
> obvious difference in capacity, but beyond that are there any other
> differences? Speed is an obvious one - any others?

After some near disasters with DDS tapes, I suggest also considering
DLT1 tapes. Those never failed, even after long storage periods. They
come even pretty cheap.

Just my EUR.02
-Christoph Sold

Help: amrecover: 500 Access not allowed

2001-06-27 Thread Christoph Sold

Dear List,

trying to restore a remote disk, I telneted to the remote host, launched
amrecover, only to be greeted by the above mentioned access denied
message. What's wrong with my config?

amserver: tape & index host
client: host to restore partially

on host client:

# amrecover
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.2p2. Contacting server on amserver.local ...
220 amserver AMANDA index server (2.4.2p2) ready.
500 Access not allowed:[acces as operator not allowed from client.local]
amandahostsauth failed
# su -m operator
> amrecover
amrecover: amrecover must be run by root

Ummm... here's .amadahosts from amserver:#
client root operator
client.local root operator

Thanks in advance
-Christoph Sold

Re: dds3 or dds4?

2001-06-28 Thread Christoph Sold

Tom Strickland schrieb:
> On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 06:28:24PM +0200, Christoph Sold wrote:
> > [List reply stripped]
> >
> > Tom Strickland schrieb:
> > > On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 03:58:28PM +0200, Christoph Sold wrote:
> > > > Tom Strickland schrieb:
> > > > > We're on the verge of ordering a DDS drive (this week). It'll probably
> > > > > be an HP Surestore - but the question is DDS3 or DDS4? There's the
> > > > > obvious difference in capacity, but beyond that are there any other
> > > > > differences? Speed is an obvious one - any others?
> > > >
> > > > After some near disasters with DDS tapes, I suggest also considering
> > > > DLT1 tapes. Those never failed, even after long storage periods. They
> > > > come even pretty cheap.
> > >
> > > If only! If I was admin for a commercial enterprise, I'd go with DLT
> > > or similar - but as a charity branch we just can't afford it.
> >
> > Huh? This single DLT1 drive has cost less than 4000 Marks -- thats less
> > than $2000. Speaking of cheap, I again suggest looking at DLT1 drives.
> > Designed to compete with DDS drives.
> I've just done some sums:
> total for HP SureStore DDS3i, SCSI card, 20 tapes, delivery, VAT: 998.52UKP
> total for HP SureStore DDS4i etc: 1408.71 UKP
> total for HP DLT1, SCSI card, 20 tapes, delivery, VAT: 2441.415
> Well, unless I'm being wildly ripped off somewhere, it looks as though
> DDS is the only affordable solution. Probably DDS3, I'm afraid. I may
> be able to work something out, but at the moment I don't have the
> funds to be able to chip in myself.

Did you cinsider DLT1 holds 40G uncompressed, compared to 4G for DDS4?
You probably don't need 20 tapes. I can do with 10: 6 daily tapes,
backed up monday through friday, 4 weekly tapes. Should cut the cost in

-Christoph Sold

Re: file location on tape

2001-07-12 Thread Christoph Sold

Paolo Supino schrieb:
> Hi
>   How can I tell where a specific file (amanda backup file that is) is
> on the backup tape (except for checking all the files, one file at a
> time)?

Have a look at the reports amanda mails to you. the files are on tape
ion the order listed in the report. For that reason, it's wise to have
amreport print the labels for each tape. This way, a written record
sticks to the tape listing the order of the files on tape.

-Christoph Sold

How to set correct access rights?-

2001-07-13 Thread Christoph Sold

Hi folks,

when using amrecover on localhost, I get [names edited]:

# amrecover
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.2p2. Contacting server on ...
220 backups AMANDA index server (2.4.2p2) ready.
500 Access not allowed: [access as operator not allowed from
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]] open of /usr/home/operator/.amandahosts failed
# whoami
# ls -l `which amrecover`
-r-xr-x---  1 operator  operator  103340 May  7 16:16
# pwd
# ls -alF
-rw--- 1 operator  operator69 Jul 13 16:16 .amandahosts
# cat .amandahosts

This host is both tape and index server host. amanda was installed with
user and group "operator".

Can anybody point out where my configuration is wrong?

Thanks in advance
-Christoph Sold

Re: How to set correct access rights?-

2001-07-16 Thread Christoph Sold


answer greatly appreciated.

"John R. Jackson" schrieb:
> >500 Access not allowed: [access as operator not allowed from
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]] open of /usr/home/operator/.amandahosts failed
> ># whoami
> >root
> Running tests as root is cheating :-).  Try running them as "operator".
> ># pwd
> >/usr/home/operator
> ># ls -alF
> >-rw--- 1 operator  operator69 Jul 13 16:16 .amandahosts
> OK, that looks all right.  How about:
>   # cd /
>   # su operator -c cat /usr/home/operator/.amandahosts
> Make sure you give the full path.  I suspect that will fail.
> Check the permissions of the /usr, /usr/home and /usr/home/operator
> directories to make sure "operator" can get through them (I'm betting
> that's where the problem is).

# su operator -c "ls -l /"
drwxr-xr-x  20 root  wheel 512  /usr
# su operator -c "ls -l /usr"
drwxr-xr-x   8 root  wheel 512  home
# su operator -c "ls -l /usr/home"
drwxr-xr-x   3 operator  operator  512  operator
# su operator -c "ls -l /usr/home/operator"
-rw---   1 operator  operator   69  .amandahosts
# su operator -c "cat /usr/home/operator/.amandahosts"

This was not the reason why it fails. Any other ideas?

-Christoph Sold

N.B: Operator has neither password nor login shell set for security
reasons. Is any of those neccessary?

Re: How to set correct access rights?-

2001-07-16 Thread Christoph Sold

Christoph Sold schrieb:
> John,
> answer greatly appreciated.
> "John R. Jackson" schrieb:
> >
> > >500 Access not allowed: [access as operator not allowed from
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]] open of /usr/home/operator/.amandahosts failed
> >
> > ># whoami
> > >root
> >
> > Running tests as root is cheating :-).  Try running them as "operator".
> >
> > ># pwd
> > >/usr/home/operator
> > ># ls -alF
> > >-rw--- 1 operator  operator69 Jul 13 16:16 .amandahosts
> >
> > OK, that looks all right.  How about:
> >
> >   # cd /
> >   # su operator -c cat /usr/home/operator/.amandahosts
> >
> > Make sure you give the full path.  I suspect that will fail.
> >
> > Check the permissions of the /usr, /usr/home and /usr/home/operator
> > directories to make sure "operator" can get through them (I'm betting
> > that's where the problem is).
> # su operator -c "ls -l /"
> ...
> drwxr-xr-x  20 root  wheel 512  /usr
> ...
> # su operator -c "ls -l /usr"
> ...
> drwxr-xr-x   8 root  wheel 512  home
> ...
> # su operator -c "ls -l /usr/home"
> ...
> drwxr-xr-x   3 operator  operator  512  operator
> ...
> # su operator -c "ls -l /usr/home/operator"
> ...
> -rw---   1 operator  operator   69  .amandahosts
> # su operator -c "cat /usr/home/operator/.amandahosts"
> localhost
> This was not the reason why it fails. Any other ideas?

[In a private mail, <[EMAIL PROTECTED] zeroed in on the problem:]
xavier schrieb:
> The problem is that you must only specify one user per line (i've just
> tested it)
> good luck!

This one helped. Seems this can hit others, too, so I copy it back to
the mailing list. To make this point clearer: The syntax in .amandahosts
DIFFERS from .rhosts in that you have to specify one user per line.

-Christoph Sold

Re: Dumping to hd

2001-07-16 Thread Christoph Sold

xavier schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I would want to know if specifying "holdingdisk yes"in my dumptype will
> put my backup only on the holding disk without writting it on tape
> (which is exactly what i want).
> I'm asking this because i have 3 backup sets but only one tapedrive. One
> of the sets being daily and the other two being full backups every week
> (working on weekend). Since i'm not at work on weekends i cannot change
> the tapes, so what i though about was to do the dumps on the disk and
> then run amflush on monday, this way the daily dump of monday at 1 aM
> can be done...
> Tell me if i am wrong with that, i wanted to be sure.

If you label your weekend types different from the daily sets, the dumps
will sit on the holding disk until the right tape will be in your drive
and you flush them out using amflush. The trick is to label the tapes
with different names, such as daily-nn and weekly-nn.

-Christoph Sold


2001-07-17 Thread Christoph Sold

> Francois schrieb:
> Hi amanda users
> what happened to the home page?

>From here, the side is reachable and seems OK to me.

-Christoph Sold

Error: [Request to client timed out.] Solution?

2001-07-19 Thread Christoph Sold

One of my clients does not backup. amcheck detects no error. What do I
check for?

Help greatly appreciated.
-Christoph Sold

# su operator -c amcheck
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /usr/local/dumps: 29644774 KB disk space available, using
29132774 KB
ERROR: /dev/nrsa0: no tape online
   (expecting tape Taeglich-04 or a new tape)
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Server check took 60.814 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

Client check: 3 hosts checked in 0.410 seconds, 0 problems found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2p2)


[i-clue taeglich AMANDA MAIL REPORT FOR July 17, 2001]
These dumps were to tape Taeglich-01.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: Taeglich-02.

  miraculix. ad0s1c lev 0 FAILED [Request to timed
  miraculix. da0s1e lev 0 FAILED [Request to timed
  miraculix. da0s1f lev 0 FAILED [Request to timed
  miraculix. da0s1a lev 0 FAILED [Request to timed

  Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)2:30
Run Time (hrs:min) 3:52
Dump Time (hrs:min)1:08   0:00   1:08
Output Size (meg)3762.2   32.6 3729.6
Original Size (meg)  6234.6   32.6 6202.0
Avg Compressed Size (%)60.1--60.1   (level:#disks
Filesystems Dumped4  1  3   (1:3)
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)   938.0 2966.8  932.4

Tape Time (hrs:min)0:34   0:00   0:34
Tape Size (meg)  3762.3   32.6 3729.7
Tape Used (%)   (level:#disks
Filesystems Taped 4  1  3   (1:3)
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  1901.4 2361.2 1898.2

  planner: Full dump of promoted from 2 days
  taper: tape Taeglich-01 kb 3852640 fm 4 [OK]

-- -

amnesix.i-cl ad0s1a  12678416  15.5   0:07  61.6   0:03
amnesix.i-cl ad0s1f  1 34248732402624  70.2  48:29 825.8 
informatix.i ad0s2a  0   33376  33376   --0:112966.5  
informatix.i ad0s2e  1 29233231416096  48.4  19:401200.1 
miraculix.i- ad0s1c  0 FAILED
miraculix.i- da0s1a  0 FAILED
miraculix.i- da0s1e  0 FAILED
miraculix.i- da0s1f  0 FAILED

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.2p2)

on miraculix, all the time during backup something is working:

# ps wauxU backup
backup  2297  0.0  1.6 1684  960  ??  Is5:27PM   0:00.06 amandad
backup  2298  0.0  1.7 1524 1000  ??  I 5:27PM   0:00.27
backup  2351  0.1  6.3 4123 3808  ??  DL5:40PM   0:12.08 dump 0hsf ß
1048576 - /dev/ad0s1c

Well, that's a big filesystem:

# df
Filesystem  1K-blocks UsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/da0s1a25406335353   19838515%/
/dev/ad0s1c  38788812 26814809  887089975%/u/0

Re: Balancing the dumps in the first full dumps?

2001-07-19 Thread Christoph Sold

BRINER Cedric schrieb:
> Hi,
> The idea to balance the dumps during the dumpcycle is to keep constant
> the among of data archived by run on the tape.
> One of the problem I get is that the first run i launch will do a full
> dump for every host. So that mean that the first tape  will have about
> "runspercycle" times more data to save than an other one. Basically, the
> probleme appear because we are in transitory state (without backup state
> to a backup state).
> So in my case where I ONLY use one tape without any changer, is it
> important for me to spread the first full dumps in the dumpcycle..
> How can I achieve this ??

Calculate how much tape space is needed for each host. Prioritize your
hosts. Comment out hosts in the host list until the expected dump size
is less than one tape size. On the next run, activate commented-out
hosts. Repeat until all hosts are active.

-Christoph Sold

Re: Getting the estimates...

2001-07-19 Thread Christoph Sold

David Klasinc schrieb:
> Banzai!
>  How would one get estimates on how much space backups would need? Without
> actually running the amdump...

Take a glimps at /tmp/amanda/sendsize..debug, especially the
"running ..." line.

-Christoph Sold

Re: Error: [Request to client timed out.] Solution?

2001-07-20 Thread Christoph Sold

"John R. Jackson" schrieb:
> >One of my clients does not backup. amcheck detects no error. What do I
> >check for?
> First, see if it ever gets done by looking at /tmp/amanda/sendsize*debug.
> Also, watch for the dump process to go away.

After a few hours, all the processes are have gone away. See sendsize
log below.

> What OS is the client?

FreeBSD 4.2-Stable

>  Do you have an up to date version of dump (note:
> I don't necessarily know what constitutes "up to date", but that's been
> a problem with some free Unix versions in the past)?

I guess so. It has worked before for a few weeks.

> Normally dump is pretty quick at getting estimates (as compared to
> GNU tar).  But if, for some reason, it is working OK on your system
> but slowly, you can increase etimeout in amanda.conf to compensate.
> See amanda(8).

sendsize: debug 1 pid 45023 ruid 1003 euid 1003 start time Thu Jul 19
16:08:41 2
/usr/local/libexec/amanda/sendsize: version 2.4.2p2
sendsize: pid 45023 finish time Thu Jul 19 20:27:07 2001

Comparing this to the total number of filesystems, sendsize is
outrageously slow. Any idea why? That's four filesystems, only the last
(big) one is this slow.

# df
Filesystem  1K-blocks UsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/da0s1a25406335400   19833815%/
/dev/da0s1f   3062628  1515733  130188554%/usr
/dev/da0s1e254063 5968   227770 3%/var
/dev/ad0s1c  38788812 26828985  885672375%/u

# ls ls -l /tmp/amanda/killpgrp.20010719161*

Anyhow, may this be related in any way with the error message in

# cat /tmp/amanda/killpgrp.20010719162119.debug
killpgrp: debug 1 pid 45070 ruid 1003 euid 0 start time Thu Jul 19
16:21:19 2001
/usr/local/libexec/amanda/killpgrp: version 2.4.2p2
error [must be invoked by operator]
killpgrp: pid 45070 finish time Thu Jul 19 16:21:19 2001

Just having reinstalled amanda client, the amanda processes on both
clients are still run by  user "backup" instead of "operator". Both
machines have similiar amounts of data to backup. One of both clients
succeds, the other does not.

Help greatly appreciated.
-Christoph Sold

Re: setting up

2001-07-20 Thread Christoph Sold

Joseph McDonald schrieb:
> is there a way to setup amanda to do a full backup say every week to a tape
> drive, and do incremental backups to a hard disk storage?

That's not recommended. Anaway, just use amadmin once a week (possibly
out of cron) to do your full dump to tape, then have an incremental-only
scheme run without tapes to holding disk only.

This will _not_ help you during catastrophic events. This will _not_
help if the holding disk is full before your manual cycle completes. Buy
the tapes.

-Christoph Sold

Re: How to set correct access rights?-

2001-07-21 Thread Christoph Sold

"John R. Jackson" schrieb:
> >The syntax in .amandahosts
> >DIFFERS from .rhosts in that you have to specify one user per line.
> I just looked at the code and ran a couple of tests and don't see
> a difference.  According to the docs I have, .rhosts allows one (and
> only one) optional username on each line:
>   hostname [username]
> That's exactly what .amandahosts does as well.  If you leave off the
> username, it defaults to the Amanda user (the one it is running as from
> inetd/xinetd).

This is different from .rhosts: If you leave off the username, it will
accept any user.

> So what was it in your .amandahosts file that didn't follow this pattern?

Exactly. Reading the .rhosts manpage, I assumed any user would be
accepted if I put only hostnames in there.

> As I recall, it was just a list of host names without username fields.
> Are you running a different user on the client and server?

In fact, FreeBSD used until recently another default user. The backup
server uses "operator:operator" as amanda user/group, while the (older)
clients still utilize the "backup:operator" user. Thus,
interoperatibility stopped after upgrading the backup server (for
unrelated reasons).

Thanks for all the explanations and your help
-Christoph Sold

Re: Error: [Request to client timed out.] Solution?

2001-07-23 Thread Christoph Sold

"John R. Jackson" wrote:
> >Comparing this to the total number of filesystems, sendsize is
> >outrageously slow. Any idea why?  ...
> >Anyhow, may this be related in any way with the error message in
> >...
> >killpgrp: debug 1 pid 45070 ruid 1003 ...
> >/usr/local/libexec/amanda/killpgrp: version 2.4.2p2
> >error [must be invoked by operator]
> Well, that would do it.  Sendsize was not able to kill the dump process,
> so it ran the whole thing to /dev/null.

It appears this was a leftover process. It was not connected to the
current run. Sometimes you should really check the PPID of your ps

> >Just having reinstalled amanda client, the amanda processes on both
> >clients are still run by  user "backup" instead of "operator".  ...
> I'm not sure I followed this.
> According to the log, killpgrp was being run by UID 1003 (is that
> "backup"?).  But it has been built to only allow "operator" to run
> it.  Are you sure you got Amanda rebuilt and reinstalled properly?
> For instance, in the amandad*debug file, what is CLIENT_LOGIN?

backup _was_ UID 1003. That user was gone. I had amanda-client reinstall
as user operator after upgrading the ports system.

> What does an "ls -l" say about the modification time of amandad, sendsize
> and killpgrp?  If they were built/installed together, the times should
> be close.
> When you rebuilt Amanda, did you do a "make distclean" or remove
> config.cache before rerunning ./configure?


> Who owns /tmp/amanda?  If you change the Amanda user, you either need
> to remove that and let it get recreated, or chown it and everything in it.

That's the problem. /tmp/amanda was still owned by backup instead of
operator. The FreeBSD port of amanda did not delete this directory
during uninstall of the old version.

Thanks for you help. Anything I can do for amanda?
-Christoph Sold

Re: Error: [Request to client timed out.] Solution?

2001-07-24 Thread Christoph Sold

"John R. Jackson" wrote:
> >Anything I can do for amanda?
> I'll be glad to send you my TODO list :-).  It's got about 200 items
> in it :-).

If it's about documentation, and you can live with some very strange
Gemanisms, I'd be glad to help ;)

I could dedicate about 10 hours per week to amanda work. If you got
something to do at Sysadmin level, e.g. documentation, web design, FAQ
maintainance, scripting (well, I can do compile cycles, too). Just throw
some pieces in my direction, along with a deadline, I'll at least
respond if I got the time.

Thanks again
-Christoph Sold

Re: not an amanda tape???

2001-07-31 Thread Christoph Sold

> Hello there,
> I figure my last mail was less than informative - usually not my
> style and I apologize.
> [snip]
> $ amlabel Hundert6 Hundert601
> rewinding, reading label, not an amanda tape
> rewinding, writing label Hundert601, done.
> ... however, each and every time I try it, amlabel keeps telling
> me the tape is not an amanda tape.
> Consequently amcheck reports the following:
> ERROR: /dev/sa0: not
That's the rewinbding device. Use /dev/nrsa0 instead.

> an amanda tape.
>(expecting a new tape)
> NOTE: skipping tape-writable test.

-Christoph Sold

Re: not an amanda tape???

2001-07-31 Thread Christoph Sold

Check tape device as well as the labelstr values. Here are mine:

tapedev "/dev/nrsa0"   # the no-rewind tape device to be used
tapetype DLT1  # what kind of tape it is
labelstr "^Taeglich-[0-9][0-9]*$" # label constraint regexp: all tapes
must match

-Christoph Sold

> Hello there,
> I figure my last mail was less than informative - usually not my
> style and I apologize.
> Anyway, one problem seems to persist and I'm clueless as to what
> may cause it.
> So, my amanda server is a FreeBSD 4.3 STABLE machine with a
> Tandberg MLR1.
> amanda is version 2.4.1p1, installed from the ports.
> Now, what I do is the following: I try and label a tape and
> amlabel appears to do it without any complaints:
> $ amlabel Hundert6 Hundert601
> rewinding, reading label, not an amanda tape
> rewinding, writing label Hundert601, done.
> ... however, each and every time I try it, amlabel keeps telling
> me the tape is not an amanda tape.
> Consequently amcheck reports the following:
> ERROR: /dev/sa0: not
> an amanda tape.
>(expecting a new tape)
> NOTE: skipping tape-writable test.
> Any hint what could be causing this? I wrote the tapetype
> description for the MLR1 myself, but in an earlier post someone
> said it couldn't be the reason.
> Tape label description should match the regexp I used
> ("^Hundert6[0-9][0-9]*$") - but even if it didn't it should
> recognize the tape as an amanda tape, or not?
> Any hints?
> Bye, Jan
> --
> Radio HUNDERT,6 Medien GmbH Berlin
> - EDV -

Freundliche Grüße aus Waiblingen

Christoph Sold
Systemadministrator, i-clue GmbH, Endersbacher Str. 57, 71334 Waiblingen
Fon: (0 71 51) 9 59 01-12, Fax: (0 71 51) 9 59 01-55, Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: disk vs tape sizes

2001-08-02 Thread Christoph Sold

> am i correct that amanda will not dump a disk that has an
> estimate larger than the tape size, correct?

Partially. amanda cannot split dumps larger than tape size. amanda _can_
split tar archives.

>  i presume this is
> because amanda has no way of reliably predicting whether or not
> the disk will fit on the disk *after* compression, which of
> course, it may be able to do quite easily.  can this be circum-
> vented by applying your average compression factor to the size
> specified in the amanda.conf file (ie, change 2000 mb -> 4000 mb
> for a factor of 2:1)?  basically, i can't get certain large fs's
> backed up because amanda doesn't think they'll fit (which is the
> simplistic, but safe stance).


> there isn't anything else i can do about the situation, is
> there?  i am using a DLT4000 drive with DLT-IV tapes labelled as
> '40-80 GB with compression', but realistically, they can fit
> 17ish gigs of data.  so, what i am proposing is lying to amanda
> about how large the disk is so i can fit a 30 GB fs on the tape,
> considering that amanda should compress the filesystem before
> dumping to tape, right?
> i know this sounds sketchy at best, but do i have another option
> (save buying new hardware or partitioning the filesystems into
> smaller ones?)

DLT1 drives give you the full 40GB uncompressed. They come pretty cheap,
too (compared to DLT8000).

If you want to stay with your drive, I'd define chuck size less than
your minimum tape size, and apply chg-manual (the manual tape changer

-Christoph Sold


2001-08-02 Thread Christoph Sold

Harri Haataja wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Aug 2001, Amanda backup user wrote:
> > The dumps were flushed to tape sksp_018.
> > *** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [[writing file: No space left on device]].
> > Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
> > Run amflush again to flush them to tape.
> > The next tape Amanda expects to use is: sksp_019.
> >
> >   tunkki /usr/home lev 2 FAILED [out of tape]
> >   taper: FATAL syncpipe_get: r: unexpected EOF

The error message says it all: there was more data to backup than will
fit onto your tape.

> I've gotten this on two tapes now and various other errors since I
> upgraded to 2.5 (CVS) branch in hope of getting the file target to work.
> Can you give some direct tip as to why this is happening or is there
> something I should know about this version change?
> > [snip]
> >
> > NOTES:
> >   taper: tape sksp_018 kb 1654208 fm 5 writing file: No space left on device
> >   amflush: /home/amanda/hold/20010731/tunkki._usr_home.2: taper error, leaving 
>file on disk
> >   amflush: /home/amanda/hold/20010731/shaft._var.0: taper error, leaving file on 
> >   amflush: /home/amanda/hold/20010731/shaft._usr.0: taper error, leaving file on 
> >   amflush: Could not rmdir /home/amanda/hold/20010731.  Check for cruft.

Yes: either buy yourself bigger backup media, or subdivide your backup
volumes. eventlually, utilize the manual changer to backup onto more
than one tape.

-Christoph Sold

Re: disk vs tape sizes

2001-08-03 Thread Christoph Sold

"John R. Jackson" wrote:
> [snip]
> >it's a DLT4000 and the tapes are C5141F's.
> I don't recognize that tape type, but a DLT4000 is incapable of doing
> 40-80 GBytes.  I'm sure you're at the 20-40 range (actually, just the
> 20 value if you turn off hardware compression).

It's the HP part number for DLT IV tapes. The tape can hold 40GB
uncompressed when used with the appropriate drive (DLT1, DLT8000). HP
prints the 40/80 in big letters on the box, confusing users.

-Christoph Sold

Re: Holding Space Error

2001-08-04 Thread Christoph Sold

Travis Rail wrote:
> I keep getting this error:
> tuttle sda1 lev 1 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
> What is the problem.

You holding disk has not enough space to hold a backup coming in from
elsewhere (another disk, another host). Possible causes are:
- You had [multiple] failed backups:  Run amflash to spool those to
- Your holding disk is too small:  Either split your backs, or add more
holding disks, or use direct to tape backup.

-Christoph Sold

Re: "data write: File too large" ???

2001-08-14 Thread Christoph Sold

Katrinka Dall wrote:

>   I must say that I'm completely stumped, trying everything I can
>possibly think of, I've decided to post this here in hopes that one of
>you can help me out.  Recently I had to migrate our backup server from a
>Solaris 2.5.1 machine to a Linux 6.2 machine.  In the process of doing
>this, I found that I was unable to get one of the Linux machines that we
>had been backing up to work properly.  I keep getting this error
>whenever I try to do a dump on this machine/filesystem:
>/-- xx.p /dev/sdb1 lev 0 FAILED ["data write: File too large"]
>sendbackup: start [ level 0]
>sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/tar
>sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/gzip -dc |/bin/tar -f... -
>sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz
>sendbackup: info end
>   Now, I know that this isn't an issue of not having enough space on the
>tape or holding disk, both are in excess of 35G.  Some of the things I
>have tried are, upgrading tar on the server that is failing, upgrading
>the backup server from RedHat 6.2 to 7.1, and using every available
>version of Amanda.  Currently I am using Amanda-2.4.2p2.  The client
>that I'm having these problems on is a RedHat 5.1 (kernel 2.0.36)
>If you have any suggestions I'd greatly appreciate them.  Oh, and one
>more thing, when we were running these backups from the Solaris machine,
>they did not produce this error, and I had about a quarter of the space
>on tape and holding disk that I have now.

Seems your Linux version can handle only files up to 2GB in size. Either 
define CHUNK_SIZE smaller than that, or install an OS which handles 
bigger files.

-Christoph Sold

Re: can somebody help

2001-09-13 Thread Christoph Sold

Das-Purkayastha, Arindam wrote:

>I am trying to dump my files to a holding disk and then restore these files
>from the holding disk on to the client.
>when I am running amdump, everything works fine and the files are being
>dumped on to the holding disk. but when I am running amrecover, nothing
To recover from the holding disk, use amrestore instead. amrecover works 
on dumps already on tape.

-Christoph Sold