Re: amanda skipped two runs.

2003-09-22 Thread Darin Dugan
At 01:35 PM 9/22/2003, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 at 11:01am, Bao Ho wrote

> RedHat Linux 9.0, kernel 2.4.20-18.9
> Amanda 2.4.4p1-20030716
> Server only backs up itself.
> > No suprious email, ie cron output ?
> >
> >
> I reported in my subsequent email. I see two unusual messages in syslog:
> application bug: dumper (PID) has SIGCHLD set to SIG_IGN but callls wait().
> (see the NOTES section of 'man 2 wait'). Workaround activated.
Those messages are due to the NPTL patches in the RH9 kernel.  Look
through the list archvies for a patch from someone at RH fixing this
Like Joshua, I know little about signal handling, etc. Does anyone else 
think it odd that deleting that one line cures the warning without causing 
any problems?

Darin Dugan 

Re: "no slots available" error with amanda and chg-zd-mtx

2003-08-01 Thread Darin Dugan
At 10:44 AM 8/1/2003, Woodman, Joel wrote:
Hello Amanda folks,

I'm a shiny new Amanda user, with a Dell PowerEdge 6450 server and a
PowerVault 120T tape pod. The server's running RedHat Linux 9 and Amanda
2.4.4p1, with chg-zd-mtx managing the tape changer. mtx is mtx 1.2.18rel,
from As far as I can tell, I've configured everything
properly, however I've been stumped by one serious error:
# /usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx -info
 no slots available

The chg-zd-mtx log does show that something's gone wrong:

chg-zd-mtx: debug 1 pid 26374 ruid 0 euid 0: start at Fri Aug  1 11:21:48
11:21:49 Using config file /etc/amanda/cas-unix/changer.conf
11:21:49 Arg info:
 $# = 1
 $0 = "/usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx"
 $1 = "-info"
11:21:49 Running: mtx status
11:21:49 Exit code: 127
/usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx: line 381: mtx: command not found
11:21:49 Exit (2) ->  no slots available
chg-zd-mtx: pid 26452 finish time Fri Aug  1 11:21:49 2003
Does the value of $MTX set in /usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx match the correct 
path to mtx on your system?

So-- what gives? If I run amtape, it says that no slots are available, just
like chg-zd-mtx does.
Darin Dugan

Re: columm widths in daily mail report

2003-01-30 Thread Darin Dugan
At 01:33 PM 1/30/2003, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 at 2:16pm, Mitch Collinsworth wrote

> On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
> > On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 at 12:47pm, Don Carlton wrote
> >
> > > Has anyone changed the mail report to produce html?
> >
> > Oh, the horror!  ;)
> Agreed if sent by e-mail,  but if it were instead dumped into a web-served
> directory...

Well, IMO it's still unnecessary.  Webservers serve out plain text just

Sometimes I feel like such a curmudgeon.

Agreed. (the first part, not the curmudgeon) But there's a difference 
between needed features and desired features. HTML formatted reports 
probably fall into the desired category.

That said, web-based Amanda reports could be useful for those who would 
rather check a central web site than read yet another piece of mail. My 
first order of business in the day is to open a central console that fires 
off to MRTG graphs, big brother reports, a call database, etc. Amanda could 
be another one of those.

But I'm not certain that this needs to be a part of Amanda either. Anyone 
could write up a quick perl script to take amreport -f and html-ize it. 
Stick that in your backup script and be done.

I keep thinking there must be an obvious way to integrate Amanda reports 
with Big Brother somehow... Have to think on this.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Darin Dugan, System Admin
Iowa State University Extension

Re: dump vs. tar

2003-01-21 Thread Darin Dugan

Amanda should default to using dump unless you specify otherwise. To use 
tar, modify your dumptype to include:

program "GNUTAR"


At 08:37 AM 1/21/2003, Axel Haenssen wrote:
This might sound silly,
but how do I tell Amanda to use dump or tar??
Axel Haenssen
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08540
phone: +1-609-258-6999
find my public key at:

Darin Dugan
System Administrator
Iowa State University Extension

Re: Make amanda unload tape drive?

2003-01-09 Thread Darin Dugan

Unnecessary. In your crontab, do something like "amdump  && mt 

At 02:01 PM 1/9/2003, John Oliver wrote:
Can amanda send a signal to my DLT IV to unload the tape after backups
are finished, so whoever goes back to swap tapes can just do it without
waiting to manually unload?

John Oliver, CCNA
Linux/UNIX/network consulting
***   sendmail, Apache, ftp, DNS, spam filtering ***
Colocation, T1s, web/email/ftp hosting  ****

Darin Dugan
System Administrator
Iowa State University Extension

Re: offsite strategies

2003-01-06 Thread Darin Dugan
At 01:59 PM 1/6/2003, David Lebel wrote:

Quoting Darin Dugan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Donald's suggestion is precisely what we're doing here. We choose to send
> the most recent (runspercycle * runtapes) set offsite, as it is the most
> valuable. Others may choose to send an older set offsite so as to be able
> to restore accidental-deletions from the most recent set. Choose according
> to your environment.

What are your values for the following:

dumpcycle 1 weeks   # the number of days in the normal dump cycle


runspercycle 5  # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days

(We only run weekdays.)

tapecycle x tapes

tapecycle 15 tapes  # the number of tapes in rotation

(Exactly three weeks/dumpcycles worth.)

And don't forget:
runtapes 1  # number of tapes to be used in a single run of amdump

(We use one tape per night.)

So we rotate runspercycle * runtapes = 5 * 1 = 5 tapes off-site once per 
dumpcycle = 1 week. As I said before, we store the most recent set off-site 
as they are deemed the most valuable, and we don't restore too often. This 
has the side-effect of leaving the next dumpcycle worth of tapes on-site, 
so if you forget to switch things out, you still have the correct next tapes.


// david lebel  //
// //
// pgp: 3633 6999 D47E 73ED 099F  4341 08A4 8E48 EF56 61D1 //

Darin Dugan
System Administrator
Iowa State University Extension

RE: offsite strategies

2003-01-06 Thread Darin Dugan

Donald's suggestion is precisely what we're doing here. We choose to send 
the most recent (runspercycle * runtapes) set offsite, as it is the most 
valuable. Others may choose to send an older set offsite so as to be able 
to restore accidental-deletions from the most recent set. Choose according 
to your environment.


At 01:29 PM 1/6/2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Suggest that you consider setting up a dump-cycle of 1 week, with a tape
cycle of three weeks (5 tapes/15 tapes for weekdays only, 7/21 tapes for
seven days-per-week cycles).  This will permit you to send out a complete
set of backup tapes once per week (for example, sending out the previous
weeks tapes on Monday) and getting back the set of tapes from two weeks
ago in exchange.  You then start reusing the three week-old tapes for the
current week.  You will need to have three sets of tapes, in case it takes
more than a day to exchange the tapes with your offsite repository.

WeekIn-Use   Off-SiteTo-Be-Reused

  1   Set3 Set2Set1
  2   Set1 Set3Set2
  3   Set2 Set1Set3
  4   Set3 Set2Set1

Because of the one-week dumpcycle, you will always have a complete set of
dumps of each file system in the off-site tape set.  It will grow
increasingly out-of-date during the week, but storing your local collection
of tapes in a fire-resistant vault should reduce your risks to an
acceptable level.

As always, "Your mileage may vary..."

Donald L. (Don) Ritchey
Unix System and Network Administrator

-Original Message-
From: David Lebel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 12:19 PM
Subject: offsite strategies

I'm new to Amanda;  I'm more used to "traditional" solutions like
Networker or NetBackup.  That being said, the setup I'm currently
administrating has been put in place by my predecessor and I'm wondering
if people are using Amanda in an "offsite" strategy, where there is one
"cycle" of tapes offsite (usually a few weeks old) and another cycle
residing onsite (ie. the current ongoing cycle).

My point is that I would like to be able to store a full cycle offsite
in case of a disaster so I can full rebuild all my machines without the
worries of having only partials full backups.

Any hints?
// david lebel  //
// //
// pgp: 3633 6999 D47E 73ED 099F  4341 08A4 8E48 EF56 61D1 //

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printout. Thank You.

Darin Dugan
System Administrator
Iowa State University Extension

Re: reply-to in mailing list

2002-10-10 Thread Darin Dugan

At 07:41 AM 10/10/2002, Galen Johnson wrote:
>Hey Gang,
>I've had a thunk regarding the list...would it be possible to set it up so 
>the list actually inserts a 'Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]' 
>header.  This would make it so the default reply (rather than reply to 
>all) goes to the list.  This would also make the archives a bit more 
>complete since us lazy users that forget to "reply to all" would start 
>posting the solutions to the list directly (kinda like having to opt out 
>rather than in).

I for one have no problem with this change. Might be nice when new users 
post a message to the list, someone responds to the list, but then the new 
user keeps emailing them directly..

>I'm pretty sure majordomo should be able to handle this but my experience 
>lies with mailman so I can't speak from experience.

There's a config option "reply_to" which can be set to the list or $SENDER, 


Darin Dugan

Re: newbie: gnutar problem?

2002-06-23 Thread Darin Dugan

At 09:22 AM 12/5/2001, Hussain Ali wrote:
>I have been using amanda without any problems for a while. I used to use
>dump but have switched to gnutar for dumps that are larger then the tape
>(ie using a more granular technique of direcotory partitioning )
>Now, it dumps fine, but i cannot recover the data that was archived via
>dump or gtar . I get the following error (for both gtarred and sumped
>[root@fiji /tmp/tar 899]$ amrestore -p /dev/nrst0 fiji /u3/mgmt | restore
>ivbf 32 -
>amrestore: short file header block: 2048 bytes
>amrestore: WARNING: not at start of tape, file numbers will be offset
>amrestore:   0: reached end of tape: date Q
>Verify tape and initialize maps
>End-of-tape encountered
>Tape is not a dump tape

Note your amrestore line. You're piping the image from tape into "restore". 
As in dump's counterpart. As in NOT tar. You need to use restore to restore 
dump images, and tar to restore tar images.



Darin Dugan
System Administrator
Iowa State University Extension

Re: What to do when tape is full?

2002-04-23 Thread Darin Dugan

At 08:26 AM 4/23/2002, Toralf Lund wrote:
>I'd really prefer an "auto flush" mode to append support (I can't see any 
>need for both). That should be easy to write as well, and I can't see any 
>problems associated with it, in fact, I think it would increase the safety 
>quite a bit.

 From amanda(8):

autoflush bool
   Default: off.  Whether an amdump run will flush the dump 
already on holding disk to tape.

>- Toralf

Darin Dugan

Re: Using Amanda witih AD

2002-04-16 Thread Darin Dugan

At 06:37 AM 4/12/2002, Brad Tilley wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>This is more a samba issue than an amanda issue, but I thought someone
>here may have ran into it already:
>The NT domains at my university are being migrated to 2000 domains...
>this means they'll be using the new Active Directory structure. I want
>to continue using amanda to backup the Windows PCs.
>Is anyone currently using amanda within a Windows 2000 AD?

Sure. Everything works fine. It's smbclient that talks to your domain, not 

>"I'm a God-fearin', peace-lovin' American... and I'll whip anybody's ass
>that says otherwise." --A Redneck

Darin Dugan
System Administrator
Iowa State University Extension

Re: newbie: gnutar problem?

2001-12-06 Thread Darin Dugan

At 09:22 AM 12/5/2001, Hussain Ali wrote:
>I have been using amanda without any problems for a while. I used to use
>dump but have switched to gnutar for dumps that are larger then the tape
>(ie using a more granular technique of direcotory partitioning )
>Now, it dumps fine, but i cannot recover the data that was archived via
>dump or gtar . I get the following error (for both gtarred and sumped
>[root@fiji /tmp/tar 899]$ amrestore -p /dev/nrst0 fiji /u3/mgmt | restore
>ivbf 32 -
>amrestore: short file header block: 2048 bytes
>amrestore: WARNING: not at start of tape, file numbers will be offset
>amrestore:   0: reached end of tape: date Q
>Verify tape and initialize maps
>End-of-tape encountered
>Tape is not a dump tape

Note your amrestore line. You're piping the image from tape into "restore". 
As in dump's counterpart. As in NOT tar. You need to use restore to restore 
dump images, and tar to restore tar images.



Darin Dugan
System Administrator
Iowa State University Extension

Re: offtopic: mailing list behaviour

2001-10-04 Thread Darin Dugan

At 12:03 PM 10/4/2001, Mitch Collinsworth wrote:

>On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, Nicolae Mihalache wrote:
> > Isn't offering this possibility?
>Sort of.  Sourceforge has apparently had problems with their mail
>service being abused for spamming purposes, so they are going to
>start requiring all list subscriptions to be done with
> addresses.  Which means that if we moved the
>amanda lists there, anyone who wanted to subscribe to an amanda
>list would first have to set up a sourceforge account, forward
>their e-mail to their regular address, and then subscribe using
>their sourceforge address.
>Perhaps we're willing to go that route.  The idea was suggested
>once before but there has been no discussion yet whether or not
>this is acceptable to the amanda community.

I for one would prefer not to require sourceforge email addresses. I think 
it would definitely limit the number of people who used the lists. Or 
perhaps casual users could read the lists at the archive and not bother 

I would grudgingly accept the change if necessary.

Hmmm.. There are just the two lists, right? I have a feel for the traffic. 
Anyone know about how many members each has?


Darin Dugan
System Support Specialist
Iowa State University Extension

Re: level 0 dumps getting overwritten?

2001-08-29 Thread Darin Dugan

At 09:57 AM 8/29/2001, Kurt Yoder wrote:
>Darin Dugan wrote:
> > Or you need more tapes!
>Thanks for the info. I am probably still a bit foggy on the concepts
>behind "dumpcycle", "runspercycle", and "tapecycle".
>In my case, I _must_ use at least 6 tapes in order for amanda not to
>overwrite any of its level 0 backups?

>If I wanted to use only 2 tapes, I would need to set "runspercycle" to

Correct, and only run amdump twice in a given dumpcycle (7 days).

>"tapecycle" must always be >= "runspercycle"?


>Are there any advantages to making "tapecycle" > "runspercycle"?

Absolutely. For one, you might want to keep X weeks worth of backups, not 
just the previous week. I have a very simple scheme for instance that uses:

dumpcycle 1 weeks
runspercycle 5
tapecycle 10 tapes

Meaning I want to be sure to have a full dump of everything at least once a 
week (5 runs), and since I have 10 tapes, I should have two complete cycles 
on tape at any given time.

But think worst case (that's why you're doing backups, right?) -- if you 
only have tapecycle = runspercycle, when it comes time to use the "first" 
tape in the cycle again, you're overwriting what's on it, probably with a 
newer copy of the same stuff. If there's a tape error, you're screwed. If 
this happens in my cycle, I have the other dumpcycle worth of tapes to 
recover from. Though you're probably pretty safe with just one or two tapes 
more than runspercycle tapes (see below).

>If I have "tapecycle" at 6, and define 7 tapes in the tapelist, Amanda
>cycles through all 7 tapes, with a level 0 at a minimum of every 6 runs
>(every 7 days, in my case)?

You still want tapecycle to be the actual number of tapes (7). But 
runspercycle will only be 6.

If you had:
dumpcycle 1 weeks
runspercycle 6
tapecycle 7 tapes might see something like this for a given host:
(the incrementals might go higher than 1, it's just an example)

Monday  tape1   level0
Tuesday tape2   level1
Wednesday   tape3   level1
Thursdaytape4   level1
Friday  tape5   level1
Saturday    tape6   level1
Sunday  (no backup)
Monday  tape7   level0
Tuesday tape1   level1
Wednesday   tape2   level1

Does that make any more (or less) sense?

Darin Dugan

Re: level 0 dumps getting overwritten?

2001-08-28 Thread Darin Dugan

At 04:01 PM 8/28/2001, Kurt Yoder wrote:
>My level 0 dumps seem to be getting overwritten. I run amadmin and see
>only level 1 dumps:
>Am I setting up my configuration file correctly? I've got:
>dumpcycle 7 days
>runspercycle 6
>tapecycle 2 tapes

So you're telling Amanda to make sure she has a full (level 0) backup of 
everything at least every 7 days, spread into 6 runs. But you're only 
giving her 2 tapes! *Buy more tapes!* Really.

>I've got a third tape in my tapelist so I can flush dumps from my
>holding disk. I'm trying to do 6 backups every 7 days (the 7th day has a
>weekly backup set that isn't part of this configuration) using two tapes
>(alternate between them).

If you absolutely have to stick with two tapes, you pretty much need to do 
full dumps every run to be safe. (Take for instance the case where tape1 
has level0's, tape2 has level1's, you go to do level0's on tape1 again and 
there's an error and the tape is fubar'd. You've just lost all hope of a 
restore.) Use 'dumpcycle 0' in the dumptype to force level 0's.

>I must be setting up my "numbers" wrong, or?

Or you need more tapes!


Darin Dugan
System Support Specialist
Iowa State University Extension

Re: Tapetype question

2001-07-12 Thread Darin Dugan

At 11:02 AM 7/11/2001, Bill Delphenich wrote:
>I want to create the tapetype for the 40/80gb DLT drive that came in my
>Dell 4400 server. I am not sure what exactly it is, so I was just going
>to create my own tapetype.

I've got a 4300 (one year older than 4400) with a DLT7000 (35/70) drive. 
I'll wager a 6-pack of your favorite beverage you've got a DLT8000 (40/80).

For instance, 'dmesg' (on Linux) says:
   Vendor: QUANTUM   Model: DLT7000   Rev: 2150
   Type:   Sequential-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
   Detected scsi tape st0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 6, lun 0

I see the Faq-o-matic has a DLT8000 entry:

>However, when I do "./tapetype  -f /dev/nst0 -t DELL_DLT" I get errors
>on usage and it quits. I have tried every variation of I can think of to
>get it to go, but still no joy.
>What obvious thing am I missing here?

Use the FAQ, Luke. Why bother running tapetype if you don't have to :-)



Darin Dugan
System Support Specialist
Iowa State University Extension

Re: problems with nfs mount snap-server.

2001-07-12 Thread Darin Dugan

At 06:15 AM 7/12/2001, Martin hepworth wrote:
>Hi all


>We've been using amanda 2.4.2.p1 for a while now and every in the garden
>is rosey.

Good. :-)

>We recently got a snap-server to try and off - load some of our desktop
>machines that are being used as file servers (yes I know...).
>I'm trying to backup the snap server by mounting thing via nfs on the
>amanda server itself and then simply backup the nfs mount as a normal
>local filesystem.

We have several SnapAppliances and Dell NAS boxes. I've not tried using NFS 
to back up any of these; we've just used samba as though it was any other 
Windows box--thereby eliminating the need to run NFS on them. Is there a 
particular reason you want to use NFS?

>However when I do this is get the following error...
>Martin Hepworth
>Senior Systems Administrator
>Solid State Logic Ltd
>+44 (0)1865 842300

Darin Dugan
System Support Specialist
Iowa State University Extension

RE: Try2, Amanda Question

2001-06-17 Thread Darin Dugan

At 09:34 AM 6/13/2001, Bryan S. Sampsel wrote:
>That's the bitch of IS resolved: via nslookup, via ping--ANYTHING 
>but Amanda.
>It's bizarre.  I'm getting ready to compile amanda from source to see if 
>it's a problem with the rpm on the client.  Rpm installs are OK 
>sometimes--other times, I'd rather not deal with 'em.
>anyone else wanna take a stab at this?

How about compiling and trying these test programs:


These use exactly the same system calls Amanda does.

Have you looked into the -order- of resolution? hosts, NIS, bind, etc?

>thanks anyways,
>Bryan S. Sampsel
>Systems Administrator
>Ambeo, Inc.

Darin Dugan
System Administrator
Extension Information Technology
Iowa State University

Re: amstatus problems with newer perl's

2001-03-01 Thread Darin Dugan

At 07:27 AM 3/1/2001, Stan Brown wrote:
>I'm having problems with amstatus on machines that I have upgraded to
>relativly new versions of perl:
>Script started on Thu Mar  1 03:04:13 2001
>amanda@debian:~$ amstatus DailyDump
>Name "main::exec_prefix" used only once: possible typo at 
>/usr/local/amanda/sbin/amstatus line 15.
>Modification of a read-only value attempted at 
>/usr/local/amanda/sbin/amstatus line 126,  chunk 402.
>Using /usr/local/adm/amanda/DailyDump/amdump from Wed Feb 28 11:07:23 EST 
>2001amanda@debian:~$ quit
>Script done on Thu Mar  1 03:04:32 2001
>The machine that this failure occured on has perl 5.6.0 on it.
>The version of Amanda I am using is 2.4.2-19991216

This is fixed in later versions of Amanda. From the changelog:

2000-01-21  Alexandre Oliva  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 * server-src/ (prefix, exec_prefix): Refer to them
 twice to avoid warnings of possible typo.

>Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]    843-745-3154
>Charleston SC.

Darin Dugan

RE: Samba/Win2k/RH7.0/Amanda

2001-02-26 Thread Darin Dugan

At 05:15 PM 2/26/2001, Andrew Holm-Hansen wrote:
>Well... After doing some poking around I have discovered:
>It is not necessary to escape the backslashes as Paul points out.

Correct. This is unnecessary in both the disklist and the /etc/amandapass 

>I'm not a C programmer, but I *think* that sendsize.c has the wrong syntax 
>my particular version of samba.  It does not output the password in the
>correct place in the argument string for smbclient.  I changed this and
>recompiled sendcheck so that the "pass" variable was put in the correct place.
>  At best this is a partially working hack since this does not fix amcheck or
>make the dump work.

smbclient also allows you to specify -U user%passwd

 From the smbclient manpage (2.0.7):

-U username
   This  specifies the user name that will be used by the 
client to make a connection, assuming your server
   is not a downlevel server that is running a protocol level 
that uses passwords on shares, not  on  user-
   If the service you are connecting to requires a password, it 
can be supplied using  the  -U  option,  by
   appending  a percent symbol ("%") then the password to 
username.  For example, to attach to a service as
   user "fred" with password "secret", you would specify.

   -U fred%secret

   on the command line. Note that there are no spaces around 
the percent symbol.

   If you specify the password as part of 
username  then  the  -N  option  (suppress  password  prompt)  is

>The problem (again this is speculation) lies in the fact that smbclient 2.0.7
>(the latest version I can find) requires that the arguments fall in this
>order:  smbclient service  [options]
>This is different than the order that sendsize.c and selfcheck.c send them in.
>  both send strings like this:  smbclient service [options] and within the 
> code
>it appears to be assumed that -U specifies the password.  In my version of
>smbclient, -U specifies a username.

See above.

>I hate to question the code because everytime I've done that I've been wrong.

And you are again... :-)

>"it must be the library, the library's broken... or maybe it's this trailing
>semi-colon in my code" ;)

Been there so many times

>Running out of ideas...

My site runs Samba 2.0.7 on Slackware 7 Linux, Amanda 2.4.2p1. Trust me 
(and Paul), use:

//winbox/winshare winuser%passwd windomain

in your /etc/amandapass
(Where windomain is optional.)

If you've removed the extraneous slashes, changed your /etc/amandapass to 
the user%pass format and *still* have problems, let us know.



Darin Dugan
System Support Specialist
Iowa State University Extension

Re: Two quick questions.

2000-11-10 Thread Darin Dugan

At 11:37 AM 11/10/2000, Jeff Bearer wrote:
>I searched e-groups and didnt' find what i was looking for.  I have 2
>quick questions,
>First I'd like to  eject the tape after the backups are complete,  I
>can't see where to do this,  Is there a place to have it run `mt
>offline` when it's done?

In your cron, just do something like "amdump config && mt rewoffl". 
Alternatively, run a shell script or some such from cron that executes 
amdump and later mt.

>Second,  I start my backups at 3am because I have some servers that get
>new info just before that, but other servers could start at midnight, or
>even in the afternoon.  Is there any way to keep all the backups in 1
>config but have diffrent backup times for the hosts?  Does the order of
>the disklist affect the order in which backups are preformed?

See 'man amanda' and search for the dump-type option 'starttime'.

>-Jeff Bearer

Darin Dugan

Re: How many dumpers active?

2000-11-10 Thread Darin Dugan

At 05:42 PM 11/9/2000, John R. Jackson wrote:
>For instance, I have this as part of my "run-amanda" script right
>after amdump (the syntax may be different at 2.4.1p1 -- I forget):
>   amstatus ${config} --summary --file amdump.1
>Since the most recent amdump. file is always amdump.1, this gives
>me a summary of what happened during this run.
>Part of the output looks like this (although I just noticed it's broken
>with 2.4.2 -- sigh :-):

Looking at the amstatus code in 2.4.2 indicates the output you indicated 
*is* displayed if you pass the --stats option.

However, I don't see any way to get that output using 2.4.1p1.

What version do you normally use that does work?

>John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Darin Dugan

Re: Getting version 2.4.2-beta2

2000-11-07 Thread Darin Dugan

At 10:30 AM 11/7/2000, Eric Wadsworth wrote:
>I have some questions:
>1. I generally avoid beta products when working with critical projects.
>The company's backup is considered critical. Just how risky is this beta?
>Worst case scenario: A machine crashes, and I can't restore the data. How
>unlikely might this be? Other risk: I spend extra time trying to get it to
>work right, but for some reason it's broken, and I have to revert back to
>the release version. I'm interested to hear from those using the beta on
>it's stability.

In general, I'd say I also tend to avoid beta products in production 
environments. It just makes sense. When I originally setup Amanda for our 
backups, I too used 2.4.1p1. I've (mostly) lurked on the mailing list 
since, to get a better feel for Amanda. Time has shown there aren't really 
any good reasons *not* to go with 2.4.2 (for me), as the "beta" 
qualification is mostly a documentation issue. In September or October I 
upgraded to a CVS snapshot of 2.4.2 with absolutely no problems.

>2. How do I get it? I ftp'd into and the latest
>there is amanda-2.4.1p1.tar.gz. There is a 'new' subdirectory, but access
>is denied.

I'd recommend checking out the latest CVS. Take a look at the Faq-O-Matic 
at for info on anonymous CVS.

>3. My FreeBSD lets me use the FreeBSD Ports system to install and manage
>software applications. By installing the beta, I suppose I must abandon
>using ports for this app?

I'm not specifically familiar with FreeBSD, but you probably shouldn't use 
a port anyway. Way too many things are compiled into the Amanda binary 
(this is planned to change in a future version).

>Thanks in advance for your comments.
>--- Eric

Darin Dugan
System Support Specialist
Iowa State University Extension

Re: Full backups without --listed-incremental?

2000-11-02 Thread Darin Dugan

At 07:22 PM 11/1/2000, Nate Eldredge wrote:
>A question, tangentially related to an earlier one of mine.
>I want to do an occasional run of amanda with only full backups, which
>should be independent of the normal cycle.  (It's for offsite storage.)
>I've set up an amanda configuration for it.  I already know that the

FWIW, I simply setup a separate configuration called "archive" for this 
purpose. In my case, amanda.conf has:

dumpcycle 1 days
runspercycle 1
tapecycle 1000 tapes

And use a dumptype with the following:

index yes   # record an index for easier restores
record no   # do not record timestamps (don't interfere with 
other configs)
dumpcycle 0 # ensure full dumps of everything are done

The (for me) huge number of tapes in tapecycle ensures that they won't be 
asked for again. I don't have my disklist's symlinked, but definitely could 
have. You'd just want to define the dumptype's in each configuration 
differently (although they'd be named the same in the disklist...). Also, I 
don't do any listed-incremental stuff, so this isn't an issue for me.

>Nate Eldredge
>HMC CS Staff


Darin Dugan
System Support Specialist
Iowa State University Extension