Installation Woes

2001-01-19 Thread Gerald T. Freymann

 We've been using amanda to backup 2 FreeBSD boxes and 5 PeeCee's for about
two years now. But it was time to upgrade our Unix boxes as well as the
Operating Systems. I managed to upgrade the two FreeBSD boxes to
FreeBSD-4.1.1 Release and FreeBSD 4.2 Release, and have the main "amanda"
box continue to back them up quite nicely with fresh installs of
everything, including Amanda 2.4.1

 Now it was time to upgrade the amanda server itself. FreeBSD 4.2 Release
and Amanda 2.4.1

 I've been trying everything to get it to backup the 5 PeeCee shares
without luck. It happily backs up the two Unix boxes but will not touch the

 I've been playing in the /usr/ports/misc/amanda24 directory... figured it
would be a breeze to compile out of the ports. The dependency programs are
all there and Amanda compiles, and works basically, except for the PeeCee
shares. I did install Samba first, and it's working fine.

 I edited /usr/ports/misc/amanda24/Makefile to include some options I

CONFIGURE_ARGS= --libexecdir=${PREFIX}/libexec/amanda \
--with-amandahosts --with-fqdn \
--with-dump-honor-nodump \
--with-smbclient=/usr/local/bin/smbclient \
--with-samba-user=samba --with-config=eagle --without-clien
t \
--with-user=amanda --with-group=operator

 And I do a "make && make install" and you'd think everything is lovely.

 If I "su amanda" and run '/usr/local/sbin/amcheck eagle' the check goes
just fine.

 Now, if I edit /usr/local/etc/amanda/eagle/disklist and uncomment out the
PC shares, I've been getting a few different comments, mainly:

WARNING: amanda: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
Client check: 3 hosts checked in 30.295 seconds, 1 problem found.

 I've also got "selfcheck timed out" instead of "host down"

 I can look at the unix clients and the /tmp/amanda/amandad.debug file
looks good (and the unix clients are working fine).

 It's almost like the --with-smbclient option isn't being used.

 I've read the FAQ and looked at the section "selfchick timed out" but
nothing applies to the smbclient shares.

 As I've tinkered with the Makefile, I've gone back into
/usr/ports/misc/amanda24 and done a:

make clean
make deinstall
make && make install

 But I still have no success with smbclient shares and I'm at a loss
any suggestions from the list?



Compile Problem

2001-01-22 Thread Gerald T. Freymann

 I'm still trying to get my new replacement amanda server to backup peecee
shares with smbclient. It's backup up other Unix machines just fine.

 It was suggested to compile from the source code directly, instead of
using the ports collection method.

 Download 2.4.2

 ran ./configure with my options...

 but when I ran make it stops with:

cat > amcheckdb
chmod a+x amcheckdb
cat > amcleanup
chmod a+x amcleanup
cat > amdump
chmod a+x amdump
make: don't know how to make amoverview. Stop
*** Error code 1

 Hmmm... Any suggestions?


selfcheck request timed out

2001-01-22 Thread Gerald T. Freymann

And while tinkering, I deinstalled and re-installed the ports version... I
always get this error when it tries to check the PC slices:

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

WARNING: amanda: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
Client check: 3 hosts checked in 30.438 seconds, 1 problem found.

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.1p1)

This is starting to drive me nuts. I can't figure out why it won't
communicate with the PC's.

Re: selfcheck request timed out

2001-01-22 Thread Gerald T. Freymann

> Are you able to communicate with the PC using the smbclient program ?
> i.e. Can you interact with it by typing from the amanda server
> smbclient  file://mypcname/mysharename  share-password


./smbclient file://ww2/d -U samba

 It then prompts me for the password, and I can list the files, etc.


Re: selfcheck request timed out

2001-01-22 Thread Gerald T. Freymann

> Are there any clues in the /tmp/amanda directory on the server ?

 Nope. not a thing. When I run 'amcheck eagle' it doesn't write anything in
the /tmp/amanda directory.

 I do see stuff in there from last night's successful backup of the two
unix boxes though. That's the goofy part. The backups of the Unix boxes
works fine, just I broke the PC shares when I replaced the old server with
the new. FreeBSD 4.2 Release. The ports tree has Amanda 2.4.1p1


selfcheck times out

2001-01-22 Thread Gerald T. Freymann

Is there a way to get more "debug" information out of amcheck?

I'm not having any luck on my PC shares. I can talk to them just fine
through smbclient on the new amanda server, just seems that amanda itself



2001-01-23 Thread Gerald T. Freymann

Now that I finally have my rebuilt Amanda server working again, there is
one item that I'd like to check in on.

When it backs up the PC shares on our Win2K, WinNT and Win95 boxes, I get

  amanda file://xxx/PAP2 lev 0 STRANGE
  amanda file://xxx/EAGLE lev 0 STRANGE
  amanda file://xxx/OUTLOOK lev 0 STRANGE
  amanda file://xx3/d lev 0 STRANGE
  amanda file://xx2/d lev 0 STRANGE
  amanda file://x/d lev 0 STRANGE

And then what follows is a line by line blow of each and every file that
got backed up. The email message we get sent to us can be up to 6 megabytes
in size, and is darn right painful to even attempt to view and has been
know to crash Outlook 2000/Express when received.

 How do you make Amanda think these PC shares are no longer "Strange?"



2001-01-23 Thread Gerald T. Freymann

> You didn't say what versions of amanda and samba you're using.  I
> used to see this with old versions when I had samba configured with
> too high a logging level.

 I'm using Amanda 2.4.1p1 and Samba 2.0.7

> P.S.  You have a very catchy name.  Well to me anyhow, since I
> have an uncle named Jerry Freyman.  :-)

 Oh? We're from Lithuanian (sp?) originally... Grandma landed in Toronto,
Ontario, Canada many moons ago. Grandfather was left behind as a POW.


backups were fine, but all fail now

2001-03-07 Thread Gerald T. Freymann

I'm at a loss here.

My backups were working like a charm, and the other day I added "index yes"
to the amanda.conf, and ever since then, it hasn't done a backup since.

So I removed the "index yes" and still it fails..


These dumps were to tape eagle3.
Tonight's dumps should go onto 1 tape: eagle4.

  mail2  /dev/ad0s1a lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump new disk]
  marlo  /dev/mlxd0s1a lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump new disk]
  cayo   /dev/mlxd0s1a lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump new disk]
  mail2  /dev/ad0s1g lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump new disk]
  mail2  /dev/ad0s1h lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump new disk]
  amanda file://phantom/EAGLE lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump new disk]
  cayo   /dev/mlxd0s1g lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump new disk]
  mail2  /dev/ad0s1e lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump new disk]
  cayo   /dev/mlxd0s1e lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump new disk]
  amanda file://ww3/d lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump new disk]
  cayo   /dev/mlxd0s1f lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump new disk]
  cayo   /dev/mlxd0s1h lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
incremental dump new disk]
  amanda file://sola/PAP2 lev 0 STRANGE
  driver: FATAL infofile update failed (amanda,//sola/PAP2)
  taper: FATAL syncpipe_get: w: unexpected EOF
  marlo  /dev/mlxd0s1e RESULTS MISSING
  marlo  /dev/mlxd0s1f RESULTS MISSING
  marlo  /dev/mlxd0s1g RESULTS MISSING
  marlo  /dev/mlxd0s1h RESULTS MISSING
  amanda file://ww2/d RESULTS MISSING
  amanda file://ideals/c RESULTS MISSING
  amanda file://ideals/d RESULTS MISSING
  amanda file://sola/OUTLOOK RESULTS MISSING

If I go into the /tape/amanda directory that is the holding directory.. a
directory exists with the correct date, and
there are files in there:

-rw---  1 amanda  wheel1867776 Mar  7 02:13 amanda.__sola_PAP2.0
-rw---  1 amanda  wheel  209715200 Mar  7 02:24 marlo._dev_mlxd0s1h.0
-rw---  1 amanda  wheel  209747968 Mar  7 02:35 marlo._dev_mlxd0s1h.0.1
-rw---  1 amanda  wheel  209747968 Mar  7 02:46 marlo._dev_mlxd0s1h.0.2
-rw---  1 amanda  wheel   26181632 Mar  7 02:47 marlo._dev_mlxd0s1h.0.3

If I run amcleanup, everything tidies up and the next day, the same errors.
Any idea?


Re: backups were fine, but all fail now

2001-03-07 Thread Gerald T. Freymann


I gotta thank you for your most excellent response! :-)

You are correct.. some of the files were owned by operator:wheel while the
'latest' were amanda:amanda. I changed everything to amanda:amanda and
rem'd out some of the disks in the disklist file, and we'll see what
happens tomorrow.

You are correct, I most likely ran one of the amanda utilities as root
isntead of su'ing to amanda first .

Thanks again.


- Original Message -
From: "John R. Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gerald T. Freymann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: backups were fine, but all fail now

>My backups were working like a charm, and the other day I added "index
>to the amanda.conf, and ever since then, it hasn't done a backup since.

You have multiple failures going on, and I don't think "index yes"
had anything to do with them.

The worst one is this:

>  driver: FATAL infofile update failed (amanda,//sola/PAP2)

Take a look at your curinfo directory.  One of the directories down to
PAP2 or the "info" file at the bottom probably has the wrong permissions
and will not allow your Amanda user to update it.  Once you fix that,
Amanda should start completing normally again and this error:

>  taper: FATAL syncpipe_get: w: unexpected EOF

... should also go away.

The most common cause for this problem is running amadmin as root
instead of as the Amanda user.  Current versions of Amanda protect you
from doing this (hint, hint :-).  Also, newer versions of amcheck test
and report this.

These errors:

>  mail2  /dev/ad0s1a lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot
>incremental dump new disk]

... mean you've added some new disks, but the estimated size of the
existing disks plus this disk won't fit on a tape, and because the disk
is new, Amanda cannot drop back to doing an incremental.

One way around this is to comment out all the old disks in disklist and
make an Amanda run of just the new ones to get past the initial full dump.
Then let Amanda work on re-balancing things for the next few cycles.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]