Re: Amanda, separable but related problems, cross architecture.

2009-07-03 Thread Mangala Gunadasa
I will be out of office From 7/1 through 7/8. In my absense, please
contact Seth Rothenberg(ext.6091) or Rimma Maro(ext.6228).

Re: misformatted output of "amadmin balance"

2007-07-03 Thread Mangala Gunadasa
We have been using Amanda for 7 years to backup 15 servers(AIX and
SUN). It works perfectly. We asked to do backup encryption of one of the
File Systems. Do we need to install a new package?. We use gpg
encryption for other purpose. Ho to integrate it to Amanda?. Any
help/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Mangala Gunadasa
EHIT/Montefiore Medical Center   

>>> "Stefan G. Weichinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/02 5:18 PM >>>

Greets, amanda-users and -hackers,
does anyone know how to get properly formatted output from

# amadmin daily balance

due-date  #fsorig MB out MB   balance
7/02 Mon   16 85542 62735   +339.6%
7/03 Tue2 14319 2546-82.2%
7/04 Wed0 0 0  ---
7/05 Thu   20 45645 27801+94.8%
7/06 Fri   15 82366 54334   +280.8%


The columns aren't in line, maybe someone knows a fix.
Example taken from a amanda server running 2.5.1p3.

Greets, Stefan

Re: Problems with AIX

2007-02-22 Thread Mangala Gunadasa
We have recently added 6 AIX LPARs to the AMANDA configuration. We did
not have a problem configuring Amanda. It may be your gcc version that
is a problem. We have the following gcc installed.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/opt/download/amanda-2.5.0p2]:> gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: powerpc-ibm-aix5.3.0.0
Configured with: ../configure --with-as=/usr/bin/as
--with-ld=/usr/bin/ld --disa
ble-nls --enable-languages=c,c++ --prefix=/opt/freeware
--enable-threads --enabl
e-version-specific-runtime-libs --host=powerpc-ibm-aix5.3.0.0
Thread model: aix
gcc version 4.0.0

We used the following command to configure

configure --with-user=root --with-group=backup --with-client
--disable-shared --with-gnutar-list


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/21/07 6:29 PM >>>

Does anybody run Amanda on AIX 5.2 ?

I try different binary packages, I compile the 2.5.1p3 sources, but
result is always the same : segmentation fault.

I am not an AIX guru, so I have no idea about the problem :
all amanda modules I try crashed immediately, 
is it a lib problem ? I try the "LIBPATH" variable hoping it is like
SHLIB_PATH on HPUX, but with no success. 

Any help will be much appreciated.


JP Pozzi

Re: backing up windows PCs using smb client

2005-08-26 Thread Mangala Gunadasa

Currently, we are backing up 6 unix servers using amanda. We would like
to backup our Windows PCs also and were able to use AMANDA to backup C
and D drives etc... using smbclient. One of our windows experts pointed
out that backing up C and D drives is not enough and we also need to
backup windows registry to be able perform a successful restore. When C
drive is backed up using smbclient, are we also backing up the
registry?. If not how to do this?.

I really appreciate any suggestions.

Thank You,

Mangala Gunadasa
Montefiore Medical Center/EHIT

Re: Duration Of Backup

2005-08-17 Thread Mangala Gunadasa

We have been using amanda for many years. Our capacity had grown and
currently we are backing up 60 file systems across 12 servers. The
backup takes 9hrs to finish. We have tried to make it more efficient by
changing the parameters "interface", and "net usage" of the amanda.conf
and did not succeed( Probably those parameters do not matter). We would
like to perform Full backup every Day to a SDLT Tape drive.
We will be adding 2 IBM P570's and we are concerned about the duration
of the backup. Can we find how the big sites manage this type of
situation?. I appreciate any comments on this subject.

Thank You,

Mangala Gunadasa
EHIT/Montefiore Medical Center

Re: AMRECOVER testing (Out Of Office)

2005-07-21 Thread Mangala Gunadasa
I will be out of office from Jul-20 through Jul-24 and returning to work
on Jul-25. If you need immediate assistance, please call Seth Rothenberg
(ext. 6091) or Debbie Moshief(ext. 6318) .

Re: Sending a backup to disk and Tape

2005-05-27 Thread Mangala Gunadasa
I am new to the amanda users group. I am using amanda to backup 61 file
systems across the network to a single DLT.I'd like to also keep a
backup on site on a local disk. How can this be done?. I appreciate any

Thanks You,

Mangala Gunadasa
EHIT/Montefiore Medical Center

sending backup to the tape as well as disk

2005-05-27 Thread Mangala Gunadasa
I am new to the amanda users group. I am using amanda to backup 61 file
systems across the network to a single DLT.I'd like to also keep a
backup on site on a local disk. How can this be done?. I appreciate any

Thanks You,

Mangala Gunadasa
EHIT/Montefiore Medical Center

Re: Failed dump:vxdump returned 3

2004-10-18 Thread Mangala Gunadasa
I have been backing up 41 file systems on  6 Unix servers using amanda.
Recently, I have been getting the following error messages on some file
systems. I'd appreciate any yhoughts on resolving this problem.

  eprod  /eg lev 0 FAILED [/usr/sbin/vxdump returned 3]


Mangala Gunadasa

/usr/sbin/vxdump returned 3

2003-06-20 Thread Mangala Gunadasa

I have been backing up 4 systems using amanda for a long time successfully. For the 
past two days, I have been getting the following error in backing up one of the file 
systems. I'd really appreciate any solution/thoughts on resolving this problem.

Thanks You,

mangala Gunadasa

FAIL dumper eprod /eg 0 [/usr/sbin/vxdump returned 3]   
  sendbackup: start [eprod:/eg level 0] 
  sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/sbin/vxdump  
  sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/opt/gnu/bin/gzip -dc |/usr/sbin/vxrestore -f... 
  sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz  
  sendbackup: info end  
  | vxdump: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri Jun 20 02:51:11 2003 
  | vxdump: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  | vxdump: Dumping /dev/vx/rdsk/EG/vol01 (/eg) to standard output  
  | vxdump: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  | vxdump: mapping (Pass II) [directories] 
  | vxdump: estimated 4766166 blocks (2327.23MB) on -0.02 tape(s).  
  | vxdump: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  | vxdump: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]   
  | vxdump: 24.63% done, finished in 0:15   
  | vxdump: 50.77% done, finished in 0:09   
  | vxdump: 81.65% done, finished in 0:03   
  |   vxdump: Signal on pipe: cannot recover
  | vxdump: The ENTIRE dump is aborted. 
  sendbackup: error [/usr/sbin/vxdump returned 3]

Re: amrecover hanging

2002-10-04 Thread Mangala Gunadasa

I have been using amanda to backup 4 servers . I was able to use Amrecover to restore 
files in the past. But recently, amrecover hangs. Following is an example.

amrecover -C csd -s s20 -t s20 -d /dev/rmt/0   
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.2p2. Contacting server on s20 ...   
220 s20 AMANDA index server (2.4.2p2) ready.  
200 Access OK 
Setting restore date to today (2002-10-04)
200 Working date set to 2002-10-04.   
200 Config set to csd.
200 Dump host set to etest. * and it hangs.**

I appreciate any thoughts on resolving this.

Thank You,

Mangala Gunadasa
Montefiore Medical Center.

Re: Amverify reporting wrong dates.

2002-02-20 Thread Mangala Gunadasa


When I run amverify, I get a report with wrong dates. Part of the report has the 
correct date and the other part has the last month's date. I run full backup daily to 
single DLT tape . Following is the report I received for today. The backup runs @1AM 
every day and finishes around 4AM. But if I mount the tape now and do the amverify, I 
get the perfect report with the correct date. Any ideas to solve that puzzle is 


Mangala Gunadasa

Tapes:  edgd20
No errors found!

amverify csd
Wed Feb 20 05:02:10 EST 2002

Using device /dev/rmt/0bn
Volume edgd20, Date 20020220
Checked eprod._batch.20020220.0
Checked s20._export_home.20020220.0
Checked s20._var.20020220.0
Checked hadg._opt.20020220.0
Checked eprod._dg_prod2_oldlogs.20020220.0
Checked etest._dg.20020220.0
Checked etest._var.20020220.0
Checked eprod._var.20020220.0
Checked eprod._dg.20020220.0
Checked eprod._dg_prod2_.20020220.0
Checked etest._eg_server.20020220.0
Checked hadg._var.20020220.0
Checked eprod._opt.20020220.0
Checked etest._eg.20020220.0
Checked eprod._dg1.20020220.0
Checked etest._dg1_qa1.20020220.0
Checked eprod._dev_vx_dsk_rootvol.20020220.0
Checked etest._dev_vx_dsk_rootvol.20020220.0
Checked etest._dg1_qa2.20020220.0
Checked etest._dg1.20020220.0
Checked eprod._dg_prod1_.20020220.0
Checked eprod._batch.20020121.0
Checked s20._export_home.20020121.0
Checked hadg._opt.20020121.0
Checked etest._var.20020121.0
Checked etest._dg1_qa1.20020121.0
Checked etest._dg.20020121.0
Checked eprod._var.20020121.0
Checked eprod._dg_prod2_.20020121.0
Checked eprod._dg.20020121.0
Checked eprod._dg_prod1_.20020121.0
Checked eprod._dg_prod2_oldlogs.20020121.0
Checked s20._var.20020121.0
Checked hadg._var.20020121.0
Checked eprod._opt.20020121.0
Checked etest._dg1_qa2.20020121.0
Checked eprod._dg1.20020121.0
Checked eprod._dev_vx_dsk_rootvol.20020121.0
Checked etest._dev_vx_dsk_rootvol.20020121.0
Checked etest._dg1.20020121.0
Checked eprod._export_home.20020121.0
Checked etest._opt.20020121.0
Checked hadg._dev_dsk_c0t3d0s0.20020121.0
Checked eprod._dg_prod1_oldlogs.20020121.0
Checked s20._dev_rdsk_c0t3d0s0.20020121.0
End-of-Tape detected.

Re: multiple IP addresses, same host

2001-04-24 Thread Mangala Gunadasa


In our site, we have an application which is allocated an IP address. The host where 
the application resides has a different IP address. Both the application and the 
systems files are backed up. I am getting the following message on the Amanda log file.

prod( IP - is the hostname/address for the application :

The amcheck does not report any problems.

prod   /dg/dghome lev 0 FAILED [Request to prod timed out.]

The  hostname for that server is the etest and the file systems on that server is 
backed up without any problems.

Can anybody point out what I am doing wrong?. 

Thank You.

Mangala Gunadasa

Re: "Cannot do /usr/sbin/vxdump dumps"

2001-04-23 Thread Mangala Gunadasa

For your information, the tape server does not have VX installed, but I copied VX 
files from a different server.
The following is what I found on the tape server.

grep VX config/config.h
#define VXDUMP "/usr/sbin/vxdump"
#define VXRESTORE "/usr/sbin/vxrestore"

 amadmin xx version | grep VXDUMP did not show anything.

Thank you for your help.

Mangala Gunadasa

>>> "John R. Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/20 4:21 PM >>>
>I am backing up a client which has VX file systems. The tape server has VX ins
>talled. ...

Did it have VX installed when ./configure was run for Amanda?  Does
"amadmin xx version | grep VXDUMP" show anything?  Does it show the
path is /usr/sbin/vxdump?

>Mangala Gunadasa

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Amanda backup

2001-04-23 Thread Mangala Gunadasa

I have been getting the following error messages on the amanda backup log file.

  hadg   /var lev 0 FAILED [missing result for /var in hadg response]
  hadg   /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 lev 0 FAILED [missing result for /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 in 
hadg response]
  hadg   /opt lev 0 FAILED [missing result for /opt in hadg response]
  etest  /dg1/qa1 lev 0 STRANGE
  etest  /dg1/qa2 lev 0 FAILED [nak error:unexpected ack packet]
  etest  /dg lev 0 FAILED [nak error:unexpected ack packet]
  eprod  /opt lev 0 FAILED [nak error:unexpected ack packet]
  etest  /dg/dghome lev 0 STRANGE

If any body can help me to identify the above problems, I'd be much appreciated.



Re: "Cannot do /usr/sbin/vxdump dumps"

2001-04-20 Thread Mangala Gunadasa

I am backing up a client which has VX file systems. The tape server has VX installed. 
When I do amverify on the backed-up file systems, I get the following error message.

"(Reading...Skipped etest._dg1_qa2.20010419.0) Cannot do /usr/sbin/vxdump dumps"  

Can I get help in solving this problem?.

Thank You

Mangala Gunadasa

Re: Amanda backup

2001-04-18 Thread Mangala Gunadasa

Hi everybody,

 I am backing up 3 systems using amanda. My /etc/dumpdates on 3 systems ( total 12 
files)shows that al the files were backed up. But the amverify shows less file systems 
than what /etc/dumpdates indicate( only 4 files). 

I'd appreciate if anybody can tell what is happening.


amanda.conf/ full backup

2001-04-17 Thread Mangala Gunadasa

 How can I do a full dump on all file systems, everyday?. currently I use the 
>following in the amanda.conf file. But it does not seem to be working.

 define dumptype global { 
 Command 'define' not recognized.
   comment "Global definitions" 
Command 'comment' not recognized.
# This is quite useful for setting global parameters, so you don't have  
   # to type them everywhere.  All dumptype definitions in this sample file 
   # do include these definitions, either directly or indirectly.   
   # There's nothing special about the name `global'; if you create any 
 # dumptype that does not contain the word `global' or the name of any
  # other dumptype that contains it, these definitions won't apply.
 # Note that these definitions may be overridden in other 
 # dumptypes, if the redefinitions appear *after* the `global'
# dumptype name. 
 # You may want to use this for globally enabling or disabling
 # indexing, recording, etc.  Some examples:  
  index yes   
  dumpcycle 0 
 record no 
Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong?.
