RE: Dump not running

2001-01-16 Thread Nathan Bird

I will give chg-manual a go.. however here are the system details.

Tape Drive - Sony DDS TLS-S9000 ( it has an auto changer built in, which
uses an 8 tape holder stacker type layout )
OS - Redhat Linux 6.2
Amanda Version - Amanda-2.4.1p1

If you would like any more information I should be able to provide it...

but as I said I'll give the manual changer a try too.


-Original Message-
From: Bort, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 17 January 2001 2:29
To: 'Nathan Bird'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: RE: Dump not running

Does it behave better if you change your changer to 'chg-manual'? It looks
kind of like it's trying to talk to a non-existent changer. If you provide
more information about your hardware (drive type, changer type) and software
(OS and AMANDA Version), that would help too.

-Original Message-
From: Nathan Bird [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 10:18 PM
Subject: Dump not running


Whenever I run 'amcheck' I get

[root@paperbark sbin]# ./amcheck hlink-data2
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
/usr/local/amanda/dumps: 1900471 KB disk space available, that's plenty.
amcheck-server: slot 8: date 20010112 label hlink-data12 (first labelstr
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test.
Tape hlink-data12 label ok.
Server check took 6.004 seconds.

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

Client check: 1 host checked in 0.565 seconds, 0 problems found.

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.1p1)

which to me would appear as though the dump is going to run correctly,
however the cronjob that I have set up for amdump never actually runs.

I have tried changing my disklist to only backup the /tmp directory and this
appears to run fine, but if I try to backup my /user directory 'amdump'
never appears to finish.

so i tried to run amverify and it just does this

[root@paperbark sbin]# ./amverify hlink-data2  
Tape changer is chg-multi...
1 slot...
Verify summary to root
Defects file is /tmp/amverify.24428/defects
amverify hlink-data2
Tue Jan 16 14:14:28 EST 2001

Loading current slot...
Using device 
aborted!for device to go ready...
cat: /tmp/amverify.24428/tapelist: No such file or directory

and I eventually have to push ctrl-c to stop it, it nevers becomes 'ready'

what should I be looking at to try and work out what is happening



Dump not running

2001-01-15 Thread Nathan Bird


Whenever I run 'amcheck' I get

[root@paperbark sbin]# ./amcheck hlink-data2
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
/usr/local/amanda/dumps: 1900471 KB disk space available, that's plenty.
amcheck-server: slot 8: date 20010112 label hlink-data12 (first labelstr
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test.
Tape hlink-data12 label ok.
Server check took 6.004 seconds.

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

Client check: 1 host checked in 0.565 seconds, 0 problems found.

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.1p1)

which to me would appear as though the dump is going to run correctly,
however the cronjob that I have set up for amdump never actually runs.

I have tried changing my disklist to only backup the /tmp directory and this
appears to run fine, but if I try to backup my /user directory 'amdump'
never appears to finish.

so i tried to run amverify and it just does this

[root@paperbark sbin]# ./amverify hlink-data2  
Tape changer is chg-multi...
1 slot...
Verify summary to root
Defects file is /tmp/amverify.24428/defects
amverify hlink-data2
Tue Jan 16 14:14:28 EST 2001

Loading current slot...
Using device 
aborted!for device to go ready...
cat: /tmp/amverify.24428/tapelist: No such file or directory

and I eventually have to push ctrl-c to stop it, it nevers becomes 'ready'

what should I be looking at to try and work out what is happening



Strange Error Message

2001-01-04 Thread Nathan Bird


Whenever I try and run, anything like amverify, amcheck etc... i get the
following message

[root@paperbark sbin]# ./amtape hlink-data2 show  
amtape: could not get changer info: prefix=/usr/local/
[root@paperbark sbin]# ./amtape hlink-data2 current
amtape: could not get changer info: prefix=/usr/local/

This has only just started, I never used to get this 'prefix' message, and
it really has me stumped.
The only things that I have changed are the chg-multi.conf file and
amanda.conf to try and get them working, now I end up with this.

I have doubled checked to make sure that the scsi and tape device are
installed and working and using mt -f load or offline I can control the tape

Has anybody got any ideas as I have no idea :)

Thanks in advance


RE: Strange Error Message

2001-01-04 Thread Nathan Bird


Thanks for the reply. Here's the results from that command. [ su root -c
"/usr/local/amanda/libexec/chg-multi -info" ]

[root@paperbark hlink-data2]# su root -c
"/usr/local/amanda/libexec/chg-multi -info"
+ prefix=/usr/local
+ exec_prefix=/usr/local
+ libexecdir=/usr/local/amanda/libexec
+ pname=chg-multi
+ PATH=/usr/local/amanda/libexec:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/ucb
+ export PATH
+ test no = yes
+ SUF=
++ getconf changerfile
+ ourconf=/usr/local/amanda/etc/amanda/hlink-data2/chg-multi.conf
+ MT=/bin/mt
+ MTF=-f
+ [ ! -f /usr/local/amanda/etc/amanda/hlink-data2/chg-multi.conf ]
++ awk $1 == "firstslot" {print $2}
+ firstslot=1
+ [ 1 =  ]
++ awk $1 == "lastslot" {print $2}
+ lastslot=8
+ [ 8 =  ]
++ expr 8 - 1 + 1
+ nslots=8
++ awk $1 == "gravity" {print $2}
+ gravity=1
+ [ 1 =  ]
++ awk $1 == "needeject" {print $2}
+ needeject=0
+ [ 0 =  ]
++ awk $1 == "multieject" {print $2}
+ multieject=0
+ [ 0 =  ]
++ awk $1 == "ejectdelay" {print $2}
+ ejectdelay=0
+ [ 0 =  ]
++ awk $1 == "statefile" {print $2}
+ ourstate=/usr/local/amanda/etc/amanda/hlink-data2/changer-status
+ [ /usr/local/amanda/etc/amanda/hlink-data2/changer-status =  ]
++ awk $1 == "curslot" {print $2}
+ curslot=2
+ [ 2 =  ]
++ awk $1 == "curloaded" {print $2}
+ curloaded=1
+ [ 1 =  ]
+ usage=0
+ checkgravity=0
+ ejectslot=0
+ loadslot=0
+ slotempty=0
+ [ 1 -ge 1 ]
+ command=-info
++ expr 1 - 1
+ backwards=0
+ echo 2 8 0
2 8 0
+ exit 0

Thanks again


RE: AMDump Reporting Results Missing

2000-11-07 Thread Nathan Bird

Thanks again for your respones... here are the answers to your questions.

 What happens when you run amcheck now that you've fixed disklist?

Amanda Tape Server Host Check
/usr/local/amanda/dumps: 2410172 KB disk space available, that's plenty.
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test.
Tape DailySet101 label ok.
Server check took 26.914 seconds.

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

Client check: 1 host checked in 0.106 seconds, 0 problems found.

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.1p1)

 What is in /tmp/amanda/sendsize*debug on paperbark after a failed amdump?

sendsize: debug 1 pid 31909 ruid 0 euid 0 start time Wed Nov  8 08:30:17
/usr/local/amanda/libexec/sendsize: version 2.4.1p1


back to the line "paperbark  /home lev 0 FAILED [missing result for /home in
paperbark response]"

does the lev 0 mean anything? It probably doesn't but I am fishing for ideas
as to why this is not working. :)


AMDump Reporting Results Missing

2000-11-02 Thread Nathan Bird


I am running Redhat Linux 7.0, and have just installed Amanda.
I run amcheck with no reports of errors, however when I attempt to run
amdump, i get the following messages.

paperbark   /dev/nst0   lev 0   FAILED [ missing result for
/dev/nst0 in paperbark response ]

Has anyone seen this message before and if they have, does anyone know a way
around it?

Awaiting many helpfull responses :)